Columbia: history, technology, fakes and buying original goods

In this article I would like to talk a little about such a fairly well-known and popular brand of clothing, shoes and accessories all over the world as Columbia. We will talk about the history of the formation of this brand, the technologies it uses in production and how they are transformed into sportswear. Naturally, I won’t ignore places where you can purchase authentic Columbia brand products. I hope that this information will be useful to potential buyers, and simply fans of this brand.

History of the COLUMBIA brand

It just so happened, but all the top brands at the moment were formed at the end of the nineteenth century or the first half of the twentieth, or almost all of them. And no matter how banal everything happened on the other side of the ocean, in America, at the instigation of immigrants from Europe. In those ancient times, the textile industry in the United States experienced a huge boom and people who wanted to establish their business in one area or another (with a successful combination of circumstances) became the owners of huge empires.

All of the above applies to the Columbia brand. As according to the script, another Jewish family in 1937, living in Nazi Germany and owning a small clothing factory, out of fear for their future, decided to cross the ocean and try their luck in the freest country at that time called the United States of America - they were Paul and Marie Lamfrom and seven-year-old daughter Gertrude. What was also bad was that being a Jew in Nazi Germany and leaving the country, you could not take with you what you had accumulated and put aside for a “rainy day.” I had to leave everything and the couple arrived in America free in every sense of the word. They were free of money but had relatives in the USA who sheltered them and provided assistance at first. Paul's cousin helped buy a company that sold hats. This small business began in 1938 in Portland, Oregon and was called the Columbia Hat Company. The name came from and was consonant with the Columbia River, which flowed not far from their place of residence. But the purchased business did not suit Paul at all, or rather the quality of the manufactured goods - hats, which directly affected sales. And they decided to rebuild their business. Paul and Marie decided to take up their usual business - sewing durable clothes and fishing equipment, that is, what they did in distant Germany. The chosen direction in the manufacture of clothing brought a small profit which was enough to live on. In 1948, at the age of 24, Paul and Marie's daughter Gertrude married University of Arizona student Neil Boyle, who joined the Lamfrom family business and subsequently became its core.

Gertrude raised children, was an exemplary housewife and practically did not interfere in business, and Neil was an indispensable assistant and support to her father Paul. But it was Gertrude who owned the “family patent” for the invention of a fishing jacket with a huge number of small pockets, which later became a bestseller and was in great demand among fishermen.

And after the death of his father-in-law, Neil headed a full-fledged family business by that time. He was a very good organizer and leader. Thanks to him, the Columbia brand became recognizable. He was a very risky person, and one day he took out loans for his business, hoping to promote the company and make Columbia recognizable in the country. But his dreams were not destined to come true, as he died in 1970 at the age of 47 from a heart attack. Thus began the new life of “MOTHER BOYLE”; this is exactly the nickname she will receive in the future.

Debt, lack of experience in running a business, and fear almost brought Gertrude to her knees. There was nowhere to go, it was necessary to somehow find a way out of the current situation. And “Mother Boyle” got down to business. The first assistant, and later the “guinea pig,” was her son Tim, who at that time was studying in college and helping to run the business. But things were very bad! After the death of her husband, Gertrude made a lot of mistakes due to her inexperience; creditors added fuel to the fire, demanding interest and repayment of debts. The company's trade union also set conditions for the unfortunate Gert to increase her salary, and the workers went on strike. The lump grew, and she almost despaired and decided to take the extreme step of selling the business. And then she suffered a misfortune; the queue of buyers was small, or rather there was none at all. One fine day, a compassionate buyer was found for her business, and not even for a business, but for a trademark, and was ready to pay a fabulous sum of...$1,400. At the same time, he, of course, did not intend to undertake an obligation to buy out the company’s debts. Gert was shocked.

But his own blood, son Tim, was a very smart guy and he and “Mother Boyle” went on the “last crusade”! Tim began to regularly attend specialized events related to business. Exhibitions, seminars, business meetings, making new profitable acquaintances and so on. And it turned out like in that proverb: “Patience and work will grind everything down.”

For all their efforts, they couldn't help but be lucky. Fashion has changed dramatically, which has made its bias towards a sporty style, and now their finest hour has come. Sportswear and shoes have become mega-popular in society and not only athletes, but also ordinary people began to wear them. By this time, the winds of change were favoring the company. In 1978, there was no trace of sadness left, the company earned its first million dollars. Hunters and fishermen were added to the buyers of sporting goods, as Columbia satisfied their demand. But Gertrude and co. were not going to slow down. By that time, he and his son had a close-knit team working at the factory, who completely trusted the management and was ready to achieve new heights. And Gertrude does not let them down, creating the subsequently world-famous BUGABOO jacket, which she designed with her own hands.

After all, who else but the fisherman’s wife knew what those who like to sit with a spinning rod needed. Here I want to insert a short excursion on the topic of the fisherman’s wife. In 1960, Gert, being a housewife, sewed a jacket and vest for her husband, which had a great many small pockets. My husband never parted with this jacket when he was fishing. Everything was taken into account in the BUGABOO jacket: weather conditions, ease of movement, lightness and, most importantly, an affordable price. As a result, a jacket for fishermen called BUGABOO was born, which simply blew up the sales market and became so popular that its modification is still worn to this day.

The year 1984 marked a new milestone in the development of the Columbia brand. The company enters into an agreement with the advertising agency Borders, Perrin&Norrander to provide services for the production of creative advertising. And here she is, “Mama Boyle,” in action, testing Columbia products on her own son. It was Gertrude and Tim who were the heroes of several commercials.

And by the end of the 80s of the twentieth century, the Columbia brand was already recognizable throughout the world.

In 1994, Columbia became a sponsor of the seventeenth Olympic Winter Games in Lillihammer. And the outdoor clothing style is forever associated with the Columbia brand.

Columbia has been in Russia for 15 years. The official distributor is the Sportmaster company.

At the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi, Columbia designed and supplied equipment for the freestyle skiing competitions of the Russian, US and Canadian teams.

After 76 years, the tandem of a mother, she is 90 (born in 1924) and a son, he is 65 (born in 1949), is still at the helm of the company, despite their age.

Seventy-six years have not been in vain for Columbia. The clothing and footwear offered by the company are positioned as clothing for active recreation, which means they should be used in all weather conditions. Over the years, Columbia has developed and patented many technologies that have greatly changed this industry and made people literally fall in love with these clothes and shoes.

But first things first. The very first and most important thing is to reduce the cost of products not due to a loss in quality or the use of cheaper materials used in production, but by reducing production costs. Mrs. Boyle followed the standard path already trodden before her and moved production from America with expensive labor to Korea, and subsequently China and other countries in Southeast Asia, where labor is cheaper.

The first sign of innovative technology was the Bugaboo jacket, which sold millions of copies. Invented by Gertrude Boyle, it was democratic and affordable; the jacket had a detachable lining that could be fastened in cold weather, and unfastened in warmer weather. A completely new zipper, never used anywhere before, was also used, which became famous for its high reliability.

COLUMBIA Technologies

In the field of technology, Columbia went in four main directions:

Technologies in the field of insulation

Technologies in this category allow you to keep warm in any weather conditions.


It is based on the reflection of a person’s own heat from silvery points located on the fabric, while excess heat and moisture pass freely between the silvery points and are removed outside without causing overheating and wetting of the body.


The essence of the technology is a combination of down, Omni-Heat synthetic insulation and an Omni-Heat Reflective layer with silver dots. The combination of these materials allows you to retain heat even when wet. This technology is used in the manufacture of jackets.


With this technology, clothing and shoes are heated through heating elements integrated into clothing and shoes, which are powered by metal hydride rechargeable batteries. Clothes, shoes and gloves are made using this technology.

Technologies in the field of moisture protection

Technologies in this category allow you to remove moisture evaporated by the body.


The essence of the technology is a microporous membrane that does not allow moisture to penetrate inside the product. It is used in the manufacture of outerwear, jackets and trousers.


A technology in which shoes and gloves are laminated, allowing them to be waterproof on one side and breathable on the other. Used in the manufacture of shoes and gloves.


Super breathable waterproof protection. The highest percentage of waterproofness and breathability. Used in the manufacture of shoes and gloves.


A technological system for removing vapors from the body, moisture is quickly absorbed into the fabric and evaporates. You can spend a lot of time actively wearing clothes made from this fabric without fear of sweating. Jackets, shirts, jumpers, underwear and accessories are made from this fabric.

Comfort technologies

Technologies and scientific developments in this category allow you to feel comfortable even in hot weather.


Technology that helps regulate temperature and feel cool even in hot weather. Flat threads made of special fiber increase the area of ​​contact with the body, allowing heat to be transferred and thereby cooling the body. T-shirts, sweatshirts, T-shirts, and tennis shirts are made using this technology.


The technology of blue dots applied to the fabric allows them to react with sweat, due to which the temperature of the fabric decreases, evaporating moisture and the body cools. Shirts, T-shirts, T-shirts, and sports running shoes are made using this technology. PROTECTION Technologies in this category will protect you from any vagaries of nature, be it a rocky road, strong wind or a swarm of mosquitoes.


The technology blocks ultraviolet rays, protecting against radiation and harmful effects of sunlight. This technology is used to produce sweatshirts, T-shirts, tennis shirts, shorts, jackets, and trousers.


A new trend in clothing manufacturing, special impregnation of fabric will eliminate the need to use insect repellent spray. Withstands about 70 washes.


This technology is used in the manufacture of soles and insoles, making them lighter. The sole made using this technology absorbs shock very well, allowing you to protect the foot and has increased wear resistance. Insoles made using this technology have antimicrobial properties and do not absorb odors. Soles and insoles are made using this technology.


This technology does not allow liquids with a temperature below 77 degrees Celsius to be absorbed, repelling them. Clothing made from this fabric dries much faster than usual due to the fact that it absorbs less moisture. Trousers, jackets and accessories are made using this technology.


Wind protection technology. A high-tech fabric membrane will protect you in any, even very strong and piercing wind. At the same time, it allows the body to breathe, removing evaporation. Jackets, jumpers, and sweatshirts are made using this technology.


Shoe sole manufacturing technology. Shoes made using this technology have increased traction due to a specially selected rubber composition for certain surfaces. The technology is used to make shoe soles.


Both outerwear and warm shoes are indispensable in the frosty season.

The most popular product in recent years has been the men's Columbia Bugaboot Omni-Heat boots. The shoes are equipped with a waterproof membrane that helps overcome even the deepest snowdrifts, wet snow and slush.

Michelin Winter Outdoor Compound is a sole created using the latest innovative technologies. It provides excellent traction on the snowiest and most slippery surfaces. The shoes retain their characteristics up to a temperature of -30 oC. A nice feature of the model is that it is made of natural leather materials. Protection from dirt is provided by the shoe's ultra-light overshoes. The average price of this model ranges from 7,000 to 10,000 rubles, depending on the color and seasonal discounts.

The Columbia Omni-Heat women's boots are considered an ideal option for the fair sex. Like men's models, they have all the necessary characteristics: frost resistance, excellent grip, high-quality material and a unique sporty style. A wider range of colors has been developed for girls, so that the fair sex can choose warm shoes to match different outfits.

COLUMBIA for sports

Ordinary people often ask the question: What is the difference between clothing for professional athletes and clothing that consumers buy in stores.

Let's look at this issue using the example of the equipment that COLUMBIA made for freestyle. Columbia equipment was made specifically for the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi for three teams:

Sportswear for the Russian national team:

Sportswear for the USA team:

Sportswear for Team Canada

If we take the technological component, then the latest technologies are tested on clothing for professional athletes, and technologies put into mass production are also used. OMNI-HEAT THERMAL REFLECTIVE technology is used as the main technology in freestyle equipment. This is silver dot technology, in which, as mentioned earlier, the required amount of heat remains under the clothing, and excess heat is removed bypassing the silver dots. And a completely new LighTrail technology was tested - a high-tech zipper, which is not yet used in mass production, hopefully for now.

A zipper made using this technology is practically invisible on clothing and is waterproof. The LighTrail zipper is much lighter than its “toothy” counterparts and more flexible. The zipper is “sewn” to the fabric using a laser and special glue; the zipper pawl is made in such a way that when closed, neither water nor air leaks through it. Columbia took several years to develop the LightTrail zipper.

If we take into account the cut and individual selection for different sports, then clothing for professional athletes has nothing in common with clothing for the mass consumer. When making clothes for freestyle skiers, COLUMBIA designers literally followed on the heels of the athletes, having reviewed a lot of competitions. The personal wishes of the athletes were also taken into account. The result was a masterpiece of equipment in the full sense of the word. The clothes turned out to be very light, not hindering movements when performing tricks. For moguls, one of the freestyle disciplines, nuances that are applicable only to this sport were added to the equipment. When passing the course of hillocks and jumps, the athlete’s legs work like a spring and in order to hide their forward movements, Columbia designers came up with a snow camouflage that merged with the track and made the movements of the legs almost invisible.

For halfpipe, another freestyle discipline, when athletes perform tricks while moving along a chute, the equipment is made longer for the beauty of perception and comfort of the athletes.

From all of the above, we can conclude that clothing for professional athletes is undoubtedly different from clothing sold in stores, but they have common points.

Washing Omni-Heat Products

Improper washing is often the main cause of premature wear and damage to the product.

In order for things to remain in service for a long time, you must follow several rules. Firstly, you can wash your down jacket in water whose temperature does not exceed +30 °C. Secondly, if there are very dirty or greasy places on the jacket, you need to moisten them before washing and treat them manually using laundry or liquid soap. Thirdly, it is necessary to unfasten the fur part, if there is one. If this is not possible, then washing a down jacket at home is strictly prohibited. Another tip for caring for your jacket is to use liquid detergent, which does not leave white streaks like powder does. It is also recommended to turn on an additional rinse cycle after washing to prevent the formation of white streaks.

Of course, the most correct and safe option for caring for Omni-Heat outerwear is to take it to a dry cleaner, where professionals can refresh the item without damage.

How not to buy a fake COLUMBIA

Everything mentioned above will not make sense if you go to the retail or wholesale market to buy Columbia technologies. You need to learn one thing for yourself - you can never, under any circumstances, buy authentic things on the market, be it Columbia or some other world-famous brand. The market is a territory of gray, fake business regarding world famous brands. I will not describe the differences between original products and fakes, this is a topic for a separate article, I will only point out a couple of significant differences between authentic Columbia items and fake ones:

  • Any product from Columbia will have a whole book of paper labels with a detailed description of the technologies and very high quality printing.
  • On men's jackets, the zipper dog is always located on the “female” side. This is generally a feature of products from the USA.
  • On almost all Columbia products, with the exception of some models, the external inscription must be in the form of the + Columbia logo and in no case the + Columbia Sportswear Company logo.
  • The fabric from which the original product is made is significantly different to the touch from a fake.
  • the description of the technologies from which the product is made will never contain the inscription GORE-TEX. This invention is not Columbia's.

These are brief recommendations, following which you can distinguish the original from the fake. And the most important thing is to buy from trusted places.

bonus program

Like any world-famous brand, Columbia has its own customer loyalty program. The bonus program requires the availability of three types of club cards:

  • "Elbrus". The card can be purchased when purchasing goods worth up to 25,000 rubles.
  • "Kilimanjaro". To become the owner of this card, you need to make a purchase in the range from 25,001 to 50,000 rubles.
  • "Everest". This is a gold card that is given to a client when purchasing goods worth over 50,000 rubles.

Where can I buy original COLUMBIA items?

In Russia, on the official website you will be asked to find an offline store in your city or a nearby one. You can also buy on the website of the official distributor and in offline Sportmaster stores.

Where else can you buy original Columbia products?

On the official website you can purchase products online. But the goods can only be sent within the United States and when making a purchase, Russia is not in the list of countries for processing payment (billing) information. And there is a risk of funds being blocked for 30 days when replacing the real billing address with an intermediary address. Therefore, if you buy on the official website, it is probably better to use the services of a repurchase intermediary.

When you enter the word Columbia into the search bar, a very large number of various offers will appear, both from Amazon itself and from third-party sellers from this trading platform. Delivery to Russia from Amazon is not carried out directly and you will have to use the services of intermediaries.

Just as with Amazon, searching for the keyword “Columbia” on eBay will return a very large number of clothing, shoes and accessories from this brand. Direct delivery to your country will depend on the terms and conditions offered by the specific seller.

Sierra Trading Post

A very good store, both in terms of assortment and pricing and discount policy. As a rule, all products in this online store are sold at discounts. But if you subscribe to the newsletter from this store, you can get an additional discount in addition to the existing one. When making a purchase, delivery addresses and billing must be specified in American ones. After placing an order, you may receive a letter asking you to confirm your billing address or send a scan of the front side of your bank card. Nothing wrong with that. And if you're worried, you can erase the middle numbers on the card scan.

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