Caring for nubuck shoes: operating rules, tips. How to clean light nubuck shoes?

Caring for nubuck shoes has its own characteristics. Read more in the article.

Nubuck shoes look very stylish and expensive. Beautiful boots and shoes attract attention, but the main thing is that they are of high quality and durable. If you want these shoes to last you as long as possible and always look chic, take care of them properly.

Read an article on our website about how to paint shoes made of leather, suede or nubuck at home . It provides valuable tips and advice.

This article explains how to properly care for nubuck shoes. How can I clean and treat it? Read on.

Nubuck - what kind of shoe material is it: artificial or natural, pros and cons

Natural nubuck
Nubuck is a natural leather with fine pile on the surface. The process of its manufacture is carried out using chrome tanning, after which careful grinding is carried out. Nubuck is a material that is obtained from the skin of cattle. There is also artificial nubuck.

You can read more about this material in another article on our website at this link .

The main advantages of this material for shoes and other products:

  • Beautiful view
  • Strength
  • Moisture resistance
  • Stylish
  • Durability
  • Convenience
  • Availability

Shoes made from this material are very popular, so there are no problems finding the right model. But products made from this material also have disadvantages, including:

  • Expensive
  • Need for careful care
  • The importance of following product storage rules

If shoes are not properly cared for, they quickly become unusable. It will no longer be possible to revive it; you will have to make a new purchase.

What is nubuck

Outwardly, it is very similar to suede, as it has the same pleasant velvety surface, which is why many people confuse them. But these are two different materials. Nubuck is obtained using special tanning of cattle leather. During the manufacturing process, it undergoes sanding and painting procedures, thanks to which it acquires its final appearance. Due to its many advantages, nubuck shoes are popular among buyers. Its main advantages include:

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • sufficient strength and wear resistance (although less than suede);
  • “breathable” properties (feet will not sweat in it);
  • softness and comfort.

All these qualities make nubuck the favorite material of many fashionistas. But do not forget about some of the disadvantages of shoes made from nubuck:

  • the need for careful care;
  • mandatory use of special means;
  • intolerance to moisture (in damp weather it quickly loses its original appearance).

How to clean nubuck shoes at home: operating instructions, tips

Nubuck shoes
Before purchasing a product, inspect it carefully. Make sure that they are not trying to sell you a fake, and also that there are no defects in the shoes. But after purchasing a new thing, everything is just beginning. Therefore, to know how to clean nubuck shoes at home, adopt these simple operating rules and tips:

  1. accessories and cosmetics for this skin type right away so that you have everything at hand. To clean products, use special erasers, brushes, and sponges.
  2. sponges, also known as sponges , to remove minor dirt. They are soft and do not harm the product. You can use them daily, or after using shoe care sprays and creams.
  3. Before cleaning, worn shoes must be dried. However, doing this artificially is prohibited. Stuff the boots with newspaper and leave them until they dry completely.
  4. Never dry nubuck products over an open fire , this will lead to damage to the material. Change the paper as needed to help your shoes dry faster.
  5. Remove all dirt from the surface of the boots with a special brush.
  6. To remove serious dirt , use special foams or shoe shampoos.
  7. To remove old stains, use an eraser or a soft metal bristle brush.

Remember that when cleaning nubuck, the use of household chemicals is not allowed. Use the brush without pressure, movements should be light. When using foam, first apply it to a sponge, and only then spread it over the entire surface of the shoe.

Dyeing nubuck

There are many tips on how to properly care for nubuck shoes. There is much less information about painting, which can bring even old boots back to life. It will help disguise small worn areas, as well as refresh the color if the skin has become dull. First you need to try to remove all dirt, cover the metal elements with tape and remove the laces. There are 2 options:

  1. Dye. Anyone can cope with coloring by studying the instructions for use. It is only important to choose the most suitable shade, remove stains and go over the entire surface with an eraser to remove the greasy layer. Apply the paint with a sponge, sometimes 2 layers are required with intermediate drying.

  2. Impregnation. Colorless impregnations will restore velvety and elasticity to the skin, and also protect against color loss. If this has already happened, you can choose a tint aerosol. It is easier to apply to the material than paint. It is first necessary to clean the surface from dust and residues of previous products.

Usually, with the right shade, one layer is enough. If a mistake is made when choosing a color, it is better to spray the shoes twice.

How to treat nubuck shoes in the rain?

In rain, nubuck shoes need to be treated.
In rainy weather, to treat nubuck shoes, it is advisable to use the same water-repellent impregnations . Although special paint is often purchased for this. However, it is less effective and its effect lasts only for a short time.

Remember: Impregnation can only be applied after using paint. Then the effect of processing nubuck shoes will be more durable and brighter.

It is noteworthy that such procedures will help protect the product not only from moisture in the rain. They will prevent the appearance of serious dirt, which will make the process of cleaning your boots easier.

The second option is a special spray for nubuck shoes . It is applied after cleaning the product in an even layer. Wait until it is completely absorbed and dry, so that you can then put on your favorite shoes and not worry about getting them wet.

Nubuck material and its types

Today's “craftsmen” can imitate any natural material. But this does not mean that the artificial version is much inferior in its properties to the original. Sometimes synthetic material is visually and tactilely exactly like natural material, but it is much more practical in operation. Nubuck also has an artificial counterpart, but is it so bad? Let's look at the types of nubuck, their pros and cons.


Nubuck is a specially treated genuine leather. Compared to smooth leather, it is more attractive in appearance, softer and more pleasant to the touch. Things made from it have an interesting and elegant look. But it is the nuances of manufacturing that make the material permeable to moisture. During the sanding process, the dense top layer of skin is damaged. But this problem can also be solved - there are special compounds for impregnating nubuck, giving it water-repellent properties.

Shoes made from natural nubuck are pliable, easily adapt to the shape of the foot and rarely rub, and most importantly, they “breathe” and at the same time retain heat well. Outerwear fits perfectly, looks impressive and is very pleasant to wear. The price of natural material cannot be low - it is usually more expensive than leather, but cheaper than suede. The main disadvantage is the requirement for care.


Here the “velvety” effect is achieved by gradually spraying layers of various polymers on top of each other. The downside is that this material is not porous and does not have the same breathability as natural material. But it also has its advantages:

  • moisture and dirt resistance;
  • wear resistance;
  • low price.

The visual difference between natural nubuck and artificial one is minimal, and the main advantage of the analogue is that it does not require complex care - just brush it with a special brush and treat it with impregnation.


Another name is nubuck oil. Natural material is treated with special fats. It acquires water-repellent properties - you can even walk through puddles. The appearance changes slightly: it is heavier, not as soft, and the fibers are less pliable. Nubuck oil is slightly damp to the touch, but also very pleasant. Most often, oiled material is used for sewing premium winter and demi-season shoes. This is understandable - there is no point in protecting your wallet or sandals from moisture.

It would seem that there are only advantages. But no. The cost of oiled nubuck even exceeds the price of natural suede - and this is its main disadvantage.

How to paint nubuck boots: paint for nubuck

Painted nubuck boots
Sometimes there is a need to return nubuck boots to their original color and brightness. In this case, nubuck paint, available in spray form, comes to the rescue. In addition to coloring, it also completely masks stains and stains that could not be eliminated by any means.

Important: Paint for nubuck leather is a special product. Never use a product intended for smooth shoes or suede.

How to paint nubuck boots:

  • Application of the spray is very simple.
  • Treat the shoes thoroughly and leave for half an hour.
  • Before doing this, do not forget to clean the product, dry it and ruffle the pile.
  • After the paint has dried, you can put on your boots.

Important: Distribute the coloring spray evenly over the surface of the product. There should be no smudges or unpainted areas.

Principles of care

The best way to keep things made from natural nubuck in their original form and extend their life is to properly care for them. This stage begins in the store - when purchasing a product, immediately purchase special products.

  • Brush for nubuck and suede. It has soft bristles that do not damage the hair. With its help, it is easy to remove hard dried dirt from shoes.
  • A special “rubber” brush. With rubber or silicone plates. This brush is also called a suede eraser. It easily “sweeps” dust out from under the fibers.
  • Foam cleaner. If after all the manipulations with brushes there are stains and stains on the shoes, then dry cleaning is indispensable.
  • Impregnation. This is a mandatory component, otherwise it is impossible to protect nubuck from moisture. The exception is summer shoes or sneakers.

An equally important aspect of caring for nubuck products is proper storage. You cannot put them in plastic bags - the packaging must “breathe”. It is optimal to store shoes in their “original” boxes. Outerwear and haberdashery - in special fabric bags.

How to dry

Natural nubuck cannot be dried on a radiator - temperature changes and heat cause the material to become rougher. It’s easier with artificial ones - shoes made from it can easily withstand “radiator” drying. But it all depends on the quality of the material - poor quality material can crack due to aggressive drying. If you're not sure, don't take risks. Electric dryers are a little gentler than a heating radiator, but it is better not to experiment with natural material.

Dry nubuck at room temperature without any devices or tricks. If your boots are wet through, you can stuff them with paper napkins or newspapers. They will absorb most of the moisture and the shoes will dry faster.

How to clean

It is strictly forbidden to wash nubuck like leather or rubber boots, much less machine wash it. You can clean nubuck from dirt only in a dry state and in no other way. When you get home, dry your shoes first. The dirt must also dry out, otherwise it will simply smear. Only then start cleaning. Proceed in three stages.

  1. Remove dry dirt. Use a brush for nubuck and suede. Pay attention to the junction of the material with the sole. It can be washed with a damp cloth, but it is important not to wet the nubuck. Go over the entire surface with an eraser brush. Remaining dirt will be removed and the fluff will rise. If there are no visible stains left and the weather is dry, the cleaning can be considered complete.
  2. Spray foam cleaner. This is done if there are stains and stains. For example, salt or from reagents. The composition is applied from a distance of about 30 cm. Next, you need to rub the surface with a brush without pressure. According to reviews from “experienced” people, you can use a regular sponge for washing dishes, just rub with the soft side - the hard side will damage the lint. Wipe off any remaining foam with a soft cloth such as flannel. Leave the shoes to dry.
  3. After drying, spray with impregnation spray. Over the entire surface from a distance of 30 cm. Let it dry and spray again on the most vulnerable places: seams and folds.

After treatment with impregnation, you must allow the composition to dry thoroughly - the product cannot be used for at least 12 hours, or better yet, a day. As a last resort, leave the shoes to dry overnight, but no less.

How to restore color

For dark shoes, standard cleaning is usually sufficient, but for light shoes it is more difficult. If it was not possible to completely clean light-colored nubuck shoes, and even after dry cleaning, visible dirt remains, then it is better to leave the boots in the hands of specialists. They can remove almost any stain, even from white nubuck.

If you couldn’t find such craftsmen, then you can try the method of restoring nubuck at home - there are also special spray paints for this. To begin, choose a product that best matches the color. Next you need to proceed in eight steps.

  1. Perform basic cleaning.
  2. Dry your shoes completely.
  3. Spray paint from a distance of 25-30 cm.
  4. Dry.
  5. If there are still unpainted areas, repeat the procedure.
  6. Dry the paint.
  7. Comb the pile with an eraser brush.
  8. Apply impregnation.

When spraying paint, be sure to adhere to the recommended distance, otherwise the product will be unevenly distributed and streaks may remain. Be careful: chemicals cause allergic reactions. If you do not tolerate strong odors and aggressive substances, do not forget to wear rubber gloves and ventilate the room well after completing all procedures.

How to care for winter shoes made of nubuck, suede and nubuck, leather and nubuck?

Caring for shoes made of nubuck, leather and suede should be different.
Suede, nubuck and leather are natural materials, but they have differences. And this applies not only to the method of obtaining them. Therefore, the features of caring for such products are also somewhat different. It often happens that shoes are combined, for example, the top is made of suede, and the bottom and inserts are made of nubuck. In this case, it is necessary to maintain each material separately. Therefore, you need to know their features.

So, how to care for winter shoes made of nubuck, suede and nubuck, leather and nubuck? Let's look at the care features of each material separately:


Sometimes you don’t have cosmetics on hand that are specifically designed for caring for nubuck shoes. Under such conditions, you can clean it using simple household products. But be extremely careful not to damage the material. Features of care:

  • Pour some water into a basin, add a few drops of ammonia. Soak a piece of cloth in the solution and thoroughly treat all dirt with it. Then use a special rubber brush to ruffle the lint on the shoes and then dry them. When they are completely dry, treat the surface with water-repellent impregnation or paint.
  • To restore freshness to your boots or shoes, treat them with a vinegar solution. But this must be done using a spray bottle or spray bottle.
  • Light nubuck shoes often have various stains that are clearly visible. In such a situation, hydrogen peroxide will help you.
  • To remove stains from white shoes, use a mixture of milk and baking soda.
  • Talc, starch and chalk effectively remove grease stains.

However, it’s better not to experiment again. Such products are suitable for emergency cases; in other situations, try to use only professional care products for nubuck shoes.


Caring for suede shoes is in many ways similar to the rules for processing nubuck. But, as stated earlier, there are some differences. In particular:

  • If you want to refresh the color of brown suede, rub the product with coffee grounds. Treat black shoes with carbon paper.
  • If you have shiny areas, castor oil will help. But before that, you should wipe the surface of the product with a damp cloth.
  • After cleaning suede shoes, you need to hold them over steam for a while. Then immediately clean the product with a stiff brush. Carry out such procedures at certain intervals, and your shoes will last you much longer.

Remember that suede shoes, like nubuck products, require careful care. Do not neglect this important rule, otherwise the purchase will quickly lose its attractiveness.

Leather and nubuck shoes


The main distinguishing feature in caring for shoes made of smooth leather is that they can be cleaned with cream or shoe polish. But you shouldn’t do this too often, otherwise you will ruin the product.

  • The storage features of such shoes also differ.
  • So, if nubuck needs to be placed in boxes that allow air to enter, then wood or plastic pads are perfect for leather products.

As for leather shoe care products, they are completely different from those used for suede or nubuck. Therefore, if you have several pairs of shoes made of different materials, or combined shoes, then buy special cosmetics for each pair or decorative inserts.

Caring for new products

Preventing stains is easier than trying to clean them up later. To make your boots last longer, it is recommended to properly care for them from the first day of wear. The same tools will help with this: sponges for gentle care, impregnations that protect against dirt, erasers.

How to care from the first day of purchase

You need to take care of your boots or shoes every day; this determines how long the shoes will last. It is permissible to use products suitable for this material; it is advisable to purchase them in specialized stores. You need to use them on the first day to protect your skin.

Preventative cleaning

It is worth remembering that any processing is carried out only after the product has dried. Under no circumstances should you dry your shoes on a radiator! Such actions will ruin not only the color, but also the shape of the boots. While it is possible to correct the shade at home, even a professional cannot eliminate the deformation.

Every day you need to wipe the soles and surface of your shoes. This can be done with a damp cloth, sponge or soft brush for nubuck (made of silicone or rubber). In case of lack of care, the products will soon lose their rich color, stains and abrasions will appear.

Removing stains and streaks

It is impossible to avoid stains, even if you wear your shoes very carefully. The car got splashed, your foot was stepped on, it got caught in the rain - all this will affect the appearance of the boots. How to properly care for nubuck if it gets dirty:

  • dry the boots well using a dryer or newspapers;
  • rub the dirty stain with a special eraser (a stationery eraser is not suitable for this);
  • If you can’t remove the stain with an eraser, you can try scrubbing it off with a brush.

In cases where erasers and brushes do not help, it’s time to buy shampoo or foam. It is better to resort to them when cleaning a large area is required. If there is no effect, all that remains is to choose a paint or aerosol that matches the color. The last product is sprayed onto the surface from a short distance, and the paint is applied with a sponge. At the end, be sure to treat it with a moisture-repellent spray.

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How to clean light nubuck shoes?

Shoes made of light nubuck also need care.
Shoes made of light nubuck are cleaned with milk or ammonia. And if in the first case everything is clear, then you should be careful with ammonia. Make a solution using the following proportions of components:

  • 1 part ammonia and 3 parts boiled water

This mixture helps clean light nubuck boots from salt stains. And for greasy stains, talc or potato starch is suitable.

In addition, various shampoos and special soaps for this type of skin are used for this purpose. Otherwise, the features of cleaning shoes made of light nubuck are no different from those described earlier.

Color restoration

The special tinting sprays mentioned above will help you restore and maintain the color of your product. And also, often, impregnation for nubuck has a wide range of colors to choose from for your product; buy not transparent, but colored impregnation.

For some, it will always seem too difficult to care for, but in fact, the main thing is to remember a few basic rules:

  1. Clean every day.
  2. Treat with moisture-repellent impregnation.
  3. Wipe only dry and use special brushes for nubuck.
  4. Do not wipe with a damp washcloth.

Following these simple rules will help you keep it in perfect condition.

Such shoes are an expensive pleasure; they are made from high-quality materials and require attention, but with proper care they will serve you for years!

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Is there dry cleaning of nubuck shoes: how to remove a stain on nubuck shoes?

Removing stains on nubuck shoes is easy.
If the stains are too strong, they can be removed using “home dry cleaning.” Of course, the process itself does not quite live up to its name, since natural-based home remedies will be used to achieve the result. How to remove a stain on nubuck shoes? The most effective and popular of them:

  1. Vinegar . A highly effective product is prepared from 5 ml of table vinegar and 1 liter of water . Soak a cosmetic disc or a piece of clean natural fabric with the resulting liquid and wipe the stained areas.
  2. Salt. Helps fight greasy stains on nubuck shoes. The principle of use is very simple: apply a little fine salt to the dirty areas and rub lightly with a soft sponge. Wipe the treated surface with a damp cloth.
  3. Gasoline . This method can be called radical. If greasy stains cannot be removed with salt, treat them with a cloth soaked in gasoline. Sprinkle talcum powder on top and leave for a while. Remove the remaining mixture with a damp cloth.

After performing the cleaning procedures, be sure to let the boots dry. Then rub them with a brush to “comb” the lint - and you can put on your favorite shoes again.

It is worth noting that such events do not always help get rid of the problem. Is there dry cleaning for nubuck shoes? If you can’t remove the stains yourself, it’s better not to risk it and take your shoes to a professional dry cleaner. There are such salons in every big city in our country.

How to restore nubuck

When you have worn shoes for a long time or actively used a bag made of this material, shiny areas on the product are visible. Don’t be scared, these are crushed fibers, and it’s not difficult to deal with the problem.

If there are few problem areas and they are small, it is enough to treat them with an eraser, and the attractive appearance of the item will be restored. But if the damage is extensive, it is better to use another method: hold the product over a pan of boiling water, and then comb the pile with a brush.

In addition to the creasing of the pile, the problem may also be with the color of the product; it becomes not as bright as before. If the changes are minor, you can do this:

  • Clean the product with a brush.
  • Pour fine salt onto the surface and gently rub it over the material. This food supplement perfectly restores structure and color.
  • Shake off any fluff particles, using a brush if necessary.

By doing this, you will remove any remaining dust embedded in the surface and refresh the color of the item.

Is it possible to wash nubuck shoes in a washing machine?

forbidden to wash nubuck shoes in a washing machine.
It is strictly forbidden to wash nubuck shoes in a washing machine. Even if you intend to use the delicate mode for this, such a procedure is not acceptable. It can completely render a product made from such a delicate material unusable.

Washing nubuck shoes under the tap is also prohibited. Shoes, shoes, and boots can only be wiped with a damp cloth, nothing more. Hand washing such products under running water has the same negative effect on their quality as machine washing.

What to do before going out for the first time

Most people ignore caring for nubuck shoes, not considering it important. However, after a few weeks they are trying to save the new shoes, using all kinds of impregnations, paints and tools. It is quite difficult to restore the original appearance.

You need to start taking care of a nubuck product right away, and the seller should notify you about this. You can read the care information on the box with the boots (or on a separate insert in it). Usually it says that the first step is to treat the material three times with an aerosol that protects it from dirt and water. After each layer you will have to wait some time so that the nubuck has time to dry. You can do this on the balcony or bathroom so as not to stain the furniture.

Important! Procedures for applying protective agents or paint are carried out in advance. It is necessary that the shoes have time to dry before going outside, otherwise dust will stick to them.

How to stretch nubuck shoes at home?

It’s easy to stretch nubuck shoes at home.
Sometimes it happens that nubuck shoes, even after trying them on, end up being tight. In such cases, it can be stretched at home using simple means. One of them is alcohol or vodka.

The procedure is very simple:

  • The inside of the product should be moistened with a small amount of alcohol-containing liquid.
  • Put thick socks on your feet and then boots.

You will have to walk around like this for several hours, but in the end the shoes will become more comfortable and easier to wear.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

  1. Quality.
    It is made from natural materials.
  2. Strength and durability.
    It will serve you for a very long time.
  3. Breathability.
  4. Comfortable to wear.
    Very comfortable to wear, your feet will always be comfortable and light.
  5. Big choice.
    Now it is very popular and everyone will find a model to their liking.
  1. Easy to care for.
    Needs attention and proper care.
  2. Low moisture resistance.
    Natural and artificial material gets very wet, you can’t go for a walk in rainy weather, this is a big disadvantage of such products.

How to restore nubuck shoes: reviews about care, material

Nubuck shoes
How to care for and restore nubuck shoes? How to recover? Customer experience shows that many of the above products are indeed highly effective. Here are reviews about care and material:

Vasily, 44 years old:

I really love shoes made from natural materials, and especially nubuck boots. They are very comfortable, do not squeeze the foot and do not “float”. However, they need to be carefully looked after, and they also get very dirty, especially light ones. To remove stains, most often greasy ones, I use salt. The method is simple, but it always works. Personally, I have never had the need to take my shoes to the dry cleaner.

Igor, 31 years old:

Nubuck winter boots are the best way to protect yourself from the cold. They provide excellent warmth and do not cause sweating, which is very important. It’s just very difficult to remove stains from their surface. Especially if it's a fuel oil stain. Only one way helped - gasoline. I really didn’t want to take my favorite shoes to the dry cleaner. But you should clean nubuck with gasoline very carefully, under no circumstances saturate the pile, but only wipe it. The product helps, but it can also harm, so I use it only in exceptional cases.

Irina, 27 years old:

I bought nubuck shoes, they look very beautiful! True, they require daily care, otherwise, if stains are present, it will be difficult to get rid of them over time. Therefore, I periodically wipe my shoes with ammonia, especially if salt appears on its surface. Ammonia dissolves salts well - and the shoes look like new. But I don’t forget about professional care for them, so I immediately purchased all the necessary products, including paint and impregnation.

Nubuck is a high-quality material made from genuine leather. It is not for nothing that shoes made from it are very popular, because they are quite strong and durable. And to make it wear much better and always look like new, don’t forget to take proper care of it. Good luck!

What will you need to buy to care for nubuck?

When purchasing shoes or boots in a store, be sure to buy special nubuck care products. With them you don’t have to be afraid of unpleasant surprises in the form of wet feet! You will need:

  • Color restoration paint;
  • Aerosol impregnation that protects the material from moisture and stains (colorless or matched to the color of the shoe) - facilitates stain removal and enhances the water-repellent properties of nubuck;
  • A special brush removes dirt well and preserves the fluffy surface. Can be one-, two- or three-sided. Opt for a universal option that combines metal bristles and a rubber work surface;
  • Brush for cleaning heels and soles;
  • Shampoo for removing salt stains;
  • Eraser for removing stains;
  • Shoe conditioner or deodorant.

Important! Buy each subsequent can of aerosol or paint from the same company. If this is not possible, be careful to ensure that the colors match.

What is strictly prohibited

  • Do not wash nubuck with water or use chemicals. If necessary, it is better to apply shoe foam. Gently wipe the shoes with a washcloth, if necessary, repeat this process 2-3 times.
  • Do not wipe with a wet cloth.
  • Do not clean or use shoe polish.
  • It is not advisable to use shoes when it is raining and snowing outside.
  • Avoid cosmetics that contain oil.

Storage rules

It is impossible to imagine the answer to the question of how to care for natural nubuck without recommendations for proper shoe storage. If you want to maintain the visual appeal of the product and simplify the care of moccasins or boots, you need to prepare a pair according to certain rules:

  • Send your shoes for storage immediately after the end of the season, do not wait several months;
  • Each shoe is placed in a separate fabric bag, together they go into a cardboard box;
  • Refuse to use polyethylene - you risk creating high humidity, which will contribute to the appearance of mold and rot;
  • Each pair is thoroughly cleaned with special products and completely dried;
  • To maintain the shape of your shoes, you can use crumpled newspapers, papers, or specialized spacers.
  • If you need to know how to wash sneakers in a machine, then the rules are here.

Following a few simple care recommendations will guarantee the safety of your favorite pairs of nubuck shoes - boots, sneakers or shoes will delight you for many seasons!

Now you know how to care for nubuck - give your shoes a chance for a long life, enjoy everyday shoe wear and get the most from the beauty and comfort of the products! Read on to learn how to clean light suede shoes.

Traditional methods

In order to clean nubuck shoes at home, you can use not only store-bought, but also improvised products. The following will help you tidy up your boots made from capricious material:

  1. Ammonia. With its help, you can perfectly get rid of salt, which appears in the form of stains after a walk in winter. To prepare the solution, you need to dilute ammonia in water in a ratio of 1:4, then carefully wipe the shoes with a cloth soaked in the mixture.
  2. Table vinegar. To remove stubborn stains, dissolve one tablespoon of the product in 1 liter of water and mix well. Treatment is carried out using a moistened swab.
  3. Talc. You can use chalk. Rubbed into shoes made in light colors, then wipe the surface with a napkin.
  4. Salt. Great for removing greasy stains. For cleansing, fine salt is used, which should be rubbed onto contaminated areas. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.
  5. Black bread. Great for getting rid of fresh stains. The crust acts as a gentle brush.
  6. Coffee grounds. Used for shoes in dark brown or black. A pinch of grounds should be placed on the surface and rubbed into the stain with a sponge.

After cleaning, the shoes should be held over steam so that the pile straightens after wiping.


Table vinegar



Black bread

Coffee grounds

Product reviews

Natural nubuck will never lose its popularity. After all, it looks expensive and elegant, suitable for any style. By constantly following the rules of care and handling the products carefully, you can wear shoes for years without losing their original appearance. Such a wardrobe item will emphasize style and good taste.

I really love suede shoes, but they are so expensive. I recently found a good replacement: nubuck boots. They look almost the same, very beautiful. They are difficult to care for, but the elegant look is worth it.

Agata, 32 years old

I have been working in an office almost since graduating from college. I already hold a decent position, so I should look appropriate. I love quality shoes, I prefer nubuck. It does not get dirty indoors and looks very expensive and solid.

Maxim, 47 years old

I often buy different things made of nubuck: shoes, bags, gloves and hats. I love it for its strength and softness. I especially like to combine items of the same shade in one look. The material is great for spring and autumn.

Daria, 22 years old

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Care products for nubuck

  • Repairing sprays to support nubuck.
  • Protective sprays for waterproofing shoes.
  • Spray paint, produced in various colors, is used after fading to revive the color of nubuck.
  • Brushes are produced with hard wire and rubber coatings. A practical option is 2 in 1. Easy to use, the rubber part of the brush cleans light dirt, removing dust. The metal one is designed for deep cleaning of contaminated shoes.
  • Sponges are used for light soiling and are recommended to be used daily. And also after using the spray.
  • An eraser is used to remove difficult stains. It also helps restore the upper cover of shoes.

Basically all shoe cosmetics and accessories are presented in stores. It is recommended to purchase immediately when purchasing shoes.

If you do not properly care for your shoes and do not clean them in a timely manner, over time the product will fade and lose its luster, and the fibers will stick to each other.

The main rule: Be sure to treat purchased shoes before first use with a waterproof spray 3 times, allowing the previous layer to dry.

Required cleaning products

What should you get along with buying a pair? What helpers do we need in the daily care of nubuck?

For dry cleaning:

  1. First of all, you need to get special brushes for nubuck. They will easily remove dust and dirt from your shoes. The choice of such brushes is very large, both in type and in cost. They come in one, two and three-sided types, usually one row of hard bristles to remove dust from the folds and seams of shoes, then rubberized bristles to clean the entire surface of the shoes, and a third row of metal ones for more detailed cleaning.
  2. To remove stains and scratches , it is better to purchase a special eraser, but a regular eraser will also work.

For deep cleaning:

  1. Moisture-repellent impregnation. Be sure to get this type of impregnation, it will extend the life of your shoes and protect you from getting wet. It is better to choose it to match the color of your shoes; there are a huge number of such sprays. The main thing is not to skimp, expensive shoes need appropriate expensive care!
  2. Shampoo. It will help you get rid of salt stains during the winter season, and will also help deal with stubborn stains and restore the original appearance of your shoes.
  3. Tint spray. If you bought colorless impregnation, then tinting sprays will come to your aid; they will quickly return the original color of your shoes.
  4. Don't forget about antibacterial sprays. If you have acquired artificial nubuck, then this spray will not hurt you. It will relieve you of unpleasant odors and unnecessary germs.

Also, do not forget that proper storage also plays an important role:

  1. It should be stored in tightly closed boxes or textile bags to protect it from dust. Don't forget that you can't store shoes in plastic bags!
  2. Be sure to stuff it with paper to avoid wrinkling and losing its shape.
  3. Before you hide it in a box , do not forget to thoroughly clean it, spray it and dry it, and only then hide it until the next season.
  4. When it's time to take it out of the box , it's worth steaming it to keep it looking fresh and ready to wear.

How to distinguish real nubuck from artificial?

Real natural nubuck
It is actually very simple to distinguish genuine leather from fake leather - artificial nubuck, and you can do this both at home and in the store. More details:

  • Pay attention to the tag. If the shoes are natural, then the tag will be made of the same material. In addition, there will be a mark with an animal figure on it.
  • Regarding shoes made from artificial nubuck, the tag in this case can be completely different - from paper, cardboard, cotton rag.
  • The presence of synthetic material is indicated by a diamond.

Now about the test that you can do at home. Nubuck is distinguished by its ability to quickly absorb moisture, but its substitute, on the contrary, repels it. Therefore, moisten the surface of the product with water and observe. If the liquid is quickly absorbed, you have shoes made of genuine leather, but this feature is unusual for artificial raw materials, so it will not be difficult for you to recognize them.

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