How long to cook and how to properly fry oyster mushrooms (+21 photos)?

How to cook oyster mushrooms

You will need: oyster mushrooms, salt, water for cooking
1. Before cooking, rinse the oyster mushrooms thoroughly under running water to get rid of soil and debris. 2. Trim the bottom of the leg, as it is difficult to cook and remains tough. 3. Oyster mushrooms are quite large mushrooms, so for convenience, it is better to cut them into pieces before cooking. 4. Place mushrooms in a saucepan with cold water, add salt to taste, then put on the stove (it is worth considering that when cooking oyster mushrooms release a lot of juice, so a little water is needed just to cover the mushrooms). To give the mushrooms a piquant taste, you can add a pinch of pepper and a clove of garlic. 5. After the water boils, cook the oyster mushrooms for 15-20 minutes over moderate heat. Cooking time can increase to 25 minutes if the mushrooms are very large. 6. After the oyster mushrooms are cooked, place them in a colander and place it over the sink, shake to drain excess liquid. Your oyster mushrooms are cooked!

How many minutes to fry fresh and frozen oyster mushrooms until done?

Fresh oyster mushrooms are usually fried for no more than 15 minutes. The mushroom greatly decreases in size after heat treatment, and a lot of moisture comes out of it. If you plan to add any other ingredients to the oyster mushrooms, you should do this before frying the oyster mushrooms. In other words, first you fry vegetables, for example, and only then add mushrooms. In this case, you also need to fry the mushrooms for at least 15 minutes.

Oyster mushrooms are especially tasty when fried.

Frozen ones need to be cooked a couple of minutes longer given the fact that they must first defrost. Thus, you need to fry frozen oyster mushrooms for 17 to 20 minutes.

Frozen oyster mushrooms will retain all vitamins and microelements

Oyster mushroom cream soup recipe


Oyster mushrooms - 300 grams Potatoes - 3-4 pieces Onions - 1 head Cream 10-20% - 250 milliliters Sunflower oil - 1 tablespoon Salt, pepper, dill or parsley - to taste.

Making oyster mushroom soup

Wash, peel, cut into cubes with a side of 1 cm and cook in a three-liter saucepan with 1 liter of water, then remove the potatoes, grind in a blender, add 300 ml of potato broth and cream to the mashed potatoes. Wash the oyster mushrooms, finely chop them, remove the outer leaves from the onion and chop finely. Fry oyster mushrooms and onions in oil for 5-10 minutes over low heat, then add to potatoes. Add salt and pepper, mix well, leave for a couple of minutes and sprinkle with herbs.

Benefits for the body

Oyster mushrooms contain a considerable amount of useful substances, including the amino acid lysine, which improves the absorption of food proteins and has a beneficial effect on the human immune system, histidine, which stimulates digestion, and valine, which controls the activity of the pituitary gland, strengthens the immune system and the muscular system.

These mushrooms have antiallergic, antioxidant, antibacterial, immunostimulating and antitumor properties. Oyster mushrooms help strengthen the body of people suffering from cancer, protect the nervous system from overload and resist the development of depressive conditions.

In general, eating these mushrooms is recommended for people suffering from the following diseases:

  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Benign neoplasms.
  • Inflammation of the walls of blood vessels, formation of blood clots.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Diseases of joints and ligaments.

How to pickle oyster mushrooms at home


Oyster mushrooms - 2 kilograms Water - 1.2 liters Vinegar - 6 tablespoons Bay leaves - 4 pieces Dried dill - to taste Garlic - 4 cloves Clove inflorescences - 10 pieces Pepper - 10 peas Sugar - 2 tablespoons Salt - 4 tablespoons

How to pickle oyster mushrooms for the winter

1. Rinse fresh oyster mushrooms in cold water and separate the stems from the caps (only the caps are pickled), carefully cut large mushrooms into slices, leave small mushrooms as is. 2. Place the oyster mushrooms in a saucepan and add prepared water, add all the spices (except vinegar) and place on the stove over moderate heat. 3. After the water boils, add 6 tablespoons of vinegar and cook for 30 minutes. 4. Immediately place the hot mushrooms into sterilized jars (add a tablespoon of vegetable oil if desired) and roll up.


  1. Oyster mushrooms are very healthy and affordable mushrooms.
  2. They are easy to prepare by boiling or frying, and for more sophisticated dishes they can be marinated. Now we know how long it takes to cook oyster mushrooms. None of the processes take more than 30 minutes.
  3. Mushrooms collected in the forest need more careful processing, unlike those bought in a store.
  4. Regardless of the cooking method, be sure to use spices. This will give the fruiting bodies a more subtle, refined taste, which will be felt well in any finished dish.


- By appearance

Oyster mushrooms are mushrooms on a thin curved stalk with a round or horn-shaped cap, up to 30 centimeters in diameter. The upper surface of the oyster mushroom cap is glossy, the cap itself is large and fleshy. By the appearance of the mushroom you can determine its age. So, in old oyster mushrooms, the color of the cap is white-yellow, in a mature mushroom it is ash-violet, and in a young one it is dark gray.

— Oyster mushrooms are divided

into ordinary and horn-shaped. The main difference is that the horn-shaped oyster mushroom has a lighter, more yellowish color of the cap, and the plates of such mushrooms have a mesh connection.

- The most favorable season

The best time to grow and harvest oyster mushrooms is autumn and early winter (from September to December), as these mushrooms tolerate sub-zero temperatures well. It happens that oyster mushrooms are found in May and even June, subject to cold weather.


Oyster mushrooms are not on the ground, but high on tree trunks, mainly on deciduous ones; these mushrooms are also found on stumps or dead wood. Most often, oyster mushrooms grow in groups of several dozen pieces, intertwining their legs with each other.

- Average cost

fresh oyster mushrooms in Moscow - 300 rubles/1 kilogram (as of June 2017).

— Oyster mushrooms are available

year-round, since they grow not only in the natural environment, but are also cultivated artificially and do not require special conditions for growth.

— Ready oyster mushrooms can be used

in the preparation of first and second courses, these mushrooms are often added to various salads.

Calorie content

store-bought oyster mushrooms - 35-40 kcal/100 grams.

— Oyster mushrooms contain

contains vitamin A (for vision), folic acid (responsible for cellular production), and most B vitamins (cell growth and repair).

— Fresh mushrooms are stored

in the refrigerator at temperatures from 0 to +2 for no more than 15 days.

— Mushrooms that have cooled after cooking can be stored in the freezer

, before storing them by packing them in a plastic bag.


Oyster mushrooms are due to the content of vitamin B (cell respiration, energy and emotional health of a person), as well as C (immune support), E (healthy cells) and D (growth and health of bones and hair).

Features of the type and useful properties

Oyster mushroom is one of the most delicious, healthy and nutritious mushrooms that grow in groups in a small area. It is recommended to consume young fruits of this species, as they have a distinct, delicate mushroom taste.

The benefits of the product can hardly be overestimated, since during heat treatment it retains not only its taste and exquisite aroma, but also its beneficial properties. When purchasing, it is recommended to choose mushrooms that are light gray in color with a purple tint without any yellow spots on the fruiting body.

This product can be boiled, fried, stewed, salted, pickled. Regardless of the cooking method, oyster mushrooms retain their nutritional properties and excellent mushroom taste. They can be stored dried or frozen for a long time. Due to its beneficial properties, this product began to be grown under artificial conditions. The saturation of nutrients and low calorie content were appreciated by many gourmets who monitor their physical fitness and figure.

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How to pickle oyster mushrooms - the hot method


Oyster mushrooms - 3 kilograms Coarse salt - 200 grams Garlic - 5 cloves Peppercorns, seasonings - to taste Vinegar 6% - 3 tablespoons, or vinegar 9% vinegar - 2 tablespoons.

How to clean oyster mushrooms

Soak the oyster mushrooms in cold water for 1 hour, then remove forest debris, cut off the dark spots from the legs and caps of the oyster mushrooms. Cut each oyster mushroom into several parts and cut off the dark spots, if any. Peeled oyster mushrooms are ready for cooking.

How to pickle oyster mushrooms

Boil the oyster mushroom caps for 10 minutes, transfer to jars. Prepare the brine - mix vinegar, salt, pepper and spices, add 2 cups of water. Boil the brine and add to the oyster mushrooms. Place garlic in jars. Roll up jars of salted oyster mushrooms and store in the refrigerator for 7 days. After 7 days, the salted oyster mushrooms are ready!

Cute pest

Oyster mushroom is a famous tree mushroom, extremely popular among mushroom diet lovers. It grows on the trunks of deciduous and coniferous trees throughout the northern temperate zone, from early autumn until winter.

On the one hand, oyster mushrooms are dangerous forest pests. Their spores penetrate through cracks in the bark of trees, germinate there, and cause yellow rot of tree trunks. The more a tree rots, the more abundantly oyster mushrooms grow on it, clinging to its trunk with multi-story enfilades of their caps. As a result, the tree dies, and oyster mushrooms, after this, can bear fruit for a long time on an already dead trunk.

On the other hand, oyster mushrooms are one of the most delicious tree mushrooms, and are well-deservedly loved by mushroom eaters all over the world.

In addition, oyster mushrooms are so unpretentious that they can easily be grown artificially. These mushrooms grow on any substrate containing lingin and cellulose - from bark fragments to sawdust or a bale of old rotted straw. Therefore, oyster mushrooms are grown artificially all over the world, successfully and in huge quantities, and, in terms of industrial production, they are second only to champignons.

There are many varieties of this mushroom, of which the most popular is the oyster mushroom.

The caps of these mushrooms have an oval-elongated shape, with a smooth and glossy surface, and can reach a diameter of up to 25 cm.

The external color of oyster mushrooms can be very different, having a light gray, brown or nutty hue, with hints of purple or ash gray.

The stem of this mushroom is very small and is usually not eaten.

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