Proven ways to quickly and permanently remove odor from shoes at home (8 photos + 1 video)

Author: IsTOPnik

November 18, 2022 10:10

Community: Idea Factory

Tags: Unpleasant smell from shoes smell from shoes smells shoes tips photos tricks  




An unpleasant odor from shoes can be felt not only after prolonged use, but even from a new pair that has not yet been worn.



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In most cases this is a solvable problem. You can use not only special products, but also simple home recipes. We'll tell you more about how to remove the smell of sweat, dampness and other unpleasant odors from shoes at home in this article.

Causes of unpleasant amber


There can be several reasons for the unpleasant odor from shoes. The most common include: improper care of the pair, which is why fungi and bacteria grow in the shoes; some dermatological diseases of the skin of the legs; sewing shoes from low-quality materials; pet urine; improper use of a specific pair (for example, wearing rubber boots for a long time in the heat, etc.) and some other circumstances. Most causes can be eliminated. But there are also those that are almost impossible to cope with. This statement can be applied to shoes that are made of materials that emit an unpleasant odor. For the most part, these are very cheap materials that unscrupulous manufacturers use. It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely remove the specific aroma from such a pair.

Is tea effective for removing odor from shoes?

Tea bags help remove odor from shoes. On forums on the Internet you can read many reviews about folk remedies for odor.

Lina, 30 years old: “My husband had this problem. As soon as he takes off his socks, he starts to stink afterwards. We tried a bunch of deodorants, but to no avail. My grandmother recommended a proven and cheap remedy - a tea bag in my shoes at night. You won't believe it! It worked! My feet no longer smell bad. Tea removes other odors (the smell of cat urine). Now this is our lifesaver!”

Pavel, 20 years old: “I’ve been struggling with this problem since school. I was always embarrassed in front of my friends. As soon as you take off your shoes, the smell of your shoes fills the entire room. The Internet came to the rescue. I read about tea bags. I decided to try it. Cool effect! If you have little faith in this idea, try it anyway just for fun. The result won’t take long.”



To treat the inside of the shoe, vodka or alcohol diluted with water can be used. The method of applying the selected drug depends on the shoe model. If possible, wipe the inner surface of the pair with a sponge soaked in vodka. When this is difficult to do, it is better to pour the alcohol-containing liquid into a spray bottle. After the inside of the pair has been processed, it must be given time to simply stand for 3-4 hours. Areas treated with vodka are wiped with paper towels, after which the shoes are left to dry completely.

Powder powders

Before pouring or soaking your shoes with homemade solutions, try dry methods first. Use soda, citric acid or activated carbon, which you just need to sprinkle on the surface overnight. And in the morning, remove lumps and remaining powder with a vacuum cleaner or any unnecessary brush. By the way, even peroxide is sold in tablets - check it out!

Using soda


Treating with soda is a good option for those shoes whose insides cannot be wet. This method can be used, for example, to care for winter boots. Application: pour a tablespoon of soda into each shoe; the powder needs to be well distributed over the insole - do this conveniently with shaking movements; put the pair in a plastic bag; leave for 5 hours; shake out the soda. Instead of soda, you can use kitchen salt in the same way.

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SmellOff TM odor eliminator can be used to treat sports equipment, shoes and other surfaces with the odor of sweat. The drug has a neutral composition and does not pose a health hazard. When used correctly, odors are completely neutralized. Application: Clean shoes from dirt. If the insoles are removed, they must be washed separately. Using a spray bottle, apply the product to the inside of the shoes. Leave to stand in a dry place for up to 24 hours. Price – about 670 rubles per 0.5 liter.


During freezing, most bacteria die, so even simple ventilation on a cold balcony in winter is enough. Otherwise, take washed and dried shoes, put them in textile bags and put them in the freezer. When the material freezes, take it out, fill the boots with paper and dry them thoroughly naturally (away from radiators and heaters). The same method is good for smelling new synthetic shoes.

GalenoPharm Sachet


The product can be used not only to treat the inside of boots, but also to care for sweaty feet. The drug allows you to cope with the unpleasant odor of closed shoes very effectively. The main component is talc. Release form: sachet. Application: pour one sachet into each shoe; stand for 5 hours. With regular use for 5 days in a row, the effect will last up to six months. The average price for a package with 10 sachets is 135 rubles.

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Solutions and impregnations

To clean the internal surface and remove odors, weak solutions of peroxide, vinegar or ammonia are suitable. You can rub the inner surface with vodka or use strong green tea - a natural antiseptic. Apply solutions to a smooth surface with a well-wrung out sponge, and in other cases use a spray bottle.

How to remove the smell of sweat from sneakers and sneakers

Sports shoes are more susceptible to damp than any other. It's good if you wear it occasionally. Then there is time for careful processing and drying. What if your training takes place every day? It would be nice to have several pairs of sports shoes, but not everyone can afford it.

Use all means, experiment! You will find for yourself the very method that will work perfectly.


It is much easier to try to prevent a problem from occurring than to fight it. Therefore, try to take preventive measures before the smell begins to spread and you have to throw away your favorite product. This:

  1. The first measure to prevent the appearance of odor is personal hygiene. The smell of sweat can remain not only on the skin, but also on the socks. If you put on shoes using yesterday's socks, the “aroma” from them will definitely transfer to the sneakers. You can wash your socks, but not always your shoes.
  2. It is better to take replacement shoes to work and change shoes, since staying warm for a long time, for example, in winter boots, does not contribute to the health of your feet.
  3. On rainy autumn days, try to dry your shoes after walking, do not accumulate the smell of dampness in them.

    Don't forget to dry your shoes after wearing them in wet weather.

  4. Shoes should be stored in a ventilated place; do not pack them in plastic bags or lock them in a closet.
  5. Get rid of fungal infections of the feet in a timely manner.

Foot care is an excellent way to prevent unpleasant odor from shoes.

Shoes made of genuine leather

People who experience excessive sweating of their feet should wear shoes made of genuine leather. These shoes have excellent properties and do not cause excessive sweating.

In the warmer months, heavily exposed men's sandals or women's slippers are better suited than fashionable sneakers.

Special modern means

There are many shoe care products on the market that will save you from unnecessary hassle, and your sneakers from odor and harmful bacteria.

Shoe deodorant

Antibacterial deodorants are sold at any shoe or sports store. They are sprayed into the inside of the sneakers, after removing the insoles and treating them separately. The price of one such can, which usually lasts for a long time, is around 500 rubles.


The principle of operation of freshers is similar to the principle of operation of coffee beans, with the difference that freshers have antibacterial properties and prevent the appearance of odors for a long time.

Fresher balls are more convenient than deodorants due to their size, but to achieve the desired effect you must leave them in your shoes at least overnight. Freshers can also be placed in a sports bag or in a closet, where the product neutralizes bad odors.


You can buy this solution, which destroys bacteria and fungi on the skin, at the pharmacy. The drug contains alcohol and formaldehyde, and is prescribed for yeast infections of the feet, as well as to reduce sweating.

Before treating your sneakers, wash and dry them. When the shoes are ready, soak a cotton pad in the solution and wipe the insoles on both sides and the inside of the shoes with it. Carefully treat all hard-to-reach areas: joints and seams. After all these procedures, pack the sneakers in a sealed bag; do not return the insoles to the shoes, but put them in the same bag.

For complete disinfection, it is recommended to wait at least a day, but two is better. Then it remains to air the shoes for several hours. Without this last procedure, it is not recommended to wear sneakers, much less exercise intensively in them.

Before using the drug, read the instructions, because if formidron gets ingested, complications are possible, so carry out the treatment with gloves and do not treat calluses with it.


Chlorhexidine disinfects your shoes by killing pathogens. Soak a cotton pad or cloth in 0.05% chlorhexidine solution and wipe the inside of the sneakers. Then place the treated shoes in a bag for 3-4 hours. After all this, all that remains is to dry your sneakers during the day. This is why it is so important for every runner to have at least two pairs of running shoes.

Ultraviolet dryer

Many people have ordinary shoe dryers, but they do not have any disinfecting function, but the task of ultraviolet dryers is not so much in drying shoes, but in antifungal and disinfectant treatment. After a run, place such a dryer in your sneakers for 4-6 hours and do a similar procedure, if possible, after each workout.

How to get rid of foot odor

Endless manipulations with shoes do not produce results. A new pair starts to stink unbearably within two hours of first putting them on.

Is this a familiar picture? Do not despair! Take care of the health of your feet.

Galenopharm sachet 5 days

The action of the drug is aimed at reducing sweating, promoting the healing of small cracks and reducing inflammation. The treatment lasts 5 days, and you will enjoy the results for 6 months.


Deodorizing antiseptic based on formaldehyde. Reduces sweating after 7–10 days of use.

Contains alcohol and may dry out skin.

Spray and cream Teymurova

Nuclear mixture of antibacterial substances with formaldehyde (cream) and plant oil (spray).

Used to reduce foot sweating and eliminate sweat odor. Both products are recommended for prevention before visiting saunas and swimming pools.

Lavilin bio balance

Cream deodorant made in Israel. A pea of ​​cream lasts for 5–7 days. Its effectiveness does not decrease after training or showering. Hypoallergenic. It does not interfere with the functioning of the sweat glands and acts exclusively on the microflora of the feet.


Burnt alum is an excellent alternative to deodorants. Talc and antiseptic in one bottle. When finished, it is a white powder.

Odor absorber for shoe cabinets

These products can be purchased at pharmacies and shoe stores. Shoe odor absorbers are typically similar to moisture absorbers or bathroom air fresheners with refills.

  • The absorbent must be removed from the packaging and placed in a shoe closet, for example at the back of a closet.
  • The effectiveness of the product lasts 1.5 - 2 months.
  • The smell of sweat and other unpleasant odors emanating from the shoe closet are neutralized thanks to the content of activated carbon in the absorbers.

The absorber not only neutralizes unpleasant odors, but also releases odors. This means that when you open your shoe closet you can smell lavender, forest or lemon.


Vinegar is everything to us. It is added to cans of preserved food so that it can be stored for a long time. Using vinegar, they get rid of weeds in the garden, remove rust, and when diluted with water, they even improve the appearance of hair. This acidic substance can also remove unpleasant odor from your shoes. To do this, soak a piece of cotton wool in vinegar and wipe the inside of the shoes well. If the smell is too strong, then the cotton wool can be left in the boots overnight, but in this case it should not be wetted too much.

Vinegar is not the only liquid you can use to help your shoes. You can wipe it with vodka, ammonia or ethyl alcohol. By the way, the listed substances will also help mask the smell of new shoes. The main thing is not to forget to place your boots in an isolated room for several hours after treatment.

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