How to disinfect shoes from fungus at home

  1. In what cases should shoes be disinfected?
  2. Disinfectants
  3. Which way is better?
  4. General rules for processing shoes
  5. Safety precautions during processing
  6. FAQ
  7. Sequence of actions for onychomycosis and contaminated shoes
  8. Disinfection for preventive purposes
  9. Fungus prevention and sock treatment

The fight against onychomycosis is based not only on the use of medicinal drugs, but also on creating minimal conditions for the interaction of human skin and nails with its pathogens. Disinfecting shoes from fungus prevents infection and relapse of the pathology. For this purpose, pharmacy and folk remedies are used. We invite you to find out more about them.

In what cases should shoes be disinfected?

Nail fungus is a serious infection that tends to become latent. It requires a systematic approach, long-term complex treatment. The shoes of a person suffering from mycosis or who have had it can again cause a relapse of the infection, since the causative agents of the disease remain viable for 12 months. To prevent re-infection, it must be disinfected.

Treating shoes with nail fungus should be done every day and with special care. To do this, you can use medications and folk remedies, specific devices and devices with a fungicidal effect.

Both shoes and hosiery should be disinfected.

At what temperature does it die?

Fungi are quite resistant to high temperatures and remain quite viable after contact with low temperatures. Scientists have found that:

  • Humid heat at a temperature of 75 ° C causes their death only after 15 minutes.
  • A temperature of 90 °C allows you to destroy fungi in only 10 minutes.
  • Boiling kills fungi in only 3-5 minutes.

Thus, standard washing in a washing machine at high temperature will not be enough to get rid of fungi on hosiery. You can, of course, wash your socks at a temperature of 90°C, but not all of them can withstand such execution.


There are many industrial, medicinal and folk methods to combat this delicate problem. The list of means used to destroy mycosis of the feet and nails includes the following:

  • sprays;
  • solutions;
  • devices;
  • napkins.

The choice of one or another remedy depends on the neglect of the pathological process, financial capabilities and the material from which the shoes are made. Let's take a closer look at these tools.

Disinfection sprays

Mycostop. A drug that is active against all known pathogens of fungal infections. It is not only convenient to use, but also safe for things and shoes, as it does not cause any harm to them.

Mycostop is applied directly to the inside of shoes, presumably infected with fungus, and to skin with diagnosed onychomycosis and candidiasis. To completely destroy the infection, shoes or boots should be treated with the drug at least 5 times. It is recommended to carry out manipulations at night.

The cost of Mycostop in Russia is 250 rubles, in Ukraine - 110 hryvnia.

Dezavid. A broad-spectrum disinfectant produced in the form of aerosols. The drug helps to destroy fungal infections not only in shoes, but also on human skin.

Dezavid acts quickly: the disinfection effect occurs literally a few minutes after treating shoes, boots and boots. The drug is safe for humans, including those with allergies.

In Russia, the cost of this product is 130 rubles per 150 ml bottle, in Ukraine - 38 hryvnia.

Disinfectant solutions

Bitsin. An effective drug, produced in liquid form, which has pronounced antifungal properties. It is used to combat onychomycosis pathogens and sweat odor.

The drug has a prolonged effect. Its activity remains for 30 days after treatment of shoes. The product can also be used to disinfect residential premises.

Bitsin solution is prepared before use. The remaining composition can be stored in a tightly closed container for 14 days.

Making the product is easy. To do this, pour the ampoule with the drug into a bottle of water, which is included in the kit, and spray the resulting solution onto the surface of the shoe.

The price for Bitsin is 100 rubles in Russia and 60 hryvnia in Ukraine.

Formidron. An antifungal agent that destroys infection spores and sweat odor. Available in liquid form. The drug does not damage wardrobe items, so it is suitable for any shoes, including suede. Formidron is also used to treat onychomycosis and excessive sweating of the feet.

The cost of the solution ranges from 35 rubles in Russia and 16 hryvnia in Ukraine.

Chlorhexidine. A drug that is active against dermatophytes and yeast fungi. The product in 1% concentration destroys the causative agents of onychomycosis. It is applied to the inner surface of the shoe in a small amount and dried thoroughly.

Chlorhexidine is sold at an affordable price - 40 rubles in Russia, 15 hryvnia in Ukraine.

Miramistin. A popular remedy with a wide spectrum of action. It fights pathogens, including pathogens of onychomycosis at the cellular level.

The drug can be used for preventive treatment of shoes and the skin of the feet when there is a risk of infection with nail fungus, for example, after purchasing new shoes. The drug is used by analogy with Chlorhexidine.

You can buy Miramistin at any pharmacy. The cost in Russia is from 236 rubles, depending on the volume of packaging, in Ukraine – from 38 hryvnia.

Chlorhexidine or Miramistin - which is better?

For disinfection purposes, it is equally often recommended to use both drugs. Both Chlorhexidine and Miramistin effectively disinfect shoes from fungal infections without causing damage or unpleasant odor. To determine which product works best, you need to consider their benefits.

Chlorhexidine kills pathogens in full. The product is odorless, does not stain shoes, and does not leave stains on the treated surface. The product can be purchased at any pharmacy at a low cost. Chlorhexidine is economical in consumption - for disinfection you only need a small amount of the drug applied to a cotton swab.

Miramistin has a similar mechanism of action, showing activity against bacterial flora, including pathogens of mycotic infections. Microorganisms die at the cellular level. The drug, like Chlorhexidine, is safe for humans, does not spoil the appearance of the treated shoe surface and copes with its task perfectly, that is, in the pharmacological rating these disinfectants are equal.

But Miramistin cannot be called a cheap drug, and besides, it costs a lot. To disinfect several pairs of shoes, it is advisable to purchase a 500 ml bottle of the drug.

Experts consider Miramistin to be an expensive substitute for Chlorhexidine, although their structural composition is different. Both drugs adequately cope with the task of disinfecting shoes from fungal infections, so you can use any of them to achieve the desired result.

Laina. This drug is more often used in medical practice and everyday life, but it is also effective for treating shoes for antifungal purposes. The product is available in liquid form, colored blue, and has a pine or lemon scent.

With its help you can kill pathogenic microflora, including fungi. After treating the inner surface of the shoe, an invisible layer of active substances remains on it, which become a disinfectant barrier to infection for some time.

Shoes are processed according to general rules. After applying the drug, it should stand for 48 hours, then the shoes are washed and dried thoroughly.

The effectiveness of Laina is comparatively lower than that of analogue drugs. The cost of a 1 liter bottle in Russia is 745 rubles, in Ukraine - 270 hryvnia.

Formalin (formaldehyde). Another antifungal agent that has a large number of disadvantages. For example, the drug is unsafe for human health.

But with just a single use, Formalin at a 25% concentration gives excellent results. The treatment is carried out by analogy with Chlorhexidine or Miramistin.

The price of Formalin in Russia starts from 33 rubles, depending on the volume of packaging, in Ukraine - from 13 hryvnia.

Alaminol. The drug can be purchased by pre-order at the pharmacy in 1% concentration. The product is quite strong.

In order to treat shoes, an antiseptic solution is poured into them and immediately poured back. After this, it is left wet for 1.5 hours, without making any attempt to dry it physically. Then the insoles and shoes should be additionally rinsed with water at least 3 times and allowed to dry again.

The cost of Alaminol in Russia is 256 rubles, in Ukraine - from 113 hryvnia.

Hardware method

In addition to traditional and folk remedies, there are special devices for disinfecting shoes that destroy fungal pathogens using ultraviolet radiation, silver and ozone. Thanks to this, you can quickly and effectively cope with the causative agents of mycotic infections. The devices do not require additional disinfectants, they do not leave behind any foreign odors and do not damage the surface of the shoes.

Such devices are completely safe for humans, animals and the surrounding microclimate. Most devices of this type heat up to a temperature of 70°C. The recommended treatment time is up to 10 hours, which allows you to kill pathogenic microflora in full.

Xenelight. Shoe dryer with disinfectant effect. It is sold complete with two disinfecting devices and moisture absorbers, so you can treat a whole pair of shoes at once.

Xenelight cleans and dries shoes and boots using ultraviolet light and air currents. Approximately 5 minutes is enough to achieve the expected disinfecting effect. The device helps destroy fungal microflora almost 100%, eliminating the risk of relapse of mycosis.

The approximate cost of Xenelight is 2800 rubles in Russia and 990 hryvnia in Ukraine.

Timson. According to the manufacturer, this device destroys all pathogens of mycosis. In appearance, the device looks like shoe inserts with an electrical outlet.

Recommended treatment duration is 6–10 hours. The corresponding parts of the device are simply placed in the shoes for the required period of time. After the procedure is completed, the shoes are ready to wear.

You can purchase the device in pharmacy chains, shoe stores and on the Internet. The cost of Timson varies around 1200–1800 rubles in Russia and 660 hryvnia in Ukraine.

Klenz Elfur. Another model of a disinfecting device that is capable of destroying bacteria and fungi both from the inside and outside of shoes. Disinfection is carried out using ozone and silver - powerful antimicrobial agents.

Removal of pathogenic microflora is carried out within 8 minutes. The device does not require liquid or chemical reagents or high temperatures to operate. The process of combating fungal infection pathogens is absolutely safe for shoes and the environment.

The device operates automatically, turning itself off after a fixed time interval. Disinfection can be done at home. According to scientific research, the Klenz Elfur device is able to remove 99.7% of pathogenic bacteria.

The cost of the device cannot be called affordable. In Russia, its price is 37-44 thousand rubles; in Ukraine there is no data on it.

Folk remedies

In addition to pharmacological drugs, there are also traditional methods of disinfection that are quite effective. Simple examples are vinegar, soda, iodine. All of them have a fungicidal spectrum of action, but can harm shoes. Let's list them.

Vinegar. A popular remedy in the fight against onychomycosis. For processing you will need 70% essence; table and apple cider vinegar will not work.

A cotton swab is soaked in the essence, placed inside shoes or boots, wrapping them in a bag for 48 hours. After the time has passed, remove the polyethylene and dry the shoes until the characteristic vinegar smell disappears.

Disinfection with essence is safe for the skin of the feet and nails, but it can cause irreparable damage to shoes. Therefore, the product must be used with caution.

Ammonia. An excellent antiseptic that requires frequent use. If you choose it to treat shoes against fungal infection pathogens, prevention will need to be carried out weekly.

To do this, mix 30 ml of ammonia with ½ glass of water. Wipe shoes with the prepared mixture. Let it dry.

Hydrogen peroxide. The product has a proven fungicidal effect, but not of a prolonged nature. For this reason, shoes need to be disinfected daily.

Soak a cotton swab in peroxide and wipe your shoes or boots with it. If the treatment procedure is performed in the evening, the shoes will be ready to wear in the morning.

Iodine and hydrogen peroxide. Both drugs have antifungal properties. Using them in combination, you can enhance the expected fungicidal effect.

Pour 200 ml of water, 100 ml of peroxide and 5 drops of iodine into a spray bottle. Mix the solution and apply it to the shoes. Treatment should be carried out during treatment of onychomycosis every day and after recovery as a preventative measure 2 times a week.

Tea tree oil. Most essential oils boast fungicidal properties. The leader in this regard is tea tree extract.

To prepare the product you will need 200 ml of water and 8 drops of ether. The resulting solution is used to treat insoles and shoes from the inside. After which it must be dried thoroughly.

If you don't have tea tree extract on hand, you can use other oils with a fungicidal effect, such as fir, juniper, anise or lavender. When treating shoes with essential preparations, you must remember that they will leave a specific odor for some time.

Handy methods of disinfection

In addition to the listed means, disinfection of shoes from fungal infections can be carried out using the following available methods, listed for convenience in the table.

Additional methodsDescription
AIR BATHSRegular airing of shoes in the fresh air, ideally in the cold, for 24 hours helps to destroy the overwhelming percentage of onychomycosis pathogens without the use of additional means.
ACTIVATED CARBONA well-known sorbent that partially absorbs pathogenic microorganisms and unpleasant odors. At night, put 5 tablets of crushed charcoal into your shoes, and remove the product in the morning.
BAKING SODA OR FLOURThey also have sorption capabilities. They are poured into shoes for 12 hours, and then the powder is thoroughly cleaned out.
POTASSIUM PERMANGANATEA weak solution of potassium permanganate, which has pronounced antimicrobial properties, is used to treat the inside of shoes.
ALCOHOL OR VODKAThanks to the disinfecting composition, they destroy pathogenic microflora and fight unpleasant odors. The product is applied with a cotton swab, after which the shoes are dried.
WASHING POWDERDestroys fungal infections due to increased alkali content. The recipe for using it is simple: 3 tbsp. l. Dilute the powder in 1 liter of hot water, treat the shoes with the resulting solution from the inside and, if they are leather, from the outside. Separately, you can soak the insoles in soapy liquid.
LAUNDRY SOAP (TAR)By analogy with the previous recipe, prepare a washing solution that is active against onychomycosis pathogens due to its pronounced alkaline composition. 2 tbsp. l. soap is ground on a grater and dissolved in 1 liter of hot water. The resulting liquid is used to disinfect shoes.
WHITEStrong antiseptic. In undiluted form, it is used to treat shoes from the inside, after which they are left to dry in the fresh air.
SALTHas sorbing properties. A small amount of the product is poured into shoes or boots for 6–8 hours, after which they are thoroughly cleaned of its residue.
HERBSYou will need dried eucalyptus, sage or mint leaves. They are placed in shoes to disinfect them for 24 hours. It is recommended to repeat the procedure weekly.

Important! If you use the listed recipes regularly and in combination, you can get good results.

Wet disinfectant wipes

Another way to disinfect shoes from pathogens of onychomycosis. At the pharmacy you can purchase ready-made wet wipes soaked in disinfectant liquid. The fungicidal solution used in it does not contain aggressive chemical components, therefore it does not provoke allergies or irritation of the dermis.

Wipes are convenient to use for treating shoes and the skin of the feet and nails. They successfully fight infectious agents, but are inferior in effectiveness to many medications. Allowed in children.

Preventative care for guests

When greeting guests, do you offer them slippers? Of course you do. If there is no special guest couple, kindly donate yours. Everything is fine - you are loved for your cordiality and hospitality. The fungus will love you too, no doubt about it. And hurry up to live in the slippers of a generous owner.

A few rules of prevention that must be followed when receiving guests:

  • For guests you need to provide separate shoes - slippers, flip-flops, etc.
  • After guests leave, be sure to disinfect all pairs worn during the evening! Simple ventilation is not enough here, since it cannot be assumed that the same pair will come across to the same guest next time.

With this type of care for indoor shoes, there is no risk of fungal diseases.

Which way is better?

It is not easy to give recommendations on a particular method of disinfecting shoes. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The most harmless to human health and shoes are special devices against fungal infections. However, they should be used strictly according to the instructions, not forgetting about fire safety measures, since most of them operate from the electrical network.

Pharmacological disinfectants take second place in terms of effectiveness and safety. Some of the best include Chlorhexidine, Miramistin and Dezavid. They are easy to use in practice and, when used correctly, give decent results. But some are still dangerous to human health, for example, Formalin.

Folk remedies also have antifungal effectiveness, but less in comparison with pharmacy analogues and devices. They are safe for health, but often spoil shoes, leave behind characteristic odors and require repeated use due to the short duration of the fungicidal effect.

How to disinfect shoes using the Xenelight device

Another option is to use ultraviolet rays. The Xenelight shoe dryer has a depressing effect on the fungus and kills it in a few minutes. It contains a desiccant and gas-discharge bactericidal lamps. Battery operated. The shoes do not dry out, they turn off automatically, no power socket is required. If you accidentally step on the device, you cannot get hurt - the lamps are protected by powerful, shatter-proof plastic. Suitable for all types of shoes made of any material.

Price - 2300 rubles.

General rules for processing shoes

Regardless of what means you plan to use - folk or pharmaceutical, in the process of disinfection activities you should adhere to the recommendations listed below:

  1. Wash the outside of the shoes. Wipe the inside of the material with a damp cloth.
  2. Remove the insoles and laces. They are treated separately, for example, by soaking in a prepared disinfectant.
  3. Moisten a cotton swab in the selected preparation, wipe the inside of the shoe with it, making sure to focus on seams, folds and other irregularities.
  4. After finishing the treatment, the shoes are placed in a plastic bag, closing it in such a way that air cannot enter. Leave for 12 hours.
  5. After the specified time has passed, the shoes are removed, thoroughly dried and used for their intended purpose.

Attention! Before using any disinfectant composition, it is necessary to check in advance whether its components affect the quality and color of the shoes. This can be done by applying the product to a small area of ​​skin or fabric.

Hardware method

You can disinfect your shoes at home using a household disinfectant device. Ultraviolet devices are best at destroying all types of infections, including parasitic fungi and mold. Reviews often recommend using Xenelight or Timson shoe dryers.

Using the Xenelight device

A portable device costs from 2000 rubles. Powered by rechargeable battery. The device is inserted inside the shoe and turned on for 5–10 minutes.

Timson device

They produce dryers of the “Sport”, “Auto”, “Family” and other types. The devices operate from the mains and/or battery. They cost between 600–3000 rubles. The shoe dryer is inserted inside the products and turned on for 4–12 hours.

Safety precautions during processing

When disinfecting shoes, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Protect your respiratory tract and skin with a respiratory mask and gloves.
  2. After finishing treatment, wash your face and hands with soap.
  3. If the components of the disinfectant come into contact with the skin, they should be washed with plenty of soap and water. If the drug gets on the mucous membranes, they are also washed, but without the use of detergents, with additional sodium sulfacyl instilled.
  4. If the disinfectant gets into the stomach, it is necessary to rinse it and undergo symptomatic therapy. In case of poisoning, seek emergency help.

If you follow all the recommendations for disinfecting shoes, you can not only achieve what you want - kill the causative agents of onychomycosis, but also eliminate extraneous unpleasant odors from sweat, animals, etc. Upon completion of such treatment, it will no longer be a source of infection.

Pros and cons of antifungal sprays for shoes

Like other means for the treatment of mycoses, sprays used to treat shoes have a number of positive and negative characteristics. Solutions to combat an unpleasant disease have the following advantages:

  • high efficiency with proper processing;
  • practicality, ease of use;
  • lack of strict dosage, minimizing contact of the product with the skin;
  • complex action (sprays can be used not only to treat personal belongings, but also the skin of the feet and nail plates).

Relatively safe disinfectant preparations also have negative characteristics:

  • the presence of contraindications for use (individual intolerance to components, etc.);
  • high consumption of solutions due to the duration of the course of treatment;
  • uselessness when used as a single agent for the treatment of mycosis (effectiveness will only be with complex therapy).


How to disinfect as quickly as possible?

Disinfecting wipes, for example, Trilox, will help disinfect shoes for preventive purposes in a short time, literally in a minute. But this method is recommended for use in extreme conditions, in particular when visiting a sauna or bathhouse, where it is not possible to use other disinfection methods.

At home, it is better to use special disinfection devices that are more effective. Within a few minutes or hours, depending on the chosen device, they help get rid of all pathogens without wasting additional time on drying and airing shoes, and, therefore, harming them.

How do you know that disinfection has been carried out sufficiently?

No one will be able to understand this immediately after the processing procedure. The disappearance of an unpleasant odor does not mean that the disinfectant has fully helped. Therefore, it is recommended to repeat the treatment periodically for preventive purposes - at least once a week when it comes to treating a mycotic infection of the feet, and more often when using folk recipes.

The absence of relapse of pathology is a sure sign of the effectiveness of the chosen method.

How not to ruin your shoes?

To ensure the safety of the product used, it is necessary to test it in advance on a small area of ​​leather or fabric of shoes or boots. As a rule, special disinfection devices and pharmacological preparations do not have a negative effect on this item of clothing. Of course, there are exceptions, so it’s better to play it safe and check the reaction of the shoe finishing to the selected antiseptic.

How long after treatment can I wear shoes?

The answer to this question depends on the type of drug or disinfectant chosen. For example, hardware ultraviolet treatment allows you to wear shoes immediately after the disinfection procedure is completed, that is, after 6–10 hours.

If you use pharmacological sprays and solutions, it takes time for shoes and boots to dry and the smell to disappear. It is believed that these measures are enough for pathogenic microflora to completely disappear from the inner surface of the shoe.

How often should treatment be carried out?

Treating shoes against fungus should be carried out several times. We list these stages in a small table.

When the first signs of onychomycosis are detectedImmediately after identifying the infectious process before starting therapy.
During treatment of the diseaseOnce a week or a month, depending on the drug chosen.
After confirmed recoveryAfter finishing taking medications for prophylactic purposes.

If you neglect to disinfect shoes at any of these stages, the likelihood of a recurrence of infection increases to 100%.

Is it possible to get fungus through shoes?

Of course, there is a risk and it cannot be called low. It is not necessary to visit swimming pools or saunas to catch a mycotic infection. Infection occurs through shoes in the following cases:

  • Wearing used shoes or boots. This often happens when purchasing wardrobe items second hand or wearing them for family members. This also includes trying on in a store.
  • Having to walk in the same shoes for long periods of time, especially during the winter months. This fact becomes an impetus for the development of fungal infection in conditions of high humidity, heat and lack of adequate air access.

Bactericidal devices

When the question arises of how to remove fungus in shoes as effectively as possible, experts recommend the use of special devices “Timson” or “Xenelight D” with ultraviolet lamps. Each kit includes: two devices for disinfecting shoes from fungus, two devices for drying. They destroy fungal formations using air flow and ultraviolet light, and also clean the surface with one hundred percent effect. Operation is simple and economical: just connect the device to the power supply. For ease of use, there are variations of devices powered by batteries. Brief characteristics of these bactericidal devices:

  1. The disinfecting device for fungus in shoes “Xenelight D” treats the inner surface, eliminates unpleasant odors and, importantly, does not dry out the products. The device has an excellent preventive effect and accelerates the healing process of nails. For deep processing, three hours of operation of the device is enough. The cost varies from 2500 to 3000 rubles.
  2. The Timson antifungal shoe treatment device includes not two, but four ultraviolet lamps. Despite this advantage, the device takes longer to clean than its previous counterpart - about 9 hours. For greater efficiency, it is better to leave the device on all night. Unlike Xenelight D, it does not absorb unpleasant odors. The average price is 1000 rubles.

Due to its great functionality, a device for disinfecting shoes at home is more effective than sprays, however, the cost of such devices is much higher.

The method of hardware steam treatment has only one drawback - with prolonged use it has a negative effect on the shoe material.

Sequence of actions for onychomycosis and contaminated shoes

Treatment of this disease is based not only on the use of external and systemic drugs with an antifungal effect. A component of therapy is the disinfection of shoes, since without it one cannot count on the success of the practiced measures.

By properly treating shoes, the likelihood of infection recurrence is minimized. For this purpose, products are used that effectively fight nail and foot fungus.

Before disinfection, shoes are thoroughly washed to remove visible dirt, dried and protective gloves are put on hands. The inside of shoes or boots is wiped with a swab dipped in a disinfectant, treated with a spray, or a special device with ultraviolet radiation is inserted - the disinfection technique will look individually depending on the chosen method.

The insoles are removed and additionally wiped with an antiseptic on both sides. After this, if there are no other recommendations in the instructions, the shoes are thoroughly dried and ventilated, and they become ready for further wear.


This product is considered more gentle and is suitable both for spraying shoes from the inside using a spray bottle, and for the method with a cotton swab, described using the example of vinegar essence. But to fight the fungus, you need a 1% solution, which is sold in specialized medical stores, since the concentration of the active substance in pharmaceutical solutions (0.05%) is too low.

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Chlorhexidine is suitable for frequent disinfection of shoes and has no odor at all, which will reduce ventilation and drying time. An excellent product to use throughout the entire course of treatment.


The importance of preventive disinfection cannot be underestimated, because it will help prevent re-infection and protect your family from fungus. Use one of these products at least once a season or twice a year on shoes you wear year-round.

Disinfection for preventive purposes

Simultaneously with the use of disinfectants to clean shoes from the presence of possible pathogens of onychomycosis listed above, after recovery, it is recommended to use the following tips:

  • regularly dry and air shoes and insoles;

  • expose the inner surface of the shoe to sunlight;
  • periodically treat it with chemicals with a fungicidal effect using a wet method.

If mycosis is detected

If you have a fungal disease, you need to be especially careful. Regular treatment, individual hygiene and frequent treatment of all shoes, without exception, are a mandatory rule.

Socks, knee socks, and tights deserve special attention. If they cannot be boiled, they must be mercilessly thrown away, otherwise the fungal infection cannot be dealt with. Even the most expensive treatment will be unsuccessful if contact with fungus-contaminated socks continues.

During the treatment, the frequency of treatment of the pair you are wearing is once every three days. Moreover, this should be a serious disinfection of shoes against fungus, with putting them in a bag and prolonged exposure.

Attention, hygiene and neatness are reliable protectors against fungal diseases, remember this.

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Fungus prevention and sock treatment

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene makes it possible to avoid the development of mycotic infections on the skin of the feet and the surface of the nails. We list its main recommendations:

  • Wash your feet in the morning and evening and dry the skin thoroughly. Particular attention is paid to the spaces between the fingers.
  • Shoes should be worn from natural materials, comfortable in shape and size. It is strictly not recommended to wear someone else's shoes and boots.
  • You cannot walk barefoot in public places.
  • Hosiery should be changed daily.

Socks can spread onychomycosis pathogens if not properly cared for. They should be washed exclusively in hot water using washing powder. Then rinse thoroughly and dry in fresh air.

During the treatment of a mycotic infection of the skin of the feet and nails, and after recovery, it is recommended to treat socks with Chlorhexidine. This will allow you to get rid of pathogenic microorganisms in full. You can replace the drug with folk remedies, for example, boil the socks and hosiery in water with the addition of soda and laundry soap for 2 minutes, which is no less effective.

Of course, disinfection should be carried out regularly until the patient has fully recovered and for another month after that in order to avoid relapse of the disease. Which method to choose is an individual question, the answer to which depends on the person’s financial capabilities and employment.

How does antifungal shoe spray work?

Modern methods of disinfecting shoes are accessible, easy to use and effective, including special sprays. These agents have a pronounced antifungal effect; when used systematically, aerosols provide:

  • complete destruction of fungi;
  • protection against primary infection of the feet by pathogenic bacteria;
  • antiseptic effect for the skin;
  • stopping the development of fungal spores on the skin of the feet and nail plates;
  • elimination of an environment favorable for the proliferation of fungal pathogens;
  • neutralization of unpleasant shoe odors.
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Special preparations

You can disinfect shoes using special antifungal drugs, which are sold in large quantities in pharmacies.

Mycostop, Gorosten or Dezavid are available in the form of sprays. This is very convenient - just spray the liquid inside the shoe. The treated pair can be put on immediately and is completely safe for your feet. The substances create a thin protective film that prevents the growth of bacteria. The preparations are harmless to humans and hypoallergenic, which makes them suitable for treating children's things.

Bicine is used quite actively. The substance fights bacteria, viruses and fungi and is available in different forms. Follow the instructions and take precautions.

To prevent fungus, you can use wet disinfectant wipes. They are impregnated with an antibacterial solution, which does not allow microorganisms to multiply. The composition does not contain aggressive substances. The wipes are suitable for gentle foot care. Treat your feet in the sauna, solarium, swimming pool. Then infections will bypass you.

Most drugs fall into the budget category. Processing does not require your time and effort.

How long does fungus live in shoes if you don't wear them?

Dermatophytes are very tenacious. In the environment they can live up to two years, and their spores can live up to ten years. They are not afraid of sunlight, prolonged darkness, or sub-zero temperatures. Only with prolonged exposure to temperatures above 60 degrees do they die. At 100 degrees this process occurs faster.

Therefore, if a pair of favorite shoes has stood untouched even for 2 years, there is no guarantee that the fungus and its spores are no longer there. Each pair sent for long-term storage must be processed.

Every person has available means to disinfect their pair of shoes. If this cannot be done for some reason, it is better to think about a new acquisition.

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