How to clean suede at home: rules and the most effective methods

The appearance of shoes clearly reflects the level of self-esteem and neatness of a person. A wardrobe element not only emphasizes the owner’s sense of style, but also directly influences the formation of an impression of him. Shoe cleaner will help make shoe care easier and improve its appearance.

The store's catalog provides a wide selection of cleaners from manufacturers: Saphir, Tarrago, Dasco, Avel, etc. From us you can purchase a product for cleaning leather, suede, nubuck, textiles, as well as fabric and rubber shoes.

Rules for daily care of suede shoes

To ensure that suede shoes, boots or boots retain their appearance, remember a couple of rules for daily care.

  1. Regularly clean suede shoes from dust and dirt using a special brush or soft, dry cloth (flannel).
  2. Treat with a spray with a water-repellent effect.
  3. Don't leave your shoes dirty - it will be very difficult to clean them!
  4. Suede shoes can be washed. Make a soap solution and add ammonia (literally a few drops). Dampen the brush in this mixture and thoroughly wipe the suede. Then repeat the process, but with clean water.
  5. Suede shoes should not be dried near heating devices - they may become deformed under the influence of heat.
  6. Be sure to stuff wet boots with newspapers - paper absorbs moisture and helps maintain their shape. But it is better not to wear them in rainy weather.
  7. Buy a separate brush for each shade of suede. Be especially careful with light-colored shoes - they can be easily stained by a dirty brush.
  8. To remove scuff marks, move the brush back and forth, but to remove dirt, move it in only one direction. Remember! You can only clean dry suede! If you don’t have a special brush, replace it with an elastic band, a crust of black bread or a matchbox (you need the side part).
  9. You can restore the color of suede using a special cream or spray paint. Brown suede can be cleaned well with coffee grounds. Simply apply it to the surface of the shoe and rub it with a dry brush.
  10. To create a reliable protective layer that will resist dust, water and salt stains, treat the suede surface in advance, and not before going outside.

Using Home Remedies

In addition to factory-made compounds, the use of improvised, folk ones is not excluded. To do this, you don’t need to go to the store or spend a long time choosing products. Suitable reagents for nubuck are found in every home.

Ammonia for salt stains

Ammonia will help get rid of the characteristic whitish stains that appear after a walk in the snow or on a street sprinkled with salt. Diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3, it will clean nubuck.

Vinegar for stains

Acetic acid will deal with stains on nubuck. You will need 1 tablespoon, which is diluted in a liter of water. The resulting composition is used to clean shoes.

Kitchen salt to remove grease stains

Salt has been successfully used to neutralize greasy stains on clothing. It is also suitable for cleaning nubuck. It is enough to sprinkle the dirt with a pinch of salt, and then carefully remove the resulting slurry with a stiff brush.


Dry materials such as potato starch or talc are good for cleaning nubuck, especially fatty deposits. These substances can always be found in the kitchen.

Loss of appearance, what to do?

The appearance of unsightly creases and scuffs is most often found on suede shoes. Milk at room temperature with a teaspoon of soda dissolved in it will help return it to its previous appearance.

A similar effect will be achieved by ammonia and water mixed 1 to 4. You need to treat the affected area with a cotton swab and then wipe with a clean damp cloth.

But that’s not all, after this procedure, mix vinegar with water, at the rate of one teaspoon per two glasses of water.

Steam can correct the situation here too, but only if the problem is small.

Quite often, owners of suede products are faced with the problem of color loss. Here you can use a dye; you must use it after carefully studying the instructions.

Brown suede can be saved by coffee grounds. You need to generously rub the material with this slurry, wait a little, and then clean off the remaining coffee from the surface.

Surprisingly, after such a procedure, the thing will look like new, not a trace will remain from such treatment, and a pleasant bonus will be the fact that this procedure can be repeated several times, which means that such a thing will last much longer.

Preparing for cleaning

If your shoes get wet after coming in from the street, the first thing you need to do is dry them. Shoe lasts are used for drying, helping the shoes maintain their shape. After walking on suede, wrinkles form, which are smoothed out with the help of these devices.

Suede shoes should be dried at room temperature. Do not use a hair dryer, radiator, heater or other artificial heat sources for drying. They make suede dry and brittle.

Can a suede jacket be washed?

Suede is a material that does not like water. Due to prolonged exposure to moisture, clothes lose their shape, creases form on them, and the pile becomes hard.

And yet, with careful approach, a jacket made of natural suede can be washed both by hand and in a machine. After all, it’s not always possible to remove old stains with a brush.

But synthetic suede products cannot be washed.

Machine wash instructions:

  • select delicate mode;
  • turn off the spin and machine drying functions;
  • set the temperature to 30 degrees;
  • use products for woolen and delicate items (for example, “Vorsinka” washing powder, liquid gel).

How to wash a suede jacket by hand? Dissolve a little liquid soap in a wide bowl of water and lower the item. Gently scrub particularly dirty areas with a brush: collar, sleeves. Rinse the jacket in clean water 2-3 times to remove any remaining product.

Suede products should not be soaked in water! Wash immediately.

Now you need to dry the item properly. Never twist a suede jacket. The correct procedure is:

  1. Gently pull the sleeves and hem to avoid shrinkage.
  2. Spread a wide terry towel on the table and place a suede jacket on it.
  3. When the product dries a little, roll it into a tube and leave for half an hour.
  4. Dry the jacket in a vertical position, hanging it on a hanger. Temperature range – 20-25 degrees.

Suede products should not be dried near heating appliances.

How to smooth out a thing if such a need arises? There are three rules here:

  • select the minimum temperature;
  • iron only from the wrong side;
  • use dry silk fabric as a lining for the iron.

After washing, suede items may become stiffer. Fortunately, there is a remedy that allows you to return your jacket to its original appearance. Dissolve 0.5 teaspoon of glycerin in a liter of water and lubricate the product (spray from a spray bottle).

Proper care

Before you start cleaning, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of shoe care.

How to dry

Wet leather products must be dried so that they do not begin to deteriorate from moisture. To do this, they are transferred to a well-ventilated area. In the summer, drying is done on a lighted balcony, and in winter - in special dryers.


In order for shoes to last for a long time, they must be properly stored in the off-season. It should not be stored in rooms with high humidity, as in such conditions it will begin to deteriorate. It is better to choose rooms where the temperature does not drop below 18-20 degrees.

Regular cleaning

Leather products should be cleaned regularly to prevent dirt from accumulating on their surface. Therefore, experts recommend wiping them with a dry cloth after every walk outside.

How to tidy up your boots

You should always remember how to clean suede shoes. You don't have to wait until it gets really dirty to get your boots in order. Preventative and prophylactic measures allow you to clean suede from dirt without unnecessary problems and hassle. It is recommended to provide 3 main stages of care for the type of product in question.

The first stage is regular cleaning. The problem of how to clean suede shoes or boots should be solved using special equipment. For this purpose, there is a whole set of necessary accessories: brushes with different bristles, special brushes for suede, sponges made of polyurethane foam and other polymer materials, erasers, flannel and other napkins, rags and pieces of fabric.

We recommend that you read

The most important specific equipment is a special brush, which is designed to clean suede shoes.

This brush has different bristles on different sides:

  1. 1On one side it is made of rubber or caoutchouc. This side is designed to straighten suede fibers, distribute and introduce cleaning agents, and remove greasy-type contaminants.
  2. 2On the other hand, it is made of metal to remove clots of dirt and organize lint.

The side edge of the brush in some models has plastic protrusions, and in some designs there are wheels that are used to clean the seams, which is especially important when caring for suede sneakers. In addition to a special combined brush, it is recommended to have brushes with stiff polymer bristles for everyday delicate care, and brushes with elastic rubber bristles for cleaning greasy stains in your suede care arsenal.

The care kit also includes an eraser for removing dirt and several sponge options.

In addition to a special combination brush, it is recommended to have brushes with stiff polymer bristles for everyday delicate care, and brushes with elastic rubber bristles for cleaning greasy stains in your suede care arsenal. The care kit also includes an eraser for removing dirt and several types of sponges.

You can effectively clean suede shoes using foam suede cleaners and shoe shampoos. Thus, we can note the universal product Collonil Shampoo Direct, Saphir Omni Diam and a number of others.

Direct methods

Basically, suede shoes “suffer” in the autumn-winter period under the pressure of weather conditions and the human factor (coating roadways with special components), and that is why they require close attention.

There are several modern methods that allow you to get rid of dirt and salts on delicate surfaces.

Hard sponge

If you are just going to buy boots made of natural suede, then pay attention to sponges for cleaning them. Unlike those designed for smooth skin, they have a porous and rather dense structure.

Using this kind of equipment will not damage the texture of the material and will help you easily deal with unwanted particles of sand or dirt. It is enough just to pass the sponge over the product in one direction in a timely manner, excluding multidirectional friction.


An ordinary stationery eraser removes stains from a suede surface quite carefully. To achieve results, you must actively rub the damaged area.

Brush with rubber or rubber teeth

You can also find a special brush with rubberized bristles on sale. The principle of its operation is reminiscent of using an eraser.

Many such devices are additionally equipped with a soft brush on the opposite side, which allows you to delicately remove grains of dirt.

Crepe brush

Over time, suede begins to become shiny from exposure to moisture. To avoid this phenomenon, you must regularly use a crepe brush. It gently lifts the fibers, so that the surface regains its original appearance.

Compact brush with eraser

This product should be purchased and put in your purse just in case. Having the device at hand will allow you to get rid of contamination immediately, without waiting for you to return home.

With such a brush you can effortlessly renew the top layer and give it a characteristic velvety feel.

Office shoe shine machines

If funds allow and you have more than one pair of suede shoes in your wardrobe, it makes sense to purchase a special cleaning device.

The process of operating this device is quite simple - as soon as you place your shoes in a special compartment equipped with brushes, the sensor reacts, and cleaning of the product begins, not accompanied by extraneous sounds.

In addition, you can easily use creams that will automatically be distributed in an even layer over the surface.

Important: it is recommended to clean suede only when it is dry. Therefore, if you had to get your shoes pretty wet while walking, wait until the material dries.

Important Tips

Before putting on new suede shoes, treat them with a special protective spray. Use the product according to the season. For winter, autumn and early spring it is better to use water-repellent sprays. They allow the suede to remain dry even on very wet roads. In addition, after the sole and upper material dry, the suede remains beautiful and fleecy. For summer shoes made of special leather, it is better to use dust-repellent compounds. They preserve the brightness of a black product and the freshness of light-colored shoes.

After treating the suede with the spray, let it sit for at least three hours and only then put on your shoes. Renew the spray layers periodically approximately once every 2-3 weeks or as appropriate.

Interesting: How to clean a greasy sofa

Features of cleaning different types of shoes

There is no big difference in the nuances of such care. For example, if you are wondering how to clean suede sneakers, then the answer is simple - the same way as shoes.

The only thing worth considering is that sports shoes have laces, which often differ in color. In this case, the use of purchased drugs may cause a change in the shade of the surface, not for the better. Therefore, it is recommended to remove this part first.

There is no fundamental difference with boots and boots. True, in the case of high shoes, most often problem areas appear in the area of ​​​​the foot and the boot. To avoid contrast, it is worth purchasing a paint that matches the palette, which will help even out the color.

We looked at the main ways to effectively care for suede shoes without leaving home. The main thing is to remember that you should consider regular care of such products as some kind of undeniable ritual. And then your beautiful shoes will last you more than one season.

Ways to clean dark shoes

In order to clean suede from dirt, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of the contamination. This should be done in order to wash the shoes as efficiently as possible and prevent stains from appearing. The easiest way to do this is with dark (black, brown) boots. You can do this job just as easily if colored shoes (red, green, blue, etc.) are dirty.

During the cold season, a large amount of snow falls, which eventually turns into ice. Because of this, people experience a lot of difficulties, slip and fall, receiving injuries of varying severity. To avoid such consequences, utility services sprinkle the paths with a salt mixture, which inevitably ends up on shoes.

This can be done by performing a few simple steps:

  1. After coming home, wet shoes are dried. To do this, stuff the maximum possible amount of paper inside the shoe, which will quickly absorb moisture.
  2. As soon as the boots are dry, remove the largest salt stains from their surface. This is done using a special brush or eraser.
  3. The shoes are then brought to a pan of boiling water and kept over the hot steam for several minutes.
  4. After steaming, prepare a soap solution and apply it to the contaminated surface.
  5. The resulting foam is carefully removed with an ordinary sponge.
  6. Then the pair of shoes is stuffed with paper again and waited for complete drying.
  7. The next step in cleaning suede boots from salt is combing. For these purposes, use a special suede brush.
  8. If the first cleaning did not achieve the desired result, then repeat all the same steps one more time.
  9. At the very end, the shoes are treated with a spray that restores color and improves resistance to moisture.

From greasy stains

Dark suede products often suffer from the appearance of greasy stains. From them, shoes not only lose their attractiveness, but also begin to shine.

To clean shoes or boots, you must do the following:

  1. Contaminated shoes are carefully inspected and all greasy stains are identified.
  2. Then they are sprinkled with potato starch.
  3. Wardrobe items are left in this form for several hours.
  4. After the specified time has passed, the boots are wiped with a soft cloth and cleaned with a rubber brush.
  5. After treating the surface and removing stains, apply a layer of coloring spray. This work should be done outside or in a well-ventilated area.
  6. As soon as it dries, the color restoration procedure is repeated.

The following measures will help eliminate this deficiency:

  1. Take an ordinary glass and pour 100 milliliters of preheated water into it.
  2. The liquid is mixed with 5 tablespoons of vinegar.
  3. Use the resulting solution to gently wipe problem areas on the shoes.
  4. After this, wipe the surface with a damp cloth.
  5. Suede shoes are dried and then steamed to raise the lint.

Removing dirt

When removing dirt from shoes, you should know that it is better to remove dirt from dried suede. To maintain the shape, paper must be placed inside the shoes being cleaned. After cleaning is completed, drying must be done naturally.

  • After the surface of the shoe has completely dried, the dirt must be removed using a stiff brush. The rubber side of the brush is used to lift the fluff.
  • If for any reason glue gets on the shoes being cleaned, it is eliminated with a cloth soaked in gasoline. You can remove the glue this way if it has not yet hardened.

You can use detergent to remove greasy stains. A small amount of detergent is mixed with liquid, stirred until foamy and applied to the dirty area, left for two minutes and removed with a cloth.

Tips for removing salt stains

Salt especially often settles on the surface of shoes in winter, when reagents are used to combat ice. There are several simple ways to remove white stains.

The fastest and most convenient option is to use a special eraser. It can be purchased at a shoe store; in extreme cases, use a clean office eraser. If you don’t have a suitable eraser at home, you can apply soap dissolved in warm water to the stains. Foam will appear on the material; it will definitely need to be removed along with excess moisture.

Another option is steaming using a steam generator.

How and how to clean suede shoes

You can clean suede boots in two ways: traditional (using special products), as well as the folk so-called grandmother’s method (using improvised means).

Purchased funds

Before you make your choice, we will tell you how to clean suede boots using professional cleaning products, but first we will tell you a little about them. So here's what you need to know.


Suede cleaning products are usually presented in the form of:

– foam (quick removal of dirt), – shampoo (for stubborn stains), – cleaner (for light stains), – lotion (delicate cleansing), – eraser (for removing dust and stubborn stains), – shampoo foam (deep cleaning), – stain remover (against stains of glue, chewing gum, etc.).

Price range

The price of professional cleaning products ranges between 180 rubles. and 2500 rub. (depending on volume, type and country of manufacturer).


The most popular are cleaning products for suede, velor and nubuck from the following manufacturers:

– Germany: Salamander professional, Silver, Collonil, Dr. Beckmann, Erdal; – France: Saphir, Avel; – Russia: Salton; – Spain: Tarrago.

Each professional suede cleaning product has instructions for use on the container: follow them strictly - and you will be happy!

Folk remedies

Now that we have told you what professional products can be used to clean suede, let's figure out how to clean suede boots using traditional methods.

Wet cleaning

Method No. 1

Add 1 tsp to a glass of skim milk. soda and stir thoroughly. Dip a piece of clean, coarse cloth (for example, burlap) into the resulting solution and wipe the shoes with it. Afterwards, take a new cloth, soak it in clean water and go over the entire suede surface of the boots again.

Method number 2

In a ratio of 1:4, take water and ammonia, mix thoroughly and, using a piece of clean, coarse cloth soaked in the solution, wipe the shoes. Afterwards, mix glycerin, ammonia and borax in a ratio of 4:4:1, soak a new clean cloth in the resulting solution and wipe the entire surface of the suede boots.

Method number 3

Take a pinch of regular washing powder and stir in warm water. Soak a piece of clean cloth in the solution and wipe the problem areas. Afterwards, wipe with a clean, dry cloth and set to dry.

Method number 4

Brown suede boots can be cleaned using coffee grounds - apply it to problem areas and let dry.

Method number 5

You can get rid of particularly “harmful” contaminants using a water bath - hold the boot over boiling water for a couple of minutes, wipe it dry with a napkin and set it to dry.

Method number 6

A pair of soft sponges, cool water and liquid soap will save suede boots from salt stains: make a weak soap solution, dip one of the sponges into it and wipe the stains. Then take a new dry sponge, blot all the excess moisture with it and set it to dry.

* Never dry your shoes near heat sources: electric heaters or radiators.

* When the suede is dry, rub it thoroughly with a special brush or sponge for suede and treat it with any water-repellent and/or protective agent.

* Remember that after each wet cleaning of suede shoes, you risk that they will shrink, so try not to get them too wet.

Dry cleaning

Method No. 1

If the suede is slightly dirty or just starting to get shiny, take a regular eraser or a piece of hard foam rubber and rub it thoroughly. Remove excess using a special brush or sponge.

Method number 2

If your shoes are heavily soiled and there are greasy or other stains that are difficult to remove, generously sprinkle them with talcum powder and leave for an hour or two. Afterwards, thoroughly treat the suede with a special brush.

Method number 3

If you splash your boots with ordinary road mud, wait until it dries, take a piece of soft or medium-hard foam rubber and walk around - there will be no trace of dust and dirt left!

Method number 4

Rub shiny, greasy areas with a crust of stale bread, and do the rest following the example of method No. 1.

Method number 5

White suede boots will be saved by a mixture of crushed chalk and tooth powder (without impurities) in a 1:1 ratio - rub the problem areas and leave for a couple of hours. Afterwards, thoroughly brush with a brush to clean and care for suede shoes.

Cleaning Rules

To avoid damaging your suede, follow these simple rules:

  • Clean the material dry. Suede is very sensitive to moisture: wet cleaning can cause it to become rough and lose its appearance.
  • If dry methods do not help, then first of all try special or homemade foam products and try not to get the item too wet. When you can’t clean stains with foam, you can use other available products and special cleaners.
  • Do not use harsh chemicals such as chlorine bleaches.
  • If the suede is wet, it must be thoroughly dried before processing.

Features of cleaning white and colored suede

Caring for colored suede has its nuances. If you do not follow the cleaning rules, you can ruin the color of the item: bright shades will fade, and light shades will darken or turn yellow. To prevent this from happening:

  • Use different brushes for cleaning light and black shoes.
  • Choose a product of the same shade as the material: for example, for white things, take tooth powder or starch.
  • Do not use colored cotton rags as they may fade. Clean suede with a microfiber cloth or brush.
  • Test untested products on inconspicuous areas and lining.

Traditional methods

Enterprising people have come up with a large number of folk remedies that help quickly remove any dirt from suede shoes. All of them are very simple and do not require the purchase of expensive materials. This allows them to be used even by people with low incomes.

The most popular folk remedies:

Coffee grounds. With its help, you can remove various stains from products painted black or dark brown. However, it is forbidden to use this product on light suede, as it will only spoil its attractive appearance. To carry out the cleaning process, you need to brew strong coffee and then moisten a sponge in its residue.

Use it carefully to treat dirty areas and leave for a few minutes. After this, the shoes are cleaned with a soft brush, wiped with a damp cloth and dried thoroughly at room temperature.

Bread crumb. This folk method is only suitable for shoes made of light suede. To clean, take a piece of white bread and wipe the dirty areas with it. This must be done as carefully as possible so as not to damage the pile or erase the paint from it. After processing shoes or boots, you need to wipe the surface with a damp cloth. If some of the dirt still remains on the suede, you can repeat the procedure. Powder and soap. For this method of removing dirt, you will need 1 tablespoon of any powder and the same amount of grated soap. Both materials are added to a glass of warm water and then stirred until completely dissolved. A special suede brush is dipped into the resulting solution and used to clean the contaminated surface. As soon as the product is clean, wipe it with a dry cloth and then dry it naturally. An ordinary eraser. With this inexpensive item you can efficiently clean shoes of various shades. To do this, rub the dirty areas with slow movements, and then treat the surface with a damp cloth. Some cleaning product manufacturers offer customers a special eraser that cleans suede wardrobe items. It is much more effective than the school one, but is quite expensive. Because of this feature, it is not used so often and preference is given to a more affordable option.

Cleaning suede is, although simple, quite labor-intensive, which allows you to maintain the attractive appearance of your shoes for a long period.

Ammonia and soap

We take a pharmaceutical ammonia solution, what is called ammonia, and add a little liquid soap. Ammonia is a strong-smelling substance even when diluted in large quantities. The best time to remove grease stains from suede shoes is when there are no household members or pets at home. Either on an open balcony or loggia, closing the doors to the apartment tightly. A respirator and rubber gloves are required!

The resulting mixture should be applied to the stain with a sponge and left for several hours until completely dry.

Then wash everything off with a damp sponge or soft brush. Dry in natural conditions and use a rubber suede brush to go over the entire surface of the shoe, first lifting and then smoothing the pile.

Required Tools

Processing suede requires special tools, since the fleecy material requires special care. It is better to purchase accessories in a specialized store, giving preference to expensive well-known brands, so there will be less risk of damaging delicate suede, while ensuring high-quality cleaning.

Hard brush

Regular shoe or clothing brushes are not very suitable for suede; they can crush the pile, depriving it of its shine. It is better to purchase special brushes that combine hard bristles with metal fibers.

It is convenient to have at your disposal double-sided brushes made from various materials, which make it possible to remove dirt from hard-to-reach places, brush away dust and even out the pile.


It is recommended to process velvety material using special erasers for suede shoes, which are sold in shoe stores. The device allows you to remove different types of dirt and lift the pile. In case of urgent need, you can use a regular office eraser, but for constant use you need to have at your disposal a tool specially designed for shoes.

Crepe brush

The tool is intended for cleaning and lifting the pile of suede shoes. For use only on pre-dried suede. Typically, such brushes combine natural bristles, metal “bristles” and rubber inserts made in the form of a labyrinth. Each detail is used depending on the material from which the shoes are made, its condition and the degree of contamination.


Natural suede is made from animal skin and undergoes a special method of dressing with specialized substances. Faux suede is made from synthetic materials and is not durable.

Suede items can be light, dark or colored. Each color has its own cleaning method.


There are many products that remove stains from light suede fabric and return it to its marketable appearance, and methods for using them:

Before cleaning light suede, you should prepare the surface by gently rubbing it with an eraser or salt. In this case, you should pour salt onto the stained area and rub it with a sponge to separate the crumpled pile. To remove minor stains, you can take a piece of wheat bread and roll it over the area to be treated.

You can sprinkle starch on the stain, wait (30 minutes), and brush off the residue. To remove dirt and dust, you will need: 250 ml of milk, 25 g of soda, a cotton pad, a dry cloth. Directions for use: mix milk and soda. Moisten the disc with the resulting liquid, then wipe the contaminated surface with it. Wipe the cleaned material dry with a napkin.

To instantly wash a stain from the surface, you will need: warm water (250 ml), ammonia (5 ml), hydrogen peroxide, a clean rag, a dry cloth. Directions for use: mix water with ammonia and add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. Soak a cloth in this product and clean the stained surface with it. Wipe the treated area with a dry cloth and place it in fresh air. To get rid of greasy stains, use: teeth cleaning powder or talcum powder, rubber brush, warm water, vinegar solution, dry rag. Directions for use: add powder or talc to water to obtain a consistency like sour cream.

Carefully brush the surface with a brush containing the mixture. After this, wipe with a rag with a solution of vinegar and, after waiting for it to dry, walk over the material with a stiff brush. Toothpaste will help give an even color.

A small amount of paste is applied to the suede surface, allowed to dry completely, after which the remaining product is removed with a brush.


There are several processing rules, the observance of which will return the attractive appearance of colored suede and rid it of stains:

  • A wet suede item should first be dried using crumpled newspaper sheets.
  • Dirt can be scrubbed off with a store-bought brush, or you can use a crust of black bread.
  • The salt remaining from the winter period is removed with a soapy sponge. The resulting foam is removed with a clean cloth.
  • When stains and shiny areas appear, they resort to using a solution prepared from ammonia and water in a ratio of 1 to 3. The resulting product, applied to a soft cloth, wipes the product, and finally removes it with cold water.
  • Chalk or talc will help deal with greasy stains. It is necessary to fill the contaminated area with one of these substances and leave for 60 minutes, then clean the product with a brush. To perform more effective cleaning, you can pour a few drops of ammonia into talc or chalk. Place the resulting mixture on the treated areas, wait until it dries, and clean off at the end.
  • Suede items should be washed occasionally. You should prepare a warm soapy solution, then treat the product with a brush. Rinse quickly with running water and dry, gently straightening.


To tidy up black or brown suede, you can use: coffee, a crust of black bread, sandpaper or sulfur from matchboxes.

To completely remove stains from suede items and give them freshness, apply a little coffee grounds to the item previously cleaned with a brush using a sponge. Allow to dry and remove any remaining mixture with a brush.

A well-tested way to remove dirt from dark suede is to clean the stained area with bread crust or zero-grit sandpaper, combined with matchbox sulfur.

What special products are suitable for suede?

There are many types of professional products on sale for regular care and cleaning of suede: sprays, brushes, paints and cleaners. We'll tell you which ones are effective for raising pile, softening suede and protecting it from moisture.


Typically there are three types.

  • Rubber: lifts the pile without injuring it, and cleans it well from dirt.
  • With rubberized rib: helps remove dirt from seams and hard-to-reach places.
  • Metal. This brush will cope with dust, dry dirt, sand, but it will not be able to clean greasy stains. Use the brush with caution; hard bristles can damage the material.

Suede paint.

The best way to disguise scuff marks. More often the paint is sold in the form of an aerosol and cream. Which one to choose depends on the type of suede: if the pile is short, then an aerosol is better; if the pile is long, cream is better. You can choose a slightly darker shade, then the paint will hide cracks, scratches and white stains.

Foam cleaner.

This is a special product for suede that fights heavy dirt, refreshes the color, and raises the pile. One of the most popular brands producing products is Salton. To treat suede with cleaner, you need to shake a bottle of foam, apply the cleaner evenly and wait a couple of minutes. Remaining product can be removed with a brush.

How to clean nubuck shoes?

The process of cleaning nubuck shoes is divided into three stages:

  • Preparatory (drying);
  • Cleaning (removing stains, dust, dirt);
  • Applying a protective layer.

Before cleaning boots or boots made of nubuck, they must be dried in a well-ventilated area, away from direct heat sources (electric heaters, radiators, fireplaces), after filling them with clean crumpled paper or newspaper so that they do not become deformed. As it gets wet, the paper is changed.

After drying, depending on the type and degree of contamination, proceed to the second stage - cleaning with a rubber brush, eraser or a special product.

If you need to clean your shoes from street dust and dirt, you can use a brush with rubberized bristles on one side to remove dirt from the surface, and wire bristles to fluff up the pile on the other.

A sponge soaked in foamed shampoo-cleaner will help to clean natural nubuck from white stains. After treating the area with foam, remove the residue with a paper towel.

To remove fresh traces of fat from nubuck boots, you need to sprinkle the problem areas with talcum powder, and after 3-4 hours, carefully brush off the remaining talcum powder with a brush.

If there are stains on your boots that are difficult to clean, you can try to deal with them using fine abrasive sandpaper or an eraser. Lightly rub the problem area with paper, and then treat it with a stiff brush.

After each cleaning and drying of shoes, it is recommended to apply a protective layer - water-repellent impregnation. It is sprayed at the distance specified in the instructions. Then the product is dried, allowing the protective film to adhere, and only then put on shoes.

Absorbents: starch, talc, tooth powder

So, our task is to absorb fat with an absorbent and remove residues, both of the dirt itself and of the absorbent powder. What is suitable for this:

  • starch,
  • talc,
  • dentifrice.

Starch is best suited, as it will not leave white marks on either dark or light suede. It perfectly collects dust and dirt. And can be removed by simply shaking it off.

For your information

Light suede shoes can be safely cleaned with chalk powder and talcum powder.


  • heat our absorbent in a frying pan until warm;
  • sprinkle the stain itself;
  • cover the top with toilet paper, napkin or paper towel
  • we press.

If the surface on which the stain appeared is smooth, then you just need to leave the shoes in the room for a couple of hours.

It is necessary that the heated powder melts the fat and absorbs it, and the napkin blots off the excess, preventing greasy marks from getting onto neighboring areas.

If the stain has formed on the bend of a shoe or shoe, you will have to use your imagination. For example, we secured a shoe between stacks of books and secured a napkin with an elastic band. After everything, you will need to turn the shoes over the bath to shake them off and clean them with a soft brush from the powder.

Using a rubber brush, go over the entire surface of the shoe to give the material uniformity. Don't forget to clean the other shoe or shoe too. They should look the same.

How to remove shine from suede?

How to clean suede shoes if they are shiny? There are several options for this!

Method 1 – water vapor

You can rub shiny shoes with a rubber band or hold them over steam - it will lift the pile.

Method 2 - ammonia

  • Mix 2 parts water with 1 part ammonia;
  • Soak a clean swab or gauze in this solution;
  • Wipe problem areas;
  • Wash them with clean water;
  • Treat your shoes with a brush dipped in a light solution of vinegar - 1 tsp per 1 liter of warm water. vinegar essence.

Method 3 – sandpaper

Another good way is to rub the worn area with fine sandpaper. But be very careful not to get too carried away, otherwise you will ruin your shoes!

How can you clean suede?

Quite often, various stains or stains from water appear on suede. To get rid of them and clean your shoes from salt, use our selection of simple but effective recipes.

Recipe 1 - talc and gasoline for greasy stains

  • Moisten the stain with gasoline and sprinkle it with talcum powder;
  • Let the gasoline absorb - to do this, leave the shoes for less than 2 hours;
  • Go over the surface with a stiff brush.

Recipe 2 – vinegar for salt stains

  • Clean the surface of the suede;
  • Soak a brush in vinegar and go over the stains;
  • Wipe the treated area with a soft wet cloth;
  • Dry the shoes completely and apply a water-repellent agent;
  • Wait until it dries and brush again.

Recipe 3 – cleaning foam for stubborn stains

  • Mix a glass of warm water with 2 tbsp. l. ammonia and liquid hand soap (some use washing powder);
  • Shake the mixture until foamy;
  • Dip a soft cloth into it and wipe your suede shoes;
  • Rinse the surface with vinegar water.

Causes of suede contamination

Various problems arise when wearing suede shoes. Many of them depend on the personal characteristics of a person’s gait and his habits.

  • Some people constantly stumble when walking or hit their feet.
  • Wearing jeans on suede can cause abrasions. Chauffeurs are characterized by worn areas on their heels.
  • Poor quality storage racks can also damage your shoes. Due to an ill-thought-out design, the front of the shoe may sink into the board, causing the appearance of the sock to deteriorate.

In winter, suede boots suffer from the reagents that litter the roads. These substances corrode suede and leave salt stains on it.

Specifics of caring for suede products of different colors

This material can be dark, light, colored. Caring for products with different colors varies.

Harmless cleaning of white suede

In this case, you should put more effort using different approaches.

  • Method 1: wiping with a rag using ammonia. While the pair is drying, fill it with white crumpled paper, giving it volume. After drying, treat white shoes with a special brush.
  • Method 2: pre-steam light-colored shoes, clean them with a rubber brush, and dry them.
  • Method 3 (in the presence of persistent contaminants): dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda in a glass of milk. Clean, wipe, dry. To enhance the effect, add hydrogen peroxide.
  • Method 4: using potato starch and talcum powder. Instead of a brush, you can use foam rubber.
  • Method 5: using starch: pour in, leave for half an hour, use a brush. To add shine, apply a sponge with castor oil.

Cleaning brown items

Coffee grounds will help. After applying it, you just need to dry the brown product and remove the remaining dry coffee with a brush.

Black suede

A crust of black dry bread is used. After which you need to remove the remaining crumbs and comb the suede.

Alternatively, fine sandpaper and match sulfur are suitable. When rubbed with carbon paper, the dark color of the surface becomes uniform.

Color restoration

If your black suede shoes have faded, copy paper will help bring them back to their former brightness. Brown suede can be treated with coffee grounds. It is advisable to take shoes of other colors to the workshop.

  • Light suede requires special care when caring.
  • To clean such shoes, it is advisable to create a solution consisting of water, hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.
  • Such shoes should be stored in a special place; you need to prepare a separate brush and sponge for them.

Such a capricious material as suede should be handled as carefully as possible. Under no circumstances should you apply the same products to it as to regular skin.

It is strictly forbidden to wash it in a machine or soak it in water. Avoid harsh metal brushes and aggressive chemical cleaning agents.

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