Cleaning suede: a quick technology for cleaning dirt from artificial and natural suede with your own hands (jackets, sheepskin coats, shoes)

Are suede shoes dry cleaned?

Suede shoes are truly an example of the style and taste of their owner. A pair of suede shoes or boots is sure to be found in every woman's wardrobe, but some men also prefer to choose suede shoes. Those who are afraid of this material most likely simply do not know how to care for it, because it is considered to be very “capricious” and “demanding.”

Before buying suede shoes, the first thing you need to do is make sure they are natural. Natural suede perfectly absorbs moisture and if you leave a drop of water on the surface, it will be immediately absorbed (which cannot be said about artificial material, from which a drop will instantly roll off).

Methods for cleaning suede vary depending on what kind of suede your shoes are made of. It is worth noting that artificial material holds its shape better and retains color longer, while natural material is much warmer and breathable. Any material can be cleaned at home and only natural suede can be cleaned professionally.

In special institutions, professional workers must expose suede to chemicals that will remove dirt from the surface and restore its softness, remove unpleasant odors, even out the color, and renew it. As a rule, dry cleaners have a huge number of tools and products that cannot be purchased in a store for the average user.

Renewing boots or suede shoes in a dry cleaner will not be cheap, but if you decide to do this, you will definitely preserve the decent appearance of the shoes and you will not have to experiment with “homemade” recipes for cleaning suede, which can help or even completely ruin the material if cleaning is carried out wrong.

Photo of suede restoration in dry cleaning:

Suede shoes Suede shoes

Suede boots

Suede sneakers

Suede moccasins

Traditional methods for removing stains

If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to purchase store-bought products, or you need to clean your shoes immediately, then you can put the items in order using improvised means.


Despite its own aggressive properties, this product has consistently proven itself as a cleaner for many surfaces. It can also be used for the velvety coating of dressed natural suede.

However, it is recommended to give preference exclusively to a product with a low acid index (not higher than 9%). If you use essence, you risk completely ruining your favorite shoes.

To achieve results, blot a lint-free cloth with a small amount of vinegar and thoroughly wipe off the stain. Do not use cotton pads - they may leave lint on the surface.

Also, do not pour too much product - the suede should be only slightly damp, and not quite wet.

Thus, having ordinary vinegar in your arsenal, you don’t have to worry about how to clean light suede. This substance is also effective for products of any other shade.

Important: do not keep wet shoes made of this leather near radiators - such rough drying will cause the material to lose its velvety quality. Let it dry naturally, even if it takes much longer. To speed up the process, you can blot wet areas with napkins.


A paste of starch and ammonia will help deal with fairly old stains on suede boots.

To obtain the product, you need to mix the components in equal proportions (two teaspoons of each) and apply the mixture to the problem area. When the composition is completely dry, it should be cleaned with a soft bristled brush.

Coffee grounds

Thanks to its rather delicate abrasive particles, coffee grounds can cope with almost any contaminant. It is enough to actively rub the mixture into the stain, and then remove the remaining grains with a brush.

True, this folk method is only acceptable for brown shoes, because the grounds tend to stain the surface.


Ammonia combined with a soap solution will help restore the elegance of suede shoes.

Prepare saturated soapy water and add a couple of drops of ammonia to it. Dip a sponge into the resulting product and wipe the product.

Then go over it with a clean damp cloth and then a dry cloth. Leave to dry away from artificial heat sources.

Advice: if you are afraid of soap stains in the future, dilute the alcohol with the same amount of water and perform the necessary manipulations.


You need to use the soft part of the bread together with a brush. To begin with, you should apply bread crumbs in a circle, and then walk over the top with bristles. Repeat the steps until the dirt is removed.

Soap and powder solution

If you decide to prepare a soap solution, then you should pay attention to the level of acid-base balance. It is recommended to make a cleaning liquid from more gentle products - it can be either soap or powder, or all together.

You should wipe off the dirt without applying much pressure so that the material is not overly saturated with foam, and after drying there are no whitish stains left.

Soda and milk

This method will return the appearance of the product to its original condition.

To do this, you need to dissolve a level teaspoon of food powder in 200 milliliters of warm milk and apply the resulting “cocktail” to the surface.

After partial drying, the material is wiped with a slightly damp rag, carefully lifting the fibers “against the grain.”

Cleaning suede shoes: tips

Stains on suede:

  • An eraser or rubberized brush should help remove greasy and stubborn stains from the surface of the suede.
  • To remove a greasy stain, before cleaning your shoes, first sprinkle a layer of talcum powder and leave for a while. And then start removing it with stiff bristles (on a special brush).
  • If the stains are large and cannot be easily removed with a brush, you should resort to a number of “home” methods (read below).


  • If you have several pairs of suede shoes and each is a different color (bright, black, light). Get your own personal brush for each pair to avoid getting your shoes dirty.
  • You can effectively remove dirt from the surface of suede and avoid damaging the material with a brush only when you move it in one direction.
  • You can return the bright and rich color of suede shoes using special coloring aerosols and creams.

IMPORTANT: The best recommendation for caring for suede shoes is to always wear them only in dry and sunny weather. This way you can prevent it from getting dirty and maintain its decent appearance.

Cleaning Rules

How can you quickly clean suede?

You can effectively clean your shoes using professional means. Be sure to use them before painting or before storing suede products. An effective product that quickly removes stains and dust, refreshes color and eliminates shiny areas.


Foam, aerosol, and spray are actively used in dry cleaning to effectively clean shoes. At home, you can use a foaming agent, a sponge with Vanish shampoo or foam from dishwashing detergent.

What happens if you clean it with cream?

When caring for suede, using it is strictly prohibited. Creams spoil the material and are difficult to wash off after drying. If the stain is fresh, immediately sprinkle it with baking soda or salt, then clean off the residue with acetone or gasoline. Then refresh the color with vinegar or peroxide solutions. If the dirt is strong, go over it with a special cleaner, for example, Saphir Omnidaim.

Rice. 6 - Products for removing shoe polish from suede

Can I clean suede with dish soap?

Absolutely yes! It is very effective for cleaning shoes made of this delicate material. To remove stains from the surface, make a thick foam from dishwashing detergent. Apply it to the stain, dry it and remove the residue. To refresh the color of suede, use the product in the form of a weak solution. Remember that you cannot saturate your shoes with it - just lightly walk through the pile.

Laser processing

This sanding itself protects the suede from dirt. Stains from the laser-treated surface can be easily removed with a damp cloth. If the dirt is strong, use soap foam.

Special means

Erasers, cleaning brushes, professional cleaning equipment - all these are types of methods for cleaning suede shoes by masters. Experts can also use sets of foaming agents or aerosols, or special machines for deep cleaning.

Folk remedies

Using improvised methods will easily deal with stains on any type of shoes, even leather sneakers. You can clean suede shoes with onion or bread. To remove small stains from the inside, use a well-dried crust without crumb. Rub them until they disappear completely, remove any crumbs with a brush and smooth the pile using movements without pressure. Low-porous rye bread, which is always available at home, is ideal for this. You can also use the crumb as an eraser. Bread lumps will absorb dust and dirt.

Using milk, soda and salt

Mixed in certain proportions, these products can be an effective suede cleaner. Combine a liter of milk with a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of soda. Soak a cotton pad in the mixture and rub the white suede. Afterwards, rinse off the residue with clean water and leave until dry.

Rice. 7 – Wipe light suede with milk

Using ammonia

Ammonia perfectly refreshes the color of shoes. Dissolve it in water in a ratio of 1:4 or 1:5, run a napkin soaked in the mixture over the pile and smooth it with a brush. If the contamination is strong, use a more concentrated solution.

Dry cleaning

Removes suede from dirt and dust. For daily dry cleaning, use a soft brush, but only on completely dry shoes. If the contamination is heavy, when cleaning, use a stiff metal brush.


The product refreshes the color of shoes well. Use a 3% solution for light stains or a 9% solution for heavy stains. Gently rub the stain with vinegar. Ventilation will help get rid of the smell.

Using ammonia

Like vinegar, it can refresh the color and also remove unpleasant odors from shoes. Use ammonia concentration 1:4 for strong stains and 1:5 for weak ones. After processing, dry thoroughly and ventilate the couple.

Hydrogen peroxide

Gently rub the suede lint with a cotton pad soaked in it, and remove any remaining dirt with a brush. Use the product carefully on dark shoes - first test its effect on an inconspicuous area.


Rice. 8 - Gasoline for removing grease stains

Greasy and strong stains can be washed only with purified gasoline (for example, for refilling lighters). Gently rub the stained area with it. Gasoline traces can also be effectively washed with soapy water.


With vodka you can even remove old stains - from soot, coffee, juice or wine. Dampen a soft cloth with it, rub the dirt, then wipe with a damp cloth and dry naturally.


This product can be used to remove grease stains and refresh the color of light-colored shoes. Sprinkle starch on the stained area, leave for a couple of hours, then remove the residue with a brush. Use it to comb the pile in one direction.

Soap solution

An ordinary soap solution is used in proportions of 1 tbsp. l. soap per liter of water to remove light stains. Instead of liquid soap, dishwashing liquid is suitable. Difficult stains can be removed with homemade cleaning foam - 1-2 tbsp per glass of water. l. liquid soap and ammonia. Stir and beat until foamy, wipe contaminated areas with it, and after drying, use a soft brush to remove residue. The use of washing powder as a foaming agent is strictly prohibited.


Using a Karcher steam cleaner or letting it sit over steam can really freshen up the color of your shoes. Hold each shoe under the running water for exactly one minute. Make sure that the moisture does not penetrate too deeply and that the suede is only slightly moistened. Rub the pair thoroughly with a rubber brush.

Rice. 9 — Karcher steam cleaner for cleaning shoes

Features of cleaning white and colored suede

Methods for caring for shoes in calm shades have their own characteristics. Beige, white, light or gray suede and nubuck are cleaned and cared for as follows:

  1. Combine a glass of milk and a teaspoon of soda, soak a piece of cloth in the mixture, and wipe off the dirt. Then rinse the area with water and vinegar solution.
  2. Dilute hydrogen peroxide with water in a ratio of 1:5, wet the area, and remove the residue with a sponge.
  3. Combine equal parts of tooth powder and crushed chalk, sprinkle on the dirty area and after 3 hours, brush off the residue.

Shoes of black or dark colors can be cleaned with dry black bread - just rub the problem area with it. Also, sulfur from matchboxes and carbon paper are suitable for cleaning dark suede. You can also clean black suede with a regular eraser.

How to clean natural suede shoes with ammonia: recipe

It is believed that cleaning suede shoes with ammonia is an effective way to get rid of greasy and old stains on the material.

How to clean (method no. 1):

  • Make a special solution
  • You will need 8 tsp. soda
  • Mix soda with 2 tsp. alcohol (no more than 10%)
  • Rub the stains thoroughly with this mixture.
  • Then rinse gently with water

How to clean (method no. 2):

  • Take 2/2 water into a glass
  • Pour alcohol into water (1/3 cup)
  • Mix everything thoroughly
  • Use the mixture to treat stains and dirty areas on the suede.
  • Rinse off the solution with water
  • Dry thoroughly

Home remedies with alcohol

Removing greasy stains

If you find a greasy stain on shoes or any other item of clothing made from suede, you can use any product from a fairly large list. It all depends on what is at hand.

Among the components that actively absorb moisture are the following:

  • Bulk powders - potato/corn starch, baby powder, medical talc.
  • Special stain removers. One of the most popular is “Vanish” (preferably for colored fabrics). This also includes products for cleaning or washing woolen products.
  • Vinegar or ammonia.
  • Powder for cleaning teeth.

In order to achieve the result, it is preferable to preheat the absorbent in a dry frying pan and then sprinkle it on the stain. It is worth doing this in such a way that the bulk component does not go beyond the boundaries of the contamination - for example, cover it along the contour with thick cloth or paper. After some time, the powders are cleaned off along with the fat that has been absorbed into them.

Important: it is worth considering that the use of talc and powders is only suitable for removing newly formed stains.

If a drop of fat is noticed only now, but you cannot remember the moment of the incident, make a solution of ammonia with a saturated soap solution, which is prepared by dissolving soap shavings in a small amount of liquid.

When using vinegar, it is worth considering the ratio of components - it is not recommended to use the product in its pure equivalent. It will be enough to pour just a teaspoon of the substance per liter of water.

Advice: if, when using liquid products to get rid of stains, the surface of the suede begins to shine and loses its texture, use a household steam generator. If you don’t have one in your household equipment, an iron with a steaming function, or the same kettle, will do just fine.

How to clean natural suede shoes with foam cleaner?

In household chemical stores you can find a variety of care products for suede shoes, the most popular of which is foam.


  • A special foam for suede will help to effectively clean shoes from dirt.
  • It will preserve the color and pile of suede material
  • Foam is an affordable and inexpensive shoe care product.
  • Cleans foam material and removes stains in just a few minutes.
  • The advantage of foam is that it may also contain substances that care for the material, which preserve its decent appearance, elasticity and shape.

How to remove white stains

You can often notice white stains on suede shoes. This problem is especially relevant for dark colors, where this nuisance is more pronounced. Among the effective remedies against white marks it is worth noting:

  1. Eraser. A special brush in the form of an eraser allows you to get rid of stains. First, the surface is treated with the smooth side of the brush. Then a soft part is used to sand away the dirt, eliminating streaks. If you don't have a shoe eraser at hand, you can try replacing it with a school eraser. It's better to choose a light one. You need to rub the product with it, and then hold the shoes over hot steam for several minutes. Do not lower the product too low. Hot steam allows you to lift the pile;
  2. Rye bread. First, it is dried in the oven and the resulting product is used to treat shoes. Finally, the product is treated with a brush to remove bread crumbs.

Processing is carried out with gentle movements, against the pile.
The recipes described above with vinegar and ammonia also allow you to get rid of light stains.

How to clean natural suede shoes with a special brush?

Even if you use a specialized rubberized suede brush incorrectly, you risk damaging the material: crushing its lint and leaving scratches.

How to use the brush:

  • It is necessary to use only a dry brush and only on dry suede.
  • Shoes should be cleaned of dirt using rubberized bristles.
  • If all the dirt cannot be removed, cleaning should be done using the hard side (there should be wire bristles).
  • Cleaning with a hard brush should be done carefully and superficially so as not to scratch or damage the suede.
  • To clean seams and lacing areas, there is a special side of the brush - the one where the roller is located.

Suede cleaning brush

Oil stains

Oil and grease are some of the most difficult types of dirt to remove. They are difficult to etch, since their molecules are little susceptible to the effects of water.

Dry absorbents will work well against these substances: salt, starch, talc, flour. If the stain is still wet, you should immediately sprinkle it with a similar substance and wipe it thoroughly with a stiff-bristled brush.

An old stain of grease, oil, or even fuel oil or tar can be removed with acetone, gasoline or kerosene.

How to clean natural suede shoes with vinegar?

If your suede shoes have acquired a greasy shine over time, regular food vinegar will help you get rid of it. However, the material should be cleaned not with pure vinegar, but with its solution (a liter of water and a few tablespoons of vinegar). Take a soft dish sponge or washcloth. Treat the dirty area of ​​suede with a vinegar solution, and then rinse with clean water (not running water or soaking). Let dry completely.

Cleaning with vinegar

How to refresh suede

A couple will help return suede shoes to their original shine and well-groomed appearance. Do it:

  • Hold the material over a boiling pan or kettle for a few minutes;
  • use a steam generator with a brush attachment;
  • steam the material with an iron (do not tilt the sole of the iron!).

After steaming, go over the entire surface with a silicone brush. This will allow you to pick up and clean the lint even more.

Thanks to daily cleaning, protection and timely removal of stains, your favorite suede pair will be enjoyed for many years, maintaining its beauty and original appearance.

How to clean natural suede shoes with steam or a steam cleaner?

You can remove any stains and dirt from suede using steam. To do this, clean your shoes with a brush in advance and dry them (if they were wet). To carry out steam cleaning, you should boil water in any container (pan, bowl, kettle). You need to hold the straightened shoes over the steam and periodically wipe them with pieces of cloth or a soft sponge.

IMPORTANT: Of course, it is much easier and more effective to clean suede using modern steam generators.


The cost of shampoo is 450 rubles (Brando shoe salon, Perm). Not to say that the price is low. For example, I use professional hair shampoo, and it costs around 450-600 rubles. Perhaps the high cost of the shampoo is due to the fact that the manufacturer is Spain. Although, it is unlikely that it will sell like hot cakes, otherwise it would not be given as a bonus. Or maybe it’s just that no one here knows how to use it?

I also hesitated for a long time to start using this shampoo; such a product is a novelty for me. The can stood on the shelf and became an eyesore until I was grunting my ecco boots through the winter salt. Actually, who came up with the idea of ​​sprinkling this stuff on the roads?! The stains cannot be washed off with water, the nubuck gets darker, and that’s when I remembered my Spaniard)

What is the best brush to remove dust from suede shoes?

Remove dust that does not stain shoes, but simply settles on the material. It should not be removed with a stream of water, but with a dry soft sponge. You can also use special brushes and rags for cleaning suede, which can be purchased at shoe stores and household chemicals departments.

Specialized dust removal brush

A stiff brush will remove dust and dried dirt.

Special sponge - removes dust

a suede cloth also removes dust

Regular or specialized soft sponge - cleans dust

How to remove scuffs and grime

Problems with suede are added not only by outright dirt, but also by signs of wear: grease, scuffs. When worn, smooth spots filled with sebum appear in areas that are in frequent contact with the skin.

To eliminate this defect, you need to remove grease and other organic matter, as well as lift and fluff the pile.

To do this you need:

  • Go over the area with a stiff brush or eraser.
  • Wipe with a solution of 9% vinegar
  • Go over again with a brush or eraser
  • If necessary, spray with spray paint

After such “bath” procedures, a suede product will look like new: stylish, respectable and luxurious.

Suede shoe cleaners: list and application

The most popular and effective:

  • Salamander Combi proper - effective cleaning and care for all types of shoes, clothing, and accessories made of suede.
  • Organics Sport - foam for cleaning suede from any dirt
  • Twist sponge removes dust and cares for suede lint
  • Nikwax – water and dirt-repellent aerosol for suede
  • Famaco Renovateur Daim – paint for suede
  • Kaps de Salter – salt remover
  • Collonil – aerosol for suede care

Rules for daily care of suede

To ensure that suede products last a long time, follow the rules of regular care:

  • protect the material from moisture, do not wear suede clothes and shoes in the rain;
  • treat suede with a special moisture-proof impregnation;
  • after each walk, clean the item from dirt and dust with a special brush;
  • dry at room temperature or with newspaper;
  • keep suede items away from direct sunlight;
  • touch up minor scuff marks with spray paint.

The best impregnation for leather shoes

It is made of silicone - thanks to it, water simply drains from the surface of the product, and the protective film is evenly distributed over it without blocking the air exchange. The effect is achieved after 8-9 hours, so treatment is carried out in the evening.


Intensive protection against moisture, dirt and salt stains. Recommended for use in autumn and winter, as well as for protecting clothing.


This product received the name “nano” because it allows the protective substance fluorine-carbon to be applied in a nano-thin layer, thereby achieving the “lotus effect”. Drops of water do not stay on the surface and roll off. Universal - for all materials.

Application: spray at a distance of 30 cm from shoes. The material should not get wet through. To achieve the best effect, treat 3-4 hours before going outside. Let dry.

Release form: aerosol can, 400 ml.


Wax-based cream is suitable for processing items made of leather (natural/synthetic), fatty nubuck. Colorless impregnation is the best option for tourists. The base is natural extracts of mink oil, thanks to which the product is easily absorbed.


The cream is distinguished by deep nutrition and a high water-repellent effect. The product can prevent drying of oily or smooth leather and nubuck. Contains: Vaseline, wax, natural oils, hydrocarbons.

Application: apply the composition to a surface that has been previously degreased, clean, and dried with a cloth. Allow 3-4 hours for absorption.

Release form: metal container with a volume of 100 ml.

Salton Expert

Universal aerosol for protecting items made of smooth leather, suede, nubuck, velor, and textiles from water. Long-lasting and reliable protection against moisture, snow, dirt and reagents is guaranteed thanks to a patented combination of protective components.

Salton Expert

Maintains the “breathing” properties of surfaces. Suitable for products made from membrane materials.

Basic rules for cleaning suede

  1. Use your own brushes for different shades of suede.
  2. Clean against the lint.
  3. Remove splashes of dirt from the material only after drying.
  4. Do not wash under running water.
  5. Do not soak.
  6. Use liquid-based products.

I would like to dwell on each point in more detail, but we have separated this into a separate part only for those who are interested in the reasons. The main thing is to know the basic cleaning rules.

So, on point 1 - different shades of suede can transfer “color” to the brush, so there is a high probability of ruining both products if you use one brush. Cleaning against the lint will help straighten and lift it, while cleaning along the lint will, on the contrary, lower and crumple the lint. Regarding point 3, it is worth noting that splashes, if you immediately try to wipe them off, can penetrate even deeper into the material. So much so that only a touch-up can save your shoes. Contact with water is detrimental to suede, as well as to other types of leather, so washing and soaking is only suitable for synthetic materials. The same applies to detergents; for suede I use special foams or foam-like products.

The best impregnation for nubuck shoes

Nubuck differs from smooth leather in having small fibers on the surface, and from suede in having a polished upper. Having a porous base, nubuck shoes need protection from moisture. From the first day, it is recommended to use a specialized water-repellent impregnation - in this case, the likelihood of moisture absorption is minimal, and dirt will not be absorbed into the fibers, thereby facilitating further cleaning.

SAPHIR Invulner

Provides effective protection against moisture and contamination of products made from all types of leather, suede, velor, nubuck, textiles, as well as modern high-tech membrane materials. Extends service life and helps maintain the original appearance of products.

SAPHIR Invulner

Prevents stains from water, snow and salt. The composition contains highly active fluorinated resin “Scotchgard 3M”, which provides 100% protection against water; in fact, boots or sneakers become airtight after applying Sapphire.

The impregnation must not be used on patent leather or synthetic leather with similar treatment.

Application: spray onto a previously cleaned surface at a distance of 20-30 cm for a few seconds. Let the product dry. For best protection, double treatment is recommended.

Release form: aerosol can, 250 ml.

Complex Care Salton Professional

Water-repellent impregnation effectively protects nubuck shoes, smooth leather, velor, suede and textiles from moisture and dirt.

Complex Care Salton Professional

Directions for use: shake the can, hold it vertically, spray onto the product from a distance of 20 cm. Allow to dry.

Do not use on patent leather.

Release form: aerosol 200 ml, colorless.

Nubuk+Velours COLLONIL

Used as a deeply penetrating caring base based on fluoride-containing components. Recommended for products made of suede, nube, velor and textiles. Maintains appearance, removes stains, repels grease, dirt and moisture without sticking lint.

Nubuk+Velours COLLONIL

Nubuk+Velours COLLONIL is not suitable for re-dyeing products.

Recommendations for selection:

  • if there are stains, they are first cleaned, after which the color is refreshed;
  • choose a color to match or a little darker;
  • If the color of the product is lighter, then there will be no color refreshment.

Tips on how to choose

  1. When deciding on care products for warm shoes or boots, consider the type of material from which they are made, the purpose of the substance itself, and what you want to get in the end. For example, you should not choose special fat to add shine.
  2. During the change of season, it is worth resorting to impregnations with a water-based base. Such preparations contain almost no wax. But in winter, on the contrary, products containing organic compounds and paraffins will perform well.
  3. You should not go for a walk without first treating your boots with a water-repellent spray.
  4. Before using any product on your boots, do a small test on a small, inconspicuous area. Such caution will ensure that the components will not harm or discolor the model.
  5. Smooth skin will better perceive creams whose structure contains about 30% wax, coupled with solvent and silicone.
  6. You should choose shoes with Gore-Tex based on the TEX mark. It means that the texture is good to use for membrane connections. An abbreviation can be in different formats, for example, part of a phrase. Such impregnations do not clog pores and they are not so aggressive.
  7. Don’t forget about disinfection; for this, there are also a number of substances that eliminate unpleasant odors of fungi and bacteria.
  8. Despite their versatility, colorless creams should not be used too often, as this may affect the quality and color saturation. It is better to select a compound of a suitable shade.
  9. It is better not to treat more modern fabrics, as well as options made of fleecy leather, with creams, otherwise stains or cracks may appear on them.
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