How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony: 3 effective methods

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These unpretentious birds are often called “flying rats.” They coexist with humans - they have mastered the urban environment, causing damage to farms and grain elevators. Knowing how to scare away pigeons will help you avoid many problems. Coping with an invasion is not so easy. To solve the problem, chemical repellent gels, mesh, spikes and other means are used.

Why you need to get rid of pigeons

Why get rid of pigeons on the windowsill? These cute birds live next to humans, coo quietly to themselves, and do not require special care. However, harmless creatures only seem so. The main harm to humans comes from pigeon droppings.

Few people would like bird excrement on a clean windowsill or landscaped balcony. But the reason is not only unaesthetic:

  1. Uric acid in feces corrodes paint and finishing of buildings. The presence of pigeons can cost a pretty penny: there will be additional costs for restoration.
  2. Sooner or later, all the things on the balcony will be covered in droppings.
  3. Bird tracks are dangerous for human health: they are a favorable environment for bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasitic organisms.
  4. Pigeons are known carriers of diseases, including psittacosis, torulosis, histoplasmosis, and encephalitis.
  5. There are insolent individuals who penetrate directly into apartments through open windows and balconies, fly into the kitchen and rule there, spoiling food. Even the presence of people does not stop them.

If you love birds and feed them, try to handle dirty surfaces carefully so as not to pick up an infection. But even if the birds don’t bother you, be prepared to meet the bewilderment of your neighbors. Country houses and dachas are more suitable for breeding pigeons, rather than city high-rise buildings. Birds, quite obviously, will shit on neighbors’ balconies.

The fight against pigeons is based on scaring them away and creating unfavorable conditions. Don't worry about the birds that you will drive away from their homes. Pigeons take root everywhere; they can easily find a new home.

This is interesting: The main species of birds of prey in Russia: this is educational

Sharp noise, bright objects - festive measures to discourage birds

To drive away pigeons landing on a balcony or roof, you can take the initiative into your own hands rather than setting traps. For example, the explosion of a firecracker or New Year's cracker will permanently discourage birds from approaching the place where they were frightened. But this is a short-term measure and only against a certain flock or several individuals. After some time, other, unafraid birds may appear.

It should be borne in mind that such measures are appropriate in a private house with a large territory, where noise will not disturb the neighbors. In an apartment, this method can lead to complaints. A quieter way would be balloons with eyes drawn on them. Swinging and spinning in the wind, they will create confusion in a flock of pigeons and help scare away the birds for a long time.

How and with what can you scare away?

Often, in order to get rid of birds, people resort to all available methods, including those that harm the birds. There are many effective and, at the same time, humane options that allow you not to go to extreme measures. As a rule, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result the first time.

It is best to start fighting pigeons with the simplest methods, gradually moving further if one or another of them does not work.

How to get rid of glare?

  1. Hang foil cut into small strips around the perimeter of the balcony. When the material flutters in the wind, it will create unpleasant sounds and glare.
  2. Place foil on the balcony windows so that its reflective side “looks” onto the street.
  3. Hang unnecessary CDs (5-7 pieces) in several places, ensuring they rotate freely. The light emanating from these objects will scare away pigeons.
  4. Attach foil-based insulation to the balcony wall, which perfectly reflects light.
  5. Tie glitter balloons to the railing.
  6. Install glass or a mirror on the balcony in a place where light is reflected during the day.

Attention! Balloons, disks and foil have the greatest effect, since even a slight wind helps create glare on them. In addition, you can drive away pigeons from the balcony and from the roof canopy using a laser pointer

In addition, you can drive away pigeons from the balcony and from the roof canopy using a laser pointer.

How to get rid of it using water?

One of the reasons why pigeons hide on balconies is because their feathers are wet, which creates difficulties during flight. Therefore, you can get rid of birds by thoroughly wetting the balcony several times. Children's water pistols, as well as plastic bottles with holes made in the lid, are well suited for this purpose.

Alternatively, you can use a hose equipped with an automatic sprinkler. In the summer, it should be stretched from the balcony to the water tap and the system should be started at the right time. This operation must be performed repeatedly until the birds understand that a particular place has become unsuitable for them. The disadvantage of this method is the need to periodically monitor the appearance of birds.

How to expel with sound?

Pigeons are afraid of sharp and loud sounds, and also do not like rustling. This can be used to combat birds, for example:

  1. Hang film from old tape cassettes, bags and foil on the balcony; these objects will scare away birds with their rustling sound.
  2. When birds appear on the railing, use a whistle, football fans' pipes, or play loud music.
  3. Purchase a bioacoustic device that reproduces the sounds made by birds of prey.
  4. Hang tin cans filled with small stones. The birds will not like their noise.
  5. Periodically throw firecrackers onto the balcony.

Reference. When using loud sounds, it should be taken into account that they must be emitted constantly, frightening birds flying up to the balcony. In this regard, such a method will cause inconvenience to neighbors.

How to fight by building barriers?

In the fight against pigeons, physical barriers are effective, creating an obstacle for the birds. Typically the following devices are used for this:

  1. Polymer mesh covering all free space. This option has an affordable price and does not interfere with the penetration of light into the room. At the same time, birds will no longer be able to get onto the balcony.
  2. A long stretch made of flexible material and equipped with spikes. Securing it to the railing will prevent pigeons from landing on it.
  3. A thin rope or line stretched taut over all surfaces where pigeons usually land. Such a solution will create an obstacle when landing, and the birds will be forced to look for other places.

Surfaces on which birds land should be lubricated with Vaseline or a similar substance. Since the pigeons' feet will constantly slip, they will fly to another place.

How to drive away using odors?

Pigeons do not tolerate strong odors, so spices scattered on the balcony will be an excellent solution in the fight against a flock invasion. Suitable for this purpose:

  • cinnamon;
  • pepper (hot or allspice);
  • cloves, etc.

Important! The seasoning does not pose a risk to human health, but it repels birds well. Seasoning can be successfully replaced with mothballs

Elimination of nests

Any empty nests found should be discarded.

Next, we consider what to do if the birds have built a fresh nest and are expecting offspring.

If a nest with clutches appears on the balcony, then the eggs should be replaced with white balls or pieces of chalk. Without waiting for the chicks, the birds will leave the balcony.

Ways to deal with pigeons on the balcony

If birds periodically fly onto the balcony, it is enough to simply scare them away. Pigeons are afraid of sharp sounds, moving objects, and sunlight. Get a pet (cat, dog): birds are unlikely to like such a roommate.

How to evict birds from the balcony:

  1. The simplest remedy is to install a mosquito net and do not open windows without it. The catcher will protect against insects and birds. Unfortunately, a mesh will not save you from an iron window sill.
  2. Foil. Buy it at the store and cut it into strips. Hang them around the entire perimeter of the balcony or window sill. The foil will rustle and give off glare, this will help repel pigeons.
  3. Old CDs. Look in your pantry for old CDs and DVDs or buy new ones, they are inexpensive. Place on the outside and inside of the balcony. You can build something similar to a New Year's garland; there are master classes on the Internet that will help you assemble beautiful decorations from flexible disks. The glare will scare the birds and decorate the balcony.
  4. The sound will drive away the birds. If the birds have settled on the balcony, bring the radio to it and turn it on at full power. The pigeons will immediately fly away. Heavy music also acts as a repellent. But be prepared for complaints from neighbors.
  5. Let the cat out onto the balcony. If the animal is active enough, it will let the pigeons know who is boss. But even without an attempt on life, the birds will sense a potential predator and leave the balcony. An important point: if the apartment is located high, there is a risk that the animal will play and accidentally fall out of the window. Install a mesh that cannot be knocked out from the inside; when purchasing, check that the fibers are strong and resistant to claws.
  6. Give your winged parasites some water treatments: a couple of powerful jets from a hose will forever discourage them from settling on the balcony.
  7. Deceive the birds by scattering millet with cayenne (hot) pepper or dry mustard on the windowsill. The pigeons will be greatly disappointed and will no longer grace your balcony with their presence.
  8. Which is logical, if you don’t want to see birds near the horse, do not place or remove feeders and water containers. Let the birds know that this is not a canteen.
  9. Spices can be sprinkled on the places where pigeons land.
  10. Remove furniture and other objects so as not to provoke birds to build nests on the balcony.
  11. Collect several tin cans and hang them along the balcony. The wind will cause the containers to hit each other and make unpleasant sounds. It is clear that such noise will not please the ears of homeowners and their neighbors.
  12. A scarecrow is a good old way to drive away birds not only from the balcony, but also from the fields where crops grow. Make your own scarecrow. Take a soft toy with glass eyes and place it on the balcony. The eyes will sparkle, imitating the gaze of a predator. As an alternative, buy an artificial stuffed crow. Pigeons are not friends with these birds and will not settle nearby. A stuffed bird of prey (hawk, owl) would also work. One condition: the scarecrow must be more than 0.5 m in height, otherwise the pigeons will not perceive it as a threat.
  13. Install an automatic air freshener with a strong scent, such as citrus. Birds will forget the way to such a place.
  14. To prevent birds from settling on roofs or entering the attic, install a weather vane that will make noise and shine, thereby frightening them.

A mild measure of influence - deterrents

To prevent pigeons from flying up to the windows and settling on the balcony, it is enough to scare them away for a certain time, and the birds will consider that they have chosen a place that is not safe enough. If the house is located in a windy area, the simplest solution is homemade propellers made of bright glossy film. As they rotate, they emit a peculiar crackling and humming sound. You just need to secure a few on the balcony railing or window sill.

Another option in case there is little air movement is a tape from a tape cassette. Tied in short lengths to a stretched twine or clothesline, or twisted in bundles and secured to a driven nail, narrow strips of film rustle quite loudly, and even sway even in a weak wind. Pigeons usually don’t like this kind of proximity and prefer to stay away. Foil strips give the best effect, but they are short-lived.

The best solution is considered to be broken, unreadable DVD discs, which sparkle in the sun and rotate in the wind, and if you hang several nearby, they also make loud noises. Such pendants will last quite a long time; they can scare away birds for several years without losing much of their properties, especially if you periodically wipe the glossy side from dust.

To scare away pigeons, you can hang a “wind chime” from Feng Shui talismans on the balcony; ringing, swinging slats or tubes can become a source of sounds that are unpleasant for birds.

Other ways to repel pigeons

Fans of all kinds of gadgets can try special industrial bird repellers. They are divided into:

  • Bioacoustic. The devices can operate in manual and automatic mode, which is very convenient for those who spend the whole day at work. Repellers simulate sound vibrations similar to the sounds of birds of prey: eagles, falcons, hawks. A slightly different type of such device is called a “thunder gun”; it imitates the sound of a pistol shot. It's not loud enough to scare the neighbors, but it will definitely scare away the birds. Similar devices equipped with solar panels can even be found in ports and piers to scare away seagulls.
  • Ultrasonic. These latest model devices are equipped with infrared sensors to detect approaching birds. They operate on the principle of creating ultra-high frequency sound, which the human ear cannot perceive, but is unbearable for birds and rodents.
  • Laser. Such repellers generate a laser beam of the green spectrum, which moves within the home according to a program specified by the electronics. How to scare away pigeons from the balcony with this gadget? All settings have already been configured; the owner will only have to install the device in the desired location and turn it on. Bright colored flashes indoors will frighten the birds outside the window and they will definitely fly away.

Drastic actions

If, after vain attempts to ward off the birds, you still fail, proceed to drastic actions.

Use a baited trap

Roll a strong thread into a kind of lasso (make a loop at the end) and place the ring at the landing site of the birds, pouring bait - grain, crumbs - over the surface. Hold the other end of the thread with your hand. Wait for the pigeon to fly in and settle on the surface with the thread ring. When the bird steps its paw into the lasso, jerk sharply, tightening the paw in a loop. Release the pigeon away from the house so that other birds do not see it. Practice shows that, having caught several pigeons in this way, you will forever discourage them from the balcony.

Nest busting

If you find pigeon nests on your balcony, do not delay in destroying them. By getting rid of nests 3-4 times in a row in this way, you will ensure yourself a clean balcony without uninvited guests.

Egg switching

If the pigeons in the nests have already laid eggs, replace them with something similar. These can be pieces of chalk or even ordinary chicken eggs. Having discovered a substitution in the nest, the pigeon will fly away from the balcony forever.

Using special devices

To scare away birds, you can use not only homemade, but also specialized ultrasonic, bioacoustic or laser devices. An undoubted advantage of the purchase is its durability. Next time you won't have to come up with a new way to deal with annoying birds.

Ultrasonic devices

The device that emits ultrasonic waves is harmless to humans and extremely unpleasant to birds. By installing such a device on the balcony, you will get rid of uninvited pests forever. Such a purchase will cost approximately 2000 rubles.

Bioacoustic devices

A device that emits both ultrasonic waves and sounds that imitate the calls of birds of prey. The device is configured in automatic and manual modes. You can buy a bioacoustic device for about 2,500 rubles.

Laser devices

One of the most reliable options for scaring away pigeons is intended for loggias and balconies. Place it in the place where the pigeons gather. The programmed movement of the laser beam will repel pigeons by constantly moving across the surface. A significant drawback is the cost of the device. For a laser device for scaring birds you will have to pay from 40,000 rubles.

Ways to fight

Residents of the upper floors know that the constant noise made by their feathered neighbors can torment even the most patient person. When small birds colonize an attic space, a large amount of droppings, feathers, dust and debris accumulate, making it almost impossible to enter there.

In addition, the danger of contracting a dangerous disease exists even when inhaling dust particles that contain microparticles of pigeon droppings. Bird control measures are divided into the following types:

  • Warning. These measures involve a set of actions aimed at making the roof structure unattractive to birds. To do this, when designing a structure, it is necessary to avoid protrusions or niches that could become a convenient place for nesting.
  • Repellent. These measures are aimed at creating conditions that will scare birds away from human homes. To make the roof of a house unattractive to birds, sound or light effects and anti-landing devices are used that make it difficult to land on the roof slopes.
  • Fighter. These measures include the destruction of birds and their nests by physical or chemical methods. They are the most inhumane and cruel method of getting rid of birds, so they are used extremely rarely.

Important! When deciding how to get rid of pigeons on the roof of a balcony, you need to familiarize yourself with the Law “On Environmental Protection”, which states that the destruction of birds and their nests in their natural habitat is an administrative offense. Although pigeons and sparrows are not listed in the Red Book, they are also part of our ecosystem, so it is necessary to make their eviction from the roof as humane as possible

Preventive measures

In order not to encounter a problem the first and subsequent times, for preventive purposes, follow the recommendations:

  • Always keep your balcony clean. Try to clean your balcony at least occasionally, throwing out trash. Place things that you don't think need to be thrown away in a bag.
  • Do not store food on the loggia. Any food will attract a hungry pigeon.
  • Sometimes it happens that pigeons are brave, but on the neighbor’s balcony people feed the birds. Talk to your neighbors and ask them to feed the birds elsewhere.
  • Get a cat. Predatory instincts will force the cat to constantly hunt for pigeons, which will scare away uninvited guests.

Here are more or less humane methods of controlling feathered pests. First of all, use them without harming the birds. Use more cruel methods - poisoning, physical violence - only in very difficult situations.

What to poison

Since pigeons are constantly fed and pitied, so many of them have bred that dangerous diseases have begun to spread among people, and bird populations have to be controlled.


The heavy metal gradually accumulates in the body, and the pigeons do not die immediately. To get rid of birds rummaging in garbage pits, lead is mixed with grain or poured into water.

Wood sawdust

Silver metal is also dangerous for humans. In order not to use protective equipment when preparing poison for pigeons, sawdust is added to the feed, which swells in the bird’s crop.

Potassium permanganate solution

At home, a spoonful of potassium permanganate crystals is stirred in half a glass of water. A dark purple liquid is added to the food; the pigeon dies very quickly from such a treat.


The veterinary pharmacy sells a drug that kills insects that bother cows. The instructions tell you how to prepare poison for pigeons from Diazinon.


Chemicals used to disinfect premises and kill germs serve as poison for birds in large doses.


If you feed pigeons by mixing grain with so much sodium chloride, their organs stop working and the birds quickly die. Just a few crystals of table salt added to food pose a mortal danger to pigeons.


Organophosphorus compounds, which are used to control weeds, cause hormonal changes in birds, which leads to their death.

Poisonous gases

Pigeons that live in ventilation can become poisoned if there is a malfunction in the heating system of the house. Birds lose their appetite and suffer from convulsions after inhaling carbon monoxide. Even a small dose causes death in birds.


Pigeon excrement contains harmful microorganisms that cause serious pathologies in humans.


When viruses carried by birds are activated, the patient becomes weak, the face and neck become numb, the temperature rises to 40, and the brain becomes inflamed. Encephalitis leads to severe complications:

  • vision decreases;
  • hearing deteriorates;
  • the psyche is disturbed.

The pathology takes a long time and is poorly treated. Its pathogen can be found not only in the droppings, but also in the feathers of pigeons.


Birds are affected by a viral infection, which is transmitted to humans by inhaling particles of fluff or through contact with birds. Chlamydia is present in pigeon feces and beak secretions. Signs of ornithosis appear after a day or 2 with malaise, fever, and dry throat. After a while, a cough occurs, chest pain appears, and the nervous system suffers.


Fungal spores that multiply in damp soil, having entered the soil from pigeon droppings, are carried by the wind and, having penetrated the human respiratory tract, germinate inside the lung tissue. When the immune system is weakened, histoplasmosis affects internal organs and skin:

  1. The body becomes covered with boils and ulcers.
  2. The liver and lymph nodes are enlarged.
  3. A cough with blood appears.
  4. Pus is released with sputum.

The disease is dangerous for patients with low immunity. Long-term exposure is fraught with peritonitis, tuberculosis, encephalopathy, and the development of heart failure.


Contact with pigeons can cause infection with a yeast fungus that affects the skin, lungs, and mucous membranes. The causative agent of a serious disease is found in bird droppings and enters the human body by inhaling air infected with fungi. When the immune system is weakened, torulosis affects the nervous system, which leads to an increase in temperature, impaired consciousness, convulsions and even coma.


City pigeons carry pathogens of intestinal infection, accompanied by fever, diarrhea, and dehydration. The disease has different forms; in the absence of timely treatment, it causes complications in the form of kidney failure, damage to the brain, joints, and a sharp decrease in blood levels.


With the feces of street pigeons, intracellular microbes are sent to the external environment, from where they enter the human body and move through the bloodstream to the lymph nodes. Toxoplasmosis affects:

  • liver;
  • spleen;
  • heart;
  • muscles.

The disease is very dangerous for women carrying a baby. The infection is fraught with miscarriage, stillbirth, and infection of the fetus.


Fungi that enter the external environment with bird feces are transmitted to humans by inhaling air and begin to multiply, affecting the respiratory tract. Typically, patients with cryptococcosis end in recovery, but with immunodeficiency, the lungs, kidneys, and meninges suffer.


Intracellular parasites that enter the body along with greens and berries grown on the ground with bird feces cause listeriosis in children and adults with weakened immune systems. The disease does not make itself felt immediately, but after many days, it affects the lymph nodes and the conjunctival membrane of the eyes.

Newcastle disease

The infection that kills pigeons is transmitted to humans through the conjunctiva and manifests itself as a runny nose and swelling of the lymph nodes. Only pigeons die from the disease.


Infection with mycobacteria is transmitted through fluff and water that contains bird feces. The pathogen travels through the respiratory tract to the lungs and affects the lymphatic system. Signs of the disease are similar to those of tuberculosis.

Food spoilage

Pigeons peck not only grain, but also whatever comes their way. When they fly onto a balcony or loggia, street birds pollute everything with droppings and make nests. Once in the apartment through an open window or window, the birds tear open bags of cereals, peck at bread, and spoil vegetables.

Comparison table of the best pigeon repellers

NameTypeHow to usePrice
Bird repellent gelChemical repellents“Liquid nails”, leave a strip on the eaves, roof2200 rub.
NetNetAs a barrier - fix it on the balcony, cover the beds, etc.220 rub.
Anti-landing spikesSpikesFor protecting fences and gates170 rub.
Fi-Shock EAC10A-FS Super 525 EnergizerElectric fenceAs a barrier in areas where birds are active~$29.99.
Orbit 62100 Yard Enforcer Motion Activated SprinklerWater repeller with motion sensorConnect to water and install on a personal plot, positioned opposite the protected object$45.30
Bird-X Liquid DeterrentChemical repellentsDilute with water and spray on open areas: lawns, roofs, lawns, etc.$91.48

Poison for pigeons: is it worth using?

The most radical way to combat pests is physical destruction. However, before acting, it is necessary to clarify two issues: legal and sanitary-hygienic. Although pigeons are not a protected species, check your state's laws. If there is no ban on killing pigeons, you need to decide how to do it safely.

It may be worth contacting a specialist service, as toxicants registered for pigeon control are only available to professionals. For example, the DRC-1339 tool may only be used by USDA APHIS-Wildlife Services employees or persons working under its supervision. Avitrol, one of the most effective pesticides, is also limited in use.

– In order to obtain approval for Avitrol, you must adequately describe in your application how you will protect “non-target” birds from accidental poisoning. Be prepared to scare away all such birds that come to feed, even if you scare away the pigeons along with them. Their protection is your responsibility. When using Avitrol or any similar products, special teams must be working to collect dead birds, explains William H. Kern of Florida State University.

When looking for poison for pigeons, we must not forget that domestic pets can also become innocent victims, so it is advisable to use toxicants only away from residential spaces - on economic or agricultural sites.

– The use of repellents and poisons as part of a bird control program requires great attention to detail. Follow all product instructions and don't skimp on them; doing so may be dangerous or unhelpful, warn Robert A. Pierce and Kevin McGrath of the University of Missouri.

New developments

This product is not yet available, but the idea itself certainly deserves attention. To easily change the angle of the eaves and make the area unsuitable for nesting, you can use a polycarbonate slope plate from BirdBarrier. The plate is sold in two colors (beige and gray). The base of the plate is glued or screwed to any “L”-shaped protrusion, like a cornice, beam or decorative element. The lack of a flat surface will force the birds to look for a new home.


If gentle methods to scare away birds do not work, and it is impossible to tolerate the dominance of pigeons, you have to use drastic methods and fight to destroy the enemy. Various poisonous baits and substances harmful to birds are used.

Important! Poisoning is the most extreme way to deal with birds. Especially if there are children in the house

It is better to use more humane means.


"Diazinon" is an insecticide that is sold in specialized stores. Poisonous bait for pigeons is made by treating grain with this product. Some time after eating the processed grain, the bird dies.

Corpses should be burned immediately to avoid poisoning pets.

Diazinon is safe for people, but you should work with it using personal protective equipment and avoid getting the substance on the skin or mucous membranes.


You can lime pigeons without poison - by mixing ordinary wood sawdust with grain. Once in the bird's crop, sawdust will swell under the influence of moisture and block the pigeon's esophagus. The food, not getting into the stomach, will begin to decompose, and the bird will die from starvation or poisoning by the resulting toxins.


Lead is a toxic metal, harmful to all living things; it accumulates in the body and is almost not excreted. This poison can also be used to poison pigeons.

All you have to do is add lead pellets to your bird's drinker or bird feed. Once in the body, the pellet will remain there and poison the animal. The product is convenient because it does not require any special expenses, it is easy to use, effective and affects birds en masse.

The corpses of birds should be burned immediately so that the poison does not reach the pets.

Did you know? Any antibiotics in high concentrations have a poisonous effect. An overdose of medical drugs can also get rid of pigeons.

Potassium permangantsovka

Potassium permanganate is harmless to humans, but pigeons die from it. A concentrated solution of potassium permanganate is a good way to remove birds from the balcony.

The solution is prepared at the rate of: 2 g of potassium permanganate per 1 kg of live weight of birds (added to food).

Find out how you can use potassium permanganate in the garden.


Highly salted food is poisonous for pigeons. This product does not work quickly, but it is easy to use and safe for humans and pets.

It is only necessary to regularly feed the birds grain, grass or any other bird food mixed with plenty of salt. The food must be moist so that the salt stays firmly in it.

How to most effectively scare a pigeon

The birds in question are very shy. Considering this feature, you can try to use it as a means of combating annoying birds. To scare them and temporarily drive them away from your territory, take ordinary foil and cut it into thin strips. Next, secure the resulting strips to a thread or clothesline. Pigeons are very afraid of objects that rustle and shimmer in the light, so for a while, foil will help you rid yourself of their presence.

Another fairly effective item of similar action that is worth mentioning is CDs. Having unnecessary or damaged disks available, you can build a bird repeller even faster. To do this, you just need to thread the rope into the existing hole, fix it a little and that’s it - a glowing and ringing device that can scare away unwanted guests, it’s ready!

It is worth noting that such methods may not be effective for as long as we would like. Pigeons may well get used to them and eventually stop reacting and being afraid. Therefore, you need to be patient and continue the fight.

Get a cat in the house

If the previous methods help you only for a short time and the birds get used to noise and other effects, try getting a cat at home
. Her natural instinct as a hunter will not allow her to leave the birds outside the window unattended. There is no need to open the windows at all. The cat will stand on its hind legs, walk along the window glass from the side of the room - and this alone is enough for the birds to forget the way to you.

Some bird experts claim that a stuffed crow will reliably repel pigeons.

. The method is not simple, but maybe it will suit you. In nature, crows are natural enemies of smaller urban birds. Be sure that the pigeons will perceive this stuffed animal as an enemy.

Alternative Methods

When none of the methods help, you have to resort to serious measures. They may seem very cruel to many, but a person must also protect his home, especially if it is damaged. Such actions include the following:

  • only a nest that has been made can be thrown from the balcony;
  • if the birds have already laid eggs, they are often replaced with dummies, for example, pebbles of the same diameter or pieces of other materials.

These methods of scaring away pigeons from the balcony are not the worst. Often people resort to using Diazinon. This is a special substance related to insecticides. After the pigeons eat the poisoned food, they will die. In this case, their relatives never fly to such places. Drugs such as Granozan, potassium permanganate, and nicotine sulfate can also be used.

The grain is treated with poison and poured into places where birds fly. Sawdust, which can swell in the stomach, can also be added to the food. The window sill is treated with nicotine sulfate. These methods will help keep pigeons away from the balcony forever.

Pigeons balcony what to do

A simple and effective METHOD OF PROTECTION FROM PIGEONS on the balcony

How to scare away pigeons - means and their use

The use of drugs is a very cruel method, so it is better to use more gentle ones, because pigeons are just birds, they are guided by the instinct of self-preservation and survival, so it is better to scare them away using simple methods. The most reliable way to permanently help get rid of birds on the roof of your house and in other places is to use sound devices. The sound is very unpleasant for the birds and they fly back.

Residents of the high-rise building are already accustomed to visits from birds and are trying to be gentle with them. It is possible to get rid of pigeons, as well as other birds, using modern methods, forgetting about the constant failures when using outdated ones.

Strong smells can help too

All animals have a fairly acute sense of smell. And they don’t like it when pungent odors interrupt information about the environment for a long time or when caustic substances clog their nostrils. Birds are no exception. With the help of ordinary mothballs laid out on the balcony, it is quite easy to wean pigeons from stopping there to rest or making nests. But it should be remembered that this substance is quickly exhaled in the open air.

Another option is to pour hot spices into the feeders mixed with grain. They will not cause long-term damage to the pigeons, but they will provide a few unpleasant hours. In such a place where unpleasant sensations await them, birds will not land for a long time. The disadvantage of this method is that the powdered spices are quickly blown away by the wind, and the need to replenish their supply, which will lead to additional costs.

Poison as a means of control is the worst option. Firstly, this is not humane, and secondly, the bird can die in a hard-to-reach place, and the smell of decomposition will poison the lives of the owners of the house and the people around them. As a last resort, you should use caustic gels mixed with feed, which, after tasting, will cause the birds to disgust the place where they were laid out.

How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony?

Some people try to drive away birds using all available methods, but not all of them are acceptable. The reason is elementary: it is humanity, without which people become “inhumans.” There is no need to go to extreme measures, since there are many other, completely humane, but effective methods. How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony quickly and effectively? You don’t have to immediately go looking for something in the store. You can get by with simple items that almost everyone has in their household.

Sounding and shiny repellers

Pigeons really do not like extraneous noise, shiny objects and reflective surfaces. You can try to play on these “weaknesses” of birds first.

Traditional options

Loud music is not the best option, since the neighbors are unlikely to be delighted with it either. However, a few other simple items will help.

Original methods

Some of them have not been “studied” enough and therefore require independent testing on birds.

  1. Large and bright balloons. They say that if you draw scary faces on them, they will greatly frighten the pigeons. However, this ingenious method requires testing on the balcony.
  2. A figurine or stuffed animal of the terrible enemy of pigeons. They become victims of “attacks” from crows, hawks, peregrine falcons, owls and eagle owls. On the ground, birds are watched by cats, raccoons and foxes.
  3. Any birds really dislike sharp, specific odors. One of the most unpleasant drugs for them is naphthalene. It is scattered on window sills and other surfaces.
  4. Velcro for flies or cockroaches. Fixed on the railings and other places on the balcony, pigeons will not like them: it will be difficult for them to tear their paws off the adhesive substance. This method is not recommended, as small, harmless birds can become hopelessly stuck in the composition.

There are a couple more options, but this requires active human participation. Pigeons really don't like laser pointers, which is why a similar beam is used at airports. A water pistol can also become a weapon against birds, however, the owners also need to be patient: the feathered enemies must learn that they will be doused constantly. This mission can be entrusted to children, but you will have to make sure that in the heat of the hunt they do not splash passers-by.

Pseudo-predator waiting on the balcony

Any peaceful birds are terribly afraid of their predatory counterparts

This caution gives the following answer to the question of how to get rid of pigeons on the balcony. You don’t have to catch a predator or look for a stuffed animal; it will be replaced by a rather large soft toy: for example, an owl

To further frighten the uninvited winged guests, her eyes are replaced with shiny buttons. Or foil balls. If birds from afar see such a frightening specimen looking at them with creepy eyes, they will not even reach the balcony, changing their trajectory in time.

Unbearable living conditions

Products, convenient places for landing and nesting - almost a “pigeon paradise”. To deprive birds of comfort, you need to take it away. To accomplish this task, all means are equally good, but an offensive “on all fronts” at once will give a faster result.

  1. The floor and all objects on the balcony are hidden under a thick film, which summer residents use to build small greenhouses.
  2. The film is not used, but all shelves, cabinets and nooks that are potential nesting sites are removed or covered.
  3. They make the parapet completely unsuitable for landing: all landing spots are lubricated with Vaseline and vegetable oil. This method is not humane.
  4. They “bristle” the balcony: they lay (fix) boards on absolutely all its surfaces with nails hammered on them, pointing upward.
  5. They prepare a “delicacy” - bread crumbs mixed with spices. Treats are scattered where pigeons like to land, where they are used to having “get-togethers.” Spices can be sprayed all over the balcony, but precipitation and wind make this protection short-lived.

Since their unpretentiousness and arrogance make these “symbols of peace” quite serious opponents, balcony owners will have to find the most effective combinations of methods on their own.


Our grandparents also asked the question of how to get rid of birds on their property. The garden scarecrow was made several centuries ago and is still considered an effective method in the fight against uninvited guests. If you do a little research and find out who visits your garden most often, it will be easier for you to build an effective repeller. For example, starlings really don’t like the color blue; if they are the ones who destroy your plantings, be sure to use this shade in the scarecrow’s clothes.

What else can you make a garden guard out of? Anything can be used: old pillows, cotton wool, unnecessary clothes and hats, tape, sticks, straw. Empty metal cans, mirrors and any other sources of shine and noise are especially useful - they are most effective. First you need to make a so-called skeleton: connect the sticks crosswise and wrap them securely with tape. A pillow or a straw bun is suitable for the head. You can put an old hat or other headdress on your head. All this should be put on a stick.

Wrap your body in rags or straw, put on old clothes. Your harvest guard is ready. But if it is motionless, it will not be very useful - sooner or later the pests will understand that this item is not dangerous. What to do? This is where old jars, mirrors and any objects that make sounds will come to the rescue. Hang all this on the model of a stick hand so that it flutters in the wind and scares thieves with its shine and sounds.

Experienced summer residents say that birds really don’t like their own kind.

You can sew or construct from unnecessary things a large bird with wings and, what is very important, with big eyes. They are the ones who will scare away thieves

To make such a scarecrow, glue two round pieces of foam or wrap an old pillow in foil, glue on big eyes, build wings and hang it at the very top above the trees.

No landing - hedgehogs and spiked tapes against birds

If all sorts of pendants and rustling ribbons can spoil the view of the balcony and windows from the street, you can create an inconspicuous, but very effective line of defense on the window sills and railings. There are special elastic tapes on sale with an adhesive back for reliable fixation on the surface, and sharp angular protrusions located tightly. The step between them is such that the bird has nowhere to put its paws and it will not sit down.

Another type of obstacle that will certainly interfere with the landing of pigeons is a flexible metal strip of individual links, each of which is equipped with long, up to 10 centimeters, pins. They are not sharpened and are not capable of inflicting wounds on birds, but they will not allow a flying feathered creature to land on the windowsill. They are attached with double-sided tape so that they can be dismantled quite easily.

You can not buy a device similar to the second option, but make it yourself. To do this, you will need a strip for attaching the cable or a profile guide on which direct ceiling hangers for plasterboard are mounted. They need to be bent into the working position, like the letter P. You should purchase enough to cover the entire length of the window, cornice or balcony railing, taking into account fasteners every 2 centimeters.

To prevent birds from flying directly onto the open balcony and sitting on the floor and clotheslines, you should tighten a net, not a synthetic mosquito net, but a metal one. It is advisable to choose a fine-mesh option, so that the birds have no chance of squeezing through after landing outside. If there are bars on the windows and balcony, the mesh can be fixed directly on top of the bars.

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