How to clean a down jacket from greasy conditions without washing at home

Wearing seasonal items every day naturally leads to them getting dirty.
The situation is especially acute with jackets and down jackets. Regardless of the color of the product or the material from which it is made, the frequency of contamination will be high. More often than other parts, seams on sleeves, pockets, collars or hoods are affected (especially in women who apply foundation or powder). But it is not necessary to immediately run to the nearest dry cleaner after stains appear - the product can be cleaned at home. It is enough to know a few features of cleaning down jackets and down jackets, as well as to have suitable products on hand.

Dishwashing liquid or laundry soap

Dishwashing liquid or ordinary laundry soap can help in the fight against stubborn and greasy dirt on a down jacket. These products effectively remove grease stains from nylon, polyester and other artificial materials.

Dishwashing liquid removes grease well and leaves no streaks. It also helps remove foundation stains that often remain on the collar.

Step-by-step instructions on how to clean greasy areas on a jacket without washing:

  1. Prepare the solution.
    In 1 liter of water, dissolve 2 teaspoons of any dishwashing liquid or the same amount of finely grated laundry soap

  2. Apply the cleaning solution and scrub the dirt thoroughly.
    Dampen a soft brush, sponge or towel in the resulting solution. Apply the product over all contaminated areas, starting from the edges of the stain and gradually moving towards its center. Try to do all cleaning procedures quickly so that the insulation does not have time to absorb too much soapy water.

  3. Wipe off any remaining detergent.
    Rub a damp cloth or towel over the area to be cleaned. You can use a spray bottle with clean water.

  4. Blot off excess moisture with a dry cloth.
    Ideally, you should use microfiber, as it absorbs water well and also cleans the product without streaks.

This method of cleaning without washing is also called home dry cleaning. However, this method has its own nuances:

  • Do not rub the Bolognese or other fabric surface too much;
  • Start treating any stains and dirt from the edges, gradually moving towards the center, this way you can avoid the appearance of streaks;
  • If after such home cleaning there are still stains, greasy shine or serious grime, then it is better to wash the jacket by hand or in a washing machine.

How to easily clean a down jacket at home without washing

Certain areas of outerwear become intensely dirty: cuffs, pockets, collar. It is not always necessary to wash a down jacket completely, or even wash it at all. Cleaning options without washing:

  • Partial treatment of stains and especially difficult stains. This option is preferable to washing. It is convenient because the fluff inside is not completely wetted and does not bunch up.
  • Treatment of the entire surface with special means. Products are used in the form of: spray, gel, powder, shampoo, special wipes. The essence of their action is to dissolve or absorb dirt from the product.

What to choose depends on the degree of contamination.

Using ammonia

One of the most favorite home remedies that helps get rid of many stains (and not only on clothes) is ammonia (ammonia). The product is suitable for cleaning both white down jackets and black (dark) ones:

  1. First you need to dilute the cleaning solution. Dilute 5 ml of ammonia in 100 ml of water.
  2. In the room you are cleaning, be sure to open the windows so as not to breathe in alcohol fumes.
  3. Soak a towel or cotton cloth in the prepared solution and wring it out well.
  4. Now proceed to cleaning the dirt. Dirt most often collects on the elbows, collars, pockets and sleeve seams, so pay attention to these areas first.
  5. Start cleaning the product with vigorous movements, try to thoroughly moisten the contaminated parts with ammonia solution to remove even complex stains.
  6. Periodically turn over the cloth soaked in the product and go over the already cleaned areas with the clean side again.
  7. Similarly, rub the remaining dirty parts of the product, especially paying attention, for example, to the inner sides of the sleeves (cuffs), and the seams at the elbows.
  8. If necessary, re-soak the towel in the ammonia solution, remembering to turn it over to the clean side. The surface of the product should be completely wet.
  9. After this, leave the item to dry. Inspect the dry jacket: if you notice that you missed some dirt, then soak the cloth in the alcohol solution again and try to wipe it off.

Salt and starch

Take the ingredients in equal quantities, add a little water to make a mushy mixture. Rub the mixture into the collar part of the down jacket and leave it like that. After 10 minutes, rinse with water.

How to remove coffee stains from clothes, furniture and carpet

This method helps eliminate even old oiliness. But in some cases the processing needs to be repeated.

Micellar water

Some of the most difficult stains (especially on light-colored jackets and collars) are stains from makeup and sweat. You can cope with them with the help of micellar water, which is familiar to many girls. This product perfectly removes foundation or powder residue from the face, so why shouldn’t it cope with such stains on clothes. This cleaning method is carried out locally by hand and does not require washing in a washing machine:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in your chosen micellar water.
  2. Blot the contaminated fabric (for example, the greasy collar of a down jacket).
  3. Leave the product on the product for a few minutes so that it has time to dissolve the cosmetics.
  4. Remove dirt and cosmetic residues with a damp cloth.
  5. If the stains were not removed after the first procedure, repeat it.

For this cleaning method, you can only use micellar water without dyes. If the method does not help, then try a cosmetic product from another manufacturer.

Preparation and procedure for cleaning

Preparatory work with greasy items begins, as expected, with studying the label, in which the manufacturer recommends how to care for his product. Different fabrics respectively require a specific approach using certain compositions and techniques.

Before you wash a greasy jacket, you need to take care of the stains, and only then the greasy shine. It will be useful to study the nature of pollution. They can be based on dyes, food products, cosmetic compositions, etc.

Before using a stain remover, you need to test in an inconspicuous place how it will behave on a specific material. Exposure time ─ 15 minutes. If the fabric remains unchanged, then you can begin cleaning. To remove the main fat, the greasy area must first be treated. This can be done using a damp cloth. For old stains, use glycerin. It softens stubborn marks and makes them easier to remove. When treating stains, you need to move from the edges to the center.

If chemicals were used when cleaning greasy clothing, the treated area should be rinsed and only then sent to machine or hand wash. It is better to use cold water for rinsing. This will reduce the risks of negative effects of aggressive substances on the material.

Important! Greasy areas should not be confused with abrasions, which often occur, for example, on suede. By treating such an area with a stain remover, the problem can only worsen.

Available means

If you don’t want to wash the greasy sleeves on your jacket with aggressive chemicals, you can resort to the help of compositions that are available in almost every household:

  1. Starch or salt, can be mixed with citric acid or lemon juice. Suitable for almost any fabric. In order for the absorbents to work, the greasy area must be heated with a hairdryer. Then apply the active composition. After 10 minutes, rub the treated area with a brush, then clean with a sponge.
  2. On light-colored outerwear, greasy stains can be removed with ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. To obtain a paste-like consistency, you can add a little baking soda to the mixture. Apply the paste onto the dirt, leave for a couple of minutes, then wipe off with a napkin.
  3. A greasy light or black down jacket can also be cleaned with the liquid that is used to refill lighters. Soak a cotton pad in it and then wipe the greasy stain. At the same time, avoid excessive friction. Remove remaining hydrocarbons using a damp cloth.
  4. Laundry soap is the simplest remedy for stains. They lather the problem area with it, then rub it with a brush and wash it with large volumes of water.
  5. You can make a soap solution from soap shavings and hot water. Dip a brush into it and rub the greasy stains that remain, for example, from sweat on a white collar. Finally, rinse with water.
  6. Any absorbent can handle light contamination, be it talc, oatmeal, flour or starch. Anyone can remove grease from a jacket. To do this, sprinkle the problem area, then rub it a little, shake off the residue, and walk with a clean, slightly wet napkin.

After cleaning, greasy areas can be washed in a washing machine. Set the temperature to no higher than 40°C, turn on the “hand” or “delicate” wash mode. It is better to pour a liquid composition into the detergent compartment. To prevent padding polyester or fluff from forming clumps, place tennis balls in the drum. Spinning at low speeds will prevent the formation of wrinkles. Dry your jacket on hangers.

Advice! The down jacket must be shaken daily. This will ensure even distribution of the filler.

There are down jackets that are prohibited from washing in automatic machines. In such cases, you will need a special detergent for things with different types of fillers. We dissolve a certain amount of it in hot water and get foam. We use it to treat outerwear. We hang things over a container, for example, a bathtub. Use a clean, damp sponge to remove any remaining foam. Afterwards we dry the product.

Store products

The market offers many products to get rid of stains. They can be liquid "Amway", "Avel Hussard" or in the form of a spray ("Zamvel"). The main thing is that before use, read the instructions for using the chemical on greasy areas, do not experiment with dosages and first test on the wrong side of the clothing.

A special composition is sold for cleaning suede jackets. It not only removes dirt, but protects the products from water and prevents them from becoming shiny during further wear.

Special stain removers

If you are afraid to get involved with folk recipes and various improvised means, then you should pay attention to specialized household chemicals that help clean your down jacket from greasy and stubborn stains at home.

There are many cleaning products on the market, so below are the most effective ones:

  • Sano Spark is available in powder form, has a pleasant smell, and a large amount of product;
  • Antipyatin soap for removing complex stains, smells nice, is absolutely safe for children and people prone to allergic reactions;
  • Vanish is available in several formats, including classic gel, convenient to use, suitable for colored and delicate items;
  • Down Wash & Clean is one of the most effective gel products for removing greasy stains; it helps to delicately wash fabrics with a water-repellent coating;
  • Ecover stain remover in the form of a spray, acts instantly, removes complex stains;
  • Dr. Beckmann gel product, which is available in several variations for different types of products, can only be used according to the instructions;
  • Frau Schmidt stain remover in the form of soap, removes grease, oil and wine stains, is safe for the skin, works equally effectively on both white and colored items.

If the manufacturer has not left any special notes on the packaging regarding the use of the product, then the principle of use of the drug will be standard:

  1. Wet the contaminated area of ​​the product with water.
  2. Apply the stain remover of your choice using a soft cloth or sponge, rubbing from the edge to the middle of the stain.
  3. Leave the item for a while so that the product has time to work.
  4. Rinse the product three times under running water (or remove any remaining product with a damp sponge if you are removing stains locally).
  5. Dry the down jacket well.

How to clean a fur collar

The fur collar of a down jacket is usually unfastened, and the fur is cleaned separately from the entire product. To clean it you can use:

  • Soap or shampoo solution. Lather it well and apply it to the fur with a sponge. Leave for 30 minutes, remove foam and let dry. After complete drying, comb in the direction of the pile.
  • Semolina is used for dry cleaning. Pour it onto the fur and rub it in with your hands. When the cereal absorbs dirt, clean it with a soft brush.
  • Acetic acid. Soak a cotton swab in it and wipe the pile.
  • Faux fur can be cleaned with dishwashing detergent.

Advice! In the closet where the down jacket with fur is stored, you need to lay out a moth repellent in the form of tablets or aromatic herbs.

Caring for a down jacket is not as difficult as it seems, the main thing is not to get stains and dealing with them will be easy.

Steam cleaning

Another equally effective method is steam cleaning. This method allows you to remove the unsightly shine from the fabric and return it to its original appearance, as if you had just purchased the item in a store:

  1. To steam a down jacket or down jacket, you will need an iron with a vertical steam function or a special household steamer (a steam generator or steam cleaner may not be suitable, so read the instructions included with the device).
  2. Place or hang the product so that it is more convenient for you to steam it.
  3. Direct a stream of steam at the dirty or greasy area.
  4. Immediately after treatment, wipe the area with a cloth dampened in a solution of any detergent (it is advisable to choose microfiber, as it absorbs remaining dirt well). Hot steam will help break up the stain, and a wet sponge with a cleaning product will remove it from the fabric.

How to remove any stains from a down jacket

How to remove a stain if it is non-standard? It will be possible to remove old and any other contamination, you just need to know how to use one or another method.

  • Machine oil . It is removed with gasoline or acetone. Before applying to the front part, you should check the reaction of the fabric in an inconspicuous place. After using gasoline, the item should be sent to fresh air for ventilation.
  • resin from down jacket fabrics , but you will have to make an effort. To begin, lubricate the stain with grease: oil, lard, Vaseline, and leave to soak for 4 hours. Try to remove the top layer with a knife, the remaining residue with turpentine, and after cleaning, rinse it off with water.
  • wash different types of paint . The method depends on the type of dye that remains on the product. Oil paints - wipe with a cotton swab dipped in sunflower oil. Water-based paints are washed off with water. If they are old, washing them with a soap solution or washing powder diluted in water will help.

Leatherette jacket

When removing greasy stains from such material, first test any product on an inconspicuous area. To avoid streaks, all products are applied from the edges to the center of the stain.


You can use not only pure acetone, but also nail polish remover containing it.

Apply the mixture to the stain and rub thoroughly with a clean cloth or napkin. Afterwards, rinse with water and dry.


Turpentine or turpentine oil removes old stains well. It is best to dilute it with water in a 2:1 ratio and treat the area. Then wipe with a damp cloth.


Instead of alcohol, you can use vodka, ammonia or perfume (if they do not contain oils). Contamination is treated in the same way as with turpentine.

Lemon juice

  1. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon and soak a clean, soft cloth in it.
  2. Place on the stain. Constantly add juice to prevent the material from drying out.
  3. After half an hour, rinse with water and dry.

Laundry soap

Soak a bar of soap in water and work the area until foam forms. When the stain disappears, go over the area several times with a wet cloth.

Getting rid of snow-white, yellowish and black stains after washing a down jacket


  • 1 Wash the down jacket correctly 1.1 Choosing a detergent
  • 1.2 Washing rules: 5 fundamental rules
  • 2 Removing streaks and stains: 6 recipes
  • 3 Summary
  • In order for washing a down jacket to be successful, you need to follow certain rules. At least once a season there is a need to wash a down jacket.

    And anyone who does this incorrectly may ultimately face problems with the appearance of stains and streaks on the surface.

    How to avoid this? Now I want to tell you about this. Washing a down jacket correctly To wash a down jacket properly in a washing machine, you need to adhere to a couple of fundamental rules - from choosing a cleaning product to drying the product.

    This is the only way to avoid streaks and keep the filler intact.

    Grease stains after washing

    After machine washing, yellow greasy stains may appear on the down jacket. The reason for this phenomenon is the use of water with a temperature above 40 degrees. To remove this kind of stain, you will need Vanish stain remover without chlorine or Laska Magic Color balm.

    1. Dilute a capful of detergent in the bathroom.
    2. Soak the down jacket for 4 hours.
    3. Rinse thoroughly.
    4. Squeeze in the machine and dry.

    If the result is unsatisfactory, dry cleaning services will be required.

    Cleaning a down jacket with improvised means

    Fresh stains can be removed with the usual means that every housewife has at hand. Let's look at how to clean a down jacket without washing using simple and affordable means:

    • Stain removers - “Vanish”, “Antipyatin”, “Boss”. Be sure to read the instructions before using them. In most cases, these tools are used in the following order:
    1. Using a sponge, apply the powder (gel, spray) to the contaminated area,
    2. Leave on the surface of the stain for 5 minutes.
    3. Then, using soft material, it is removed from the surface of the product.
    • Table salt, starch or flour help neutralize greasy, fresh stains. Thanks to their adsorbing properties, the components absorb grease particles, thereby removing greasy stains from the surface. It is enough to sprinkle the product on the dirt, and after 30 minutes carefully remove it.
    • Dishwashing liquid. Heat 500 ml of water and dissolve 10 ml of product. Stir, moisten a cotton pad or foam sponge and squeeze lightly. Distribute the mixture evenly over the dirty area. Leave for 10 minutes, remove with a soft cloth and warm water.
    • Washing gel. Lay out the winter jacket on a clean, flat surface. Using a sponge, apply detergent to the desired areas. Leave for 15 minutes, wipe the down jacket with a soft cloth previously moistened with water.
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