Interior doors made of veneer: care features and rules of use

Despite the fairly high price, plywood doors are very popular. The door leaf, covered with veneer, imitates the structure of wood, preserving its texture and color, depending on the production technology.
Veneer is a thin sheet of wood obtained by sawing large diameter wood into thin sheets 0.1–0.5 mm thick.

The cut plates are collected together in the order in which they were removed from the trunk. This ensures that the pattern of the rings will maintain its continuity and consistent shade. Veneered doors are very similar to doors made of natural wood, and it will be difficult for non-professionals to distinguish them from each other.

The trees from which the veneer is cut are fast-growing species, usually found on special plantations, making veneer an environmentally friendly product.

For its production, some of the local wood species are used, as well as exotic species, which have recently been increasingly used in the arrangement of houses and apartments, thanks to much better parameters.

After drying, the veneer is treated with a special dye to diversify the surface structure and expand the range of colors. The paint contains substances specifically intended for coloring wooden products.

Veneer can be natural or modified. Natural veneer preserves the original grain of the wood, and the technological processing process eliminates its natural defects.

Natural veneer is very popular among wood lovers for its unique character.

A more durable and environmentally friendly alternative to solid wood, it works well in both traditional and more modern interiors.

What is an undeniable value for some may be a significant drawback for others. Therefore, a distinctive feature of natural veneer, such as the unevenness of the pattern (along with its possible defects), is both an advantage and a disadvantage of this material.

Advantages of natural veneer:

  • unique ring pattern;
  • excellent durability and strength (exceeding the parameters of solid wood);
  • resistance to deformation;
  • visible irregularities and natural defects (knots, discoloration, etc.).

Disadvantages of natural veneer:

  • color changes due to sunlight and other environmental factors;
  • limited choice of colors;
  • visible irregularities and natural defects (knots, discoloration, etc.).

Modified veneer is also made from 100% natural wood (usually from exotic species), but a special technology guarantees a perfectly even shade and texture. Trees grown on African plantations are used, mainly from Côte d'Ivoire or Guinea.

To obtain veneer, wood is cut into slabs. All natural wood imperfections, such as discoloration or voids caused by insects, are removed. The sheets are painted and glued into blocks. Then they are folded and pressed.

Technological intervention in wood allows you to obtain the ideal shade and structure.

This veneer has a repeating pattern, but is more durable than natural veneer. Some, however, prefer natural veneers to an ideal composition that allows them to enjoy the uniqueness of real wood.

Advantages of modified veneer:

  • does not change color under the influence of sunlight and other environmental factors;
  • almost unlimited color possibilities (thanks to the possibilities of factory tinting);
  • high durability and strength exceeding the parameters of solid wood;
  • increased resistance to mechanical damage;
  • repeatability and predictability of the pattern (both in structure and color).

Disadvantages of modified veneer: repeatability and predictability of grain pattern (both in structure and color).


Internal doors can be lined with wood from a variety of wood species - for example, ash, oak, birch, walnut or larch. This type of door often replaces solid wooden doors without compromising their dignity and elegance. A variety of door colors and designs (available in full and glazed versions) make them the perfect complement to any interior design.


Veneered furniture requires the same care as wooden surfaces. Therefore, they should be cleaned with a soft cloth (such as flannel) moistened with warm water. In case of very large and persistent stains, you can use a small amount of soap (preferably natural, without adding lotions or alcohol).

It is not necessary to wipe down the door every day. Once a month, lubricate the door with a polish that contains wax to form a protective film on the surface of the product. This not only improves its appearance, but also prevents dust from getting into small cracks.

Make sure that the door is not exposed to direct sunlight. Veneer, even when exposed to high quality waterproof varnish, tends to lose its color in the sun.

When caring for a veneer door, you should strictly avoid:

  • all types of detergents;
  • alcohol, because its use (even once) deprives the veneer of shine;
  • wood or laminate care products that can damage the veneer structure;
  • polishing agents that leave persistent marks and streaks on the cladding;
  • aggressive substances such as vinegar or ammonia, which can damage the impregnation layer;
  • polishes for polishing furniture to a shine;
  • gels and lotions, the use of which is associated with the risk of creating permanent marks;
  • hot water or steam, which can cause the veneer to peel off;
  • rough sponges and rags designed to remove heavy dirt, as they can damage the veneer surface and leave permanent, unsightly marks on it.

To restore old veneer furniture to its former glory, always use products strictly designed for caring for veneer surfaces.

Types of scratches on interior doors and methods of elimination

The most common damage to interior doors is the appearance of scratches on their surface. Such scratches are divided into two types:

  1. Not reaching the door structure.
  2. Deep scratches - they capture the structure.

If the damage is shallow, you can deal with it using a retouching polish or special varnish.

If the depth of the existing scratch exceeds 2 mm, then using a wax pencil or polish will not work. If the coating is veneered, then it will have to be completely replaced or a patch applied.

If the scratch has damaged the structure of the wood, then a wax pencil is suitable, which must be selected to match the tone of the door covering.


Veneer is sensitive to all types of liquids. Therefore, cleaning these types of doors is a challenging task. However, it is enough to know a few rules so as not to harm them.

  • First of all, avoid contact of the veneer with large amounts of water. When cleaning doors, use soft cloths that are only slightly damp.
  • You can add a mild detergent to the water, but it is safer to use products designed for cleaning veneer surfaces. Do not use strong detergents, especially sprays - they leave permanent stains on the surface. Liquids intended for cleaning wooden floors are also not suitable, as they require copious rinsing with water.
  • Wash the surface using circular movements. Make sure that water does not flow down it. Then wipe off any remaining water with a dry cloth.
  • Remember to be careful when mopping the floors - make sure the wet mop does not touch the bottom edge of the door. This could cause serious damage to her.
  • How you clean veneer doors is also important. There should be smooth, circular movements. Wipe the surface very carefully to avoid damage. Then you need to thoroughly wipe the door with a dry cloth. It is important that no water remains on it.

How to care for doors made of plastic and artificial turf

Plastic doors are not so whimsical and ordinary detergents are used for their care: the well-known “Fairy”, laundry soap. Using a soft sponge and warm soap solution, remove all dirt from the door leaf, after which the surface is wiped with a soft, dry cloth. Acetone and alcohol containing solutions are not allowed.

The sensitivity of doors coated with film, laminate and other artificial materials to impact and mechanical damage is significantly lower than that of natural analogues. Such doors are resistant to sudden changes in temperature and moisture content in the air. All detergents listed above plus a polish intended for plastic are acceptable.

Particular attention should be paid to insulating doors from contact with chemically active substances during repair work. This will eliminate the appearance of defects in the form of stains and disruption of the structure of the finishing coating. Soapy solution is the first remedy when accidental splashes of construction solutions come into contact.


Veneered surfaces should not be exposed to moisture and high temperatures. Interior doors will last longer if you maintain a temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius and a humidity of no more than 60%. Usually such conditions exist in apartments.

  • They must be isolated from all heating appliances, such as radiators or fireplaces.
  • To protect the material from fading, it is worth limiting the veneer from prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
  • Veneered furniture should also be protected from scratches - do not use sharp rags or sponges, and also be careful with the sharp edges of the objects you use.

When assembling the door, pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations. The warranty applies only to equipment used for its intended purpose. For example, standard doors cannot be installed in a room such as a sauna, but they are well suited for a bathroom. All you need to do is provide adequate ventilation.

Wax for furniture restoration

An inexpensive all-purpose product that can be purchased at a hardware store. Using furniture wax you can quickly and effectively remove small chips and scratches. The product allows you to effectively eliminate existing abrasions and defects. Furniture wax is used by professionals when carrying out cosmetic repairs or when restoring furniture with dents and chips. There are two types of wax: hard and soft. The rules for using this product depend on its consistency.

  • More expensive is hard wax. This is a professional tool used by furniture assemblers, so working with it will require compliance with some rules. But if you get used to it, you can completely disguise even a deep scratch. Hard wax is melted before use and then carefully applied to the damaged areas and the area around them. The product must be allowed to dry for about a minute so that it hardens completely, after which the surface is sanded.
  • Soft wax is applied to the chip or rubbed into the damaged area to fill the scratch. Excess product is removed with an old plastic card or scraper, and the used product is allowed to dry completely. After this, the damaged area is polished to a shine.


Veneered products indoors are exposed to moisture only in special cases.

However, the use of veneer on external surfaces requires special protective measures to improve water resistance. Therefore, the plates are usually treated with special solutions that glue the cellulose fibers together. Subsequent pressing of layers of material results in the surface becoming resistant to moisture.


  • Light . Lately, light-colored veneers have become quite popular. This is due not only to the fact that they fit most interiors, but also to their easy maintenance. On its surface, small scratches are not so noticeable. But this is not a reason to stop caring for the door. It should be wiped once a week. To remove old dirt, the following product will help: 3 tsp. Melt the wax granules, add 150 ml of soybean oil. Mix everything well. Using a soft cloth, gently wipe the contaminated areas.
  • Dark . Contrary to popular belief that dark surfaces do not get very dirty, this is not the case. In addition, oil stains are clearly visible on a dark surface. But there is a way out! Melt half a teaspoon of wax granules, add 4 tsp. soybean oil, 1 tsp. lanolin and turpentine. Mix everything thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to a soft cloth and wipe the greasy areas on the door.


In the event of an incident, such as paint chipping or solvent damage, spray varnish should be used. In case of minor damage, the spray will cover all minor scratches, thereby preventing moisture from entering the veneer, which means it will protect against deformation.

If there are deep scratches or cracks, you will need to remove the door from its hinges. After this, place it on a horizontal surface and use a pipette to fill the crack with varnish. Since even specialists cannot accurately determine the correct shade, it is better not to risk it and use a colorless varnish.

The color of the door depends on the color of the veneer itself, and not on what kind of varnish coating is applied to it.

To repaint a veneered door, you need to remove the canvas from the awnings, prepare the surface for painting, eliminating all defects. It is best to paint the entire area with a roller rather than a brush, otherwise streaks will be visible. The brush can only be used on the ends of the product.

Depending on the need, painting can be carried out in several layers, only if the previous layer has completely dried. This can take from 2 hours to 2 days, depending on the properties and composition of the coloring material.

The procedure for applying the next layer must also be carried out in different directions so that after drying, stripes and gaps do not appear on the surface.

For example, the first layer is vertical, the second horizontal. When renewing the varnish, the main thing is not to overdo it - the product applied should be a thin layer.


Scratches, cracks and abrasions on the surface of the veneer coating can be restored at home. However, only doors finished with natural wood veneer can be restored.

To restore minor defects, a special wax pencil is used; its color is matched to the shade of the veneer coating. You need to tear off a small piece from the pencil, knead it in your hands and distribute it evenly over the damaged area. Excess wax mass is wiped off with a soft cloth.

Another way to eliminate a defect is to fill the crack or scratch with special liquid wax. The damaged area must first be cleaned of dust and dirt, and then treated with fine-grained sandpaper. Next, you need to apply preheated wax and remove excess with a rag.

To repair serious damage to natural wood veneer, it is best to turn to professionals. They will prepare special “patches” that match the coating in color and texture, and glue them to the area being repaired. If the canvas has deep cracks and chips, the master will first seal them with wood putty.

Gluing the canvas

Swelling often occurs when veneered doors are used in conditions of high humidity, when the room is flooded, as well as when installed in places with sudden temperature changes or as a result of improper cladding.

But you can eliminate this trouble yourself. The main thing is to choose the right finishing option for your surface. There are differences in this case.

If the veneer door has an unpainted surface, it is easy to remove air bubbles. It is advisable to remove the canvas from the awnings, especially if the convex area is large.

Soak a damp cloth in clean water, wring it out and apply to the bulge for 10-15 minutes. After the veneer absorbs moisture, it will become softer. Next, you need to press the protruding surface with a hot iron. The varnish, soaked and pressed with a hot iron, automatically takes the correct shape.

During ironing, it is necessary to use a spacer between the veneer and the iron to avoid burning the stored product. These can be ordinary cotton, undyed rags. Unfortunately, you cannot iron a door made of environmentally friendly veneer, the surface of which is covered with polypropylene film.

If your veneer door is varnished, using a hot iron is strictly prohibited. In this case, the gluing method corrects the situation. In this case, the initial stage of wetting the veneer with a damp cloth for 10-15 minutes is also used. Next, add PVA glue under the veneer using a medical syringe. The swollen area filled with glue must be immediately pressed with a weight for 1-2 days.

Gluing is excellent for both natural and artificial veneer.

Characteristics of wood veneer

Veneer is thin wood sheets 0.1-10 mm thick, which are made from various types of wood and glued onto panels. The sheets are mainly used for finishing modular furniture made of MDF and LSP or for doors.

Sometimes the floor is also finished with veneer, because for many, luxury parquet or laminate floors are unaffordable. By the way, read here how to clean laminate and parquet without harming the material.

Veneer is made from walnut, oak, mahogany, cherry and other luxury woods. The top of the sheet must be coated with a protective varnish.

As a result, the polished surface of eco-veneer looks and feels like solid wood, products from which are much more expensive. Veneered doors and furniture are distinguished by their availability, wide choice of models and colors.

If the items are veneered with high quality and well, and reliable materials and professional equipment were used in the manufacture of the items, the production technology was followed, they will last a long time.

Furniture, floors and doors made of veneer will help create a cozy atmosphere, a rich and luxurious atmosphere in the house and spend minimal money.


Door cleaning and related maintenance should be carried out fairly regularly and systematically. Cosmetic and regenerative procedures, when it comes to veneer doors, should be carried out every 2-3 weeks, and even more often if they are dirty.

It should be remembered that door maintenance should be focused not only on the door leaf and frame. No less important is the care of the fittings, without which all door mechanics will begin to fail. To be sure that everything will work without problems, you need to lubricate the hinges with a preparation that will prevent friction and protect against corrosion.

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