11 ways to easily remove scratches and abrasions from glass

Glass is particularly popular in industry. It is used to make handmade products for decorating home interiors, stained glass windows, aquarium bodies, and various household appliances. The only disadvantage of the material is its fragility, because it is susceptible to even the slightest damage and chips. Therefore, glass objects require attention and especially careful care. Learn how to remove scratches at home with tips and detailed videos.

How to get rid of scratches on glass at home

You can try to get rid of small and minor scratches at home yourself. We have selected several methods and told you how to use them.

Remember that all work must be done extremely carefully, because any scratch can turn into a crack or chip.

How to remove scratches from glass with toothpaste

Using toothpaste can remove minor scratches. Use the simplest, white one, without additional abrasive particles and dyes. Toothpaste with a gel texture will not work.


  • Apply a small amount of paste to a cotton pad;;
  • treat the glass surface with smooth circular movements;
  • Remove any remaining paste with a dry paper towel.
  • If necessary, repeat all steps 4-5 times.

Vegetable oil

This method will only mask minor scratches. Apply a couple of drops of vegetable oil to a cotton pad and rub into the surface of the glass. Then polish the glass with a dry paper towel.

Baking soda or talc

A paste is prepared from soda and water, quite thick, with the consistency of village sour cream. The amount of ingredients is taken based on the area of ​​damage. The paste of baking soda and water should be completely homogeneous, without lumps.

A small amount of the prepared paste is applied to a finger wrapped in a piece of gauze and rubbed into the damaged area for 30 seconds. Remains of soda or talc are washed off with warm water, and the glass is wiped dry with a soft cloth.

Clear nail polish

Even deep scratches can be masked with clear nail polish.

Degrease the glass surface with acetone or nail polish remover. Apply clear varnish to the scratch using a brush and let dry.

Excess varnish can be removed with a cotton swab dipped in acetone or using a rubber spatula while the varnish is still wet.


To mask scratches on glass, a walnut kernel is used. The damaged area is rubbed with a broken walnut, then polished with a soft cloth.

Dry mustard with vinegar

A thick paste is prepared from vinegar and dry mustard powder. Ready-made mustard is not suitable for these purposes. Using a soft cloth, apply the composition to the glass and polish. Remove any remaining mustard with a dry paper towel.

This method can be used if the above did not help.


There are a lot of tips online on how to remove scratches from glass using sandpaper. But this method can hardly be called adequate. The surface of even the finest-grained sandpaper is too rough and rough and will cause an additional mass of micro-scratches and micro-cracks. WE DO NOT RECOMMEND!

Mechanical method

The cheapest method that does not require any additional resources from the owner of the glass. The tools for its implementation are always at hand. The paint removal process does not consist of complex actions that require special skills or dexterity.

You will need:

  • prepare a minimum set of tools;
  • treat the surface stained with paint;
  • follow directions exactly.

The downside of this method is that it takes time to implement.

Surface treatment

To remove paint stains that have stained your window opening, you must:

  • treat the area of ​​contamination with a degreasing liquid;
  • moisten a piece of cloth with hot water;
  • fix it on the stain;
  • wait 10-15 minutes until the hot water softens the stain.

What you might need

While the stain is soaking under the influence of hot water, prepare any item from the following list:

  • knife;
  • razor;
  • metal scraper.

They are equally effective against paint stains, and the only condition they must meet is that the cutting edge is sharp. A blunt product will not help solve the problem and may damage the glass, leaving scratches on it.


When choosing a knife to remove dirt from a glass surface, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • the blade should not be too long, otherwise it will be inconvenient to work with;
  • The more flexible the knife, the more convenient it is to peel off the paint.

Experienced builders recommend using a utility knife for these purposes. Its blade is quite flexible and easily adjustable in length.


The razor acts as an analogue to a stationery knife, removing dried paint streaks with the same result. You must work with the razor carefully so as not to break the blade during cleaning.

Metal scraper

If you don’t have a suitable knife or razor at home, use a metal scraper. If you are renovating an apartment, such a thing should always be at hand. The scraper is less convenient than the above products, but with proper skill, it will provide similar results.

Technology of work execution

The technology for removing marks from glass surfaces is quite simple and effective. You will need:

  • apply the sharp edge of a knife or razor to the paint smudge;
  • gently press it against the glass;
  • Remove marks from the work surface using smooth movements.

Don't try to remove the entire stain in one swipe. Break off small pieces and clean off the remains with a damp cloth soaked in soapy water.

How to remove scratches on glass using special means

If traditional methods do not help or you do not want to use them, then use special means to remove scratches on glass.


There are glass polishes on the market, some of which have the ability to remove scratches. Here is a brief description of the most popular products that have proven themselves to be of high quality.

Doctor WaxAn effective product that has excellent polishing and cleaning properties. Perfectly polishes small scratches and removes turbidity from glass.
SonaxWorks well on small scratches, but is not suitable for deep damage. The product is only to be used in conjunction with a grinding machine.
WillsonAn excellent product that removes scratches from glass objects. It is used manually, which is a huge plus in domestic conditions. The product is quite expensive and rarely found on sale.

How to remove a scratch on glass with jewelry paste

Minor damage can be repaired using metal polishing paste.

A small amount of jewelry paste is applied to a cotton pad and rubbed gently into the damaged area until the scratch is reduced to a minimum.

Remains of jewelry paste can be removed with water and ammonia.

Anti-scratch for glass

The product can be found in auto stores. Anti-scratch from Turtle Wax is popular. The colorless paste masks small cracks, abrasions and scratches well. The anti-scratch agent will simultaneously fill the cracks and polish the surface, giving it a perfect shine.

Before treatment, the surface is cleaned and dried. Using a damp, soft microfiber cloth, rub the paste into the damaged area using smooth circular movements. Excess is removed after drying with a dry cloth or lint-free cloth.

Paste GOI

This universal product is suitable for polishing and grinding glass and metal products. The paste has 4 varieties, which differ in their graininess.

#4 roughremoves the top layer of the surface, cleans large scratches and damage
No. 3 averagecleans out minor imperfections and scratches. After its application, the treated surface becomes dull.
No. 2 thinthe composition is used for polishing glass or metal
No. 1 thinused for final sanding, gives the surface shine and shine

GOI paste with composition No2 is ideal for removing scratches on glass and plastic products

How to remove scratches from glass with GOI paste:

  • Apply a little paste to a piece of soft cloth;
  • first rub the unwanted glass or metal surface to remove large particles;
  • treat the damaged area with circular movements for 3-5 minutes;
  • Remaining paste can be removed with a clean, dry cloth.

When working with any means, do not press too hard on the glass - it may burst!

Tips and tricks

Before you start treating the surface, you need to check how a particular product will affect it. Otherwise, the glass will deteriorate even more. To do this, by squeezing out a small amount of the substance, an inconspicuous area is polished. If everything is fine, move on to the procedure itself.

To sand a problem area, only proven products are used, since the same composition has different effects on the material.

Movements should be light and smooth. During polishing, the pressure is light and effortless. The glass surface is quite capricious, so only cloths made of soft materials are used to work with it. Even if scratches have not yet appeared, the surfaces should be treated with a soft paste as a preventive measure. This will prevent damage from occurring.

See also

Rules for caring for an acrylic bathtub at home

How to remove scratches from different objects

Glass objects are distinguished by their diversity. Glass repair for each of them has its own characteristics, which we will discuss in this section.


Glasses are an item whose glass should not be repaired yourself. Any awkward and inept manipulations can lead to the appearance of cloudy spots and new micro-scratches. As a result of poor-quality repairs, the lenses will negatively affect the eyes.


All of the described methods are suitable for removing scratches from mirrors. Before starting work, the extent of damage should be assessed. Small and minor scratches can be easily removed using folk remedies. More significant damage may require the use of professional remedies or calling a specialist.


You can polish the glass of a wristwatch using GOI paste. The process of using the paste is described in detail above.

If the watch is an expensive brand, it would be wiser to turn to professionals.


Organic glass or acriplast is a composition that replaces ordinary glass and is very often found in everyday life. Scratches that occur during use of plexiglass products are removed using the same methods as scratches from regular glass.


Minor scratches on the camera and phone display can be removed using any of the described methods. But you should avoid using baking soda and use talcum powder or baby powder instead.

How to remove a scratch on window glass

When removing scratches from double-glazed windows, you should give preference to compositions that do not contain large abrasive particles.

Minor damage to glass can be easily removed using optical polishes. They fill all the recesses and give the appearance of new glass.

The use of optical polishes lasts only until the first window cleaning. Then the procedure will need to be repeated.

How to remove scratches from a glass table

Glass countertops are usually made from tempered glass. The peculiarity of tempered glass is that it is shock-resistant, can withstand high temperatures and does not form sharp fragments when broken.

However, such glass is not resistant to scratches and small cracks. The reason for their occurrence is dust, placing dishes directly on the table surface, and cleaning with abrasive compounds.

To eliminate defects, you can use any of the proposed methods.

Removing scratches from aquarium glass

The peculiarity of removing scratches from aquarium glass is that it is not advisable to remove it from the inside, since it is unknown how the composition will affect the inhabitants of the aquarium.

It is not advisable to use glass grinding, as a lens effect may occur and it will distort the appearance of the aquarium.

The best option is to use polish. Its particles will remove a layer of several microns and restore the damaged surface.

Contact a specialist

If you are unable to cope with the task on your own, you can turn to specialists for help. Grinding centers provide the service for removing scratches from glass.

You can find their addresses on the Internet . There are also many offers from private craftsmen on various online ad platforms.

The cost of services depends on the complexity of the work. The average price is 1000 rubles. The deeper the scratches and the more of them, the more expensive the specialist will charge for polishing.

Preventing scratches

Some tips and recommendations so that you don’t have to get rid of scratches on glass in the future.

Do not use rags made of coarse fabrics when cleaning glass surfaces.

It is not recommended to clean glass with newspaper. Printed paper is typically hard and the ink contains rough particles that can scratch the glass.

Cleaning glass surfaces with abrasives results in new scratches. Use special glass cleaners.

Do not place glasses on the table with the lenses down; use a case.

The screens of smartphones, tablets and other gadgets can be protected with a special film, which can be easily replaced rather than removing scratches from the screen. When setting a glass table, use coasters and napkins - this will make it last longer.

Liquid polish for body work

Among other things, liquid body polish is suitable for removing scratches. The process here is almost the same as in the previous case, with the exception that the polish is applied not only to the rag, but also to the damaged surface.

The note. If you don't have body polish, you can replace it with furniture polish.

What to look for when choosing

When choosing the necessary product, you must pay attention to its characteristics.

For abrasive pastes, the most important parameter is grain size. To eliminate small scratches it should be smaller, for large ones it should be larger.

Glass processing often takes place in 2 stages: first with a larger fraction, then with a fine one.

For optical and protective polishes, the type of binder is important. This can be wax, silicone and Teflon.

Teflon-based products are best; the film is very durable. Wax and silicone are worse, but much cheaper, which is why they are popular.

It is also important that the polish has the properties to repel water and dirt.

Ease of use is of no small importance. It is better if the bottle is equipped with a nozzle for uniform spraying.

When to restore

Plastic is a relatively practical material. Items made from it are easy to maintain, easy to install, come in a wide variety of colors and have a low price. But at the same time, they are susceptible to mechanical damage and sensitive to elevated temperatures (they swell and can crack).

What to do if it appears on the windowsill:

  1. French fries, cracks and scratches.
  2. Traces from flower pots and hot objects.
  3. Faded due to sunspots.
  4. Chemical damage to cleaning surfaces.

The plastic surface of the window sill is subject to mechanical damage.

In this case, repair of plastic window sills is carried out depending on the degree of damage. There are special reducing agents for this. If it is minor damage, the seal is made using putty, using multi-layer foil for many chips and cracks, and in case of serious problems, a special overlay.

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