Why soak liver in milk? In what and how long can you soak pork, beef and chicken liver before cooking? How long should you soak pork, beef and chicken liver in milk: tips

Publication in the group: Meat and offal dishes

Liver is considered a useful product because it contains easily digestible protein, collagen, amino acids and mineral elements necessary for adults and children. There are many recipes for preparing offal with vegetables, mushrooms and various spices. However, to obtain a juicy and appetizing treat, the product must be soaked in milk.

What kind of liver can be soaked in milk and why do it?

Giving the liver a delicate and soft texture is considered the main task when soaking the offal in milk before cooking. The procedure helps eliminate specific odors and bitterness. It is imperative to soak the product if it is of questionable quality.

The need for soaking will depend on the type of offal:

  • Beef. It is considered a soft type of liver, but it must be soaked in milk so that the offal becomes appetizing and not too dry. To prevent the liver from burning, all liquid must drain completely before frying.
  • Chicken. It has a more delicate and pleasant taste, so this offal can be fried immediately. However, if the quality of the liver is questionable, it is advisable to soak it.
  • Pork. It is the toughest and fattest, so it needs to be kept in milk with seasonings. Thanks to this, the specific bitter smell can be eliminated. When you include cinnamon in the liquid, it will make the flavor more pleasant.

Not all formulations require this procedure. It is often performed before frying the offal. During boiling and stewing, moisture will accumulate during the cooking stage, resulting in the liver being soft. During the frying stage, the product becomes tougher and drier.

Are there any other options?

Liver is not only soaked in milk. Of course, this liquid gives a delicate, soft and extraordinary taste to the offal, especially beef. But you don’t always have milk on hand. In this case, you can use other options.


  • water with spices;
  • filtered water.

The easiest way is to use purified water to soak the liver. It must be changed after one hour. And before soaking again, the liver pieces are washed thoroughly. After this procedure, you can get rid of excess bitterness and make the liver a little softer.

But to give the offal a spicy aroma or piquant taste, you can use seasonings and spices. They are added to some water and the liver is soaked in this aromatic solution.

Before soaking the liver, it must be cleared of film, blood clots and all ducts removed.

Preparing offal for soaking

Before soaking, the liver needs to be prepared. To do this, it must be defrosted if the offal was in the freezer compartment. After thawing, it should be rinsed well, removing the bile ducts with the film. The prepared pulp can be cut into portions, but this procedure is not necessary.

For soaking, the milk must completely cover the offal. After a certain period of time, the liver must be transferred to a colander to drain the liquid. Afterwards the product can be subjected to heat treatment.

To get a more appetizing and juicy treat, you need to get rid of all the veins with the film, otherwise it will be bitter and tough.


For 700 grams of liver you need to take 1 liter of mineral water and mix it with any berry juice. Berry juice can be obtained from both fresh and frozen berries. This will not have any effect on eliminating the bitter taste. Leave the liver in the marinade for 2 hours.

Pre-prepare the liver by cutting off all excess from it. You can leave it whole, or you can cut it into small pieces and sprinkle with soda. Leave it like this for 2-3 hours.

Then rinse well, removing any remaining soda, and place in a colander to drain all unnecessary water. Next, we use the product for its intended purpose.

Recipe for liver soaked in milk

Liver in milk, the recipe for which involves only flour with carrots and spices, is suitable for lunch and dinner.

Liver in milk, a simple recipe.

The treat becomes nutritious and satisfying, with a pleasant milky taste and aroma.

What ingredients will you need?

List of required products:

  • laurel leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 80 ml;
  • milk – 400 ml;
  • carrots – 75 g;
  • flour - for sprinkling;
  • liver – 500 g;
  • salt and pepper - as needed.

Salt must be coarsely ground. Any type of liver can be used as the main ingredient. However, when using chicken by-product, the exposure time in milk must be reduced to 30 minutes.

Step-by-step cooking process

Step-by-step cooking process:

  1. Rinse the prepared liver and cut into medium pieces. Pour the milk into a deep container and lower the component into it. Soak the product for 2 hours.
  2. After the specified period of time, drain the milk and place the liver pieces on paper napkins to absorb excess moisture. Transfer the offal to a plate, sprinkle salt and pepper on top and stir.
  3. Peel the carrots, wash and chop in a fine shredder.
  4. Pour sifted flour into a bowl. Heat oil in a saucepan. Roll the liver pieces in dry product and fry in a container on all sides. The frying period is 5 minutes. for each side.
  5. Place chopped carrots on top of the offal. Simmer the contents of the saucepan under a closed lid on low heat for 5 minutes. Stir the composition periodically.
  6. Pour the remaining milk into a deep frying pan and bring to a boil. Add the liquid with salt, pepper and bay leaf. Transfer the offal with carrots into milk. If the liquid does not completely envelop the liver, pour a small amount of boiled water into the saucepan.
  7. When the milk boils again, turn the heat to low by covering the saucepan with a lid and simmering the contents until done.

Serving rules, decoration

Stewed liver is served with rice porridge or boiled potatoes. If desired, the dish can be decorated with chopped onion feathers.

Choosing offal

The taste of the prepared dish depends not only on the characteristics of preparation, but also on the quality of the chosen product. If you bought a bad liver, then even the procedure of soaking it in milk will not help.

Selection rules:

On a note! The film is sometimes difficult to remove, so a piece of liver is first rubbed with coarse salt and then immersed in ice water for 2-3 minutes. After this, the film will easily come away from the fleshy part.

Experts also advise choosing only chilled offal. As a rule, they are vacuum packed or sold open. But it is better to refuse to purchase frozen liver, because it is not known how many times the offal has been frozen. And with frequent temperature changes, the texture of the liver is disrupted, its taste deteriorates and its juiciness is lost.

Beef liver soaked in milk with onions

Liver in milk, the recipe for which allows you to stew beef offal with onions in milk sauce, has a rich aroma and piquant taste. Thanks to pickles, there are notes of sourness in the taste.

The calorie content of the treat is 88 kcal per 100 g serving. The dish can be eaten by those who adhere to a dietary diet.

What ingredients will you need?

Ingredients required for cooking:

ProductsRequired volume
Beef by-product500 g
Vegetable oil45 ml
Milk700 ml
Flour30 g
Onion75 g
Salted cucumbers240 g
Saltof necessity

If desired, beef liver can be replaced with chicken liver. When choosing a second product, it must be freed from bile, otherwise the dish will taste bitter.

Step-by-step cooking process

Step-by-step cooking process:

  1. Soak whole beef liver in 500 ml of milk for 3 hours.
  2. Chop the pickled cucumbers into small cubes. Initially chop the onion into thin half rings, then cut into quarters.
  3. Squeeze out excess liquid from the soaked offal and dry with a paper towel. Cut the pulp into small bars, the thickness of which is no more than 1.5 cm.
  4. In a saucepan with heated sunflower oil, saute the chopped onion until golden.

  5. Place the liver pieces into the roast, adding salt and pepper and stirring. Stir the mixture periodically to prevent the offal from burning. Fry the liver for 4 minutes until it turns a light gray color.
  6. Pour 200 ml of milk into the contents of the saucepan and add chopped pickles.
  7. After the milk boils, add flour to the mixture and stir.
  8. Simmer the treat under a closed lid for 6 minutes. at minimum fire power.

Serving rules, decoration

Beef liver with onions is served hot with spaghetti or rice porridge. Vegetable slices from tomatoes are suitable as an addition.

How to soak the liver correctly?

Everything is quite simple. Correctly soak the liver as follows:

  1. If the offal is frozen, let it thaw.
  2. Rinse the liver thoroughly, remove the film and bile ducts.
  3. Cut into portions (optional).
  4. Pour milk over the liver until it is completely covered.
  5. Wait the right time.
  6. Place the liver in a colander and let drain.
  7. Start cooking.

To make the liver dish juicy and tasty, you should carefully remove all the veins and remove the film. Experienced chefs use one trick: the film will come off easier and faster if a piece of liver is scalded with boiling water or kept in hot water for 20–30 seconds.

Soaking time

The duration of soaking depends on the size of the liver and the presence or absence of odor. How long does it take to keep it in milk on average?

  • Kisses – 3–4 hours.
  • Chopped – 30–40 minutes.

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For convenience, many housewives leave the liver in milk overnight so they can quickly cook it in the morning. You can keep it in the marinade for a long time, up to 8 hours. It is believed that the more time it remains in the liquid, the better it will be saturated and softer. Naturally, you can only leave soaked offal for such a long period in the refrigerator.

Fried liver recipe

Liver fried with onions turns out juicy even without soaking. Onions eliminate unpleasant odor and improve taste.

Prepare the dish like this:

  1. Rinse the liver under running water, remove the film, and cut into portions.
  2. For 500 grams of offal, take 2 onions, finely chop and fry over medium heat.
  3. Then the frying is removed for a while and pieces of liver, rolled in spices, salt and flour, are fried in the same frying pan over high heat for 5 minutes.
  4. After the specified time, add the onion and reduce the heat. Cook the dish for 5 minutes with the lid closed.

Soaked chicken liver with sour cream

The recipe for preparing chicken liver allows you to do without pre-soaking the offal in milk. However, if there is a foreign smell or taste, it is recommended to immerse the liver in milk for a few minutes. In this case, the procedure makes it possible to give the product softness and tenderness.

What ingredients will you need?

Ingredients required for preparation:

  • coarse salt - as needed;
  • onion head – 140 g;
  • milk – 200 ml;
  • flour – 80 g;
  • ground black pepper - optional;
  • chicken by-product – 500 g;
  • sour cream – 80 g.

To give the treat a more piquant and rich taste during the stewing stage, you can add a garlic clove to the saucepan.

Step-by-step cooking process

Step-by-step cooking process:

  1. Rinse the chicken component, remove the film and cut into equal pieces.

  2. Pour the milk into a deep container, lowering the offal into the container for 20 minutes.
  3. Peel the onion, rinse and chop into half rings. Place flour on a plate.
  4. Heat a small amount of oil in a saucepan. Sprinkle the offal pieces with flour and place in heated vegetable oil. Fry the liver on each side for 2 minutes.
  5. Place onion half rings on top of the offal, pouring milk in which the liver was previously soaked. Add salt and pepper to the preparation. Simmer the contents of the saucepan over low heat for 5 minutes, stirring the treat occasionally.
  6. Dilute the sour cream with a small volume of boiled water and add flour, mixing the mass well to prevent the formation of lumps. Pour the sour cream mixture into a saucepan with the contents and simmer under the lid for 3 minutes.

Serving rules, decoration

The finished dish is served with mashed potatoes, pouring milk gravy on top. If desired, the treat can be supplemented with vegetable salad and fresh herbs.

Lung recovery after coronavirus

Do the lungs recover after COVID-19? Yes. But you need to not miss the rehabilitation period and take the doctor’s recommendations seriously.

The new coronavirus infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 has not been well studied, but it is clear that it causes harm to all human organs and tissues. The virus enters the body through the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes, and pharynx. The first symptoms appear on days 2-14. Usually this is a fever above 37.5 degrees Celsius, a runny nose, loss of smell, dry cough, loose stools, weakness and headache. On days 6–10 from the onset of the first symptoms, shortness of breath, chest pain, and increased cough may begin to bother you. These are alarming symptoms that indicate lung damage and require additional examination: computed tomography of the lungs, measurement of blood oxygen saturation (saturation).

Lungs after COVID-19

Entering the human body through the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, SARS-CoV-2 causes a powerful inflammatory reaction. Immune cells are activated and a colossal amount of inflammatory substances (inflammatory cytokines) are produced. The intensity of this reaction is most likely determined genetically. It is the intensity of the inflammatory reaction that determines the severity of damage to the lung tissue according to research data. In the lung tissue, damage during COVID-19 is caused both by damage to the alveoli themselves (in which gas exchange occurs and the blood is saturated with oxygen from the air) by our own immune cells and by damage to the pulmonary vessels that encircle the alveoli. The extent of lung damage can be determined using CT (computed tomography).

Table 1. Lung damage due to COVID-19

Percentage of lung tissue damage

Part of the lung is affected. Slight difficulty breathing.


Pork liver with vegetables

Liver in milk, the recipe for which includes various vegetables in the composition of the treat, is a nourishing and appetizing delicacy with a delicate taste.

The juiciness of the offal is given by vegetables, which release a lot of juice during the stewing stage.

What ingredients will you need?

Ingredients required for preparation:

  • canned beans – 100 g;
  • potato tubers – 300 g;
  • onion heads – 150 g;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • milk – 300 ml;
  • carrots – 50 g;
  • flour – 15 g;
  • pork by-product – 500 g;
  • cream – 75 ml;
  • salt and pepper - as needed.

Canned beans can be added as desired since they are not the main component of the dish. Cream can be replaced with sour cream in a similar volume. It is advisable to use black and red ground pepper.

Step-by-step cooking process

Step-by-step cooking process:

  1. Dip pork by-product into milk for 60 minutes. After a while, free the liver from film, veins and dried blood clots. Cut the product into slices or strips of equal thickness.
  2. Chop the onion into half rings, peel and chop the potatoes into strips. Chop the carrots into cubes.

  3. Sprinkle the offal with flour and fry in hot oil on all sides for 2 minutes. Place the chopped vegetables into the saucepan with the liver, continuing to fry for 3 minutes.
  4. After the specified period of time has passed, add canned beans without marinade and milk that remains after soaking.
  5. With constant stirring, simmer the ingredients on low heat for 5 minutes.
  6. In a container, combine the cream with spices and flour, stirring thoroughly until smooth. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and simmer over low heat for 3 minutes.

Serving rules, decoration

Pork liver stewed with vegetables is tasted hot, garnished with chopped fresh herbs.

Soda lifehacks

Adding soda to minced liver

Experienced housewives use ground liver to prepare minced meat, from which cutlets, cabbage rolls, and meatballs are made. Dishes will be especially fluffy and juicy if you add a little soda to the main ingredients (1 or 0.5 tsp per 1 kg of minced meat).

Caramelizing onions for onion sauce

Caramelized onions and liver are the perfect duo for true gourmets. The same sodium bicarbonate will help caramelize the onion. It is enough to add 0.5–1 tsp to the onion, fried in a frying pan. soda per 1 kg of product. Then the caramelization process will speed up, and the onion will turn out golden and sweet.

Advice. You can add a little cognac, nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon, curry, cloves to the dish. Spices and alcohol will give a refined taste to the dish, and milk and sour cream will give a creamy aftertaste.

By the way, the Irish are big fans of liver dishes and other offal. Therefore, you can make Irish soda bread and serve it along with delicious and aromatic liver.

With garlic

Liver in milk, the recipe for which is very simple and quick, acquires a rich aroma and pungent taste due to the garlic cloves used. To maintain softness and juiciness, the offal is initially fried at maximum heat, then simmered over low heat under a closed lid. In this case, the volume of herbs and garlic must be adjusted at your discretion.

What ingredients will you need?

List of required products:

  • spinach leaves - a bunch;
  • onion – 75 g;
  • vegetable oil – 45 ml;
  • milk – 400 ml;
  • carrots – 75 g;
  • liver – 400 g;
  • spicy spices - a pinch;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • ground black pepper - a pinch;
  • garlic cloves – 3 pcs.

Step-by-step cooking process

Step-by-step cooking process:

  1. Pre-wash the liver, peel and cut into pieces. Transfer the prepared offal into milk for soaking for 60 minutes.
  2. After the specified period of time, transfer the liver pieces into a saucepan with hot vegetable oil. Fry the pieces for 5 minutes.
  3. Cut the carrots and onions into slices and half rings, respectively.

  4. Place the chopped vegetables in a saucepan with the liver. Simmer the mixture on low heat for 15 minutes.
  5. After the allotted period of time, add salt, pepper and herbs to the ingredients.
  6. In 2 min. Before the end of cooking, add chopped garlic cloves to the saucepan.
  7. Remove the saucepan from the stove, adding spinach leaves to the contents. Cover the pan with a lid and set aside for 1 minute.

Serving rules, decoration

The liver is served hot with spinach, garlic and vegetables. Sour cream or ketchup is suitable as a sauce.


Wash the liver thoroughly under running water. Remove all films and cut into portions, like chops. Lightly beat them with a special hammer, first placing them in a disposable bag so as not to splash the entire room.

Place all the chops in a saucepan and pour milk over them. How long to soak the liver in milk depends on its size and how busy you are. On average, this process takes from one to three hours. The longer the liver is in milk, the softer and tastier it will be. If you have time, then soak it for 2 hours, if not, at least for an hour.

During this time, the milk will change its natural color and become brown.

Mix flour, salt and pepper in a bowl. Other spices are not required here, because... they will interrupt the natural taste of the dish. Thoroughly roll each piece of liver in the resulting mixture.

Heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan and place the prepared liver chops into it. Fry over medium heat for 3-5 minutes on each side. The degree of readiness is determined by the golden brown crust.

Peel the onion, wash and cut into half rings or large cubes. Fry it in vegetable oil for a few minutes.

Place the fried liver pieces on the onion, cover and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. If the dish starts to burn, add a little water.

Liver in milk, fried with onions is ready! Serve it on the table with boiled or fried potatoes and fresh vegetables, sprinkled with herbs. Bon appetit!

Useful tips and tricks

Useful tips and recommendations that will be useful to the cook when cooking:

  • The soaked offal can be stewed in a saucepan in milk with vegetables or separately. However, it is advisable to cook the liver quickly, since long-term heat treatment makes it too dry.
  • To easily remove the film from the surface of the offal, it is recommended to wash it, scald it with very hot water and plunge it into boiling water for a few seconds.
  • When choosing a product, you should give preference to liver with a glossy, smooth surface, without stains. The smell should be pleasant, fresh and not sour. When you press on the surface of the offal, there should be no traces left.
  • To obtain a soft and airy treat, the liver must be cut into pieces no larger than 1.5 cm wide before frying. To prevent salt from absorbing all the moisture, it must be added at the end of cooking, otherwise the liver will be dry.

  • If possible, it is advisable to add new milk to the offal when the old one turns brown. Thanks to this, the treat will acquire better softness, juiciness and tenderness.
  • To bread the liver, you can use breadcrumbs to form a crispy, browned crust on the surface. However, it is not advisable to stew the offal, because the liver will absorb a lot of moisture and become very soft inside and out.
  • To maintain optimal moisture and flavor, frying each side of the liver should take no more than 5 minutes.
  • Before cooking, pieces of offal can be slightly beaten to make the treat more tender and soft.
  • To stew the offal in sauce, you can add 50 g of sour cream to the saucepan, which will give the dish a creamy flavor.

Liver is a specific food that you need to know how to cook. The main feature of this delicious delicacy is that according to the recipe, the offal is required to be soaked in milk. Thanks to this, you can improve the taste of the product by removing bitterness and adding tenderness with juiciness.

Dukan again. Go…

Chicken soufflé. for 0.5 kg of minced chicken 1 or 2 eggs, finely chopped onion, sometimes chopped mushrooms, salt, pepper - mix everything, if you’re not too lazy I beat it with a mixer. I transfer it into molds, sprinkle a little grated low-fat cheese on top, and bake in the oven until golden brown, about 40 minutes at about 175 C.


Ginger-mint freshness

Ginger root 3-4 cm, mint leaves, cinnamon stick, juice of half a lemon.

Mode: ginger in thin strips, put mint and a cinnamon stick in a thermos and fill it with boiling water, add lemon juice. I don’t even add sugar and it’s so delicious. In addition, it is very useful and improves metabolism. Enjoy your tea, by the way, it’s also delicious cold.

1 boiled egg, 1 large crab stick or 2 small ones, half a can of tuna in its juice.

Finely chop the egg and crab stick into cubes, mash the tuna with a fork. Salt and pepper to taste. Season with Dukan mayonnaise.

Reviews from housewives

Tatyana, 30 years old. I’ve never tried adding soda to offal, but a friend treated me to excellent liver fried with onions. I will definitely try to replicate this culinary masterpiece at home.

Olga, 33 years old. My child does not eat liver. I know that the product is useful. I contrived to prepare liver cutlets, which went off with a bang.

Natalya, 45 years old. I cook for my family all the time. But I’ve never heard of marinating liver in soda. After reading this advice on the Internet, I tried it and did not regret it. It turned out juicy and soft.

Anastasia, 25 years old. Mom always said that the liver “loves” soda, but I was wary of such experiments. I myself am indifferent to offal, but my husband turned out to be an admirer. I remembered my mother’s advice: my husband was pleased. There is no soda taste.

Julia, 29 years old. In my kitchen, baking soda was only useful for baking and cleaning dishes. And then I read on the Internet that it softens the liver. I made it using a new recipe and the difference is really noticeable. The liver turns out tender, just melting in your mouth.

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