How to quickly and efficiently wash leather gloves

Gloves made of leather or faux leather are very popular. But few people know how to wash leather gloves and how to properly care for them. If you use cleaning agents that are used to clean other items of clothing, the leather will become rough and cracked. Leather (including artificial leather) must be cleaned with special products and a number of principles must be followed.

Is it possible to wash them at home?

“Genuine leather should not be wet.”
This myth can often be found on the Internet. In fact, this can and should be done if you do not want to wear dirty gloves. Pay attention to the following nuance. Leather is a flexible and elastic material . When exposed to moisture, it stretches even more and is more susceptible to deformation, so the gloves will have to be carefully washed and dried. Washing should be done quickly ; there is no need to soak the gloves in hot water for several hours, otherwise after such manipulations you will definitely have to say goodbye to them.

Important! Before washing, look at the label on the product: it usually indicates how to wash or clean the gloves. If the label is missing, do a small test: wet the least visible area of ​​the glove: if the leather behaves normally, that is, it does not stretch or shrink excessively, you can wash the entire pair.

Cleaning light stains and adding shine

The only option for washing leather gloves is hand cleaning. You can put them on your hands and wash them thoroughly in warm soapy water. Don't forget to rinse in clean water. Remove them from your hands and blow them from the inside - you can use a cold hairdryer. Dry loosely in a ventilated place.

Dark skin

Wash items made of dark leather or leatherette with warm water and soap (Dove soap is a good option), trying to wet them as little as possible. Remove stubborn stains with a soft brush. If stains remain, use a solution of 3 parts castor oil and 2 parts alcohol. You can soften washed gloves by wiping them with castor oil after 24 hours.

Bright skin

Light colors are prone to staining. Many people wash such products with regular soap or dishwashing gel. But this is not the best idea - soap clogs the pores, which is why the skin cannot breathe, dries out, and bursts. You can wash white or light-colored leather gloves using the methods indicated below. But first, test the effect of each cleaning product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the accessory:

Rub the item gently in one direction.

The accessory requires restoration. To do this, you can lubricate it after washing and drying with skin lotion. Use a small amount - a pea-sized ball.

Important! Dark spots on light skin can be removed with warm milk. Colorless shoe polish will help restore elasticity and shine.


Suede is polished leather with fibers. The roughness of the villi depends on whether the skin was sanded from the face or the back. As a result of face sanding, nubuck is obtained. This material is much thinner and more difficult to clean. Velor is a rougher suede obtained after back-to-back sanding.

If you neglect the restorative impregnation after cleaning the suede, the accessories will get very dirty. Impregnation softens them and extends their service life.

If suede gloves require proper regeneration, softening, or revitalization of color, use a special leather restoration product containing color pigments. Again, test the renovator on an unseen part of the product first to avoid being surprised by the end result of a sudden color change.

Washing process

Before you start washing, inspect the gloves externally: if they are not completely dirty, you can wash individual areas . If you cannot do without a full wash, then take all precautions.

To carry out the procedure you will need:

  • basin with water;
  • detergent (better use mild baby soap or glycerin soap);
  • terry towel or microfiber.

First you need to apply a soap solution . Dissolve a little solid or liquid soap in warm water. Pay attention to the water temperature - 35°C is enough, otherwise the skin will warp or shrink several times . Next, put gloves on your hands and start washing. Don't ignore this step: if you wash your gloves as normal, they will definitely become deformed. They are provided with a good frame on their hands.

The washing movements should be as if you were simply soaping your hands. Make smooth and light movements, do not press too hard or twist your fingers. Force should be applied only in areas where rough seams are located.

Do not wash your gloves for too long . The color of the water will become a guide: as soon as it stops darkening, you will understand that all the dirt has gone. Please note that some leather may be dyed and therefore take a long time to shed. Distinguish paint from dirt in water.

After these manipulations, all you have to do is rinse the pair thoroughly without removing it from your hands. There is no need to “gurgle” for a long time - a couple of minutes is enough. You can use either running water from the tap or prepare a basin with clean water at room temperature in advance.

Important! Do not wring out gloves under any circumstances! Shake off excess water without removing them from your hands. Lay a towel on a flat horizontal surface: carefully place wet gloves on one edge, and cover them with the other end. Press down lightly, but do not place anything on top. Leave in this position until excess moisture is absorbed.

Some useful tips

Patent leather gloves are washable. But only very quickly and carefully. Instead of lubricating, once dry, simply buff the leather with a soft cloth. If you are afraid of spoiling them with water, then wipe them with onion juice once a week. Simply cut the onion and rub the patent leather. Then wipe dry.

It is not recommended to wash leather gloves from the inside. It is better to tear off the lining (if possible) and wash it separately.

If the gloves were initially unlined, then folk wisdom will help you. Pour a little talcum powder or dry starch inside. Lightly squeeze and shake the gloves. Then we turn them inside out. Use a medium-hard brush to remove the powder. We repeat the procedure until the talc or starch stops darkening. Usually a couple of repetitions are enough.

Try not to let leather gloves require washing. After all, a couple of minutes a day is enough to wipe them with a damp cloth to remove dust, after shaking them thoroughly.

Now you know how to wash leather gloves. And you no longer have to worry about the cleanliness of this stylish accessory.

how to stretch leather gloves

Features of washing light and dark leather

The washing method largely depends on the color of the leather product. Light and white leather is much more delicate than dark leather, so it should be treated more carefully and cleaned in a gentle way. You should not completely wet light-colored gloves, as there is a high probability that yellow stains will appear on them . You can clean them using a solution of milk and soda:

  • from these ingredients prepare a mixture similar in consistency to gruel;
  • gently wipe the skin.

Light, delicate skin can be cleaned with ammonia. For this, 2 tbsp. l. ammonia should be diluted in 8 tbsp. l. ordinary water. Use the resulting solution to wipe off stains well. For greater effect, add a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide or lemon juice to the solution . With their help, long-standing or stubborn stains are removed well.

If your pair of gloves is made of dark brown or black leather, then there should be no problems with cleaning it. Try preparing a solution from:

  • 5 tsp. hydrogen peroxide;
  • 5 tsp. washing powder or washing gel;
  • 1 tsp. ammonia;
  • half a glass of ordinary water.

Mix all the ingredients and apply the soap solution to the surface using cotton wool or a small sponge. Pay special attention to greasy stains. After this, rinse the pair with cool water or wipe with a sponge soaked in water. This method is also quite gentle because it eliminates complete soaking in water.

Suede products: proper care

Suede does not require the same cleaning conditions as genuine leather. Gloves can be safely washed completely in detergent diluted in water. Shampoos, baby soaps, liquid detergents, and dishwashing gel are suitable as cleaning solutions.

To clean the surface, special brushes for suede items, toothbrushes and sponges are used. After cleaning, rinse the product well in cool water and dry in a ventilated area.

What to do with the lining? How to treat from the inside?

Over time, gloves become dirty not only on the outside, but also on the inside. You can wash the fabric lining in the same way. To do this, turn the gloves inside out and wipe them with a soap solution or a mixture of water with peroxide and ammonia.

Important! If the gloves are very worn, you can wash them entirely. To do this, turn the pair inside out and place them in a bowl of water. Do not soak for a long time: a few minutes are enough .

Soapy water should be washed off with clean, cool water. You can use a vinegar solution, which will further clean the lining.


  • Before sending for storage, you should put them on a mannequin hand. If it is not available, create a cardboard analogue suitable in size. This will save the product from deformation;
  • If the item becomes small, you can place it in a dampened towel and wait a few hours. Then put the gloves on your hands, leaving them on until dry;
  • Before wearing, you should treat the product with sunflower oil or cream;
  • If lined gloves become large, you can wash them. This will remove dirt and change the size.
  • If it is heavily soiled, you should contact a dry cleaner. Then the products are guaranteed not to deteriorate and will become like new;
  • After treatment with chemicals, softening compounds must be applied to avoid drying out.

Leather gloves are a stylish and practical item of clothing that adds elegance to every woman and presentability to every man. Considering that manufacturers try to please the consumer, the range of products is simply enormous, for any color, style and weather. But even though leather is a very practical material, for all its unpretentiousness, you still have to clean leather gloves at least once a season. After all, the thing is not cheap and it will be easier to give it a little attention than to buy a new one.

It is a mistake to assume that gloves are only worn in cold weather; they are a fashionable item for any occasion that can highlight your individuality. Many famous designers even work on them. Gloves can reach to the wrist or higher, even above the elbow. There are also models with open fingers, they are called mitts, these are popular models among young people and people actively involved in outdoor sports. Mittens also include car gloves, which were previously very popular among motorists in the eighties, when there were no power steering yet; now they are primarily a biker accessory.

The classics are popular among men; as a rule, these are simple, no-frills gloves that are just above the wrist. Black color is the most popular, this is due to its practicality and versatility; black goes with any color of clothing or handbag. It happens that the stains are very persistent and cannot be cleaned using standard gentle means. Leather gloves cannot be washed, but they can be cleaned even with aggressive agents.

  • We take purified gasoline, gasoline for lighters is suitable, or even better gasoline for galoshes, it is used for degreasing. We add this amount of water to gasoline and immerse our product in this solution. For about fifteen minutes, then we take it out and try to wipe it off; if that doesn’t work, then repeat the procedure again and put it on a towel to dry. The method is effective, but the gloves may dry out somewhat and decrease in size.
  • We mix two parts of gasoline and one part of turpentine and clean with this solution; dirt is easily removed, but for very thin leather this method is not suitable, since there is a high probability of damaging the material.

For preventive cleaning of the skin, you can use a solution of ammonia or vinegar solution at the rate of three tablespoons of table vinegar per liter of water. You can also mix washing powder and hydrogen peroxide in equal parts, and if necessary, develop a solution with water or ammonia.

How to dry leather gloves correctly?

To maintain its shape, it is very important to follow the drying rules.
This procedure largely determines whether you will be able to wear them later. Never wring out leather items . It is better to leave them in a horizontal position so that excess moisture drains naturally. You can leave them wrapped in a terry towel for a while so that the water is absorbed.

Further drying should not take place in the usual lying position . Ideally, use a special frame in the shape of a hand onto which the gloves are pulled. You can make it yourself using thick wire. After this, all that remains is to wait for it to dry completely.

Important! Never dry leather items on a radiator or near other heat sources! This also applies to direct sunlight. Hot, dry air will cause the skin to become rough and cracked.

How to treat after drying?

After the gloves dry naturally, do not rush to put them on immediately . Dry and dehydrated skin needs to be nourished. Castor oil or glycerin will help with this (you can use regular hand cream). Apply a little grease to a cotton pad and quickly wipe the surface. Do not use too much oil , otherwise it will not be absorbed and will leave greasy marks on the gloves. Leave the gloves on the form for another half hour until the product is completely absorbed.

Advice! Shoe departments sell leather shoe care creams. They are equally suitable for caring for leather gloves.

Tips for use

As a rule, we have all bought leather gloves at least once in our lives or as a gift. But few of us asked the manufacturers how to wear such a thing correctly. Experts have some advice:

  • It is advisable to exclude contact of the product with moisture
    . This is necessary to prevent the skin from becoming rough and deformed. The accessory should not be worn in rainy weather or stored in conditions of high humidity. Yes, it will not be possible to fully comply with this requirement, since rain may come unplanned, but if you have already failed to hide the gloves from bad weather, then you should dry and lubricate them properly. More on this below;
  • eliminate the possibility of perfumes and cosmetics getting on gloves
    . It is necessary to put on perfume and tint your lips BEFORE putting on this item of clothing. Many modern cosmetics contain many unpleasant ingredients that have a detrimental effect on the condition of the accessory’s skin. Most often they interact with dyes and stains appear;
  • avoid mechanical impact on the skin
    . You should not perform active actions while wearing leather gloves, which can lead to scratches and cuts on their surface. To put it even simpler, you shouldn’t play basketball or play the piano with gloves;
  • do not hit your gloves against each other
    when trying to get rid of dust - such actions can lead to tearing of the material and seams;
  • Do not dry near heating appliances
    or in direct sunlight.
Francesco Molinary glovesFrancesco Molinary glovesPasso Avanti glovesFrancesco Molinary gloves

If you use leather gloves every day, it is recommended that you make a habit of caring for them daily upon returning home.

. To do this, you need to clean them from dust with a soft cloth. To prevent contamination of the seams, they should be treated with a brush with soft or medium-hard bristles. What dictates the need for daily care? The smallest particles of dust, gradually penetrating into the seams and pores of the material, will eventually lead to more severe contamination, resulting in the need to use serious means to remove it.

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