How to get rid of shoe smell with hydrogen peroxide?

If your favorite sneakers or boots have an unpleasant odor, don’t immediately throw them in the trash. This is not such a serious problem that it needs to be solved with drastic methods, but it is unlikely that this trouble will be left unattended. The smell of sweat in shoes can not only cause discomfort, but also put you in an awkward position in front of others if you have to take off your shoes at a party or at a doctor’s appointment.

How Hydrogen Peroxide Helps Get Rid of Shoe Odor

Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic, a means that destroys bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms. In medicine, the drug is used for mechanical cleaning of wounds from dead elements. Hydrogen peroxide helps get rid of shoe odor in the same way: it removes dirt, kills pathological microbes, and also allows white things to maintain or restore color.

You can buy hydrogen peroxide to get rid of shoe odor in pharmacies. The price of the product ranges from 6 to 50 rubles, depending on the manufacturer. The drug is produced in the form of a solution of three percent concentration, packaged in bottles of different sizes. To eliminate shoe odor, one package of Hydrogen Peroxide 100 ml is enough.

Should I completely eliminate the vinegar smell?

Not everyone likes the specific smell. Therefore, people often look for a way to get rid of the smell of vinegar on clothes, furniture, carpet or in an entire apartment. You already know the ways to do this. But many viruses and bacteria also do not like the peculiar aroma. Therefore, it has disinfecting properties and is even recommended for use in the toilet, trash can or sink. Thus, this is a safe and at the same time no less effective remedy than the use of modern chemistry.

Rules for using hydrogen peroxide for shoe odor

Hydrogen peroxide against shoe odor is effective only when used correctly.

One of the most famous and popular home recipes for eliminating shoe odor:

  • Apply a solution of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide to cotton pads, treat the inner surface of the shoes in several layers;
  • change insoles and laces, if any;
  • dry your shoes in the fresh air;
  • additionally treat shoes with a special deodorant or talcum powder.

There is another radical way to get rid of shoe odor using hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to pour the solution into the shoe, cover it with a solid material, shake it and pour it out after a few minutes. Repeat the same procedure with the second shoe.

Removing vinegar odors from furniture and carpets

While everything is simple with shoes and clothes, furniture is larger and therefore more difficult to clean. As for the carpet, it can still be dry cleaned or washed. To remove the vinegar smell from a closet or sofa, you will have to work harder. It’s good that there are folk recipes for all occasions.

First of all, try to simply ventilate the room, sometimes this is enough. Open all the windows wide open and leave it like that for half a day. If the smell is ingrained and ventilation does not help, move on.

You need to make the following solution. Take 5 liters of water and add a tablespoon of ammonia and 2 tbsp. washing powder. Mix well and apply to the epicenter of the smell; if it is difficult to detect, treat the entire object. Stock up on a damp cloth to remove any foam that will form during the process. Once finished, leave the furniture to dry on its own.

Dishwashing liquid will help remove the smell. The area to be treated must be moistened with water before the procedure. Now apply the product to the surface. It is convenient to use a soft cloth on furniture, and a brush on the sofa and carpet. Once finished, leave to dry.

There is another simple way to remove traces of vinegar. Take baking soda, sprinkle it on the source of the odor and leave it for 10-20 minutes. After the procedure, residues can be removed using a vacuum cleaner.

Cautions when using Hydrogen Peroxide to remove shoe odor

Some fabrics and materials are very sensitive to oxidizing agents, which is Hydrogen Peroxide. Shoes can lose color, shape, and even collapse if we are talking about fabric sneakers, for example. It is recommended to eliminate shoe odor with hydrogen peroxide only if you are confident in the quality of the materials and are insensitive to the product.

You should also take into account the official contraindications to the use of Hydrogen Peroxide:

  • dermatitis herpetiformis;
  • history of allergic reactions to the drug.

Negative consequences and side effects can be avoided by wearing gloves before cleaning your shoes and thoroughly rinsing your shoes under running water afterward.

How to prevent the problem from occurring?

  1. Impregnate with water-repellent agents;
  2. Clean and dry regularly;
  3. Change the insoles every three months and dry them separately;
  4. Try to wear non-synthetic socks;
  5. Store in a dry place. In cold weather, use the balcony.
  6. Use the silica gel packets that came with the kit;
  7. Treat with deodorant.

The smell does not arise for nothing - it is the consequences of the activity of bacteria that multiply in a humid environment.

Therefore, you need to dry your shoes well, do not forget about deodorants and do not wear wet shoes. In addition to taking care of the health of your feet and identifying fungus, you also need to pay attention to such “little things” as the material of the socks - everything is not easy with synthetics, socks should consist of 80% natural material.

If the problem is a fungal disease, there is a radical way to heal the skin. Cotton socks need to be soaked in medical alcohol, put on and put on shoes. This procedure must be repeated for up to 10 days. Less radical - before going out, wipe your foot with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol for about 21 days.

Other ways to get rid of shoe odor

To remove shoe odor, you can try using baking soda. Unlike hydrogen peroxide, baking soda is an alkali that, at high concentrations, destroys bacteria and contaminants. It is recommended to pour baking soda into your shoes for a day and then vacuum the shoes.

Potassium permanganate, or potassium permanganate, also helps eliminate unpleasant odor from shoes, as it stops the proliferation of fungi and bacteria. Before use, it is necessary to prepare a solution with a concentration of 0.04%. Potassium permanganate is applied to a cotton pad and the shoes are treated inside and along the insole. Then the solution must be washed off with water. For greater effect, you can make foot baths with a diluted solution once a week.

How to remove vinegar smell from food

Cooking is a long process and often takes all day. In such a rhythm, you can easily get lost and give too much of some ingredient. Sometimes you can go overboard with vinegar. Don’t rush to panic and throw away food, it can still be saved.

Acetic acid tends to erode quickly, you just need to give it this opportunity. Remove the lid and allow air to enter. If the dish is stewed in a pan over a fire, then leave it for another 20 minutes. High temperatures cause the vinegar to evaporate even faster.

Removing stink from carpets and furniture

It is much more difficult to get rid of the smell that comes from furniture or carpets. An ammonia solution will no longer help in solving this problem. In addition to all this, it can leave stains on products.

How to remove vinegar smell from sofa? To do this, you need to prepare a special solution. Take a bucket and fill it with warm water. Add a spoonful of ammonia and two spoons of washing powder. Mix thoroughly until foam forms.

Take a soft brush or sponge. Moisten it in the resulting composition and treat the surface of the sofa or carpet. Leave for 5-10 minutes. After this, take a clean rag and soak it in warm water. Remove any remaining foam.

This procedure will help neutralize the stench. In addition, a fragrance will appear.

Removing odor in a room

Vinegar solution is used at home as a means to remove dirt, dust, stains and mold. But when one problem is solved, a completely different one appears. How to remove the smell of vinegar in an apartment?

First of all, open the windows and create a draft in the room. Then wet clean the room. Warm water can be diluted with a special detergent for dishes or floors. Such solutions have a pleasant, yet strong aroma.

If the treatment of the apartment is carried out in the winter season, then the actions should be reversed. First, wet cleaning is carried out, after which ventilation is carried out.

Preventive measures

Preventing odor is easier than eliminating it. To do this, you should follow simple recommendations:

  • whenever possible, buy high-quality products from natural, breathable materials;
  • Dry your shoes thoroughly: stuff them with newspapers or use electric dryers;
  • wash your feet daily, change socks and tights;
  • Wash the insoles once every 10-14 days;
  • use water-repellent impregnations;
  • try not to wear the same shoes all day, buy replacement shoes for the office;
  • treat fungal diseases in a timely manner;
  • If you experience excessive sweating, consult a doctor;
  • store shoes in a shoe cabinet that is out of reach of pets.

Other effective remedies

To eliminate odor in sneakers, you can use other methods that will be no less effective. This applies to special household chemical products that do an excellent job. In this capacity, they usually resort to deodorants, odor absorbers or cleaning compounds.


  • The use of aerosols from Scholl or Salamander allows you to mask odors,
  • You can absorb unpleasant odors using Salton charcoal pads,
  • Using odorgone Shoes cleaning product completely allows you to forget about the smell of sweat in your shoes.

When processing shoes, you first need to clean them with a special composition, then spray the spray and put pads with absorbent into them.

Causes of unpleasant odor

Before fixing any problem, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence. Otherwise, attempts to get rid of it will be pointless and fruitless. Both new and already worn shoes can have an unpleasant odor.

The main causes of unpleasant odor:

  • Poor quality material from which the shoes are made: counterfeit leather, pungent odor of substitute leather or faux fur, toxic adhesive and impregnating materials with a specific odor
  • Increased sweating of the feet
  • Fungal diseases
  • Shoes that don't allow your feet to breathe
  • Wearing shoes for a long time (applies to closed shoes)
  • "Surprises" from pets

Eliminating stink from shoes

Often they try to remove the smell of sweat from shoes with a vinegar solution. This method is very effective, but after processing a completely different aroma appears. Then another question arises, how to remove the stink from vinegar?

Ammonia will help solve the problem. To do this, you need to treat the solution from the inside and outside. As soon as the smell changes, you need to soak a cotton pad in ammonia and place it on the insole. At night, treated shoes should be placed on the balcony.

The trick to this method is based on the fact that ammonia neutralizes acidity. But most people note that the ammonia composition also has a strong aroma. But you can only feel it at close range, and when it gets into the air, it quickly dissipates.

There is another method that removes the stench. But it is only suitable for fabric shoes. To perform the procedure, place your sneakers or sneakers in the washing machine. Add conditioner to the powder twice as much as required. After washing this way, the smell will disappear.

Changing insoles to antibacterial and moisture-wicking ones

Often, to eliminate odor in sneakers, it is enough to use antibacterial insoles. Their effectiveness is ensured by the following properties:

  • Thanks to the material with a special structure, which is used in the manufacture of insoles, they perfectly absorb moisture,
  • They have an antibacterial and absorbent effect,
  • Prevents the formation of unpleasant odors.

Many insoles have markings on them, making them easy to adjust to your shoe size. To prolong the effectiveness of the insoles, it is better to remove them from the shoes at night to dry and ventilate. With the necessary care, such insoles can last much longer than the stated period.

Where does the smell come from?

As you know, sweat is odorless, and its appearance in shoes is a consequence of exposure to internal or external factors. It is impossible to get rid of an unpleasant odor in any shoes, and especially in sneakers that are closed from air access, without eliminating the very reason that leads to such manifestations.

External factors that can indirectly influence the fact that sneakers begin to emit a particularly unpleasant odor are:

  • Spending long periods of time wearing sneakers that were not originally intended for everyday use
  • Physical activity, which increases sweating,
  • Shoes and socks made of synthetic material
  • Poor diet with a lot of spicy foods and seasonings, which contributes to more intense sweating,
  • Staying in a room with high temperatures for a long time, especially in closed or winter shoes.

Increased sweating is a consequence of hyperthyroidism, a disease in which the sweat glands begin to function more actively, and against the background of this, bacteria rapidly multiply. In addition to external causes, such changes in the state of the body can be caused by pathologies in many organs and systems, without identifying which it is almost impossible to eliminate the excessive secretion of sweat and the appearance of its odor.

How to restore freshness to clothes

Vinegar is used to rinse things after washing: the solution softens fabric fibers, neutralizing detergent residues. After this treatment, clothes remain white longer. A side effect is a sour smell, especially after rinsing in a solution with the wrong concentration.

Tip: To rinse things, use the following solution: for 10 liters of water - no more than 0.5 cups of product.

A surefire way to remove the vinegar odor is to re-wash the items in the washing machine and give them an additional rinse cycle. For hand washing, prolonged soaking in powder is more suitable. To ensure that clothes have a pleasant fresh aroma, they are dried in a well-ventilated area, for example, on a balcony.

Rinsing things after treating with vinegar can be done in a solution of ammonia. Another way is to add a little baking soda to the water.

Odor and household appliances

The same products are suitable for kitchen utensils as for cleaning furniture and clothes. The smell is removed by salt, soda, ammonia and ordinary detergents.

To eliminate the smell in the refrigerator, try the dry method: leave a plate of baking soda or salt inside the appliance. After some time, the vinegar will be absorbed and its smell will no longer bother you.

Solution method:

  1. Dilute 4 tbsp in water. l. salt (per 5 l).
  2. Wait for the crystals to dissolve.
  3. Wipe down appliances, tiles and other surfaces.
  4. Wipe again, but this time with clean water.

Vinegar is easily destroyed by high temperatures. If the aroma lingers on the dishes, simply wash them in hot water.

As you can see, vinegar is not such a big problem. The smell of the substance can be easily removed using ordinary methods: from airing to wiping with a cleaning solution from improvised means. So you can safely use vinegar for household purposes, because this product really has a number of advantages.

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