Types, cost, methods of using Vanish stain remover for white clothes and linen

Even if a person treats his clothes very carefully, stains cannot be avoided.
However, this is not a reason to refuse products made from white fabrics. The popular Vanish remedy helps to cope with spots and grayness. This brand produces several types of household chemicals, so before making a purchase you need to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances.

This article provides instructions for using Vanish stain remover for white linen, as well as reviews on the use of the popular product.

Types of product, composition, price

The choice of product depends on the type of dirt, fabric and other details. Let's take a closer look at all the commercially available models. In total, there are 3 types of products with different capacities for white clothes.

Vanish White

Vanish White is available in gel form . Main characteristics of the stain remover:

  1. Removing stubborn stains from white fabrics.
  2. Preserving the integrity of the fibers, which is possible thanks to the unique composition of the product. Its main advantage is the absence of chlorine.
  3. Keeping things white every time you wash them.
  4. Possibility of using gel for processing delicate fabrics.
  5. High efficiency of the product even when washing items at low temperatures.

This stain remover is not suitable for washing colored items, as it may damage them.

The gel contains the following components:

  • oxygen bleach with a concentration not exceeding 5%;
  • surfactant;
  • polycarboxylates;
  • flavoring, etc.

You can find gel of various volumes on sale . The cost of the stain remover depends on this:

  1. For 0.45 liters you will need to pay 140 rubles.
  2. The price of 1 liter is 290 rubles.
  3. The cost of 2 liters of bleach is 550 rubles.

Vanish Oxi Action Crystal White

Vanish Oxi Action Crystal White is available in powder form. The stain remover has an enhanced formula that allows you not only to get rid of stubborn stains, but also to make things 3 shades whiter.

Main features of Vanish “Crystal White”:

  1. The product is only suitable for washing white items.
  2. To remove stubborn stains, pre-soaking is required.
  3. It is not recommended to use a powder product to remove stains from delicate fabrics. It is not used for washing silk, wool and leather.

The composition includes the following components:

  • oxygen bleach with a concentration of 15 to 30%;
  • anionic and nonionic surfactants – no more than 5%;
  • optical brightener;
  • enzymes;
  • zeolites.

The product is produced in a volume of 0.5 kg at a price of 420 rubles and in a volume of 1 kg at a price of 820 rubles.

Vanish Gold White

Vanish Gold Oxi Action Crystal White is an advanced stain remover and bleach that is used to combat particularly difficult stains.
The product is available in the form of a gel. Its main characteristics:

  1. Whitening fabrics in 3 tones.
  2. Accelerated results. You can get rid of stains in half a minute.
  3. No need for pre-soaking.

Compared to the classic stain remover, the product marked “Gold” has a thicker structure.

The effect is achieved due to the active components included in the gel:

  • oxygen-containing bleach at a concentration of 15%;
  • surfactant;
  • optical brightener;
  • phosphonates;
  • hexylcinnamal;
  • flavorings and preservatives.

The product is produced in a volume of 0.45 liters at a price of 300 rubles and 1 liter at a cost of 634 rubles. The price tag for this stain remover is higher, since it belongs to the premium segment.

Features of choice

Which Vanish is better - liquid or powder? Depending on the purpose of application, the features of choice will differ. In some cases, almost any remedy will do, but in others, improper use can be very harmful.

For whitening clothes and linen

If the fabric has turned gray, then you need to use a product called Vanish Gold Oxi Action Crystal White Stain Remover and Brightener. This is a professional product that whitens fabrics by several tones. It is used only for white products.

You can also purchase “Vanish Oxi Action Stain Remover and Brightener with Active Oxygen.” It is suitable for bleaching and for washing items of any color.

If the fabric is delicate, but requires high-quality bleaching, then you can choose a product called “Vanish Gold Oxi Action Stain Remover: Gel.”

Read more about Vanish bleaches here.

Removing stains

Suitable for removing stains from fabrics:

  • Vanish Oxi Action stain remover and bleach with active oxygen;
  • Vanish Gold Oxi Action powder;
  • Vanish Oxi Action: stain remover for pre-treatment of stains;
  • Vanish Gold Oxi Action gel.

To get rid of difficult stains using classic products, you will need to pre-soak. Vanish with an enhanced formula removes stubborn stains faster.

You can read about how to deal with stains and what other products are suitable for this purpose here.

For washing vacuum cleaners

The following products are suitable for washing vacuum cleaners:

  • Vanish shampoo for washing vacuum cleaners;
  • Vanish Gold shampoo for washing vacuum cleaners.

They allow you to remove stubborn stains from carpets and upholstered furniture. Thanks to their use, it is possible to refresh the color and eliminate unpleasant odors.

To clean the coating, the product is diluted in cool water (1 liter of liquid is taken for 1.5 caps). The resulting solution is filled into the vacuum cleaner tank and the carpet is treated. After it dries, the product is vacuumed again.

For carpets

Both liquid and powder products are suitable for cleaning carpets, for example:

  • Vanish Gold Oxi Action moistened carpet cleaning powder;
  • Vanish active foam for carpet cleaning;
  • Vanish active powder for washing vacuum cleaners.

Vanish is used with caution to clean hand-woven carpets. Before first use, you need to test the product on a small area of ​​the product.

You can read more here.

For upholstered furniture

To clean upholstered furniture, use the following products:

  • Vanish shampoo for washing vacuum cleaners;
  • Vanish Gold shampoo for washing vacuum cleaners;
  • Vanish Gold Oxi Action moisturized carpet cleaning powder.

For dry cleaning, powdered products are used. If you have a vacuum cleaner in your house and the furniture upholstery is not afraid of moisture, you can use Vanish liquid product.

You can read about the selection and use of Vanish for upholstered furniture here.

For cleaning car interiors and seats

To clean the car interior and seats, you can use both a powder and a liquid product, for example:

  • Vanish shampoo for washing vacuum cleaners;
  • Vanish active powder for washing vacuum cleaners;
  • Vanish Gold Oxi Action moisturized carpet cleaning powder.

To properly clean the interior, you need to first soak stubborn stains for a few minutes. It is more convenient to process vertical surfaces using a washing vacuum cleaner.

You can read more about using Vanish for cleaning car seats here, and for cleaning the entire interior here.

Which one to choose for different types of washing?

You need to choose a stain remover depending on the purpose of its use. To do this, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. To remove old, difficult stains (grass, chocolate, blood, oil, soil, etc.), it is recommended to give preference to gels from the premium “Gold” series.
  2. To rid things of gray, you should choose products marked “Crystal White”.
  3. If you are processing ordinary fabrics, such as linen, cotton or synthetics, you can use powder bleach.
  4. When washing items made from delicate fabrics (silk, wool, leather), you need to use a gel.
  5. For washing in cool water, it is better to use a premium series of bleaches.

Before you start washing, you need to read the recommendations that are indicated on the label of each item. This will avoid tissue damage.

Step-by-step instructions for use

To achieve the best effect, you need to follow the instructions for using Vanish:

  1. If a person uses a liquid product, then there is no need to wet the stain. When treating contamination with powder, apply a little water to the fabric.

  2. Then the stain is treated with Vanish. It is dosed using a measuring device. For gels, use a cap, and for powder, use a special spoon, which comes in a package with stain remover.
  3. When washing regular fabrics, the stain can be rubbed additionally. Delicate items may not tolerate such treatment.
  4. Wash the product according to the information indicated on the label. It is located on the wrong side.

If after the first treatment it was not possible to deal with the stubborn stain, which often happens with old stains, the washing can be repeated. In this case, it is recommended to resort to soaking.

The procedure has some features:

  1. The gel must be dissolved in water. For 4 liters of liquid take 60 ml of liquid product.
  2. Then you need to place the item in a bowl of water and leave it for up to 6 hours.
  3. The final step is washing and thoroughly rinsing the product.

In addition to removing stains, housewives use Vanish to make things whiter. To do this, the product is simply added to regular powder.

Its amount depends on the degree of contamination of the items and the volume of washing. If you carry out this procedure regularly, then white things will not lose their attractiveness for a long time.

Which Vanish is best for cleaning car interiors?

The most popular and effective means for treating car interiors is Vanish, intended for cleaning carpets and upholstery. The material used for the seat covers and upholstery actually resembles carpet in its properties.

To clean, you can use foam, shampoo or spray. Before the procedure, be sure to vacuum the interior. Apply the product to all surfaces, following the instructions for use and dosage. After exposure to Vanish, vacuum the interior again.

Precautionary measures

To prevent washing using stain remover from causing trouble, you need to take precautions, including:

  1. If there are concerns that the product may cause damage to the fabric, you should try to treat the product in a small and inconspicuous area.

  2. After treatment with the gel, the product should be kept away from sunlight and heat sources.
  3. The stain remover should be stored in a dark place out of reach of children.
  4. The cap on the bottle of household chemicals must be tightly closed.
  5. It is unacceptable to mix Vanish with other bleaches.
  6. You should protect your eyes and skin from contact with stain remover.
  7. Do not use the product on metal fittings on items, such as buckles or buttons.

If you accidentally swallow Vanish, you need to call an ambulance and show the doctor the label that describes the composition of the stain remover!

Top 3 analogues are cheaper

Inexpensive analogues of Vanish:

  1. Boss. The cost of this powder stain remover does not exceed 60-70 rubles per package of 250 g. Bos is used only for white fabrics.
  2. Sarma. The product is available in powder form. It can be used to remove stains from white and colored items. The price for it does not exceed 70 rubles.
  3. Faberlic (Edelstar). The product is available in pencil form, so it is convenient to use even away from home. Its cost is about 120 rubles.

If Bos and Sarma can be purchased in regular stores and departments with household chemicals, then the Faberlic pencil must be ordered either online or from a representative of this company.

Important Tips

Four important recommendations for using Vanish for white clothes:

  1. The effect will be better if you use Vanish to remove fresh stains.
    When this is not possible, you need to wet the dirt and try to clean it with ordinary water.

    You need to use a stain remover as quickly as possible.

  2. The maximum exposure time of the stain remover to the fabric is 6 hours.
  3. If there are stubborn and dried stains, the amount of cleaning agent is doubled.
  4. Do not use a product that has expired. At best, it will be ineffective, and at worst, it will cause damage to things.

Regular use of bleach will prevent yellowing of white fabrics, even with frequent washing.

Product advantages and disadvantages

Compared to other substances of similar action, Vanish has a number of advantages:

  • works on various types of fabrics;
  • Designed for both white and colored linen;
  • can be used for both hand and machine wash;
  • does not contain chlorine;
  • does not harm materials;
  • The application procedure requires a minimum of effort and time.

However, the product has a number of disadvantages:

  • more expensive in comparison with analogues;
  • in rare cases, it gets rid of stains the second or third time;
  • doesn't rinse well.

Consider these advantages and disadvantages when purchasing Vanish brand products.

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