What is Tiret Turbo, features of the product and instructions for use

Since a small amount of food particles, grease, dirt, hair and other substances enter the drain pipes along with the water every day, sooner or later the sewer can become clogged.

The blockage prevents the pipe from draining waste into the sewer riser.

Accordingly, plumbing fixtures such as bathtubs, sinks, and shower stalls partially lose their functionality. Fortunately, this situation can be resolved within an hour and with minimal effort.

All this is possible thanks to modern special chemicals, a wonderful example of which is Tiret Turbo gel. This product is exported from Poland and is positioned as an effective means for cleaning clogged pipes on your own.

Tiret is available in three versions: professional (approved for use only for iron pipes), antibacterial (designated primarily for the prevention of blockages) and turbo.

Tiret Turbo, due to the possibility of use in plastic pipes, both for thorough cleaning and for prevention, is the most popular in the entire Tiret line.

  • 2 How to use

What is Tiret Turbo?

Tiret Turbo for pipes is a gel that allows you to quickly get rid of blockages and unpleasant odors.

Tiret Turbo will not only help get rid of the blockage, but will also eliminate the cause of the unpleasant odor from the pipe.

The concentration of the product differs depending on the composition. The line includes the following products:

  • Turbo is a gel designed to remove complex blockages.
  • Professional - used for cleaning light blockages, as a preventive measure.
  • Antibacterial - the difference lies in the increased concentration of chlorine, the product is used to get rid of blockages and unpleasant odors.

A separate category includes a cleaner for turbo washing machines.

How else can you clear the blockage?

If you do not have the opportunity to quickly run to the store or you are not a supporter of chemicals, or maybe for other reasons you do not want to resort to the help of “Mole”, “Tiret” or another means, try mechanically cleaning the pipes or using folk recipes.

The simplest method at first glance is using a plunger. It is a cup-shaped rubber nozzle on a wooden or plastic handle and serves to release air from the pipeline, which pushes contamination through the pipe and eliminates it. But a plunger is not always able to get rid of dirt, since air cannot push through severe blockages.

If you call a plumber, he will not pour special products into the pipes, but will either blow out the pipe, or disassemble it and clean it with a hose or hook, pulling out contaminants. Blowing is carried out with special equipment similar to a vacuum cleaner. If you can disassemble the pipe and clean it yourself (if you, of course, are sure that you will reassemble it correctly later), then you cannot blow it out yourself using any means, since you can damage the pipes not only in the apartment, but also in the general building. It is better to pay for the services of a plumber than to pay for repairs.

Features and composition

Due to its dense consistency, the gel does not mix with water immediately. The high concentration of tiret turbo allows the product to be used to remove blockages over long distances.


  • Chlorine is a substance that interacts with all elements. It penetrates microorganisms (bacteria, fungi), comes into contact with atomic oxygen, after which the contaminant cells are destroyed.
  • Surfactants (surfactants) are divided into anionic and nonionic. The first ones have a negative charge on the heads and are considered the most common. The reaction is accompanied by the splitting of dense masses into small particles that mix with dissimilar substances. Nonionic are substances with a double charge that function together with anionic analogues. Their addition helps stabilize the foam and compact the structure.

Some of the main components in Tiret Turbo are chlorine and surfactants.
The complex composition is used to remove dense blockages in the kitchen and bathroom. The thick viscous form provides retention in difficult to pass places; the components react with many organic substances. Chlorine has a suppressive effect on mold, living bacteria, and volatile substances that produce odors.

Operating principle

The main plug is fatty deposits, the viscous structure of which forms a barrier to the free flow of water through the pipes. It has adhesive properties; various substances and particles stick to it. The base is reinforced with mechanical impurities in the form of solid particles of earth, dust, wool, hair.

The basis of the cork is fatty deposits.

The gel penetrates into all places, splitting the cork. Within 5 minutes, the components react with the elements of the product, after which the procedure is repeated if necessary.

The gel breaks up the cork well. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure.

The effectiveness of the gel is achieved due to its composition. Its components are safe for the health of people and animals. There is no need to use physical force; any housewife can handle Tiret. The main active ingredient of the product is active chlorine. When it comes into contact with sewer sludge, carbon dioxide is released. Air bubbles emerge from the drain and take an active part in the destruction of debris.

With the help of Tiret Turbo, any housewife can deal with the blockage herself without outside help.

Chlorine has strong antiseptic properties. After it penetrates the sewer system, the inner surface of the pipeline is disinfected. The process is accompanied by the destruction of mold and infections. Chlorine is volatile; after 2 hours the substance evaporates completely.

Surfactants (surfactants) react with fats, which are broken down and freely removed from the sewer pipes.

The chlorine contained in the product disinfects surfaces.

About ways to deal with blockages

No matter how hard we try, nanoparticles are found in the flushed water, which stick to the walls of the pipes and create plugs. Fat, hair, food debris, sand - all this collects in one lump and makes it difficult to drain water.

The oldest and most common method of dealing with pipe blockages is a plunger. It consists of a handle and a rubber suction cup. Thanks to the vacuum created by this device, the blockage is pushed out of the pipes.

Time ( the form of physical and mental processes, the condition for the possibility of change

) from time to time it requires significant physical effort, but does not always pay off. The plug is not completely removed, but only partially moves, which allows the water to gradually drain into the drain.

After some time, a congestion forms again and even then it is necessary to turn to experts ( a specialist invited or hired for a fee to issue a qualified conclusion or judgment on an issue being considered or resolved by other people who are less competent in this matter).

), since the plunger here is already weak.

Plumbers come with the most advanced device - a plumbing cable, at the end of which a steel handle is soldered. Having disassembled the siphon under the sink, the cable is inserted into the pipe.

One person should guide it, and another person should turn the handle. Thanks to these manipulations, the cable evenly enters the sewer system and clears away the accumulated dirt.

Packaging of Tiret gels of various types ( VIEW: Literally: What is visible to the eye


Unfortunately, it is not always possible to use the services of experts, and they do not come as quickly as we would like. Naturally, after such a procedure you cannot do without general cleaning.

Some people try to fight blockages in the system using soda. This method is not justified. Since soda does not penetrate deeply and acts only superficially.

There are many products that can be purchased in household chemical departments. Waters, powders, gels - in such abundance it is extremely difficult to make the right choice. After all, these products are not always safe. They often contain languid chemical elements.

When removing blockages in this way, the components enter into a chemical reaction with the debris. Harmful vapors enter the human lungs and settle on indoor furniture, causing allergies and various pulmonary diseases. Children are especially susceptible to this.

When choosing a product, you must carefully read the composition. There are elements that destroy even plastic pipes and are only suitable for iron systems.

Advantages and disadvantages

Main advantages of the product:

  • safety for plastic and metal pipes;
  • economical consumption - 1 liter of content is enough to clear 2-3 blockages;
  • speed of action - the cork dissolves in 5-20 minutes;
  • ease of use - convenient bottle shape, dispenser.


  • the inability to use gel to remove blockages in the toilet;
  • pungent chemical smell;
  • toxicity - use of the product is accompanied by the release of harmful chlorine vapors.

This product is not suitable for removing clogs in the toilet.
The instructions indicate that the product should be left for 5 minutes. This time is not enough; sometimes the blockage can be removed only after an hour and a half of exposure.

Instructions for use

An important condition for using the gel is the presence of a small amount of water. The product shows effectiveness in breaking down blockages of organic origin and fat deposits. Tiret is also recommended to be used for preventive purposes. The substance is considered quite toxic, so precautions should be taken in advance. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in a ventilated area.

Tiret Turbo can be used for preventive purposes.

Instructions for use:

  1. Remove any remaining water from the sink and use a mug to scoop it out if necessary. This will help maintain the concentration of the solution and increase cleaning efficiency.
  2. Pour ¼ bottle into the drain hole and leave for 5-15 minutes. depending on the complexity of the blockage. It is recommended to pour the liquid into the center of the hole; the solution will reach the blockage faster.
  3. Without turning on the water, pour ½ of the product remaining in the bottle, wait 5-15 minutes. After this, bubbling sounds may be heard. It is not recommended to look into the drain hole; this will help to avoid the harmful effects of vapors on the body.
  4. Fill a sink full of hot water, after closing the drain with a stopper. Open the plug and let water through. Under pressure, the clog will go away faster. Boiling water will help increase the effectiveness of the procedure. When using it, care must be taken when removing the plug.

The procedure for clearing the blockage can be repeated several times if necessary; it is very important to follow safety precautions.

Don't forget to use protective equipment. It is best to wear special gloves and a mask.

In accordance with the instructions for using tiret for washing machines, the product must be used 2 times a year on an empty cycle. To clean the machine, the solution must be poured in a small amount into the compartments for powder and rinse aid, and the rest of the contents of the container must be poured into the empty laundry compartment. After this, the machine should be turned on at 60 degrees and a full wash cycle should be carried out.

Before using Tiret Cleaner for washing machines, carefully read the instructions.

Mister Muscle

This is the most advertised sewer pipe cleaner. It is mainly used as prevention and removal of small blockages. It can be used to clean pipes, dissolve hair and food residues. In addition, harmful bacteria located in the pipes are destroyed. As a result, the unpleasant odor coming from the sewer pipes disappears.

Granulated, 70 gr. "Mister Muscle"

This is a one-time use solution for removing blockages that occur in the drain pipe. In half an hour it destroys harmful microorganisms and removes unpleasant odors. This product can be used to clean pipes made of any material. Available in disposable packaging.

Weight -70 g.

Made in Turkey.

When my drain pipes were clogged, I found two identical products in the store:

"Mr. Muscle", weighing 70 g. which includes:

  • Special filler;
  • Sodium hydroxide.

The cost of the package is 46 rubles.

“Mole-Cinderella” is intended for cleaning pipes, weighing 90 g. The composition is completely similar to the product described above. However, the cost of the drug is only 10 rubles 50 kopecks.

Of course, 50 rubles is not very much money, but why pay four times more when the volume is much less.

The bag contained exactly the same granules, white in color. "Cinderella" has a slightly smaller granule size. After cleaning two completely different drain pipes, the effect was the same.

If you use a plunger at the same time as the product, it works well. However, the efficiency of the cable is much higher.

Perhaps Cinderella is in the cheap category. I decided to look at the cost of other similar products:

  • "Tik Tak", 90 gr. – 10.3 rubles;
  • "Selena Anticlogging" 90 gr. – 6.90 rubles;
  • "Chirton" 60 gr. – 23.5 rubles.

The question immediately arose, why do you have to pay so much for “Mr. Muscle”? Maybe this is the most common surcharge for a brand.

"Mr. Muscle" 500 ml. – gel

Using this gel you can dissolve:

  • Hair;
  • Fat;
  • Food leftovers.

Can be used in any pipes, regardless of the material of manufacture. A very thick, highly concentrated gel is able to quickly penetrate the pipe, and even standing water will not interfere with it. It will take him approximately 15 minutes to remove complex blockages. At the same time, it will destroy harmful microbes and remove unpleasant odors.

How to use: Pour half the container into standing water. Wait 15 minutes. Rinse the drain pipe with boiling water. The contents of the bottle are designed for two uses.

To remove severely clogged pipes, you need to pour in more than half a bottle and increase the waiting time

It is very important to follow safety precautions. After contact with skin, a burn may occur. Work only with gloves

Work only with gloves.

Mister Muscle includes:

  • Water;
  • Sodium hypochlorite – less than 5%;
  • Sodium hydroxide;
  • Amphoteric surfactant – less than 5%;
  • Soap – less than 5%;
  • Sodium silicate;
  • Sodium polystyrene sulfonate.

Precautionary measures

Tiret turbo gel for removing complex, severe blockages has a wide spectrum of action. The instructions for use indicate that the drug is prohibited for use when cleaning copper and rubber pipes. The simultaneous use of bleach and gel is also prohibited, since the reaction is accompanied by the release of toxic gas.

Tiret Turbo is not used for copper and rubber pipes.

The cleaning product belongs to the category of aggressive substances, so you should first familiarize yourself with the rules of use and storage. Particular attention should be paid to the protection of mucous membranes (respiratory organs, vision, gastrointestinal tract). It should be taken into account that contact with gels causes irreversible reactions.

Tiret turbo is also suitable for clearing blockages in bathroom pipes. But do not forget about protective equipment when using.

The container is covered with a cap, which opens by simultaneously pressing the turn. When opening the bottle, it is recommended to move away from the sink, which will help expose the body to the strong smell and fumes. Despite the presence of a special cap that protects against children, the product should be stored out of their reach.

The cap contains a diagram for opening this product.

Gel Tiret is considered safe for health. It should be borne in mind that the body’s reaction to the processes occurring in the sink may be unpredictable. To protect your eyes and hands, it is recommended to use special glasses and gloves. In some cases, the reaction is especially pronounced, and drops may get into the eyes.

When carrying out the procedure, it is not recommended to bend too low to the sink, and it is forbidden to inhale the vapors. They are considered safe, but if they enter the respiratory tract they can cause discomfort.

Take precautions when using Tiret Turbo.

Following these rules will help prevent blockages:

  • installing a fine mesh on the sink - will help prevent small particles from getting into the drain hole;
  • installation of a food waste shredder;
  • pouring Tireta into the drain hole as a preventative measure.

Installing a screen over your sink drain will help prevent blockages.

Gel Tiret Turbo Specialist for removing blockages

You can imagine that you are familiar with the commercial pipe cleaning products: Instant Power concentrate, Mole, Eco-drain for blockages 100 g, Atmosbio for pipe cleaning 1 l (Makzim), bacterial pipe cleaner Robik K-67, available on the market now. However, it is difficult to call them safe, since most of the remedies for blockages are based on heavy chemical substances, which, among other things, are not always effective. Chemical substances also form harmful vapors, which settle in a toxic layer in the bathroom and kitchen after introduction, which is fraught with negative consequences for the health of people living in the apartment/house. In such a situation, it is better to trust other means that promise results without consequences. A very effective means of fighting ( martial arts, hand-to-hand combat between two people, in which each tries to overpower the other, knocking him down
) against blockages was and remains the Tiret Professional gel.

If you check, you will find many chemical products on sale to remove clogged drains. But, Tiret Turbo gel remains a more effective remedy against sewer blockages for almost all homeowners. Why? For the simple reason that rubs promote disinfection along with the removal of dirt, grease, oil, wax and mold. Another positive effect is water softening. All that remains is to remove the blockage. Let's look at the implementation of tiret turbo using the example of clearing a clog in the sink.

Before all this, you need to take care of your own protection. You will need a pair of rubber gloves to protect your hands, as well as glasses to protect your eyes from contact with the baking soda/gel. The reaction to contact can be very violent, so protective measures are imperative. Show timely concern.

Now that you have everything ready, take a measured dose of Tiret Professional gel (Tiret) Specialist and pour it into the drain. Wait some time for the rubbing gel to react with the clogged pipe.

Next, take half the dose of thyret and pour it down the drain. Again, leave the clog alone for half an hour. The reaction of the gel with the clog produces carbon dioxide, which appears as bubbles and eats away the debris and oils from the clog in the pipe.

Now comes the most crucial moment of the entire procedure. You will need to boil water, you need 5-6 glasses of boiling water, which are slowly poured into the sewer, so that the clog weakened by the chemical reaction is washed out of the pipe. Don't lean over the sink to watch the reaction. Stay away as boiling water can aggravate the scrubbing reaction.

In general, this completes the cycle of the pipe cleaning process. Continue repeating the function if the blockage was not removed the first time. As a rule, 3-4 times is enough. Beware of the introduction of Tiret Specialist ( an employee whose duties require the presence of primary, secondary or higher professional (special) education or good practical knowledge and/or practical

) with bleach, as these two products when combined produce harmful chemical gases that should not be inhaled.

Remember, you can use this pipe cleaner when you have iron pipes installed in your home. The alloy simply opposes the reaction ( an action that occurs in response to some impact

), which cannot be said about the plastic pipeline, which can melt as a result of this reaction. Products for plastic pipes are usually marked with a corresponding inscription on the label.

It is recommended to use this solution on a weekly basis as part of the prevention of blockages. This is all we wanted to tell you about the use of Tiret Turbo Specialist gel, we hope that this information has borne fruit in the fight against blockages.


When clearing complex blockages, other means are also used. They provide effective removal of grease, food waste, hair, fur, and limescale. When using all products, precautions must be observed. The following products are highly effective in removing blockages: Mole, Deboucher, Floop, Mister Muscle.


Tiret has been on the market for quite a long time, so many people have used it. Reviews are mostly positive.

Reviews of Tiret Turbo, a remedy for pipe blockages, are only positive. But we must not forget that if you want to get a good result and not harm your health, then be sure to follow the instructions for this gel.

  • Valentina :
    “I buy Tiret all the time and use it for preventive purposes. I pour it into the sinks in the bathroom and kitchen once a month according to the instructions. There have been no blockages for several years, all thanks to Tiret.”
  • Marina :
    “A blockage appeared in the kitchen the day before yesterday; water began to slowly drain. The plunger didn’t help, so I had to buy Tiret on the advice of a neighbor. He was pleasantly pleased with the price. I left the gel in the sink for 15 minutes, but it didn’t help at all. After refilling, the blockage cleared. There was a smell of chlorine in the kitchen, which quickly disappeared after airing. I recommend this product to everyone."
  • Natalya :
    “The drain hole in the shower stall recently became clogged. The water stays at the same level and flows away very slowly. I had to call a plumber, who promised to come only in the evening. I decided to go to the store, where the saleswoman recommended Tiret to me. I did everything as it was written in the instructions, the water went away literally immediately. I really liked the product, despite the affordable price, the effectiveness is high.”


DEBOUCHER (Debaucher) – A special product that perfectly cleanses:

In addition, the drug removes:

  • Hair;
  • Paper;
  • Fat;
  • Food leftovers;
  • Organic pollution.

After using “Brawler”, unpleasant odors disappear and all harmful bacteria are destroyed. The composition does not react with plastic and does not damage the enamel coating.

How to use

Each bottle has a special “child resistant” cap. To open the bottle, you need to press on the cap from above and turn it counterclockwise. Pour 500 milliliters of drain cleaner into the sink. Wait approximately 1–2 hours. If there is a severe blockage or a long pipeline, you need to pour out one liter of the drug and wait overnight. In the morning, rinse the pipes with a strong stream of hot water.

The composition of "Deboucher" has:

  • Purified water;
  • Sodium hydroxide,
  • Sodium hypochlorite.

How to store

Only at temperatures not exceeding 20-22 degrees. The drug should not be exposed to sunlight. If the drug is stored frozen, its properties are completely preserved after thawing. Be sure to shake the bottle before use.

Safety precautions

This highly caustic substance should be kept as far away from children as possible. Do not use for cleaning aluminum products. It is not allowed to mix the drug and detergents that contain acids. When working, be sure to protect your eyes.

Direct contact with skin must be avoided. If this happens, rinse immediately with a strong stream of water.

This pipe cleaner is the most popular. There are quite a lot of varieties of it. This powdered preparation contains caustic soda.

To clear a blockage in a pipe, when using the “Mole”, you need to perform the following operations sequentially:

  • The cleaning agent is poured into the drain with 40–120 ml of the product. Leave for approximately 2–3 hours;
  • The pipe is washed with a strong stream of hot water.

"Mole" shows very good results for removing:

  • Fat;
  • Leftover food;
  • Collagen fibers.

It also removes unpleasant odors from the room. The substance can be used as an excellent prophylactic agent.

The composition of "Mole" contains:

  • Sodium hydroxide;
  • Sodium sulfate.

It must be said that this drug is produced by various manufacturers. Therefore, the amount of active substances in each of them may differ. The time of use of each drug is purely individual.

This does not change the cleaning efficiency in any way, but before use you need to carefully read the instructions.

For many years, “Mole” has remained the most popular product when it is necessary to clean the sewer. Can be used as an excellent preventive measure. Therefore, if your water is simply not draining well or you need to carry out preventive maintenance, then the best remedy for blockages in the economy segment is Mole.

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