How long can fresh and cooked chicken be stored?

Storing food in the refrigerator is convenient, but many people wonder how long you can store chicken in the refrigerator (raw and cooked).

This article will help you understand how long it is safe to store chicken in your refrigerator.

How long can you store chilled chicken in the refrigerator without freezing?

Refrigerated chicken storage temperature

Store refrigerated chicken at 0 to -4 degrees relative humidity around 80-90%. Creating such conditions will allow the meat product to be cooled efficiently, freezing it a little, without forming an ice crust.

Storing boneless meat is preferable as it increases the shelf life of the product and helps in maintaining its freshness.

Chicken can be stored for a long time at low temperatures from -18 degrees. In this case, the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms inside the product stops. Moreover, complete destruction does not occur; their further reproduction and development are temporarily suspended.

Storage conditions

The shelf life of poultry meat depends on the temperature and air humidity in which the product will be located.

  • The plucked and gutted carcass can remain on the refrigerator shelf for up to 5 days. And if the meat needs to be preserved longer, it is placed in the freezer.
  • Poultry meat is stored in the freezer at a temperature not exceeding -10°C and a humidity of 85 - 90%. In industrial refrigerators, the shelf life is 15 days.

Storing poultry chilled

You can store poultry meat in the refrigerator if:

  • A temperature that does not exceed +2°C.
  • Air humidity, which should be at the level of 80 - 85%.

Storage of meat in such conditions is possible for no more than five days. A longer shelf life is provided in the frozen state.

Freezer storage

Poultry meat is stored in the freezer in polyethylene bags or thick paper. This will prevent the meat from actively losing moisture and freezing to the freezer.

The shelf life of poultry meat in the freezer depends primarily on temperature indicators.

At -12°C, according to the rules, a packaged whole carcass will be preserved for 8 months, without significantly losing its nutritional value.

Lower storage temperatures increase the shelf life of poultry. So, at -15°C it can last up to 10 months. And a temperature of -18°C ensures its reliable storage for up to 12 months.

Thawing of meat should occur gradually, at room temperature. If you place it in the microwave or under hot water, it will lose some of its nutrients.

How long can you store chicken in the refrigerator?

The shelf life of chicken on the refrigerator shelf depends on the temperature maintained inside, as well as the freshness of the original product.

Temperature standards and shelf life:

  • 7–10 degrees – up to 24 hours;
  • 4–7 degrees – up to 48 hours;
  • 0–4 degrees – 72 hours;
  • from -2 to 0 degrees – no more than 4 days.


According to experts, it is necessary to store and prepare only high-quality, fresh products. If you purchased more meat than you need for cooking, freeze it immediately, because chilled chicken on the refrigerator shelf can be stored for a maximum of 4 days.

When you need to store a whole carcass, choose the right container. This can be a substrate covered with cling film on top, a glass container with an airtight lid, a durable plastic bag, or a plastic food container.

Tips for extending shelf life:

  • soak a cotton cloth in vinegar, wrap it around the carcass, place it inside a plastic bag (the period will last up to 6 days);
  • to preserve the meat for 5 days, rub the carcass with a mixture of salt and ground black pepper (this will be a marinade that requires further preparation of a hot dish);
  • keep the meat inside an enamel container, pre-treating its walls with vinegar.

In the butchered

Store the cut carcass according to the same rules as the whole product. Experts say that cut boneless chicken stores better and longer.

Meat should not come into contact with other food products.

After defrosting

The shelf life of chicken meat will be extended if the following conditions are met:

  • cut the meat into small pieces;
  • Place each piece inside a container or a separate bag, cover with a lid, fill the empty spaces with ice cubes;
  • store for up to 4 days at temperatures from -2 to 0 degrees;
  • at a temperature of 7–10 degrees, the shelf life will be 1–2 days.

Cut out bones increase the shelf life of chicken meat and improve the taste of the finished product.

Chicken fillet

Poultry should only be stored inside a refrigerator or freezer. As noted above, removing bones from the carcass, which involves creating fillets, extends the shelf life of this product.

Storing raw meat at room temperature is strictly prohibited: bacteria begin to multiply inside, making the product potentially hazardous to health.

Chilled chicken fillet can be stored on the refrigerator shelf for up to 3 days. Helpful Tips:

  • if you do not plan to cook the dish soon, put the chicken in the freezer;
  • Store by placing the product inside a container with a sealed lid or a tight plastic bag;
  • Perform long-term storage after cutting the carcass into pieces packaged separately.

Additional tips and tricks

Before freezing chicken meat, it must be cleaned of film and feathers. In most stores you can buy chicken carcasses that have leftover feathers on them. They should be removed so that pathogenic bacteria do not develop inside. If you have a pet chicken, you first need to remove the entrails. It is recommended to store them separately.

When you take the chicken out of the freezer or refrigerator, be sure to boil it. Under the influence of heat treatment, all pathogenic bacteria will be destroyed.

Now you know how long you can store chicken in the freezer or refrigerator. It is best to cook and eat meat immediately. However, if this is not possible, it is better to place meat products in the freezer. Try to keep fresh or cooked chicken in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours to enjoy the subtle flavors of the dish.

How long can you store cooked chicken in the refrigerator?

The finished product cannot be stored for long periods of time. Bacteria quickly begin to multiply here, which can cause serious harm to health. Following a number of tricks will extend the shelf life of chicken meat.

Boiled chicken

Boiled chicken is not the best product for long-term storage. Boiled chicken can be stored at room temperature for no more than three hours. Put it on the refrigerator shelf, and it will remain suitable for eating for 3 days (at a temperature of 4 degrees).

To prevent the product from absorbing foreign odors, store it with a lid, after wrapping it in food foil. Polyethylene is not very suitable for storage; here the meat will quickly become sticky. After three days of storage, pre-fry the product to destroy the developed pathogenic bacteria.

Do not place chicken meat near strong-smelling foods; it will easily absorb their odors.

Boiled chicken in broth

Boiled meat, along with the broth, is stored on the refrigerator shelf for up to 48 hours. Provided that the temperature inside the device is maintained not exceeding 5 degrees. It is allowed to freeze the broth in portions, defrosting it as needed.

If there is foam on the surface of the broth, pour it out immediately. This is the first sign of spoilage of the dish.

Shelf life of chicken soup

Aromatic, tasty broth often becomes the basis for preparing all kinds of soups. Ready chicken soup can be stored for no more than 48 hours. Provided that the pan is tightly closed with a lid.

How long does fried chicken last?

Eat the fried product immediately after cooking, while it has the best taste. When, after eating, there are uneaten pieces left, put them in a plastic container and in the refrigerator.

Store the dish here for up to 12 hours. Freezing chicken is allowed, but after defrosting the meat will become tough.

Baked chicken

Store baked poultry according to the same rules as fried poultry. On the refrigerator shelf - up to 12 hours.

Smoked chicken

Cook smoked chicken especially carefully. If the technology is violated, the carcass inside will not warm up to the required degree, this will affect the possibility of its consumption as food. It is better to eat small parts, for example, wings.

The presence of microscopic white spots on the surface of a product is a sign of spoilage; avoid purchasing and eating such a product.

Store smoked chicken on the refrigerator shelf for no more than a day.

Commercially produced smoked chicken is usually vacuum packed, which increases its shelf life. Eat it based on the expiration dates indicated by the manufacturer.

Sometimes unscrupulous sellers try to sell clearly damaged goods. To avoid poisoning, the chicken is carefully inspected before purchasing.

Store the product in the refrigerator for a week, provided that the temperature inside is maintained at 6 degrees. After defrosting the finished product, eat it immediately, because bacteria actively multiply inside.

Grilled chicken

Grilled chicken prepared in street fast food establishments is loved by many. It is advisable to eat all the chicken at once, without leaving it for later.

Buy such a product from a reputable place; often stale chicken meat is disguised with spices and seasonings, this is fraught with serious intestinal poisoning.

If not all the pieces have been eaten, they are stored for up to two days, at a temperature of up to 6 degrees.

Marinated chicken

Sometimes it becomes necessary to store already marinated meat in the refrigerator. For example, when plans change and going on a picnic is postponed for some time.

Is it possible to store meat in marinade? This storage option is allowed, the main thing is to put the container in the refrigerator and keep it there for no more than a day.

Stewed chicken

Store the stewed product for no more than two days. It is important to boil it before serving after storage.

Pilaf with chicken

Pilaf with chicken meat can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours. The main thing is to tightly cover the pan with a lid or wrap it in plastic wrap.

How long does KFC chicken last?

Chicken wings or thighs purchased from the KFC fast food chain should be eaten immediately. Fresh product has the best taste.

If the food was not eaten immediately, wrap it in food foil, put it on the refrigerator shelf, and store it for up to 24 hours.

How to choose fresh

The quality of the prepared dishes and your health will depend on how fresh the chicken you bring home is.

If the chicken is packaged, you need to look for the production date on the label. If there is none, feel free to rip the packaging. The buyer has the right to be informed about the quality of the goods.

They say about the freshness of a chicken carcass:

  • Smell. Even without experience, a person can determine whether chicken is “smelly.” Feel free to bring the carcass to your nose. You need to smell the incision site on your stomach. Fresh meat has almost no smell. Any smell should stop you, it’s better not to buy such chicken.
  • Mucusiness. The skin of fresh chicken without packaging may be a little dry, this is normal.

Do you know that…

Before slaughter, birds are prohibited from being given a whole list of feeds that impair the taste and affect the smell. However, manufacturers neglect this in order to reduce the cost of products.

Broiler chickens sold in stores are often wet. There are several reasons for this:

  1. To increase weight, they increase the moisture content of chicken meat (this is beneficial to producers).
  2. Before shipping, chicken is washed with special disinfectants (this extends shelf life).

However, moisture and mucus are different things. Mucused meat may not have an unpleasant odor if it is washed with special solutions. But identifying the presence of mucus is not difficult; the main thing is to look closely and touch the carcass with your hand.

But you don’t need to pay attention to color. A pale chicken is no worse than a yellow one. In order for the chicken to have a marketable appearance, it is fed corn before slaughter.

The color of the bird does not affect the quality and freshness of the meat; the broth from yellow chicken will simply be yellower

Terms and features of storing chicken in the freezer

The freezer will help extend the shelf life of chicken meat. By putting a fresh product there, you don’t have to worry about it going bad quickly.


The freezer allows you to store poultry meat for up to a year, the main thing is to maintain the correct temperature.

Features of storing poultry in the freezer:

  • temperature from -19 to -26 degrees – year;
  • temperature -15 degrees – 6 months;
  • about -10 degrees – 5 months;
  • up to -7 degrees – 2 months.

Rules for freezing the product:

  • Do not wash chicken before freezing;
  • store tightly closed with a lid and wrapped in polyethylene;
  • Meat that has lain for more than two days on the refrigerator shelf or longer than 4 hours at room temperature is prohibited from freezing.

In a plastic bag

Cellophane bags, despite varying opinions, are acceptable for wrapping meat before storing in the freezer.

Option for freezing meat in a bag:

  • portion cutting of the carcass and packaging it in separate bags;
  • freezing the whole carcass;
  • removal of bone mass and freezing of fillets;
  • processing into minced meat, forming semi-finished products from it and freezing them;
  • molding the minced meat into a rectangular layer, divided into squares, with small notches (this makes it easier to further divide the layer into separate pieces).

An excellent storage option is to pack the meat product in bags equipped with a zip fastener. They are convenient, airtight, and allow you to freeze small portions that easily thaw to the desired temperature.

In a plastic container

This packaging method is convenient for storing broth or individual chicken parts.

  1. Place chicken parts in the container, pre-cut into pieces necessary for preparing certain dishes.
  2. Cover the container with a lid to prevent the meat from airing.
  3. Place a small sticker on each container indicating the date the product was frozen, this will help monitor the expiration date of the meat.

Long-term storage in the freezer will lead to the dish losing its taste and changing its structure towards porosity.

In a glass container

When choosing this container for storing chicken, remember to follow the established sequence of defrosting the product. Glass does not accept the use of hot water for thawing contained inside the raw material, this will cause a violation of its integrity.

Features of freezing inside glass containers:

  • do not fill the container to the very top, leave a small space free;
  • do not cover with a lid, cover the top with cling film;
  • Do not allow the contents to defrost quickly.

In a vacuum

Vacuum packaging involves placing raw materials without air entering inside. The approach allows you to prevent microbes from penetrating inside by creating a special gas environment inside, without moisture. Naturally, it is difficult to fulfill such conditions at home. For this purpose, bags equipped with a zip fastener have been created.

Sequence of using the zip package:

  1. Place the meat in a plastic bag.
  2. Close the bag not all the way, leave a millimeter gap.
  3. Squeeze the bag to remove any air from it.
  4. Hold the bag and slowly lower it into the container with water.
  5. Make sure that water does not penetrate inside the bag.
  6. Close the clasp completely.
  7. Place the bag inside the freezer.

Is it possible to freeze chilled chicken?

Chilled chicken should be frozen immediately after purchase. The expiration date indicated on the package should not expire on this or the next day.

When a product has been chilled on the top shelf of the refrigerator for two days, it is prohibited to freeze it.

Is it possible to freeze smoked chicken?

Any food tastes better when freshly prepared, so freezing is a process that should be avoided at all costs. If you need to stock up on a delicious dish for future use, store it on the freezer shelf.

Features of freezing smoked chicken:

  • cut the carcass into pieces;
  • wrap each of them in food paper;
  • store for up to a month (if deep frozen at -26 degrees) or up to two weeks (at -16 degrees);
  • defrost on the refrigerator shelf.

Is it possible to freeze boiled chicken?

An already cooked product, when there is no guarantee that it will be eaten in 2-3 days, must be frozen. This type of storage cannot be called ideal; it leads to a partial loss of taste in the dish. But it preserves its usability, which a refrigerator cannot do.

Freezing boiled chicken:

  • cut the product into slices;
  • wrap each of them with cling film, parchment, foil;
  • put small elements in zip bags, they will help preserve the juices inside the meat;
  • place in the freezer compartment;
  • Store meat for up to three months.

Rules for freezing chicken

Purchasing chicken before it needs to be cooked requires freezing the product. To get high-quality meat at the end, follow a number of rules:

  1. Choose durable, hermetically sealed packaging (plastic, glass, zip bag) that does not allow moisture to enter.
  2. If you plan to cook individual parts of the carcass, cut it before freezing.
  3. Do not wash the product beforehand.

Is it possible to refreeze chicken?

Many housewives wonder what to do when the meat is already defrosted, but its preparation is delayed in time?

There is a rule that requires strict adherence: meat that has been outside the freezer for more than 4 hours is prohibited from being re-frozen. The same rule applies to a product that has been defrosted on the refrigerator shelf for 48 hours.

In other cases, adhere to these rules:

  • Wipe the piece with paper towels to dry its surface;
  • place in a clean plastic bag;
  • remove excess air from the bag;
  • seal it tightly;
  • put in the freezer.

After such manipulations, store the package for up to two months, at an average temperature of -8 degrees.

Do not wash the carcass before re-freezing; excess moisture will ruin the taste of the finished product.

Rules for purchasing fresh chicken

How long chicken can be stored in the refrigerator depends on many factors, the main thing being the freshness of the product when purchased. How to choose the right meat to preserve it longer? The recommendations are:

  • When purchasing, carefully inspect the selected product, there should be no bruises on it, the skin is uniform in color, without white spots, the carcass is whole, not damaged,
  • when choosing a frozen product, make sure that there is no ice crust on it, this indicates that the product has been defrosted,
  • Do not take a bluish-colored product; it most likely spent a lot of time in the freezer.

An unpleasant odor will also be a deterrent; this indicates spoilage of the product.

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How long does chicken last without refrigeration?

Chicken should not be stored without refrigeration. At room temperature above 25 degrees Celsius, after 2 hours the active process of reproduction of pathogenic microflora will begin inside the meat.

How can carcasses be stored?

  1. Cellophane bag: allowed, but not recommended. Outside the refrigerator, chicken inside plastic will spoil quickly.
  2. Foil: protects the contents from the penetration of foreign odors, allows moisture to pass through and does not absorb fat.
  3. Vacuum container: protects products from oxygen exposure, preventing the growth of bacteria.
  4. Cooler bag: an ideal option for storing chicken carcass without a stationary device.


Storing a fried product without a refrigerator, when the room temperature is maintained at more than 18 degrees, quickly leads to spoilage of the bird. Therefore, fried chicken must be served and then eaten.

As a last resort, you can wrap the dish in food foil and store it for up to 12 hours. Provided that the ambient temperature does not exceed 23 degrees.


Store the cooked product for no more than a day, provided it is sealed. If mucus appears on top, the skin takes on a grayish tint, such a bird should not be eaten.


Wrap the baked bird in foil and store in this way for up to 12 hours. This method is allowed when the room temperature is no more than 25 degrees Celsius.


Smoked poultry can be stored for a long time, subject to a number of rules.

  1. No dampness or humidity.
  2. Store in a basement or other dry, clean, constantly ventilated area.
  3. Wrap the smoked product in linen bags and place them in a wooden box in one row.
  4. Experts allow such storage for six months.

Grilled chicken

Grilled chicken, especially those prepared in fast food establishments, should not be stored outside the refrigerator. You cannot be sure that the product was originally completely fresh, so it is consumed hot.

What types of poultry are there?

This meat is divided into several types. It happens:

  1. doubles,
  2. cooled down
  3. chilled,
  4. frozen,
  5. ice cream,
  6. defrosted.

Pairs. This is the first 4 – 5 hours after slaughter. Products are not yet sent for sale at this time. A process of “maturation” occurs, associated with natural biochemical reactions.

Cooled down. In deep muscles the temperature is +5°C -+25°C. Provided that the carcass was stored at positive temperatures. In such conditions, meat quickly begins to deteriorate, so it is immediately sold or canned.

Chilled. The deep muscle layers have a temperature from 0°C to +4°C. A chilled carcass of a completely healthy bird can remain in the necessary sanitary conditions for 5 to 7 days.

Frostbitten. Meat, chilled to a deep degree, with a temperature of the central layers of muscles from -1°C to -5°C. Under such conditions, the moisture partially becomes ice, and the shelf life of frozen poultry will increase to 10–15 days.

Frozen. A carcass with an intramuscular temperature not exceeding -6°C. Almost all moisture becomes ice.

Thawed. A carcass that was defrosted using thermoregulation (to muscle temperature -1°C). If chicken has defrosted naturally due to a breakdown of the refrigeration unit, it is called thawed.

If frozen twice, the meat will have lower nutritional value. And its color will become much darker. Such a product is no longer suitable for sale - it is sent for processing.

What GOST and SanPiN say

Industrially produced products are divided into types:

  1. Cooled down to 5 degrees.
  2. Chilled – within the range from -2 to 4 degrees.
  3. Frozen to -12 degrees.
  4. Deep frozen to -18 degrees.

Shelf life according to GOST:

  • temperature from -2 to 2 degrees: 5 days chilled carcasses, 2 days parts of carcasses;
  • frozen (-12 degrees): whole – up to 8 months, parts – up to a month;
  • frozen poultry (-18 degrees): whole up to a year, cut up to three months;
  • Frozen poultry (-25 degrees) can be stored for up to 14 months.

SanPiN recommendations for storage in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2–6 degrees:

  • raw whole, cut carcasses, tobacco chickens – 48 hours;
  • semi-finished products processed with breading – 18 hours;
  • minced chicken – 12 hours;
  • soup set – 12 hours;
  • baked carcasses and their parts, smoked and boiled – 72 hours;
  • dishes including sauces – 12 hours;
  • pies and dumplings with minced chicken – 24 hours;
  • jellies, brawns – 12 hours;
  • pates – 24 hours.

How to extend the shelf life of poultry

The most effective way to extend the shelf life of fresh chicken is to freeze it. However, you don’t always want to resort to it, because chilled meat turns out more tender and juicier.

If you plan to cook the bird in a few days and want to keep it tasty and fresh until then, the following tips will help:

  1. Vinegar. Moisten a cotton or linen towel with table vinegar. Wrap the chilled carcass in it and put it in a plastic bag, tie it. Place in the coldest place in the refrigerator. This will allow you to preserve the bird for up to a week - if it was fresh, of course. This method will also help deliver meat to a picnic, extending the shelf life in a warm place to several hours. You can lubricate the walls and bottom of an enamel pan with vinegar, put the carcass in it and close the lid. In this way, the bird will be stored in the refrigerator for up to five days.
  2. Spices. The carcass can be rubbed with salt and ground black pepper and placed in a container with a tight-fitting lid. On the coldest shelf, such a bird will be stored for up to five days. Before cooking, you should wash it, but do not forget that you will need less salt.
  3. Ice. A common way to preserve chicken is in an ice container. The bird must be placed in a bag and tied. Pour crushed ice into the bottom of a large container and place the carcass on top. Close the lid tightly. This also allows you to extend the shelf life of the meat by up to a week.

When storing a cut, chilled carcass, keep in mind that boneless fillets will last longer than legs and wings. It is best to place the dressed bird in a vacuum container. There is no need to wash it before this - water will speed up the decomposition process. You can wash it immediately before cooking.

This is interesting:

Features of storing red and black caviar at home.

How to properly store unshelled walnuts at home.

The best ways to preserve fresh and pickled cucumbers longer at home.

How to tell if chicken has gone bad

Characteristic signs will help you identify a spoiled product:

  • the appearance of gray-green color of meat;
  • the presence of gray-green mold on the surface;
  • the presence of a sour aroma reminiscent of ammonia;
  • slimy texture.

Eating or heat-treating chicken meat that shows signs of spoilage is hazardous to health. This product must be disposed of immediately.

Proper storage of poultry meat guarantees its safety. It is important to cook and eat the purchased chicken in a timely manner, without leaving it for later.

At room temperature

A finished chicken dish (boiled breast, baked in cream or foil, pate, galantine, roll, chicken fillet chops, pilaf, shawarma) can be kept at room temperature for only a few hours (no more than 4). This situation is due to the rapid growth of bacteria and the acceleration of decay processes in a warm environment.

A raw carcass will last no more than 120 minutes at +22°C. To extend the time, place it in the coolest and darkest place in the apartment. Storage in vacuum bags placed in ice water is allowed, but care must be taken that the water does not have time to heat up. A balcony (in cooler months) or a basement will also be a great place to store supplies. Adding natural preservatives (salt, lemon, vinegar) will preserve the nutritional value for 12-24 hours.

Fried breast

Many people prefer this method of processing chicken. When fried, a marinade is formed, from which you can prepare gravy and feed the whole family heartily and tasty. Breasts are often prepared for future use, and fried breasts will last longer than boiled ones.

The meat will be stored in the refrigerator for 2 days at a temperature no higher than +6 degrees. The grill lasts the same amount of time. If the breast is sealed tightly and all the air is released, it will keep for 4 days.

IMPORTANT: if the product has been in the refrigerator for about 2 days, it must be fried before eating it.

Food regulations prohibit storing fried breasts in the freezer and refrigerating them.

Choosing a bird according to the rules

Few people think that the shelf life of chicken after heat treatment also depends on the choice of the original product. The fresher the chicken, the greater the chance of maintaining its suitability for a couple of days.

Experts advise choosing only fresh or chilled meat. But it is better to refuse to purchase frozen products. Firstly, such meat changes its texture and taste. Secondly, the juiciness of the chicken goes away. Thirdly, you risk purchasing an expired product.

On a note! If you do buy frozen poultry, pay attention to the condition of the ice crust. It should be thin and uniform. The presence of tubercles or irregularities indicates that the chicken carcass has been frozen repeatedly.

Selection rules:

  • carefully examine the bird carcass from all sides;
  • the skin must be intact and have the same, uniform shade;
  • neutral smell;
  • There should be no bruises or any dark spots on fresh chicken.

Feel free to smell the bird. A pungent odor should always be a concern. With the seller's permission, press down on the brisket side. The meat, if it is fresh, will be elastic, which means that the dent will be instantly restored.


It is necessary to consciously approach the issue of safety of the finished product. In fact, you can store the breast in both the refrigerator and the freezer. But food standards state that placing fried and boiled products in the freezer is prohibited. Housewives have adapted to preserving meat during any processing. The shelf life of meat is related to temperature conditions and packaging. Smoked breast will last the longest.

Video: How long can poultry meat really be stored?

How long can poultry meat really be stored?

Watch this video on YouTube

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The benefits and harms of chicken meat

The product contains a large amount of protein, vitamins A and E, and amino acids that are essential for the body. It is useful for patients suffering from diabetes. Chicken meat has a positive effect on visual acuity and the functioning of parts of the brain. Eating it helps a person get rid of insomnia.

The skin contains a lot of fat, which, when entering the human body, turns into cholesterol. When cutting the breast, it is recommended to remove the skin.

If you purchased chicken with mucus and an unpleasant odor, then it is better not to cook such a product. Otherwise, salmonellosis may appear - an intestinal infection.

Boiled smoked chicken

If the pile is cold smoked, it can be stored for 3-4 months. If it has been heat-treated at home, the period will be only 72 hours.

To preserve the taste and beneficial properties of the breast to the maximum, it should be frozen. You need to cut into portions, each of which is wrapped in cling film and put in the freezer.

When storing on the refrigerator shelf, place the remaining pieces in a deep bowl, cover with foil and place in a cool place. Foil prevents the odors of other products from penetrating and preserves the beneficial properties of the breast. If you limit contact with air, the period will extend for several more days.

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