How to get rid of pigeons. My personal experience of expelling pigeons from the balcony and window sills

Bird repellents are useful devices that can scare away pigeons or crows from a property or other location by emitting sound signals. After reading this article, you will find out the TOP best pigeon repellers.
Ultrasonic repellers are especially popular among farmers and owners of summer cottages. Thus, people are trying to save their harvest from the uninvited presence of birds.

If you need such a device, then you first need to decide on a suitable model. Many people at this stage fall into a stupor because they know nothing about it, and there are a huge number of different models of these devices on sale. Based on all this, it becomes clear that it will be difficult for an unprepared person to make his choice and settle on a high-quality model, because there is no opportunity to test its work. For this reason, we created our rating of the best bird repellers.

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Pigeon foil

In fact, it is useless as a repeller; it can only protect your windowsill from droppings. The birds are not afraid of her, they even happily fly to see what kind of know-how there is.

You will spend time and effort covering the window sill with foil and tape, and then you will remove it. Because the foil breaks in the wind, rustles and lets sunbeams into the house. Useless thing.

According to the idea, the foil should scare the birds like a scarecrow. But this did not happen.

Laser repellent systems

The operation of the device is quite simple. The device disperses birds with light radiation. The design is not automated and therefore requires constant human intervention. Most often it is used to scare away birds from large areas such as airports, wheat fields, etc.

The product is good, but ineffective during the daytime. It is mainly used in places where it is not practical to use bioacoustic or ultrasonic repellers.

Stuffed animals and dummies of birds of prey

Many wrote that it helped them. Give it a try.

My pigeons were afraid for the first 30 minutes. Then they sat next to the plastic crow like good old friends.

It is necessary to place not just a figurine of a bird, but a predatory one (owl, crow, kite, eagle, etc.). Those who are afraid of pigeons.

How to get rid of pigeons

If you live in an apartment building, then pigeons can become not only your problem, but also a problem for the management company.

I know from my own experience that they disown this struggle in every possible way. But in theory we must:

  • Check attics and roof
  • Seal the holes with wire. Usually pigeons sit in the windows
  • Resolve the issue at the level of your territory, district

You can also involve the deputy corps of your district in expelling pigeons

In fact, the neighborhood of pigeons has long been a sore point in all cities. In Europe, they even install a net with needles on monuments to prevent birds from landing and, accordingly, from taking shit.

In our country, the struggle has not yet taken the form of war, although thousands of people suffer every day not only from their droppings on their windowsills, but also from hooting in the morning.

If more residents take a conscious position and write complaints and requests , then someday those in power will think about this problem.

Close the window sill

You can do this with special plastic convex covers. Or a bird fence.

Thinking of pigeons. Or why they fly so persistently to one place

They really get used to it pretty quickly. But they get used to it slowly.

If you chase them with a stick , a broom or something long, there will be an effect. Gradually the birds will understand that they are not welcome. Of course, this requires a lot of nerves, but such physical intimidation can have an effect: as soon as you see a pigeon on your territory, go out onto the balcony, open the window, puff and wave a stick. After dozens of such repetitions, the pigeons will already think whether to fly.

This method worked for me, but the pigeons moved higher, to the roof.

to the Housing Authority and the Housing Inspectorate several times . Once on the 10th time they finally came and closed the small attic windows with wire. There are fewer pigeons, but they still arrive.

Fortunately, none of the neighbors feed them. If you see that there are feeders on the neighboring windowsills, or someone compassionate is pouring grains into them, go to them and ask them not to do this. Otherwise you will never get rid of pigeons.

No one feeds them; there is nowhere for them to sit (except the roof). But they still arrive. For three years I have been struggling, going out with a stick, buying figures of crows.

I suspect that somewhere on the roof there is still a place where they “hang out” and even build nests, since pigeon chicks have repeatedly learned to fly from my balcony window sill.

That is, if the pigeons are still with you, then there is a gap somewhere. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to get through to Zhilischnik yet and check all the “pigeon” places.

Ecosniper LS-987BF

Buy Ecosniper LS-987BF on Aliexpress=>>

This device is a universal bird repeller produced by a trusted company specializing in the manufacture of various devices for getting rid of pests. It has an operating frequency of 17-24 kHz and an operating area of ​​85 m2. High operating efficiency is ensured by an integrated operating principle. The device influences birds using ultrasonic signals that constantly change their frequency, making addiction impossible. In addition, birds are also repelled by a bright pillar of light. The listed factors are completely safe for human health. Birds also do not suffer from such a device, since no physical damage is caused to them, they are simply afraid of bright light and sound signals and leave this territory.

For the device to work properly, it must be installed at a height of about two meters above the ground. To prevent the device from suffering from moisture and wind, it has a special casing that allows you to use it in any weather. The device runs on two KRONA batteries.

REFERENCE! In addition, you can connect the device to the network through a special adapter, which can be purchased separately if necessary.

Why is the pigeon neighborhood dangerous?

Besides the constant nerves, dirt and droppings, this is really harmful to human health.

I don’t know about you, but my nerves often give way at 5 am in the summer when the windows are open. Their cooing not only wakes them up, but also instantly triggers them.

In addition, bird feces carry tons of bacteria and viruses. And dried stains are very difficult to wipe off.

I wrapped the window sill with cling film, but abandoned this idea because:

  1. Difficult. Hanging around outside the window for an hour, unrolling and gluing the film with tape
  2. Literally on the same day the window sill was dirty and still had an unpresentable appearance

You can scrape off dried droppings with a spatula. Just make sure that it doesn’t fall on the balconies below the living people.

Bioacoustic repellent systems

An electronic device that records an alarming bird message is called a bioacoustic repeller. It can be designed for a specific type of bird, or it can be universal. The device reproduces sounds that were recorded in real conditions through special moisture-resistant speakers, which allows you to use the device in any weather conditions. Used to repel birds from:

  • balcony;
  • architectural structures;
  • residential, office buildings;
  • food industry enterprises;
  • private farms where livestock are raised.

How to drive away pigeons from an unglazed balcony

Let me clarify that my balcony is glazed. But people I know have stories of pigeons building nests right under their noses. The dove slowly brings building materials for the nest, and you can learn about its existence when the chicks appear. And don't think that my friends are slobs. No, it’s just that pigeons have learned to do it in a jewelry way so that no one can see.

In this case, the question of morality arises. And only you can decide what to do with this nest.

I’ll warn you right away: if a bird has built a nest on your balcony, then the probability that it or one of its relatives will return to your balcony is 100%.

That is, you should either glaze the balcony or hang some kind of grille.

Visual Aids

Theoretically, they should instill fear in pigeons with just their appearance. Such means include:

  • reflective tapes;
  • shiny metal rods suspended freely from the balcony roof;
  • windmills with mirrors;
  • balloons with painted eyes filled with helium;
  • stuffed animals or models of birds of prey;
  • cat.

A cat has a very indirect relationship with visual aids. At first, seeing her through the glass, the pigeons will be scared. Then they will figure it out and stop being afraid. If the cat is a hunter, and goes from a visual medium to a material one, there is a risk of losing the animal. Many cats fall from balconies because they try to catch pigeons.

Why are there so many pigeons on the city streets?

If you live with this problem, you have probably asked yourself this question. After all, the pigeon flies specifically to you (or to your house), since there are many of them in your area.

Kind people feed the birds. There is a lot of food near the garbage containers. Pigeons sit on wires, shitting on cars and people.

But what to do with them? They're pigeons! You won't punish me.

Therefore, the problem is truly all-Russian.

Radical methods of struggle

If all methods of scaring away birds do not bring results, and a person no longer knows how to deal with them further, then one can move on to the most radical measures. In extreme cases, poison will help remove pigeons from your balcony.

The most widely used drug is diazinon from pigeons. This product is highly effective and is sold as a liquid inside plastic bottles. It is an intestinal insecticide. Such solutions are used to process grain mixtures and feed that are fed to birds.

The drug is safe for humans, but kills birds. As a result, other pigeons avoid such feeding areas.

Representatives of the pigeon family are destroyed by adding sawdust to the food. Inside the bird's crop, they swell and block the passage of food. As a result of decomposition, birds are poisoned by decay products. You can also kill pigeons with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate, the amount of which is prepared at the rate of 2 g of manganese per 1 kg of live weight.

In any case, bird corpses must be disposed of immediately by burning them.

Have you encountered the problem of an invasion of wild pigeons? Do you know effective methods of scaring them away? If this article is of interest, please like it.

Leave your comments.

A little about pigeons

So that you know the enemy by sight. Pigeons live in cities all year round, do not fly anywhere and try to stay close to people - where there is food.

  • They make nests in residential buildings, on roofs, under bridges, and in fire chimneys. Not in the trees.
  • In large cities, flocks of pigeons number from 500 to 1000 individuals.
  • Pigeons are called “flying rats” , since they are also difficult to exterminate (although it already seems that rats are easier), the droppings are difficult to wipe off and pollute sidewalks, roads, houses, monuments, etc.
  • The average life expectancy of a pigeon in the city is only 5 years. These data are due to risk factors. Pigeons are hunted by animals, they often get hit by cars, etc. In captivity (in a dovecote), an adult bird can live 15 years or more.

Active methods: effects on the senses

So, if neither scarecrows nor passive protection give 100% results due to the characteristics of your area, where birds on the roof of a house are a pressing problem, proceed to active action. Let's put it this way: birds have been living with people for a long time. They have adapted to humans and even city noise does not bother them, and therefore sometimes the listed methods are not enough. Then “heavy artillery” comes into play in the form of special installations, the operation of which requires electricity. Abroad, for example, it is popular to conduct a small current through the roof. It doesn't kill birds, but it doesn't create a pleasant feeling for them. True, such work requires certain qualifications and is not always safe:

Therefore, if a little noise from the eyes of predators is not enough, then you should trust modern technology. When choosing a bird repeller for the roof for your home, focus on indicators such as:

  • range of action, which will depend on your territory;
  • scope of use (whether you choose a model for an industrial complex or your small suburban area);
  • way of eating. For example, all acoustic and ultrasonic models must be plugged into an outlet.

Let's look at their types and popular models.

Most often, bioacoustic repellers are used against pigeons and their comrades. They repeat special sounds to scare away birds - the calls of feathered predators, gunshots or the like.

Let's look at some models:

Modern ultrasonic devices detect the presence of birds at a distance of up to 15 meters. They react to movement in the atmosphere, although they do not always work well in closed areas.

There are also laser devices that are mostly used in closed areas. The next option is propane guns, but they are not very popular for use on residential roofs.

And in the most difficult cases, experts advise using complex devices that allow you to both get rid of birds under the roof of a house and scare them away in an open area. True, they are large in size and will consume a lot of electricity. But sometimes you can’t do without them, unfortunately.

How do you deal with these uninvited guests?

Why don't city authorities fight pigeons?

Officially, the authorities say that if you “poison” pigeons, your pets may also suffer. In addition, animal rights activists will be against it. And this issue is not as acute as, for example, the problem of stray dogs.

And if dogs can be castrated and microchipped, then pigeons can only be exterminated with chemical reagents. And this, many believe, is inhumane.

Pigeon droppings: is it dangerous for humans?

Definitely: yes! Experts unanimously say that pigeon excrement is not only aesthetically unpleasant, but also actually harms people. When it hardens, it turns to dust. The particles are carried by the wind, but all bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms do not die. A person breathes this dust.

Therefore, the next time you wash your windows or balcony, be sure to wear a disposable apron, a medical mask and long gloves. This is a basic safety precaution.

Step-by-step instruction. conclusions

  1. Keep track of where exactly the pigeons land. If this is specifically your window sill or balcony, after that they don’t fly anywhere, then don’t let them sit down (sticky stuff so that their paws slide off).
  2. If they hang out above, to the side, under the roof, then mark this place and take a photo. Send it to the management company with a request to block this access for the birds.
  3. A dummy figure of a bird of prey won't hurt. Place it outside the window on the side of the apartment so that it does not get blown away by the wind. If it is possible to attach it firmly, then you can directly on the windowsill or balcony. The larger the dummy, the better. It doesn’t always work, but maybe it will work in your case. The plastic figure can be bought in hunting stores, Aliexpress, Ozone, Waldberis.
  4. Scare the pigeons . This is labor-intensive, but if you see that a pigeon has perched on your territory, take out a prepared stick (I had it right on the balcony) and wave it. Not immediately, but it also helps.
  5. Check to see if any of your neighbors are feeding birds from their window. Please don't do this.
  6. Write to all kinds of authorities . Collect signatures from neighbors or ask the person in charge of the house to take care of this problem.
  7. It is unlikely that you will be able to drive out pigeons in one season. As is their habit, they will still be coming for a while. Be patient.
  8. Observe whether there are any chicks . They usually hatch from April to September (no exact period). If you notice, it means there is a nest . The birds become attached to it. Remove nests and do not allow birds to build them again.
  9. Try to remain calm . You are not alone in this problem. But unnecessary hassle will only harm you. The pigeons will not be harmed by this.
  10. Protect your home : glaze the balcony, hang mosquito nets. So that pigeons cannot fly into the apartment. Attach pins or a plastic cover to the window curtain rods.

If you have any effective methods, please write in the comments.

Sound repellers

Used at airports to get rid of birds on the runway. But in retail there are no such powerful repellers. Household ultrasonic devices, which can be bought in stores, should theoretically repel pigeons, as well as cats, dogs, rats and other animals. But buyers complain about the complete lack of effect from these devices.

Another option for a sound device is the once fashionable Chinese pendants. In the wind, these thin tubes produce a melodious sound, more pleasant than the noise of a windmill. The disadvantage is that this sound is quite quiet, and it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of birds on the balcony canopy. But they definitely won’t sit on the railing.

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