How to clean a comb: methods and aids

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  • Hair requires daily combing, and this process involves the use of a special brush. Frequent use leads to contamination of the accessory, which raises a reasonable question: how to clean the comb from dirt and plaque? The article contains useful tips and recommendations that will help restore cleanliness and freshness to hygiene items.

    A comb is an important accessory that helps keep your hair healthy and beautiful. As a result of frequent use, it becomes dirty, so it is important to know how to properly wash the brush and keep it clean.

    Basic cleaning details

    You need to wash your hair comb regularly, at least once every 2 weeks. Dirt, dust, particles of fat and skin accumulate on the teeth or bristles, which causes an unpleasant odor and promotes the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Frequent use of a dirty accessory may lead to the development of scalp skin diseases and rapid hair contamination.

    Before you start cleaning, choose the right method and product. To do this, be sure to consider the following nuances:

    • shape and type of accessory – round, comb, massager, etc.;
    • type of material – metal, plastic, wood;
    • the height and density of the bristles or teeth, as well as other nuances.

    With frequent use of a comb, its teeth or bristles become covered with greasy deposits, dust and dirt. It looks unsightly, unhygienic and poses a health hazard

    To ensure a more durable cleaning result, follow the basic rules for caring for the product:

    • remove hair after each use of the accessory;
    • carry out preventive cleaning regularly;
    • after washing, rinse the product in warm water with a small addition of aromatic oil;
    • Change brushes periodically to new ones to avoid skin diseases and deterioration of hair condition.

    Tips for caring for combs

    A comb is a mirror of your attitude towards your hair. Every day you need to inspect the product for dirt, hair, etc., and remove such dirt immediately.

    When using styling products, it is important to rinse the brush with a solution of citric acid to remove particles of styling and other cosmetic products. Essential oil will give the brush a pleasant aroma and protect the device from specific odors.

    You need to remember that you need to use oils in small quantities - no more than 1-2 drops at a time to avoid oily stains on the comb.

    During the drying process, the comb should be positioned with the teeth down and placed on a cloth to remove excess moisture. Use a special fabric cover to protect the brush from dust.

    Trichologists recommend periodically changing massage and round combs, since mold can accumulate inside them, which is not visible to the naked eye. Its effect on the scalp and hair is unfavorable.

    By following the rules described above, you can clean your hair styling product from various types of contamination, extend its service life and give shine to your curls. Take care of your hair and be in a great mood!

    How to clean a wooden comb

    Hair brushes made from natural materials separate hairs well, do not pull them out and do not cause split ends. However, wooden combs require a proper and careful approach to cleaning.

    The wooden brush should not be cleaned with harsh chemicals or abrasives. This will damage the protective layer of the accessory, and the product will quickly lose its positive qualities.

    Cleaning procedure:

    1. Gently remove hair and visible dirt.
    2. Soak a cotton pad in pure alcohol or an alcohol solution.
    3. Wipe all the cloves well, removing plaque, grease and detergent residue.
    4. Make sure that you have effectively dealt with the dirt and wipe the product with a dry cloth.

    Do not wash your wooden comb under running water. Wood products do not tolerate high humidity very well and may lose their shape or delaminate.

    Features of materials

    Depending on the purpose, hair accessories can be distinguished by material and shape. There are wide massage brushes, narrow combs for parting, and round combs for styling. They can be made of wood, plastic or metal, and have natural or artificial bristles.

    All these features must be kept in mind, since some cleaning products can be dangerous for natural materials, while others can oxidize metal. To avoid such mistakes, let's look at how to clean each comb.

    Rules for cleaning a plastic comb

    You can clean a plastic product at home using available means. The ease of maintenance is due to the unpretentiousness of the material and its resistance to water and non-aggressive detergents.

    How to quickly and effectively wash a plastic brush:

    1. Remove hair from the product. To facilitate the process, use auxiliary tools - a needle, toothpick, scissors, etc.
    2. Prepare a solution - dissolve liquid soap or shampoo in warm water and add 1 tbsp. l. ammonia.
    3. Soak the accessory in the resulting liquid and leave for half an hour.
    4. Rinse the comb under running water to remove any remaining dirt and soapy water.
    5. Dry well with a paper towel or naturally.

    The plastic comb is easy to use and easy to care for. It can be washed using detergents, and all dirt can be easily removed with an old toothbrush

    Natural bristles

    Combs with teeth made from natural bristles are quite expensive, but they are valued for the complete care they provide. However, you should not forget about caring for such an instrument, like hair, it requires weekly washing. Distribute a small amount of hair shampoo over the surface of the bristles and leave the comb for 10 minutes. Fill a small bowl with warm water and rinse the item. The instrument must be allowed to dry thoroughly.

    In this case, you cannot use alcohol or strong acids such as vinegar, this will damage the bristles and make them too hard.

    Important! It is better to dry such combs with the bristles facing up, otherwise they may become deformed.

    The nuances of cleaning a metal comb

    Cleaning a metal hair brush requires a special approach. The accessory is not often used by modern women and is used mainly for creating hairstyles or styling curls. Despite rare use, it is important to periodically wash the accessory.

    How to properly clean a metal product:

    1. Remove all hair from the accessory.
    2. Pour warm water into a small container and pour a heap of baking soda into a plate.
    3. Take an old toothbrush, moisten it in water and then in soda and thoroughly rub the entire product, washing away the plaque.
    4. Rinse the comb in warm water, and then wipe the clean product with a dry cloth or napkin.

    After cleaning your metal comb, be sure to wipe it dry, not allowing even a drop of moisture to remain. Failure to comply with this recommendation will result in rust.

    Variety of scallops

    Combs are divided into two types: hair brush and comb:

    • A wooden comb is rightly considered environmentally friendly and healthy. Its teeth do not damage the hair structure or electrify it. These combs are recommended for combing preschool children's hair.
    • Plastic brushes are popular because of their low price.
    • The metal comb is more often used in hairdressing salons than at home. Men also prefer to carry it with them.
    • The round helper is ideal for styling hair with a hair dryer.
    • A brush made of natural bristles can compete with the usefulness of a wooden one, however, it is difficult to use if you have thick hair. But in tandem with wooden combs, they are safe to care for baby’s first hairs.

    Cleaning your round comb

    Round combs require a special approach to cleaning, since it is extremely difficult to wash out all the teeth. The procedure for cleaning the accessory:

    1. Remove hair from the cloves. A toothpick, tweezers or a needle will come to the rescue in this situation.
    2. Take a container in which you can freely place the product.
    3. Prepare a solution by combining shampoo, one tablespoon each of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.
    4. Soak the comb in the resulting mixture and leave it for an hour. After the allotted time, wipe the product with an old toothbrush to effectively remove all dirt.
    5. Rinse the accessory under running water to remove any remaining dirt and soapy water. Dry it and use it for its intended purpose.

    To keep your round brush clean, remove hair after each use and deep clean it once a week. Neglecting these recommendations will lead to the appearance of strong plaque, mold and unpleasant odors.

    What products can you use to clean combs?

    Mechanical cleaning of the surface of a comb or brush is used to remove dead hair. Dirt, dust, household chemicals are removed with soap solutions and alcohol-containing products. Even regular shaving foam applied to the teeth on both sides and left on the comb for half an hour will help. Sebum, seborrhea, and epidermal residues require disinfection of the massage brush. To prevent germs and bacteria from multiplying, you need to use disinfecting solutions with the addition of ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, and chlorhexidine.

    How to clean a massage comb at home

    A regular comb will help remove hair and dirt from your comb. Such a simple tool will allow you to comb the bristles and efficiently remove all dirt and hair. After the first stage of cleaning, rinse the product in a special solution to remove fat, skin particles, dust and remnants of care products (balm, oils, spray, etc.).

    Before you start cleaning the massager, carefully remove all hair using available tools - a toothpick, a needle or a regular comb. To simplify the procedure, lightly spray the stains with water.

    Cleaning procedure:

    1. Prepare a solution by combining 1 liter of warm water, 2 tbsp. l. shampoo and 3 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar.
    2. Soak the massager in the liquid and leave for a few minutes.
    3. Remove the brush from the solution and rinse under running water.
    4. Place the massager on a soft towel with the bristles facing up and leave until completely dry.

    How to clean a brush

    The brush easily collects hair and dirt, so you should clean it a little more often than other types of accessories. Wash it regularly to remove dust, dirt and other contaminants. To do this, use a solution based on hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, detergent and warm water.

    The brush is very susceptible to contamination and quickly accumulates hair, dust and dirt. To keep the instrument clean, clean it after each use.

    One of the important rules of personal hygiene is proper care of hair, accessories and auxiliary tools. To keep your hair looking beautiful and shiny, and your scalp healthy, keep your combs clean, clean and disinfect them regularly.

    Universal plastic brush

    A plastic comb is the easiest to care for. This material is not afraid of water, hot temperatures, or alcohol-containing substances. But even such material cannot be protected from the adhesion of dirt.

    Women, who use hair styling products more often than men, know how to clean a comb of dirt. A plastic comb can be easily cleaned by rubbing it with a toothbrush and using soap suds.

    If the plastic brush is a massage brush or a round one, soak it before cleaning. Then the excess particles will settle to the bottom, and the comb itself can only be washed in clean water.

    Disinfection after lice

    No one is immune from troubles, especially when there is a schoolchild or a child in kindergarten in the house. Children often bring lice home. After combing out such “gifts”, the plastic brush needs special attention.

    Important! If the comb was used to comb out nits and lice, it must be disinfected. Dip a dirty comb in a 10% bleach solution for half an hour. After this, wash it very well under running water. You can additionally clean it with a toothbrush dipped in soda.

    Why do you need to clean your combs?

    Our hair is not the cleanest part of the body. They experience all the “delights” of life in modern conditions: smog, dust, tobacco smoke, steam and exhaust fumes.

    During combing, dirt remains on the comb and accumulates, creating a layer of dirt. This promotes the development of microorganisms harmful to humans, fungi, and mold. Pollution can lead to various hair diseases: dandruff, seborrhea or splitting. Therefore, regular cleaning of combs is an elementary requirement of hygiene rules.

    Types of pollution

    All types of dirt are immediately noticeable on the combs. And they must be removed in a timely manner so as not to throw away the desired item later.

    Lost hair

    A person's hair changes constantly. Sometimes after combing, clumps of hair are found. Often their loss is associated with disorders in the body. The untidiness of the owner of a massage brush is determined by the presence of fallen hair. They should be removed immediately after combing.


    There's a lot left on combs and massage brushes after using them. There are also particles of dust, sebum, dandruff, and remnants of cosmetic oil or balm. All this is pressed into the base of the teeth of the hygiene item. The grayish-brown mass feels greasy to the touch, then rolls up into lumps. When combing, it quickly pollutes the hair.

    To wash off dirt, you need to use effective products.

    White coating

    If the glands on the scalp produce a lot of oil, then the hair looks greasy and quickly becomes dirty. A whitish or grayish coating appears on the base of brushes and combs. When you leave it on the teeth, it again ends up on the hair, lubricating it with grease and polluting it. Bacteria multiply faster in this environment. They cause a number of skin diseases.

    Getting rid of them will be more difficult than preventing them by following simple hygiene rules. Removal of greasy deposits is carried out with disinfectant solutions.

    The benefits of scalp massage for hair growth and strengthening

    A comb-massager is used not only for combing hair. It also has additional functions. With regular use of the product, it is possible to improve blood circulation in the scalp. This massage helps awaken dormant hair follicles, improve hair growth and cope with baldness.

    Regular use of the product helps to relax and eliminate headaches. If you have dandruff, you should use wooden devices that have antimicrobial properties.

    Massage comb brings great benefits to hair


    improving blood circulation in the scalp

    massage helps awaken dormant hair follicles, improve hair growth and cope with baldness

    eliminating headaches


    no deficiencies found

    Review of the best brands

    Today, massage brushes are produced by many brands. When choosing, you need to consider the quality of the material.


    Studio combs are made in different colors - green, pink, lilac. They are of high quality and have an excellent massage effect.


    Zinger combs are considered to be of very high quality. They improve blood circulation in the scalp and saturate the bulbs with nutrients.


    Kaizer combs are made from natural materials. Thanks to this, everyone will be able to choose a quality product for themselves.

    Other brands

    You can also choose convenient devices from other brands. Popular models include Xiaomi, Naomi, Bath and Beauty.

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