Pillow for a 2 year old child: which is better, different types of filler

At what age does a child need a pillow?

From one year and older. Orthopedic doctors are against pillows in infancy. A child is born with a straight back, and before a year or two, natural curves of the spine are formed. In order for the baby’s posture to develop correctly, he must sleep on a flat, hard horizontal surface without any differences in height. How to choose a pillow for a child from 1.5 to 15 years old - more on that in the article.

By the age of 1.5-2 years, it’s time to think about choosing a suitable model. The best option for the first pillow is

Lien'a Children's circuit (1-3)

The orthopedic model supports the child’s head in a physiologically correct position, which forms correct posture. If your baby gets used to sleeping on an orthopedic pillow from early childhood, he will retain this useful habit later. The pillow was created for children from one to three years old, taking into account the physiological needs of the child, the height of the model is only 3-5 cm. Natural latex is perforated and naturally ventilated, dirt and moisture do not accumulate in it, which means that conditions for the development of pathogenic microflora are not created.

At what age does a child need a pillow?

Orthopedic doctors most often oppose pillows in infancy.
In the period after birth, a natural curve of the spine is formed - however, this requires a natural horizontal position without any differences in height. For the first months of life, it is recommended to place the child on a perfectly flat, hard mattress without a pillow. Therefore, young parents do not have to think about whether their child needs a pillow without appropriate medical advice. Today, manufacturers often offer so-called orthopedic butterfly pillows - models of the appropriate shape with a recess in the middle. Such products are used to prevent torticollis, in cases of hypertonicity of the neck muscles, as well as to correct other similar problems. If the child does not have health problems, such pillows should not be used without consulting an orthopedist.

By the age of 1.5-2 years, it’s time to think about choosing a suitable pillow. Some children at this age attend kindergarten, so it is necessary to ensure that both at home and in the garden the bedding is fully consistent with the child’s health and habits. Next, the pillow will have to be changed as it grows - approximately every 3 years.

Hardness degree

How to determine the optimal firmness of a pillow?
When choosing the firmness of a pillow for children, it is important to find a middle ground. It is uncomfortable for a child to sleep on a product that is too thick - instead of resting, he will toss and turn all night. Excessively hard products with a low baby weight can also lead to compression of muscles and blood vessels, which will negatively affect health. Therefore, it is better to immediately abandon hard pillows.

Soft pillows are pleasant to sleep on, but they do not provide adequate support for the spine. As a result, the neck muscles will become tense, which can also lead to incorrect posture. Therefore, unless otherwise recommended by an orthopedist, it is better to choose medium firmness - it will give you a restful sleep and support the cervical spine.

When do you need a pillow?

This item is needed for a child over 1 year old or a 2 year old. Until this age, pediatricians do not recommend using such a thing at all. But an exception may be a doctor’s prescription for some diseases.

There is no clear answer to the question of when to start placing a pillow under a child’s head. Each parent solves this problem individually, depending on the psychological and physical development of the child.

Most often, this item begins to be used at one and a half years, when natural curves begin to form in the spine.

If a child categorically refuses to sleep on a pillow, then he cannot be forced. If the baby's head slides off the pillow or he throws it out of the crib, this means that the product is not suitable for him. In this case, you will have to experiment and choose something that will be comfortable for the baby.

Properties of a baby pillow

Which pillow to choose for a 2-year-old child is dictated primarily by considerations of the child’s health. Many parents opt for a rectangular, low, moderately hard and small pillow. Now in the store you can find many colorful products in the form of letters, animals or hearts. But such things are only suitable for decorating a child's room, and not for healthy and deep sleep.

Rules for comfortable sleep:

  1. You need to carefully ensure that only the baby’s neck and head are on the pillow, and that the shoulders rest against the mattress.
  2. This position should be maintained while the baby is sleeping while he is on his side or back.
  3. The length of the product should be chosen so that the baby’s neck and head fit comfortably on it. The standard size is 30 or 40 cm.
  4. The width of the pillow should not exceed the width of the crib; as a rule, the standard size is 40 or 60 cm.

The thickness or height is selected according to the length of the child's shoulder. For a 1-year-old baby, it should not exceed 3 or 4 cm, and by 3 years, the height should increase to 6 cm. As the baby gets older, the pillow will need to be replaced with a higher one.

If the product is too soft and cannot maintain its shape, this will lead to instability and weakness of the cervical vertebra. Sleeping on such a pillow will be uncomfortable for the child; he will wake up not rested and sleepy. An incorrectly selected product may cause neck pain, and the baby will get tired faster during the day. Other side effects from using the wrong product may include nausea and dizziness.

In addition, the baby pillow must meet the following requirements:

  1. Good at absorbing and evaporating moisture.
  2. The product must be safe.
  3. Breathable.
  4. Hypoallergenic.
  5. Elastic.

All these properties depend on the filler.


The first pillow should be especially liked by the baby and become one of the most important components of your child’s sleeping place. Children spend more time sleeping than adults, and every parent strives to organize them a comfortable rest and healthy sleep. The main function of a pillow for a 2-year-old child is to ensure that the head and neck are maintained in the correct physiological position. Ideally, it would be good to choose a natural, hypoallergenic product of the right size and, possibly, with an orthopedic effect. By the way, the first pillow should not be too soft.

The main feature of a high-quality children's pillow is that it maintains the anatomical position of the child's body throughout the night's sleep, providing vigor and straight posture in the morning. Parents should pay attention to the fact that a child's sleep accessory must correspond to the age of the owner and his body proportions. Otherwise, the baby will roll off the pillow, and such frequent disruption can lead not only to poor sleep, but also to other negative health consequences. Thus, due to lack of support, the child’s neck sags, muscles become tense, and this is fraught with various diseases.

As a rule, children react normally to such a sleeping item. The task of parents is to teach their child from childhood to use this item correctly: the pillow supports the neck and head, but not the shoulders.


Children's pillows come in traditional classic form and orthopedic. Many parents rush to follow fashion trends and choose orthopedic products. However, experts do not recommend doing this unnecessarily, since two-year-old children do not yet have such a strong cervical spine, and indeed the spine in general, so in this case it can cause more harm than good. Let’s look at each type in more detail.


Classic pillows are products familiar to us, usually filled with down or artificial filling. The first ones are very soft, but also allergenic. If you want such a pillow for your child, then give preference to a high-quality goose feather. Such specimens are more elastic and better suited for children's sleep.

Artificial products, as a rule, are anti-allergenic, they are comfortable and comfortable to sleep on. The only disadvantage of traditional pillows is that they do not withstand frequent washing, and any children's product, as you know, has to be refreshed regularly.


Orthopedic pillows have recently begun to be made for small consumers, although not all pediatricians agree with the opinion that this is a benefit for babies. They argue that a two-year-old child’s spine is not yet strong, the cervical spine is not fully formed, and an orthopedic product will only harm these processes. However, most parents have their own opinion on this matter: they believe that this will help avoid osteochondrosis, scoliosis, and other diseases, and most importantly, it will strengthen the cervical spine.

Well, grandma's soft pillows are also imperfect in this case. Therefore, we are looking for a compromise and finding orthopedic specimens for little children. For children, it is better to choose those products that suit the body configuration, with a memory effect, so that they “remember” the shape of the baby’s head and neck.

It is believed that the best options in this case are orthopedic sleep accessories made from buckwheat husks, as well as from natural latex.


Baby pillows should be breathable and moisture-wicking. They must “breathe” and be absolutely safe; anti-allergenicity is also important. All these points are related to the filling of the pillow.


What shape of pillows are most comfortable?

The choice of truly successful pillow shapes for children is small. But there are still options - butterflies, rectangular, orthopedic with and without bolsters. Any of these pillows, with the correct size and height, will be comfortable and useful for the child.


. There are two options here - a very low one with a hole in the middle for children under 2 years old and a solid one, a little higher, if the child is already 3 years old. This pillow is also suitable for older children if they like to sleep on their stomach.


. The most common, standard and one of the best options. A narrow pillow allows you to place only your head and neck on it; a child, even if they want, will not be able to climb higher on it. This means that the shoulders will lie on the mattress - rectangular models ensure the correct position of the body while sleeping. But it is better to avoid square pillows.

Anatomical with rollers

. Orthopedic models with bolsters are a fairly common option for children aged 6-7 years and older. If the height is chosen correctly, the child will sleep on it quite comfortably.

On sale you can see many children's pillows of various shapes. They often resemble plush toys. But no matter how bright and funny pillows children like, it’s not worth purchasing such products for sleeping. They will not be able to ensure correct body position; they will only cause harm.

How to choose the best baby pillows

The health of the heir always worries moms and dads. So it’s time to start with arranging a child’s bed: think about the filling and cover. What are they made of, will they cause skin irritation? Answers to questions can be easily obtained by studying the advice and recommendations of domestic and foreign manufacturers with a well-deserved reputation.

Somnologists advise choosing natural products. Satin and percale are more suitable for children's underwear. Breathable fabric allows air currents to pass freely. It is pleasant to touch, feeling the softness of the material.

Which filler is better to buy? The advantage is on the side of silk. In honor of vegetable, bamboo. Synthetics are not prohibited. However, you need to remember: minors may have a negative reaction to some artificial components: redness will appear, sweating will increase. If such incidents have not happened before, you can try.

Parents must remember: for newborns, a rise under the head is useless; babies need a horizontal surface. In some cases, babies are given an orthopedic, anatomical pillow. It is advisable to obtain the consent of your pediatrician before purchasing. The ideal size of a bedding accessory for older children is 40x60 cm, the height of the product should not exceed 3 cm, otherwise there will be restless sleep caused by an uncomfortable position. By the way, there are children who prefer to sleep on a flat bed and feel great.

If a children's bedroom is unthinkable without traditional bedding attributes, they must be chosen carefully.

Errors in selection

Parents' mistakes result in children being punished. Anxiety, headache, lack of sleep are the least of the problems from an uncomfortable bed.

The most popular errors identified:

  • The pillow size is not suitable for the bed;
  • Inappropriate for age;
  • Purchasing questionable products without a certificate;
  • There is an opinion: the more expensive the bedding, the better. It's a delusion. You can buy an excellent option in a store or online at a much lower price.

What to pay attention to:

  1. For babies under one and a half years old, the recommended size is 18x25 cm. For two- and three-year-olds - 25x25 cm. For preschool children in the middle preparatory groups - 35x39 cm. First-graders need to buy a headrest - 35x58. The classic version - 40x60 cm - has not been canceled, it is a universal size.
  2. The width of the pillow is selected based on half the width of the baby's shoulders.
  3. A quality certificate is required!
  4. When you plan to order a product online from an online store, you first need to walk around the site and study the characteristics. It doesn't hurt to read customer reviews.
  5. It is advisable to have a removable second pillowcase.
  6. The anatomical model - purchased for children under three years of age - allows you to lie down correctly, the spine is relieved of the load.
  7. For newborns, it is recommended to purchase “smart” products - from suffocation, to sleep on their side, with special clamps that help infants doze peacefully. Useful “Butterfly” - with a recess for the back of the head. It ensures correct posture.

Size and height

How to correctly determine the height and size of a pillow?
One of the most important conditions for a child’s restful and healthy sleep is the correctly selected height and size of the pillow. These indicators depend primarily on age, but there is also an individual factor. These may be diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the child’s complexion.

Cushion height

depends on age. For children 2-3 years old, it is advisable to choose products no higher than 3 cm. A child from 3 to 5 years old will be more comfortable on a pillow up to 5-6 cm. After 5-6 years, it is allowed to use products up to 10 cm high. If your child prefers to sleep on his stomach, you should choose the lowest options.

Pillow size

not as important as its height. The main thing is that it matches the width of the crib, lies flat, without bending. The most common options are 25x40 and 40x60 cm. They are convenient because it is easier to choose a pillowcase for them. It is better to avoid pillows that are too large so that the child does not climb onto them with his shoulders - this is an incorrect position.

Observe your sleeping child. If he keeps sliding off the pillow onto the mattress, it means it is too high for him. It's worth looking at the lower option. If he puts his hand under the pillow, you need to increase the height.

Criterias of choice

In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to follow several rules:

  • Buy products that do not contain harmful impurities and are easy to wash.
  • Quality such as breathability must be taken into account, first of all, from a safety point of view. In their sleep, babies often toss and turn, lying on their tummy, which is why the surface of the model should be “breathable”.
  • The presence of a zipper makes it easy to remove the cover for washing, but be sure to check that the lock is covered with a secure ribbon. Otherwise, the mechanism parts may damage the baby's skin.
  • The seams should be checked for strength so that the filler does not come out.
  • Baby pillows often have an expiration date, after which they must be replaced with new ones.
  • Size and thickness are also important. At 2 years old, a child will be able to independently arrange small items in the way that is most convenient for him. For a baby pillow, a rectangular shape is best, which allows you to keep your head on the pillow even when turning it over multiple times. You should not choose a heavily filled tall model. The baby's head and spine should remain at the same level.
  • The density of the product should be such that the head does not “fall through”, but you should not choose too hard a filler.

Characteristics of natural fillers

The requirements for the internal contents of products of this class are especially strict. Fillings for baby pillows can be natural or synthetic, but their quality must meet all safety criteria. Most often, modern manufacturers give preference to the following materials:

  • Sheep wool is light and very soft to the touch. It retains natural warmth in the cold season and remains cool in the summer heat. This filler creates an electrostatic effect, which has a positive effect on the child’s body. The only disadvantage of the material, besides its allergenicity, is its ability to form clumps, but manufacturers have already learned to solve this problem by diluting sheep wool with safe synthetic components.
  • Goose and duck down retain heat well and absorb moisture, but before choosing such material, you need to make sure that the bird feather will not cause allergies in your child.
  • Buckwheat husk, on the contrary, is a salvation for allergy sufferers. This environmentally friendly material also allows air to pass through perfectly and has the necessary lightness and elasticity. It is often used in the manufacture of orthopedic pillows for children aged 2-4 years and older. The rustling of the husks has a positive effect on the children's nervous system, allowing babies to relax and fall asleep quickly. In addition, the material itself produces a light massage in the neck and head area. But for particularly sensitive children, this rustling sound can irritate them. And the hardness of the filler will take some time to get used to.


How much does a good baby pillow cost?
A good baby pillow doesn't have to be expensive. For small children, the simplest models filled with bamboo, holofiber or other inexpensive fillers are usually sufficient. The price of such products starts from 300 rubles. Looking towards expensive pillows is not always advisable, especially considering that a child buys a product for just a couple of years, after which he simply grows out of it.

High-quality orthopedic models are more expensive, starting from 2000 rubles. The upper limit is about 6000-7000 rubles. But this is an option for older children. And here, too, there is no point in choosing expensive models; the main thing is to adhere to the ratio of optimal height, size and rigidity.

Filler selection

When choosing pillow filling, you need to pay attention to how the quality meets all the requirements for children's products.

What types of fillers are there:

  1. If artificial padding is chosen, it is characterized by increased wear resistance and does not cause allergies, but such padding does not allow air to pass through well and contributes to increased sweating.
  2. Natural fillers are highly airtight, but they are difficult to maintain. Natural ingredients often cause allergies.

The following materials are suitable as filler for baby products:

  1. Buckwheat husk.
  2. Holofiber.
  3. Latex.

Bird fluff

Bird down has many advantages: products made from it are inexpensive, light in weight, absorb moisture well, are silent, and have a long service life.

In addition to its advantages, this filler has disadvantages:

  1. This material is too soft
  2. Many children develop allergies.
  3. Difficult product care.
  4. Parasitic mites may appear.

Bird down is a traditional natural filler, but it is not recommended for children's pillows. The main qualities for which this material is valued are naturalness and softness. But at the same time, a soft product does not provide the necessary support for the neck, and natural bird fluff can harbor dust mites. Dust can also accumulate, which makes it difficult for the baby to breathe and can cause allergies.

Another disadvantage of down is that it is very warm. It is comfortable to sleep on such a product in the cold season, but in the summer the child’s head will sweat. A baby pillow needs to be washed often, and down does not tolerate such cleaning well.

If parents decide to purchase a down product for their baby, then they need to choose products only from trusted manufacturers.

The pillow must contain high-quality goose feathers that have undergone multi-stage processing. Such products have great elasticity, and they are less likely to harbor mold or dust mites.

Wool pillow filling

The product has advantages:

  1. Moisture is absorbed well.
  2. Doesn't heat up.
  3. Elasticity.
  4. Great airtightness.
  5. Naturalness.

In addition to the advantages, the product also has disadvantages:

  1. Pillow with wool filling
  2. falls off quickly, dust mites may appear.
  3. The product must be ventilated and dried frequently.
  4. A thing with wool filling is quite tough, evaporates moisture well and allows air to pass through.
  5. Natural wool has healing properties, it calms the nervous system and promotes sound and healthy sleep.

Dust mites are the scourge of a large number of natural materials.

In woolen products, parasites are just as active as in down ones. To prevent the pillow from causing an allergic reaction in the child, it must be dry cleaned periodically, but this is not very convenient.

In addition, natural wool quickly wrinkles and curls into lumps.

Camel or sheep wool

When deciding what kind of pillow a 2-year-old child needs, you can opt for a product made from sheep filling. The natural composition of the stuffing has many advantages, but it is still not always suitable for babies. If you still decide to buy a pillow with such stuffing, then it is better to buy something made from a mixed filler, for example, synthetics and wool. In this case, the synthetic material does not reduce the positive qualities of the natural material and gives the product greater elasticity, durability and strength.

Top 3. Ormatek Aqua Prim

Rating (2021): 4.63

An expensive but high-quality pillow from Ormatek is made of memory foam. On top of the main filler there is a special insert with a thermoregulating gel. It prevents the pillow from heating up from body heat and the environment. Even in the hottest weather, the surface remains pleasantly cool. Two bolsters, 9.5 and 12 cm high, provide support for the spine and correct body position during sleep. The pillow is quite high, so it is suitable only for teenagers over 13 years old; for younger children it is better to look at other options.


4605 rub. / Russia / Filling: memory foam, thermoregulating gel

Artificial fillers

Such products have many advantages:

  1. There are no dust mites.
  2. Hypoallergenic.
  3. Holofiber has good elasticity.
  4. A light weight.
  5. Machine washable.
  6. Low cost.

The disadvantages of the product include:

  1. The ability to become electrified.
  2. Fall off quickly.
  3. Excessive softness.
  4. In hot weather it heats up and does not absorb moisture well.

Artificial fillers include:

  1. Holofiber.
  2. Sintepon.

These fillings are often used to make pillows for children under 4, 5 or 6 years of age. Artificial fillers do not cause allergies, dry quickly and are easily washed.

Their main drawback is poor breathability, which is why a pillow made of synthetic material quickly heats up and the child’s head can sweat.

Synthetic filler loses volume very quickly, this problem especially concerns synthetic padding.

Based on the rigidity criterion of the artificial filler, it is better to choose holofiber. The rigidity of the product depends on the amount of padding; the more there is, the stiffer the pillow.

Sintepon and holofiber

The most affordable filling for a baby pillow. Moderately elastic and lightweight synthetic materials that provide sufficient comfort and allow air to pass through well. They are easy to wash and dry quickly, but they can significantly lose volume in a short time - having chosen this filler, you need to be prepared to change the pillow every 1.5-2 years.

Foam rubber and synthetic winterizer

These materials do not cause allergies, are easy to care for, but over time they lose their volume; moreover, they quickly heat up and are poorly ventilated, causing excessive sweating in the child.


The product has the necessary rigidity, naturalness, and durability. Dust mites will not grow in this filler; moreover, the product does not require special care and does not cause allergies. The pillow has excellent rigidity, good firmness and elasticity. But such a thing is expensive.

Natural latex is a popular filler for baby pillows. In addition, the material has orthopedic properties, suitable elasticity and high resilience.

This material rarely causes allergies; thanks to its special porous structure, it allows air to pass through well and is excellent as a filler for baby pillows for a two-year-old child.


Product advantages:

  1. Durability.
  2. There are no dust mites.
  3. No special care required.
  4. Very rarely causes an allergic reaction.
  5. Adapts to the contour of the head and neck.
  6. Excellent elasticity.
  7. Medium hardness.


  1. It gets hot in hot weather.
  2. Does not absorb moisture well.
  3. At the beginning of use, a specific odor may be observed.
  4. Sometimes this filler contains harmful components.
  5. High price.

Safe synthetics

When choosing a pillow for a child, you should not discard the idea of ​​​​buying a product with a synthetic filler. True, in this case only the following materials are suitable:

  • Polyurethane foam and synthetic winterizer are known for their hypoallergenic properties. They are often used in the manufacture of orthopedic models. Odorless, breathable.
  • Artificial swan down containing silicone fibers is also suitable for children prone to allergic reactions.
  • Lyocell is considered a “breathable” and at the same time durable material. It is easy to wash and clean.
  • Latex is known for combining both synthetics and foamed natural rubber sap. Such pillows are very elastic, so they easily “adjust” to the contours of the child’s body. They do not require special care, are not susceptible to dust mites, and are durable. The material meets all the requirements for models of this class.

Rating of the best

When choosing a pillow for your baby, pay attention to well-known manufacturers with a good reputation. Prices are significantly higher, but quality is guaranteed.

The table below shows the TOP best pillows for a child over 1.5 years old.

NameDescriptionprice, rub.
TRELAX Sweet under the head for a child up to 1.5 years oldModel with anatomical shape with a recess in the center, breathable. Material: highly elastic polyurethane foam with perforation, saturated with silver ions. Cotton cover and pillowcase 990 – 1400
Italian company Chicco. Anti-suffocation pillow Porous polyurethane foam. It is breathable and has a cotton cover. Age from 3 months 1 000
Theraline Baby Pillow (Germany)Good air circulation, has a recess in the center of the pillow in the shape of a head.1 650

Read the link for some musical toys that sing songs that won’t harm your child’s hearing.

A good way to save space in a children's room or unsafe furniture? – How to choose a 2-tier metal bed.

But even with manufacturers with such a reputation, do not be lazy to check the quality of the seams, the material, and the absence of an unpleasant odor. Then the baby will sleep sweet and healthy, and as you know, healthy sleep means a healthy child.

A child’s sound and healthy sleep means peace and tranquility for the whole family.

If a mother rocks her baby to sleep all night, who will take care of him and the whole family during the day? And a dad who is tired at work, who walks around the room like a zombie at night with a child in his arms... But he has to get up in the morning and go earn money! For healthy children's sleep, lifestyle, nutrition, temperature in the room, and, of course, the best friend of children's dreams - a comfortable pillow! Let us remind you that choosing a pillow for a child is a responsible matter, because the baby spends almost half of his life sleeping. The newborn sleeps most of the time, taking only short breaks for snacks. The older the baby gets, the less time he sleeps, and the more important sleep becomes. Sleep is necessary to “turn on” vital functions - the production of growth hormone, activation of T-lymphocytes (the main immune factor), processing and assimilation of information. No wonder the proverb “Sound sleep is the key to health”

Top Bedding Manufacturers for 2022

Among the countries, we should highlight those whose products are in high demand:

  1. Italy.
  2. Australia.
  3. France.
  4. Russia.
  5. Germany.

When the question arises: which company’s product is better to choose, you should look at popular brands: Vefer, Chicco, Babyton, TRELAX, Kariguz, Belashoff, Yves Delorme Australia, FeelMagic, Memory Elastic Ergonomic, BIO ALOE, ORMATEK. The style of these enterprises is advanced technologies, production of excellent quality products taking into account the anatomical characteristics of the person. The popularity of the models speaks for itself. Whether made in Australia, French or Russian, the models are modern, environmentally friendly, and safe.

The best manufacturers develop bedding lines according to age categories, allowing customers to make the right choice. Collections for mothers and newborns, the “Junior” category and others are quite popular. Where to buy quality things? In bedding stores, on the websites of branded manufacturers and intermediaries.

For the little ones

Descriptions of products for children up to one year will help caring parents choose the best for their little ones.

Chicco Air

Offer for RUB 1,399. Age – from 3 months, duo of cotton and polyurethane.


  • Air permeability;
  • Height 2 cm.


  • Not noticed.

TRIVES TOP-110, up to one year (31x24x6 cm)

Bedding made in Russia is on sale at a price of 340 rubles. With recess. Cotton outside, holofiber inside.

TRIVES TOP-110, up to one year (31x24x6 cm)


  • The functionality corresponds to the description;
  • Comfortable and worry-free.


  • You cannot remove the pillowcase;
  • According to buyers, the size of the pillow may be smaller than that announced by the manufacturer.


1500 rub. – cost of the product.

Does not cause allergies. Contains: silver ions, polyurethane foam.



  • Remembers the position of the body and head;
  • Virus barrier.


  • Not noticed.

Top 4. Ascona Temp Control

Rating (2021): 4.58

A high-quality Ascona brand pillow is perfect for teenagers and large children with a shoulder length of 11-12 cm. Its most important advantage is that the period of getting used to it is minimal. It is made of a standard rectangular shape, not too rigid, and due to the memory foam filler it perfectly adapts to the shape of the body and ensures the correct position of the spine. The filler contains a special gel. It keeps you cool, so your sleep on the pillow will be comfortable and restful even in hot weather.


3380 rub. / Russia / Filling: Cool Feel memory foam

Tips for choosing

When choosing a pillow for a child, regardless of age, it is also important to consider the following points:

  • natural materials and quality textiles of the covers;
  • the ability to quickly remove and wash the cover;
  • availability of a quality guarantee from the manufacturer.

Another tip: when buying children's bedding, you should not be guided solely by considerations of economy. Such a purchase is a kind of investment in the child’s health, and if it is done correctly, then you can be confident in the quality of sleep.


  • https://mrsleep.ru/article/kak-vybrat-podusku-dla-rebenka
  • https://uborka.co/uhod/podushka-dlya-rebenka-2-let
  • https://vplate.ru/podushki/dlya-detej-2-let/
  • https://yanashla.com/luchshie-podushki-dlya-detej/
  • https://babypalace.ru/poleznye-sovety/podushka-dlya-rebenka-2-let.html
  • https://ChildLands.ru/postel/podushki/kak-pravilno-vybrat-podushku-dlya-rebenka-1-goda.html
  • https://uborka-v-dome.ru/mebel/podushka-dlya-rebenka.html


Top 2. ECOTEX Cotton Royal

Rating (2021): 4.70

A soft but elastic pillow filled with polyester will not cause allergies, will support the cervical spine, and will give you a comfortable sleep. This is an adult model, but due to its small height of about 8 cm, it can also be used by children. Additionally, its price is pleasing – about 1,500 rubles. The pillow is made of high quality, does not lose its shape for a long time, and can withstand machine washing. It will definitely last for several years. It is filled tightly with filler; at first it may seem too high. But it has a small drawback, characteristic of most synthetic materials - it does not breathe well.


1500 rub. / Russia / Filling: polyester

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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