How and with what to clean light suede at home

Suede shoes have always been popular and in demand. She was at the peak of fashion at all times and was loved for her excellent performance qualities. Suede has a presentable appearance, but the slightest dirt spoils its attractiveness. It is especially difficult to keep suede shoes clean in the spring and autumn, when there is dirt, puddles, and sand on the roads and sidewalks, which is used to sprinkle the asphalt during icy conditions. You should know how to clean light suede and how to do it correctly so that beautiful suede boots or light shoes do not lose their original appearance.

Special brush

The most obvious answer to the question of how to clean light suede shoes is a special brush that can be bought at any shoe store! The brush is equipped with dense bristles that remove dust and dirt and thoroughly clean the most inaccessible places.

  • Gently brush the entire surface of light-colored suede shoes;
  • Shake off any remaining dust with a dry cloth;
  • Apply a special protective impregnation to your boots or shoes.

Of course, this is not the only option available - below we describe in detail how to clean white suede using improvised means.

Additional Tips

Suede winter shoes have now become especially popular: in stores you can find products for every taste and at different prices. Every year the assortment grows: boots, shoes, boots, sandals, uggs.

Over time, leather items may become dull, but that doesn't mean it's time to say goodbye to them. Specialized shoe stores sell coloring aerosols that return a rich shade to suede.

High-quality suede items always attract the attention of others, but they also require special care and respect. Do not wear shoes in wet weather: suede reacts poorly to water. Follow the rules for storing and cleaning your products at home, and they will delight you with their excellent appearance for many years.


A small stain or scratch on light suede shoes can be cleaned with a simple eraser. You don't even have to strain - just gently rub the desired area, shake off any remaining shavings and enjoy the result.

It is better to choose a white eraser that does not have fragrances or patterns, so that you can clean your shoes without taking any risks!

Features of using dry cleaning services

Household services use special technologies. With their help, scratches are eliminated, minor deformations are corrected, the color of the pile is restored, and foreign particles are removed from it. Dry cleaning is carried out using modern equipment using organic reagents.

Household service performs:

  • restoration of the shape of shoes lost during wear;
  • restoration of suede shades by dyeing;
  • treating velvet leather with a water-repellent compound that is invisible to the eye;
  • elimination of unpleasant odors through disinfection;
  • recovery (restoration) of the fatty base of natural leather.

The quality of professional cleaning of suede shoes is superior to that of self-removal of defects. Efficiency is achieved through the use of modern materials and technologies, and highly qualified specialists.

Suede boots

Hydrogen peroxide

You should know that you cannot clean light suede products under water - high humidity negatively affects the condition of the material. However, you can gently wash and clean your boots or sandals with hydrogen peroxide - a good method if you need to remove traces of oil, wine or dirt.

  • Mix water with peroxide in a ratio of five to one;
  • Wet a cotton or gauze swab and walk over the surface;
  • Wipe light suede shoes with a damp cloth and leave to dry.

Let us remind you that drying is carried out away from the radiator or radiator, avoid sunlight. A dry, dark place with good ventilation is best.

Caring for white suede is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance! After all, there are a lot of available products around that will help clean the surface and get rid of unpleasant contaminants.

Here you will find out - is it possible to wash suede sneakers?

Wet cleaning method

If the dirt is very large or dry cleaning does not bring the desired effect, methods using liquids are used.

  1. Protein stains (from eggs, milk, ice cream) can be removed with warm water. It is necessary to rinse the stain with clean water, after which the shoes should be dried and treated with a brush or dry crust of bread.

  2. Spilled wine stains can be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide. To do this, take 5 tablespoons of water and 1 tablespoon of peroxide. Soak a cotton swab or sponge in this solution, squeeze well and treat the product. After this, wipe the treated area with a damp cloth and leave to dry. The pile can be fluffed with fine sandpaper or an eraser.
  3. White stains from salt can be removed with vinegar. To begin with, the shoes should be brushed to remove dust. Then you need to wet a soft flannel cloth with vinegar and treat the stained area. Then wipe the shoes with a dry towel and dry.

Bread crumb

You will be surprised, but one way to clean light suede is to use bread crumbs. Carefully cut a piece and proceed:

  • Start rubbing the damaged area, rolling the crumb;
  • The bread will absorb grease or dirt;
  • Walk over the surface of light suede shoes several times until the marks disappear;
  • Wipe off any remaining residue with a dry cloth!

Of course, to clean your shoes, you should use white bread - if you take a dark variety, unpleasant spots may appear on a light background.

How to remove salt marks on winter suede shoes

Suede is often used to make winter and demi-season shoes. These are beautiful boots and comfortable UGG boots. But in winter, as you know, roads are sprinkled with salt and chemicals that negatively affect shoes. Such reagents reduce the temperature of the water, causing ice and snow to melt.

But such treatment with chemicals negatively affects the condition of the shoes. Salt corrodes both natural and artificial materials. In addition, it leads to the appearance of unsightly spots and streaks.

In this case, after going outside, shoes are lightly washed with a damp cloth soaked in warm water. Then you need to wipe the stained areas with paper napkins or toilet paper and put the shoes or boots to dry.

During the drying process, salt will appear on the surface, which will immediately be absorbed into the napkin or paper and remain there. And after such drying, the shoes will remain clean without salt and white streaks or stains. Alternatively, you can use the methods given above. You can read in detail how to clean your UGG boots here.

Milk and soda

This folk remedy for cleaning light suede shows excellent results! Milk allows you to soften the fabric without streaks, and soda is needed to clean and absorb traces of dirt. Let's try to put the method into practice?

To properly clean light suede shoes with a folk remedy, you need to:

  • Heat the milk a little - one glass is enough;
  • Thoroughly dissolve a teaspoon of soda - stir so that no lumps remain;
  • Soak a cotton or gauze swab in the solution;
  • Try cleaning the dirt on your shoe;
  • Wash off any remaining product with a damp cloth;
  • Leave the light suede pair to dry naturally.

We talked about how to clean nubuck in another article.

Do you agree, it’s easy and simple? There is another folk method that allows you to clean dirt from light suede shoes! Shall we try it?


Ammonia is a powerful remedy that allows you to clean light suede from strong old dirt. There are two simple recipes that we will look at in detail right now!

Method one:

  • Make a solution of one part ammonia and four parts clean water;
  • Wet a sponge or cotton swab and gently rub the damaged areas on the surface of a light-colored boot;
  • Wipe suede shoes with a damp cloth (you can moisten it with a weak solution of vinegar);
  • Then wipe the surface with a dry, soft, lint-free cloth and leave to dry.

To enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of liquid detergent to the ammonia solution! This product will help remove ink stains, oil stains or greasy stains on suede shoes.

Second way:

  • Mix ammonia with starches in equal proportions;
  • Apply the resulting mixture onto your sandals with a soft sponge;
  • Leave for a few minutes, and then try to gently wash off the dirt with a sponge;
  • Dry the remaining pulp and clean it off with an eraser or a special brush.

Don't have ammonia on hand? Let's talk about how to clean light suede on shoes at home with more affordable means!

Read what eco-leather for clothes is - now it is at the peak of popularity.

How to remove serious stains

If the stains are very old, then steam will help revive the suede. To do this, hold your shoes over a pan of boiling water. It is important to ensure that the pile does not become too wet. After this, the suede is treated with a brush.

Another effective method is ammonia. To do this, you need to take an equal amount of starch and ammonia and mix until it becomes mushy. Apply this mixture to the stain and wait until it dries completely. Clean off any remaining product with a stiff brush.

How to bleach yellowed suede

To whiten suede that has lost its original appearance, you should take 1 teaspoon each of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Stir the resulting mixture in a glass of slightly warmed water. Treat the surface of suede shoes and leave until completely dry. After this, the surface must be rubbed with fine sandpaper or an eraser.

Suede shoes will last a long time and will not lose their attractiveness if you pay enough attention to them and follow simple rules: do not wear shoes in rain and slush, clean only when completely dry, remove stains immediately, not allowing them to become old.

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Soap solution

Another answer to the question of how and what to clean light suede shoes at home - a simple soap solution!

  • Dissolve shavings of laundry soap or a handful of washing powder in water;
  • Add a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide;
  • Dampen a sponge or soft brush and scrub the damaged area of ​​a light-colored suede shoe;
  • Dry the surface with a fleece or flannel rag.

This method helps remove oil stains and dirty marks in just a few minutes!

General rules for caring for suede

Suede can be natural or artificial. It has a fine-haired surface, and due to this structure it quickly and deeply absorbs dirt. Let's consider general recommendations for caring for this matter:

  • After purchasing a suede product, it is advisable to immediately treat it with a water-repellent spray, especially if it is shoes. Such sprays can easily be found in shoe stores and hypermarkets.
  • It is not recommended to wear suede outerwear and shoes in rainy weather. The material has the ability to absorb moisture and swell, and it takes a very long time to dry.
  • If possible, it is better to clean suede items using dry methods.
  • To care for products, there are special products specifically for suede. Sprays and creams for regular skin cannot be used on this material.
  • Fleecy fabric quickly absorbs dust, so such products are stored in covers, boxes, and bags.
  • Over time, suede fades and loses color, but this is not a reason to throw away the item. Special dyes for this material are sold in stores. Thanks to them, you can easily return the original shade of the product.


And finally, we’ll discuss how to clean light suede shoes with vinegar! Surely you will find it in your kitchen? We advise you to take a weak solution and discard the essence, otherwise you may ruin the material.

  • Mix clean water with vinegar in a five to one ratio;
  • Dip a sponge into the liquid and rub the area where dirt has accumulated on light-colored shoes;
  • Dry the surface with a soft cloth and leave to dry naturally.

Bookmark our article so you don’t forget about how to care for light suede shoes! Several proven folk remedies will help maintain the beauty and cleanliness of a light suede product - you will wear shoes and boots for more than one season. See what moleskin fabric is in the following review.

Which is better, suede or nubuck?

Suede is one of the most expensive types of polished leather. It is made from the skins of large animals. During the production process, these raw materials are processed by fat tanning; as a result, the fabric is thin and velvety, with a high and soft pile.

Nubuck is also made from the skins of large horned animals. When making them, the chrome tanning method is used, and grinding is done using fine abrasive materials. As a result, the fibers are short, and the material does not stretch as well as suede.

Expert opinion

Irina. Housewife.

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This is cheaper leather, and often unscrupulous sellers pass it off as suede.




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