Ways and methods on how to remove the smell of dog urine from carpet at home

A healthy dog's urine has almost no odor. But if the puddle is not noticed in time, the smell will appear and will intensify as the liquid crystallizes.
It’s one thing to wash the source of discomfort off the floor. If the dog makes a puddle on the carpet, the owner already has two problems - the smell and the stain.

How to remove dog urine smell from carpet at home? Both can be dealt with using improvised means or professional medications.

The dog wrote: how to remove a fresh stain?

The owner, who notices in time that the pet has urinated on the carpet, will get rid of the consequences with little effort in the shortest possible time. The main thing in this matter is not to postpone until later priority measures to eliminate the unpleasant aroma.

Even if trouble happens, but you don’t have time to do unscheduled carpet cleaning, in a few minutes you can stop the problem and prevent damage to property.

If we are talking about a small rug (bedside, near the bathtub or toilet, in the hallway), place it in the bathtub and rinse it with a strong stream from the shower . In a house with a small dog, this is already enough.

But if the dog is large, then after intensive rinsing, the mat is soaked in the bath, adding a glass of table vinegar to the water. It is more difficult when the dog has marked a large carpet.

As soon as a fresh puddle is discovered, you must:

  1. Use an absorbent napkin or cloth (towel) to remove as much liquid as possible. To do this, completely cover the problem area, first gently pressing the blotter.
  2. When the napkin has absorbed some moisture, take a dry, clean one and blot the carpet with great effort. Repeat the procedure until the wipes stop absorbing.
  3. To reduce the concentration of urine - wash the area with a wet sponge, brush, or rag.

Cleaning in such cases always begins with these urgent measures. By minimizing the volume and concentration of dog urine, they reduce the risk of carpet damage and increase the effectiveness of available means.

Having taken emergency measures, you can run on urgent matters, postponing the final cleaning until the next timeout. It will be easier to deal with the problem.

General recommendations: how to get rid of urine smell on carpet from a dog

Dog urine has a very pungent and unpleasant odor. Even if the puppy made one puddle, it will cause a persistent odor. You won't be able to get rid of it simply by washing it. More efficient processing methods will need to be used.

Puppies often mark corners as they get used to being outside.

Important! Do not pour any perfumes, colognes, lotions, or perfumes onto the stain.

Gasoline should absolutely not be used. This will lead to an even worse situation. This smell takes longer to dissipate. Moreover: it intensifies even more over time.

How to remove dried traces?

Having discovered the problem later, the dog owner will spend more time and effort: the urine has already dried up and has begun to emit an odor. But haste will make the problem worse.

Before using proven products or experimenting, the surface must be prepared . The purpose of preparation is the same: to reduce the source of odor.

Preparatory stage of cleaning

Urine crystals have already eaten into the pile and base of the floor covering.

To reduce the volume of salts, acids, ammonia, the place is treated as follows:

  1. Use a dry brush to scrub the surface to crumble the crust on the stain.

  2. Use a vacuum cleaner to collect everything that has been exfoliated.
  3. Place a towel on the floor, under the carpet, and generously blot the problem area with a wet sponge, changing the fabric on the floor 2-3 times.
    This option is possible when the stain is easily accessible by lifting the edge of the floor covering. Otherwise, wash the area with a sponge to reduce the concentration of urine.

After the preparatory stage, while the fabric is wet, it will seem that the issue has been resolved - there is practically no smell of urine. But as it dries, the “fragrant” fumes will make you think about the next stage of work.

Professional approach

If folk remedies do not help solve the problem, you can use ready-made special solutions and gels. But treatment should be carried out only with complete isolation of children and animals.

Urine-off Cat & Kitten

The product helps completely eliminate odor thanks to its composition that absorbs uric acid crystals.

"Dezosan" from Zoo Clean

A Russian-made drug that can effectively remove urine odor. The main advantage of the product is that it leaves behind a very pleasant aroma.

Odorgone Gold

A product for effective stain removal, after using it the apartment will smell pleasantly of anise and mint.


Thanks to the components contained in the gel, it is able to neutralize all unpleasant odors that remain from pets.

Professional odor removers


You can clean well and remove unpleasant odors using bleach-based solutions. To avoid the strong smell of chlorine, you can add any flavoring to the solution.

Odor kill

You can get rid of and prevent the proliferation of bacteria using Odor kill. This is a concentrate that is diluted with water.


You can easily clean the carpet and eliminate the smell using Vanish. The product can be purchased in gel, powder and liquid form.

Important! After treatment with chemicals, you need to ventilate the room.

Simple methods will help you quickly clean carpets, rugs, furniture and get rid of unpleasant odors. With their help, you can ensure that the apartment is clean throughout the entire period while the puppy gets used to the street.

Folk recipes

Dog breeders who are faced with the need to get rid of the smell of urine rely on their experience and recommend available means that can destroy uric acid and neutralize odors. Most recipes contain vinegar as the main ingredient :

Vinegar:water ratioNoteMode of applicationAdditional componentsCleaning technology
1:5Fresh urineDampen a clean cloth, wash the stain, change the rag, wet it with the solution, wipe until completely dry.
1:2Fresh urineSpray thickly from a spray bottle and let dry.Soap, liquid solution.Wash the dried stain and dry it with a hairdryer.
1:2Fresh urine, old stainRinse with a sponge and dry with a hairdryer.Soda, peroxide, liquid detergent.Cover the dried area with baking soda and rub in. Mix 3 tbsp of peroxide and water, add 0.5 tbsp. detergent Pour baking soda on top and rub in. Vacuum after an hour.

When using detergents for light-colored carpets, choose colorless options to avoid staining during cleaning.

Recipes with other ingredients:

  1. Potassium permanganate (1 pinch) + water (1.5 l) + iodine (20 drops) .
    Stir until not a single crystal remains in the sediment, as both ingredients will burn the carpet, leaving stains. The color of the solution is dark and rich. Wash thoroughly for no more than 30 seconds. Rinse thoroughly with water, if possible, with running water.

  2. Lemon juice (1 fruit) + medical alcohol (2 tsp) . Shake and pour urine onto the stain using a spray bottle. Leave for a quarter of an hour, repeat 2-3 times.
  3. Soda. Pour the heavily urine-stained area into the area and rub it deep into the carpet. Vacuum after an hour.

The listed methods are relevant for a carpet that has just been stained with urine. These products will not cope with old stains.

Recipes containing ammonia raise doubts: removing the smell of ammonia with a product that is an ammonia solution is a rather strange solution.

Products from a pet store

Modern products from the store not only mask the odor, but also at the molecular level are capable of professionally removing the smell of deeply absorbed dog urine from the carpet without harming the product or the health of household members. If liquids with a neutral pH are available, they can be used for leather products, textiles, laminate, carpet, linoleum, parquet, and wood flooring.

Do not clean urine from the carpet with a wet rag. Take only dry or slightly damp ones.

Nature's Miracle, Odorgone, Mr.Fresh, Urina-OFF, Laina, SIMPLE SOLUTION - ready-made specialized liquids for eliminating the smell of urine. They contain enzymes and pro-bacteria that eliminate protein, and also have special enzymes that can prevent re-contamination with urine.

Their cost is affordable, and the products are very effective.

Important! The sooner you take measures to remove urine from the product or floor, the better the cleansing will be.

Special “detergents” that effectively remove the smell of absorbed dog urine from the carpet contain monopropylene glycol. It has the hygroscopic property of absorbing odors, lauryl sulfate is a component that is also present in odor control preparations and is widely used in industry due to its excellent cleaning properties.

Look at the pet store online or go in person and ask for the product used to clean the areas in the apartment where the dog has marked.

If you don’t know how to remove the persistent and disgusting smell of dog urine from a carpet yourself at home with a 100% guarantee, it is better to buy a concentrated product. This liquid is several times more powerful than the standard one. Options for highly concentrated products can be found from SIMPLE SOLUTION, Urina-OFF and Nature's Miracle.

Applying special products is similar to treating with soda solution or vinegar.

Each product has special instructions on how to properly remove stubborn urine from a carpet; the application technology may vary slightly among different manufacturers, so read the instructions carefully.

Cleaning woven carpet at home

Urine is a liquid with a special composition that is not easy to remove with ordinary water. To obtain the desired result, improvised means are used, which are based on acid and alkali. This can also be done using industrial products with chlorine and enzymes.

Available means

There is no task that products that people deal with almost every day cannot cope with. They are in the kitchen, medicine cabinet and bathroom.

Laundry soap

The unique composition of the soap fights stains of any origin. Soap removes dirt while being gentle on the fabric. You can wash the carpet by soaping the problem area.

Hydrogen peroxide

The product, used in medicine, removes urine stains that have dried and spent more than one day on the fabric. Suitable for light pile.

Alcohol vinegar

Apply after dilution with water. Apply to the stain and wash off after 15-20 minutes. Can be replaced with vodka and table vinegar.

Industrial products

They are stain removers with an immediate effect.


The use of the product is carried out strictly according to the instructions left by the manufacturer. When working with “Whiteness” they act quickly. Otherwise, the pile will become discolored after cleaning.

"Udalix Ultra"

The drug is in powder form, which before use is diluted with water to form thick sour cream. The cost of the product is low. "Udalix Ultra" is able to remove urine stains and odor in a short time, as it has a strong con

Apply locally to areas that need cleaning. Strong foam is driven into the pile and then removed with a cloth. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.


A common remedy that helps combat urine odor. The product makes it easy to clean carpets of any size. Available in different forms - powder, gel, liquid.

Some useful tips

  1. Before removing the smell of urine from a carpet using household chemicals, you should carefully prepare: put on gloves, a protective respirator, and remove children and animals. It is important to clean in a well-ventilated area to prevent chemicals from harming your health;
  2. In some stores you can find special products for removing urine odor. Follow the instructions when using them.
  3. To prevent a small puppy from getting the rug wet, place a special oilcloth under it and lay a diaper on top.
  4. Don't leave wet marks. Always dry them with a hairdryer or iron. Moisture will promote the appearance of mold and unpleasant odors.
  5. Do not use fragrances such as perfume, coffee, parsley, etc. They will only cover up the unpleasant odor for a short time, and the mixture of the aromas of urine and perfume is not very pleasant.

Preventive actions

In order not to constantly get rid of the smell of dog urine, we recommend paying attention to the following preventive measures:

  • if an unpleasant situation arises, immediately remove the stain and wash the contaminated area;
  • train your pet to use the toilet on walks from a very early age;
  • walk the dog at least three times a day (it is advisable to do this the first time in the early morning);
  • use special preparations and spray them on the affected areas in the house.

REFERENCE! Often the dog chooses the same place for his needs. This suggests that the smell of urine was not completely removed, and the dog's keen sense of smell led him back to the same place. Therefore, it is better to use special products to combat odor.

Special cases

Methods for removing odor from the urine of animals, children or adults have their own characteristics.

Childhood troubles

An infant's urine has virtually no odor. Dry a fresh stain quickly with napkins. Regular carpet cleaning with Vanish, Cinderella or any other carpet cleaning compound will prevent the smell from appearing in the future.

With age and the introduction of complementary foods, the aroma of children's urine becomes more pungent.

To remove it, you can use safe means:

  • laundry soap,
  • baking soda,
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Methods and means for removing the smell of baby urine from a carpet are presented in this article.

Adult problems

The urine of an adult, especially a sick person, emits a pungent odor, which becomes stronger over time.

Don't expect it to disappear on its own:

  1. Fresh puddles should be blotted up immediately with dry paper towels.
  2. Pour in soda, starch, lemon juice, vodka or ammonia.
  3. After drying, rinse again with Vanish to remove urine particles from the deep layers of the pile.

A light-colored carpet can be washed with a weak solution of “Whiteness”.

How to remove animal tags?

The most difficult stains, for the removal of which it is strictly forbidden to use any chlorine-containing substances.

The most effective professional formulations are intended for:

  • washing trays,
  • sunbeds,
  • places where animals stay.

Before cleaning the carpet, it is important to make sure that they are safe and carry out a test on an inconspicuous area. It is better to choose alcohol or ammonia from home remedies.

You can read more about removing dog urine smell from carpet here, and getting rid of cat urine smell here.

For home remedies, it is better to choose alcohol or ammonia. You can read more about removing dog urine smell from carpet here, and getting rid of cat urine smell here.

Delicate carpet material and old stain: what to do?

When the stain is already old, it is better to entrust this matter to professionals. A professional dry cleaner offers a service where professionals can come to your home, or you can take the carpet to the laundromat.

In some cases, it is better to use the services of cleaning companies.

Pet stores offer liquid consistencies and special powders that get rid of old stains. Each product is used exclusively according to the instructions.

Need to know! Not every type of carpet can be treated with products. Not all types of lint can be cleaned using chemical shampoos and detergents. These carpets include products made from delicate and natural materials.

Cleaning equipment

For cleaning you will need everything that can draw moisture out of the carpet; these are professional products and equipment. So, how to clean a carpet from dog urine at home and what is needed for this?

  • Rubber gloves to protect the skin of your hands.
  • A bowl of warm water.
  • Rag, sponge, fiber.
  • Stain and odor remover.

It is necessary to prepare cleaning products and rubber gloves.
Remember! Do not add water to the puddle. This will only make the situation worse! An enlarged area will be much more difficult to treat and remove the smell of urine.

It is strictly prohibited to dilute the stain with water.

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