How to get rid of sparrows: tips. How to get rid of sparrows on the site What sparrows are afraid of

Although birds are forest nurses, they are beautiful and we enjoy their singing, they can cause a lot of problems and harm. Sparrows under the roof are very common in our area. These are harmless creatures that we feed. But with the rapid growth of birds, a real danger arises.

Why? How to get rid of sparrows under the roof of a house? Are there humane ways to fight? Let's figure it out.

Method two: imitation attack


. Birds are afraid not only of dogs and cats, but also of their predatory relatives - falcons, hawks, owls. If your budget allows, purchase one of the modern bio-acoustic repellers that imitate the cry of birds of prey. Devices such as Birdchaser easily cope with their task and scare away winged thieves. Bioacoustic devices can imitate alarming bird calls that warn of danger.


. Birds also do not like other loud sounds - for example, those made by gas guns. The frequency of shots is selected using an electronic control panel. If you decide to install such a cannon, then keep the purchase in an area free of vegetation - close to the place where the birds fly. A gas cannon will drive away all birds within a kilometer radius.


. Ultrasonic repellers help cope with raids. Their weapon: high-frequency radiation, not dangerous to people, but annoying to birds.

Approximate prices:

-ultrasonic repeller - from RUB 1,850; - thunder gun - 18,200 rubles; -bioacoustic repeller - from 30 thousand rubles.

Damage from birds in the yard

If we talk about harm to humans, few people know that birds, and especially pigeons, can carry diseases. For example, it could be tuberculosis. Also, birds shit everywhere. In addition to the fact that it spoils the appearance of the yard, the roof (especially if it is made of glass or polycarbonate), decorative items, etc., the droppings contain infections and various fungi. For scrupulous owners, in terms of ideal cleanliness and order on their territory, this is an annoying fact.

Mischievous sparrows love to peck or knock down berries from trees. This is not bad - they just get their own food. But not every owner is happy to have such a “freeloader” in his own garden. To humanely drive away birds, the following methods are used:

    Reflective and sparkling items.

    The ringing of bells.


You can use old CDs as reflective and shiny objects. For example, hang them on tree branches or on water drains from the roof. Foil paper will also work. The main thing is that the sparkling objects should be exposed to the sun's rays. Of course, this option does not work in cloudy weather.

You can hang bells around the yard that ring in the wind. Some birds are frightened by their ringing. Resourceful owners attach pieces of foil to the bell - due to its swaying, it rings, and at the same time glare is created.

Ultrasound is considered one of the reliable options. It produces frequencies that are inaudible to humans and also do not harm other animals. Only birds perceive them. For them, this sound is not pleasant, perceived as danger. The sparrows will hasten to leave the territory.

Using these simple methods, you can remove birds from the site. Well, or at least make it not attractive to them. But if they have already settled under the roof of the house, most likely there are already nests there and there are chicks. Find out what to do next.

Birds love to build nests on the roof, namely under the roof slopes. Although this is not dangerous to humans, it can easily damage the roof structure. The presence of nests disrupts normal ventilation, and this leads to the formation of moisture on the insulation and its premature destruction. If these are crows, then they also like to peck out the sealant on the metal tiles.

It is dangerous if a bird decides to build a nest in the chimney, and you do not know that it is there. Most often they wind them in the chimney of a bathhouse. Usually there is a gazebo next to it, people relax there, eat and leave leftover food behind. This is what attracts the gazebo feathered “guests” the most.

Important: if you light a sauna while there is a nest in the chimney, a fire may occur. Or the smoke will have nowhere to go, it will go into the room - the people there may suffer from fumes.

In cases where the birds have already built nests under the roof, it will be very difficult to get rid of them. The easiest way is to destroy a nest with chicks or block access to it. This option is considered inhumane and is punishable by law. Every effort must be made to simply not let the birds go where they shouldn’t.

    Anti-seize spikes.

    Overhang aerial element (ventilation tape).

    Safety net.

Birds get under roofing material in different ways - eaves, valleys, dormer windows, ridges - they are experts at finding a loophole. But you can still prevent them from landing on the lid. To do this, you need to secure a tape with anti-slip spikes on all the protrusions of the building. For example, on tides and gutters. The spikes are made of plastic or steel. There are different types that imitate roofing and will not spoil the appearance of the roof at all.

Important: anti-landing tapes will not injure the bird, but will simply ruin its “landing strip”.

The ventilation tape is attached using nails or press washers. It will prevent not only birds, but also small insects from entering under the roof. Very reliable protection that does not interfere with the proper ventilation of the space under the roof.

Protective netting is a simple and effective way to control bird nesting. It is pulled over the roof, secured to special posts. This mesh is made of either metal or plastic; with large or small cells.

All these methods are used to prevent birds from settling on your territory, and also to prevent damage to the roof of your house because of them. But driving birds with nests out from under the roof is quite difficult and almost impossible without exterminating them. It's better not to let this happen. It would be a good idea to hide all open areas that attract birds. If these are dormer windows, then cover them with blinds; overhang of the cornice - cover with decorative soffits; Cover the vents with grates.

All of these methods will help minimize bird visits to your area. This means there is less chance that birds will set up their camp on it. But don’t forget about the benefits that come with sparrows - they are the ones who protect your crops from small pests. They eat insects and feed their chicks - thereby protecting home crops.

Scaring sounds

Sellers of special devices that emit sounds signaling birds about danger and alarm will tell you how to get rid of sparrows and other birds in one fell swoop.

Also, such devices specialize in the sounds of natural enemies of birds. Hearing them, they transmit information about the approaching predator to their fellow tribesmen, and the birds leave their nesting site.

These devices can also operate at ultrasonic frequencies, which are unpleasant to birds and they prefer to leave the range of these sounds. In this case, you need to be careful, since this device can also be heard by pets, which will be just as unpleasant for them as for birds.


Another problem is birds in the courtyards of private houses. How to get rid of sparrows in the yard? To do this, you can build a scarecrow.

It's quite simple to do. You need to put together two boards in the form of a cross. Hang old clothes on top. For the head, a pumpkin, an old pot, or just a bag filled with rags will do. You can decorate this with a hat.

However, this method is not as effective as we would like. Over time, sparrows get used to such a guard and willingly coexist with him.

If sparrows bother you in a multi-story building, you can use various plastic scarecrows sold in pet stores. They can be in the form of owls, snakes, coyotes and other animals that are afraid of annoying feathered neighbors.

How to evict birds from under your roof

It’s good to pour something rattling inside a pinwheel made from a plastic bottle, for example, a dozen grains of buckwheat or light balls. When the turntable rotates in the wind, the contents will additionally scare away birds.

4. Well, absolutely cruel ways to protect crops from birds. Yes, they are not humane, but with an absolutely guaranteed result. We do not recommend using them precisely because of their cruelty. If you are convinced that no traditional methods of scaring away birds have brought results, then... You can poison birds with poisons (sold), for example, poisoned food. You can shoot sparrows from pneumatic weapons - rifles, using lead bullets with a diameter of 4.5 mm. Killed birds need to be hung somewhere in visible places, as they say, “so that the living will be afraid.” Once again we apologize for describing these cruel methods of radically combating bird invasion.

Which of the above to apply is up to you, based on your preferences and financial capabilities. As we said above, decisive results can only be achieved by completely covering fruit trees and beds with nets, acoustic and ultrasonic repelling and physically destroying flocks of sparrows. Forget about feeders forever. Yes, this will reduce the joy of visiting your favorite dacha or will somewhat reduce the charm of your garden plot, but what can you do, the harvest is more expensive...

Studded mesh

When starting the fight against uninvited guests, you should keep in mind that actions should be aimed solely at scaring away birds, but not at extermination. Destruction and destruction of bird nests is punishable by law.

So, if there are sparrows under the roof, how to get rid of them? Let's look at it below. In this case, you will need a mesh with vertical wedges made of polycarbonate or metal. This structure will prevent birds from landing on the roof.

If the birds have settled under the roof, then this device must be installed on the eaves. It should be noted that the spacing between wedges depends on the size of the pestering birds. If these are, for example, sparrows, then the mesh should be finer.

It is also necessary to periodically clean the mesh from dirt, because the sheen of the metal itself also repels birds.


If none of the methods listed above on how to get rid of sparrows under the roof helped, then only one remains - patience. Many who have encountered this problem advise simply waiting out this period. If the birds have built a nest under the roof, it means they have hatched chicks, and when they want to eat, a loud squeaking and chirping noise that causes discomfort occurs. Many residents claim that as soon as the chicks grow up, the entire family will leave the nesting site.

In addition, when comparing different birds based on how much trouble and inconvenience they cause, sparrows and titmice are considered the least evil of all birds that can ruin people’s lives.

How to get rid of sparrows using improvised means?

    If birds deliberately destroy plants from several beds, try to protect them with a special net. It is enough to drive a few stakes around the perimeter and stretch the threads between them. It is better to use a removable mesh on the frame, then caring for the plants will be much easier;

    A cassette tape can scare away sparrows. If you don’t have such a rarity, you can safely use regular New Year’s rain. Old CDs can also be hung around the perimeter of the summer cottage. They will reflect the sun's rays, and this will scare the birds;

    Scarecrow is a very old, but time-tested remedy for feathered pests. Anyone can build such a structure. Tie two long sticks with a cross and hang old clothes on them. For greater realism, you can stuff the scarecrow with straw.

Unusual loud sounds, rustling shiny items, tin cans - all this can be used to scare away sparrows.

Method three: protective networks

Plastic and viscose nets, which are sold in gardening stores, have been created not so much to scare away as to protect the harvest from voracious birds. Fishing nets play the same role.

To protect the berries, throw a net over a bush or tree. Low trees and bushes can be protected with threads. Tie the end of the thread to a branch and wrap it around the tree so that the thread entangles the entire crown. One coil is enough for a fruiting cherry and two or three for an adult apricot.

domestic predator

How to get rid of sparrows if they have already built a nest in the attic or under the eaves? Get a cat. A few uninvited visits from a predator to the sparrows’ house will be enough and they will leave their habitat.

However, you must remember to take care of the safety of your domestic predator. It is necessary to install strong mosquito nets on the windows so that your pet does not fall out of the window while hunting birds flying by.

In addition, a cat sitting in the window will be a natural scarecrow for sparrows.

Sparkling objects

As already mentioned, birds are afraid of shiny objects, unless of course they are magpies. For sparrows, bright reflections are an effective deterrent.

To get rid of sparrows as unwanted neighbors, take aluminum foil and cut it into long strips. These tapes must be hung in places where the accumulation of birds is especially undesirable: in the yard, in the attic, on the roof.

For more advanced bird fighters, stores for summer residents sell special gels that glow in the sun. This product is well suited for those who live on the upper floors of buildings. All you have to do is apply the gel to the cornice and it’s done.

We drive sparrows out from under the roof

Intervals in work do not allow adaptation, cause discomfort and anxiety. Birds try to leave the protected area. The devices are used in enclosed spaces with an area of ​​up to 500 m2. It is important that the device is not a source of electromagnetic radiation and does not have a negative impact on the operation of radio and television equipment.

A variety of modern instruments and devices for repelling animals and birds allows you to make the right choice in accordance with the conditions of their use and operation, thereby ensuring comfortable living conditions.

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