Proven ways to quickly and permanently remove odor from shoes at home (8 photos + 1 video)

Author: IsTOPnik

November 18, 2022 10:10

Community: Idea Factory

Tags: Unpleasant smell from shoes smell from shoes smells shoes tips photos tricks  




An unpleasant odor from shoes can be felt not only after prolonged use, but even from a new pair that has not yet been worn.



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In most cases this is a solvable problem. You can use not only special products, but also simple home recipes. We'll tell you more about how to remove the smell of sweat, dampness and other unpleasant odors from shoes at home in this article.

Causes of unpleasant amber


There can be several reasons for the unpleasant odor from shoes. The most common include: improper care of the pair, which is why fungi and bacteria grow in the shoes; some dermatological diseases of the skin of the legs; sewing shoes from low-quality materials; pet urine; improper use of a specific pair (for example, wearing rubber boots for a long time in the heat, etc.) and some other circumstances. Most causes can be eliminated. But there are also those that are almost impossible to cope with. This statement can be applied to shoes that are made of materials that emit an unpleasant odor. For the most part, these are very cheap materials that unscrupulous manufacturers use. It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely remove the specific aroma from such a pair.

If you still have an odor from your feet and shoes: how to get rid of it


The very first thing you should pay attention to is hygiene. Wash your feet often, but don't just rinse or randomly soap them. The procedure is best performed as follows: start washing your feet with warm water, and then, gradually lowering the temperature, reach cold water. Use special antibacterial soap, which is sold at the pharmacy or on iHerb. After the procedure, dry your feet thoroughly and pay special attention to the area between the toes. Dryness is the key to success in the fight against odor. And don’t think about immediately putting on socks or shoes after hygiene procedures. People suffering from hyperhidrosis of the legs must be given the opportunity to “breathe”.

Choosing the right shoes and socks

Try to give preference to cotton socks with a minimal percentage of synthetic fibers. Synthetics retain moisture and unpleasant odors by preventing air movement.

Also choose shoes from natural materials. Leather shoes must have removable insoles, which must be dried and treated. It is better if there are several insoles. If you have a problem such as foot and shoe odor, avoid excess heat and do not overheat your feet. In the summer, try to wear open models that have sufficient ventilation as often as possible. Shoes that are too tight and narrow will also aggravate the problem.

If you work in an office, be sure to change your shoes. Do not walk all day in a warm room in outdoor shoes, especially if they are intended to be worn in the autumn-winter period. If your day involves an important meeting, take a spare change of socks with you. Wipe your feet with damp antibacterial wipes, dry thoroughly and put on fresh socks.

Do not wear the same pair of shoes for several days in a row, because shoes absorb moisture and odor, and the next day, even if you have carefully carried out thorough hygiene procedures, you may have a question: why do your feet stink, despite all the measures taken? The smell of wet shoes will only intensify with repeated wear. If possible, dry your boots every evening. To do this, unlace them and take out the insoles. Special ultraviolet dryers are a great helper in this. If these are sneakers or sneakers, the care of which involves washing, then wash them as often as possible. Dirt and dust not only spoil the appearance of shoes, but also interfere with their ventilation and also retain sweat in their fibers, which is a breeding ground for bacteria.

Scientists from Thailand went further and developed a special coating for socks that eliminates foot odor. Initially, this development was created for the Thai army. Doctors at the military hospital were concerned that their patients were more likely than others to suffer from infections and foot fungus. This was due to prolonged wearing of army boots. The new coating contains zinc oxide nanoparticles. This compound is known for its antibacterial properties, which prevent bacteria from multiplying and, as a result, kill unpleasant odors. The invention has already been successfully tested on patients and naval school cadets.

3.Deodorant for shoes, special antibacterial insoles and ointments for feet

Treat your shoes with deodorant before going out. In shoe and orthopedic stores you can purchase special antibacterial insoles that absorb and retain moisture and unpleasant odors. Insoles need to be changed daily.

You can also purchase a foot ointment, such as Formidron. This is a 10% formaldehyde solution, which is an excellent antiseptic and antiviral medicine. You need to treat your feet after your morning shower with a cotton pad moistened. At the same time, we must not forget to wear household gloves, otherwise the skin may become very rough. The downside of the product is the unpleasant smell. Zinc ointment also has a disinfecting, soothing effect on the skin and reduces sweat production. It creates a thin protective layer that prevents infections. It has a specific smell, so it needs to be washed off 15 minutes after use.


Special foot baths are one option to solve the problem. You need to choose products individually, taking into account possible intolerance to some ingredients.

A decoction of sage, mint and nettle. Infuse in a water bath and add to the bath.

Tea tree oil. Add 3-4 drops to warm water.

Tea brewing. Helps with sweating, thanks to the tannic and antibacterial properties of the tea leaf.

Vinegar. Add a glass of apple cider vinegar to 3 liters of water.

Baking soda. Dilute in warm water and keep your feet in the solution for 15 minutes.

Lavender oil. It not only gives your feet a pleasant aroma, but also has bactericidal properties. Dissolve 15-20 drops in a bath and soak your feet for 15-20 minutes.

Talc. Before going out, apply a small amount to feet and between toes.

Rice water. Put some regular rice in water for half an hour and then drain the water to get rice extract. Immerse your feet in water for 10-15 minutes. Repeat this twice a week.

Coconut oil. It contains lauric acid, which kills bacteria that causes foot odor. Mix coconut oil with cedarwood essential oil and massage your feet with it.

Epsom salt. Mix two cups of salt in a bowl of warm water and soak your feet in it for 15 minutes twice a day.

Mint scrub. Make a scrub at home by mixing 2 teaspoons of dried mint, which cools and deodorizes the skin, and 1 tablespoon of sugar, which removes dead cells. Take a spoon of this scrub, add a few drops of water and massage your feet.


If you decide to deal with the problem radically, you can resort to injection methods to combat hyperhidrosis. Intradermal administration of botulinum toxin is successfully used in cosmetology clinics. As a result of this procedure, nerve conduction to the sweat glands is blocked, and their work is reduced to a minimum. Today this is the most modern, effective and popular method for the treatment of local hyperhidrosis. The effect lasts up to 6 months, then the procedure can be repeated.



To treat the inside of the shoe, vodka or alcohol diluted with water can be used. The method of applying the selected drug depends on the shoe model. If possible, wipe the inner surface of the pair with a sponge soaked in vodka. When this is difficult to do, it is better to pour the alcohol-containing liquid into a spray bottle. After the inside of the pair has been processed, it must be given time to simply stand for 3-4 hours. Areas treated with vodka are wiped with paper towels, after which the shoes are left to dry completely.

Types of hyperhidrosis

  • Local – there is increased sweating in certain areas of the body.
  • Generalized – the skin of the whole body sweats.
  • Seasonal hyperhidrosis is characteristic of the warm period, which is associated with changes in ambient temperature.
  • Constant – increased sweating is present at any time of the year.
  • Primary hyperhidrosis occurs in adolescents during puberty.
  • Secondary is the result of a disease or treatment with certain medications.

Using soda


Treating with soda is a good option for those shoes whose insides cannot be wet. This method can be used, for example, to care for winter boots. Application: pour a tablespoon of soda into each shoe; the powder needs to be well distributed over the insole - do this conveniently with shaking movements; put the pair in a plastic bag; leave for 5 hours; shake out the soda. Instead of soda, you can use kitchen salt in the same way.

Special professional products for eliminating shoe odors

Shoe stores sell not only shoe polishes and brushes. There are enough special products that are designed to combat the smell.

  • Use all kinds of deodorants, they are produced both in the form of sprays and in sticks and tablets. It is better that they contain antibacterial substances;
  • Buy scented insoles or immediately buy those with an antibacterial effect. They are disposable and work up to 20 hours, antifungal, with activated carbon (they must be dried after each use) and made of flax (constant drying is also necessary).

Before processing, clean the product with soapy water. If the manufacturer allows, you can wash it in a machine. Drying - only in the fresh air, stuff the shoes with newsprint, which will absorb water. Do not dry near heating devices - too much heat will damage your boots.

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Shoe care rules

More details



SmellOff TM odor eliminator can be used to treat sports equipment, shoes and other surfaces with the odor of sweat. The drug has a neutral composition and does not pose a health hazard. When used correctly, odors are completely neutralized. Application: Clean shoes from dirt. If the insoles are removed, they must be washed separately. Using a spray bottle, apply the product to the inside of the shoes. Leave to stand in a dry place for up to 24 hours. Price – about 670 rubles per 0.5 liter.

Maintaining personal hygiene rules

To prevent the problem of bad foot odor from disturbing a person once again, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene. It is much easier to prevent the occurrence of any disease than to deal with its consequences. Therefore, a few worthwhile tips will be useful to everyone:

  • You should not walk barefoot in public places;
  • It is important to change socks regularly;
  • you need to keep your feet clean, for this you need to wash them daily and wipe them dry with a towel;
  • You need to keep your shoes dry and air them regularly. Various aerosols to eliminate odors will help in this matter;
  • try not to wear someone else’s shoes and not give yours to strangers to use in order to avoid acquiring fungus;
  • Do pedicures regularly and monitor the condition of the skin on your feet.

GalenoPharm Sachet


The product can be used not only to treat the inside of boots, but also to care for sweaty feet. The drug allows you to cope with the unpleasant odor of closed shoes very effectively. The main component is talc. Release form: sachet. Application: pour one sachet into each shoe; stand for 5 hours. With regular use for 5 days in a row, the effect will last up to six months. The average price for a package with 10 sachets is 135 rubles.

Don't forget to check with your doctor

Meanwhile, hyperhidrosis is not only an aesthetic problem, but also primarily a medical problem. The cause can be a number of diseases, such as diabetes and hyperfunction of the thyroid gland (with these diseases, the normal production of hormones is disrupted, which leads to malfunctions in the sweat gland system). Or diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system, kidney disease and hypertension.

Skin diseases such as fungus are also one of the common causes. Here folk remedies are powerless and drug treatment from a specialist is required. If, in addition to sweating and an unpleasant odor, there is itching and discomfort, you need to consult a dermatologist. He will select medicinal ointments and gels that are right for you.

Do not forget about such possible reasons as heredity and taking medications that can provoke excessive sweating.

Often the cause of excessive sweating is a stress factor. When stressed, large amounts of adrenaline and cortisol are released into the blood. They activate the autonomic nervous system of hormones, and that, in turn, forces other systems and organs to work in an enhanced mode. Blood pressure rises, blood vessels narrow, and blood thickens. The heart is forced to work, pumping thick blood. The work of the heart in this mode entails increased sweating. This occurs to improve the heat exchange of the body, which is under stress. The whole body, palms, and, of course, feet can sweat. By learning to control stress, you can solve the problem of excessive sweating.

Most often, this delicate problem haunts men. The reason is quite natural; in men, sweating of the body and legs has a higher index. And there is a scientific explanation for this. At the dawn of evolution, the main occupation of men was hunting, which involved a lot of effort. Also, men have a larger physique and greater body mass, and therefore heat exchange is higher. Therefore, the ability to sweat has evolved in men more than in women. Not least of all, the male sex hormone testosterone plays a role in increased sweating. Modern men have to wear closed shoes more often, they are more physically active and more often exposed to stress. So the question is: “Do your feet smell bad and what should you do?” - sounds most often from the stronger half of humanity.

  • Author: Ekaterina Kozhevnikova


Manual therapy is a good way to restore normal blood circulation in the extremities and normalize sweating. Foot massage is performed taking into account the following rules:

  • therapy begins with vigorous rubbing of the entire surface of the sole;
  • when the skin is red, proceed to massaging the toes;
  • complete the procedure by kneading the heels and rubbing in a warming cream.

There are acupuncture points on the legs that affect the functioning of vital organs and systems. Frequent foot massage improves a person’s overall well-being and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune system.

A little about the benefits of baths

Warm foot baths not only solve the problem of sweating, but also contribute to overall health. And this is not surprising, because there are sensitive areas on the feet that can be affected using this procedure. This water therapy helps you relax, relieves stress and fatigue. The person calms down, his sleep normalizes, and his mood improves. In addition, hot baths activate blood circulation in the legs, which has a good effect on metabolic processes.

Regular foot baths help solve many health problems:

  • Reduces the amount of sweat produced.
  • Suppress the development of bacteria and neutralize unpleasant odors.
  • Prevents the appearance of fungus on the feet.
  • They relieve inflammation and fungal infections (but only in the early stages).
  • Have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Reduce blood pressure.
  • Eliminate pain from joint diseases.
  • Relieves spasms and muscle pain.
  • They soften the skin of the feet, making rough areas easily susceptible to the action of pumice. Over time, the heel spur is removed (at its initial manifestations).
  • They are a good addition to the treatment of colds.

A bath solution can contain various additives; there are a lot of recipes, and everyone can easily choose the option that suits them. Perform these simple procedures regularly, and you will always feel fresh and light in your legs. In addition, baths will improve your emotional state, relieve stress and nervous tension, which will also help reduce sweat secretion.

The most popular compositions are based on the following components:

  • Healing herbs.
  • Teas.
  • Vinegar.
  • Iodine.
  • Salt.
  • Soda.

Important! Baths with these natural ingredients give a good effect if used regularly!

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