Air fryer: what is it and what is it for? Step-by-step instructions for selection and use with tips on what utensils can be used

Housewives, in order to make cooking easier, use new appliances and devices in which the prepared dishes turn out tastier and healthier. Air grills are kitchen appliances used for cooking.

Having one at home makes cooking easier and more enjoyable, and also takes much less time compared to classic stoves. To choose “your” model, a home model, you need to understand the structure of convection ovens and understand what advantages and disadvantages they have, which is what will be discussed in the article.

Air fryer - what is it?

This is an electrical appliance that, thanks to its compact size, will fit even in small kitchens. Its main positive quality is that the ingredients are treated with hot air, therefore they retain most of the vitamins.

Externally, an electric grill looks like a transparent bowl or flask, with a stand or lid covering the structure. The “body” of the lid contains heating elements and a fan that blows air. On the outside are the controls.

In simple models, halogen elements are installed instead of tubular electric heaters. Their advantage is that the heat generated does not have a negative effect on the glass of the bowl (over time it will not oxidize or corrode).

But halogen heaters have low performance and do not last long (up to three years). The service life of models with metal heating elements reaches ten years.

In addition to the main elements, the design also contains additional ones:

  • grills for cooking meat dishes. Usually there are three of them, and they differ in height;
  • mesh pan. Useful for steaming or deep-frying. This is also a good device for drying food;
  • a metal ring is often found. It is fixed on top of the bowl, and its task is to regulate the volume of the container.

To understand whether you need an electric convection oven at home, you need to understand what it can do. Dishes are prepared in a container in which hot air flows freely circulate, blowing the food.

Air fryer grill

There is no need to monitor the process, the same applies to the need to turn the ingredients. It is also not necessary to add oil, since during heat treatment the products release their own juice and, when soaked in it, turn out tender and soft.

Using an air fryer, you can cook soups, stew vegetables, meat, and fish. If desired, it will replace the smokehouse.

The models produced now make it possible to completely abandon many electrical appliances: a classic gas stove, oven, steamer, toaster, microwave, drying device, barbecue and others.

Advantages and disadvantages of the device

Ability to cook several dishes at once

The advantage of an air fryer is that the food being cooked does not stick to the bowl and does not burn. There are other characteristics that can be considered as advantages:

  • the smells of cooking dishes do not “evaporate” throughout the home, but are kept under a closed, hermetically sealed lid;
  • cooking time is reduced;
  • Vitamins and nutrients are preserved to the maximum in ready-made dishes. Therefore, the air fryer is a favorite technique for those who adhere to proper nutrition;
  • safety. The technique does not emit anything, yet is easy to use;
  • the ability to cook several dishes at once - for the whole family;
  • compact dimensions;
  • does not make any demands on the dishes. Even metal or wooden containers are installed in the convection oven;
  • You can monitor the progress of cooking and, if necessary, intervene in the process.

This is not the entire list of benefits. The more expensive the model, the more functions and advantages it has.

But in order to essentially evaluate the technology, you need to understand what its disadvantages are:

  • Often in reviews there are comments that air fryers have a weak steaming system;
  • During operation, the flask, made of glass, gets very hot. To avoid getting burned, it is better not to touch it. Therefore, if children live at home, you must immediately select an installation location where they cannot reach;
  • the grilles included in the kit are difficult to clean;
  • consumes a lot of light.

Main mistakes

  • You choose an economical option with a halogen heating element. The service life is no longer than two years. It’s better to take a more expensive one and not buy twice.
  • Fixed wire grilles. In such an air fryer, all cooked food will burn and dry out.
  • Heavy flask (3-9 kg). It will be quite problematic to hold it when washing.

There are a huge number of manufacturers in the modern market.

The most popular are:

  • Hotter.
  • VES Electric.
  • Polaris.
  • Mystery.
  • Redmond.
  • Supra

Types of air fryers


If you don’t go into technical specifications, convection ovens are divided into two large categories: simple models and functional, more expensive ones.

For preparing simple everyday dishes, choose the first ones. You can use them to: bake meat, fish, vegetables, cook soup or porridge.

Multi-aerogrill is a more expensive option with a wide range of functions. If you are tired of the same dishes, then choose this technique.

Rich functionality allows you to cook: baked goods, smoked meats, fermented baked milk, yogurt, kebab, mushrooms, cottage cheese, berries and much more.

Features of work

How the air fryer works

The key part of any air fryer is a glass container (a round transparent flask). Its volume is from 6 to 12 liters. The ingredients are placed in it.

How does an electric grill work:

  1. The air heated in the container is blown in all directions by a fan.
  2. First it blows from top to bottom, then vice versa, so the food is cooked more evenly. Products will not burn, regardless of the selected mode, be it baking, frying or stewing.
  3. Wind flows are constant or changing, depending on the characteristics of the model. The more vortex flow modes, the better.
  4. The temperature in the working chamber is from +60 to +260 degrees Celsius.

Features and Features

Temperature adjustment

The set of functions depends on the model:

  • maintaining temperature. The prepared dish will not cool down for several hours if you enable this option;
  • temperature adjustment. This feature is available on all models. To prevent the equipment from overheating, the indicators are monitored by a special sensor;
  • speed of work. The speed at which air flows will circulate is regulated;
  • delayed start. It works like this: the ingredients are placed in the bowl and set when the air fryer needs to cook the dish. For example, having laid them in the evening, in the morning you can already enjoy the prepared food;
  • self-cleaning. This function is not found in all models, but it greatly simplifies the maintenance of equipment;
  • smoking. An air grill with a smoking function allows you to cook smoked fish, meat, cheese and other products;
  • double boiler. Steaming is a useful option, but based on reviews, it is better not to use it often in an air fryer. Steam, concentrating in large quantities, can unnecessarily load kitchen equipment;
  • mixing. It is not found in all models, but only in those that come with a special stirrer.

This is not the entire list of functions. When purchasing equipment, they are guided by what dishes will be prepared in it.

If you want something more than the usual food, they take more expensive equipment with a larger list of capabilities.

Tips for purchasing

  1. Find the product you want to purchase and read reviews about it
  2. Don’t save money, it’s better to buy quality and last for a long time
  3. Decide on the features you need
  4. Try to choose an option with medium power

Contact a consultant for help, specifying the price and required functions. They will show you the options and with the help of all the tips listed, you can choose your ideal air fryer

Happy shopping everyone.

What can you cook

You can dry fruits in an air fryer

The air fryer is a technique in which you can cook almost everything, from soups to desserts. Using it:

  • stew vegetables;
  • bake pies, meat, pizza in foil;
  • dried;
  • make jam (directly in jars);
  • dried fruits, herbs, mushrooms;
  • roast the seeds;
  • smoke fish.

Anything that is cooked in a frying pan on a regular hob can be cooked just as well in an air fryer. This technique will be a good helper for those who love deli meats.

Meat, shish kebab, cutlets - all these dishes turn out tender and juicy, as they are cooked in their own juices.

The only thing is that if the functionality of the device does not provide for this, you will have to manually turn the products over. There are quite a few recipes online that are adapted to specific models of air fryers - so there is plenty of room for imagination.


Valentina, 45 years old, 03/08/2019, Moscow: There are many more advantages in this technique than disadvantages. I use it quite often, I try to prepare the first and second for several days. Very convenient, I don’t regret that I took the 12 liter one, it’s great for a family of 3 people. The only negative is the dimensions, due to the fact that the kitchen is small.

Nina, 40 years old, 11/08/2018, Kazan: I recommend it to those who are looking for a functional appliance in which you can cook whatever you want. I’ve already made fermented baked milk and yogurt, I liked it, I also dried fruit, but the kids didn’t like it. The meat turns out juicy and the fish is delicious too.

Evgeniya, 42 years old, 09/01/2018, Rostov-on-Don: Excellent kitchen appliances, especially for those who watch their diet. If you adhere to proper nutrition, don’t even hesitate, take it. It's great to diversify your diet.

Anna, 38 years old, 10/11/2018, Yekaterinburg: I ​​liked that you can actually make several dishes at a time. For me, the most delicious options for lunch and dinner are vegetables and fish. This is now my favorite dinner.

Svetlana, 29 years old, 01/08/2018, Nizhny Novgorod: Significantly simplifies cooking for the week, I load several dishes at once, cook, and then all I have to do is put them into containers and that’s it. Reasonable price, super functionality. I’ve even made homemade bread, it’s delicious.

Lidiya, 30 years old, 04/14/2018, Voronezh: Initially I thought that I wouldn’t use it often, but gradually over the weekend I started cooking meat and making fermented baked milk. A great thing, and most importantly, everything happens quickly, and there is no need to monitor the process.

Galina, 35 years old, 02/18/2019, St. Petersburg: For a long time I thought about whether I needed an air fryer or not. I read the reviews and decided that I needed to take it. I was satisfied, you can cook whatever you want, and most importantly, the food turns out juicy and healthy. My family especially likes meat.

Klavdiya, 40 years old, 09/07/2018, Voronezh: Dishes are prepared quickly, I always follow the recipe. The equipment is excellent, there is nothing superfluous. I can say that any housewife should have such a device. The only thing that was wrong with the dimensions was that I should have taken more.

Alexandra, 20 years old, 05/07/2019, Samara: An ideal purchase for me. Since I make various cakes, I use an air fryer to dry fruits. Then I decorate pastries, cakes and other desserts with healthy dried fruits. I love.

How to use an air fryer

Fan in convection oven

A user manual is included with the equipment itself. Cooking is a simple process that requires virtually no outside intervention. User manual:

  1. The device must be plugged into the network.
  2. Place the ingredients into the container and cover with a lid.
  3. On the control panel, select operating parameters: time, temperature, speed.
  4. After reaching the set temperature, the fan turns on, pumping hot air flows inside the container.

At the end of the program, the air fryer will beep. Many people make a mistake here - they immediately pull the equipment out of the network. You should not do this, since the fan continues to work even after completion.

The plug is pulled out after the device has cooled down and the fan has stopped.

Once you understand how to cook, it's a good idea to learn how to clean your air fryer. Many models have a self-cleaning function. You can also use the dishwasher for washing. In the case of self-cleaning, the steps are as follows:

  1. Pour dishwashing liquid into the bowl along with boiling water (up to half).
  2. Set the temperature to +250 degrees and close the lid for 10 minutes.
  3. After this treatment, it is enough to rinse the inner flask and wipe the lid dry.
  4. You can also place the accessories used in cooking (grids, skewers, baking sheets) in the bowl.

When loading equipment into the dishwasher, you must first remove the lid from the air fryer - it should be washed separately.

Device selection

Before purchasing, you need to think about where the appliance will be installed in the kitchen. The housewife must decide in advance what dishes will need to be cooked in the air fryer. The choice of power and additional functions of the device depends on this.

First, you can read a review of the best convection ovens and read consumer reviews.

Before purchasing, it is necessary to take into account the capacity of the container and how many fan speeds are provided in the product.

How to choose an air fryer for your home

Mechanical control panel

Recommendations from specialists based on the characteristics of the equipment:

  • power. The more powerful the air fryer, the more productive it is, which means it will spend less time preparing the dish. High-power equipment is not recommended, as it consumes a lot of light and “dries out” some products. Average power will be enough to cook most dishes - this is 1200 - 1400 W;
  • bowl volume. Two numbers correspond to the volume: the first is the main volume, the second is the increased (if the kit includes a ring attachment like the Hotter HX 1037 Classic model). There are three categories available according to this criterion: small (8 - 12 l), medium (10 - 14 l) and large (12 - 16 l). If dishes are prepared for a married couple, then a small volume will suffice. If several dishes are prepared at once, it is better to choose a large one;
  • heater. This element is responsible for heating the air in the working chamber of the air fryer. It happens: heating element, halogen, carbon. The first is durable, powerful and does not require cooling. But over time it oxidizes and becomes rusty. The halogen heater is environmentally friendly, does not undergo oxidation, but has little service life. Carbon fiber is a high-tech product, powerful and lasts longer;
  • blowing speed. In simple models it is not adjustable. More expensive air fryers have three speeds: low, medium and high;
  • control type. According to this parameter, there are mechanical and electronic equipment. “Mechanics” allows you to set only the temperature and time, so it is suitable for preparing simple dishes. Electronic control expands the functionality: there is a timer, and setting the fan speed, modes and much more;
  • method of fastening the cover. This structural element can be removable or non-removable (hinged lid). The folding one is easier to clean;
  • equipment. Depends on the model and includes various auxiliary accessories designed to make cooking easier.

After analyzing these tips, it will be easier to choose a device for home cooking.

additional characteristics

you can choose the type of control, there are only two.

  • Mechanical is considered the simplest and most reliable. There are buttons on the panel that are used for control.
  • Electronic. The panel is represented by touch controls.

In the package you can choose expansion rings, skewers and other devices for a specific type of food.

  1. Timer. It will make a sound when cooking is complete.
  2. Keep warm. With this function, cooked food will remain hot for the required time.
  3. Autoheating. A convenient function, but compared to a microwave, it takes much longer to heat up.

Popular makes and models

Hotter HX-1036 EconomyNew

The convection oven produced by Hotter was named the best among similar products in 2022. This is a device made in a beautiful, technological design (example in the photo). There are 6 cooking programs available.

There is a timer with a delay start function. The increased temperature is achieved due to the heating element, made using two-turn technology - it gives off more heat in a short time. Available temperature values ​​are from +65 to +250 degrees.

Thanks to the 3D heating function, products placed in the bowl will be baked more evenly. The bowl volume of this air fryer model is 10 liters, but there is an expansion ring on the lid that increases it to 14 liters.

Power – 1.2 – 1.4 kW (depending on the mode). The equipment is rich: stand, grill, skewers, tongs, roadster (poultry meat is baked in it).

VES Electric

A Spanish company that produces simple and ergonomic kitchen appliances. Air grills from this company are equipped with a lid on a bracket, which simplifies the use of the device.

The useful volume of the bowl is increased by an expansion ring, and the thermostat is adjustable. Case material – high-strength glass.

Each model contains at least six units of additional accessories. VES AX 747D is an electronically controlled model with a self-cleaning function. Convection and temperature are adjustable.


Despite the budget price segment, this model does its job perfectly, preparing dishes faster than in the oven. The power of the device is 1300 W, the capacity of the bowl with a removable lid is 12 liters.

Operation is simple thanks to the touch panel and digital display. The built-in thermostat regulates and maintains the temperature.

There is a timer that gives a delay of 2 hours. The self-cleaning function makes cleaning easier. Built-in light indicators will signal the hostess that the dish is ready.


Budget equipment of this brand is widespread in the Russian Federation. The company’s homeland is the USA, but all devices are assembled in Russia or China.

Despite the low price, there are quite interesting models of convection ovens with the following options: touch control type, “self-cleaning” and “delayed start” functions, and airflow intensity adjustment.

The disadvantages of these electrical appliances are: “noisy” buttons, unstable grilles and the likelihood of settings being reset when opening the lid.

In all other respects, Mystery brand equipment meets all requirements and copes with the preparation of healthy, juicy, evenly fried dishes.

Vitesse VS-406

Vitesse is a French brand whose production bases are located in China. The power of this model is 1300 W, the bowl capacity is 12 liters. A halogen heater is responsible for heating, it is fast and consumes little light.

The control unit is mechanical. There is a “delayed start” of 1 hour.

The set includes a mesh baking tray, convenient for deep-frying. Grates, tongs and skewers are also provided - they will be useful for barbecue lovers.


The Supra 1201 model is a budget device. Working volume – 12 liters, with expansion ring – 17 liters.

Functions include: timer, temperature control. The lid of this air fryer is removable. The model is equipped with tongs, upper and lower grilles.

There are reviews that the lid does not fit tightly to the body, which is why odors spread throughout the home.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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