How to properly care for combs and how often you need to change your hair comb


with natural pig or horse bristles will be useful for straightening and beautifully styling curly hair.
A round brush can handle strands of any length; when heated with a hairdryer, it acts as a straightening iron. To add root volume or lightly curl the ends, you will need a small comb, but straightening strands is more convenient with a more massive option. If the teeth of the brush are bent and pointing in different directions, do not rush to throw away your favorite assistant: a high-quality comb can be doused with boiling water, and it will restore the lost functionality.

"Fish bone"

, or
a skeleton comb
, will also help add volume and prevent overheating when using a hair dryer. This is a brush with widely spaced teeth, which are rigidly attached to a base pierced with air holes. “Fish bone” is convenient when styling with a hairdryer; with its help you will be able to lift your hair at the roots, stretch, straighten your curls, and make a smooth styling.

With semicircular brush

you can handle styling curls, bangs and the ends of a multi-layered haircut.

Flat combs

They are often used for haircuts, trimming ends, backcombing, and are also convenient for evenly applying paints, oils, masks and styling products. Flat, fine-tooth combs are useful if you have medium-length or short hair, while a wide-toothed accessory can comb and smooth thick, long hair. One of the varieties of flat combs is a comb, which is convenient for creating a parting and separating strands.

Wooden combs: subtleties of care

Wood is a very sensitive material, so you need to take care of your wood comb very carefully. It is advisable to clean the hygiene item once a week to prevent dirt from accumulating on it. Cleaning can be dry or wet. When wet cleaning, the product is immersed in a specially prepared composition. You need to dissolve pieces of soap in warm water; you can add two teaspoons of soda. Forbidden:

  • use very hot water;
  • use abrasives;
  • dry the comb on the radiator.

Hot water, abrasives and drying on a radiator will make the comb unsuitable for further use. It will have to be changed urgently. Therefore, after washing in warm soapy water, you need to rinse the product under the tap and wipe thoroughly with a towel. The comb should dry itself, without the use of batteries, hair dryers or other heat sources. The best way to clean wooden combs is dry. After removing hair and other dirt between the teeth of the hygiene product, wipe the product with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

Metal combs and their care

Metal combs are less fussy, so they are very easy to care for. You can use hot water when cleaning. Take a soap solution and an old toothbrush and thoroughly wipe the product. Try to remove all excess between the teeth of the comb. If necessary, you can wipe the product with alcohol after cleaning, but this is usually unnecessary.

You can wash the comb very quickly; there is no need to dry it. Just wipe with a cloth. You can clean a comb like a wooden comb using the dry method, but the dry method is most often used as a precaution so as not to damage the wooden comb. The wet method is preferable if the comb material does not crack and tolerates water well.

Cleaning a plastic comb

Plastic combs are the most popular; they are inexpensive and practical. There are several varieties of such products. Massage brushes with plastic teeth have a soft rubber base. They should not be soaked in water; it is not recommended to use hot water when washing. The product is first cleaned of hair and then washed without immersion.

Regular plastic combs can be immersed in water with shampoo, dish soap, or soap. After 10 minutes, the dirt will become soft and can be easily removed from the comb. It will be enough to just wipe the product. You can use an old toothbrush to thoroughly clean the space between the teeth.

Which comb is best for detangling hair?



Ideal for detangling curly, thick and wavy hair

. It has long and short teeth alternating in a checkerboard pattern. Long ones are good at untangling knots and tangles and separating one hair from another.

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Natural bristle combs

Many people don’t know how to clean a natural bristle comb. These are products made from natural materials that provide excellent hair care. However, after about a couple of weeks, a lot of hair, oil, and skin particles remain on the brush. Such combs can be cleaned frequently; it is recommended to carry out the procedures in the following sequence:

  • First you need to manually remove hair and large dirt;
  • then you need to dissolve natural soap without silicone in water;
  • To dissolve the fat, you should also add a few drops of ammonia;
  • the brush is immersed in water with the bristles down, so it is recommended to use a small container for washing;
  • cleaning is done with an old toothbrush;
  • In order for the product to dry, you need to place it on a clean towel with the bristles down.

Regular dry cleaning of the brush is also recommended. Simply remove old hair between the bristles. By the way, this procedure can be carried out using a regular comb.

How to properly wash brushes and hair combs: 6 tips and life hacks

How often do you wash your brushes and combs? Experts recommend doing this at least once a month, and in some cases more often. This collection contains tips on cleaning, washing and caring for different combs: simple plastic brushes, brushes, including round ones, wooden ones, with natural bristles and electric ones.

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Why do you need to wash your combs?

Luxy Hair

Because they become dirty, and this dirt ends up on our hair and scalp when we subsequently use the comb.

Contaminants can be different: skin secretions, skin particles, dust, residues of styling and hair care products. It’s unpleasant to think that we can apply all this again to clean skin and hair. Therefore, combs need to be washed regularly.

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How often should you wash your combs?


It depends on the intensity of your use, your hair and skin type and the use of leave-in styling and care products.

It is clear that a comb that is used every day will get dirty faster than one that has been lying in the cabinet for weeks. But even an infrequently used comb gets dirty, primarily from dust. If you haven’t picked up a comb for a long time, it’s better to wash it before using it.

Also, combs get dirty faster for those with oily hair and skin.

Accelerates contamination and the use of leave-in serums, balms, oils, varnish, mousse, foam and so on - all these products remain on the comb.

Any comb should be washed at least once a month. If you see that it gets dirty faster, wash it more often - for example, once a week.

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How to properly wash plastic combs?

This is the easiest thing to do. Remove hair from the comb. Dilute a little shampoo or dishwashing detergent in a bowl of warm water and soak the combs in the solution for a few minutes. Then wash them with a sponge or brush (it’s convenient to use an old toothbrush), wipe or dry.

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How to properly wash hair brushes?

There are different brushes, and in this paragraph we will talk about washing those made of plastic, metal, rubber - but not those made of wood, have natural bristles or are equipped with any electrical filling.

First, remove any hair from the brush. In the case of a round brush, this can be difficult: you can carefully cut the hair with scissors by running the blade between the bristles. You can also purchase a special device for washing brushes, for example, this:


Lee Valley

Dilute a little shampoo or dishwashing detergent in a bowl of water and soak the brushes in the solution for a few minutes.

Brushes will have to be washed more thoroughly than combs: more dirt accumulates on them, and it is more difficult to remove. Use a brush or an old toothbrush.

Then dry the brushes with the bristles facing up.

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How to wash combs and brushes made of wood or with natural bristles?

It is better not to soak brushes and combs made of wood for a long time: when drying, the wood may crack. Also, long soaking will not be beneficial for natural bristles.

It is better to do this with such brushes and combs. Remove any hair from them. In a bowl, dilute a little shampoo in water and add a few drops of tea tree oil. Then, without soaking and trying not to immerse the combs in water, wash them with a sponge and brush. Then wipe them with a cloth or towel and leave to dry with the bristles facing up.

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How to wash an electric comb or brush?


These can be styling brushes, combs with hair ionization function, and so on. Their difference is that when cleaning, you cannot allow water to penetrate into the electronic “filling” of the brush.

Many of these brushes have removable attachments. In these cases, wash them as described in steps 3 and 4. Make sure the attachment is completely dry before use.

If the attachments are not removable, then for cleaning you will have to use wet wipes and cotton swabs moistened with water.

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When to change your comb

Manufacturers and hairdressers recommend changing your comb about once a year. Why exactly once a year? There are several reasons for this. A comb can be compared to a toothbrush - it is also a hygiene item. During use, bacteria and germs accumulate on the product. When cleaning, some of the contaminants are removed, but a certain part always remains. Over time, the number of bacteria increases, and this adversely affects the condition of the hair and scalp.

New combs perfectly stimulate blood circulation in the scalp; old combs often fail to cope with this task. This is another reason to purchase a new product. Not all people take care of their combs. Yes, owners know that combs and brushes need to be washed, but they often skip hygiene procedures. It is easier for them to replace an item than to wash it. Simple combs are made of materials that are not very durable. Microcracks form in the products, which have a bad effect on the condition of the hair. Combs are inexpensive, so it is better to buy a new product. If you have a professional comb, then you need to clean it properly for a year or two, and then you will still need to replace it with a new one.

When choosing a new comb, you should give preference to products made from quality materials.

Scalp type:

✔ If the scalp is oily, there are pustular formations, then natural materials will not be suitable. A comb with sparse teeth, made of plastic, is suitable, because... it will be handled well. If you choose a wooden comb, then with frequent processing it will crack and injure your hair.

Why a wide-toothed comb? For oily scalp, there should be a large distance between the teeth in order to stimulate the sebaceous gland less and thereby make the scalp less “oily.”

✔ For dry skin types or sensitive scalps, massage combs are perfect because... they massage the skin, and therefore stimulate the sebaceous gland so that it produces more sebum to nourish the skin.

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