Secrets of Moidodyr, how to remove fuel oil stains with a guarantee

Fuel oil is an oil refining product that has high adhesion to any surface.
Clothes and shoes stained in this thick dark substance are very difficult to clean. To remove fuel oil, you can use home recipes or special chemicals.

We will tell you further about how and with what you can remove fuel oil stains from clothes and shoes.

How to remove fresh?

Oil stains are among the most difficult to remove. It's easiest to remove a mark while it's fresh.

For initial processing you will need:

  • laundry soap;
  • water;
  • brush;
  • napkins.

Work order:

  1. Blot the fuel oil stain with a napkin or paper towel, trying to collect as much of the dark substance as possible. It is important to prevent it from being absorbed into the material.
  2. Moisten the affected area with water.
  3. Lather the brush with soap.
  4. Clean from the edges of the dirt towards the center. Rinse the brush in water as often as possible, lather it again, and continue cleaning.
  5. Wash the mark with clean water.

Only after all the dirt has been washed away can the item be washed by hand or in the washing machine.

By type of fabric and clothing


To clean a fuel oil stain on a shirt, rub the stain with wet laundry or tar soap and rinse after an hour.

A white shirt, if it is not made of thin, delicate fabric, is soaked in a chlorine bleach solution.

Jeans, workwear, overalls, overalls

All these clothes are made of thick fabric. It is very difficult to remove fuel oil from it.

More aggressive means are needed here:

  • petrol;
  • White Spirit;
  • car shampoo.

Newly planted spots can be rubbed with tar or laundry soap.

There is a method that is suitable for workers in auto repair shops and factories who often deal with petroleum products. To prepare the cleanser you will need:

  • grate a bar of laundry soap;
  • a glass of caustic soda;
  • liquid stationery glue – 100 ml;
  • hot water – 10 l.

Mix all ingredients in a large container. Put a robe or overalls there and wait a few hours. Wash the item in the washing machine.

Sheepskin coats, coats

The following products are suitable for this outerwear:

  • aviation gasoline;
  • ammonia;
  • White spirit solvent;
  • car shampoo and other car products against grease and oil stains.

Bolognese jacket, down jacket

If a down jacket or jacket is stained with fuel oil, the following will help clean it:

  • dishwashing gels;
  • solvents with toluene;
  • essential oils (eucalyptus, fir).

You need to cover the stain with the product, then use a dry cotton swab to remove the dirt. Wash things in the washing machine.

Shoes, boots, shoes, sneakers

Fuel oil is difficult to wash off from shoes made of suede, dermantin, leather or fabric.

Use the following tools:

  • petrol;
  • car shampoo;
  • White Spirit;
  • toluene.

To clean, soak cotton wool or a piece of cloth in one of the products and rub the dirt. Repeat if necessary. For leather shoes, use chalk.

How to remove using folk remedies?

It is no longer possible to wipe off a dried fuel oil stain with soap and water. Working with old stains takes longer, is more difficult , and the result is not guaranteed.


Ammonia purchased at a pharmacy is suitable for treating stains and splashes from fuel oil. A sponge soaked in ammonia is applied to the stain and left to act for 60 minutes. After this, the item is washed.

Tar soap

Tar soap can be purchased in the department of household chemicals . It is produced using birch tar. For processing you will need a brush. It is moistened in water and soaped. As the stain is treated, the brush is washed from time to time and soaped again.

Caustic soda

Caustic soda is a technical product based on alkali. It is used in everyday life to clean various surfaces from difficult stains.

This product is also suitable for fuel oil, but only if thick workwear and not delicate fabrics are treated.

Application procedure for fresh traces of fuel oil:

  • cover the stain with baking soda;
  • leave for half an hour;
  • brush off the powder;
  • wash the product.

Application procedure for removing old dirt:

  1. Prepare a solution in a basin - for every liter of water - a couple of tablespoons of caustic soda.
  2. Soak the soiled item in the prepared solution.
  3. Leave for 1.5-2 hours.
  4. Rinse.
  5. Wash.

Refined gasoline

Refined gasoline can be used as a solvent . Moisten a napkin in the prepared product and moisten the area with the stain. After exposure, when the fuel oil begins to separate, use a brush to clean from the edges of the contamination to the center.


Turpentine, which is used as a solvent for oil paints, will also help with oil stains.

To increase efficiency, it is better to mix this substance in equal parts with ammonia and use it sparingly, only on the contaminated area.

Safety precautions

An item contaminated with fuel oil can be hopelessly damaged if the stain is removed incorrectly, so when cleaning clothes you should follow some important recommendations.

First of all, you need to check how the chosen product will affect the fabric. Some substances can corrode fibers or change the color of the fabric, and it will no longer be possible to correct this. Therefore, you need to apply the stain-removing composition to a small, inconspicuous area of ​​​​the fabric and wait a while. If the clothing is not damaged, the substance can be safely used in the area of ​​the fuel oil stain.

It should be remembered that alkaline solvents (gasoline, acetone) are not suitable for cleaning silk and wool, and velor and viscose deteriorate from contact with acids (ammonia, turpentine).

When scrubbing a stain, you need to move from the edges to the center so as not to smear the dirt even more. It is recommended to moisten the contours of the contamination with water, and place cloth or paper on the reverse side.

Since when washing clothes stained with fuel oil grease, caustic substances are often used that can cause chemical burns to the skin and mucous membranes, you need to carry out the cleaning procedure with gloves and a gauze mask, carefully ensuring that the product used does not get into your mouth and eyes.

It is necessary to clean the item manually and only after that send it to automatic washing, otherwise the fuel oil will remain on the parts of the washing machine, and subsequently even clean laundry will acquire the characteristic smell of industrial lubricant.

Application of special compounds

To remove stains left by fuel oil, only serious, targeted stain removers capable of dissolving petroleum products should be used.

Dr.Beckmann Lubricant and bitumen

Concentrated stain remover is available in small 50 ml containers. The drug is suitable for removing stubborn stains left by:

  • machine oil,
  • lubricant,
  • bitumen.

The product has been tested by dermatologists and can be used to tidy up not only adult, but also children's clothing. The stain remover is suitable for white and colored fabrics. The drug is applied to the stained area and left until the stain dissolves and its particles separate. After this, the item is cleaned and washed.

The price at points of sale is mainly up to 200 rubles. Read reviews here and here.

Duty oil

The product is intended to remove stains from lubricants and various technical fluids, including fuel oil. At its core, it is a low-foam, alkali-based detergent with a disinfecting effect. A product for removing technical oils is produced in the Russian Federation. Price for 5 liters – from 1000 rubles.

Pro-Brite Axel-6 Oil & Grease Remover

The product in spray form is intended to remove marks from industrial oils from textiles and hard surfaces. It is convenient to spray the stain remover onto the area with the stain and treat it with a brush or napkin. The product can also be used for greasy stains of plant and animal origin. The average price is up to 350 rubles.

Getting rid of stains skillfully

The main thing you need to know in this case is that fuel oil contains many poorly soluble resinous-asphaltene substances. And you can easily remove it only immediately. When fuel oil has dried and become ingrained, it is not so easy to get rid of such a stain. Therefore, it is impossible to do without powerful auxiliary agents.

Fuel oil on jeans

When choosing a cleaning method, it is important to pay attention to the type of fabric, how long it has been soiled and the size of the stain. Fuel oil can be removed only with means that can break down resins and oils.

It should be borne in mind that leather and suede, as well as cotton, do not tolerate alkaline effects. Therefore, acetone and gasoline are not used for cleaning them. Acid is contraindicated for velor and viscose; therefore, they cannot be cleaned with turpentine and ammonia, as well as substances containing lemon juice.

Do you wash by hand?

Oh yes! No

Since a universal preparation for removing traces of fuel oil on tissue has not yet been invented, housewives at home use all sorts of available means for this purpose:

  1. Tar soap - it will do an excellent job on clothes made from delicate and delicate fabrics. Things with a stain are soaked in warm water with a non-aggressive detergent, then the smeared area is rubbed with tar soap and washed by hand. Then rinse thoroughly and dry. No additional washing required.
  2. Acetone is a very strong solvent, so it should only be used in special cases (for example, with extensive contamination).
    A cotton swab or disk is moistened with acetone and applied to the surface of the stain. The cleaned item should be left in a well-ventilated area for about an hour, and then washed in the machine. When using this product, you need to remember that acetone corrodes synthetic fabrics, and can change the color of others. Therefore, it cannot be used to process items made of colored or bolognese fabric, as well as those containing polyester. But it will clean your sneakers well. Acetone
  3. Fir oil is a health-friendly way to remove fuel oil pollution. Used for cleaning synthetic and natural fabrics. Before acting on the stain, you need to place a clean cotton wool disc or a piece of dense material under it. Next, wipe it with a swab dipped in oil until it disappears completely (it should be changed as it gets dirty). After treatment, the entire item is washed with laundry soap, and finally, a regular machine wash is carried out at the maximum temperature applicable for this type of fabric.
  4. Turpentine + ammonia - in order to clean a stain on clothing, they are taken in equal proportions, mixed, and heated. The working solution is applied to the stain using a sponge or piece of cloth. Afterwards, they are washed by hand in a concentrated warm soap solution, rinsed and sent for final washing in an automatic machine. This method is suitable for cleaning denim pants and carpet. It is important to know that with the help of ammonia you can urgently remove grease from clothes.


  5. Baking soda + turpentine - this composition is used to get rid of old, stubborn stains. Can be used on any fabrics. Turpentine is heated, poured hot onto the fuel oil contamination and left for half an hour. Then you need to pour baking soda here, carefully rub everything and rinse off the remains under running water. Finally, machine wash.
  6. Dishwashing liquid - the composition of such products (Fairy, AOS, Persil, etc.) is also good at getting rid of fresh oil stains from any fabric. Cleaning things with them is quite safe and easy. You just need to apply a couple of drops to the stain, rub thoroughly, and then soak the item in warm water for half an hour. Next, use your hands or a brush to scrub the contaminated area and soak the item again for another 10 minutes. Finally, rinse well and then wash in the usual machine wash cycle using stain-removing powder. This method is suitable for cleaning stains from a jacket, especially if it is made of raincoat fabric or a membrane type of fabric is used for sewing it.
  7. Bleach and oxygen powders - meaning chlorine-containing products such as Vanish - are capable of treating light-colored and snow-white items. For mild contamination, you can use bleaching soap or Antipyatin. By the way, such oxygen bleaches will help clean the mark left by a felt-tip pen or marker.
    Are you using citric acid?

    Oh yes! No

  8. Stain removers - quickly deal with oil stains during washing. You just need to choose the right product depending on the type of damaged fabric (colored or white, cotton, linen, wool, synthetic).
  9. Clay and starch can also remove oil stains quite well. White clay is mixed in equal parts with starch using ammonia. Next, the composition is applied to the stain and left until completely dry. After this, both the mixture and the fuel oil can be easily cleaned off with a stiff brush. Finish with regular washing.
  10. An iron and a blotter will help when processing fresh drops of fuel oil on clothes. Place a thick layer of absorbent paper (napkins, towels, toilet roll) under and on top of the stain. Afterwards, iron it with a hot iron, watching how it absorbs the fuel oil. It must be changed when it gets dirty. When this process comes to an end, the remaining fuel oil will need to be treated with fir oil, and then washed in an automatic washing machine, setting the normal mode.
  11. Chalk - if applied to the stain as soon as it has formed, it will absorb the fuel oil well and can be easily removed. This product is especially suitable for leather items. A stain sprinkled with chalk on a jacket, bag, shoes is left for a day, after which everything is removed with a soft sponge. Has the product become dull? The problem can be easily solved with glycerin.
  12. Laundry soap - alkali, included in its composition, can even cope with old stains. The dirt should be rubbed with wet soap and left for an hour. Next, the item is washed in the usual way.

    Laundry soap

  13. Butter – this is also suitable for crushed fuel oil stains. The contaminated area should be lubricated with oil and left for several hours. After this, fuel oil can be easily removed with gasoline, kerosene or toluene. Instead of butter, you can also use laundry soap with glycerin.
  14. “Antipyatin” - if diluted with glycerin, it can also be used, but only on fresh, small stains.

How to wash colored clothes?

Oil marks may leave streaks even after the stain has been removed. Products that have a brightening effect help remove such complex stains from white items.

If the composition of the tissue allows, even aggressive drugs can be used. In this case, it is better to carry out subsequent washing with powder intended for washing white clothes, supplementing it with a powder enhancer.

You need to be careful with colored things . In addition to effectively removing the dirt itself, aggressive agents can damage bright colors.

To avoid such a nuisance, it is better to test the selected product on an inconspicuous area. And only after making sure that it is safe, proceed to treating the stains. If the dye is not permanent, it is better to take the item to the dry cleaner for professional treatment.

An old trace does not mean eternal

Heavy stains of the same nature are not easy to clean. This usually requires more effective and aggressive formulations. But under no circumstances should they be used on thin and delicate fabrics. Therefore, the use of such solvents should be approached with caution, so as not only not to spoil the fabric, but also for your own safety:

  1. Gasoline or diesel fuel is an effective way to combat fuel oil pollution of any age. The only condition is that only pure gasoline is suitable for such purposes (it can be bought at hardware stores). The regular one, which is used to refuel vehicles, is not so effective. The treatment process is standard: a piece of thick fabric or paper folded in several layers is placed under the stain. Using a cotton swab well soaked in gasoline, carefully wipe the oil area, changing it as it becomes dirty. After this, the item is soaked in warm water with washing powder and stain remover, washed by hand and rinsed several times. Then again in the car, using the “For heavily soiled items” mode. When the overalls are smeared, they are completely soaked in gasoline for 30-40 minutes, and then treated in the manner described above.
    Do you wash your shoes in the machine?

    Oh yes! No

  2. Toluene is the most effective and most toxic composition. It is practically not sold in its pure form, but is often a component of many paint and varnish solvents. They process fuel oil traces in the same manner as with gasoline. It will clean your down jacket well from stains.
  3. Car wash products - they themselves involve the fight against serious pollution. You can buy such shampoos at any store that sells spare parts and car accessories. Cleaning with them is carried out according to the standard: the detergent composition is applied to the stain, rubbed in, and after half an hour the item is soaked, washed by hand and finally in SMA with the addition of powder with a stain remover.

Car shampoo

Features of removing traces from different materials

The type of fabric from which the clothes are made largely influences the rules for caring for the product , including methods of action when removing stains. When working with fuel oil, special work clothing is recommended. Dense fabrics used for overalls withstand solvents, even aggressive ones.

Difficulties in removing fuel oil from clothes arise when everyday clothes are soiled. Basic information about how to care for an item can be found by examining the label.


Most often, jeans suffer from fuel oil and other petrochemical products. To clean these pants, you can use store-bought stain removers and home remedies .

One of the main requirements is that the selected drug should not discolor the color. Therefore, products with chlorine and bleaches are immediately prohibited.

It is advisable to immediately wash denim trousers that have just been soiled using soap or dish gel.

Can also be used:

  • refined gasoline;
  • auto cosmetics;
  • solvents, etc.


Products that dissolve industrial fats will help remove traces of fuel oil from bologna. It could even be regular dishwashing detergent or solvents. After treatment, the jacket will need to be washed, otherwise smudges and stains will remain on its surface.

Wool, silk, synthetics

If clothes made of wool, silk or synthetics have been damaged by fuel oil, solvents should not be used . Harsh chemicals can seriously damage fabric.

Preparations containing alcohol or ammonia will help to overcome stains on products made from such fabric. You can also use stain removers that are gentle on fabric fibers and are guaranteed not to spoil the item.


Fuel oil can be removed from work clothes in almost any way. Even regular laundry detergents can be effective if you rub the dirt with a brush and leave it to act on the applied product.

But even on such durable clothes, targeted stain removers will give a much greater effect . Before using a new stain remover, it is best to test its effect on an inconspicuous area.

Types of funds

To safely remove fuel oil from clothes at home, you should carefully choose your products. Aggressive solvents are used for complex and old stains, while more gentle products will help remove fresh ones.


  • Gasoline (diesel, kerosene). Used to remove oil stains of any complexity. Refined gasoline, which is sold in hardware stores, will do. The usual one from a gas station will not have any effect. Please note that gasoline can remove paint from fabric fibers.
  • Acetone. The solvent removes fuel oil with a bang, but the substances included in the composition can corrode synthetic fabrics. It is not recommended to scrub fuel oil from dark clothes with acetone to avoid the formation of white stains.
  • White Spirit. It practically leaves no streaks on the fabric and does not damage the color of fabrics.
  • Toluene. A very toxic but effective product for removing fuel oil stains from shoes or clothing. It is difficult to find in its pure form; it is usually included in other chemical solvents.
  • Cleaning products for cars. Car shampoo will help remove fuel oil stains from clothing. Additives will have a gentle effect on colored fabrics.

Remember that solvents are dangerous toxic substances. Use rubber gloves and protect your respiratory system. After use, ventilate the room for at least 30 minutes.


  • Household detergents. Fairy dishwasher or fabric stain remover will handle fresh stains. For old stains, try the procedure several times.
  • Tar soap. Simply rub soap on the stain and leave for a couple of hours. Do not wash the fabric - with strong friction, the resin substances will penetrate deeper into the structure of the fabric and it will not be possible to completely remove the stain.
  • Essential oil. Eucalyptus and fir oils will not harm the texture or color of clothing due to their natural ingredients. Solvent properties are less pronounced, so repeat the procedure several times.
  • Butter and margarine. Capable of destroying the resinous constitution of fuel oil and removing contaminants. Remaining oil traces can be removed with ordinary detergents.
  • Heat treatment. With the help of napkins and an iron, it is possible to remove a recently applied stain. High temperature returns the fuel oil to a viscous state and it is absorbed into a paper or cloth napkin.

To remove stains from light-colored clothing, use a resin-dissolving mixture recipe. The method has collected a lot of positive reviews on online forums. Combine turpentine, white kaolin clay or baking soda, potato starch and ammonia in equal proportions. Mix everything until you obtain a homogeneous paste. The mixture will remove fresh fuel oil contamination the first time.

How to clean it from shoes?

To remove fuel oil stains from shoes, you need to analyze what material the pair is made of. Just as with clothing, you need to act without delay.


Textile sneakers remove stains using the same principle as clothing . Taking into account the type of upper fabric, a suitable stain remover is selected. After the stains are removed, the sneakers are washed.


Shoes and clothes made of suede that have been damaged by fuel oil are difficult to clean due to the capriciousness of the material. Such products cannot be washed.

You can use the following approach to remove fresh stains:

  1. Sprinkle starch or talcum powder directly onto the stain.
  2. Leave the item for a few minutes so that the dirt is partially absorbed into the powder.
  3. Shake off the powder.
  4. Clean the suede with a special brush.
  5. Apply a special suede care product.


It is advisable to remove any dirt that gets on your shoes as quickly as possible. Talc or chalk will help to collect the bulk of the fuel oil. The powder is poured onto the stain and rubbed in effortlessly using a brush. It is better to leave the couple in this form for a day. After a day, the chalk is shaken off, and the surface of the skin is wiped with a sponge soaked in glycerin.

How to clean clothes from fuel oil using an iron and a blotter

Traces of fuel oil can be removed using heat. The procedure is as follows:

  • Place the blotter on the front and back of the fabric.
  • Warm up the iron and gently iron the stain, changing the blotting pads as they become dirty.
  • After the paper has completely absorbed the remaining fuel oil, treat the greasy stain with dishwashing detergent and wash the item.

Instead of an iron, you can use a hairdryer, directing a stream of hot air to the area of ​​contamination.

Use of household chemicals

You can wipe off traces of fuel oil using household chemicals. Kitchen cleaning products do a good job of removing fresh stains. For example, Silit Beng Antifat, Mister Muscle for the kitchen and others.

They contain substances that can dissolve even burnt fat. However, such products can damage the fabric, so be sure to first test the effect in an inconspicuous place.

Car shampoos

Household chemicals include car shampoos. You can use body wash to clean oil stains on clothes. Apply the shampoo to the clothes for half an hour, and then wash the item as usual.

What products should not be used

Using traditional stain removers is a waste of time and effort. They will not cope with fuel oil:

  • lemon acid;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • baking soda;
  • salt.

These substances are not able to dissolve the resins that underlie fuel oil.

Did you know that eucalyptus oil is a good solvent for petroleum products?

Not really

Removing fuel oil from shoes

The choice of method for removing blots from shoes depends on the material from which they are made.

Leather shoes

Place a small patch used for repairing bicycle tires on the grease stain. Leave on overnight, then remove. To restore shine and color, use a suitable shoe cream (spray). On clean leather shoes, fuel oil will not be absorbed; just wipe the area with a paper towel.

Removing fuel oil from shoes

Suede, other materials

To clean suede shoes and other materials (sneakers, ballet shoes, etc.), first thoroughly absorb the remaining fuel oil with a paper napkin, then wipe:

  • suede - with a special cleaner for suede shoes;
  • other materials - hand cream or just a soft brush.

Remove stubborn stains with a piece of white cotton wool moistened with technical gasoline. In a hidden place, first test the effect of gasoline to see if it discolors the material.

Furniture cleaning

Old stains

There are 2 ways to remove old stains. The choice of method depends on the type of fabric.

Removing old stains with a chemical:

  1. Old blots from fuel oil and other lubricants can be cleaned with technical gasoline, benzene or trichlorethylene. You can also use a special stain remover “Dr. Beckmann" (50 ml) for tar stains, wax, grease or "Dr. Beckmann" for grease and oil stains (50 ml), available in household chemical stores.
  2. After cleaning, rinse the stain remover thoroughly with water, wash, and leave to dry.

You can remove old stains with laundry soap (72%):

  1. Wet the contaminated area with warm water.
  2. Wipe with soap, lather with a brush, rub, gradually removing dirt with a damp cloth or sponge.
  3. Repeat the process several times as needed.
  4. Rinse the area to be treated thoroughly with water or wash it and leave to dry.

Useful tips

  • For optimal results, clean the stain from the edges to the center. This is the only way to prevent divorces from occurring.
  • Paper towels are very convenient, they are great for drying your hands, and you don’t need to wash them.
  • It’s easy to wash fuel oil off your hands if you use a well-known dish soap.
  • If the clothing contains artificial fibers, you must first experiment with the solvent on the inseam area. This way you can determine whether the item will retain its original appearance after intensive cleaning.

Cleaning our hands

If a person repaired a car, then his hands will definitely get dirty. What to do in such a situation? How to wash your hands from fuel oil? There are also many proven methods, namely:

Using washing powder

You need to apply a small amount of it to the skin and rub the contaminated area well. After this, wash your hands with warm water. The procedure continues until the spots disappear completely. It's worth noting that the powder (and cleanser if you choose to use it) is very drying to the skin. Therefore, after such procedures it is advisable to apply moisturizers;

Starch, soda, ammonia and turpentine

The first two components (starch and soda) are taken in two tablespoons. Liquid components (ammonia and turpentine) are added one teaspoon at a time. Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to your hands. You need to wait until the product dries completely and wash it off with water and laundry soap.

Coffee grounds

The product is applied to the contaminated area of ​​skin and rubbed thoroughly. After this, rinse off with warm water. The substances contained in coffee have a good absorbent effect, which helps to cope with the pollutant;


You can use elderberries to scrub oil off your hands. They rub their hands with it like soap. You can also use currants and gooseberries for these purposes.

There are many ways to remove fuel oil from your hands. But it is worth noting that this substance is quite corrosive. If you often work with equipment, you won’t be able to wash your hands clean. Therefore, it is best to use gloves.

What should you consider when cleaning up oil stains?

Items of clothing that have been cleaned with gasoline or other strong-smelling solvents are not recommended to be washed together with other items to avoid “contamination” with a persistent gasoline odor.

Before washing, it is recommended to soak them for a couple of hours separately from the rest of the clothes in a solution of washing powder, adding some kind of stain remover, for example, Vanish.

It doesn’t hurt to rinse the long-suffering product a few more times in fragrant fabric softener.

Dry cleaned items in the fresh air. Untested recommendations and advice should be used with great caution for yourself and the item from which the stain needs to be removed.

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