Why soak beef and pork liver in milk and how to do it correctly

How to remove bitterness?

To begin with, it is important to understand that it is not always possible to completely remove the bitter taste of a product. So, for example, if the liver is damaged, then it should simply be thrown away. Do not risk your health under any circumstances. If you notice that there is blood on the surface of the product, you should freeze the product, and only then cut the liver and remove the films. After this, rinse the liver under cold water - this will remove the bitterness better.

If you notice greenish spots, do not immediately throw away the product. In most cases, these spots indicate that traces of bile remain on the liver. Pieces of a greenish tint should simply be cut out, and then you can cook.

Bitter liver can also be soaked. To do this, it must be washed and cut into small pieces. After this, place the product in pre-cooled milk for 60-80 minutes.

If there is no milk, you can use salted water: the offal should be kept in it for no more than 30 minutes.

If after all the cooking manipulations you have noticed that the liver continues to taste bitter, then there is only one thing left to do - to mask the unpleasant taste. This can be done by adding fried onions, herbs, walnuts, and lemon juice.

In general, in order to get fresh liver that is free of the unpleasant bitter taste, you should only buy refrigerated (not frozen) product. Also carefully check the expiration date and monitor storage conditions.

When preparing pork offal, you can use various recipes. You can marinate the liver, stew it in sauces or cook it to make dietary salads.

Features of preparation

If you plan to boil beef, pork or chicken offal, then you do not need to soak it. Simply rinse, remove all excess and cook. With such heat treatment, the liver will in any case turn out soft. But before frying or stewing, it is better to soak the offal. Otherwise, the liver will turn out to be very tough and dry.

If we are talking about pork liver, then after soaking it must be thoroughly rinsed and dried. The same manipulations are performed with liver of other varieties. Before frying, pieces of pork liver can be sprinkled with powdered cinnamon. This spice will give the dish an incomparable taste and unique aroma.

But when soaking beef liver in milk, you can immediately add a little granulated sugar, salt and ground allspice. Liver is fried in different ways. But if you want to maintain its softness and juiciness, it is best to use a batter - egg, flour or mixed.

It is generally not advisable to soak chicken liver. Surely many of you have noticed that after thawing, the pieces begin to creep apart. It is enough to wash them, dry them and sprinkle with various spices and dried herbs.

Frying with onions

If you have very little time, this method will help out.

  1. We cut the washed and dried liver as convenient - pieces, cubes, strips. Add salt, pepper, seasonings to taste.
  2. Pour vegetable oil or fat into a heated frying pan, fry the liver for literally 3-4 minutes, remove to a plate.
  3. Fry the onions cut into half rings in the same oil until golden brown.
  4. Place the liver there, adding a little water, and simmer for a few more minutes.

The characteristic bitter taste will not remain.

Are there any other options?

Liver is not only soaked in milk. Of course, this liquid gives a delicate, soft and extraordinary taste to the offal, especially beef. But you don’t always have milk on hand. In this case, you can use other options.


The easiest way is to use purified water to soak the liver. It must be changed after one hour. And before soaking again, the liver pieces are washed thoroughly. After this procedure, you can get rid of excess bitterness and make the liver a little softer.

But to give the offal a spicy aroma or piquant taste, you can use seasonings and spices. They are added to some water and the liver is soaked in this aromatic solution.

Before soaking the liver, it must be cleared of film, blood clots and all ducts removed.

Secrets of selection, processing and preparation

To make the dish tasty and healthy, you need to choose high-quality and fresh liver. This is quite easy to do.

  1. Pay attention to the appearance of the product. The liver should be elastic, soft, moist and shiny, without scratches or damage. The presence of stains and blood clots is unacceptable. They may indicate a rupture of the animal's gallbladder, which automatically gives the liver a bitter taste.
  2. The color of the liver should be neither too light nor too dark. Remember: good beef liver is ripe cherry, pork liver is reddish brown, chicken liver is light brown to brownish red, and turkey liver is deep red.
  3. Fresh liver has a sweetish metallic aroma. A sour smell indicates that the product is spoiled.
  4. There should be no excess ice on the surface of the frozen liver, and it should not have an orange tint. All this suggests that the product was either frozen several times or overfrozen.
  1. First you need to remove all vessels, veins and films. In the case of beef liver, this is quite simple. But to make the procedure easier, you can hold it in warm water for a few minutes. The film of pork liver is thinner and more difficult to separate. Try leaving the offal in boiling water for 20 seconds, and then remove the film by picking it up by the edge with a knife.
  2. The sour marinade will add additional softness to the liver. To prepare it, lemon or lime juice or a couple of tablespoons of vinegar are suitable. Mix one of these ingredients with water and soak the liver in it a few hours before cooking.
  3. Baking soda can also soften the liver. It is enough to sprinkle each piece with it and wait about an hour.
  4. The last method is for those who like to use physical force. To make the product softer, you can simply beat it with a hammer. Just remember to place the liver in cellophane, otherwise it will spread.
  1. To prevent the liver, especially pork liver, from becoming bitter, you can soak it in milk, after cutting it into pieces. The recommended soaking time is from 30 minutes to several hours. By the way, milk will not only eliminate bitterness, but also make the liver very soft.
  2. Instead of soaking, you can quickly boil the liver in lightly salted water. This trick should also rid the dish of bitterness.
  3. But products with strong, pronounced aromas will help mask the specific liver taste. Onions, garlic, chili peppers and aromatic herbs such as thyme or sage are good choices.
  1. The main thing is not to overcook. To keep the liver juicy, just fry each side in a well-heated frying pan for 5 minutes (or less).
  2. If you dip pieces of liver in flour or batter before frying, the juice will definitely remain inside.
  3. Sour cream or cream are true friends of juicy and soft liver. It is recommended to simmer it in them for no more than 20 minutes.
  4. The last item both on the list and during cooking will be salt. It takes away moisture, so it’s better to add it at the end.

Many housewives ask whether it is necessary to soak the liver before stewing, frying or boiling it. We answer - if you cook it, you don’t need it, it will turn out soft enough anyway. You can soak the liver before stewing if you need to remove the bitter taste, this is typical for beef and pork.

Before frying, be sure to soak the liver in milk to make it very soft, especially if you need to cook the dish on the grill or in a frying pan. Delicious hot liver with onions is served with bread, but if it dries out, we know not to run to the store.

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Pork liver is a rather unique product. It has a dark brown or red-brown color. Did you know that liver was once considered a delicacy? Very often it was present on the table of the kings themselves! But remember, in order for the liver dish to be tasty, you need to know how long to cook the liver.

Pork liver is an extremely healthy product. It contains many amino acids, vitamins and microelements, proteins and collagens. It contains sodium, potassium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, magnesium, as well as calcium and iron.

How to soak pork liver?

Pork liver is characterized by its peculiar taste; it is bitter. Therefore, the bitterness should be removed. To do this, before cooking the pork liver, you need to soak it. The best option is to soak the liver in milk for two hours (at least). You can also do this in water with the addition of vinegar for about two to three hours.

If the pork liver is frozen, it needs to be thawed. But this must be done correctly, otherwise you may simply ruin the dish. This should not be done in the microwave. The best option for thawing pork liver before cooking it is to leave the pork liver for a couple of hours at room temperature, after placing it in a plastic bag. Do this to prevent it from drying out.

How long to cook pork liver?

According to cooking standards, its cooking time is 40–50 minutes. It depends on the size of the liver.

Now let's figure out how to find out the degree of readiness of pork liver? If you have been cooking the liver for 40–50 minutes, and you still doubt whether the product is ready, then take a wooden stick or even an ordinary match. Pierce a piece of pork liver with it. It is ready if clear juice begins to flow out of the hole formed.

The question of how long to cook pork liver is in most cases of interest to those who plan to make a salad from it. After all, in order for the pork liver salad to be tasty, the pork liver must be especially tender. But overcooked liver will become too tough. Some cooks even use milk instead of water when cooking. This will give the liver a creamy taste and incredible tenderness.

Pork liver - fried liver recipe

  • 800 grams of pork liver,
  • 3 onions,
  • 1 glass of milk,
  • 2 tablespoons flour,
  • ground black pepper,
  • vegetable oil,
  • salt.

How to cook juicy pork liver?

  1. The pork liver needs to be washed, peeled from films, cut into small pieces, add milk and leave for two hours. After this, you need to drain the milk, roll the pieces of liver a little in flour and fry until golden brown in hot vegetable oil.
  2. To prepare pork liver, onions should be peeled, washed and cut into half rings. Then you need to salt and pepper the liver, put onion in the pan, stir and fry until tender over low heat.
  3. Remove the pan from the heat, place the pork liver on a platter and serve with a side dish.

Pork liver - meatballs recipe

To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • 500 grams of pork liver,
  • 100 grams of lard,
  • 2 medium onions,
  • 1 egg
  • 75 grams of semolina,
  • dry spices,
  • 1/2 tablespoon salt,
  • vegetable oil.

How to cook pork liver deliciously?

  1. Grind the pork liver using a meat grinder, add 100 grams of chopped lard. Put salt, spices and semolina into the minced meat. In addition, you need to add a raw egg and onions. To stir thoroughly.
  2. Minced liver will not be very liquid, but not too stiff, it can be easily mixed with a spoon. After this, you need to add vegetable oil to the frying pan, heat it and use a spoon to place small portions of minced meat on it. Pork liver patties will not be very flat, about 1-1.5 cm thick. They fry perfectly in a frying pan, do not burn or fall apart.
  3. Using a fork, you can transfer the pork liver to a plate. Can be served with mayonnaise. The meatballs will taste very tender. You can use mashed potatoes as a side dish.

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Pork liver - casserole recipe

  • 300-500 grams of pork liver,
  • medium bulb,
  • 4-5 tablespoons breadcrumbs,
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream,
  • 1-2 eggs,
  • salt.

How to cook pork liver quickly?

The baking container should be greased with vegetable oil and breadcrumbs should be placed on the bottom. Place the liver mixture on top and cook for half an hour in the oven at 180 degrees or in the microwave at maximum power for 5-7 minutes.

These dishes can be combined with any side dish. You can pour sour cream on top.

Many people speak very unflatteringly about this product. They say, no matter how much you cook the liver, it still turns out dry and tough, and its inherent bitterness can completely ruin the dish. Or maybe they just don’t know how to cook liver deliciously?

Among gourmets, veal liver is especially valued; its color varies from light brown to red; it is the most delicious and tender. Veal liver is especially tasty fried or baked, but it must be stewed with caution - after a long stew it becomes tough. The largest liver is beef, reaching 5 kg, dark in color with a bitter and even slightly harsh taste.

You can improve the taste of beef liver only by soaking it in milk for a couple of hours. This process will not only rid the liver of bitterness, but will also make it more tender and softer. Pork liver differs from the liver of other animals by the presence of porosity when cut. Weighing up to 2.5 kg, color from dark red to dark brown.

Some housewives go the other way and choose bird liver. Turkey liver is lower in calories and significantly inferior to chicken liver in terms of vitamin content, but it is no less healthy and tasty. Fresh and high-quality poultry liver has a brown color, shiny and smooth surface.

Whatever liver you choose, try to purchase fresh rather than frozen product. The smell of fresh liver is sweetish, sourness is a sign of spoilage of the product. The surface of the liver you choose should be smooth, elastic, without stains, damage or scratches. Immediately before cooking, remove the film.

First, rinse the liver in cold running water, then place in warm water for a few minutes. After removing from the water, cut off part of the liver on one side and carefully separate the film. To get rid of the film on the pork liver, also rinse it, then place it in boiling water for 20 minutes. Be sure to remove large veins and vessels.

What else can you soak your liver in?

It's okay if you don't have milk on hand. There are other options:

  • kefir, fermented baked milk and whey;
  • onion and salt (sugar can be used);
  • water with spices of your choice (nutmeg, pepper, basil, thyme).

When there is absolutely no time, use the dry method. To soften the liver and add flavor to the dish, sprinkle the pieces with soda for 5 minutes. Then rinse the offal and start cooking.

The liver is not only tasty, but also healthy. The soaked product is not only fried or stewed; delicious cutlets, pates, salads and cakes are prepared from the liver. Now you know how long to soak beef and pork liver, so don't be afraid to experiment.

Soaking time

Depending on the size of the liver, the soaking time also changes, so many housewives cut it into portions. If there is a pronounced unpleasant odor, you can add 2-3 hours to the allotted time. The whole liver is soaked for 4 hours, and the cut liver is soaked for 40 minutes.

The longer the product sits in milk, the better the taste, so you can leave the offal to soak overnight. But in this case, the time should not exceed 8 hours. Of course, the bowl should be in the refrigerator all this time.

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