How to clean and bleach arctic fox fur from yellowness and dirt

Outerwear made from arctic fox fur has a presentable appearance. A distinctive feature of this material is the long pile. To ensure that the product does not lose its beauty, it is necessary to regularly clean it. Otherwise, street dirt and dust will turn the most exquisite wardrobe item into an unattractive item. Having no idea how to wash an arctic fox collar, you should not start processing it.

The popularity of products made from arctic fox is due to the fur’s ability to provide warmth over a long period. Stains formed after prolonged wear can be easily removed at home. If traditional methods do not bring the desired effect, you will have to use the services of professionals.

To treat arctic fox fur, it is strictly forbidden to use vinegar essence and undiluted acetone. These substances can cause irreparable harm. Fur items should not be dried using a hair dryer, heating radiator or gas stove. It is best to hang them outdoors. If this is not possible, outerwear should be placed in a well-ventilated room, away from radiators. The product should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Arctic fox fur does not “like” perfume and aromatic fragrances. The same goes for hairspray, alcohol-containing compounds and bug sprays. If these substances were sprayed near the product, the fibers will stick together. Many people have lost their fur jewelry due to automatic washing and mechanical stress. The cause of the latter may be twisting or squeezing. It would be useful for every woman who owns such outerwear to know how to properly care for arctic fox fur.

How to clean arctic fox fur from yellowness

Yellowness often appears on an arctic fox fur coat if the rules for storing the fur product are violated. Yellow spots can be seen on the areas of the hood or collar that frame the face. This occurs due to the active mixing of jet air flows. Warm breath and cold air interact with each other, causing the formation of moisture droplets at the ends of the pile.

Over time, creases begin to form on the elbow bends, in which dust accumulates.

These areas are also susceptible to yellowing. Yellow spots can be found in those places of the fur coat where the fur often comes into contact with any surface.

There are several folk methods that help clean arctic fox fur from yellowness, without additional use of dry cleaning or purchasing special products.

Potato starch

Using potato starch and a liquid detergent used for delicate washing of woolen items, you can clean yellowed fur yourself.

This method requires strict adherence to step-by-step instructions:

  1. Sprinkle potato starch over the yellow spots.
  2. Moisten the surface with a solution of water and liquid product from a spray bottle.
  3. Leave the product for 10–15 minutes, then moisten again with a spray bottle.
  4. After complete drying, shake the product and then comb it with a special brush to remove any remaining starch.


Flour not only gets rid of yellowness, but at the same time helps to bleach yellowed fur and restore its original shine.

Flour removes dirt well, being a sorbent with a high efficiency rate.

Before cleaning, the flour is calcined in a frying pan. Then the fox collar is sprinkled with a thin layer of flour. After 15–30 minutes. the remaining flour is cleaned off with a cotton pad soaked in gasoline.


Baby talc is an excellent product for cleaning the Arctic fox collar yourself at home.

Talc removes visible yellow spots from the Arctic fox that appeared on it due to long-term storage or exposure to moisture in some areas of the fur coat. Talc, as an effective absorber, removes noticeable accumulations of dust settled at the base of the skin.

A fur coat that has been stored on a hanger for a long time is laid out on the floor. The surface to be treated is covered with a thick layer of talc. The fur coat should lie for several hours on a flat surface. Then the product is shaken. The remaining powder is combed out with a special brush or brushing comb.

To clean fur products, talc without fragrances or dyes is used.

Other methods

To clean outerwear made from arctic fox fur, you can use:

  • composition of detergent and ammonia. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions, and the resulting mixture is distributed over the pile. The cleaning agent is removed from the surface of the product with a damp sponge. To speed up the drying process, wipe the fur with a dry cotton cloth. The item is left in a well-ventilated room;
  • detergent for washing delicate materials. Arctic fox fur is carefully combed with a cotton swab dipped in a previously prepared solution;
  • petrol. They can only process dark fur. The purified solvent is applied to a cotton pad, which is then used to rub over particularly contaminated areas.

The list is supplemented with such substances as vinegar, ammonia, salt, and pet shampoo.

How to clean white fur

Owners of snow-white fox fur coats face several challenges:

  • remove dust and dirt from the surface of the fur coat;
  • eliminate yellowness;
  • bleach arctic fox fur.

The most difficult task is bleaching. To achieve pristine whiteness, it is necessary to influence the structure of the hair and restore its original appearance. For bleaching, it is recommended to use proven techniques with elements of wet processing. An important condition for bleaching is the natural drying of the pile. The Arctic fox should not be dried over radiators or exposed to an artificially created stream of hot air.


The method that uses vinegar takes time.

The first stage includes a complete and thorough treatment of the Arctic fox with 9% vinegar. The second stage is drying and weathering the product in the fresh air. The second stage takes up to 5 days.

In order not to provoke intoxication of the body, it is recommended to work with vinegar in a protective respirator.

Hydrogen peroxide

To restore the whiteness of the pile, a mixture of equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide and medical alcohol is used.

First, the liquid is applied to the sponge. Then the pile is processed along its entire length with a sponge. The wet product is dried in the sun. Sunlight enhances the whitening properties of the prepared composition.


This technique is suitable for processing dull foxes with short hair. The fur is moistened with lemon juice in the direction of growth. Then the product is dried. The final stage is combing.

How to clean from dust and dirt

Daily seasonal wearing of a fur coat, hat or collar made of fox suggests that the fur is constantly interacting with street dust. Contamination is most often localized on the sleeves and front part of products. Simple and shallow marks can be easily removed using an ordinary soap solution.

The soap solution can be made from bar soap, scouring powder, or liquid laundry detergent.

The solution is carefully distributed along the growth line, then removed with a damp cloth. After cleaning, traces of dirt and dust remain on the napkin.

Professional products

There is such a concept on the cleaning market - fur cosmetics. There are several types:

  • surface cleaning products;
  • foams for deep cleaning;
  • means for maintaining the shine of fur and its structure;
  • wet wipes for instantly removing stains.

Attention! For any deep cleaning agent, use gloves and clean only with the windows open.

If neither homemade nor store-bought cleaning products help achieve the result, you will still have to take the item to the dry cleaner. And if you suddenly spilled oil, dyeing drinks, or left a trace of perfume on your fur coat, it’s better not to even try to cope with such a disaster alone. Don’t worry, specialists will clean the fur faster with more complex stains and with less loss.

Advice! Choose a dry cleaner that specializes in fur. Read reviews in advance. Only in the skillful hands of a professional, fur clothing can be cleaned up to six times.

Is it possible to wash a fur collar?

The fox collar or sleeve trim loses color and shine over time.

The main product, on which the fur trim is sewn, requires washing in a washing machine, then a misconception arises that you can wash not only the jacket or down jacket itself, but also the fur collar. Products made from natural fur are strictly prohibited from being cleaned in water. It is not possible to wash arctic fox fur at home, as it is recommended to dry clean it exclusively. After washing, you can get a damaged item that no dry cleaning can help.

Products made from natural arctic fox fur are prohibited from washing.


Before washing be sure to:

  • remove the removable collar from the jacket;
  • determine the type of fur (artificial or natural);
  • carefully study the information on the manufacturer’s label about the temperature conditions and special cleaning conditions of the product;
  • Before washing, gently shake the edge on the collar.

The choice of washing method depends on the type of edge. In order to determine whether faux or natural fur was used during tailoring, it is necessary to examine the underside of the collar. On the synthetic material, thread overflow is visible on the reverse side.

How to restore shine

Arctic fox fur has a natural shine. It shimmers in the sun, and the pile always remains soft and pliable to the touch. If the fur of the Arctic fox has not only turned yellow, but also lost its shine, then treatment with improvised means will help restore the quality of the fur.

The uniformity of the color of the arctic fox's fur is restored with glycerin. Glycerin belongs to the group of polyhydric alcohols and has properties similar to them. When processing a fur product, it acts as a sorbent, absorbing dirt. The special structure of the product helps restore the natural shine of the arctic fox's hair, as well as degreasing the surface to be cleaned. Glycerin is applied to the fur product in the direction of hair growth, and then cleaned off with a damp cloth. The processed item is subjected to natural drying and additional ventilation.

To clean a fur collar, hat or fox coat, it is recommended to use dry brushing methods or spot wet cleaning. The concept of “washing” for products made from natural fur implies the use of natural sorbents that have certain properties. If someone claims that natural fur is easy to wash in a machine, then he has no idea about the basic rules for cleaning fur.


In order for the product to last a long time and not turn yellow, proper care is necessary:

  • Shake out the item after coming from the street;
  • Make sure there is good air circulation in the closet;
  • Brush the product with a brush every 3-5 days;
  • Identify and clean up contamination in a timely manner. If the collar is dirty, start cleaning immediately;
  • Do not use heating devices or fans for drying;
  • Try not to wear fur in wet weather;
  • Do not use automatic washing frequently;
  • Dry the product horizontally on the balcony;
  • Place moth repellent in the fur coat storage area;
  • Before purchasing household chemicals, read the composition to exclude options with coloring substances;
  • Do not store brightly colored clothing next to fur, otherwise the color may be ruined.

Arctic fox fur requires careful care. It is important to clean products in a timely manner, even in dark colors. If heavily soiled, contact a dry cleaner.

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