An easy way to transform plain white sneakers into stylish sports shoes

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As sad as it is to admit, over time, any shoe wears out.
And if you can still wear it, then its appearance raises serious doubts that you will ever wear it again. However, a couple that has lost its attractive appearance can still be put in order. Therefore, now we will tell you how to paint sneakers so that they look like they were just bought. Yes, this is a completely doable task. Of course, you can contact the nearest shoe shop, where they will select the paint of your desired color, depending on the type of material. But you can do it yourself, because the availability of a large assortment of coloring agents for shoes makes this possible.

Preparing shoes

Before you start painting your sneakers, you need to prepare them. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Thoroughly wash your shoes from dust and dirt, and also remove any remaining shoe polish and wax.
  • After washing and drying completely, degrease the entire surface or individual areas that you are going to restore.

Important! Special cleaners will help you cope with these procedures efficiently, however, you can also use available materials, for example, a solution of laundry soap with the addition of ammonia.

  • Now dry the sneakers thoroughly - always in a natural way.

Important! Do not dry the steam on radiators or electric heating devices.

Paint selection

Many people wonder: how to paint white sneakers, because white is more capricious than black? Depending on the shoe material and the result you want to get, you need to buy special shoe paint.

It can be in the form of a ready-made water-based or other paint, in the form of a spray or a powder coloring agent that will need to be prepared to create a ready-to-use solution.

Important! To apply decor, you can use acrylic shoe paint. Modern hardware stores have a huge selection of paints for shoes, so you can choose a product from both domestic and foreign manufacturers.

Features of repainting in a different color

Manufacturers thoroughly impregnate sports models with dyes. Therefore, repainting requires knowledge of one law: making a white pair black is much easier than lightening a dark one. And one more secret. A complete change in shade is possible only for leather, suede, and textile products. Other materials are more difficult to repaint.

If you follow all the instructions, the coloring will be easy and without much expense. Sneakers that have received a second life will serve their owner for many years.

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Shoe painting

Painting sneakers at home is not difficult if you follow certain rules:

  • Prepare a place where you will do coloring - away from food and children, preferably outdoors.

Important! Often the paint has a very unpleasant and pungent odor. Therefore, if you work indoors, it should be well ventilated.

  • Cover the floor with paper or polyethylene.
  • Depending on the type of paint, apply it to the surface of the shoe using a brush, sponge or brush. Try to apply the paint in a thin layer, evenly.

Important! Before application, be sure to carefully read the instructions for use.

  • After staining, it is necessary to evaluate the result obtained and carefully look to see if there are any unpainted areas left.
  • If you are completely satisfied with the result, leave the sneakers for the paint to completely absorb and dry.

Stages of work taking into account the material

Painting shoes is a meticulous and responsible process. The selected composition is sprayed or applied using a sponge or brush in several stages. Depending on the degree of wear, the shoes are coated 2 to 4 times with an even layer of pigment. Between each application it is necessary to pause for complete drying.

The following steps are common when painting any boots:

  • inserting crumpled paper inside to straighten and shape;
  • covering with tape and film the sole and all parts that should not be painted;
  • alternate application of layers of paint.

It is better to choose paint in a specialized store with the help of a consultant. The main thing is that it matches the material that needs to be updated. Suede is usually painted using an aerosol spray or a special sponge. The last product with fine bubbles, as well as a brush, can be used for leather shoes. The aerosol should be handled carefully to avoid drips.

The table shows the most popular brands in our country that produce paint for shoes made of leather, suede and nubuck. These manufacturers have proven themselves well. Brand products are in demand and have proven their effectiveness more than once.

BrandA country


First, all abrasions on the products are primed

It is especially important not to skip this stage when preparing white shoes, otherwise the damaged areas will ultimately differ in color saturation. Liquid leather is used to fill visible defects

After covering the boots with tape and filling them with paper, the main process begins. Before painting leather shoes completely, they work on small details. The pigmented cream and liquid are applied with a sponge or brush in a circular motion. The composition is not rubbed in.

When working with aerosol, the container should not be held close to the product. Spraying should be done at a distance of 20 cm from the shoe

It is important to try not to paint the same area twice.

Particular attention should be paid to seams and bends

When the painting of leather shoes is completed, you can begin to apply a special fixer, if it is included in the kit. Otherwise, after drying, wipe the boots with a cloth soaked in a vinegar solution. Painted shoes may only be used after 1-2 days.

Suede and nubuck

To clean suede before painting, use a special brush with stiff bristles and a degreasing alcohol solution. Steaming the material for a few minutes effectively helps in removing dirt. The paint is applied evenly, repeating the procedure 2 or 3 times, waiting for each layer to dry completely. For seams use a brush. After the last layer has dried, lift the pile with the rubber side of the brush and treat the boots with a water-repellent spray.

Nubuck does not like to get wet, so it is better to clean it using the dry method. Dirty stains must be treated with soap or alcohol solution. The boots must be dry before painting. Shoes made from this material are processed only by spraying. The main advice is to keep the balloon at a distance of 20 cm from the surface.


Rubber is difficult to paint, so it is used only to hide a defect or make the model more interesting. In any case, it is better not to count on an ideal and long-term result. At home, you can paint rubber shoes using enamel, acrylic or other suitable paint.

Before painting, just wash your shoes with soapy water and dry well. An alcohol cleaner will have a detrimental effect on the condition of the rubber, so it is better not to use it. If you need to apply a drawing, you should use a stencil. After painting, rubber shoes must be dried for several days.


Textile shoes often lose their appearance. After numerous washes, the color of fabric sandals or sneakers quickly fades. Textile dye or products with an acrylic composition will help give them freshness and neatness. It is necessary to be extremely careful and attentive when carrying out work - this will avoid divorces.

To paint fabric shoes at home, you need to proceed as follows:

  • wash and dry the product;
  • take out the laces;
  • dilute the dye in water according to the instructions;
  • lubricate all rubber and plastic parts with Vaseline;
  • immerse the pair in a container with pigment for 5-10 minutes;
  • dip into a bowl of vinegar solution;
  • rinse until clear water;
  • dry and remove Vaseline.

Features of dyeing suede shoes

Suede shoes always look rich and very impressive. But nothing lasts forever, and over time it loses its beautiful appearance: it can fade and rub. However, such shoes can be transformed by restoring them using special paint for suede.

To do this, you can use the above procedure, making sure in advance that the paint is intended specifically for suede and carefully reading the instructions.

Important! Be sure to wear gloves to avoid damaging the skin on your hands.

Areas where the shoes have begun to shine or become worn over time should be given special attention - carefully walk over them with a small brush.

Features of dyeing leather or leatherette shoes

Leather products, as well as products made from leatherette, are the easiest to paint, since the paint applies easily, evenly and neatly to such a surface.

Important! If necessary, the shoes can be painted completely or some of its individual parts.

Thus, painting sneakers should not give you any difficulties:

  • In case of partial staining, it is recommended to seal the outline using, for example, paper tape. This will help you get a clear and even line. Then you can use the above-described coloring algorithm.
  • As a rule, leather dye is in a creamy or liquid form, so pour it from the bottle into a more convenient container, stir well and apply to the surface of the sneakers, paying special attention to the seams and joints.

Important! Try to paint your shoes in one go, without distractions, to avoid drips and streaks.

  • After the paint has completely dried, apply care products to the surface of the shoes - oil, cream or wax.

How to get rid of deep scratches on sneakers?

In some cases, such as deep scratches on the surface of a shoe, white sneaker paint may not completely hide all defects. Then folk craftsmen recommend using a product called “liquid skin”.

This miracle product is nothing more than a water-based polymer. It is able to penetrate deeply into natural and artificial leather, while forming a tight connection. Essentially, it is a high-tech shoe “putty” that covers all cuts and other imperfections.

Apply the product with a regular brush. After its application, even an experienced eye sometimes finds it difficult to detect the location of the old defect.

Important! “Liquid leather” has a shine when it dries, so it is more suitable for glossy leather rather than matte.

How to paint rubber boots?

Sometimes the question arises: is it possible to paint rubber boots, since such shoes were invented for the rainy seasons to withstand water? This material is quite problematic to paint, however, nevertheless, it is still possible to create an individual and creative design or eliminate some defects:

  • For these purposes, you can use enamel paint, acrylic paint or any other paint intended for rubber products - check with the seller.
  • Before painting, be sure to wash your rubber boots and wipe them dry with a cloth.

Important! Unlike leather shoes, rubber shoes should not be wiped with alcohol, as this may damage them.

  • To apply an original drawing or pattern, you can use a ready-made stencil or make it yourself.
  • After painting the rubber boots, it is advisable to leave them to dry for at least a couple of days.

Rules for coloring suede, eco-leather, nubuck

Before painting, it is necessary to determine what the sneakers are made of, since the choice of coloring agent depends on this .

Suede shoes look great when new, but over time they take on a worn and dull appearance. It can be restored by treating it with a special paint for suede. Particular attention should be paid to shiny areas, painting them with a brush first.

Important! Please read the instructions carefully before starting work!

Paint is applied most easily to eco-leather sneakers, neatly and evenly. Most often, the coloring matter comes in the form of a liquid or cream; before application, it must be poured into a convenient container for even stirring . Shoes can be painted either completely or individual parts. In case of incomplete painting, you need to tape off the parts that do not require painting to create a clear border. You can use masking tape for this purpose.

Important! Paint seams and joints. Avoid streaks and drips. Apply cream or oil after drying.

Lightweight and durable nubuck shoes are quite capricious - without compromising quality, it is possible to paint them only with a spray, keeping the aerosol at a distance from the sneakers.

Preparatory stages

It’s better to paint your shoes well once than to waste time correcting mistakes due to hasty work.

It is necessary not only to select the right materials, but also to pay due attention to each stage of the process. Without thoroughly preparing shoes for painting, you should not expect an even tone and long-term results.

Shoes will acquire a uniform and rich color only if they first go through two stages: deep cleaning and polishing. The pores of the material must be open so that paint can easily penetrate into them. Its deep penetration will ensure lasting results.

Cleaning and degreasing

In order for the paint to have strong adhesion to the surface of the shoe, it is necessary to clean it thoroughly.

It is important to understand that removing street dust from boots is not enough, because underneath it there is a layer of cream or wax. Care products serve as an obstacle to the penetration of dye into the pores of the leather or other material of the shoe.

Products are cleaned using various means:

  1. Wet wipes. This option is suitable if you need to paint boots or shoes that have not been subjected to the application of greasy cream or wax. You need to treat the surface with a napkin several times.
  2. Soapy solution. Any solid or liquid cosmetic product will do; you can use dishwashing gel. If the first option is used, the block should be grated and dissolved in warm water. The disadvantage of this method is the need to thoroughly rinse the solution from the surface.
  3. Alcohol solution. The method is suitable even for textile shoes. This option involves the use of ethyl or ammonia. The ratio with water is 1:2. Vodka may be used.
  4. By professional means. They can come complete with paint or be sold separately. The use of a liquid substance is similar to the use of an alcohol solution. The cleaning foam should be applied to the surface of the shoes, wait 5 minutes and wipe off with a sponge along with the dirty residue.

A soap solution with the addition of ammonia cleans and degreases the surface well. Apply the composition using a piece of cloth or a napkin for wet cleaning. Places where dirt and shoe polish accumulate should be additionally treated with a medium-hard sponge. After all actions, you can move on to the next stage.

Wet wipes

Soapy solution

Alcohol solution Professional means

Sanding and drying

After degreasing, the shoes should be dried, then proceed to sanding using a special sponge or sandpaper. You can use a nail file. Sanding is necessary to smooth out small cracks and scratches, making them almost invisible. This step is not necessary before redying suede, nubuck or canvas shoes at home.

After sanding, the resulting dust from the surface of the boots must be thoroughly wiped off. Before you paint your shoes, you need to dry them thoroughly. On a wet surface, adhesion to the chemical composition will be much lower.

Dry Rub small cracks and scratches Wipe and dry thoroughly


The process of painting shoes is simple and, if you follow the instructions, leads to an excellent result. Accuracy and creativity will help not only extend the life of old shoes, but also give them new ones, in a completely different guise.


First of all, it is necessary to prepare the room - it should be ventilated, away from food and children. The floor should be covered with a piece of film or newspapers. From washed or washed sneakers, remove the insoles and laces. Degrease.

Coloring agents

There is a large selection of acrylic and water-based paints, sprays from various manufacturers - both domestic and imported. In addition, stores sell special powders that you need to dilute yourself. What to paint is everyone’s choice, the main thing is that the coloring agent is suitable for the material from which the shoes are made .


Paint is applied to sneakers with a brush, brush or sponge, depending on the material from which the shoes are made and the type of paint.

Tips for choosing depending on the material

There are many domestic and foreign manufacturers offering effective products for any model, from shoes to boots. When thinking about what you can use to paint your shoes, you should start from the material from which they are made. Each type has its own characteristics.

For skin

This is the traditional and most commonly used material. Accordingly, there is a large selection of paints for leather shoes. The products are available in the form of cream, spray or liquid. Since products made from this material have a long service life, you should not skimp on paint for leather shoes.

Aerosols are most convenient to use, since the degree of coloring is easily controlled. But you can also use creams in tubes. Most often they have an additional foam tip. The package may include a sponge for spreading. The advantage is that they do not spread over the surface and can be applied pointwise. In addition, after creams a waterproof film is formed on shoes. Liquid options are expensive and are used mainly by professionals, but can be successfully used for home repairs. The advantage of paints for leather shoes is the variety of different colors.

For suede

This delicate material requires more careful handling than smooth leather products. Cream and spray are suitable for suede. There are many options on sale, differing in different composition, method of application, and color characteristics. Before painting suede sneakers, shoes or boots, you should decide on the scope of the upcoming repair and choose a product based on these considerations. If there are not many “bald spots” on the product, you can use inexpensive compounds. Basically, paint for sneakers and other types of shoes comes in the form of a spray. When using it, you must study the operating instructions. The spray can be used to paint both the entire product and individual bald spots.

For nubuck

Nubuck is a type of leather that has been specially treated and sanded using low-abrasive products. It can be natural or artificial. As a rule, the means for painting nubuck shoes are the same as for suede. For these materials, you can find spray paints in various colors in shoe departments. If you can’t find the right shade, you can try to darken or lighten it using black or white compounds.

For textiles

The upper of this material is used in shoes, sneakers, slippers, and sneakers. Shoes made of canvas, linen, and silk can be easily painted, giving them a more well-groomed appearance. The most commonly used paint is white for sneakers and similar types of products. Moreover, not only worn shoes are subjected to the procedure, but also newly acquired ones in order to give them a more attractive appearance. Acrylic and aniline compounds are most suitable for these purposes. Sometimes parents have a question about neon sneakers - how to paint them so that they glow in the dark. To do this, you will need a plastisol-based product, with which you can draw various designs on shoes.

How to paint sneakers at home (step by step)

To dye your shoes yourself, you need to follow these steps:

  1. wash, dry and degrease shoes. To do this, you need to buy special products in the store or use improvised ones. A solution of laundry soap with ammonia copes well with this task;
  2. prepare the room. Provide fresh air for ventilation. The smell of paint is sharp and pungent; there should be no children or people prone to allergic reactions nearby ;
  3. cover areas not to be painted with paper tape;
  4. take a brush, shake the paint and evenly apply the coloring matter to the surface in a thin layer, avoiding paint stains and drips;
  5. leave the sneakers to absorb the paint and dry naturally;
  6. After dyeing smooth leather, it is recommended to coat the shoes with a special varnish in order to give them smoothness and shine.

Important! Dry your shoes at room temperature. Wear gloves before painting.


Not all shoe paints are created equal. They differ depending on the purpose of use, color, composition, and seasonality of use. There are various types of substances on the market intended for coloring shoes:

  1. Acrylic. Suitable for smooth surfaces: leather, vinyl, nubuck. They are resistant to sunlight, mechanical damage, and moisture. Increases wear resistance. They have the ability to impart a matte finish. They feature a large selection of colors. Suitable for applying designs to leather.
  2. Based on beeswax and natural oils. Designed for varnished or very smooth surfaces, usually leather or substitute. Beeswax in the product performs an important function - it softens the skin and gives it shine and shine.
  3. Based on organic solvents. They are fatty and dense compositions that create a waterproof barrier in the form of a film that protects against frost, snow, and moisture. It is advisable to use for winter shoes.
  4. Containing turpentine. Used for shoes made of rough, thick materials.

Acrylic Based on beeswax and natural oils With a waterproof barrier Containing turpentine
Depending on the form of release and purpose of use, the paint comes in the following options:

Aerosols for suede. They penetrate deeply into the material, renew color, and retouch visible abrasions. With their help, you can easily spray paint over the entire surface of the shoe. Among the advantages - they dry quickly. Disadvantages: they often have a strong odor, the need to carry out treatment in the fresh air or with open windows, the effect is not very lasting. Emulsion compositions in liquid form. Prevents surfaces from cracking and stretching. Mainly used for repairing summer shoes. Stays on the surface for quite a long time. Cream. These are skin coloring products in the form of a thick paste. Applied with a sponge or tampon, they have a long-lasting effect. Not recommended for products made of suede, velor, nubuck. Sprays for leather products

When choosing, it is important that the shades completely match the color of the shoes. Sprays intended for textile shoes. Have a water-repellent effect

A great option for those who don’t know how to paint sneakers or sneakers. Express sponges. They have protective impregnation. Gives the surface color and shine. The disadvantages include a short-term effect.

You can purchase the dye in specialized shoe departments. Experts advise using only the product that matches the material of the boots and shoes. For example, leather cleaner will most likely ruin suede. Protection for white shoes deserves special attention. Since all damage is clearly visible on it, to eliminate it you should purchase cream paint with beeswax, which will not only restore the original color, but will also protect it from contamination in the future.

Aerosols for suede

Compositions in liquid form


Sprays for leather products

Sprays for textile shoesExpress sponge with impregnation

Features of sole coloring

The sole is the part of the sneaker that suffers the most from mechanical damage. To restore or update the design of the sole, paint is also available in various colors.

The dyeing process is the same as when working with the upper part of the sneakers; there is also the possibility of full and partial dyeing. If the sole is covered with scratches, it is recommended to apply the paint in several layers . The choice of paint colors is widely available in stores.

Important! You can use car spray paints to paint the soles.

Sneakers have long and firmly settled in our wardrobe - they are worn by both toddlers and adults. In addition, modern fashion allows you to wear these comfortable shoes both on a hike and at a party. That is why the new couple quickly loses its presentable appearance. Of course, you can do something radical - buy new ones. But this is not available to everyone. Yes, and sometimes it’s quite difficult to buy comfortable sneakers that are “yours,” but breaking in new shoes is also a pleasure. Therefore, many people ask the question: “How to return worn things to their former freshness?”


Fortunately, this is quite easy to do: many home recipes, as well as white and colored paint for sneakers, will help you cope with this task.

In what cases is it necessary

There are quite a lot of situations when there is a need to use shoe paint. In addition to the desire to change the original color, it is used to restore the “presentation” of a beloved couple. Most often it is necessary to eliminate various defects that appeared as a result of careless operation:

  • presence of abrasions;
  • damage to the top surface in the form of scratches;
  • the appearance of dirty stains that cannot be removed;
  • change in original color due to fading.

In such cases, the use of ordinary shoe polishes does not give the desired effect, and there is not always a desire to go to a workshop. Therefore, it makes sense to try to “revive” your favorite couple yourself. Additionally, painting can be seen as a creative and fulfilling process.

How to return sneakers and trainers to their original whiteness?

Naturally, the first thing that comes to mind in such a question is to simply wash it. You can do this manually using a household brush or use equipment. Nowadays, many washing machines have a “sports shoes” mode, which allows us to significantly simplify our life - for example, wash white sneakers quickly and efficiently.

However, if after these procedures the appearance remains unsatisfactory, do not be upset. There are several options to solve this problem.

Important! Before you begin any manipulations with sports shoes, remove the laces and stuff them inside with paper. This will then allow you to avoid the hassle of washing out detergents inside the products.

The simplest and most effective ways to whiten sneakers, which don’t even require white shoe paint:

  • An ordinary stationery eraser will help you easily erase black streak marks from the sole.
  • Apply toothpaste or powder to a soft-bristled brush—whether it’s a household brush or an old toothbrush, it doesn’t matter. Rub into the surface of the sneakers. Pay special attention to the dirtiest places, but do it gently, without excessive pressure.
  • If you need to quickly make a pair of shoes look presentable, rub them with chalk. The result is achieved very quickly, but it is very short-lived. According to fans of this method, it works until the first rain.
  • A wonderful product for whitening sports shoes can be made from improvised materials. Mix equal parts washing powder, hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice or vinegar. The result should be a paste-like mixture. It should be used in the same way as toothpaste.

Important! This mixture should not be used on sneakers with mesh uppers. Regardless of the material of the shoe, first any product should be tested on a small, inconspicuous area.

  • If the stains are strong and difficult to remove, use regular bleach powder. You need to wipe the surface with it, let it sit for a while according to the instructions, and then rinse thoroughly. If the above bleaching methods did not give the desired result or the material of the sneakers has minor defects, then paint for white shoes will come to your aid.


During wear, white leather is exposed to external influences. As a result, its surface may become dirty, scratched, peeled or cracked.

How to clean white skin?

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Apply a small amount of detergent and spread it onto the shoes from the outside and inside.
  2. Wash the leather surface with a brush or sponge.
  3. Rinse off any foam and remaining dirt under warm running water.
  4. Wipe the clean surface dry.
  5. Leave the product to dry away from direct sunlight and electrical appliances.

To prevent shoes from shrinking during the drying process, it is recommended to fill the inner surface with plain paper. It is better not to use newsprint for these purposes. Otherwise, the paint may print and cause the product to change color.

How to care for white shoes, besides washing shampoo? White leather shoes can be treated with a special conditioner. Its use helps soften the leather and prevent dry patches or cracks on shoes.

The conditioner is selected according to the color of the leather shoes. If there is damage on the surface, you should purchase a product several shades lighter than the skin color.

When treating shoes using this method, experts do not recommend using synthetic conditioner. It can ruin the quality of soft white leather.

How to prepare sneakers for painting?

The first step in painting any shoes is careful preparation. The result obtained and the durability of the coating will directly depend on how well you do this.

First, the sneakers need to be thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt. Better yet, wash it completely so you don't have to do it in the near future after painting. And it’s much more pleasant to walk in sneakers that are beautiful not only on the outside, but also on the inside.

Next, the surface of the shoe or individual areas should be degreased. This is necessary so that the paint for the sneakers, whether white or colored, adheres well to the material. Special cleaners will help you cope with this task efficiently and quickly. You can buy a special one for shoes or for car dealerships.

But if you don’t want to spend extra money on purchasing them, then the usual funds will come to the rescue:

  1. Alcohol perfectly degreases any surface. It will also help remove the protective film from some of the decorative elements of the sneakers that you want to paint.
  2. A solution of laundry soap and ammonia also does the job well. But it is better to use this liquid outdoors due to its specific odor.
  3. You can also use regular colorless nail polish remover. It is not recommended to use acetone directly, as it can damage the material itself.

Important! The degreased surface of the shoe should be completely matte, without a hint of glossy shine.

After cleaning your sneakers, you need to dry them thoroughly. In this case, the use of batteries or electric dryers is strictly prohibited, as this may cause deformation of the item itself.

After 100% drying, many people can’t wait to start painting right away. But don't rush. You also need to protect from contact those parts of the sneakers that you are not going to cover with paint for white shoes:

  • Cover the sole and decorative elements with masking tape or a fabric-based plaster.
  • Place newspaper or cloth in the middle of the sneakers. This will protect the inside from the ingress of dyes, and the outer surface will be straightened, without bending.

Tips and tricks

What to consider when removing paint from shoes?

  1. When carrying out manipulations with cleaning shoes and using special purchased products, be sure to wear gloves.
  2. Even if the paint layer is thick, it is not recommended to use chlorine-based household chemicals for cleaning. They have a good whitening effect, but have a strong odor and can only damage the surface of the shoe.
  3. Whatever cleaning product you choose, try it first on a small area of ​​the material that is least noticeable.
  4. The product used to remove the composition must be thoroughly washed off the surface.
  5. After cleaning, wipe the shoes with a dry cloth and let them dry. It is better if the place chosen for drying is not in direct sunlight or in a hot radiator.

Experts do not recommend using a knife or other sharp objects to remove old paint.

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Paint selection

When choosing paint for sneakers, you need to rely on the type of material from which the sneakers are made, their color, as well as the desired additional result.

As a rule, coloring agents for shoes are produced in the form of cream paint, liquid paint, spray paint or aerosol. There are paints in powder form, which you then need to dilute yourself.

What to give preference to? — Consider these recommendations:

  • Sneakers made of smooth leather or leatherette are easy to dye and are usually painted with cream paint or liquid paint.
  • But if you want to achieve a uniform layer, it is still preferable to purchase an aerosol.
  • Renewing the color of textile or synthetic materials is easy to do with a paint solution.
  • But shoes made of nubuck and suede can only be painted with aerosol or spray paint.

Important! However, when purchasing coloring products, it is more important to focus on the labels on the packaging than on the release form. For example, White sneaker paint from Salamander is sold in spray form, but is only suitable for smooth leather and is absolutely not intended for nubuck.

Types of funds

You can update the color of your shoes at home with the same quality as in a shoe shop

To achieve this, it is important to choose a product suitable for the type of material. To ensure reliable results, it is better to give preference to paints from well-known brands.

Shoes, sandals or boots made of suede can be painted without the slightest expense. To do this, proven traditional methods are used. They work reliably, but the effect does not last as long as with professional products. The main difference between homemade paints for suede shoes is safety.

All of them are absolutely harmless and do not require special precautions. You can use them as often as needed


Paints for suede and nubuck are always produced in liquid form. The trademarks Salton, Kiwi, Salamander won the greatest demand. It is difficult to get confused in the varieties of pigmented products for suede shoes, since the standard range is small. All manufacturers produce formulations in three types:

  1. Cream paint. Bottle with pigmented liquid. The kit may include a sponge. Otherwise, you will need to separately purchase a sponge or brush to apply the composition.
  2. Paint-balsam. The release form is similar to the previous one - a bottle with a coloring liquid substance. The balm penetrates deeper into the material and contains natural ingredients. The increased concentration of pigments allows you to use the product economically.
  3. Spray paint or aerosol paint. Available in the form of a spray bottle. This painting method is the easiest and fastest.

Cream paint


Spray paint


For those who cannot stand the smell of chemicals or simply want to save money, traditional painting methods are suitable. Only owners of black, blue, brown and white boots will be able to use them. The result is obvious, but does not last long.

You can use coffee to dye your shoes without much effort. The process consists of rubbing warm, slightly damp coffee grounds into the material. After drying, it is removed with a brush. To lightly refresh the color, wipe the shoes with a sponge moistened with strong brewed coffee. Only black and brown suede are dyed this way.

Black or blue transfer paper is great for updating suede shoes in matching colors

You need to gently rub it with the sticky layer of the shoe, paying special attention to the whitish areas. This method attracts users with its simplicity, but the result does not last long

The appearance of suede boots or white shoes is refreshed with a mixture of equal amounts of full-fat milk and chalk. Instead of the latter, you can take sports magnesium or talc. The composition is applied for one hour and then removed with a dry brush.

Black and brown suede are dyed using coffee grounds. Black or blue transfer paper is suitable for updating shoes in matching colors.

White shoes are refreshed by a mixture of equal amounts of fat milk and chalk (talc, magnesia)

Cream paint: features of choice

Cream paints are suitable for painting over scuffs, refreshing and restoring color.

The advantage of such paints is that their composition is more gentle and they also provide additional care for your shoes.

What is the best paint for shoes? - Take note of the following:

  1. Cream paint for white shoes Deckweiss from Solitaire is waterproof, contains solvents and does not crack on bends.
  2. Fans of stylish sneakers will be pleased with the color palette of the Collonil brand restorative cream; gold and silver are especially interesting.
  3. And for those who believe that all cream paints have a weak coloring effect, we recommend trying Super White from Tarrago. In addition to the high content of coloring pigment, this whitening dye has another characteristic advantage - it does not stain other surfaces after drying.

Variety of shoe cosmetics

“Budget” dyes and sprays that consumers often use are “Salamander”, “Salton” and “Farel”. Farel paint is effective for masking scuffs, dries quickly, but sometimes smells unpleasant. The Salamander product contains a pleasant fragrance, but it is not sprayed near the product and is not applied in a thick layer. A thick layer of the substance will cause streaks. The composition of the Salton dye returns the shoes to their original shine and newness. It is easy to apply and comes with a convenient applicator. They can be used to evenly distribute the dye over the entire surface.

There are dyes intended for professional use. They come in a variety of colors and are highly resistant to wear. Among them are paints from the French and Spanish manufacturer Tarrago. Composition form: creams, sprays, liquid skin. For daily coloring, you can buy an aerosol can. The substance must be applied at a distance of 15-20 cm from the product, and it is sprayed only in open air.

On a note!

Never save dye by touching up only individual spots and abrasions. This will ruin the appearance of the shoes.

For suede and nubuck, the dyes are Nubuk Suede Color from Tarrago and Nubuck Velor Fresh from. French paint "Sapphire Tenax" is used half an hour before leaving. Before use, shoes are cleaned and the suede pile is raised. Since this is a spray, it must be applied outdoors, and the distance between the surface of the shoe and the can should be from 15 to 20 cm.

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