What to do if white clothes are dyed during washing: ways to correct an unpleasant situation

If things turn a new color during washing, don’t get upset and throw them away. Indeed, today there are many ways and means to help bleach things that have been dyed during washing without harming the basic color and structure of the fabric.

Such situations occur often, especially among young housewives who are trying to do everything around the house. This is how snow-white shirts with bright socks or handkerchiefs accidentally end up in the same wash, which release dye upon contact with warm water and leave their pigment in the form of streaks and stains on light-colored clothes.

What to do if your T-shirt stains during washing

If your snow-white blouses or pink jeans have been dyed a different color or have strange stains or stains on them, then do not panic, because there are several best ways to get rid of this trouble at home.

As a rule, machine dyeing occurs due to inattention or deliberate laziness, when red or blue is washed with white, yellow or beige, thinking that all clothes are colored. But often, when washed, a dyed T-shirt or T-shirt receives a stain from another, brighter item.

Even though you decide to wash a colored item with a similar one, do not forget that new clothes are always washed separately for the first time, since otherwise they will fade and stain your other outfits.

Important Tips

To prevent the bleaching process from causing even more damage to white items, you must take into account the following tips:

  1. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations indicated on the label.
  2. Try a new product on an inconspicuous area and monitor the tissue's reaction.
  3. Observe the dosage of the bleaching agent.
  4. Strictly follow the instructions for using the stain remover; do not leave things in it for longer than the time specified in the instructions.
  5. After washing, dry things properly, do not hang white and colored items on top of each other, and do not fasten them with one clothespin.

When working with aggressive compounds, you need to protect your hands with gloves and your respiratory system with a mask or respirator.

First aid for dyeing clothes after washing

If it was not possible to prevent the entry of “hostile” tissue and your favorite things became colored in a previously unseen color, then you need to resort to surgical intervention.

If your colored or white clothes are stained during washing, use the following remedy::

  • Don't wait for it to dry . It is much easier to wash wet dyed clothes, since the coloring pigments do not have time to be absorbed into the fibers of the fabric. Ironing clothes is also contraindicated, as the temperature can cause the stain to become permanent.
  • Proceed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations . If you want to wash clothes made from natural materials (cotton, linen), then use boiling. Fabrics that require delicate treatment should be washed in a different way and not exposed to high temperatures.
  • Use chemicals . You can wash colored items again after an unsuccessful wash, but with the addition of a stain remover for colored clothes. If the laundry is dyed, bleach added during re-washing will help save the item and restore its former shine.

How to bleach clothes made from different fabrics?

Before bleaching a faded white item, you need to remember that the work must be done promptly. You can restore color if you begin resuscitation procedures immediately.

The first remedy is repeated washing with the addition of a double portion of white laundry detergent fortified with soda ash (at a ratio of ten to one).


Cotton items can be boiled with peroxide and ammonia solution. For a ten-liter bucket of water you need a glass of hydrogen solution and 15 milliliters of ammonia, boiling time is half an hour; You can try to revive linen, denim, thick cotton with a special paste. The water-soda mixture is applied locally for about 20 minutes, then the textiles are sent for washing;

Synthetic things.

Synthetics can be saved with soapy water. A crushed piece of laundry soap is mixed in half a liter of water, strengthened with two tablespoons of peroxide and five ammonia. The mixture is dissolved in a bucket of water, where faded synthetics are soaked for up to half an hour before washing.

How to fix things dyed during washing

Household chemicals do not always save you from all the problems with stains that housewives encounter when washing. Therefore, in order not to wash things several times and not spend money on expensive stain removers or bleaches, you can use popular advice.

Using products that everyone has in their home, you can wash dyed items and bleach laundry with inexpensive compounds that do not harm the structure of the fabric, but at the same time remove stains quickly and effectively.

Hydrogen peroxide

If your clothes are stained, a 6% peroxide solution, which is a disinfectant and bleach, can fix it. Hydrogen peroxide is diluted in a ratio of 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons per 5 liters of water. This solution is diluted in a saucepan, the item is placed there, and then brought to a boil and boiled for about 30 minutes.


To return things to their former shine and snow-whiteness, you can use bleaches. To do this, soak the item in a solution of washing powder and bleach. But remember, bleach can only be used when washing white items made from natural fabrics.

To bleach white items when washing, do the following the day before washing::

  • Thoroughly stir the solution consisting of 500 g. washing powder, 15-20 gr. bleach and water.
  • Soak clothes in this solution and set to boil.
  • After 30 minutes of boiling, turn off and leave overnight with the lid closed.
  • In the morning, we take out the soaked clothes and wash them in a machine according to the type of fabric and preferred washing mode.


To whiten jackets, prepare a solution from peroxide (2 tbsp), ammonia (5 tbsp) and household shavings. The ingredients are dissolved in a bowl of water, then things are soaked in it for half an hour.

Another effective remedy is Aspirin. The tablets not only help with headaches, but also wash white cotton T-shirts if they are stained from colored clothing, as well as light synthetic materials. You will need 2 crushed tablets per 100 ml of water; After stirring, the product is applied to the stained areas.

Special products for restoring the color of a T-shirt

If colored items are damaged during washing, then the use of bleach is contraindicated, but washing faded T-shirts with stain remover is quite permitted. But such substances also need to be approached with caution, because such products must be marked “Color”, indicating that it is intended specifically for colored clothing.

We use special equipment

Home remedies can help remove faded stains, but only if used immediately after dyeing. If stains are noticed late, then specialized products and stain removers will come to the rescue.

Home remedies can help remove faded stains, but only if used immediately after coloring.

The following household chemical products can be found on sale:

  1. "Antilin." Designed specifically to get rid of stains that appear as a result of shedding. It is effective for different types of fabric, but may slightly change the original color of the product.
  2. "Vanish." Helps restore whiteness not only to light-colored items, but also to remove difficult stains from colored items.
  3. Bleaches for light-colored items marked White . It is worth choosing the right product depending on the type of fabric.
  4. Korean products Paracle and Oxi Clean. Excellent for removing fade stains from brightly colored fabrics.
  5. Pasta Dr. Beckmann 3 in 1 . The product is applied using a sponge and is suitable for all types of fabrics.

Read more ► Why oxygen bleach is the best for white and colored laundry

How to prevent things from being over-dyed

Dirty things always cause trouble for housewives, and those clothes that get dirty during washing cause even more indignation.

To avoid such unpleasant consequences after washing, follow these rules::

  1. Always sort your laundry carefully, not only by color, but also by type of material.
  2. Always wash new items separately by hand.
  3. Don't forget about the tags, they contain washing instructions.
  4. To prevent the item from shedding, rinse it in a saline or vinegar solution.
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Some useful tips on how to avoid staining

In order not to waste time on additional dry cleaning and minimize the likelihood of clothes staining during washing, we recommend using the recommendations below, which have been repeatedly tested in practice:

  • it is necessary to remember that items made from delicate and delicate fabrics are subject to significant wear and tear during processing, and they should be bleached once every three washing processes;
  • Clothes are washed as they become dirty; they should not be stored in a laundry basket. During long-term storage, dust and dirt eat into the fibrous structure, and bleaching will be much more difficult;
  • To prevent woolen and synthetic items from becoming gray, it is necessary to separate them from linen and cotton items before washing;
  • If staining does occur, take immediate measures to eliminate it. Faded items should not be dried or ironed, as the coloring pigments will penetrate deeply into the fabric and will be almost impossible to remove;
  • The boiling process is used in exceptional cases, since most fabrics that have been dyed, after such a bleaching procedure, lose their respectability and are even irrevocably deformed.

How to bleach a knitted white T-shirt with minimal destruction of the fabric

Cotton, which is part of knitted items, can withstand the effects of aggressive agents, therefore many methods are suitable for it. It is important to study the composition of the T-shirt material. It will be possible to maintain its shape and quality if at least half of the item consists of natural cotton fibers. You can use:

  1. Chlorine. Not in its pure form, but only products in which it is present. Bleach or other bleach is mixed with water. The T-shirt is soaked in the resulting mixture for 20 minutes, then it needs to be rinsed.
  2. Boiling. The product should be immersed in water and boiled.
  3. Ammonia. It is mixed with water and the product is soaked in the resulting solution. Knitwear will fully withstand the described composition.

In case of failure

What to do if it was not possible to return the damaged item to its original color? The way out would be:

  • Masking of defects. If the item is only partially painted, in some places, you can select a suitable applique and stick it over the stains. Another option: creatively play with the spots, making them the center of the composition, and add an abstract ornament or meaningful design on top of them. The problem is that it will not look appropriate and beautiful on all things.
  • Work use. The painted item is suitable for the role of a work suit for the dacha or during repairs. After such use, it is not a pity to throw away a wardrobe item.
  • Creative uses. Creative individuals can use unsuccessfully washed blouses or dresses to sew toys, pillows, patchwork items, etc.

So, a damaged item can always be given a second life.

Delicate materials

If white delicate clothes are dyed, you need to make a solution of ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and washing powder (1 large spoon each). Also add 4 tbsp. l. table salt. The ingredients are mixed in 5 liters of water. The item is soaked for a couple of hours and rinsed.

Mustard infusion helps: take 1 tbsp for 1 liter of heated water. l. mustard powder. The mixture is infused for 3 hours, after which the clothes are washed in the resulting product.

To wash delicate fabrics, Vanish, Amway and other well-known chemicals that do not contain aggressive compounds are suitable. Ideally, you should purchase oxygen bleaches, as they soften the water, take care of the material and help eliminate color stains. At the same time, optical means do not bleach the fabric, but create the appearance of whiteness.

Original methods for rescuing damaged clothes

If one of the above methods does not help, you can decorate the stain or stains. Thanks to simple steps you will get a unique item with a minimum of effort.

Exclusive ideas:

  • If a stain appears on your favorite clothes, increase the number of stains. Watercolor or special paint for the material is suitable. Place cardboard inside, place patterns in random order with a sponge, dry and iron. The resulting item is washed at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees;
  • cotton, calico or cotton fabric is boiled in aniline dye. Please note that wool will decrease in size after processing, and acrylic will increase;
  • complete the spot with regular felt-tip pens, creating an original print;
  • If you have stencils on hand, use watercolors and a sponge to draw a pattern of a suitable size to hide any imperfections.

When you don’t want to use paints, you can embroider any pattern or decorate the damaged area with beads, ribbons or rhinestones.

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