Fumigator "Raptor" against mosquitoes - how to use, reviews

A walk with a small child in the summer sometimes turns into a real war: aggressive mosquitoes try to get their portion of blood from the young donor, while parents do their best to protect the child, boldly exterminating winged vampires. Unfortunately, nimble insects easily dodge the claps, trying again and again to attack when a person loses vigilance. The result is a whining baby covered in red, itchy spots. Of course, for caring parents, the issue of fighting mosquitoes to complete defeat does not raise the slightest doubt. But how can we protect children from mosquitoes without harming their health, while offering aggressive predators a symmetrical response without a chance of survival?

What is the danger of mosquito bites for children?

Some parents treat their child's mosquito bites with complete frivolity, not seeing any danger in them. However, today, due to the deterioration of the environmental situation, the general weakening of children's health and the emergence of new viruses such as Ebola, the situation has changed. One bite, unnoticeable at first glance, can have a number of unpleasant consequences:

  • Introducing a serious infection into the body, including encephalitis or malaria. Mosquitoes are not scrupulous and can easily bite first a sick person and then a small child.
  • A scratched bite is an open door for infection through the wound, especially if the skin is not treated with an effective antiseptic in time.
  • Mosquito bites often cause an allergic reaction on children's delicate skin. And if a child scratches the wound, symptoms of urticaria and Quincke's edema are likely to appear.
  • Mosquito bites, turned into bleeding wounds by children's hands, can leave small scars on the skin that will not be easy to get rid of.

So, the need to control mosquitoes is obvious. It is always easier to prevent a problem than to deal with its consequences. However, here you should exercise a reasonable amount of caution and not rush into all seriousness, literally pouring liters of protective drugs on the child. Let's try to figure out what means can be useful in the war to exterminate winged vampires.

Is the aquafumigator safe?

Like any other insecticide, the Raptor aquafumigator directly requires the user to take precautions.
To date, not a single case of cifenotrin poisoning from an aquafumigator has been identified in Russia, requiring hospitalization or life-threatening. However, if the instructions and safety rules are grossly ignored, the following symptoms may appear:

  • headache,
  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • diarrhea,
  • skin rashes,
  • weakness,
  • dry cough.

To avoid all these consequences, you must follow safety precautions:

  • Before starting treatment, remove everyone from the apartment,
  • Return to the room no earlier than 3 hours of operation of the aquafumigator,
  • Ventilate the rooms well after using the device.

The insecticide has no effect on wallpaper, furniture and other surfaces. After using it, no traces remain.

What should be an effective mosquito repellent for children?

As summer approaches, the shelves of children's stores are literally bursting with mosquito repellent products. The composition of these products causes a mixed reaction in adults, even if they are well versed in chemistry. Let’s help them get their bearings and point out that the most effective are Acrep, Bayrapel and substance 3535. Quite poisonous, they are used in microscopic doses along with so-called prolongators and are safe for children, but often have a limited period of action.

Speaking about prolongators, it is worth noting their importance - thanks to their presence, the duration of action of the drugs increases by a couple of hours. But be careful: if the manufacturer guarantees 10-hour protection, its drug is quite aggressive and, most likely, is not approved for sale in our country.

What does the modern chemical industry offer to protect children under one year old from mosquitoes? Creams, lotions, sprays and other liquid options are available for sale. All of them are easy to use, but parents should not let their guard down. Act strictly within the recommendations:

  • The product must be applied in a thin layer; do not try to rub it into the skin.
  • Applying the product to areas of damaged skin, wounds and inflammation is prohibited.
  • Do not apply products to your child's hands if he is actively putting them into his mouth.
  • When processing, priority should be given to children's clothing rather than leather. The fabric can be easily washed off from stains, and no harm will be caused to the skin.
  • For babies under one year old who spend most of their time in a crib or stroller, the protective product should be applied directly to the surface of wood or metal.
  • If you treated your child's skin before going for a walk, wash off the remaining product with warm water and soap after returning home.
  • If mosquitoes continue to attack your child even after treating his skin, it is better to end the walk. Repeated use of drugs for a short time is strictly not recommended.
  • If, despite the treatment, the child returns from a walk wearing “decorations” in the form of red spots, it is worth replacing the product. It is likely that it has expired, or you have purchased a counterfeit product that was passed off as a brand-name drug.

How to increase the efficiency of using an aquafumigator

Despite the fact that the aquafumigator penetrates well into the most inaccessible places, it is recommended to prepare some of them for processing.
For example, it often happens that bedbugs have infested a dilapidated sofa and the upholstery is sticking out of it. From this nest, pests can spread throughout the entire area of ​​the house.

If the upholstery is thick enough, the steam will not be able to penetrate deep inside and destroy the bloodsuckers. Then you need to pull the upholstery off the soft parts and lay it on the floor so that the insecticidal composition of the aquafumigator covers the filler.

When exterminating cockroaches and moths, it is better to open all cabinets, chests of drawers, wardrobes and other furniture, including kitchen furniture.

In order to completely remove pests of any kind from your home, you need to find ways of their entry into the apartment and block them. This is the only way to achieve 100 percent efficiency from using the Raptor aquafumigator. If this is not done, processing will need to be carried out several times. And, of course, we should not forget about preventive measures.

Branded Raptor mosquito repellent products for children

The RAPTOR brand is ready to offer the best protection against mosquitoes for the younger generation. Pay special attention to the following drugs:

  • Mosquito repellent plates are odorless. One plate, working in tandem with a fumigator, is enough for the child to sleep peacefully for several hours. The product is odorless and completely hypoallergenic. One package contains 10 plates. The effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven in laboratory tests on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Mosquito repellent kit – a complete arsenal of products in one convenient kit. Includes a fumigator device and a special odorless liquid. This tandem provides complete protection against mosquitoes indoors. One bottle of the drug is enough for 30 nights. Please note that the product is designed for use with both liquid and mosquito repellent plates.
  • BIO mosquito repellent liquid with chamomile extract for 30 nights. The product is intended for people with hypersensitivity to chemicals and those prone to allergies. The drug is highly effective, which was confirmed in laboratory tests, and is approved for sale in the Russian Federation.
  • BIO mosquito repellent plates with chamomile extract are another remedy for those who suffer from intolerance to chemicals. The duration of action of one plate is about 8 hours.

The liquid and plates contain BIO - a natural insecticide pyrethrum based on mountain chamomile extract. The substance has no worthy analogues in terms of speed of action on insects and safety for humans. Also among the ingredients of these products is the substance ethok, developed by Japanese specialists, which, in combination with pyrethrum, acquires pronounced nerve paralytic properties, leading to the death of insects within the range of action. All drugs have quality and safety certificates.

Instructions for use

To activate the Raptor aquafumigator, you will need to make a minimum of effort. After all, everything necessary to activate it is already included in the kit:

  • First, you need to remove the plastic container from the box, and from the container - the bag with the working solution and the metal container.
  • Next, you will need to pour the working fluid into a container and lower the container into the water with the holes facing up,
  • When steam starts emanating from the container, you should immediately leave the room and close the door tightly, leaving the aquafumigator to work for several hours.

To achieve maximum effect from the treatment, it is important to prepare your home for it:

  • Move furniture and household appliances away from the walls so that steam can easily penetrate the paths of movement of pests,
  • If there are bedbugs in the apartment, all bedding should be removed from the beds and the sofas should be moved away from the beds and away from the walls.
  • If you are fighting cockroaches, moths, ants, skin beetles, silverfish, then it is recommended to open all cabinets and chests of drawers, and also move them away from the walls,
  • When baiting clothes moths, remove all clothes from closets and place them on upholstered furniture.
  • It is also necessary to pack all food products in tight bags.
  • Close all doors and windows in the room to prevent the active substance from escaping.
  • It is recommended to close the aquarium in the room with a lid and turn off the container in it.

After this, you need to remove people and pets from the premises.
Houseplants do not need to be removed - the insecticide is absolutely safe for them. One device is enough to treat 20-30 square meters of room. If the room is larger, then it is better to purchase several sets of aquafumigator at once.

According to the instructions, the treated room should be kept closed for 4 hours. However, if you have the opportunity, it is better to leave the apartment for 12-24 hours.

After you return back, open all the windows in the house and ventilate the room well. Next, wipe with a damp cloth the places that you and your loved ones most often come into contact with. It is better not to carry out wet cleaning in the apartment. The longer the insecticide remains on the surface of objects, the stronger and longer-lasting the effect it will have.

If after treatment you notice bedbug larvae in the apartment, you need to re-disinfect it using an aquafumigator after about 7-14 days. However, most often re-processing is not required.

Pyrotechnics and their features

The plate or spiral must be disconnected from the set if there are several of them in the package. The device is quite fragile and requires careful handling. Then the fumigator is placed on a fireproof base. This could be a plate made of tempered glass, porcelain, a piece of brick, stone or a metal element. The tip is set on fire with a lighter or match, and the flame is immediately blown out until it smolders. There should be some smoke left. The space should be at least 1 m free on each side of the fumigator.

The spiral can be hung. The main thing is to maintain a distance from people, animals and flammable objects.

This product is best used in open spaces. In outdoor conditions, you can place several pieces at once around the perimeter on the non-windy side.

Indoor use is possible, but not recommended. It is permissible to fumigate a room of up to 20 square meters, provided the windows and doors are open. The duration of smoking is no more than 15 minutes. Be sure to ventilate for half an hour afterward. The person must leave during processing.

Strict precautions are required due to the toxic composition. The main substance is most often allethrin, esbiothrin, and less often pyrethrin. The poison is especially dangerous for insects and fish.

The main advantages of pyrotechnic fumigators:

  • Possibility of outdoor use. It can be difficult to turn on an electric device at the dacha, during a fishing trip or a picnic. The spiral will easily work in outdoor conditions. Also suitable for non-glazed loggias, balconies and verandas;
  • duration of protection. Burning is smooth and can be kept in an open space for up to several hours;
  • efficiency. Blood-sucking animals are very sensitive to allethrin and its brothers, they lose orientation in space, die, and are isolated away from the source. Reduces the need to apply skin repellents;
  • low cost. Pyrotechnic spirals are much cheaper than devices and also save energy. One piece can be set on fire several times if it is not used entirely at once.

The disadvantages are also obvious:

  • toxicity. It creates problems for home use, can cause poisoning if safety precautions are not followed, it is undesirable to use it near children and pregnant women;
  • incompatibility with fish. It is forbidden to light a spiral in the same room with aquariums and directly on the banks of reservoirs;
  • fire hazard.

Conclusion: Suitable for limited situations, mainly during outdoor recreation.

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