How to remove hair dye at home. 5 proven methods

How to remove dye from hair: UGC After dyeing your hair, sometimes it becomes necessary to carry out pickling (remove the dye pigment from the hair shaft). Read how hair dye using improvised and professional products, find out what techniques are used to return to natural color and what to expect after the procedure.

What is hair dye removal?

Human hair color depends on the ratio of melanin pigments. Brown-haired women and brunettes have more eumelanin, while redheads and blondes have more pheomelanin. In hairdressing, this is called the tone depth level (DTL).

It is a rare woman who is satisfied with the natural balance of melanins. In search of the perfect look, we constantly apply makeup and repaint. To change your hair color, you need to remove the pigments in your hair. If chemical paint is used, the place for the cosmetic pigment is “cleared” by ammonia or its substitute monoethanolamine. If it’s natural, organic acids work.

During dyeing, the hair acquires a so-called background lightening (FO, the dominant residual pigment). This is the color of melanin that still remains in the hair.

When too much cosmetic pigment accumulates and it sits very tightly in the hair, recoloring does not give the desired result. If, when dyeing, the shade is applied unevenly or you don’t like it, you need to return to the lightening background, that is, do a wash.

Washing (or, as professionals say, decapitating) is the removal of cosmetic pigment from the hair and a return to the base color.

Washing is not an independent procedure. This is not a hair mask. You cannot destroy dye molecules without giving anything in return. If you don’t color your hair after pickling, there will still be voids in it, and due to excessive porosity it will break.

Elena Beauty Maze

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Important Tips

To remove hair dye quickly, effectively and safely, you need to use the following recommendations:

  1. If food is used as a wash, it must be fresh.
  2. The proportions of ingredients must not be exceeded. You need to be especially careful with chemicals, such as soda, laundry soap or Aspirin.
  3. If discomfort or burning occurs, the applied composition is washed off immediately.
  4. To enhance the effect, you need to insulate your head with polyethylene and a terry towel.
  5. After clarification, you cannot visit the pool for a week. There may be reagents in the water that can change hair color.

The longer the selected composition remains on the hair, the more intensely it will lighten. However, you should not exceed the time specified in the instructions, as you can harm your appearance.

Do you always need to wash the dye out of your hair?

Washing is often confused with bleaching as both typically involve the use of bleach powder and an oxygenator. But these are two different concepts.

Decapitation is a rollback to the base color, and lightening is a change in the UGT for subsequent tinting to the desired shade. Let's look at it with an example.

Tone Depth Levels

A girl with tone depth level 8 decided to become dark blond, that is, go down to 6. She dyed her hair, but the result in the mirror disappointed her. To return the previous color, she needs to remove the cosmetic pigment she doesn’t like, that is, do a wash. After decapitation, she will be able to give her hair the desired shade.

But if the same girl, after unsuccessful dyeing, wants to become an ash blonde, then there is no point in doing a wash. It is necessary to destroy the old cosmetic pigment and melanin remnants by raising the UGT to 10. In this case, lightening is done.

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Professional cosmetics for dye removal

The procedure for washing off coloring pigments with industrial products is stressful for the hair, since they are made on the basis of chemicals.

Professionals offer two ways to rid them of paint:

  • paint removal - pickling;
  • bleaching.

Now many leading cosmetic companies offer various hair dye removers. When choosing a remover, you should give preference to leading brands that provide minimal trauma and preserve their natural color, for example, Hair Light Remake Color corrector.

What are the types of washes?

  1. Alkaline . They involve the destruction of cosmetic pigment with a lightening powder with an oxidizing agent or special professional compounds. They are effective, but require strict adherence to technology.
  2. Acidic . They are made with folk or professional remedies that contain acid. More gentle, but will not cope well with dark hair colored with household and vegetable dyes.

Hairdressers and colorists do not accept home pickling, especially with specialized products or powder. When working with professional products, you need to take into account many nuances: from proportions and exposure time to neutralization of the reaction. But, unfortunately, these nuances can also be missed in the salon. If you decide to wash it with professional products at home, study the equipment very carefully and be prepared for surprises.

Elena Beauty Maze

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How to remove pigment from nails?

You can remove stains from nails using such means as:

  • petrol;
  • nail polish remover;
  • kerosene.

All these tools are used according to a single algorithm. The selected composition is applied to a cotton pad and gently rubbed onto the surface of the nail. Immediately after removing the paint, wash your hands with plenty of soap and water.

It is unacceptable to leave gasoline or kerosene on your nails for a long time. This may cause their condition to worsen.

How to remove hair dye with bleaching powder

Prepare the mixture
You will need a dust-free brightening powder and an oxygen agent of 1.5%.

The amount depends on the length of the hair. For example, an average length requires 30 g of powder and 150 ml of oxygen.

The ratio of ingredients is from 1: 5 to 1: 7. For example, if your tone depth level is 9 or 10 and the unwanted shade is not very ingrained, you can dilute the powder in a ratio of 1: 6 or 1: 7. If your UGT is 7 or 8, or too much unwanted pigment has accumulated, do 1:5.

The specific proportion depends on what was used for the previous coloring, how dark the base is and what the general condition of the hair is. Therefore, it is best to contact an experienced specialist in a beauty salon. But if you decide to wash with powder at home, remember: the more oxidizing agent, the less aggressive the effect on the hair.

Elena Beauty Maze

Separate a small strand at the back of your head and apply a little mixture to it. If there are no unpleasant sensations and the curl becomes lighter, proceed to the next step.

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Apply the mixture to your hair
Apply the just prepared mixture in a thick layer to clean, dry hair. Move from roots to ends. Do not distribute the mixture with a comb, but apply it to each strand.

Keep for up to 15 minutes. Constantly monitor the reaction. If your hair becomes lighter after 5-7 minutes, immediately proceed to the next step.

Some girls wash with powder, adding water or so-called American shampoo to it. This is pointless, since the pH of the composition and the stability of the reaction are disrupted, which does not have the most positive effect on the quality of the hair. Salons sometimes use American shampoo to remove fresh, literally just applied dye if the client is dissatisfied with the result.

Elena Beauty Maze

Rinse it off
Wash off the mixture with a cleansing chelate, that is, alkaline shampoo (pH - 7 or more). This product is sold in hairdressing stores. It is not cheap, but is used very sparingly.

Regular shampoos, even sulfate ones, are not suitable for neutralizing highly alkaline products such as oxygen powder.

Complete the reaction
Use a neutralizing shampoo with a pH of 5 or less. You can also find it in specialized stores.

Apply balm or mask. The most nutritious thing you have.

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How to remove from furniture at home?

If hair dye gets on furniture, you need to start removing it immediately. The longer it remains on its surface, the more difficult it is to get rid of it.

Products such as:

  1. Vinegar and soda in equal proportions.
    Apply the product to the stain and wipe it with light movements until the paste foams. You can leave the product on the furniture for 30 minutes. This way you can easily get rid of paint on plastic furniture.

  2. Vegetable oil. It is used to clean leather surfaces. The oil is applied to a cotton pad, which is used to wipe the contaminated area of ​​furniture.
  3. Soap solution. To prepare it, the bar is grated and dissolved in a small amount of hot water. Using a sponge, apply it to the stained surface. This is a universal recipe that is suitable for cleaning any furniture.

It is not recommended to remove paint using abrasive compounds, as they can damage the surface of the product.

How to remove hair dye with coconut oil

Prepare the oil

For medium length hair, you will need 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil. You can use olive or sunflower, but coconut is more effective.

Unrefined, extra virgin coconut oil works due to the saturated fatty acids it contains, especially lauric acid. It penetrates very deeply into the hair shaft and perfectly destroys the polymer bond of the dye. It is better if the coke oil has a global organic certificate (for example, USDA Organic, EcoCERT, BDIH, and so on).

Elena Beauty Maze

Melt the oil in a water bath or on a radiator until it becomes liquid and transparent.

Apply oil to your hair

Apply generously to dry hair, from roots to ends. If styling products were used, your hair should be washed first.


Tie your hair in a bun, put on a shower cap and walk like this for 2-3 hours. To enhance the effect, you can additionally apply heat by wrapping your head in a towel or blowing with a hairdryer.

It takes quite a long time for the oil to penetrate into the deeper layers of the hair. Therefore, you can safely leave the oil compress overnight.

Wash off the oil

Afterwards, wash off the oil using a cleansing shampoo or regular shampoo. At the end, apply a nourishing balm.

How to wash your hair correctly so that it stays clean and voluminous longer →

If the paint is not completely washed off, repeat the procedure.

What can you remove from clothes?

get rid of hair dye that gets on your clothes using such means as:

  • glycerol;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • petrol;
  • White Spirit.

Any of the listed compositions is applied to the contaminated area, left to act for 15-30 minutes, after which the item is washed as usual.

Read more about ways to remove hair dye from clothes here.

How to remove hair dye with sour cream

Apply sour cream to your hair

Generously treat the entire length of the hair with rich sour cream (15–20%). For medium length you will need about 200 g. For long lengths - 400–600 g.

Animal fats and lactic acid effectively break down cosmetic pigment in the hair. The latter also works as a peeling, and a clean scalp is one of the essential components of healthy hair.

Elena Beauty Maze

As an alternative to sour cream, you can use kefir or fermented baked milk. But their fat content, and therefore their effectiveness, is lower. And it’s inconvenient - too liquid.


Pull your hair into a bun or ponytail and wear a shower cap. Keep it for 2-3 hours.

Rinse it off

Rinse with cleansing or regular shampoo and apply conditioner.

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Anti-dandruff shampoo with baking soda

The cleansing properties of soda are maximally manifested when interacting with anti-dandruff shampoo. This is due to the fact that the active ingredient in shampoo - selenium sulfide - is aimed at destroying hair pigment. Sulfide does not destroy the structure of the hairs, so it is not necessary to additionally moisturize and nourish the strands. This component is also found in clarifying shampoos.

The product removes the dye gradually: the ingredients do not completely remove the dye after the first use. Baking soda acts as a cleanser, and selenium sulfide acts as a brightening agent. Apply the mask 2-3 times a week to completely remove color pigments.

Anti-dandruff shampoo has lightening properties: it destroys coloring components and does not harm the natural color of the strands.

For the mask you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. baking soda;
  • 1 tbsp. l. anti-dandruff shampoo.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Mix baking soda with shampoo.
  2. Rinse your hair with the resulting mixture and leave for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Next, rinse off the ingredients with warm water and apply conditioner. It is necessary to apply the mask evenly. This way you will wash off the dye from all the strands.

How to remove hair dye with lemon juice

Citric acid in its pure form cannot be applied to the head: you can get a burn. But you can make a mask with it.

Prepare the mixture

  • juice of 1 lemon;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 teaspoons honey.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon and strain. Add olive, burdock or other vegetable oil of your choice. Break the egg, pour in honey. It contains a lot of organic acids, which enhance the lightening effect and exfoliate dead cells on the scalp. Using a fork or whisk, mix everything until smooth.

Apply the mask and wait

Distribute the mask over the entire length of your hair, wrap it in plastic. To enhance the effect, you can wrap your head in a towel. Keep it for 1-2 hours.

Rinse it off

Rinse off with plenty of water.

Sometimes mayonnaise is used for rinsing. There is also citric acid, but its concentration is so low that it is unlikely to have an effect.

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How to remove stains from hands and face without harming the skin?

To remove paint from leather, you need to use gentle products.

For facial treatment use:

  1. Vegetable oil.
  2. Tonics containing a small amount of alcohol.
  3. Makeup remover milk.
  4. Wet wipes.

To remove stains from other parts of the body, you can use the following compositions:

  1. Cologne or vodka.
  2. Soda scrub (a spoonful of soda is diluted with a small amount of water to obtain a paste).
  3. Laundry soap.

Any product must be used carefully. After treatment, the skin is rinsed with warm water.

Read more about how to remove hair dye from your face here. Tips for removing hair dye from skin in general are here.

How to remove hair dye with aspirin

Acetylsalicylic acid can get rid of not only the temperature, but also the unwanted shade on the hair. It is especially good at neutralizing green colors that may appear after visiting the pool.

Prepare the mixture

  • 1 liter of warm water;
  • 10 aspirin tablets.

Crush acetylsalicylic acid tablets.

Dissolve the resulting powder in water.

Use as a mouthwash

Rinse your hair with this solution every time after washing and before applying conditioner.

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These methods received generally good reviews. But at the same time, one cannot expect a quick effect from them, since in comparison with synthetics they do not provide the necessary effect in the required form. It is important to note that they help not only eliminate unwanted pigment, but also restore the hair structure after dyeing and nourish the scalp in most cases.

If we talk about synthetic products, the most popular options are Remake Color, Backtrack, Color Off. They are also recommended by cosmetologists and stylists, who say that they will quickly eliminate unwanted color, but will not cause much damage to the hair, like soda or Coca-Cola.

Things to remember

  1. A wash is necessary if you are unhappy with the coloring result or want to return your lightened background.
  2. It is best to do an alkaline wash in a salon, so that the master correctly calculates the proportions of the blond composition and carries out the procedure.
  3. If you're not afraid to experiment and have already worked with brightening powder, try making a wash at home. Just don’t forget to tint your curls with a chemical dye afterwards (no henna or basma!).
  4. Do not dilute the bleaching powder and oxygenator with water or shampoo.
  5. If you have very dark hair, use gentle acidic removers. Coconut oil, sour cream, lemons and aspirin work great.
  6. To say goodbye to unnecessary cosmetic pigment, washing with folk remedies will probably have to be done more than once.
  7. Be prepared that folk recipes may not be effective against some dyes.

Lemon soda mask

Lemon contains strong bleaching agents that will remove color pigments from hairs. In combination with baking soda, lemon lightens strands and removes dye. The acid contained in lemon is not enough to completely get rid of unwanted color. This method will help remove dye from hair resulting from poor-quality washing.

In addition to the lightening effect, lemon can dry out your hair. Therefore, do not abuse this product and do not leave the mask on your strands for too long.

For the mask you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • 2 tbsp. l. baking soda.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Mix the ingredients in a container to form a thick paste.
  2. Apply the mask to colored strands for 20 minutes.
  3. Next, rinse the strands with shampoo and apply care products. You can repeat the procedure 3-4 times a week.

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