How to get rid of woodlice in an apartment yourself

A lot of means have been developed to combat various insects, but few people still know how to get rid of wood lice in an apartment. Having used almost all known methods, people fall into despair because they cannot destroy woodlice. Their number only decreases for a while, but this does not last long. After a short period of time, woodlice appear in the apartment again.

A lot of means have been developed to combat various insects, but few people still know how to get rid of woodlice in an apartment.

The fact is that absolutely inappropriate methods are used for this purpose. Without knowing how to deal with woodlice in an apartment correctly, without having the slightest idea about their lifestyle, reproduction and other characteristics of these unpleasant midges, it is extremely difficult to get rid of them.

Some people try to use cockroach traps, and some even try to vacuum the insects from the walls, hoping to reduce their infestation. However, using these methods you can only slightly reduce their number, but it will not be possible to completely expel wood lice from your apartment.

What is the harm of woodlice?

Many believe that the unpleasant appearance of these creatures does not mean that they are dangerous to humans. However, this opinion is not true. The danger from them comes from the lifestyle of these insects. House wood lice themselves cause harm only in that they damage the supply of vegetables and spoil the plants that decorate the apartment.

And the main danger posed by insects is exactly the same as that posed by cockroaches. Traveling throughout the house, they find themselves next to rats, which are carriers of many diseases. Making their way into the attic, they coexist with pigeons, which also carry diseases dangerous to people. Returning to the apartment, they can start in the kitchen (where there is home-cooked food), in the bathroom and other rooms.

Many believe that the unpleasant appearance of these creatures does not mean that they are dangerous to humans

They may end up in the toilet and then move to the kitchen table. It is difficult to call such trips pleasant for apartment residents. It is hardly necessary to explain now why these seemingly “safe” insects are dangerous. There is no need to explain that these “occupiers” should be gotten rid of as quickly as possible.

By the way, it is worth noting that wood lice are not insects. They are representatives of crustaceans. If we talk about them in more detail, these are small land crustaceans. Interestingly, although they live on land, these crustaceans have retained gills, with the help of which they receive oxygen into the body.

The gills are wetted by a thin film of moisture, which is the supplier of oxygen. For this reason, rooms with high humidity, as well as access to water, provide living space for woodlice. How to get rid of pests? Dry the walls and floor! It is almost impossible to see them in dry rooms; they simply do not survive there.

Prevention measures

To prevent woodlice from settling in the house, it is necessary to create conditions that are unacceptable for them and, first of all, to ensure that there is no high humidity. To do this you should:

  • Ensure good ventilation in the rooms.
  • Dry things outside.
  • Dry floor cloths and do not leave them wet on the floor.
  • Take out the trash and wash the bin in a timely manner.
  • Periodically inspect and treat indoor plants.
  • Repair plumbing fixtures in a timely manner.
  • Make sure that the hood in the bathroom is working properly.
  • If cracks appear on the floor or walls, repair them immediately.
  • Throw away spoiled vegetables promptly.

Where do pests live?

Even from the name of these creatures it is clear that they love damp places. In nature, they live on the banks of reservoirs, swamps and forest floors lying on moist soil. Therefore, when settling in human housing, they choose places similar to natural conditions. They are attracted to basements and damp cellars, utility lines and technical rooms, which are characterized by constant dampness.

Obviously, in order to find out the location of the places from which wood lice can enter the apartment, you should carefully examine places similar to the above premises. Why do woodlice move to people from places so attractive to them? The fact is that these creatures need not only humidity, but also a comfortable temperature. Another reason for their migration to the apartment is the need for food, the sources of which they find in sufficient quantities in living quarters.

They may end up in the toilet and then move to the kitchen table.

They find their way to the apartments easily. Pests are mobile enough to move very quickly. However, it is difficult for them to overcome vertical structures. Therefore, having initially settled in a damp attic, they move to apartments on the top floors, and from the basement they quickly find their way to the first floor.

If there are wood lice in your apartment, their appearance is a sure sign that there are problems in the water supply system and that there is damp plaster in the house. Even a faulty sewer system can create conditions that allow these pests to infest.

When these creatures appear in one of the rooms, it is necessary to check the others. It is quite possible that there are even more of them there than where the pests were first discovered. When inspecting the premises, you need to pay attention to the ventilation ducts. Perhaps it was from there that they entered the apartment.

Pest control begins with eliminating the causes of woodlice, that is:

  • getting rid of leaks that serve as a source of moisture;
  • drying walls;
  • Ventilation protection with fine mesh.

All these activities should be carried out before removing wood lice. Otherwise, all efforts will be useless.

Where do insects come from?

In multi-storey buildings, insects live in attics and basements, from where they move into apartments. They move from one room to another through cracks and ventilation hatches. But are most susceptible to woodlice attacks.
Insects crawl into homes from garden plots. They easily crawl through stairs and thresholds, settling in damp areas of the room. Their favorite place on the site is a pile of leaves, construction waste, and boards. If you see one woodlice in an apartment, you can easily find a cluster of them. They can live:

  • behind pipes and under sinks;
  • in or near a trash can;
  • in kitchen cabinets;
  • under rugs in the kitchen, toilet or bathroom;
  • in a cage with birds or rodents;
  • in pots of flowers.

How to remove cockroaches at home


It has already been said above that woodlice are not insects, but small crustaceans. Despite their belonging to the crustacean species, they are susceptible to the same drugs as common household pests. They eat some poisoned baits much more readily than many insects.

Before getting rid of woodlice in the house, you should familiarize yourself with the list of products that can help in pest control. The following types of insecticides can be found on sale:

  • Aerosols in cans, useful for use in small spaces. They are not suitable for a large basement or cellar, since too many of them will be required. In addition, they do not have a prolonged action. Among this range of products, aerosols such as “Combat” and “Raptor” are popular. Dichlorvos (its various brands) is also used;
  • Insecticide concentrates in the form of sprays. This highly effective woodlice repellent allows you to destroy pests over a large area. Their feature is the absence of odor and prolonged action. The most famous sprays are “Delta Zon” and “Xulat Micro”. They are produced both specifically for pest control services and for household use in small packaging;
  • Powders and white crayons for cockroaches. More often they are used as auxiliary measures. However, crayons are a good way to control insects on vertical surfaces;
  • Gels and sticky traps. Ineffective means that can serve as an additional measure for the destruction of pests;
  • Poisoned baits made from human food. The best known is a mixture of egg yolks and boric acid. It helps quite well in the fight against woodlice, but the yolk works much more effectively when mixed with concentrated insecticides.

Destruction of the breeding center

When pests appear in apartments, it is necessary not only to destroy them and block the routes they have created to enter the home. There is always the danger of another invasion. Therefore, you should try to eliminate the place where woodlice breed. Once a breeding ground has been identified, two pest control options can be used. The destruction of woodlice by each of them is effective:

  1. Using a spray of an effective insecticide solution. Such processing will be inexpensive. Per 100 sq. m area, one bottle of Get is enough. This composition will permanently rid the attic or basement not only of woodlice, but also of other pests. After treatment, there will be no insects in the room. Get rid of woodlice with insecticide forever!
  2. There is another way. It is simple, but no less effective than insecticides. Insecticidal-repellent smoke bombs are used to kill pests. It is better to choose those that contain permethrin. They not only kill insects, but also leave a layer of permethrin on surfaces, protecting the room from a new invasion of woodlice. You can also use checkers with added sulfur. They also do a good job of cleaning the premises from insects, but there is no further protective effect against them.

Reasons for appearance

Woodlice is a crayfish that can survive in dry conditions, but still breathes through gills:

  1. They need moisture. The main habitat is damp places: basements, baths, sewers and others.
  2. They hate the sun, so they prefer mostly dark places . And you can meet them at night.
  3. They love raw wood very much. If there is organic waste in the yard, then these are ideal conditions for reproduction.

Human protection when processing premises

When choosing a product to rid premises of pests, you should also pay attention to the safety of its use. After treating residential premises with effective means, there will be no woodlice or other insects left in them. However, after exposure to such drugs, housing will become dangerous for both people and animals for a long time.

There are cases where getting rid of parasites ended in tragedy. Therefore, when deciding to use highly toxic products, you must keep in mind the following nuances:

  1. Before using the drugs, you must carefully study the attached instructions and follow their requirements. If it says that it is necessary to use a respirator, then this requirement cannot be neglected.
  2. Using a combination of several agents at the same time gives the best effect. Sprays and gels can be used together. Gels will be an excellent addition to a fast-acting drug.
  3. The relative safety of the drug for people and animals and the absence of odor are much more important than its high effectiveness.
  4. It makes sense to use insecticides indoors only after blocking all routes of woodlice penetration into the apartment. Otherwise, you will have to fight pests endlessly.

When pests appear in apartments, it is necessary not only to destroy them and block the routes they have created to enter the home

Folk remedies

Wood lice were also fought in those days when modern means did not yet exist. Most often, folk remedies contain an infusion of tobacco, table salt and pepper. A solution of this product is used to treat rooms with high humidity. The main effect in such a product is provided by nicotine, but after using such a solution, a specific, not very pleasant smell appears in the apartment.

Sometimes gasoline and kerosene are used to kill insects. Indeed, woodlice die from them, but using flammable substances indoors is extremely dangerous. If you treat closed rooms with them, an explosive mixture can form in them, which can explode from the slightest spark. It is enough to turn on the switch for the room to be on fire.

Obviously, folk remedies for getting rid of woodlice are not as safe as you might think.

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