The ratio of how many times buckwheat boils during cooking

Buckwheat, like any other cereal, expands in volume and becomes soft when cooked. This happens due to the absorption of the liquid in which it is cooked.

The volume of buckwheat boiled during cooking depends on:

  • quality and method of processing cereals;
  • relationship with water;
  • cooking time.

The greater the amount of liquid and the duration of cooking, the more the buckwheat boils:

  • from two to four times - by volume:
  • three to four times by weight.

How long should buckwheat boil?

Buckwheat increases in volume and weight when cooked . Changes in these parameters directly depend on the amount of liquid and cooking time.

The ratio of dry and boiled buckwheat

If you take 100 g of buckwheat , add 200 ml of water and cook for 20 minutes, the result will be 400 g of the finished product. The ratio of dry and boiled buckwheat is 1:4.

How much does it weigh before and after cooking?

How much boiled buckwheat is obtained from dry cereals?:

  • 30 g dry buckwheat - 120 g boiled;
  • 40 g - 160 g;
  • 50 g - 200 g;
  • 60 g - 240 g;
  • 70 g - 280 g;
  • 80 g - 320 g;
  • 100 g - 400 g;
  • 200 g - 800 g.

If the correct proportions are observed, buckwheat will be ready after the water in the pan has completely evaporated . There should be no uncooked flour particles in the porridge.

Cooking time for cereals

In addition to boiling buckwheat in water, there are many other cooking methods. They vary in time and the utensils or techniques used.

On water and milk

To cook in water, 100 g of dry cereal is poured with 200 ml of water. Bring to a boil, add ¼ tsp. salt and wait until all the water turns into steam. Add 20 g of butter to the finished dish and leave the pan warm. It takes 20 minutes to cook and 15 to finish.

Attention! For people with diabetes or lactose intolerance, sweet and milk porridge is prohibited.

For cooking with milk, the proportions of the products are the same. The cereal is brought to a boil and kept over low heat until cooked, stirring occasionally to avoid burning. Add a pinch of salt or 1 tbsp to the porridge. l. sugar, as well as 20 g of butter. It takes 35 minutes to prepare.

Buckwheat porridge with milk! How to cook milk buckwheat porridge step by step recipe super answer

In a saucepan and slow cooker

For cooking, a saucepan with a thick bottom is suitable so that the heat remains inside longer and the food does not burn. If you cook with water, it will take 20 minutes, with milk - 35.

To cook buckwheat in a slow cooker you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. cereals;
  • 2 tbsp. water;
  • ½ tsp. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter.

All components are placed in a multicooker and filled with water. Turn on the porridge cooking mode. After 30 minutes, the buckwheat is ready.

Loose, viscous and in bags

A crumbly porridge is obtained by cooking the core. It has identical grains that cook at the same time. It is important to pre-rinse the cereal, remove the husks and calcinate it, if necessary.

It is not recommended to stir the porridge during cooking so as not to damage the integrity of the grains. If you follow all the proportions, buckwheat will turn out tasty and crumbly after 20 minutes in a saucepan and 30 in a slow cooker.

If you add more liquid, you will get a sticky porridge. Boil it until tender (about 30 minutes), add oil.

Reference! Buckwheat porridge boiled in a bag doubles in volume.

For 1 packet (120 g) you will need 200 ml of boiling salted water. Cook the porridge until completely cooked (15–20 minutes), take out the bag, cut it and pour the contents into a plate. Add oil if desired.

What does boilability depend on?

Cookability is the time during which the cereal passes from a dry state to a ready-to-cook state. This period depends on the variety of buckwheat, the date of sowing and harvesting, processing methods and storage conditions .

The methods of cleaning, sorting, hydrothermal treatment, drying time of raw materials, and the quality of separation of grain from husks and dust all influence. If the production process complies with all standards, the buckwheat will be of high quality.

The boilability of buckwheat is checked at least once a month . Add 50 g of cereal and a pinch of salt to 125 cm3 of boiled water. The container is closed with a lid and placed in a water bath, while the liquid level should always be above the cereal.

After 20 minutes, 5 grains are sampled from the center of the container. Place on a glass surface and rub with another object. The next tests are carried out every 3 minutes until all the buckwheat is cooked.

Cook buckwheat in bags

Buckwheat in bags is very popular today. Each packet contains 1 serving of food. This greatly simplifies the cooking process. Also, it is possible to cook buckwheat for 1 time without leaving leftovers in the refrigerator. Buckwheat is cooked directly in a portioned package. The presence of such a bag ensures that the product does not burn.

Information on how long to cook buckwheat is indicated on the packaging. Step-by-step instructions are also carefully written along with photos. As a rule, only 15-20 minutes should pass until it is completely cooked. To get crumbly cereal, you need to add a small amount of water. It’s better to add the missing liquid later. Cooked buckwheat in a bag will double in size.

Cooking time

When our grandmothers cooked buckwheat porridge in the oven, they said about it that buckwheat does not cook, but “languishes.” And this process lasted about 2 hours. But now, unfortunately, there are no ovens, and traditionally this dish is prepared on the stove, and much faster. But in order not to spoil it, it is very important to strictly monitor the cooking time.

After boiling, the porridge should cook for no more than 20 minutes.

, then it is better to remove it from the heat, and wrap it in a warm blanket,
leave it to “languish” for another 30 minutes
. This way you will get aromatic crumbly buckwheat and be 100% sure that your lunch is not burnt.

Unusual side dish

You can also use rice with buckwheat as a side dish. You can prepare it by first boiling both cereals, but it will turn out faster and tastier in a slow cooker.

So, the recipe for rice with buckwheat is very simple:

  • Onions and carrots - one medium piece each.
  • Olive or vegetable oil - for greasing the pan.
  • Garlic - two cloves.
  • Rice and buckwheat - one glass each.
  • Salt, ground pepper, spices - to your taste.
  • Water - four and a half glasses.

Here's how to prepare this delicious side dish:

  1. Grate carrots and onions. You can finely chop the onion as you like.
  2. Turn on the appliance to the “Baking” or “Roasting” function. Pour in the oil and place the vegetables in it. Sauté them for about 10 minutes.
  3. Next, pour in the washed cereals, salt and pour in water. Mix the mass.
  4. We switch the device to the “Buckwheat” or “Pilaf” mode and cook until the end signal.
  5. Open the lid, squeeze the garlic in, stir and leave for 10 minutes to infuse. You can add more butter or olive oil.

What does weight and volume mean?

In order to measure the exact weight of buckwheat, you need to cook it correctly, which we will talk about in the section below. Ready-made cereal can increase 5 or even more times if it is severely overcooked. A not entirely successful result may result if the water has completely boiled away, but cooking continues. It is buckwheat that has increased 3 times its personal volume that can indicate that it was prepared correctly and in compliance with all proportions of both water and the cereal itself.

Nowadays, ready-made buckwheat in cooking bags is quite common. On average, the weight of each bag is 50 grams. This finished product should weigh 150 grams.

How to cook?

Buckwheat has been a national product for many decades, and it is on the menu of every family. This universal side dish not only goes easily and tasty with almost any hot dish, but also has a number of positive properties, such as low calorie content, short cooking time and unpretentious storage of this product.

The list of dishes that can be prepared from this product is much longer than that of many other similar cereals: these are porridges, side dishes, combined with any meat, with butter, with various dressings; you can even make cutlets from buckwheat and add it to soups as additional thickener. It’s safe to say that in something like cooking, even at the everyday level, the ratio of products is an important point.

Buckwheat is a cereal that has a rich, specific smell, thanks to which some people love it, while others do not want to eat it. For example, children don’t really like this kind of porridge.

But buckwheat is healthy and rich in vitamins, especially B1.

Krupeniki, meatballs, and crumbly porridges are prepared from it. It is served as a side dish and soup is made.

But, like other cereals, it must be properly prepared before use.

Delicious porridge in a slow cooker

It’s probably no secret to anyone that you can boil buckwheat not only on the stove, but also using kitchen gadgets, for example, in a slow cooker. It is not necessary to know how long you need to cook buckwheat in this device, because often the multicooker is already equipped with all the necessary programs. If your device still requires setting a timer, then you should focus on a period of 30-40 minutes.

Of course, it takes a little longer than cooking it in a saucepan, but according to nutritionists, it is much healthier. In addition, while the multicooker is running, you can safely do other things, for example, prepare dessert. And to feel all the benefits of such porridge, we offer you an excellent option for a Lenten dinner.


  • 1 tbsp. cereals;
  • 2 tbsp. water;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 tsp. flour;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • greenery;
  • spices - to taste.


  1. We will remove any debris from the buckwheat and rinse it until it contains clean water.

  2. Transfer the prepared cereal to the multicooker, add water and select the “Porridge” cooking mode on the display.

  3. While the buckwheat is cooking, let's process the tomatoes. We need to remove the skin from them; to do this, pour boiling water over the vegetables.

  4. Fry finely chopped onion in vegetable oil until half cooked.

  5. After 2 minutes, add the chopped tomatoes to the pan and simmer until the vegetables are soft.

  6. Then add a little wheat flour to the tomatoes and onions and mix.
  7. As soon as the sauce begins to thicken, add some finely chopped herbs and garlic to it.

  8. By this time, the multicooker should have completed the cycle. Open the lid and add a piece of butter to the porridge.

  9. Place the buckwheat on a plate, pour over tomato sauce and serve. Bon appetit!

Where to begin

How to cook buckwheat deliciously? First you need to buy cereal. Today, the choice is not limited only to “buckwheat”; on the shelves you can find buckwheat flakes, crushed grains, and even green ones. This is the same buckwheat, only unroasted, it is more suitable for sprouting. The cereal that suits us is called kernels.

Now the grains need to be sorted out to remove various debris that gets caught during frying and packaging. Then the cereal is washed until the water is clear. And, please note, the first secret is that to make the buckwheat porridge more crumbly, the dried grains are fried in a frying pan without oil until there is a distinct “buckwheat” aroma. Usually five minutes on low heat is enough.

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