Choosing a carpet brush - mechanical, manual, electric or sticky?

Maintaining perfect cleanliness in rooms with carpeted flooring costs housewives a lot of effort, especially if there is a dog or cat in the house. A carpet brush can make cleaning a lot easier. But you need to choose the device correctly. There are several types of brushes: manual, mechanical, electric, sticky. We invite you to find out their pros and cons and determine the winner in the “best wool collector” category.

How to remove wool from a carpet?

When cleaning a house, the most problematic element is usually the carpets. They collect all the dust, debris, and animal hair. It is difficult to clean them in the usual way - with a broom and a wet rag: dirt gets stuck into the surface even more.

To remove debris from carpets, it is recommended to use:

  • Brushes. The bristles lift the carpet pile and remove hair and other debris mechanically. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to slightly moisten the surface. Then during cleaning there will be no dust raised.
  • Vacuum cleaner. Excellent for cleaning floors and carpets from debris. It copes worse with wool on carpeting. To remove it, you need a special brush attachment.

Many housewives prefer to use a separate brush for the carpet and not carry around a rather bulky vacuum cleaner.

How to clean the brush itself?

Care is needed not only for the carpet, but also for the brush itself. Manual options that are made of plastic, rubber and other artificial materials, and even those that have a rotating shaft with bristles, can and should be washed.

This is best done by immersing them entirely in a soap solution or washing powder solution . Clean them manually, using another brush to thoroughly clean the bristles. Can be used as detergents with antibacterial effect. The brushes themselves dry naturally.

Brushes that are part of more complex devices (vacuum cleaners, electric brushes) are disconnected from the device itself and washed separately.

Those that operate on the principle of a rotating shaft tend to wrap wool and hair around themselves . They also need to be cleaned of such debris. This will make it easier for the roller to rotate and prevent the transfer of contaminants from one place to another.

How often you clean your brushes is determined by how often they are used and how severe the dirt they remove. In difficult cases, you will have to clean the brush even during the cleaning process.

What types of carpet brushes are there?

Previously, there was only one brush for cleaning carpets at home - a manual one with a wooden handle. But every year manufacturers are improving cleaning equipment. Modern brushes have functionality comparable to a manual vacuum cleaner.


The simplest and most inexpensive devices for cleaning carpets are hand brushes. They have been used for many decades. They are equipped with a comfortable handle that follows the curves of your hand, making them easy to use. A hand brush can be used to remove animal hair from carpet and furniture. It will also help to remove dirt and wash the product with detergent. The universal device never fails. The only, but very significant, disadvantage is that when cleaning you need to make a lot of effort and collect the rolled up wool by hand.


They are a plastic rectangular box with a handle, at the bottom of which there are rollers with a bristly surface. When cleaning the carpet, they rotate, drawing debris into the device.

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Advantages of mechanical brushes:

  • silent;
  • not only clean, but also collect wool;
  • mobile;
  • easy to clean;
  • do not take up much space.


  • hair is wound around the rollers;
  • some models fill up quickly.

Mechanical brushes are simple and functional. The first ones are equipped only with rollers. The latter may have a motor to speed up the operation of the brushes, an adjustable height for collecting small and large debris, a removable cleanable container, and a long handle.


They are practically no different from advanced manual mechanical brushes. The only difference is the battery. They also effectively collect wool, various debris, dust, ash and even spilled ground coffee from any type of floor covering. The disadvantages include the relatively high cost, noise during operation and the need for recharging.


They are a rotating sticky roller with a rubberized brush across it. It lifts the fibers and they remain on the sticky surface.

To clean the device, just hold it under running water. When the roller dries, it will become sticky again.

The sticky brush perfectly collects hair and dust without raising small particles into the air.

Description and purpose

A mechanical carpet brush is a convenient tool for dry cleaning carpets and upholstery.

Depending on the model, the device may have metal or plastic parts. The first option is more reliable and durable.

The lower part of the brush is rubberized. This protects the floor, such as laminate, from scratches.

Types of mechanical brushes

Manufacturers offer tools with short or long adjustable handles, swivel bases, compact or large.

There are also different types of cleaning elements (rollers and attachments). There are:

  • magnetic – collects paper clips, needles, buttons, metal shavings;
  • with long pile - clean upholstered furniture, laminate, any floor covering;
  • with short pile - clean fluffy rugs.

Some models come with silicone tips with a sticky surface. One roll of this product on the carpet is enough to make hair, hair, small debris, and glass shards immediately disappear. Suitable for cleaning piles of any type and length.

The best brush for animal hair

Each type of brush has its pros and cons. It would definitely be wrong to recommend one of them. After all, the best household equipment is always the one that meets the needs and is convenient to use for a particular housewife.

  • If the carpets get dirty relatively slowly, and the pet hardly sheds, you can get by with a hand brush. It will help remove stains, carry out wet cleaning with special detergents, and also clean upholstered furniture - armchairs and sofas. When choosing a brush model, it is important to pay attention to the stiffness and length of the bristles. For natural carpets made of wool, silk, cotton, you should choose soft brushes.
  • A mechanical brush will be useful in a home with cats or dogs that leave a moderate amount of hair. It will help you quickly collect lint, threads and hair from the floor and carpet. You won't have to comb out the dirt and then pick it up with your hands. All debris will end up inside the device. At the end of cleaning, it will be enough to open and empty the hand-held vacuum cleaner, and pull out the rollers and wash them.
  • An electric broom brush is an excellent help for housewives who often have to clean up after animals and children for a long time. It picks up small debris faster and better than other types of brushes.
  • A sticky roller is ideal for those with hair, which is the main type of dirt on the carpet. A brush with a sticky layer will quickly remove it not only from the floor, but also from furniture, an animal’s bed, and even from clothes.

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Selection principle

The choice should be based on the requirements for the brush. In this case, it is necessary to take into account:

  • how often cleaning should be done;
  • are there any animals in the house;
  • smooth floor or filled with a lot of furniture.
Type of cleaningBrushNote
Daily, currentmechanical, electrically driven, vacuum cleaner attachmentFor fast processing, also over large areas
Cleaning up animal hairroller, rubber scraperNot for use every day
spring-cleaninghand brush, rollers

You can use several brushes during one cleaning. For example, use a vacuum cleaner and then collect the fur with a scraper.

Popular models

The range of brushes for cleaning carpets is very extensive. It is difficult to understand this diversity right away. Therefore, here are the five most popular models that you might also like:

  • Fur Wizard brush. Designed specifically for cleaning carpets from cat and dog hair. Small, mobile, she collects it perfectly. But the main advantage of Fur Wizard is its self-cleaning system. Simply place the brush in the included case and it will be clean again. Approximate cost: 400 rubles.
  • Mechanical broom Hurricane Spin Broom. It has a long, comfortable handle and 3 rotating round brushes. A mobile and lightweight “handheld vacuum cleaner” starts working when pressed, without mains power or batteries. Retrieves dust and fur from hard-to-reach places, drawing everything into a special, easy-to-clean reservoir. The average price is 1300 rubles.
  • VETTA roller brush. A budget option for a mechanical brush. Consists of 2 bristle rollers, a plastic box and a folding handle. The price of the device is from 90 rubles.
  • Electric broom Swivel Sweeper G6. The cordless electric broom is battery powered. Has a bendable handle and 4 brushes. Lightweight and maneuverable, it has become an excellent alternative to a vacuum cleaner. Wool and other debris are collected in a container. To empty it, just press the button above the trash can. Approximate price – 1800 rubles.
  • Sticky buddy dust and lint removal roller. The rubber brush has an extension in the form of a sticky roller. The teeth lift the wool from the carpet, and the roller collects it. Cleans under water. After drying it starts to stick again. The average cost is 1200 rubles.

So, there are 4 main types and many models of carpet cleaning brushes. A large assortment allows each housewife to choose what is more convenient for her to use. Weigh all the advantages and disadvantages and determine the “winner” for yourself.


The advantages include:

  • simplicity and ease of use and care of the tool - the rollers can be washed;
  • versatility - suitable for any coating;
  • compactness;
  • quiet, unlike a traditional vacuum cleaner;
  • hygiene – the mechanical brush is equipped with a vacuum cleaner;
  • durability - this applies to high-quality models, the price of which is from 1000 rubles.

Moreover, the mechanical device does not consume electricity and does not require charging.

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