Why can slime go bad and what should you do if the slime doesn’t stretch but breaks? Prevention and storage rules

Slime is a newfangled trend in the world of toys, which in a fairly short time has been able to win the hearts of not only children around the world, but also adults. Slime is an elastic mass that responds well to squashing and stretching. But it must be remembered that these characteristics are inherent in slime only if stored correctly. Many slimers have encountered the problem that the toy begins to dry out and may even change its structure. First of all, you need to understand why the slime breaks, and then you can take measures to save the toy.

Slime deformation

Why does slime become dry and hard?

Immediately after production, the handgam stretches well. But without proper care, it becomes too dense or dries out. A decrease in its elasticity is associated with:

  • evaporation of moisture;
  • ingress of dust and dirt;
  • improper storage.

In terms of its properties, homemade slime is almost no different from factory-produced smart plasticine. But if stored improperly, its density increases several times. To prevent the slime from decreasing in size and losing the properties of a non-Newtonian liquid, it needs to be “fed.” Certain substances that everyone has at home are suitable for these purposes.

Best before date

Regardless of what the slime consists of, it remains plastic and viscous for 3-4 weeks. Store-bought items last longer than homemade toys. To prevent the slime from drying out prematurely, follow all the rules for storing it.

  • If the slime has become too hard, begins to tear and does not stretch well, you can correct this situation with the usual means.
  • If the shelf life of the toy has already expired and it cannot be restored, it is better to throw it away and make a new slime.

Tips on how to soften slime and make it sticky

Slime is a stretchy material that feels like chewing gum. It has unique properties, since its viscosity depends on the speed of external influence. If the moisture content of the slime decreases, it becomes less pliable and elastic.

Many slime lovers don’t know what to do with a dried toy, so they throw it away. But slimers offer a variety of ways to soften slime. They are all very simple, so even a child can cope with the task.

Boiling water

If the slime is too thick, place it in boiling water for a few minutes. To revive a toy, you must:

  • pour 150 ml of hot water into an enamel or ceramic bowl;
  • put dried slime in it for 7-10 minutes;
  • remove the toy with a spoon and cool.

Knead the slime in your hands for 10-15 minutes until it becomes elastic. If it still remains too tight or breaks when stretched, place it again in hot water for 5-7 minutes.


If the store-bought slime does not stretch, a microwave will help correct the situation:

  • the slime is placed in a plastic bowl;
  • 100 ml (half a glass) of water is poured into the bottom;
  • place the bowl in the microwave and cover with a lid;
  • Warm up the slime for 30-40 seconds.

If you leave the toy in the microwave for 2-3 minutes, it will become too soft. When heated, the mass will absorb too much liquid, which will cause it to become excessively soft. In this case, a pinch of salt or soda will help correct the situation.

Boric acid

Very dry slime becomes dense, so it practically does not absorb liquid. To soften it, use boric acid. An antiseptic in powder form is sold at any pharmacy.

Algorithm of actions:

  • pour 100 ml of hot water into a bowl;
  • add 1 sachet of boric acid (10 g);
  • Dip the slime into the solution for 5-7 minutes.

To increase elasticity, it is recommended to add a little toothpaste to the slime - no more than 1-2 tsp. If it starts to stick to your hands, add a pinch of baking soda.

Shower gel, shaving foam, toothpaste

To make the slime softer, polymer materials are used. They will increase the firmness and elasticity of the mass.

The ideal option is guar gum (guara). Toothpaste, shower gel, and shaving foam are suitable alternatives. The last component will make the slime softer and airier.

How to make slime stretch:

  • pour 50 ml of hot water into a bowl;
  • pour in 1 tbsp. l. shower gel and toothpaste;
  • add a little shaving foam;
  • put the slime into the mixed mass;
  • knead the toy for 10-15 minutes.

If the slime has already acquired the required density before the specified period, it is taken out of the container and blotted with a napkin. To eliminate stickiness, mix the mass with 1 tsp. boric acid. To prevent irritation and skin rashes, it is recommended to perform the procedure with rubber gloves.

Johnson's Baby Lotion

When stretched, the thick slime breaks. To correct the situation, use Johnson's Baby lotion. The hypoallergenic product has moisturizing properties, so it is ideal for restoring dried slime.

Algorithm of actions:

  • 10 ml of lotion is poured onto the toy;
  • mix thoroughly for 10-15 minutes;
  • leave for 2-3 hours.

The dosage depends on the size and density of the slime. If necessary, add a little more lotion.

Varnish remover

To make the slime stretch again, isopropyl alcohol, acetone or ethyl acetate are added to it. Almost every home has a varnish remover that contains acetone. It is ideal for softening a toy.

To revive a compacted slime, you need:

  • put the toy in a plastic container;
  • pour it 1 tsp. liquids;
  • add 1 tbsp. l. shaving foam;
  • knead the mixture for 4-10 minutes.

While working, avoid getting the remover in your eyes. If the liquid does get on the mucous membrane, you need to rinse it with running water.

Body cream

When the moisture from the slime evaporates, it ceases to be pleasant to the touch. Its ability to elastic deformation decreases, so the child loses interest in the toy. To revive hard slime, use body cream. The product is best suited for dry skin.

Slime recovery features:

  • squeeze 25 ml of cream into a plastic container;
  • pour in 5-10 ml of water;
  • Dip the slime into the prepared solution for 20 minutes;
  • knead the toy thoroughly in your hands for 5-7 minutes.

If you leave the slime in the solution for 1 hour or more, it will absorb too much moisture and stop holding its shape. To correct the situation, a little thickener is added to it - starch or flour.

Body cream is not suitable for restoring factory-made slime.

other methods

If the handgam has become tight, it is mixed with liquid ingredients. The following are often used as softeners:

  • glycerol;
  • silicone;
  • PVA glue;
  • shampoo;
  • film mask.

If you add too much liquid, the toy will become shapeless. Therefore, the softener is added in small portions - 1-2 teaspoons.


Preserving stretchy slime is easy. It is enough to follow the basic rules of prevention.

Adding thickener

The slime will not dry out if you regularly add a thickener to it. The main substance is sodium tetraborate in liquid form. Sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Place 2-3 drops into a jar of slime, then take it out and gently mash it.

Storage rules at home

For storage, use plastic or glass containers with a hermetically sealed lid. It is necessary to keep the container with anti-stress in a cool place where the sun's rays do not penetrate.

What not to feed

It is not recommended to add food starch or flour to the mucus. The products shorten the lifespan of the slime and also promote the growth of bacteria.

Right choice

Before purchasing anti-stress, you need to carefully study the date of manufacture and storage conditions. It is better to buy a toy in large shopping centers. Subject to storage standards and proper use, the slime will last longer for the owner.

What to do if the slime doesn't crunch?

Fluffy slime is a soft toy with an airy texture that produces a crunchy sound when squeezed. If it is absent, this indicates a high density of the slime. To bring back the crunch, leavening agents are used.

Crispy slime recipes:

  • With Persil gel. Add 4-5 tbsp to 100 ml of silicate glue. l. shaving foam. Use 2-3 tsp as an activator. washing gel. Mix the components for 15 minutes.
  • With foam granules. Add 2-4 drops of sodium tetraborate or boric acid solution to 80-100 ml of PVA glue. Add 7-8 tbsp. l. foam granules and mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  • With starch. 50 ml of shower gel is mixed with the same amount of toothpaste. Add 2 tbsp. l. potato or corn starch. Add 3-5 drops of borax or sodium tetraborate.

To revive the finished slime, just add starch, foam granules or shaving foam to it.

Method 1: Toothpaste

You can soften hardened slime with toothpaste in several stages:

  1. squeeze a pea of ​​the auxiliary agent into the mass;
  2. knead it with your hands so that the toothpaste is completely mixed with the slime;
  3. If the mass has not softened enough, add more product and knead the toy.

Toothpaste contains a lot of liquid, so you need to add it little by little, even to a large slime. And it is better not to use products with granules, or those intended for teeth whitening, as they contain aggressive components. Because of them, the texture of the toy may change unpredictably. It should be kept in mind that gel toothpaste thins more than a creamy toothpaste.

How to prevent slime from drying out and hardening

Over time, the slime decreases, which indicates the evaporation of moisture. If not properly cared for, handgam remains elastic for about 5-12 days. To protect it from drying out, you should:

  • store slime in a container with an airtight lid;
  • leave in the refrigerator door overnight;
  • Add liquid to the mass once every 3-5 days.

The plastic toy needs periodic water treatments. In hot weather and with frequent play, it quickly thickens. To prevent this, you need to place the slime in a container with a small amount of water. After 30 minutes, knead it thoroughly.

Method 3: Shampoo or Shower Gel

You need to soften poorly stretchable transparent slime so that it does not stop being translucent. This means you definitely shouldn’t use toothpaste, as it makes the mixture cloudy. To improve the texture, use:

  • water,
  • clear shampoo or shower gel.

Softening the slime with shower gel
But after adding them and kneading for a long time, the slime will need to be given 1-2 days to rest in a closed container. After all, from working with it, air bubbles will appear in the mass, which will make it denser.

Why did the slime become liquid?

If the slime does not hold its shape, this indicates oversaturation with liquid. You can correct the situation using one of the following options:

  • add 1 tsp. table salt;
  • place the toy in starch for 15-20 minutes;
  • pour in 1-3 drops of sodium tetraborate;
  • mix the mixture with 2 tsp. granulated sugar.

Regardless of the composition, the following will help make the slime denser:

  • activators – boric acid, washing gel, liquid for storing contact lenses, sodium tetraborate;
  • thickeners - silicone, starch, granulated sugar, thick shampoo, film mask.

To avoid such situations, it is not recommended to store handgams in the bathroom and other rooms with high humidity.

Method 2: microwave

You can soften slime that has dried out over time or improper storage using a microwave:

  1. Place the slime in a heat-resistant bowl.
  2. Pour some warm water onto its bottom.
  3. Place in the oven for 15-30 seconds.
  4. After removing from the microwave, the mass must be kneaded to return it to a uniform consistency.

We recommend reading about how to make butter slime. From the article you will learn about what butter slime is, how to make it from glue, air plasticine, a film mask and other ingredients. And here is more information about how to make slime from plasticine.

Signs that the slime has gone sour

The only drawback of homemade slimes is their susceptibility to fungal diseases. If food components are added, the toy may quickly deteriorate. Over time, black dots appear on its surface. These are mold fungi that actively reproduce. This slime is a source of infection, so you need to say goodbye to it.

You will have to part with the toy 5-10 days after production if it contains:

  • starch;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • granulated sugar;
  • food colorings.

If you don’t have other components at hand, but you really want to create an anti-stress toy, then you should provide it with proper care. After playing, put it in a container with an airtight lid and put it in the refrigerator. If you follow the recommendations, you can extend the life of the handgam by 1.5-2 times.

Method 4: citric acid

Another way to soften very hard, rubbery slime + so that it remains perfectly transparent is citric acid. You need to lightly roll out the mass and pour a pinch of product into the middle. Then the slime is kneaded by hand until smooth and soft.

We must not forget that citric acid is a rather aggressive agent, although it is a food additive. Therefore, even in a large mass, you should put a little of it, otherwise the toy will turn into a slimy puddle or fall apart into pieces.

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