Stretching faux leather shoes - the cold will help!

When buying a beautiful pair of shoes in a hurry, it is not always possible to guess the size accurately, and when you come home you may find that the new shoes are too tight. Despite the fact that artificial leather is not as expensive a material as its natural counterpart, sometimes you really don’t want to give up the purchase. However, do not be upset; in most cases, the situation can be corrected independently and at home. In this article we will reveal the secrets of how to stretch faux leather shoes, down to one size.
There are many ways to do this, both using special stretchers and proven folk methods.

Are any shoes stretchable?

Genuine leather just stretches. Suede is especially flexible. But artificial ones can cause difficulties and become damaged if due care is not taken. The following list includes materials that stretch without harm:

  • Leather
  • Suede
  • Textile
  • Nubuck

If the shoes are expensive, it is better to contact a workshop specialist. They will complete the task efficiently, as they use the appropriate equipment. Shoes and boots are increased by one size without haste or damage.

Reasons why the heel of your shoe rubs

Before looking for ways to soften your shoes so they don't rub, it's worth understanding the causes of friction.

Further actions depend on them: whether you will have to throw away a pair of your favorite shoes or buy additional means for stretching the material.

Wrong size

Surprisingly, the wrong shoe size is the most common cause of chafing. For example, girls in pursuit of fashion or discounts can buy amazing shoes one to one and a half sizes smaller.

Men also rarely think about choosing the right shoes. It is important to remember: if your foot feels uncomfortable when trying on shoes in a store, you should not buy this pair with the hope that it will break in.

Rough material

The hard backs of shoes or boots are guaranteed to rub against the skin. There are two options: wait until the shoes break in, or try to stretch the material yourself.

It must be remembered that working with genuine leather is different from working with leatherette. An incorrectly chosen technique can ruin your shoes.

Wrong model

When choosing shoes, it is worth considering that models differ in:

  • foot height,
  • finger placement,
  • width of the foot,
  • rise.

Fashion brands tend to make shoes and boots to fit one foot shape. If a certain model does not suit you, then it makes sense to turn your attention to another manufacturer.

Swelling of the feet

If the shoes rub on the back after a day of work, then the reason is swelling of the feet.

Edema appears due to:

  • excessive salt consumption,
  • insufficient water consumption,
  • drug abuse,
  • shoes that are too narrow,
  • standing or sitting work.

Be sure to read:

How and how to seal or restore the soles of sneakers, boots, winter and summer shoes

If your feet are swollen, then you should approach the problem in a comprehensive manner: consume less salt, drink water, take sports breaks from work, and choose shoes that fit.

Sports shoes

Stretching such shoes at home requires taking into account a number of factors. First, you need to determine whether it is possible to increase the size of the running shoes that are chafing. First of all, the material and shape of the tailoring are determined. For example, textile sneakers will stretch themselves when worn. But if this does not happen, they try special means. The following factors require special attention.

  • Textile sneakers and sneakers stretch only 1/2 size.
  • How to break in sports shoes made of genuine leather? Answer: the skin quickly and easily takes the shape of the leg, even without stretching.
  • Synthetic materials with increased rigidity can become deformed and lose their attractiveness.

Harsh impacts damage the material. You should try to break in new shoes by using them for several days. How to stretch sports shoes made of genuine leather? The sock is placed inside and the corresponding areas are heated with a hairdryer. They wear sneakers until they cool down. The insides of sneakers can be stuffed with wet newspapers. After drying, the result will be achieved, although a change in shape and appearance is likely.

How to break in tight suede shoes?

Like any natural material, suede is quite elastic. It is valued not only for its practicality and durability, but also for its tenderness and beautiful, rich appearance. Revealing a little secret, suede is the same leather, only on the reverse side. Compared to the latter, it is not as elastic: to create a fleecy cover, the material is compacted while the skin is soaked in various oils.

The easiest way to break in suede shoes is to wear them as often as possible. Thanks to its elasticity, it quickly takes on the desired shape.

You can also wet the inside of the shoes a little and put them on a damp, plain sock. Move your foot until it dries. If you are afraid to wet suede, you should do the same manipulations with dry shoes.

It’s good if you accidentally find alcohol (or vodka) in the house. It is much more effective than plain water. But it must be used diluted, in a 1:1 ratio. This solution must be used to treat those places where the shoes are pinching.

If only the sock is pinching, you need to stuff the pieces inside with newspaper moistened with water or an alcohol-vodka solution. Only here you need accuracy and attentiveness. This method may disrupt the shape of the shoe toe.

There are also products for stretching and adjusting suede products in the form of an aerosol or foam. They should be applied only to the inside and not very generously, so that the product does not damage the fleecy surface. Then the shoes are either stuffed with newspapers or put on simple socks that are worn on the feet. A mandatory condition in this case is to constantly walk.

Above are the most effective options for how to break in suede shoes if they are too tight.

Basic methods

Often the effect is achieved by using improvised means. And there are also special compounds on sale that are used to treat new shoes. When shoes squeeze, the choice of an effective method is determined by what it is made of. The correct selection of the product will eliminate damage, cracks, and other damage. Although in many cases the pair can be separated. Let's consider a number of methods.


The traditional remedy is walking in shoes, carrying them. Let's look at how you can break in tight shoes at home. First, you need to wear anti-chafing socks. Mechanical breaking-in involves getting them wet. 15 minutes daily is enough.

If it is difficult to break in shoes, they use radical measures. This way you can stretch your sneakers using form holders - pads. The device is placed inside the shoe. These are wooden devices equipped with a screw mechanism that regulates the tensile force. Before use, you need to spray your sneakers or shoes with spray. Alcohol is also suitable. Having put it on the last, you need to stretch the shoes as much as possible and leave them for a day.

Store funds

Modern store-bought products (aerosols and sprays) effectively cope with the task of breaking in tight shoes, subject to certain rules. If you need to break in faux leather shoes a little, it is better to use sprays. The container should be shaken vigorously before use. Apply the composition only to problem areas. Shoes are put on immediately after applying the product. When working with sprays or aerosols, you must strictly follow safety rules: work in a ventilated area with gloves, do not spray near fire, do not give to children.

To ensure that artificial leather does not lose its original appearance and serves you for a long time, it is important to provide it with proper care. It is necessary to promptly dry and clean the product using wet wipes or soap solution.

Do not dry leatherette products on radiators or near heaters; it is better to let it dry. After drying, be sure to treat the surface with a non-greasy baby cream or a special shoe cleaner. In order not to hurt your feet with uncomfortable boots or other shoes, try to be more careful when purchasing. Pay attention to the quality, size and material of the product.

Methods depending on the material

Undesirable effects on shoes can be avoided if the properties of the material are taken into account. A correctly selected method will lead to the desired result without loss. It is not easy to increase the size of textile shoes; you need to be content with a small result, even a few millimeters. It is recommended to walk along the street in wet weather, then fill it with paper and let it dry.

Genuine Leather

How can you stretch leather shoes at home? For example, boiled water is poured inside and immediately poured out. Now put it on and let it cool a little. We wear it until it dries completely to ensure it fits correctly on the foot.

How to stretch boots? They are moistened with a towel soaked in boiling water. It must be squeezed out and wrapped around the shoes, leaving it for 5 hours, adding moisture from time to time.

Gentle way

The safest and easiest way to stretch leather boots is to break them in. Put on thick wet socks and shoes and walk until they are completely dry. After this, the shoes are stuffed with newspapers to remove excess moisture.

Hot stretch

Stretching with boiling water is acceptable only for leather shoes. Boiling water is poured into the steam that is pressing for 10 minutes. Then stuff the space with newspapers to remove moisture. The swelling paper is replaced.

Using alcohol

Vodka and alcohol, which are used to carry out comprehensive treatment, help well. They especially try in the heel area. After this, the pair is put on with warm socks.


How can you effectively stretch your shoes using cold? A freezer will be required. The expected result is from 2 to 4 mm. We perform the following actions.

  • A bag of water is placed inside.
  • The pair is placed in the freezer for a period of 4 to 10 hours at a temperature of -18°C. The water in the bag should freeze.
  • Take it out and let the ice melt, then remove the bag.

All that remains is to dry at room temperature. This stretching gives results in all directions.

Using grain

The croup will help achieve adjustments in the instep. Bags are placed in front and at the heels, grain is poured in and a little water is poured.

How to stretch suede shoes at home

Such leather has become soft after undergoing processing. Suede gives shoes elasticity, moisture resistance, and stretches well. You can distribute it using the following methods.

  • Breaking in at home.
  • Using pads.
  • Store bought sprays.

The top of a suede boot is stretched with a damp flannel cloth, which is placed inside. Then you need to iron it with an iron.

Wet processing

The breaking-in process is accelerated by internal moisturizing and putting on wet socks. Not only water is good, but also beer.


This type of treatment also refers to the hot method, but it is more gentle on the appearance of the shoes. At home, shoes are held over a steam bath. For example, this is the nose of a boiling kettle. The steam must enter strictly into the internal area. At the end of the procedure, the shoes are put on and worn until they cool down.

Hot socks

This method is called “military”, it is simple and accessible in any conditions, suitable for suede. Socks are moistened with hot water and wrung out. Tight shoes are worn on top. After this you need to walk around until it dries. Dry the shoes using newspapers. This is how the shoes take the shape of your feet.

Boiling water

You can stretch your shoes by running hot water over the pair. Boiling water should be inside. Then the water is poured out, the shoes cool for two minutes and put on. You need to walk in it for up to 30 minutes.

Wet newspapers

Stuff the shoes tightly with damp paper and wait until everything dries. Packed wet newspapers take 3 days to dry.

How to stretch faux leather shoes

Faux leather does not stretch well, it does not take long to damage it, and it can get cracks on the surface. Compared to natural leather, the effect is half as great. How to stretch these shoes at home? Problems can be avoided if you use proven means.

Features of artificial leather

Most often, when mentioning artificial leather, an association arises in the head with a thing that is not of the highest quality, but recently the methods of manufacturing this material have changed significantly, as well as its main characteristics. Shoes made of artificial leather, as a rule, are much cheaper than natural ones, but are not of poor quality.

This material is hypoallergenic and in some cases is considered the simplest and most convenient to use.

  • A pair of such material is the easiest to use, is less exposed to the environment, such leather does not crack or wrinkle, and is frost-resistant.
  • The use of modern technologies and fragrances allows the skin to breathe and protects it from unpleasant odors inside.
  • Faux leather offers a large selection of colors and textures, but it is not always possible to distinguish these two different materials at first glance.
  • Material in modern processing is not always inferior in quality to the original, and in some aspects it even surpasses it, and is the most convenient to use.

In many respects, artificial leather is catching up with natural leather, but at the same time, the price of a pair of such material is also increasing.


It should be remembered that artificial leather is not the name of one specific material, it is a generalized name of an entire category, which includes many varieties: leatherette, polyurethane, stretch leather, grease and others. For each material, stretching methods may vary slightly.

How to stretch some parts

Unpleasant sensations of tightness and chafing usually occur in the heel or toe. Sometimes the thumb suffers. Then methods of stretching the problem part are used.

Back too hard or narrow

The shoes are tight in the heel area. Then it is recommended to freeze the problematic part. The sock is filled with dry newsprint. Place a bag of water in the heel area. Once placed in the freezer, only the back part expands. This area is also treated with oil and Vaseline, and then they walk and break in the shoes. A solid deodorant, which is used to treat the heel before wearing, also allows you to stretch the required part.

Too narrow toe

How to quickly break in new shoes when there is pressure in the toes? The anterior zone is covered with Vaseline or cream. The shoes are put on socks and walked for a couple of hours. Also acceptable is the freezing method, when a bag of water is placed only in the nose. If the shoes are too tight in the toes, use the hot water method.

Boot top

Pressure on your shins can break the clasp in your boots. The problem is eliminated with wet newspapers, which are tightly filled with boots. Packets of water placed inside and frozen in the refrigerator also help.

On the rise

An effective method is to use cereal. Bags with cereal poured inside are placed in the back and front parts and a little water is added. Then the shoes should lie in the freezer, after which they are taken out. Wait until it melts a little and take out all the contents.

Skin stretching products

Today there are a huge number of specialized pastes and creams on sale for stretching artificial skin. They can be found in shoe stores. The principle of operation of such funds is quite simple. The paste or cream should be applied to the area that needs to be stretched from the inside. After this, the shoes are put on and walked around the room in them for 30-40 minutes. For more detailed information about using a specific cream, see the packaging.

Remember! All stretching agents are applied to cleaned surfaces. If you wore shoes on the street, remove all dirt and dry them thoroughly.

The best shoe stretchers

There is always a whole range of shoe stretching products on sale. The following list is especially popular and gives great effect.

Salton professional complex comfort

The product is applicable to the skin, increases size and corrects shape. The owner of a pair will be free from discomfort with any type of shoe.

Salamander shoe stretch

Salamander processes leather and suede, making comfortable, soft shoes. Spray on the inner and outer surfaces, after which the shoes are worn in for 30 minutes.

Touch comfort

The product stretches different models in tight places. Increases the flexibility of suede, leather, textiles.

Damavik shoe stretch spray

The composition is good for treating specific areas that it quickly corrects. Shoes increase in length and width without deformation. The results are durable. The product does not destroy materials.

Olvist 2095es

The product corrects the shape of leather shoes and stretches them. You should act according to the instructions, which you must first read.


A universal preparation in the form of foam with a pleasant smell for all materials. The inner surface of the product is processed, then it is put on the sock.


The spray is easy to use for any skin type. You need to spray it on the inner surface and put on your shoes. Rough places will become softer.

How to quickly break in boots?

At one time, cowboys, in order to prevent their boots from pinching, filled them with grain, filled them with water and left them overnight. This time was enough for the seeds to absorb the liquid and swell. Thus, the boots were distributed both in length and width. Modern boots made of genuine leather have a lining inside, so filling them with water and grain is somehow inhumane. It is better to use a plastic bag. Only the size must be large so that the swollen kernels do not tear it apart

There are other ways to quickly break in boots, for example, a special tool - “stretcher”. It is sold both in stores and markets. It is better to give preference to a company well-known in the shoe world. The drug is applied to the inside and outside of the boot in those places that require adjustment. The layer should be generous. If there is a lining on the inside, then the product can only be applied to the outside. After the boot is soaked, it is put on the foot, which is wearing one thick or two thin socks. Next, you should not sit on the sofa, but actively walk around the apartment.

The next option is a little difficult, since in the age of high technology there are fewer newspapers in homes. The boots are stuffed with wet pieces of paper and left to dry completely.

Traditional methods

Similar methods have been known for a long time. They are used in everyday life using tools that are always at hand. These include heat and ice, lubricants, alcohol and newspapers. Let's consider several methods in order to choose the most effective one for a particular situation.


The shoes are lubricated inside and left for several hours. After this, excess oil is removed with a napkin, and the shoes are put on and broken in.


This substance helps to break in tight shoes. Before putting it on, you need to lubricate it inside or in problem areas. But kerosene can leave an odor, which is a side effect.


The product is applicable to different types of shoes. The shoes are polished inside and put on. Wear until the desired condition is achieved. A layer is formed that makes it easier to wear. If you rub a candle and pour it into your shoes, the paraffin will come into contact with the warmth of your feet and melt. This will naturally soften the shoe material.

Wool sock

Thick wool socks are moistened with warm water. Then you need to put them on and wear tight shoes in them. You should walk until it dries. At the end of the procedure, the shoes are stuffed with paper to absorb any remaining moisture.

Vaseline or castor oil

The oil method is good for natural leather. Castor oil is used to impregnate the shoes, after which the size is adjusted with socks. Vaseline is also a good softener.

Proper skin care

To avoid damaging your leather product, you should carefully read the information on the tag. In addition to following the rules prescribed by the manufacturer of the item, there are additional recommendations for caring for leather outerwear. The jacket must be wiped regularly with a soft brush or cloth. When dry stains are minor, you can use an art eraser for cleaning.

For reference! It is not recommended to use an eraser for drawing too often. If you scrub away dirt every day, faded spots will appear in the areas where the eraser was exposed.

Out of season, before putting it in the closet, the item is lubricated with baby cream or moisturizer. When storing, you must ensure that there are no folds or creases - they need to be straightened. If the skin is moldy, it is possible to remove the mold using alcohol and bactericidal soap. First, the product is wiped with alcohol, and if mold remains, it is treated with a soap solution. But, if the soap solution does not give any results, you need to take the item to the dry cleaner.

What to soak the skin with to make it soft?

This can be regular Vaseline, castor oil or special mink oil for leather. Then, while the leather is still warm, take a small rag, cotton pad or piece of bandage, soak it in the prepared lubricant and apply evenly over the entire surface of the jacket. After this, hang the jacket on hangers and leave it overnight.

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Is it possible to return (change, return) shoes?

You can return purchased shoes to the store if:

  • less than 14 days have passed,
  • didn't wear shoes
  • you saved the receipt,
  • you discovered a defect.

In the latter case, you may be asked to conduct an independent examination. You must pay for it yourself. If the defect is confirmed, the shoe company will compensate for losses and return money for the goods.

It must be remembered that a rubbed callus is not an objective reason for returning the product to the store.

It’s better to carefully choose shoes before purchasing than to worry about what to do with uncomfortable shoes later.

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