The best glass and mirror cleaners for 2022

Every person enjoys watching the sunbeams briskly jumping on our windowsills. You can get special pleasure from contemplating them on bright, warm days, when you feel that the sun is starting to warm up and spring has already arrived. True, the pleasure is spoiled by the sight of dirty window glass, which is why experienced housewives are beginning to think about the need for general cleaning of our windows and all glass and mirror products.

Dust and dirt on surfaces, soap stains worsen the appearance of double-glazed windows and interfere with the normal penetration of sunlight through them. Therefore, every housewife is faced with the question of how to choose a product that can easily and quickly clean glass and mirrors, give them shine, and protect them from dust and small particles of debris.

The editors of the YaNashla website have prepared for your attention a review of the best glass and mirror cleaning products. Let's consider popular models that are in high demand among buyers. Let's pay attention to user reviews and show you how to choose the best substance for cleaning glass products.

Double-glazed windows become dirty during winter and require careful cleaning. However, choosing a good product is a difficult task.

What products are there for cleaning glass items?

When choosing cleaning products for windows or mirrors, you need to pay attention to such important factors as the chemical composition of the product and its price. Retail chains offer many different household chemical products, the main types of which are:

  1. Alcohol based.

In popular models of cleaning products, the main active ingredient is isopropyl alcohol. It efficiently dissolves dirt deposits and does not leave streaks on glass surfaces. The solvent properties of the alcohol base are excellent at removing light dirt and grease stains, do not require rinsing with water, and quickly evaporate from surfaces.

However, it does not always cope well with old stains. When washing heavily soiled double-glazed windows, it is better to use cleaning products with benzyl alcohol, and although it is a little more expensive, it cleans glass much more effectively.

2. Ammonia based.

Ammonia (ammonia) has long been used to remove various stains on mirror or glass surfaces. Ammonia copes well with dirt, cleans without streaks, leaving behind a characteristic glossy shine. Therefore, products made on its basis are in demand on the market.

Cleaning with substances based on ammonia is effective, but has a significant drawback - a pungent odor that is difficult to remove from the room after cleaning.

3. Based on surfactants.

The surfactant must be used in contact with oxygen. Nowadays it is actively used for cleaning; it perfectly removes all types of contaminants. However, it has disadvantages associated with high price and possible allergic reactions, so plant-based surfactants are especially in demand, which are absolutely safe, completely decompose, quickly and effectively remove stains, and do not have any odor.

The products have numerous advantages and the only drawback is the high price.

4. Based on benzyl alcohol.

A product made on its basis may additionally contain a foaming agent, which makes it easier to wash away old stains. To clean double-glazed windows, just apply the cleaner to the dirt and hold it for a minute. Then wipe with a cloth - the dirt will disappear.

Additional components

For better cleaning, additional additives are added to cleaning products, the main ones being:

  1. Water-repellent components. Prevents the formation of moisture on the glass, eliminates fogging of windows and the formation of dried dirt.
  2. Antistatic agents. Removes glass coatings from dust and small particles adhering to the glass unit.
  3. Silicone. Protects glass products from dust that appears immediately after cleaning.

If you need to wash a double-glazed window with existing limescale, you need to choose acid-based products that break down alkali well. Limescale and soap deposits have an alkaline base, and a universal cleaner works well with them.

When washing glass or mirror items, you need to choose the right fabric. It is advisable that she:

  • absorbed water well;
  • had a natural or cotton base.

When purchasing a detergent, you need to determine its purpose, which is usually indicated on the label:

  • Removing plaque of intense organic pollution. We need products that clean double-glazed windows from vehicle exhaust gases, chemicals used in the fight against insects, and other contaminants that are difficult to remove. Such products are necessary for cleaning glass surfaces in the kitchen, where fatty deposits accumulate during cooking.
  • Removing soap residue and limescale. Suitable for the final stage of cleaning, when laundry soap was used to wash windows. They remove stains well and are widely used for cleaning glass bags and mirrors.
  • Cleaning glass surfaces with a matte finish;
  • Washing glass on which a protective film is glued. Suitable for cleaning tinted car windows.

To avoid streaks on the glass, windows should not be washed in bright sun or strong wind, as alcohol quickly evaporates and water dries, leaving behind marks.

How to wash a mirror

There are several rules that will prevent the appearance of unwanted marks. A dirty mirror should be washed in the following order:

  1. Remove dirt and grease from the surface. Dried stains can be carefully scraped off with a blade. If the dirt is old, apply glass cleaning liquid for 10-15 minutes. Don't forget about the corners: that's where the most dirt accumulates. You can degrease the mirror using dishwashing detergent.
  2. Rinse off the soap solution and wipe with a clean wet cloth. Repeat if necessary.
  3. Polish. There will be no streaks left if you take gauze or other soft cloth and rub the surface with intense circular movements, lightly pressing on the cloth.

Attention! Mirrors should not be washed with hard sponges, powders, or abrasive substances. They leave behind scratches that spoil the look and weaken the reflectivity.

Traditional methods of cleaning glass surfaces

Some housewives welcome a healthy lifestyle and try to use only natural substances everywhere, environmentally friendly and free of chemical components. They prefer to use homemade products. Basically, these are simple products found in every home.

Let's look at simple homemade recipes for making detergent compositions.

Vinegar with starch

Let's prepare a basic starch-vinegar remedy:

  1. One tablespoon of starch (the basis of the future mixture) is poured into the container.
  2. Pour in two glasses of hot water and shake the resulting mixture.
  3. Add vinegar (50 g) and 76% alcohol (50 g).
  4. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Use a spray bottle to spray the prepared product onto the glass unit thoroughly, then wipe it thoroughly with a soft cloth. All dirt is cleaned out due to starch, which helps remove water from the glass, after which it becomes clean, without visible stains.

In the same way, you can prepare a solution from chalk, tooth powders, adding any essential oils to it. A glass unit washed with this cleaner has no streaks and shines beautifully in the sunlight.

Vinegar based detergent

When there is no desire or opportunity to go to retail outlets for cleaning products, their analogues can be prepared at home. Heavily dirty glass is washed with vinegar:

  • pour water into the spray bottle (one glass);
  • pour vinegar (1 tablespoon) and alcohol (76% medical or ammonia) into it at the rate of one tablespoon of any product;
  • mix the composition well by shaking, after which it can be used.

Vinegar has a special smell, which is pronounced when the composition is sprayed onto glass. Many people are not happy with it, so they prefer other solutions that do not contain chemicals.

Lemon water

You can prepare the composition with citric acid or lemon juice. Before washing double-glazed windows, you need to prepare the following composition: one glass of water with 50 g of lemon (the products should have a 1 to 5 ratio to each other). With a relatively clean window, the solution can be made less concentrated. After using it, the windows will also be clean, there will be no streaks on them, and the smell will be pleasant.

You can use a somewhat complex recipe based on lemon peel:

  • a half-liter container is filled with fresh lemon peel;
  • the free space is filled with vinegar;
  • the vessel must be carefully closed and the solution allowed to brew for two to three weeks;
  • strain the resulting concentrate and add it to the water when washing double-glazed windows.

As a result, the glass product will be well washed and disinfected.

Glass and mirror cleaning products prepared at home can also be created using a chemical component.

Soap mixture


  • place 1 cup of liquid and at least two tablespoons of vinegar in a container;
  • pour in 5 g of any liquid soap;
  • Stir everything well and wash the double-glazed windows with this mixture.

Baking soda in detergent

A good detergent for cleaning various contaminants from plastic and double-glazed window handles is obtained from soda. This is a simple recipe; to prepare it you need two liters of liquid, half a glass of soda and 100 g of vinegar.

If you put rock salt in the composition instead of soda, the resulting solution also copes well with any type of dirt and gives the glass a mirror shine.

Composition with glycerin

Glycerin is very suitable for polishing glass coatings; it creates an invisible protective barrier on the glass, which allows them to be washed less often. You can easily prepare a simple solution, for which you take 70 ml of glycerin, 30 ml of water, one or two drops of ammonia. Glycerin removes stains after washing and protects window glass from fogging and dirt. You can buy it at any pharmacy.

How to choose a product

There are a huge number of professional household chemical products for washing on the market and in online stores. On store shelves there are products containing alkali, alcohols, and natural ingredients. The composition of each helps to cope with different types of dirt on the window:

  1. Substances containing ammonia are suitable for cleaning very dirty surfaces; they are ideal for adding shine to glass products. Ammonia evaporates quickly and leaves no streaks. Ammonia-based products such as “Mr. Muscle” and “Drop” are popular, although they have a pungent odor. If you are intolerant to it, it is better to choose another substance.
  2. Relatively inexpensive alcohol products “Cif” and “Clin” are especially popular. Benzyl and isopropyl alcohol are good for removing dirt, grease and dust. It is necessary to apply a very small amount of the product onto the glass, then wipe it with a natural cloth, after which the surface becomes clean and sparkling.
  3. Environmentally friendly products have a higher price, but they are becoming more and more in demand, as they are made on the basis of natural, plant-based surfactants. They are hypoallergenic and have a pleasant smell. Eco-friendly cleaning products are quite economical; they easily clean glass products and add shine to them. Products such as eco-sprays “Organic People”, “AlmaWin Glas & Fenster” are considered a very popular group of environmentally friendly cleaners.
  4. There is a large selection of wet wipes for quickly cleaning mirror or glass surfaces. Foams, gels, and sprays occupy a worthy place in the household chemicals market.

To decide on a product for high-quality cleaning of products, you need to adhere to the following basic rules:

  1. When choosing detergent products, you need to pay attention to the composition.
  2. Clean the glass with a cloth with a soft, microfiber structure.
  3. You can use squeegees or a scraper to clean windows.
  4. Folk remedies must be used carefully, because they contain large particles that can scratch the surface of the glass and frame.
  5. Wipe the washed glass with a dry cloth.
  6. When cleaning windows, you do not need to apply a large amount of solution to the glass; subsequently, large quantities of stains may remain on it.
  7. The presence of glycerin in water protects windows from stains after rain, and with it they remain clean longer.

Having considered the main types of washing products, we will provide you with the best cleaning products from popular manufacturers, and indicate which substance is best to buy in order to avoid mistakes when choosing a good washing product.

Mirrors without streaks: special napkins

Several large companies produce such products. Napkins for cleaning mirrors without streaks are made of special microfiber fiber. They do not require the use of any cleaning liquids. Among the most popular brands are the following:

  1. GreenWay. The product of this company makes washing mirrors without streaks and marks a real pleasure. Using a napkin is very simple: you need to moisten it in water, squeeze out excess liquid and wipe the surface. There is no need to wipe the glass dry afterward. The cost of a napkin is about 400 rubles.
  2. White cat. The company's products can be classified as professional. They clean surfaces perfectly and leave no streaks at all. Good quality also costs accordingly - about 1000 rubles.
  3. Faberlic. Budget but reliable option. It copes well with various stains and, when used skillfully, does not leave streaks. The cost of the product is about 130 rubles.

Follow these tips for caring for your home and it will be sparkling clean.

Today you can wash a mirror without streaks using folk remedies or products from a modern household chemicals store easily and quickly. What exactly to choose is a personal matter for each housewife. The site “Beautiful and Successful” wishes each of its readers to find the best remedy for themselves. We hope our advice on this will be very useful.

Website – Beautiful and Successful. Author: Elena Burenyuk. More information about the site's authors

The best liquids and sprays for cleaning glass

HG Window cleaner

The very popular highly concentrated HG product cleans frames and double-glazed windows well. It dissolves greasy deposits, fingerprints and other dirt well. The product does not contain an alcohol base or ammonia compounds. The neutral pH does not harm surfaces; the substance can be safely wiped across window frames made of plastic or wood. Cleaning is carried out without protective equipment, since the concentrated liquid, diluted to an optimal state, does not harm the hands and does not affect the condition of the skin.

The liquid is readily used by professional cleaning companies. This indicates the safety of the cleaning product.

The liquid is packaged in 500 ml bottles. To carry out a one-time cleaning, you need to pour two or three teaspoons of the solution into five liters of hot water. If the liquid is used at home, this volume will be sufficient for cleaning for a long period.

The diluted liquid is applied to the glass unit, left for a while, and then washed off with clean water.

Country of origin: Netherlands.

Cost - 263 rubles.

HG Window cleaner


  • neutral alkaline environment;
  • removes organic dirt and dust;
  • is used sparingly;
  • does not affect human health;
  • budget cost.


  • The bottle does not have a dispenser or measuring cap.

Spray Meine Liebe

A highly effective cleaning product used to clean smooth and shiny surfaces. Suitable for cleaning double-glazed windows, mirrors, plastic frames, vinyl, acrylic and other waterproof coatings. Not suitable for polished and varnished products. There is a delicious aroma of ripe berries.

Used in offices, cars, homes. Cleans glass, mirrors and chrome surfaces well. After cleaning, no streaks remain, it perfectly removes dirt, fingerprints, and carefully cleans the polymer coatings of plastic windows. Has an antistatic effect. The product is environmentally friendly, biodegradable.

The spray is applied using a sprayer to the double-glazed windows to be cleaned at a distance of thirty centimeters. Wipe off immediately with a natural fabric napkin.

Volume: 500 ml.

Manufacturer brand - Germany. Country of origin: Russia.

Cost: 141 rubles.

Meine Liebe glass cleaning spray


  • environmental cleaner;
  • sprays well;
  • effective;
  • has a neutral odor;
  • low price.


  • cannot be used on wooden varnished window frames.

Spray Unicum

It is an effective antistatic agent for gently cleaning smooth and shiny surfaces: glass, mirrors, plastic and tiles, stainless steel products due to the special component included in the composition.

The cleaner removes dried water residues on glass and fingerprint marks well. Easily cleans plastic windows, leaves no streaks, and adds shine to mirror surfaces. After applying the spray, a protective silicone layer is formed on the product, which prevents the attraction of dust, small particles, and subsequent contaminants.

The spray has a high cleaning and degreasing effect and does not contain alcohol.

Volume: 750 ml.


Cost: 93 rubles.

Unicum spray for glass


  • cleans well;
  • does not leave streaks;
  • no alcohol smell;
  • effective for heavy soiling;
  • smells good;
  • is used sparingly;
  • low price.


  • not detected.

Spray Clean Home

An effective cleaner for washing crystal, porcelain, window and car glass, and mirror surfaces. Simply removes soot, dust, dirt. The composition includes a new polymer additive that improves water drainage, after which the glass dries quickly, leaving no stains or streaks, and helps prevent the re-deposition of dust and dirt. A film is formed on the washed product, which is resistant to washing. It has a long-lasting effect, thanks to which windows are washed several times less often than with a conventional product.

The spray contains an antistatic agent, it includes purified water, flavoring, functional additives, and surfactants. No alcohol.

Volume: 500 ml.

Country of origin: Russia.

Cost: 119 rubles.

Clean Home glass cleaning spray


  • effective cleaner;
  • leaves no marks or streaks;
  • budget price.


  • strong smell;
  • Doesn't always clean dust well


Reasons for divorce

To remove stains effectively, you need to know why the problem occurs. Usually there are reasons such as:

  • insufficiently clean water used when washing mirror surfaces;
  • poor cleaning – dust and dirt still remain;
  • cosmetics, splashes, toothpaste;
  • fat remaining after washing;
  • unsuitable low-quality cleaning solutions;
  • sponges and rags that are too hard or dirty;
  • poorly rinsed detergent;
  • Wrong washing order.

Knowing the reasons for the formation of divorces, you can easily get rid of them.

The best eco-friendly window cleaners

Synergetic for windows and mirrors

A liquid solution for washing windows, mirrors and other shiny products has an antibacterial effect. It easily copes with such complex problems as grease stains, insect marks, and old dirt. After drying, the liquid does not leave streaks, forms a protective film against new dirt, and facilitates subsequent cleaning.

The substance has a pleasant odor and, with constant use, improves light resistance. Contains the most purified alcohol produced by Shell, meets all sanitary standards of SAN PIN. The product is environmentally friendly, biodegradable.

The price of the liquid is affordable for every family.

The volume of the container is 5 liters.

Country of origin: Russia.

Cost: 450 rubles.

Synergetic for windows and mirrors


  • environmentally friendly product;
  • antibacterial effect;
  • effective cleaning;
  • economical.


  • does not wash off construction dirt well;
  • In case of heavy contamination, repeated cleaning is required.

Organic People spray for glass and mirrors

Eco spray for glass and mirrors “Organic People” is an extremely simple and absolutely safe cleaning agent, which is intended for the care of smooth, shiny surfaces in residential areas. The product contains almost 90% of the components from natural products, it includes organic citrus extracts (oranges and lemons). It has excellent natural antiseptic properties, which allows you to fill your living space with a pleasant, tonic aroma.

Eco spray ideally cleans surfaces from various traces and greasy stains. After cleaning, no streaks remain on the products.

Its main difference from similar cleaners is its absolute safety when used. The composition contains no chemicals, is safe for health, and does not cause irritation in the respiratory tract. It is actively used for household needs.

Available in a 500 ml bottle.

Country of origin: Russia.

Cost: 263 rubles.

Organic People spray for glass and mirrors


  • excellent eco-bio formula;
  • very pleasant smell;
  • cleans well from dust.


  • leaves small stains;
  • a bit expensive.

Why do divorces occur?

Every person's morning begins with the bathroom, where he washes himself, wakes up after sleep, brushes his teeth and does everything in front of the mirror.


If you carelessly remove plaque, fingerprints, grease stains, or smear dust, streaks will remain on the reflective shiny surface.

Poor quality cleaning products

The industry produces many types of windshield wipers, which differ in price. To save money, some housewives buy cheap household chemicals. After using low-quality products, streaks form on the surface, which are difficult to wash off.

Water with impurities

Stains from cosmetics and toothpaste, when exposed to steam, contribute to the formation of a film on the mirror, which is not easy to clean. Hard water that contains impurities leaves marks on the surface.

Foam cleaners for mirrors and glass

Spray foam Nihon Detergent lime

The Japanese cleaning product is effective for washing double-glazed windows and mirrors in residential and industrial premises. It cleans car windshields well from dust, dirt, and insects broken at speed. It has an antibacterial effect and removes fat deposits from any surfaces.

Nihon Detergent spray foam is easily applied via a spray bottle to glass items, then wiped with a natural cloth. The result is a clean, shiny double-glazed window, and a light citrus aroma remains in the room.

Volume: 400 ml.

Country of origin: Japan.

Cost: 115 rubles.

Spray foam Nihon Detergent lime


  • economical consumption;
  • dissolves organic contaminants;
  • has a pleasant lemon aroma;
  • suitable for all glass coatings;
  • Cleans monitors and TV screens.


  • small volume;
  • heterogeneity of surface cleaning.

Foam spray Nordland Active Foam

Spray is a specially developed foam for cleaning various types of glass and mirror coatings. After cleaning, the products acquire a shiny appearance and no rainbow reflections.

The foam product is packaged in a stylish box with a dispenser and is supplied under pressure.

The foam spray does not contain alcohol and has a pleasant aroma.

Surfactants contain no more than 5%.

The composition includes a foaming agent (propane, butane, isobutane) and flavoring agents.

Country of origin: Italy.

Foam volume: 500 ml.

Cost: 290 rubles.

Foam spray Nordland Active Foam


  • foam is convenient to use;
  • cleanses effectively;
  • dries quickly.


  • not detected.

What methods are not recommended to be used?

When washing you should not:

  1. Rub mirrors with hard sponges and brushes - they can leave scratches and cracks on the surface.
  2. Use aggressive abrasive cleaning powders.
  3. Use alcohol products in an unventilated area to avoid inhaling toxic chemical fumes.
  4. Clean mirrors with baking soda - over time it will give the surface a matte color.

The right choice of product - glass and mirrors without dirt and streaks. To prevent the canvas from fading, it should be protected from direct sunlight.

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