What does “hand wash” mean in a washing machine and how long does it take?

The “Hand Wash” program in the washing machine is designed to work with delicate fabrics. It is designed to handle them as gently as possible.

It is used for clothes with sequins or rhinestones, products made from natural wool or trimmed with thin lace. Such materials can easily tear, deform, lose their original appearance, or even become unusable.

  • Hand wash mode
  • Program description
  • Application cases
  • Alternatives
  • Useful tips
  • Catalog of washing machines with reviews

Hand wash mode

Modern technology is versatile. Manufacturers have provided the possibility of using automatic devices when extremely careful handling is required. If there is a symbol on the label with the image of a hand in a basin, then such clothes can be washed by hand.

If there is a special program, it is permissible to use a washing unit. Manual mode is set if there is a sign on the label prohibiting machine processing.

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This approach significantly saves time, preserves the original quality of materials, bringing them to an impeccably clean state. Textiles are washed carefully and quickly, although the contact time with water is minimal.

Selected “hand wash” mode on the panel

What affects the duration of the cycle?

It is not difficult to notice that the washing duration differs in different modes. What factors influence it:

  • Temperature. Time is wasted heating water. Washing in cool water saves 10–15 minutes.
  • Pre-wash or extra wash. If you add it to the main process, you need to throw another quarter of an hour on top.
  • Soak. You can enable this function, but you will have to sacrifice another third of an hour, no less.
  • Additional rinse. It is necessary for thoroughly rinsing things. You have to add another half hour to the main cycle time.
  • Intelligent approach. Modern SMAs themselves determine the program of action. At the same time, they are guided by the weight of the loaded laundry and the degree of its contamination. The fuller the drum and the more stains, the longer the treatment will be.
  • Individual features of the device. The newer the model, the faster the tasks are solved. In older versions, even the express version took 40 minutes.

Program description

The program is significantly different from others. Its main parameters:

  • drum rotation speed is reduced to a minimum;
  • the temperature does not rise above 30-40 oC;
  • water is supplied in large quantities;
  • the spin is weak or completely absent.

Some machines have an extra rinse option. The increased volume of liquid allows for more thorough removal of powder residues. Reduced heating temperature promotes better color retention. The average cycle duration is 1 hour.

Are you using citric acid?

Oh yes! No

The speed of program execution depends on the following factors:

  • unit models;
  • water pressure in the tap;
  • voltage in the electrical network;
  • degree of pollution;
  • load level;
  • selected temperature mode;
  • availability of options for additional soaking, rinsing, spinning.

Often in the instructions, the manufacturer stipulates the permissible load, which is no more than half of the weight recommended for other cases. There are devices that have two separate buttons for different temperatures. They are marked accordingly on the control panel.

Table with hand wash sign

During operation, the drum moves from side to side slowly and smoothly. This ensures safety and prevents stretching and deformation. The spin option is often absent, or it occurs at minimum speed.

If there is a sign on the label that prohibits such an operation, then the function can be disabled. To do this, use the buttons or sensor to select the “No spin” option.

What kind of drawing should I look for?

On some models of washing machines, on the front panel you can find the inscription in Russian “Hand Wash”, so you don’t have to look for and recognize any icons. But often, equipment manufacturers use graphic drawings to indicate washing modes, since this option greatly saves space on the panel. But everything is not so complicated, because the sign, the designation of which is “hand wash,” is very easy to recognize even without studying the instructions.

This is a picture depicting a basin and a hand dipped into it.

Other image options are not used in this case, so it is impossible to confuse it. Sometimes the same symbol is used for a wool washing program, but in most cases the mode is called “Hand Wash/Wool”. Combining these two programs into one is justified by the fact that they have the same reel rotation algorithm.

Application cases

The program is designed for fabrics that cannot withstand hot water, intense spinning or strong friction. It is set for products whose labels contain a prohibiting symbol or an icon indicating hand washing. This is a universal sign.

It depicts a hand immersed in a basin. Sometimes there is a number that indicates the water temperature. The symbol prohibiting machine processing looks like a crossed out unit. For such cases, there are special modes.

Hand wash sign

The delicate category includes fabrics that can easily tear, lose color, change size or become deformed. These most often include:

  • viscose;
  • silk;
  • cashmere or natural wool.

Sometimes the program is used to wash sneakers, textile shoes, sneakers, as well as clothes with embroidery or other decorations. “Hand wash” is effective for processing the following types of products:

  • tights and underwear;
  • trousers and suits;
  • down jackets, jackets and coats;
  • clothes with decorative elements;
  • curtains made of tulle or organza.

The “Hand wash” mode is combined with the “Wool” program


Surprisingly, not all materials can be ironed. And some things don't like high steam temperatures. These badges on clothes

will help you figure out how best to stroke her:

How to iron things correctly?

Can be ironed
Ironing allowed.
Do not iron
Ironing is prohibited.
Can be ironed at low temperature
Ironing allowed at temperatures up to 110℃.
Can be ironed at medium temperature
Ironing allowed at temperatures up to 150℃.
Can be ironed at high temperature
Ironing is allowed at temperatures up to 200℃.
Do not
steam Smoothing with steam is prohibited.

Useful tips

To ensure that things last a long time and always look fresh and neat, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If heavily soiled, do not use the mode intended for delicate fabrics. Clothes may not wash.
    Do you store laundry in the washing machine?

    Oh yes! No.

  2. For the correct execution of all stages, the correct choice of powder is of great importance. It must contain a defoamer and contain additives that protect the structure of the material and its color.
  3. In some situations it is better to use alternative options.
  4. To improve the result, soak the laundry for 10-15 minutes in cold water with the addition of powder, or pre-soap particularly dirty areas before loading them into the drum.
  5. It is recommended to use only proven powders and conditioners.
  6. After purchasing the equipment, you must carefully study the symbols on the control panel and compare them with the instructions. The inscriptions may be in an unfamiliar language, and the symbols often differ between models. To ensure quality work, you must use the machine’s capabilities wisely.
  7. Before loading, clothes are sorted by quality and color. You shouldn’t put everything else together with fabrics that require careful handling.

The correct choice of mode will ensure the cleanliness of things and protect them from premature wear. “Hand washing” is a convenient alternative to physical labor. A useful option saves time and effort, preserves products, gives them cleanliness and freshness. If everything is done correctly, the risk of expensive clothes getting damaged is minimal.


Delicacy Guaranteed

To understand whether items need delicate washing, just look at the tag. There you will find a machine wash prohibited icon. But is a gentle wash program always a guarantee of gentle treatment? To accurately create all the conditions for such cleaning, you should understand the following:

Fabric type/issueFeature/SolutionOptions/Benefits

Thin cloth

It requires accuracy.This will be achieved by eliminating all aggressive influences from technology.

Colored things

Requires caution in choosing temperature.Set the washing temperature to the minimum to avoid fading.


Use special water softeners.This way you can protect things from exposure to chlorine and impurities in the water.


All stains on colored linen and the items listed above, which are of the “wash with care” type, must be removed with special stain removers.Aggressive detergents can negatively affect fiber structure and color.


All delicate items should not be washed with other laundry.While delicate items can be washed, others will remain dirty. In the worst case, delicate fabrics, woolen yarn, etc. can be damaged.


Drying delicate items is strictly prohibited.The drying mode can make the item smaller in size.

Delicate underwear

Thin fabrics may tear.To prevent spoilage, follow the guidelines above.

Tip: By observing all these conditions, you are guaranteed to get the result of a delicate wash.


SMA manufacturers also offer economy cycles. They are so called because they help reduce the use of either or a resource.


Anastasia Kukushkina

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