How to properly wash baby strollers in a washing machine and by hand

A baby stroller is one of the most necessary things for a child. The convenience of the mother and the comfort of the baby depend on the correct choice of vehicle. Children's stores are filled with a wide range of brands and varieties of strollers.

The most popular manufacturers include casualplay livi, valco baby snap, tutis zippy, adamex and inglesina. When choosing one of the models, rarely does anyone immediately think about how to clean it. And they are determined by the material used to make the exterior trim, lining and wheel block.

Important aspects of selection

Regardless of which model you prefer, when examining, pay attention to the fastening of such parts as covers, bags, hoods, baskets.
It would be better if these are zippers, buttons or buttons; disconnecting them is not particularly difficult. If there is an option where the fabric elements are removed only after unscrewing the bolts, you need to pay attention to the presence of the manufacturer’s instructions. As a rule, it describes in detail the disassembly process and provides diagrams for detaching fabric parts from the frame

There are models that cannot be washed at all. For their manufacture, materials are used that can only be wet cleaned with delicate detergents. They should be suitable for children and not create discomfort.

Liquid products and baby powders that do not cause allergic reactions when the child’s delicate skin comes into contact with vehicle parts are acceptable.

Features of washing using an automatic assistant

It is simply impossible to wash the entire stroller in the machine, but you can easily process the removed structural elements. Let's look at the detailed instructions.

  1. Read the manufacturer's recommendations and carefully inspect the design of the stroller. If covers and other fabric elements are fastened with zippers or buttons, then you can handle them without much difficulty. Otherwise, use a screwdriver to unscrew all existing screws and remove all removable elements, including the fabric part. If it is impossible to remove it, then the outside of the box will have to be washed by hand using a sponge and a detergent solution.
  2. If you find stains or severe local dirt, first soak the covers and other components in a soap solution. After this, rub the problem areas with a soft brush, and treat the stains with a stain remover suitable for this type of material. Rinse.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the base material and recommended temperature conditions. If the characteristics of the fabric and your home helper allow you to use a machine wash, make sure that no metal objects get into the drum. It is advisable not to use a spin; it is better to do it manually. Dry in fresh air.
  4. Walk over the metal frame of the product with a damp cloth to prevent the moving elements from rusting, wipe them dry. Clean the wheels from dirt, wash and rinse thoroughly.
  5. After drying the fabric elements and wheels, proceed to collect all the structural parts, tighten the screws, fasten the buttons and zippers.

Do not forget that rinse aids and bleaches should not be used to wash covers. It is recommended to clean non-dismountable vehicle models entirely in the bathroom.

For delicate machine processing of the fabric base, you can use a pillowcase or linen bag.

Eco leather and other similar materials cannot be processed in a washing machine. If there is no processing temperature on the manufacturer’s label, then the optimal temperature will be up to +40°C.

Removing fabric parts

The first step is to remove all possible fabric elements. Parts that are supposed to be removable are usually secured with buttons or Velcro. On most models, you can remove the hood, interior trim and liners, canopy, and bumper cover (if equipped).

Larger fabric pieces may appear permanent but are actually simply attached to the base with screws. This task can be done with a screwdriver. However, you should not persist if difficulties arise; perhaps these parts, according to the design of the stroller, really should not be removed.

The structure with the remaining fabric parts on it can be washed in the bathroom according to the same rules as non-dismountable models.

Drying and care

After washing and removing all dirt, the stroller must be thoroughly dried.

There are certain tips on how to do this without damaging the material:

  • the parts are stretched onto a metal frame while still wet;
  • parts with internal filler are dried laid out on a horizontal surface;
  • Do not dry parts in direct sunlight or on batteries, this will cause fading and loss of shape;
  • after drying, it is recommended to treat the fabric with a water-repellent agent;
  • All metal elements are wiped dry to avoid corrosion.

After drying the stroller, all that remains is to assemble it back to its original state. After washing, it is recommended to treat the wheel mounts with lubricant. The wheels themselves need to be inflated regularly. Long-term operation of the product with deflated chambers can lead to deformation of the wheel unit.

By regularly cleaning and caring for the stroller, you can extend its service life for several generations of little owners.

How to dry?

You need to dry the stroller so that the parts do not shrink or warp. There are rules for this:

  • washed items are shaken and carefully straightened;

  • wet parts are stretched onto the stroller frame;
  • the stroller is placed in a ventilated place, preferably on a balcony;
  • it is not allowed to be exposed to sunlight;
  • if there is no balcony, then the structure is installed away from the radiators.

It is recommended to spray the dry parts with a protective agent.

Tips for washing baby strollers

Washing can be done in two stages. At the first (it is the easiest) you will need to determine which elements of the device can be removed. As a rule, these are all elements attached to buttons and locks.

Even a fragile woman can perform the removal process. All these elements will be washed by hand. The hood should also be removed - it can be unscrewed with a screwdriver. Next, you should adhere to the following rules:

All elements are washed only in the bathroom, in warm water; It is better to take a liquid cleaning product, since granules of ordinary powder can leave streaks and stains on the fabric

As an option, you can take children's hypoallergenic powder; It is important to remember that some parts of the stroller are not removable. Therefore, to clean them we will use a soft cloth or dishwashing sponge; Metal elements should be wiped with a slightly dampened cloth and then wiped dry; The wheels can be washed perfectly with ordinary waste water, without any powders or cleaning agents; The bottom of the stroller is often made of plywood, which is simply forbidden to be washed with water - it will swell and lose its properties

Therefore, again we use a rag slightly moistened with water.

With this hand wash you can get rid of almost all the dirt accumulated on children's transport.

It is important to always be mindful of stains. They can only be removed with products that can be used to clean children’s clothes.

If there is severe contamination anywhere, this place can be scrubbed with a stiff brush. Remaining foam can also be removed with a sponge soaked in water. If the bottom of the stroller is not made of wood, then you can use the shower.

The device covers can be ironed. For these purposes, they are moistened, placed on a flat surface, and ironed until completely dry. But, if you follow all the washing rules described above, then ironing will not be necessary at all.

Assembling the product after drying is very simple, but do it well.

Before washing a baby stroller, you need to inspect it thoroughly, and then remove everything that can be removed (covers, hood, bag). As a rule, all fabric components are fastened with buttons and locks, so removal should not be difficult. Sometimes the covers are removed if the stroller is disassembled by unscrewing the bolts.

Strollers are indispensable for any time of year. Long walks outdoors are good for your baby. It turns out that during such a walk the child drinks milk, which may end up in the stroller. The task of how to wash a stroller at home from such stains is not difficult.

Here are some useful recipes on how to wash a stroller cradle:

  1. It is necessary to sprinkle crumbled chalk on the stain overnight, then brush off the chalk with a brush.
  2. You can easily remove a stain using talcum powder, which you sprinkle on the stain, and then put on blotting paper. Then we iron the paper with an iron and leave it for several days.
  3. You can thoroughly remove milk stains with sodium borate, which we dilute 50% with water. We wet the spot with it and wait about 15 minutes. Then wash off this mixture with a sponge.

Thus, anyone can remove stains from a baby stroller; it’s not difficult. However, this procedure is quite important. Of course, it is necessary to constantly keep the baby stroller clean.

How to remove mold from a stroller

Previously, during the “soviet” era, all the strollers were at the entrance, and no one stole them. Now in our houses there is no way to store strollers, so many people store them on balconies. And, as you know, there is dampness, and mold starts growing there. There are many remedies for mold, but the most harmless are vinegar and soda.

  1. Vinegar works very well against fungus. There is no need to dilute 9% vinegar. Even old black mold can be washed off with vinegar. You need to treat with vinegar in a well-ventilated area, preferably on a balcony. Dampen a sponge with vinegar and wipe all fungus-affected areas on the covers. Leave for 40-50 minutes, then machine wash.
  2. Baking soda - dilute baking soda with water in a 1:1 ratio, apply this slurry to the covers, after an hour go over them with a sponge, and put them in the washing machine.


This method can be used to clean fabric models. Hand washing will allow you to thoroughly and delicately wash all parts of the product without damaging the fittings or seams.

It is produced in several stages:

  • heavily soiled parts can be soaked in warm water with added detergent for thirty minutes;
  • fabric elements are placed in a container with soapy water at a temperature of about forty degrees;
  • using a soft brush or sponge, clean each part separately;
  • after removing dirt, rinse in cool water;
  • chrome parts are first cleaned with a damp cloth, then wiped dry;
  • the wheels are washed under pressure with clean water and wiped with a dry piece of cloth;
  • Using a damp cloth, remove dirt from leather parts;
  • The bottom of the cradle and other non-removable elements are carefully cleaned with a sponge and soapy water; soap and excess water must be removed.

Following this algorithm, you can thoroughly clean the fabric base from dust and dirt.

Manual cleaning of the stroller

This method is not suitable for cleaning eco-leather models. Leatherette products require a more delicate approach.

To remove contaminants without causing harm to the material, you can adhere to the following recommendations:

  • remove all detachable parts;
  • a well-wrung out damp sponge removes traces of dust and dirt;
  • in case of significant contamination, a weak soap solution can be used;
  • soap residues are removed with a damp cloth;

There are models with a minimum of detachable parts, for example transformers. Combination options are also possible, where there are both fabric and leather elements. In such cases, a steam generator will be an ideal assistant.

It will easily clean the most inaccessible places and additionally disinfect the product. Unfortunately, not everyone has a steam generator. Therefore, models with a combined finish are most suitable for manual cleaning.


You can restore the whiteness of parts that have yellowed or turned gray due to time and weather conditions in different ways. The choice depends on the type of finishing material.

For fabric elements it is possible to use:

  • standard types of bleaches, including oxygen and chlorine;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • baking soda and table vinegar;
  • ammonia;
  • toothpaste.

For children's things, the most suitable recipe is based on laundry soap and baking soda. For it you will need the following ingredients: a quarter of a bar of laundry soap, four liters of water and 130 grams of soda. Soda and grated soap are dissolved in warm water.

The surface is treated with the resulting solution and left for two hours. Removable parts can be soaked in the solution for this time. After time, the remaining detergent is rinsed out with a large volume of water.

Oxygen bleach BOS Plus

In case of bleaching eco-leather, the following is suitable:

  • citric acid or lemon juice;
  • aqueous solution of denatured alcohol;
  • soap solution based on laundry soap;
  • shaving foam.

Any of the above products is carefully applied to the yellowed surface and rubbed in with a soft sponge. After a few minutes, wipe the product with a damp cloth to remove the solution and wipe it dry.

All of the above methods promote gentle cleansing. But the durability of the material must be checked in an inconspicuous area.

Hand washing rules

Washing means for transporting a child is carried out in two stages. The first stage, it is simple and most effective, is hand washing.

Before you take action, it is important to determine which parts are attached to the zipper and buttons. They can be removed easily

The remaining parts must be removed using a screwdriver. This is not a complicated process, and even women’s hands can do it. Those parts that you removed with a screwdriver will be erased by hand. The hood needs to be washed separately; it can also be removed with a screwdriver.

When washing by hand, take into account these tips and rules:

  1. You need to wash it in the bathroom, in warm water.
  2. Use liquid soap. When using regular powder, granules may remain on the fabric and after drying, stains and stains will remain. Only baby powder can be used. It will not cause an allergic reaction.
  3. Some parts cannot be removed. They can be cleaned with a damp sponge.
  4. Metal parts are wiped with a damp sponge.
  5. The wheels can be washed under waste water, without soap or powder.

It is important to take into account that the bottom of the stroller may consist of wooden plywood, which, when interacting with water, swells and loses its function. You can clean the bottom with a sponge soaked in a mild solution. Hand washing can remove stains of any complexity.

By hand washing you can remove stains of any complexity.

Removable parts of the stroller can be washed by hand

Machine washing rules

You can also wash the stroller in a washing machine. This is the second stage of washing, it is also simple, and involves parts that can be removed independently: the hood, covers. Before washing the product, you need to remove stains. There are strollers where the hood can be washed by hand, as it can be removed with a screwdriver and contains iron parts. The cover is washed in an automatic machine, so it is attached with a zipper, buttons and can be easily removed. After you have removed the stains, the parts can be placed in the machine.

Washing is done with liquid powder to avoid streaks. Use baby powder for washing. You can rub baby soap on it; it will also help remove stains. After washing, do not use the spin function. You need to dry the stroller away from ultraviolet radiation, as it can form spots and streaks.

Drying the stroller is done in the shade

How to collect after?

The last step in washing the stroller is to assemble it into its normal working position. To do this you need:

  1. Insert a metal arc into the hood.
  2. Put on and fasten the covers.
  3. Fasten the removable parts.
  4. If necessary, secure the hood with bolts.
  5. Install wheels.
  6. Put the cradle and envelope.
  7. Hang and place additional accessories.

As a finishing touch, you can pump up the wheels and apply lubricant to their mounting points.

How to wash a stroller: how to remove milk, juice, felt-tip pen stains?

Children are generally very intricate, which is why strange, unexpected stains can appear from anything. Milk is one of the common foods given to children, so milk marks often appear on the stroller. It is best to remove them when they are still fresh.


  • To do this, pour a small amount of talcum powder and potato starch onto the wet milky stain. A sheet of tracing paper or parchment paper is placed on top and left until the talc has completely dried. After this, you need to iron the parchment paper with a hot iron, and then remove any remaining starch or talcum powder with a brush. There is no need to wash anything. Starch or talc act in this case as sorbents and absorb all the fat from the milk, preventing stains from appearing.
  • Contamination from felt-tip pens or fruit juices is difficult to remove. For these purposes, the easiest way is to use alcohol. It is necessary to apply a small amount of alcohol to the stain and gradually blot it with a dry cloth.
  • It is necessary to ensure that all the dye transfers to the napkin. It is also necessary to place a dry cloth under the wrong side of the upholstery or stroller so that the stain does not spread or expand, but directly passes onto the dry cloth. Then you can wash it with soap or powder using a brush. If paint or felt-tip pen stains are outdated and cannot be removed with alcohol, you can use stronger solvents. You can use vanish or Antipyatin. And if they don’t work, resort to heavy artillery.
  • You can use special gasoline or acetone. Remember that after such cleaning it is advisable to ventilate the stroller for 3 days. Try not to ride your child in this vehicle for three days to prevent the child from developing allergies. All traces of acetone and gasoline must be washed off with soapy water.

Pressure washing
As you can see, washing the stroller is quite simple. The main thing is to know how it is disassembled and how all metal parts are removed. If you don’t have the instructions or you inherited the stroller from an older relative, you can find several assembly diagrams on the Internet.

Cleaning the mattress from stains

It's no secret that fresh stains are removed much easier and faster than old and dried ones. A cleaning steam generator or a vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter helps to deal well with dirt and stains on the mattress. If there is no such equipment, then before cleaning the mattress from stains, go over it with a regular vacuum cleaner to remove dust, crumbs, and dust mites. This is especially true before cleaning a children's mattress, because dust, as is known, provokes allergies in children.

Blood stains

It is most effective to remove blood stains immediately before they are absorbed into the fabric. There are several ways to deal with blood stains.

  • Cold water is sufficient to remove fresh blood stains. It is enough to wet a cotton pad or cotton napkin in cold water and blot the stain, changing the water.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is good for removing blood stains. Use a weak 3% peroxide solution. We set up 1 table. spoon of peroxide in a glass of water, put several cotton pads in the glass, squeeze out a little, and place on the stain. Leave for 5-10 minutes, then change. Repeat several times, finally blot with a dry cloth.
  • For old blood stains, use a paste: mix hydrogen peroxide, salt, and starch in equal parts. Apply to the stain and leave for 15 minutes. Then remove the paste with a damp cloth. Finally, blot this area with a dry cloth.

Cleaning mattresses from urine stains is not an easy task, as it is also complicated by the presence of odor. This is especially true for orthopedic mattresses.

  • Baking soda will help remove a fresh urine stain. To do this, pour baking soda onto the stain and leave it for 1-2 hours. If the smell remains, remove it with a cotton swab and vinegar. We blot with a dry cloth, then dry with a hairdryer or vacuum cleaner.
  • Boric acid (borax) removes unsightly stains from children's mattresses. Drop a drop of water onto the powder and apply the paste to the stain, rubbing it into the fabric. Leave for 15 minutes. We remove the remaining powder with a vacuum cleaner.
  • You can use alcohol to remove such stains. This will help remove stains and disinfect the mattress. Use a cotton pad soaked in alcohol or vodka to blot the stain. Do not wet it too much, otherwise you will have to dry the mattress for a long time. We treat the stain until it disappears.
  • Using a cotton swab, slightly moisten the stain area, add coarse salt, and leave for 1-2 hours. The salt will absorb all the urine. Collect salt with a vacuum cleaner. Then treat the remaining stains with hydrogen peroxide using a cotton pad. The stain area will foam a little. This is fine. After the formation of foam stops, wipe with a dry cloth.

Other spots

You can remove other stains if you know that:

  1. Coffee stains can be removed with a paste of salt and water. Leave for 30 minutes, then remove the salt and dry. From red wine, berries, or juices. Add baking soda or salt. Leave for 20-30 minutes, remove with a vacuum cleaner, wash with foam (for example, shaving foam).
  2. Oily spots. If they are fresh, cover them with starch, salt, or talcum powder. After 20 minutes, clean off the powder and add one more time.
  3. Beer or tea stains. Soak a cotton pad in 9% vinegar and wipe the stains.
  4. Traces of lipstick are washed off with alcohol.
  5. A trace of chewing gum or adhesive tape. Place ice on the stained area and then scrape it off with a blunt knife. Wipe with a cotton pad with alcohol.

If you take proper care of the mattress, it will serve you for a long time.

The video talks about how to care for a mattress and how to remove stains from a mattress.

A coconut filled mattress with foam rubber is widely used for cribs. Therefore, it is quite logical that it is susceptible to such types of contamination as urine, blood, food stains, which are quite difficult to remove. In addition to this problem, housewives do not know whether its filling can be washed. Find out how to wash a coconut mattress correctly and what products to use to clean it from the article. Although it is inexpensive, I still want it to last longer. To do this, you must follow the rules for its operation.

Preparatory stage

Regardless of the stroller model, it must be carefully inspected and all removable parts must be removed. Usually these are covers, baskets, a bag, a hood, etc. These components are in most cases fastened with zippers, buttons, rivets, buttons.

Disconnecting them should not lead to difficulties. But there are varieties where the covers can be removed if the bolts are unscrewed. The manufacturer's instructions will be helpful here. It usually contains diagrams drawn in sufficient detail and descriptions of disassembling the product and removing fabric elements from it. When all the fabric parts are removed from the frame, you can decide on the washing option: manually or automatically.

Due to the fact that strollers are children's vehicles, washing and cleaning substances must be suitable for the child's body. These can be baby powders, soaps, gels, shampoos. After all, children's skin comes into direct contact with the parts of the stroller. Allergic reactions and discomfort of the baby during operation should not be allowed.

Are there differences for different models?

Types of children's vehicles are divided according to their main characteristics into classic, recreational, and transformers. They differ in purpose of use and functionality.

It is impossible to separate them into separate groups based on the type of cleaning - all strollers, even of the same brand, differ in the material of manufacture, assembly method, and completeness.

In addition to the manufacturer’s instructions, when washing a specific stroller, a combination of factors is taken into account:

  1. The degree of disassembly of the structure.
  2. Number of removable parts.
  3. Composition of the material.
  4. Availability of additional accessories.
  5. The presence of combined elements.

Washing process

Spray the foam cleaner onto the surface to be cleaned, let it act for a few minutes, then wipe with a sponge. Rinse with water. The product helps remove both fresh and old dirt.

Models with the possibility of complete or partial disassembly

Washing a baby stroller that can be disassembled is easy. It is enough to remove all fabric parts, place them in the washing machine and wash. The structure itself can be washed with a sponge and a small amount of detergent.

To ensure that the covers retain their bright color, if possible, do not leave the stroller in the sun for long periods of time. Store it in the house or apartment, do not try to put it on the balcony. When it rains, always use a rain cover to avoid stains on the fabric. This especially applies to white material.


If the stroller gets dirty, remove the removable parts and wash at 30°C in the machine (do not use aggressive bleaches) or by hand. The choice of wash is usually indicated by the manufacturer on the label.

Spin and dry

It is not recommended to wring out covers after washing. Despite the presence of a washing bag, spinning can damage the fabric.

Expert opinion Irina Kovtun

Do not leave the washed stroller to dry in cold and damp conditions, as mold may form on it. Drying in the sun or on a radiator is also not suitable. Materials may change color and fibers may become damaged.

Non-separable model

There are strollers in which only some parts are removed, while the rest are firmly attached to the frame. Another type is completely non-separable models. Clean such devices entirely. Use suitable detergent, sponge or cloth.

Features of hand washing

You can wash the covers of a stroller that cannot be disassembled entirely in the bathtub. Start cleaning from the top and work your way down. If there is stubborn dirt, pre-wet them with soapy water for about 1 hour.

Removing milk stains

Fabric coverings can be wiped with a damp sponge or cloth and a mild detergent. Do not use harsh cleaners. The water temperature should not exceed 30 °C. After cleaning individual stains, wash or wash the entire fabric part. This will prevent streaks from occurring.

Mold removal

Removing mold from baby stroller fabric can be difficult. In most cases, contacting specialists is required. Moreover, the problem is not the mold itself, but the need to use baby-safe cleaners.

You can remove mold from a baby stroller using the following substances:

Turpentine. Apply it to all affected areas and leave to absorb. Then wipe with a sponge and soda paste. Wash areas cleaned of mold with detergent and rinse with water. Please note that this method is only suitable for thick fabrics. Serum. Quite an interesting way to remove mold from a stroller. Apply whey to the affected areas and leave to dry. Treat with a steamer and wash. Ammonia. This substance is known for its cleansing abilities. Moisten a piece of cloth with ammonia and treat the stains. Leave for 30 minutes, wipe with a clean cloth. Wash it. A completely safe product - laundry soap

But it is important to use brown soap (72%), and not “ennobled” with aromas. Wet dirty areas and scrub with soap

Wash after 1 hour.


First of all, you need to remove the covers from the structure. Every :

  1. Capella (Capella). All stroller fabrics are secured to the body with Velcro, zippers or buttons. They are very easy to remove.
  2. Adamex (Adamex). New models have the ability to remove the hood. Old strollers cannot be disassembled. They are washed by placing them entirely in the bath. Caring for the coating is simple - the fabric is easy to wash and can withstand temperatures up to 60ºC.
  3. Joby (Geoby, Geoby). The covers are secured with pins that can be easily removed.
  4. Taco Jumper, Riko Nano 2 in 1. The covers can be easily removed and the zipper on the cradle can be unzipped. Do not wash the footrest - it contains cardboard as a sealant.
  5. Tutis Zippy. Disassembling and assembling a transformable stroller from this manufacturer can be difficult. But the covers are easy to remove - they are secured with Velcro. To remove the hood you will have to find the bolts hidden under the fabric.
  6. Anex Sport. The stroller has an easily removable cover and a coconut mattress. It is possible to adjust the walking block (forward - backward).
  7. Babyzen Yoyo (Babyzen Yoyo). If stains appear on the fabric, the cover of this stroller can be machine washed at 30ºC. It can be easily removed because it is secured with buttons and Velcro.

How to quickly wash a stroller

Quick wash, even if you have a transformer, you can wash it by removing the parts. To do this, place the stroller in the bathroom, dilute soap or liquid powder in warm water, and use a sponge to wipe the baby's vehicle

Pay attention to stains. Use detergents designed for washing children's clothes.

Heavily soiled areas can be washed with a brush. It is recommended to remove the remaining soap solution with a sponge soaked in clean water. If the bottom is not made of wood, you can use the shower to remove soap scum. The cradle must be washed carefully, since the bottom is made of wood and it is not recommended to get it wet. For cleaning, you can use a soap solution, but remove it with a sponge soaked in clean water. You can iron the covers. To do this, wet the fabric, place it on top of the cover, and run the iron until the fabric is completely dry. If you follow the washing rules, then ironing, especially after hand washing, is not necessary.

Assembling the stroller after washing is easy, but it is important to do it correctly and efficiently.

The transformable stroller can be washed in the bathroom

How to remove mold

If the stroller is not used for a long time and if it is stored incorrectly, in a damp room, closet, traces of mold may appear. Getting rid of them is simple and can be done at home. To do this you will need:

  • Sponge.
  • Turpentine.
  • Soda.
  • Washing powder.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Vinegar.
  • Water.
  • Vacuum cleaner.

In order to clean traces of mold, it is recommended to use one of these methods. The surface of a child's vehicle or a contaminated area must be moistened with turpentine. Apply baking soda to a cloth or sponge and rub it thoroughly into the stain. Fill a basin with clean water, add baby powder, preferably liquid, and hydrogen peroxide. Apply the solution to the stain.

Wipe with a dry cloth and dry well. After drying, traces of powder (if you used a powder that contains granules) and soda may remain on the product; it is recommended to remove it with a vacuum cleaner. If one of the methods does not help get rid of mold, then apply whey to the contaminated area and rub with onion. Rinse well with water. After any cleaning, children's transport must be ventilated. It is not recommended to put your baby in a stroller after washing.

Eco leather care

To remove dirt, eco-leather is wiped with a soft cloth soaked in a preparation for delicate fabrics or intended for the care of natural leather. If the contamination is too strong, eco-leather can be wiped with 50% ammonia.

After removing dirt, the eco-leather must be wiped dry and treated with a water-repellent agent to extend its service life.

Please remember: in addition to chlorine-containing liquids, abrasive materials cannot be used on eco-leather. For example, remove heavy dirt with sandpaper.

Manual cleaning

You can almost always wash a baby stroller in an automatic machine, since basically all the fabrics from which it is made are not harmed by this function. The only exception may be material made from leather substitute.

Washing steps:

  1. All removable parts (covers, hood, cradle, basket and others) that do not contain metal elements should be cleaned of stains before being transferred to the washing machine. If necessary and heavily soiled, pre-soak.
  2. Load the prepared food into the drum.
  3. Use only powder or any cleanser/detergent intended for children's skin.
  4. Set to manual or delicate wash mode at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees. There is no need to use the spin function.
  5. After completing the work, lightly wring out the washed items by hand, straighten them and hang them to dry thoroughly.
  6. If the base allows, then before assembling it is worth ironing the washed item. A simple cotton fabric will help you do this safely and efficiently, which will limit direct contact between the iron and the product.

The manual cleansing process is carried out in a bathtub or large basin. You need to dissolve baby detergent in warm water and soak the parts in it. After this, carefully go over them with a brush (sponge), rinse with plenty of water, straighten and dry.

If the entire stroller, including the body and wheels, is subjected to a washing procedure, it requires more thorough drying, otherwise stains, rust and a damp smell may form.

Also in this case, you need to pay attention to the presence of parts made of plywood or fiberboard (bottom, basket, etc.). If there are any, exposing them to prolonged exposure to water is highly not recommended.

Step-by-step cleaning instructions

To ensure that your child’s vehicle does not become deformed from washing or become covered with cracks, stains, or creases, you should follow the following rules:

  1. To choose a washing method, the composition of the material from which the stroller is made is taken into account. For example, if all the removable parts are made of raincoat fabric, then they can be washed in a machine. If these parts are combined with artificial leather, the stroller can be washed by hand.
  2. Individual parts may require different cleaning methods. For example, a hood is machine washable, while a bedspread decorated with an embroidered monogram can be hand washed. Hard-to-reach corners are easily cleaned with a steam generator.
  3. The bottom of the structure, seat belts, and other non-removable parts are carefully cleaned with a brush.
  4. Chrome parts are polished with a damp cloth.
  5. The wheels are washed under running water.
  6. Hypoallergenic washing and cleaning liquids are used.

Before washing for the first time, you should check the material for resistance to the selected cleaning agent.

In the washing machine

The fabrics from which stroller sets are made contain structured synthetic fibers. They add strength, water resistance, and increase wear resistance to the product.

Machine washability makes caring for these strollers easy. In this case, all that remains for manual work is cleaning the wheels and the main base.

Washing recommendations:

  • all removable elements are placed in a special bag that protects them and the machine from mechanical damage;
  • a delicate mode is established;
  • the temperature is set to 40C°;
  • super rinse function is used;
  • push-ups are performed at low speeds.

Automatic spinning and drying cannot be used for parts with insulation. The water drain mode is suitable for them.

as laundry . Regular washing powders can leave streaks on the surface of items. Additional treatment with rinses and conditioners does not make sense.


If the product contains a leather substitute, artificial PVC fabric, or a lot of accessories, then it requires wet cleaning or hand washing. Considering the lightness and waterproofness of such materials, this most often applies to strollers.

If there is a removable hood and leg cape, their processing consists of the following steps:

  1. Soak in warm soapy water for 20 minutes.
  2. Carefully hand wash at 50C° with baby powder.
  3. Rinse until completely free of soapy water.
  4. Light squeezing.
  5. Straightening things out.

Products made of PVC, eco-leather, and combined elements require delicate care. They are cleaned with a damp soft sponge. For heavy soiling, add detergent. Remove any remaining water from the surface with a viscose napkin.

Laundry or baby soap and dishwashing detergent are also suitable for hand washing . The criterion for choosing a product is complete rinsing and anti-allergy.

Do not use chlorine-containing cleaning products or subject the stroller to aggressive mechanical cleaning.

How to apply the cleaner?

An alternative to washing is cleaning with foam cleaners for cars and carpets.

Advantages of this method:

  • quick and easy application;
  • thorough destruction of dirt and rust;
  • removing stubborn stains;
  • there is no need to disassemble the product.

To use, the contents of the can are sprayed onto surfaces. Dried foam with dirt particles is removed with a napkin, vacuum cleaner or shaken off.

To quickly clean an eco-leather stroller, you can use car interior leather cleaner . In this case, the bonus will be enhancing the color of the stroller, polishing, and eliminating odors and microorganisms.

The video will show you how to clean a stroller with a foam cleaner:

We wash a baby stroller at home

At first glance, washing a stroller at home seems like a very difficult task. But this is only a prejudice, which we will have to dispel further. You can wash it in two ways: by hand and in an automatic machine.

Before any of the two types of washing, it is important to carefully study the instructions for your “vehicle” in order to correctly select the detergent for washing. It must match the material your stroller is made from.

In order to wash the stroller, you first need to remove all the parts that can be washed. Some models have removable fabric elements for convenience, but there are also those in which the covers need to be unscrewed with a screwdriver. In fact, the second model needs to be disassembled, which is not always convenient for mom.

Once you have removed all the items that need to be washed and have chosen a method (by hand or in a machine), you can get to work. If the covers are very dirty, it is better to first soak them in warm water with soap or powder, gently rubbing the dirt by hand. A stain remover will work great for formula or fruit juice stains, but first make sure it won't damage any parts of the stroller.

You need to wash the baby stroller from top to bottom. Then you need to wipe the stroller covers and its movable parts with a clean, wet cloth so that no traces of the powder are visible, and let the product drain. You can also use a spray that is used to clean carpets to clean the non-removable fabric part.

Manual method

Hand washing is the safest method. Thanks to it, you can remove any stains from the stroller.

For it you need:

  • fill a bathtub or bowl with warm water;
  • add powder or liquid soap to it;
  • wash all removable parts of the stroller in it;
  • rinse thoroughly and leave to dry lying down or hanging on a rope;
  • Wipe non-removable protective belts with a damp cloth and apply a small amount of detergent to it.

If the bottom of the stroller is made of chipboard, MDF or plywood sheet, then the side fabric upholstery should be carefully washed with a wet cloth soaked in soapy water. It is best to wash and dry a stroller in the summer; if you don’t have a balcony, you can do this at the dacha.

In the washing machine

Only removable items can be washed in the washing machine.

To do this you will need:

  1. Collect all the removable parts of the stroller in a washing bag (if you don’t have one, you can take a regular pillowcase).
  2. Put the machine on a delicate wash cycle using baby laundry powder. You need to wash at a low temperature; it is better to first read the manufacturer's label and find out which mode is suitable for your removable parts from the stroller. If there is no label, then you can wash it by selecting the 30⁰C washing mode. In this case, you don’t have to worry about the parts of the stroller.
  3. It is not recommended to wash materials made from eco-leather and its substitutes in a washing machine.
  4. It is better to wash by removing the spin function.
  5. It is recommended to wash the stroller mattress using baby hypoallergenic powder, and preferably separately from all parts.

It is preferable to wash the hood and some removable stroller covers at home with liquid laundry detergent so that there are no streaks left on them. Or you can also take a bar of baby soap and grate it, then mix it with a small amount of water. Use the resulting solution to clean stains. It is better to dry removable elements away from ultraviolet rays to prevent streaks from appearing.

Is it possible?

Baby strollers are presented on the market in a variety of models designed for a specific age of the child. They include cleaning at home.

Removable fabric parts are washable: hoods, capes, mattresses. The supporting structure, wheels, metal fastenings are subject to dry or wet cleaning.

It should be remembered that the duration and efficiency of washing depend on the number of removable parts . It is easier and faster to wash a fully or partially disassembled structure than a non-disassembled one.

Before purchasing a product, you need to study the design of the stroller and the features of the material from which it is made.

Conscientious manufacturers indicate:

  • material used (fabric, synthetic fabric, leather substitute);
  • recommended washing (hand, machine);
  • mode (temperature, speed, spin);
  • chemical cleaning agents (allowed, prohibited).

Only directly from the manufacturer's instructions can you reliably know whether the stroller can be washed.

What about the new one?

If the new stroller was stored and transported in its original packaging, then before using it, just wipe it with a damp cloth. This will help get rid of fine dust and particles of packaging material.

The decision on the need to wash a new item that was left unopened by the seller is made by the child’s mother based on her ideas about child safety.

Is it possible and how to properly wash a transformable stroller in a washing machine?

Please note that most parents purchase transformable strollers. This is due to the fact that such a stroller can be used for up to 3 years, that is, the longest possible period of time.

Naturally, during this time the stroller can become significantly frayed, dirty, and lose its presentation. Therefore, such products must be washed from time to time.

Washing the stroller


We recommend that before purchasing such a vehicle, you check whether it is possible to remove parts and whether it can be washed in a washing machine. Most often, this information is indicated in the instructions for the vehicle. In transformable strollers, everything happens quite simply, and indeed part of the stroller can be successfully washed using a household washing machine. Most of the parts are attached to it using buttons and zippers. But there are parts such as the hood, which are attached using bolts and nuts. In most cases, many companies that make vehicles for children make the hoods removable. Most often they are an arc that is made of metal. It is on this arc that the hood is placed and then attached to the side parts of the cradle using bolts. The back of the hood is fastened with buttons to prevent the wind from blowing in the child. Most often this metal arch can be removed. After this, the hood is washed in a washing machine. But some models do not have this option, so you will have to wash the hood manually. To do this, you need to soap the sponge with baby soap and rub the dirt. Next, excess foam is removed using a damp, clean cloth.

All removable parts without frame and metal parts can be safely loaded into the washing machine; washing is done at 30 degrees. Please note that it is best to use liquid detergent or baby powder for washing. This is due to the fact that when ordinary powder dries, stains often remain.

Under no circumstances should the stroller be dried in the sun. It is best to hang the parts in the shade or even at home on a drying rack. UV rays can cause yellow spots.

Removable stroller parts

Main types of strollers

Baby strollers can be classified according to the age group for which they are intended. There are divisions based on the number of wheels and upholstery material. As a rule, parents focus on functionality and maneuverability.

Based on this, several main directions can be identified.

Classic models

They are designed to transport children from birth to six months. They are a prototype of a cradle, with a flat and hard bottom. Classic strollers have a folding bottom and large wheels with good shock absorption. They are available in many well-known brands, in a wide variety of colors and finishes. A typical classic model is the Inglesina Sofia.

Walking models

These are suitable for children who have learned to sit. Manufacturers indicate the age group from six months to three years. The stroller is a block with a large hood and a removable foot cover. Due to the adjustable backrest, it can be reclined to a lying position. One of the well-known brands that produce walks is yoyo.

Three-wheeled models

They are distinguished by their relatively light weight and maneuverability. These strollers are easy to transport and store, as when folded they take up very little space. The package can include both a cradle for newborns and a sitting unit.


Disassembling the stroller before washing
Transformable strollerThe most economical option for children's transport. The walking block transforms into a cradle by inserting a mattress or envelope into the walking block. Suitable for children from birth to three years.

Universal models

The main difference between such strollers will be the presence of two or three blocks in the set. A big advantage would be a monolithic block for newborns, as it is the warmest and most not blown, unlike other models.

The 3 in 1 options come with a car seat with adapters that can be used to mount it on the wheel unit. The wheelbase itself can be swivel or classic, depending on the model. Prominent representatives of universal strollers will be the Adamex Barletta and Tuttis Zippy.


How to properly wash a wedding dress: in the washing machine and by hand

How to wash a stroller cane?

This is not an easy task, since most Chinese, cheap models are created for one season. That is, at the end of the season, they are simply thrown away. However, in reality, many of today's mothers cannot afford to buy a new stroller for each child. That is why several women in a row can use such a stroller; after their children grow up, they give the stroller to their neighbors or relatives.


  • In order to update the stroller and clean it, unfortunately, you cannot use a washing machine. After all, parts of the stroller are often sewn together with a metal base, so immersing them in water will not work. Likewise, we do not recommend washing even removable parts with metal parts in the bathroom by completely immersing the parts in water.
  • The fact is that metal parts can rust and leave stains on the stroller after drying. The only possible option is to wash such a stroller using special products for upholstery of sofas and car interiors.
  • Another good option is to wash the stroller in a bathtub with a full immersion. The vehicle will need to be dried quickly using a hair dryer or heater. It is necessary to immerse the stroller in the bathtub, wet it with a stream of water, pour in washing powder, or soap it with baby soap. Cleaning is carried out using a sponge or a regular brush.
  • After this, all the soap suds are washed off in the same way under running water. After this wash, you must remember to wipe all metal parts and wheels using a clean cloth. Now the main task is to dry the product as quickly as possible so that rust does not appear and the product does not deteriorate. For these purposes, use heaters or a hairdryer.

Walking with a stroller

Cleaning transformer and cane models

It is necessary to clean a disassembled transformable stroller, taking into account the properties of each type of fabric (as a rule, such models are made from several types of materials).

The “cane” (walking) model is characterized by the absence of removable parts. She washes herself completely. It is important to rinse and dry thoroughly after washing to prevent dampness from remaining and subsequent mold formation.

Removing stains and mold

Walking in the fresh air has great benefits for children's development. In this case, it is simply impossible to do without a stroller. Appetite naturally increases, so in order to keep the baby occupied, not to miss feeding time, or simply to quench thirst in hot weather, mothers feed their babies directly in the stroller.

In this case, some of the food may fall onto the surface of the vehicle.

Therefore, it is important to know how to properly remove such stains. There are several folk recipes for removing milk stains:

  • Crushed chalk or verified salt is sprinkled on the milky stain and left overnight to react. In the morning, chalk or salt is brushed off with a brush. The spots should disappear.
  • Sodium borate, diluted half and half with water, moisturizes the contamination. After 20 minutes, the solution is washed off with a foam sponge and warm water.

Easy to use, clean stroller

Mold can appear on a stroller in several cases:

  • in case of improper and long-term storage in a damp place;
  • if the stroller is poorly dried after being exposed to precipitation (rain, snow).

To get rid of mold, some substances will be useful: turpentine, baking soda, baby liquid powder with hydrogen peroxide. One of these substances is applied to the mold stain and wiped thoroughly.

Afterwards, it is important to rinse thoroughly with the addition of vinegar or conditioner. Next, you need to dry the stroller well.

If, after drying, particles of powder or soda remain on the fabric surface, they are removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Another effective way to remove mold is to treat the stain with whey, then rub it with half an onion. Next is thorough rinsing, drying and subsequent use.

Washing a coconut mattress

Under no circumstances should the coconut filling itself be wetted. To get rid of unpleasant odors, it is hung on the balcony and dried in the open sun. In winter, use a battery for this purpose. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to dry it out. Otherwise, the coconut filler will lose its shape.

But the foam layer can be washed. It detaches from the filler very easily. It should be screwed on and placed in the washing machine as is. It should be taken into account that foam rubber after washing requires additional drying on a radiator or in the sun, since its porous structure retains moisture for a very long time. And in the case of coconut filling, there should not be any liquid inside the mattress, even in the smallest quantities, as this will lead to the formation of mold.

How to wash a coconut mattress to get rid of mites, dust and dirt inside the fibers? If you have a steam generator at your disposal, you can use it for cleaning. Hot steam can dissolve many types of stains, kill mites if present, and also blow out all the dust ingrained deep into the coconut fibers.

It is important to dry the filler well after such treatment.

In conclusion, it should be added that, despite the low price of a mattress filled with coconut flakes, it makes sense to follow the rules for caring for it. As practice shows, stores do not always sell environmentally friendly materials. In an effort to give the coconut filling increased strength, manufacturers use adhesives of synthetic origin. Therefore, being the owner of a truly environmentally friendly mattress, it makes sense to keep it in good condition for as long as possible.

Washing features

First of all, let's consider a simpler option for machine washing. It is physically impossible to completely wash the stroller in a machine, but all the detachable parts can be easily loaded into the drum of the automatic assistant.

Light-colored strollers look great, but require proper care

  • Initially, stains and dirt are removed from the parts, after which they are placed inside the drum of the machine.
  • The washing mode should be suitable for synthetic and delicate fabrics, and the water temperature should not be raised above 30°C degrees.
  • There is no need for a spin; this option is disabled. The parts are wrung out by hand and hung to dry. In addition, the covers can be laid out on a terry towel. It absorbs water well, so quick drying is guaranteed.

All stationary non-removable parts are cleaned manually using a cloth and soap solution. The metal frame can be wiped with a damp cloth, and the wheels can be washed in the shower.

Now let's talk about hand washing. Hand washing is without a doubt a good option for children's vehicle fabrics. To carry it out, you need to dissolve the detergent in a large basin or directly in the bathroom. Then immerse all removable fabric parts of the stroller in the soapy solution and leave to soak for half an hour. Next - gentle hand washing and generous rinsing in a large volume of water. You can use the shower.

The stroller seat can be made with a bottom made of wood, plywood, fiberboard, chipboard or MDF. Usually the bottom of a portable cradle is made of such materials. You should not wet such parts with water; a simple wet treatment with a brush and soapy water will keep nearby tissues clean.

Cleaning a disassembled stroller in the bathroom

There is also an express washing option. Summer folding stroller models usually do not have the ability to remove fabric parts. But without cleaning, such things can be a source of bacteria and microorganisms for children. How to wash a stroller to save a child’s body from possible troubles? It is necessary to carry out water procedures on the entire vehicle.

After this cleaning method, the stroller should be thoroughly and quickly dried to prevent rusting of the mechanisms, the appearance of an unpleasant musty odor, stains and stains.

Why do you need a carrycot?

A newborn baby is helpless. He cannot be left alone, so he “travels” everywhere with his parents. In the first months of life, you need to move around a lot: in addition to walking in a stroller, the baby goes to the clinic and store, and visits grandparents.

It’s not possible to travel everywhere with a stroller, and there’s little you can do or do with a child in your arms. In addition, the baby should not be placed on any surface - the bed must be quite hard and at the same time soft, perfectly flat and stable. To make life easier for parents, baby carriers were invented that make it convenient to “transport” babies over short distances.

Features of baby carriers:

  • Designed for children from birth to 6 months (in fact, they stop using them earlier, since six-month-old babies weigh a lot, and it becomes inconvenient to carry them in a cradle);
  • The design resembles a cradle from a stroller, has a flexible frame, a solid, flat bottom and high fabric sides, long handles;
  • Equipped with a hood and a detachable cover that protect from rain and wind;
  • Some models have seat belts that secure the child's body inside.

Unlike baby carriers and slings, baby carriers allow you to leave your baby on the bed, sofa or table for a short time without disturbing his sleep. Thanks to the fabric base, they are lighter than infant carriers and top bassinets from convertible strollers. However, a soft carrycot is not suitable for transporting a baby in a car - for this you need to purchase a special device.

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