Ways to effectively eliminate the smell of cat urine in shoes

Despite the fact that cats are the most popular and cleanest pets and quite quickly get used to a certain location of their toilet, situations periodically arise when traces of their vital activity can be found in the most unexpected places. This often applies to different types of shoes. Such a nuisance can be caused by both psychological stress and problems with the cat’s well-being. The consequences of such an incident require immediate elimination in order to avoid a reoccurrence, as well as to preserve the appearance of the product as much as possible. There are several ways to rid shoes of an unpleasant odor and give them their original appearance.

  • Use of folk remedies:
      Laundry soap
  • Iodine
  • Baking soda
  • Lemon
  • Vinegar
  • Camphor or boric alcohol
  • Potassium permangantsovka
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Alcohol-containing
  • Chemical substances
  • The most common mistakes
  • Ways to prevent the situation
  • Preparing shoes for processing

    To achieve the best results in eliminating unpleasant odors, before treating shoes, it is recommended to use paper napkins or toilet paper to get rid of as much urine as possible on the surface. If the mark is inside the product, use soda or salt. It is important to remember that using a hair dryer to remove excess moisture can lead to deformation of the shoes.

    Before you start processing the product, it is worth testing the effect of the product on a small area. It is not advisable to continue using the chosen method if stains appear or the color of the shoes changes. It is also recommended to avoid direct contact of the cleaning product with mucous membranes or skin.

    Protest: why the cat marks shoes

    If a cat just shits in your shoe, you can remove the smell in 99% of cases. If an animal marks its territory in this way, then you will have to try hard! The substances with which the animal shows the boundaries of its possessions are very persistent and sharp, as it is designed by nature!

    Do not rush to scold your pet, he always has reasons to shit in his shoes, and very serious ones. Well-bred and healthy cats do not go past the litter box, because they are one of the cleanest animals. How to explain a cat protest:

    1. If a cat marks your shoes, then in this way he shows that he loves you, and you are his territory.
    2. Sometimes this behavior is explained by the presence of other animals in the house and the capricious nature of the cat, his resentment towards you.
    3. Cat surprises in the wrong place can signal health problems. This is how the animal is trying to convey to you that it needs help. Old cats often start walking by.
    4. The cat has an uncomfortable or dirty litter box, be careful, it's only your fault.
    5. You just couldn't toilet train your pet. Be patient and start over.

    Do cats mark their territory after neutering? If you are late with the procedure, the pet may remember its behavior and continue to crap for some time. Don't delay castration. If the animal continues to mark its boots more than 6 months after castration, take it to the veterinarian - it may be hormonal imbalances.

    It is important to immediately clean your shoes from cat urine, otherwise the situation will repeat itself and become a habit for the cat. And even if the smell is not completely removed, your pet will be tempted to pee in your slippers again. Take cleaning seriously.

    Ways to remove cat urine odor

    Steps to effectively remove cat urine odor from shoes must be done judiciously and promptly. In this situation, water alone will not be enough to solve the problem; the use of auxiliary substances will be required. For example, a vinegar solution can save light leather products, and iodine will effectively eliminate the problem of shoes made of black or dark leather. A material such as suede tends to quickly deform, so when processing it you should be extremely careful and use weak solutions of potassium permanganate or mild glycerin-based soap.

    The most convenient way to eliminate unpleasant odors is textile shoes. A delicate wash or laundry soap will help out here. If the pet has chosen a fur product for its offense, it is worth resorting to special cleaning products; a solution of vinegar, citric acid or potassium permanganate may also be suitable here.

    There are certain difficulties associated with neutralizing the smell of cat urine, which are directly related to the composition of the biological fluid. For example, uric acid, which is part of it, forms a characteristic unpleasant odor, urochromes give the corresponding color, and urea causes a viscous-sticky structure after drying on the surface.

    The crystals that form the structure of uric acid have properties that allow them not to interact with alcohol and not dissolve in water, so they can only be neutralized with the help of sulfuric acid or alkaline compounds. It is quite difficult and almost impossible to remove stubborn old marks; in such cases, the shoes continue to smell of urine even after several treatments.

    Using special cleaning products

    Professional cleaning products to eliminate cat urine odor can be purchased at pet supply stores. As a rule, they are distributed in the form of sprays and can vary in composition and cost. Products based on natural substances are often harmless, however, they may not provide the desired result, while effective chemical compounds included in sprays may be unsafe and require concentration during operation.

    It is almost impossible to remove ingrained traces of cat urine using available household products, so for these cases they resort to special odor eliminators. When using them, it is extremely important to adhere to the appropriate instructions for use, then you can achieve the desired result: the unwanted odor will be eliminated, and the uric acid crystals will dissolve due to special elements.

    Use of neutralizing household products

    There are several ways to remove the smell of cat urine from the surface of shoes:

    • Citric acid solution or lemon juice;
    • Alcohol or vodka;
    • Hydrogen peroxide;
    • Alkaline soap;
    • Baking soda;
    • Iodine solution;
    • Potassium permanganate;
    • Vinegar;
    • Camphor or boric alcohol.

    As a rule, most of the above remedies can be found in everyday life, however, the characteristics of each substance should be taken into account in order to avoid creating another unpleasant situation. For example, lemon juice can ruin suede shoes, and treatment with an iodine solution will lead to stains on light-colored items.

    Washing shoes

    This method is suitable for processing textile products. At the first stage of eliminating an unpleasant odor, the problem areas of the surface are thoroughly rubbed with laundry soap, after which the shoes are left for some time until the product is completely absorbed. Then the product is washed in the machine on a delicate cycle, which will preserve its appearance as much as possible, preventing high water temperatures and high rotation speeds of the drum. You should dry your sneakers or slippers in the fresh air, and to achieve a better effect, it is recommended to repeat the operation.

    It is worth noting that using alcohol to treat washed shoes will prevent your pet from using them as a toilet, while the strong smell of ethanol will quickly dissipate, so you should not be afraid of it.

    How to get rid of cat smell from shoes using specialized products

    To wash boots or other shoes from cat urine, you can use specialized products. Most of them are aimed not at removing urine stains, but at eliminating odor. Therefore, before using any specialized product purchased at a pet store, it is best to first clean the product with at least a soap solution. And only after the shoes are dry, it will be possible to treat them with one of the purchased sprays.

    Remedy No. 1 – DezoSan

    Zoo Clean produces a variety of hygiene products for pets. The manufacturer's product line also includes a cat urine odor eliminator. DezoSan destroys unpleasant odors at the molecular level, so it is not a means of masking unpleasant odors.

    The main advantages of DezoSan:

    • destroys rather than masks unpleasant aroma;
    • can be used in washing vacuum cleaners;
    • The spray can be easily applied to any items of clothing and interior decoration;
    • does not require rinsing;
    • affordable price: from 300 rubles per 500 ml.

    Remedy No. 2 – OdorGone

    This spray is also in demand because it does not contain harmful impurities and is able to remove the smell of cat urine from any product.

    The main advantages of OdorGone:

    • natural composition - plant extracts and water;
    • economical to use - one bottle should be enough to treat hundreds of pairs of shoes;
    • safety – the drug is not toxic to children and pets;
    • bactericidal effect;
    • effectiveness - can remove even old urine aromas that have been reliably absorbed into the structure of fabric or skin;
    • cost - a small bottle will cost only 300 rubles.

    Remedy No. 3 – Urine-off Cat & Kitten

    This product comes from America; it removes ingrained odors well and can remove unpleasant odors from any shoes. Manufacturers claim that the spray contains substances that break down uric acid, which guarantees complete odor elimination.

    Among the advantages of Urine-off Cat & Kitten are the following:

    • natural substances in the composition;
    • safe for children and pets;
    • does not cause allergies;
    • affordable price - about 300 rubles.

    Remedy No. 4 - Odor kill

    Many people call this product the vanilla odor killer. It can remove the aroma of cat urine from shoes, clothes and any surfaces; it also copes well with such odors as the smell of tobacco, wool, burning, etc.

    The main advantages of Odor kill:

    • pleasant vanilla aroma;
    • safety;
    • efficiency;
    • long lasting effect.

    The only disadvantage is the fact that Odor kill is sold only in bulk containers, which is not always convenient for one-time use. And the cost of a large bottle of the product is 4,000 rubles.

    Remedy No. 5 – Zoosan

    This detergent does not contain chlorine, phosphates and fluoride. Therefore, it can be used in rooms with children and for treating children's shoes and things from the smell of cat urine.

    The main advantages of the product:

    • you can remove urine not only from shoes, but also from any surfaces;
    • eliminates cat marks;
    • destroys aromas at the molecular level;
    • affordable price - on average, the drug costs 500 rubles.

    Use of folk remedies

    It is impossible to use the same product for shoes made of different materials, so it is worth considering many features and factors.

    Laundry soap

    The method is applicable to textile or leather products and is the most effective and widely available for eliminating the smell of cat urine. When processing in this way, the problem area of ​​the shoe should be slightly moistened with water, then rubbed with hard soap. Rags and house slippers can be soaked in a soapy solution with a small amount of warm water.


    Iodine is the best way to remove the smell of cat urine from dark shoes, including leather ones. For processing, dissolve a few drops of it in water and apply it to the product. In the case of light-colored shoes, it is not recommended to resort to this method, as this may aggravate the situation.

    Baking soda

    It is important not to use this method for colored and smooth shoes, since the scratches formed after treatment with baking soda will contribute to the rapid contamination of the product. Basically, the method is favorable in case of a fresh stain. Pour soda onto a damp place, leave it for a while, then wash the product with soap and water. It is recommended to dry your shoes in the fresh air.


    This method is perfect for most shoes not made of suede. However, in this case, processing should be carried out without delay. In order to eliminate the smell of cat urine using lemon, you should use the following recommendations:

    • Prepare a solution of citric acid (4 g of powder in 100 ml of water) or squeeze lemon juice.
    • Treat the stain by generously moistening a cloth with the solution.
    • Leave for a few minutes.
    • Wipe the problem area with a damp sponge.
    • Repeat the procedure if necessary.

    Both citric acid solution and fresh lemon juice are aimed at an identical result, it is only important that specific proportions are observed. It is also permissible to combine lemon with other cleaning products.


    Acetic acid completely eliminates the problem of unpleasant odor due to the fact that it destroys the components of biological fluid with its chemical structure. Soda is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2, then applied with a sponge to the problem area.

    Camphor or boric alcohol

    The method is applicable for most types of shoes in case of stubborn stains, when the smell of urine remains persistent after drying, and any contact with moisture creates the feeling of a fresh cat mark. Boric alcohol is wiped over the surface, or poured into the product and left without rinsing. The principle of camphor alcohol is quite similar, it is also used for old tags and removes odor from various materials. Before processing, camphor alcohol is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. In this case, it is recommended to work with gloves.

    Potassium permangantsovka

    To combat odor on suede shoes, the optimal remedy is potassium permanganate. The lighter the shade of the product, the weaker the solution is prepared. A small amount of prepared potassium permanganate solution is applied to the surface, after which the shoes are wiped dry. After processing, you can lift the pile with a special rubber brush.

    Hydrogen peroxide

    Treatment with hydrogen peroxide is usually used when the problem has arisen inside the shoe product, since the product leaves characteristic white spots on the material. To eliminate the smell of cat urine, soak the insole with a small amount of peroxide, then remove the resulting foam and leave the shoes in the open air until completely dry. Combination with other means is acceptable, only at intervals of use.


    The method is available for most shoe products. To process, moisten a napkin in vodka or alcohol and leave it in the shoes for 2-3 hours. The smell of cat urine will be eliminated, while the ethanol will quickly disappear from the surface of the product.

    Recommendations for cleaning various materials

    The first stage of cleansing is washing with soapy water. It’s great if the stink disappears after drying. It is not always possible to get results so easily. When cleaning, take into account the color and material of the products

    Washing fabric and suede boots

    Fabric shoes can be washed in an automatic machine. Use a delicate mode or a special one (usually a sneaker is shown).

    Powder and rinse aid eliminate unpleasant odors. After drying, you need to wet the area a little; if the unpleasant odor appears again, resort to additional methods.

    Suede and nubuck require special treatment. It's easy to ruin fabric. Treat the stain with glycerin, rinse with clean water, and dry. Finally, sprinkle with lemon juice. You can buy gentle cleaning sprays.

    Cleaning leather and fur shoes

    Professional products are used for the skin. Folk use with caution: for light shoes - hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, lemon juice, for dark ones - potassium permanganate, iodine.

    Use pure glycerin:

    1. Soak the stain and leave to dry for at least 8 hours (for example, overnight).
    2. Rinse with clean water so that there are no streaks left.

    Fur products must first be frozen - left for several days on the balcony, or in the freezer, first wrapped in a bag. Afterwards, wet the area a little to check for odor. If there is any left, use delicate cleaning sprays, rinse, and freeze again.

    Remove the insoles from boots and shoes of any material and soak them with a rag . Add powdered adsorbent agent, soda or mustard.

    After 30 minutes, shake it out and fall asleep again. At night, boots are stuffed with newspaper, paper, napkins soaked in any neutralizer - vinegar, lemon juice. You can air it out on the balcony for several days by unfastening all the fasteners.

    Be sure to read:

    How to get rid of the smell of new furniture: effective elimination methods

    Chemical substances

    Name Advantages Flaws
    OdorGone It is considered a universal odor absorber. Acts quickly and leaves no traces. The composition contains safe ingredients. It differs from most analogues in its high price.
    Dezosan Destroys urine components at the molecular level. Convenient to use. Provides a pleasant aroma. May cause irritation if in contact with skin or eyes.
    Urine-off Multi-Pet It even copes with old marks, eliminates odors and removes stains. Does not contain potentially hazardous components. None
    ZooSan Suitable for processing any surfaces. Endowed with hypoallergenic properties. Virtually odorless. Not effective enough for removing old stains.

    Professional means for eliminating the smell of urine are resorted to quite often, even if there are known methods at hand. The cost of such drugs, as a rule, is much higher, however, they are more effective and reliable.

    Caustic substances in cat urine

    Keep the tray clean. Clean it regularly.

    Be sure to keep your cat's litter box clean. Often, it is because of this that cats begin to mark shoes and furniture.

    The fact is that cat urine contains caustic substances , which acetic acid has a destructive effect on.

    Getting rid of urine smell with baking soda

    Moisten the baking soda and apply for 10-15 minutes

    If these steps do not help, you can apply moistened baking soda powder to the shoes and after 10-15 minutes remove it with a damp cloth, then wash the shoes again with soapy water and dry.

    Cat urine forms urea crystals that are resistant to water, and baking soda breaks them down. However, this method only helps if you discover the “gift” right away.

    The most common mistakes

    There are several considerations when choosing a cleaning product to eliminate the smell of cat urine in shoes. Product processing should be approached responsibly, so it is important to avoid common mistakes.

    1. Air fresheners and other fragrance products do not eliminate, but only temporarily hide unpleasant odors. In addition, the problem will reappear in the presence of a small amount of moisture.
    2. Do not use products containing bleach, including bleach. After treatment with bleach, a shoe product will become spoiled, and a pungent odor can attract a pet and cause another stain.
    3. No effect will follow after using essential oils; moreover, the unwanted odor on shoes can only intensify.
    4. Ammonia will not prevent the cat from marking the product again and will not cover the smell of urine due to the ammonia it contains.

    First of all, shoes must be treated using reliable methods, and only after removing the ingrained components of cat urine is the use of scented preparations allowed.

    What not to do

    Urine has a pungent, difficult-to-remove odor. It will never be possible to eliminate odors with an air freshener or perfume. Eau de toilette will kill the stench for a short time, and after a while it will return and become more intense. You shouldn't punish your pets for doing something dirty. They may become even more angry and “shit” in their shoes constantly. Do not use bleach to remove stench. In everyday life, it does an excellent job of neutralizing odors, but its use can deform shoes.

    Remember that cats love cleanliness, but they need to be trained from childhood. Remove urine stench in a variety of ways to avoid damaging your shoes. Just in case, buy special products; they get rid of urine best. If you don’t have a spray or aerosol at home, then use one of the homemade recipes to eliminate stench.

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    Cats and bathroom etiquette

    Cats start using the litter box incredibly early. You can start training a kitten to use the litter box only at three weeks of age. Cats naturally want to hide their urine and feces. So when they start going to the potty out of the box, it should be an automatic sign of concern.

    Some things encourage you to urinate out of your designated area, and most of these problems are easily solved. There are many resources you can try or products you can buy to stop your cat from peeing, such as sprays and neutralizers to put an end to this unwanted behavior.

    © shutterstock

    What not to do

    No matter what material your shoes are made of, there are certain things you can do that won't help get rid of cat urine stains. And some of them can be harmful. If you discover a characteristic fragrant puddle, you should not do the following:

    1. Use preparations with chlorine. It reacts with uric acid and only enhances the odor. In addition, bleach is dangerous for your pet: it can cause allergies or poisoning.
    2. Eliminate unpleasant odors using perfume, air freshener and deodorant. All this can be used after the cleaning procedures have been carried out. Aromatic substances only temporarily mask the problem without eliminating its causes.
    3. Leave stains unattended. If you don't do them right away, cleaning your shoes will take longer.
    4. Punish your pet, poke his nose into damaged things. This can lead to the opposite effect - out of harm, the animal will constantly use the shoes as a toilet.
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