Advice from experienced confectioners: how to store apple marshmallows at home

This sweet is made from natural fruits, so its shelf life is limited. But it can be increased if you figure out how to store marshmallows at home. In order for the treat to last as long as possible, it is enough to follow a number of rules. To begin with, it should be thoroughly dried. Then mold will not appear on the product, it will retain the desired consistency and will not cause harm to health. There are different ways of procuring these products. They will help preserve nutritional properties and consume the delicacy without danger to the body.

Storage conditions for homemade marshmallows

It should not be placed outside. If exposed to air, the product will dry out quickly. Direct sunlight will damage the confectionery product. In the sun it will lose its taste characteristics. To store confectionery products, you should choose a ventilated, insulated, clean and dark room. It should not be inhabited by insects that can spoil the sweetness. It is advisable to place such a product separately from other food so that it does not absorb extraneous aromas.


To ensure that the marshmallow does not change its taste and color, it must be in appropriate conditions. The suitable temperature for it is from +13 to +15 degrees. However, before storing homemade marshmallows, it is worth considering its type and composition. “Belevskaya” is made from apples and chicken eggs. She is more unpretentious. It can be placed in a place with a temperature of up to +18 degrees. For other species, only room temperature is suitable.


It is better to place such products in isolated places and monitor air humidity. It should not exceed 70 percent. Then the product will not become sticky and dry out. However, it is not recommended to ventilate the room. Such actions will not change the air humidity, but the sweetness may deteriorate regardless of the container in which it is stored. Although a properly selected container can increase the shelf life of the treat.

Storage containers

There are several ways to package marshmallows. The only prohibition is plastic bags. In them, the product will not “breathe”, become sticky and change its appearance. Other container options are acceptable. But each of them is suitable for a specific type of marshmallow. Therefore, before packaging, the composition of the product should be clarified. If the sweetness is made only from currants or cherries, then a glass container in which the marshmallows are placed in stacks is suitable. If the product is made from apples, then it will need to be placed in a canvas bag. Such packaging will first need to be prepared: soaked in a salty solution and dried. As a rule, the following containers are used:

  • wooden boxes;
  • plastic containers;
  • baking paper;
  • canvas bags;
  • kitchen parchment;
  • glass jars.

With any of these options, you will need to take a competent approach to sorting the product. Pastila is placed in containers in layers. Each layer is separated from the other with parchment paper. When all the treats are laid out, the container is tightly closed with a lid. But you can’t leave it outside or in a cold room. It is worth considering where to store fruit marshmallows at home so that they last for a long period. The container filled with the product should be placed in a dry room.


In order for apples to be stored for a long time, take care of their timely collection and preparation. For long-term storage, choose suitable varieties that are characterized by keeping quality: “Jonathan”, “Olympic”, “Northern Sinap”, etc. Such fruits have a dense peel and retain nutrients, taste and benefits until the next harvest (5-8 months).

When wanting to preserve apples, it is important to know how and when to pick them. Harvest in autumn, in dry, sunny weather.

Pick apples intended for storage carefully so as not to damage the stem or the fruit itself. Start with the lowest branches, gradually moving towards the top of the tree. Carefully place the harvested crop into prepared containers.

Harvest apples in dry, sunny weather. Carefully pick the fruits from the branches, trying not to damage the stalk, and carefully place the fruits in a prepared container

Harvested apples must be kept in a cool room for 2 weeks to identify damaged or diseased fruits.

Then sort the crop. For storage, select only whole, healthy fruits without the slightest signs of damage or rot. Sort the apples by variety and size, and then start storing them for the winter in the chosen way.

Storage in the refrigerator and freezer

Confectionery products should not be placed in refrigerators. Due to high humidity and low temperature, the treat will become sticky and covered with a coating. This will negatively affect the taste characteristics of the product. But it is permissible to place sweets in freezers if they are packaged in a container or sealed bag. The delicacy can remain there for several months without losing its consistency and structure. The main thing is not to defrost it suddenly. To begin with, the sweetness is moved from the freezer to the refrigerator for a couple of hours, and then placed in the room.

Marking on packaging according to GOST

According to the document GOST 6441-2014 Pastille confectionery products. General technical conditions and packaging design requirements are as follows:

  1. The expiration date is indicated on the packages. The quality of the product changes after opening the package, so the manufacturer must also clarify the storage conditions.
  2. The countdown starts from the date of manufacture, that is, from the date of completion of the technological process of preparation.
  3. After the words “date of manufacture” on the packaging, the day, month and year of manufacture of the confectionery product or the place where they can be viewed (for example, the seam of a bag or the bottom of a jar) is indicated.

The inscriptions must be in Russian.

Shelf life of marshmallows

They are different for each type of treat. “Belevsky” products last the longest. If used correctly, they can lie in the pantry for up to one year without losing nutrients. How long cranberry, banana, apricot or pear pastille can be stored depends on its location and packaging. If you choose a freezer where a plastic container with a tightly closed lid of sweets is placed, then the dessert will not spoil for 12 months. If the product is packaged in a glass jar and placed in a cabinet in the kitchen, it should be consumed within six months. When the delicacy is wrapped in parchment and placed in a dark, ventilated room, its shelf life reaches four months.

Is it possible to eat expired confectionery?

It is strictly forbidden to consume expired sweets . This poses a risk of poisoning, especially for young children.

If you buy marshmallows and marshmallows by weight, pay attention to signs indicating their freshness:

  • Elasticity and softness.
  • When purchasing chocolate products, pay attention to the glaze: it should be shiny and smooth.
  • The color should range from white to yellowish.

It is advisable not to buy colored desserts. In this way, the manufacturer can hide the grayish color of the product, which indicates a violation of the technological process. In addition, food coloring by itself does not add any benefit.

Now you know more about the proper storage of your favorite sweets, as well as signs of good quality products. This means that delicious and healthy desserts will bring you not only pleasure, but also benefits!

How not to store the product

It should not be left open. In order for the marshmallow to last for a long time, it is worth choosing a suitable container and place for storing it. Otherwise, the sweetness will become unsuitable for consumption. To avoid this, it is enough to follow a number of rules. This product cannot be stored in plastic containers or under loose lids. Plastic will change the taste characteristics of the marshmallow, and due to leaky packaging, moths and other insects can fly inside.

Regardless of the container, such products cannot be placed in a garage, where it is damp and there are a lot of animals, which will ruin the dessert. But it is not always possible to return it to its previous appearance.

How to make apple marshmallow at home (recipe without sugar)

The simplest apple marshmallow recipe is sugar-free marshmallow. The delicacy is suitable as a sweet for tea, and for children as a dessert. To prepare you will need:

Here's how to prepare apple marshmallow:

  1. Peel the fruit and remove the core, cut into slices (if the peel is tender, then I remove it, because it contains the most useful substances, and I dry the cut peel and add it to compotes);
  2. Prepare a pan with a thick bottom; it should not be enameled: the apples will burn;
  3. Place the slices in a saucepan and cover them with a little water (usually the layer of water in the saucepan is only 1 centimeter, this is enough to prevent the apple mass from burning);
  4. Put the apples on the stove to stew. Sweet soft varieties are cooked within an hour, and hard and sour ones - up to 2-3 hours. There is no need to stir the mass;
  5. When the fruits themselves begin to disintegrate into puree, remove the pan from the heat and cool;
  6. Strain the apples (the juice can be sweetened and drunk as compote, but I put it in jars for the winter);
  7. Rub the apple mass through a metal sieve: you will get a soft brown puree;
  8. Take a baking sheet and spread parchment;
  9. Place applesauce 3-7 millimeters thick on the parchment; the ideal thickness of marshmallow is 4-5 millimeters. The thicker one dries poorly, and the thinner one does not come off the paper well;
  10. Preheat the oven to 100-120 degrees and leave the marshmallow to dry. Open the door slightly to allow moisture to escape;
  11. When the mass dries, turn it over and leave for another 2-3 hours;
  12. Then remove the marshmallow from the parchment. I usually cut it into ribbons and roll it. You can cut it into squares. You can cut out a variety of shapes for children. Which method do you like?

What to do if there are signs of product spoilage

It is possible to save the delicacy only if it was prepared a maximum of a month ago. When in such a short time it begins to stick to your hands, it is permissible to dry it a little in the oven. After this, the sweetness is sorted and laid out in layers in a container. Each layer is separated from the other with parchment paper. After this, the container is tightly packed and sent to a dry and dark place. In other cases, the dessert will have to be thrown away. This happens when on a confectionery product:

  • pests appeared;
  • mold has formed;
  • a sticky layer has appeared;
  • drying is observed.

Such phenomena cannot be corrected. A product subjected to such processes is considered spoiled. Consuming it as food will become hazardous to health. The only way out is to prepare or buy another delicacy and store it according to all the rules to prevent the repetition of previous mistakes. If you know how to properly store marshmallows, they can stay on the shelf for a year without losing the microelements and vitamins they contain.

To consume a natural product throughout the year, you will need to take care of how it is stored. Pastila is made from fresh fruits and therefore requires delicate conditions. Such blanks must be packaged in glass, cardboard, wood or paper, but not plastic containers. It is recommended to place the container with the product in dry and dark places, but not in refrigerators. If all storage standards are observed, such treats can be used for food throughout the year.

Cooking from pulp after juicer

After preparing apple juice using a juicer, there is always some pulp left over, which we most often throw away. However, it’s better to put it to work and make delicious homemade marshmallows.

The calorie content of such a dish will be approximately 295 kcal/100 g. You will need apples, sugar and water to prepare the puree.


  1. Take the apple pulp, separate the skins and discard them.
  2. Prepare applesauce from the pulp according to the recipes above. It is best to choose manual grinding through a sieve, as this will prevent even the smallest seeds and skins from getting into the puree.
  3. Pour the puree onto a baking sheet or into a tray and dry it in a way convenient for you: in the oven or electric dryer.

A juicer will also help speed up the process of preparing marshmallows. Steamed apples will be an excellent base for making puree according to one of the above recipes. In this case, we recommend using a blender, it will help achieve the most homogeneous mass.

Next, place the puree in containers or a baking sheet with foil, distribute the mixture evenly and place in the oven or electric dryer for 7-8 hours until completely dry.

Everyone will be happy with this sweetness, because it contains only 295 kcal/100 g, and all the benefits for the body cannot be listed.

Useful qualities

Since pastille contains a large amount of pectin, it is the healthiest product of all possible sweets. Pectin helps normalize cholesterol levels in the blood, blocks the formation of ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract, helps remove salt from the body, and also copes well with viruses and various infections.

It should also be noted that the natural product contains protein, monosaccharides and dietary fiber, thanks to which digestion, physical and mental activity are improved. The fruit treat is safe for children, as it is completely natural, and it can also replace very harmful chewing gum.

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