"Regent" for cockroaches: reviews, instructions for use and effectiveness

Composition and release form

This powerful poison is based on fipronil. Additional components are permethrin (15%) and chlorophos (10%). The active substance poisons insects from the inside when they consume the solution. It enters through the chitinous cover after contact of the pest with the treated area.

As reviews show, “Regent” for cockroaches can be purchased in household chemical stores, garden departments, and vegetable gardens. The product is sold in 2 forms - bags of granules and ampoules. The room must be treated after creating the solution: ampoules or granules are mixed with warm water. The concentration of the prepared product is determined by the level of infection of the room or residential building: the more pests, the less liquid is required. The solution gets rid of even large populations of pests.


Cleanliness in the apartment is the best way to avoid the reappearance of cockroaches. Daily cleaning, timely elimination of leaks and throwing away garbage are the basics of prevention. Moisture-loving insects need access to water; if they are deprived of it, they will consider the room unsuitable for living.

It is recommended to postpone watering the plants to the daytime, when the Prussians are passive. It is necessary to exclude access to food, especially wet ones. Don't forget that plastic bags are not a barrier for cockroaches.

Source: beetlestop.ru/regent-ot-tarakanov/


Taking into account the reviews, “Regent 800” against cockroaches is effective in large and small areas of the room. Exterminators use the composition for apartments, private houses, and industrial facilities. "Regent" has 2 types of effects on black and red cockroaches:

  1. Contact. Pests crawl over the treated areas, the product penetrates inside with the help of the chitinous cover, the particles remain on the paws and antennae. Insects do not die instantly, the effect of the poison is slow, but the result will appear. Another advantage of contact exposure is the transfer of the chemical into the nest by the individual, which causes other cockroaches to become infected. As a result, population extinction occurs.
  2. Intestinal. The insect swallows the solution, the poison spreads through the hemolymph. This leads to disruption of nervous regulation, resulting in paralysis and death. The drug acts quickly: death occurs 20-60 minutes after application of the composition.


Most owners prefer this drug. Regent 800 acts actively, destroying not only the “barbels” crawling into visible places, but also other members of the population in the nest. The contact-intestinal action plus the combination of three active components explain almost 100% of the results after treating the apartment.

Reviews of the powder and concentrated emulsion are most often positive. Some owners are not happy that harmful insects die after a few days. Some drugs, for example, cockroach chalk Mashenka, act almost instantly, but Regent has a prolonged effect: individuals infect all members of the population, and all insects gradually die. A positive result still appears.

When infested by cockroaches, professional exterminators recommend the contact-intestinal insecticide Regent 800. The combined agent of the second class of toxicity has proven reliable and effective in exterminating populations of mustachioed pests. The effect occurs after a few days; repeated treatment is often required, but if the disinfestation rules are strictly followed, a positive result is guaranteed.

Effective methods of controlling cockroaches in the home and video - review of the drug Regent:


According to reviews, “Regent” for cockroaches in ampoules and powder is purchased by many owners. Often the product is purchased by apartment residents. The popularity of the drug is due to the presence of many advantages:

  1. Excellent efficiency.
  2. Active influence on pests.
  3. Destruction of a population due to combined effects.
  4. Convenient packaging.
  5. No smell.
  6. Affordable price.
  7. Cost-effective: 1 ampoule or sachet is enough to perform the procedure in one medium-sized apartment.
  8. Ease of creating a solution.
  9. After spraying, there will be no stains on the floor or furniture.
  10. The procedure can be performed after preparing the composition.
  11. Can be used to treat rooms of different sizes.

Average price, where to buy

The advantage of the drug is its availability. Manufacturers package the substance in packages of different sizes. This makes it possible to purchase the product in the quantity necessary to treat the premises at minimal cost.

So for bags with 0.5 g of the substance you will have to pay from 15 to 25 rubles. A package of emulsion or an ampoule can be purchased for 60-70 rubles.

Inna, Orel:

“I got cockroaches. I can't stand it! I go into the kitchen, preparing for battle. I started researching how I could get rid of them. I didn’t want to pay a lot for chemicals, but I wanted it to be reliable. I found out about Regent, read the reviews, and bought it. Well, in general, there is a result, there are no cockroaches!”

Considering that Regent 800 gives good results when used in agricultural areas, helping to get rid of ants, Colorado potato beetles and other pests, French manufacturers produce packages of 100 g granules.

Such a bottle of the drug is more expensive (from 2800 to 3700 rubles), but it saves the owner of a summer cottage from constantly replenishing the supply of the substance.

Buyers do not have to search for a long time for the necessary product. Regent 800 is easy to buy in hardware stores, as well as on the websites of various online resources.


But as buyers confirm, the product also has disadvantages. The drug has class 2 toxicity, so it must be handled with care. And this applies to powder and emulsion. During disinfection, people must leave the premises.

Disadvantages include long-term destruction of pest populations. This does not happen instantly, but over several days. During this time, the cockroaches should receive the dose and die.


It is necessary to kill cockroaches, acting strictly according to the instructions. This will allow you to get the desired result without undesirable consequences.

Prepare premises for treatment

Before diluting the product, you should wet clean the room (the drug is applied to surfaces that are free of dust and food particles), remove food, clothing, and toys from open access.

Furniture must be moved away from the walls, providing access to its walls and baseboards. Windows, vents and doors in the room being treated must be closed.

Preparation of an aqueous solution

When starting to treat rooms, it is necessary to dilute the powder or ampoules, observing the previously specified proportions.

Room treatment

During the treatment process, an aqueous solution is sprayed onto the back walls of furniture, baseboards, doors, window sills, and floors. The distance between the sprayer and the surface to be treated must be at least 20 cm.

Effect of the drug

For the product to work, leave the room closed for 2-3 hours.

Preparing the premises for occupancy

After waiting 2 to 3 hours, you can carry out work that will allow you to safely stay in the treated room. The room needs to be ventilated, surfaces (countertops, window sills, doors, floors) should be washed with soapy water.

After this, staying in the treated room will not cause harm to the person.


According to reviews, the concentration of the solution is not indicated on the Regent cockroach remedy. The owners in practice have determined how many granules or powder are needed for different levels of contamination of the room.

Helpful information:

  1. For initial treatment, it is better to take 1 sachet or ampoule, which is diluted in warm water (250 ml).
  2. For a secondary procedure or for prevention, the concentration is lower - 1 sachet or ampoule is required for 1-2 liters of water.

A strong solution improves the effectiveness of disinfestation. For repeated treatment, you do not need to prepare a product of the same concentration as for the first: the effect of the drug is not over yet, you just need to consolidate the result.

Popular questions

Is Regent a highly toxic drug? The anti-cockroach reagent is widely available; therefore, it cannot be classified as a highly toxic agent used primarily for professional treatment of industrial and residential premises. However, for the complete destruction of cockroaches, this insecticide is quite effective.

What are the rules for pest control, and should they be followed? The most important rule is the mandatory removal of animals and people from the treated area, the use of rubber gloves and masks. Violating the above rules and inhaling insecticide vapors can cause poisoning.

Is it necessary to re-treat the premises against cockroaches? The need to carry out this arises more often when housing is heavily infested. In other cases, the procedure is not necessary, since, provided that the regent is used correctly, the effect of the drug lasts for a month or more.

Terms of use

According to reviews, “Regent” against cockroaches is easy to use. You must follow simple rules:

  1. There should be no animals in the premises.
  2. It is necessary to remove food, close windows, and protect items that can absorb product vapors. Indoor plants should also be taken to another room.
  3. Since Regent is toxic, you need to use protective equipment. Before the procedure, put on old clothes with long sleeves, a respirator or medical mask, and rubber gloves. Clear plastic glasses are required for the eyes.
  4. Then you need to dilute the ampoule or granules according to the instructions, create a solution of the required concentration. The milky white liquid is poured into a spray bottle to make it more convenient to treat all areas of the room.
  5. You can spray the product on areas where pests live. The floor, baseboards, cracks, window sills, areas near sewer pipes, and the area under the bathtub must be treated. The solution is applied near the trash can, sink, cabinets, and furniture.
  6. After this, you need to thoroughly wash your hands, take off your suit, rinse your mouth, and wash your face.
  7. You need to leave the premises, and you can return after 1.5-2 hours. Ventilation is necessary. The composition has no odor, but toxic components can be in the air, which can lead to allergies, headaches, and respiratory tract damage.
  8. It is necessary to perform wet cleaning of the room. Do not treat hard-to-reach areas so that the product works for a long time.
  9. The secondary procedure is performed a week later. During this time, individuals hatch from the eggs. Without additional use of the product, the effectiveness will be low: new cockroaches appear, which increase the population.

Regent 25 is used for cockroaches in a similar way. Reviews indicate the effectiveness of the product only when used correctly. With these drugs you will be able to completely get rid of pests in a private home and apartment.

Useful materials

Read other articles about cockroaches:

  • To successfully combat these parasites, you need to know where they come from in your apartment, what they eat? What is their life cycle and how do they reproduce?
  • The most common types here are red and black. How are they different and what to do if you see a white cockroach in your apartment?
  • Interesting facts: what nicknames did people come up with for these insects; did you know that there are flying species; some myths about where the mustachios disappeared and what it could mean?
  • Can cockroaches cause physical harm to humans, such as biting or getting into the ear and nose?
  • A detailed article about how to get rid of them, the most effective methods of control and prevention.
  • There are now many treatments on the market against these parasites. Therefore, we wrote an article about how to choose a drug that is right for you, described the best products available today, and compiled a rating of insect repellent drug manufacturers.
  • And of course, we couldn’t ignore all sorts of folk methods, in particular the most popular is boric acid.
  • Well, if you yourself cannot cope with uninvited guests, then we recommend turning to professionals. They have modern fighting technologies and will save you from misfortune once and for all.
  • Find out if electronic repellers help?
  • Means that have proven themselves against these parasites: powders and dusts, crayons and pencils, traps, gels, aerosols.


It is important to follow safety rules when using Regent against cockroaches. Customer reviews also confirm this, since otherwise a cough, sore throat, headache or skin problems may occur. The safety rules are as follows:

  1. The procedure should not be performed on pregnant or nursing mothers.
  2. During processing, children, animals, and plants should be outside this room.
  3. Protective clothing and equipment are important elements to prevent toxic injury. A respirator is considered an effective and reliable means compared to a medical mask: inhalation of vapors negatively affects the respiratory system and general condition.
  4. Allergy sufferers should not perform the procedure themselves. To get rid of black and red cockroaches, you can use less toxic and natural remedies that will not cause allergies. Pest traps are an effective remedy.
  5. If the solution gets on your hands, itching and irritation appear. The skin must be washed thoroughly using soap and then dried. If negative reactions occur, you should consult a dermatologist or allergist.
  6. After disinfestation, you need to wash the floors and ventilate the home. The drug is very toxic, but odorless. Therefore, it is difficult to determine whether the room is sufficiently ventilated. It is advisable to keep the windows open for 2 hours. If dizziness or weakness appears, this is confirmed by poor ventilation of the room: then you will need to let fresh air in again.

Advantages of the product

The drug is actively used in everyday life to combat parasites due to its advantages:

  • the main advantage in the effectiveness of the product is that in a short period of time you can get rid of an entire colony of parasites;
  • the product is easy to use;
  • the chemical is odorless, so long-term ventilation of the premises is not required;
  • The drug is colorless and does not leave behind stains or streaks.

Thanks to small packaging forms, cockroach poison will not burden the family budget, but at the same time allows you to treat large areas of living space.


To eliminate pests, not only the poison “Regent” for cockroaches is used. Customer reviews indicate the presence of analogues. There are not many products with combined action; some are created with one active component.

Analogues include:

  1. "Combat".
  2. "Raptor".
  3. "Dichlorvos".
  4. "Cucaracha."
  5. "Clean house".

Many owners prefer to use Regent because of its effective action. It will help you destroy pests even in hard-to-reach places. It is enough to carry out the treatment according to all the rules so that all cockroaches disappear from your home.

Safety measures when processing the premises

Considering that Regent 800 in terms of toxicity level belongs to drugs of group 2, when interacting with it you should strictly follow the safety rules:

  1. Poison insects only using personal protective equipment (gloves, gown or suit, goggles, respirator);
  2. After using the drug, you must wash your face and hands with soap;
  3. If the substance gets on damaged areas of the skin or if its vapors are inhaled and you feel unwell, you should additionally rinse your mouth with a soda solution while washing your hands and face;
  4. It is not recommended to use the drug for people suffering from allergic diseases;
  5. If the condition worsens, you should consult a doctor.

What pests is Regent effective against?

The contact-intestinal insecticidal preparation has a long period of protective action and is intended to combat a wide range of insect pests. Effective against Orthoptera, Coleoptera and soil-dwelling insects. Regent 800 has a detrimental effect on cockroaches, bed bugs, Colorado potato beetles, mole crickets, leech beetles, bread bugs and locusts.


The drug is a white powder or odorless suspension. Originally developed for the destruction of garden and

garden pests.

The main active ingredient is finpronil. It contains 800 grams per kilogram of insecticide. Excipients: chlorophos and permethrin. The drug is considered one of the most poisonous compounds used in the fight against insects. Produced by a French manufacturer that guarantees the European quality of its products.


  • the suspension is packaged in 100 ml plastic bottles;
  • the concentrated form is bottled in ampoules of 5 ml;
  • The powder is produced in cellophane bags of 0.5 grams.

The solution obtained from the powder or concentrate is completely transparent.

What consumers say

Now you can find many reviews about Regent. Here are some of them.

I bought Regent on the advice of a friend. Once I complained to her that I was completely tormented by cockroaches coming to “visit” a negligent neighbor. I bought the drug and did everything as my friend advised. I cleaned the entire apartment and went to work. Arriving in the evening, I was pleasantly surprised - all surfaces were strewn with dead cockroaches. This is how my months-long struggle with the Prussians ended! Anastasia, Samara

Just recently I purchased a home in a new house. But the joy of the housewarming gave way to disappointment due to the meeting with the Prussians. Unfortunately, I knew very well what it was and how much trouble it could bring. I decided to turn to my mother for advice. She advised the Regent. To be honest, there were certain doubts - the packaging says that it is a remedy for the Colorado potato beetle. But I decided to try anyway. The result amazed me. Some of the pests died, and some simply left the apartment. Natalya, Moscow

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