13 effective recipes for removing yellow stains from white clothes

Any stains on clothes and shoes, old or new, spoil them and often render them completely unusable. There are many of them - from green grass, soil, drinks, various sauces, fallen food or even blood. How to remove yellow stains on white clothes, what are the causes of their occurrence, as well as professional and home remedies for their removal.

Why do spots appear?

The appearance of yellow spots on white or light-colored fabric can be caused by several reasons:

  • wash in hard water;
  • grease contamination;
  • untimely washing;
  • using low-quality or unsuitable detergents for a particular fabric;
  • improper ironing;
  • traces of sweat that were not removed in time and managed to penetrate into the structure of the fibers;
  • improper use of bleaching agents;
  • long-term storage of clothing in a room with high humidity;
  • frequent contact with perfume on clothing;
  • excessive secretion of sweat and sebum;
  • insufficient rinsing, as a result of which SMS residues remain on the fabric;
  • incorrect washing mode;
  • drying in direct sunlight;
  • use of low-quality deodorants.


Dear Clean!
Let your things shine with crystal purity! Dear Clean! I wish you a direct hit the first time! Let all the stains on your clothes disappear without a trace, and let the reason turn out to be banal and simple.

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Available Home Remedies

Experienced housewives offer several methods to quickly remove yellow stains that appear on white fabric. All options involve the use of inexpensive and accessible means that are always at hand.


Alkaline laundry soap is an effective tool for removing fresh and fairly old stains, as well as eliminating unpleasant odors. It is enough to rub a stain that has recently appeared with laundry soap and leave for 30 minutes. Then wash the item as usual.

You can remove contaminants that have already become embedded in the fabric in the following way:

  1. Dissolve 5 tbsp in 10 liters of warm water. l. soap shavings.
  2. Cool the resulting solution to 30 °C and immerse the problematic product in it.
  3. Wait 1 hour, then wash the item in the cycle indicated on the label.


Regular baking soda helps to simultaneously get rid of yellow stains and a specific odor at home. Mode of application:

  1. Dilute baking soda with water until you obtain a mixture with a thick consistency.
  2. Apply the mixture to the problem area and leave for 40 minutes.
  3. Remove the remaining soda with a brush, and then wash the item by hand or in the washing machine.

Baking soda is also useful when cleaning carpet.


Table vinegar is an effective remedy for removing yellow stains from yellowed linen, shirts and T-shirts. The cleaning procedure consists of several simple steps:

  1. Dilute vinegar and water in equal parts.
  2. Soak the clothes in the prepared solution and leave for 8-10 hours.
  3. Rub the stain with laundry soap.
  4. Wait 15 minutes, then wash in the traditional way.

Important! The use of vinegar is not recommended when cleaning natural and artificial silk clothing.

How to clean a microwave with vinegar, read here, how to clean a refrigerator - here.


Table salt is not only effective, but also the cheapest remedy that helps remove yellow spots. Application principle:

  1. Lightly moisten the problem area and cover it thickly with salt.
  2. Leave for 7-8 hours.
  3. Remove the main layer of salt and gently rub the stain with a sponge.
  4. Wash the processed product.


The method using hydrogen peroxide can effectively remove yellow stains from white fabric without damaging the fiber structure.

To obtain a working solution, several components are diluted in 10 liters of warm water:

  • 2 tbsp. l. washing powder;
  • 2 tbsp. l. peroxides;
  • 8 tbsp. l. table salt.


  1. Soak clothes for 4-5 hours in a peroxide-based solution.
  2. After the allotted time has passed, rinse the product and wash as usual.

Important! When performing a machine wash, hydrogen peroxide is first diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2, and then poured into the dosing compartment along with liquid detergent.


Acetylsalicylic acid effectively removes stains from white clothes. To do this, 2 tablets of the drug are crushed to a powder and pour 1 tbsp. l. water.

The resulting slurry is carefully rubbed into pre-soaked clothing and left for 5-6 hours. After this time, remove the remaining aspirin, wash and rinse the product.

Sodium thiosulfate

Using sodium thiosulfate, you can even get rid of old, clearly visible yellow stains.
The use of this product is quite acceptable for cleaning white silk items. Sequencing:

  1. Dissolve 1 ampoule of sodium thiosulfate in 200 ml of water.
  2. Moisten a sponge or cotton sponge in the resulting solution, and then carefully rub the stained areas of clothing.
  3. After a break of 30 minutes, thoroughly rinse the product in slightly warm water.

Mustard powder

Due to its absorbent properties, mustard effectively dissolves and binds fat. The process of removing yellow stains from white products includes several manipulations:

  1. Dissolve mustard powder in hot water in a proportion of 5 tbsp. l./5 l.
  2. Leave for 2-3 hours and then strain with gauze.
  3. Soak clothes in a filtered solution and then rinse thoroughly.


Treating yellow stains with alcohol will eliminate them after one or two such procedures. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Dilute alcohol with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Soak a sponge in alcohol and gently rub the problem areas, working from the edge to the center.
  3. Leave the product for 30 minutes.
  4. Wash with an extra rinse.

Important! When washing clothes treated with alcohol, use water with a temperature no higher than 30 °C.

To get rid of yellow spots, you can use dry alcohol. In this case, the cleaning procedure will consist of several stages:

  1. Grind up an alcohol tablet and pour it over the pre-moistened stain.
  2. Leave for 30 minutes, then wash the product and rinse thoroughly.

Do you trust folk recipes?
Not really

We use table salt

Table salt is an excellent bleaching agent.
Good results can be achieved using regular table salt. To prepare the solution you need:

  • 10 liters of hot water;
  • 2 cups salt;
  • 70 ml of ammonia;
  • 400 ml hydrogen peroxide.

It is necessary to keep things in such a solution until the desired result is obtained. As soon as you see the result, rinse and dry the products.

Top 3 household chemicals

In the fight against yellow spots, industrial preparations have proven themselves well: professional products and universal stain removers.

Attention! When using chemicals, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions.

HG for removing traces of sweat and deodorant from things

The drug created by a Dutch company is available in a small bottle (250 ml) equipped with a sprayer. HG is intended for both white and colored fabrics and involves treating stains before the main wash. The product has proven to be quite effective in removing fresh traces of sweat.

Important! HG must not be used for processing wool and silk products.

Vanish stain remover and brightener crystal white

Thanks to Vanish's wide range, finding the right stain remover won't be difficult. Specialized stain remover and bleach Vanish Oxi Action Crystal White helps get rid of stains of various origins and maintain the shining whiteness of light-colored fabrics.

The product contains bleaching components suitable for cleaning wool, silk and other types of products that require delicate treatment. The absence of chlorine in liquid Vanish Crystal White makes it safe for the fiber structure. The product allows you to achieve good results even at low temperatures.

Advice! To remove old stains from white clothes, you will need several treatments.

Find out how to clean a sofa at home without streaks using Vanish.

FinCleanRu Professional professional stain remover

FinCleanRu Professional is an oxygen-containing bleach, which contains oxygen-based components:

  • bleaches;
  • cleaning elements;
  • stain remover;
  • glucosides;
  • plant enzymes.

FinCleanRu Professional effectively removes plant stains, as well as traces of sweat and dirt. The product can be used separately or simultaneously with washing powder.

What doesn't help remove stains from white clothes?

Among the products that are used to remove yellow stains from white fabric, you will not find bleach containing chlorine. It acts in the opposite way: by reacting with organic components, it develops marks and makes them more noticeable.

When dealing with yellow stains on white clothes, it is not recommended to use hot water, as it makes the stain even more persistent. Wash off yellowing stains in water at room temperature.

Features of removal from various fabrics

The choice of anti-yellow stain product depends on the type of fabric for which it is intended. Information on the composition of each industrial drug and recommendations for its use can be found on the manufacturer’s label. Before using improvised means, it is important to familiarize yourself with the advice of experienced housewives.


Ammonia is good for cleaning synthetic products. After treating problem areas with the drug, the item is put aside for 30-40 minutes. Then wash in warm water with diluted soap shavings.

The following methods are no less effective:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide solution - has an instant whitening effect. Sequence of actions: treat the problem area with peroxide, leave for 20 minutes, then wash.
  2. Aspirin - tablets are crushed to form a powder and sprinkled on an area of ​​​​cloth previously moistened with water. After 3 hours, the product is washed by hand or machine.

Important! Aspirin shows excellent results in eliminating sweat marks.


To remove stains from white fur products, bulk absorbents are recommended: semolina, potato starch, etc. Using these products will quickly return white fur to its original appearance.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Apply absorbent powder to the contaminated area.
  2. Moisten with a spray bottle.
  3. Treat the fur with a comb, removing any remaining absorbent along with particles of dirt.


Due to their high susceptibility to mechanical and chemical influences, silk fabrics require delicate processing. Most drugs cannot be used on them.

However, there are two methods that are optimal for this delicate tissue:

  1. Apply 1 tsp to the problem area. washing powder and leave for 30 minutes. Then hand wash the product using white soap. Finally, machine wash using a special cycle for delicate fabrics.
  2. Dilute vodka and water in equal parts. Soak the contaminated area in the solution and leave for 2-4 hours. After the allotted time has passed, wash the clothes as usual.


The most suitable method for removing yellow stains from wool products is as follows:

  1. Grate a bar of laundry soap.
  2. Mix soap shavings with a small amount of water.
  3. Apply the working solution to the stained area and set the product aside for 3 hours.
  4. Rinse off the soap solution under running water and wash as usual.

Alternatively, to remove yellow stains from wool fabrics, you can use dishwashing gel or a mixture of three components:

  • glycerin – 20 g;
  • ammonia - 20 g;
  • water (slightly warmed) – 200 ml.


Any method of dealing with yellow stains is suitable for cotton products - from boiling to treating with turpentine. The following options are considered the most optimal:

  1. Prepare a solution from 1 tsp. alcohol, 1 tsp. salt and 200 ml water. Dampen a sponge in it and gently rub the yellow stains. After 30 minutes, wash the product by hand or in the washing machine.
  2. Pour water into a large container and add 3 tbsp. l. soap shavings. Place the pan over low heat and simmer until the soap is completely dissolved. Dip cotton items into the hot soapy solution and boil for 30 minutes. At the final stage, rinse items repeatedly in cool water.

Important! To remove old contaminants that have become embedded in the structure of the fibers, the duration of boiling should be at least 2 hours.


The following method will help you quickly get rid of yellow stains on linen fabrics:

  1. Dilute in 1 tbsp. warm water 1 tsp. salt and the same amount of ammonia.
  2. Moisten the dirty area generously with the resulting solution and set the item aside for 3 hours.
  3. Wash linen clothes using the traditional method.


Due to the sufficient density of denim fabric, you can use a variety of recipes for cleaning it. Treatment with the following compounds effectively eliminates yellow spots:

  • lemon juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2;
  • soda and water (1:3);
  • aspirin and water (4 tablets/few drops).

A solution made from vinegar and hydrogen peroxide is often used to clean denim. Procedure:

  1. Mix hydrogen peroxide and vinegar in equal parts.
  2. Carefully apply the resulting solution to the stain.
  3. Leave for several hours (depending on the complexity of the stain).
  4. Wash denim items as usual.
  5. Dry.

The nuances of removing different types of traces

One of the criteria that must be taken into account when choosing a method for cleaning white fabric is the nature of the stain.

From sweat

As a result of the secretion of sweat glands in the armpits, persistent yellow stains are formed that cannot be removed during normal washing. This type of stain is resistant not only to detergents, but also to many stain removers.

Attention! Treating sweat stains with aggressive chemicals can destroy the fiber structure of fabrics.

However, there are a number of ways to get rid of such contaminants. The most effective of them are the following:

  1. Treatment with laundry soap (72%) - problem areas previously soaked in water are soaped and left in this position for about 1 hour. Then the entire product is immersed in warm water for 1.5 hours, after which it is washed.
  2. Cleaning with dishwashing detergent - apply the gel generously to dirty areas, gently rub into the fabric and leave for 1 hour so that it can be fully absorbed. Then the product is washed.
  3. The use of stain removers (such as Vanish, Antipyatin, etc.) - in this case, preference is given to preparations intended for treating white fabrics. When using them, strictly adhere to the manufacturer's instructions.
  4. Cleaning with citric acid dissolved in water (150 g/1 l). The resulting solution is heated to 70 °C and the soiled items are immersed in it for 15 minutes. Then the clothes are washed as usual.

You can use a slice of fresh lemon as a substitute for citric acid. The stain rubbed with its cut is left for 20 minutes, after which the item is washed entirely. To remove sweat stains from too thin fabrics, be sure to add 4 tbsp to the citric acid solution. l. soda

Important! If none of the methods brings the desired result, it is recommended to resort to bleach, first diluting it with water.

Have you ever removed yellow sweat stains from clothes?

Not really

From the iron

Failure to comply with ironing technology and the wrong mode chosen cause scorch marks and yellow spots to appear. Eliminating this problem is quite difficult, especially if it concerns white fabric.

However, there are several methods that allow you to return the product to its original appearance:

  1. Wet fresh iron marks with warm water and then rub with a bar of laundry soap. After 30 minutes, rinse the product and wash by hand.
  2. Moisten minor stains with warm water and cover with a layer of fine salt. After the fabric has completely dried, remove any remaining salt and clean the problem area with a soft brush.
  3. To remove pronounced yellow spots and tan marks, use a solution of “Belizna” or bleach. Dissolve 1 tsp in 250 ml of warm water. using one of the products, treat the damaged areas of the fabric, rinse thoroughly and wash the clothes.
  4. Mix ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in a 1:1 ratio. Using a sponge or cotton pad, apply the solution to the problem area and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse the product well, rub with laundry soap, set aside for another 30 minutes, then wash in cold water. This method is recommended for processing linen and cotton fabrics.
  5. Moisten the scorch with warm water, sprinkle with salt, and then pour plenty of lemon juice. After waiting for the fabric to dry, wash the product by hand, using a brush in this process.

Boric acid will help get rid of yellow stains on items made of light-colored suiting fabric. After treating the scorch mark with this substance, put the item aside for 10 minutes and then wash it in warm water.

The following method will help restore the original appearance of silk fabric:

  1. Dissolve baking soda in water.
  2. Apply the paste-like mixture to the iron marks and wait until it dries completely.
  3. Remove any remaining soda using a sponge.

Each procedure must be repeated until the spots disappear completely.

After washing

There are several factors that contribute to the appearance of yellow spots on fabric after washing:

  • excessive amount of powder;
  • improper use of bleach;
  • The water is too hard or its temperature is too high.

Several proven methods will help fix this problem:

  1. Perform a second wash by adding oxygen bleach to the detergent dispenser. This method is recommended when the stains are caused by washing in too hot water.
  2. Dilute 2 tbsp in 250 ml water. l. hydrogen peroxide and treat yellow spots with the resulting solution. After 15 minutes, wash the clothes again.
  3. Moisten the yellow stains with vinegar and then rub with a bar of laundry soap. After 20 minutes, wash the clothes as usual.

After long-term storage

In many cases, yellow spots appear on items that have been stored in a closet for a long time. To eliminate this problem, boiling it in a solution prepared on the basis of soda helps.

For this purpose, you need to do several manipulations:

  1. Pour hot water into a container and dissolve a few tablespoons of soda in it.
  2. Place white clothes with stains into the soda solution.
  3. Place over low heat and bring to a boil.
  4. Cook for 30 minutes.
  5. At the final stage, wash as usual.

How to properly dry a cap

In the process of drying a cap, you should know one important rule: the whole process must be natural, without special electric dryers, batteries, radiators, etc.

Important! After completing the washing procedure, the baseball cap should not be wrung out or twisted. To remove excess moisture from an item, it must be wrapped in a terry or waffle towel.

To prevent the cap from becoming deformed after wet processing, it must be put on an object that is suitable in size and configuration. You can use a saucepan, a glass jar, or a ball. The item should be left in this form until it dries completely.

To wash a cap with a straight visor, place it under a stack of books after washing. This will be an additional guarantee that it will not curl during the drying process and will retain the required shape.

Is it possible to paint over stains on fabric and how to do it?

If yellow spots cannot be removed by all of the above methods, then they are painted over. The shade of light, plain clothes can not only be refreshed, but also completely changed by resorting to industrial dyes.

Only products made from natural fabrics are recommended for dyeing, since the effect of dyes on synthetic materials can be unpredictable.

Modern manufacturers offer several forms of fabric paints: pastes, powders, granules. When choosing them, it is important to consider not only the color, but also the type of fabric of the clothing. Sequence of staining:

  1. Pre-wash the product.
  2. Buy dye of the desired color.
  3. Dilute the paint, strictly following the manufacturer's instructions.
  4. In the absence of the opportunity to use distilled water, it is necessary to soften tap water by adding table salt (1 teaspoon per 10 liters).

Advice! When dyeing woolen fabrics, acid dyes are used, and in addition to salt, vinegar is added to the water. To consolidate the result of dyeing silk fabrics, rinse with vinegar diluted in water.

Prevention of yellow spots

The appearance of yellow spots is caused by many factors. Timely prevention will help prevent this problem.

The right washing machine

One of the reasons for the appearance of yellow spots is the use of a faulty washing machine. Failure may include damage to the seals, contamination of the cuff, drain system and various compartments, clogged filters, rust formation on the drums, development of fungal microorganisms, etc.

To prevent yellowing of clothes as a result of washing, it is necessary to regularly clean the washing machine, check the serviceability of this equipment and follow the rules for its operation.

This article will tell you which washing machine is better - Bosch or Samsung, LG or Samsung - this one.

The right washing powder

Yellow stains often appear due to poor quality detergent or due to its excess. Also, a similar problem can occur when using expired washing powder.

To prevent it, you need to carefully choose household chemicals and not try to save on cheap options.

Proper washing

To avoid the appearance of yellow streaks, do not load a large number of items into the drum, exceeding the recommended loading weight of the washing machine.

Important! There should always be free space in the washing machine drum, otherwise detergent or conditioner that is stuck in the folds of clothes will be difficult to rinse out, which will cause stains.

Following a few more rules will help preserve the original whiteness of the products:

  1. Give preference to the washing mode with an additional rinse.
  2. Avoid overdosing on washing powder and bleach.
  3. Wring washed clothes thoroughly before drying.

During the ironing process, the iron setting must match the type of fabric.

Water softening

Increased water hardness causes soap deposits to form. To avoid this problem, it is recommended to use special water softeners.

Calgon 2 in 1 is well suited for washing in a washing machine. Alternatively, you can purchase powders that contain softeners, for example “Ariel”, “Persil”.

Proper drying

You can dry washed clothes both indoors and outdoors. In order for the drying procedure to proceed quickly, you must adhere to a number of recommendations:

  • hang things carefully, avoiding the formation of deep folds and creases;
  • when drying indoors, ensure high-quality air circulation;
  • Do not hang clothes outside in damp and windless weather.

Items washed by hand must be hung carefully to drain water. Pay special attention to products made of dense fabrics that complicate spinning. After this, the products need to be laid out on a dry natural fabric that can additionally draw out moisture.

Important! When hanging things for final drying, it is necessary to maintain a sufficient interval between them.

Storing washed items

Storing white items in a closet for a long time can cause them to turn yellow. Proper preparation for storage, which includes several measures, will help prevent this:

  • wash;
  • thorough drying;
  • ironing;
  • packaging in special bags or cases.

Compliance with all recommendations will allow you to preserve the original appearance of snow-white clothing for a long time.

Is it possible to wash the cap?

Most modern models of caps suggest the possibility of cleaning them using an automatic washing machine or manually. However, before starting this process, you should study the baseball cap, the composition of its frame, and also carefully read the information presented on the product label.

Advice! This accessory is not recommended to be washed too often, since baseball caps “don’t like” water. If there is only minor contamination on the cap in terms of volume and nature, then the best option in this case is to treat the specific stain.

It is not recommended to machine wash baseball caps in the following cases:

  • when the frame of the cap (its visor) is made of cardboard or other material that is not resistant to water, since this will lead to deformation of the appearance of this element of the wardrobe and complete unsuitability for wear;
  • when the cap has a complex design made from materials of various origins (rhinestones, beads, beads, sequins), such decorative elements may be damaged as a result of mechanical cleaning of the product, and, ultimately, it will also be damaged.

In other cases, a fabric baseball cap can be safely sent to the washing machine or hand washed without fear of damaging its shape and ruining its appearance. The main thing in this case is to follow all recommendations.

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