Polishing a watch glass: a step-by-step guide on how to polish and remove scratches from a watch glass yourself

In this article:

  1. How to polish a watch case at home
  2. Professional and improvised means for polishing watch glass
  3. Step-by-step instructions for polishing watch glass and removing scratches
  4. Polishing a watch bracelet
  5. Why is it better to leave watch polishing to specialists?

How to polish a watch, and why is it even necessary? It's no secret that even if you handle the accessory with the utmost care, over time, scratches and abrasions will appear on it in any case. And this, as they say, is “not comme il faut.”

As for the answer to the first question, there are, in fact, only two options: polish the watch yourself or seek help from a workshop. Here everyone decides for themselves. But if you love working with your hands or don't want to part with your chronometer even for a moment, follow the tips below.

A little history

The first mention of a clock dates back to the end of the 16th century. Back then they were called bracelets. The first such product was presented to Queen Elizabeth 1 of England. This watch cost a fortune, as it was decorated with diamonds and a scattering of pearls.

For a very long time, only the upper strata of the population could afford them. Moreover, the product was worn exclusively by women until the beginning of the 20th century.

Then cheaper alloys began to be used to make watches. And the accessory has become ubiquitous. Every person could afford its cheap analogue. So, thanks to Robert Dudley, watches have not gone out of fashion for more than four centuries.

Medium scratches

It is easier to scratch the watch to a minimum - medium depth during everyday wear. In such situations, the product will be polished without unnecessary effort. Use a fine-grained abrasive, a piece of leather or felt.

  1. The glass part needs to be removed. Then it is cleaned of dirt using microfiber.
  2. Microfiber is moistened with water. Apply a small amount of GOI No. 3 and polish with wave-like movements. As defects are eliminated, the abrasive is changed to No. 2 and No. 1.
  3. The surface will become matte. Now the abrasive composition is washed off. The surface is wiped with dry microfiber. Apply tooth powder and continue polishing with a damp cloth.
  4. After completing the work, wipe the material again until dry and insert it into the watch case.

What is watch polishing

This work will not take much time, but will improve the appearance of the watch, up to a new condition. The main thing before this activity is to be aware of what glass is made of. As a rule, two materials are used for this - mineral and organic matter.

  • The first option is used to make glass surfaces in watches for more expensive models.
  • The second one is the opposite, for making cheap watches.

Various products can be used to polish glass. It depends on the quality of the glass surface. Expensive watches with glass require a grinding machine; cheaper ones can be cleaned with regular toothpaste or fine-grained sandpaper.


The material being processed is taken into account. The characteristics determine the effectiveness of processing the product and restoring its original state.


It is easier to process organic models, as they are resistant to external factors. Working with natural glass will require greater care. When processing sapphire models, they are very careful, since such glass often cracks when interacting with hard surfaces.

How to polish a watch

Before starting the procedure, it is advised to remove the glass from the device (this will make it more convenient to carry out polishing work). If this is not possible, then remove the strap. The device is then placed on a flat surface.

This is a mandatory condition, because when using a grinding machine, the watch can be damaged if it is at an angle.

  • A soft cloth is also used for work, which will help remove traces of activity.
  • Polishing, regardless of method, takes an average of 20 minutes.
  • If this is not enough, the procedure is repeated again.

Contacting specialists

If the watch is expensive or the scratch on it is deep, then it is better to entrust it to professionals.
The final cost consists of several factors. The cleaning method and type of material play a decisive role. Approximate prices:

  • plastic polishing – 1300 rubles;
  • cleaning of mineral glass – 1000 rubles;
  • cleaning the sapphire base – from 1500 rubles.

The cost of the service must be clarified on the spot, after inspection of the product by a specialist. You can find a specialist by looking at an ad on the Internet. Before leaving your watch in the workshop, you need to study the reviews of customers who have already used the service of this organization.

Watch polishes

As noted above, many substances are used to perform this activity. Including the latest generation.

Cape Cod Napkins

The product is made in the USA. They are reusable. Suitable not only for glass sheet, but also alloy (strap, glass circumference). They have a pleasant vanilla scent, but are treated with a caustic substance that can damage the skin of your hands. Therefore, it is better to use napkins with gloves.

It will take 10 minutes to put the watch in order and the product will again amaze with its beautiful appearance.

Paste GOI

The substance has been developed in many varieties and is used not only for polishing watches. And classified according to its use. For example, for minor scratches, purchase product number 3, for deeper flaws, number 4.

The product does not require significant effort or knowledge to use. It's quite simple.

  • The paste is applied using a soft cloth or cotton pad. And they begin to smear the substance in a circle, making polishing movements for 5-7 minutes.
  • After this, the surface of the glass is treated with a special oil. Apply a couple of drops, rubbing in circular movements until the glass becomes transparent.
  • If a residue of any of the solutions used is detected, remove it with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol.

For the subsequent procedure, in order to completely remove the defects, it is recommended to use pastes numbered 1 and 2.


This substance is somewhat similar to the above-mentioned counterpart, but has a less significant result and low cost. To polish glass, it is recommended to use a paste of good quality and without granules. You can also use tooth powder, which is diluted with water and cleans the glass sheet well.

Toothpaste does the job well and is used in the following order:

  1. Apply the substance to the surface of the glass. Smear it with circular movements, using almost no force. Otherwise, the device may be damaged;
  2. After this, remove the paste with a damp cloth. Here you need to squeeze it out carefully so that water does not get into the device itself;
  3. The final stage is to see whether the procedure needs to be repeated. If yes, then they start in a new circle.

Important! Before polishing, even the slightest dirt is removed from the watch glass, otherwise it can lead to the formation of new scratches.


If the watch has thick and deep scratches, then you need to use sandpaper. It has the same advantages as the grinding device. But it differs in that it can be used anywhere, regardless of the presence of an electrical outlet.

Even a beginner can handle such a canvas. To polish, you need to make circular movements with the abrasive cloth for 5 minutes. The next step is to remove any remaining work with a dry or slightly damp cloth, slightly polishing the surface with mineral oil.

Important! This method is suitable for thick and strong glass. For thinner fabrics, leather or felt is used.


It is a natural material that, when combined with paste No. 1 or 2, gives a delightful result.

Work steps:

  1. To begin with, pull out the glass; if this is not possible, apply masking tape around it;
  2. Apply the paste using a slightly damp microfiber, starting to rub it in in a circular motion. Do this until a matte glass surface is formed;
  3. Wash off the surface with a damp cloth, drying the glass with a clean material. If necessary, polish with toothpaste (the method is indicated above).

These simple and at the same time affordable tools will help you do this work yourself using a minimum of funds.

Removing scratches from the case and bracelet of a watch

It is worth warning right away that if it was not possible to avoid deep scratches and chips on a case made of gold, coated with precious metals, a protective special coating or with a satin (matte surface), then you will have to contact the service for professional polishing of the coating - amateur attempts to eliminate these defects can ruin the watch.

Scratches on the watch case

You can polish a wristwatch or a stainless steel metal bracelet yourself, which will require a little time , patience and materials that can be easily purchased in specialized stores.

Photo of perfect watch glass polishing

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