How to cook potatoes: how long does it take, what cooking methods exist + secrets of delicious soups and salads

Our family really loves jacket potatoes, as do most Russian families. Even as a child, my grandmother taught me that tubers need to be boiled in acidic water—this way the potatoes don’t boil over and the skin doesn’t crack. The round shape is maintained, the dish looks very appetizing! If necessary, potatoes can be easily cut. And so that the taste does not suffer, you need to maintain the proportions of lemon juice, vinegar or lemon juice with water.

Cooking correctly

Novice housewives may have many questions about cooking potatoes - how many minutes should they be boiled, when exactly is the best time to add salt, how to prevent them from burning.

It is recommended to add salt when the water has already boiled and there are about 10 minutes left until the dish is fully cooked.

It is not difficult to understand that a root vegetable has been cooked - you just need to periodically check its softness with a fork, knife or other sharp object. There is no exact readiness time - it depends on the type of vegetable and its size.

To preserve most vitamins, I recommend doing this:

  • peel the tubers;
  • rinse with cold water;
  • Place the peeled tubers in already boiling water.

When cooked this way, potatoes will lose about 20% of their vitamins. If you put it in still cold water, the benefits will be reduced by at least half.

How long to cook potatoes and how to determine readiness

There are no exact numbers, such as with pasta or cereals. Let's first figure out what the cooking time for potatoes depends on:

  • Variety;
  • Age;
  • Tuber size;
  • Cooking method.

Some varieties actually cook faster, others take a little longer. The older the potato, the longer it may take to become soft.

Since you can cook whole peeled potatoes in 25-30 minutes, to save a little time, cut the tubers. For puree, it is best to cut in half at most.

Finely chopped potatoes will be ready in 15 minutes.

Kitchen appliances, for example, will also help save time. In a multicooker with a pressure cooker function, you can cook boiled potatoes in 15-20 minutes (the time indicated takes into account the pressure set). You can cook it even faster in the microwave - in just 10 minutes.

Separately, I would like to dwell on how to cook new potatoes. It can be pre-peeled or boiled in its peel; you just need to wash it thoroughly first. But it is not necessary to cut the very first potato; even the whole potato will be ready in about 15 minutes.

To determine doneness, carefully pierce the potatoes with a fork or knife. If it goes easily, it’s ready.

For a couple

The best way to cook potatoes in terms of preserving their beneficial properties and taste is steamed. This way you can cook it in a slow cooker, steamer, or simply place the vegetables in a container with holes (for example, a colander) that allow steam to pass through, over a pan of hot water.

Remember, to reduce steaming time, it is important to close the lid tightly.

In a slow cooker with a special mode, the potatoes will be ready in 30 minutes.

How to cook potatoes in a slow cooker

Here are brief instructions that are perfect for making mashed potatoes and for boiling potatoes for salad, for example.

  1. Wash the tubers.
  2. Peel (if you plan to boil it in its jacket, skip this step).
  3. Place in the multicooker bowl.
  4. Add salt to taste and spices if desired.
  5. Pour in water (hot if you are making puree, cold if cooking for soup or salad).
  6. Cover the lid and set the “Cooking” or “Soup” program for 20-30 minutes.

Since it is more convenient to cook potatoes in a steamer, pressure cooker or multicooker, since you don’t have to monitor the process, many people choose this method.

In a saucepan

In order for the boiled potatoes to turn out tasty and the result not to upset you, I advise you to follow the following simple recommendations for preparing them.

It is important to thoroughly clean the tubers - not only from the peel, but also from the so-called “eyes”, which may contain a toxic substance - solanine.

After cleaning, the root vegetables should be placed in cold water to remove possible nitrates from them.

It is better to initially select potatoes of the same size and cook them whole. If this is not possible, then cut large tubers into pieces: this will reduce the cooking time.

Place potatoes in boiling water.

After 5-10 minutes after the liquid boils again, check its softness. If it is no longer as firm as before, add salt and continue cooking. Along with salt, you can add a bay leaf and a few black peppercorns to the pan.

When the potatoes are ready, drain the water to prevent the tubers from boiling and turning into puree.

Typically, it takes about 20-25 minutes to cook this vegetable in a pan.

After draining the water, add a little butter. And just before serving the dish, sprinkle it with dill or other herbs that you prefer.

Boiled potato crickets

The dish is used in dietary cuisine, but it is perfect for any holiday table.


  • 500 g potatoes,
  • 30 g flour,
  • 2 chicken eggs,
  • 100 g sandwich butter.
  • 60 g breadcrumbs.
  • Salt.


Boiled potatoes in pieces are mashed into puree, seasoned with egg and flour. Balls the size of a walnut are made from the mixture. Each one is rolled in flour, then bathed in a second egg beaten until foamy, dipped in breadcrumbs and fried in oil.

In uniform

It is known that not only the potato pulp contains useful substances, but also its peel. For example, it includes:

  • B vitamins;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • cellulose.

Therefore, cooking this vegetable in its uniform allows you to make the most of all its healing properties.

Try to choose tubers that are the same size so they cook evenly.

Clean them very thoroughly from any remaining soil.

To prevent the peel from bursting during cooking, it must be pierced in several places in advance. You can also add a little vinegar and salt to the water to maintain the integrity of the skin.

Place the tubers in hot water, put on fire, and then add salt.

Wait for the water to boil again and reduce the flame a little.

If you are boiling new potatoes, they may take 10-15 minutes to cook. If we are talking about old tubers, then the waiting time can be 30 minutes.

The readiness of jacket potatoes is checked in the classic way. If, when piercing a tuber, a knife or fork goes inside easily, it means the dish is ready.

Remove the pan from the heat, drain the boiling water and place the root vegetables under cold water for a couple of minutes. This trick will make the skin peel off easily.

The potatoes dissolved in the water. How to store peeled potatoes for dishes

To prepare, select and wash the required number of tubers. Remove the peel with a knife or potato peeler, cut out the eyes and other damage. Peel young tubers very delicately, removing only the thinnest layer of peel. Old potatoes should be peeled more thoroughly, capturing part of the tuber along with the peel. If during the cleaning process green areas of the tuber are found, then the potatoes should be discarded.

Now you can proceed directly to storage. Let's look at four universal methods that will help you prepare potatoes for a wide variety of dishes for up to two days.

in water at room temperature2–4 hours++++
in water in the refrigerator24–48 hours+++
in a bag in the freezerup to 24 hours+
in film in the freezerup to 24 hours+++

Potato soup

Potato soup is perhaps one of the most common types of first course. It is not difficult to prepare and is very tasty. In addition, potato tubers are used to create many other types of first courses, for example, borscht, mushroom soup, and cabbage soup. This adds flavor and satiety to the dishes.

You don't need much cooking experience to make potato soup. It can be made with meat broth or just water.

Remember that you can add various spices to the soup to make its taste more interesting and original.

Recommendations for making regular potato soup.

  1. Take about 4 medium potatoes, peel them, remove sprouts and dark spots.
  2. Cut the fruits into cubes or strips.
  3. Peel the onion, carrots and a few cloves of garlic and also cut them into small pieces.
  4. Place the chopped vegetables in a frying pan, add a little olive or sunflower oil and fry.
  5. Pour one and a half liters of water into the pan and bring it to a boil. Then add salt and tubers.
  6. After ten minutes, place the vegetables, peppers and bay leaves that were previously prepared in the frying pan into the pan.
  7. Leave the soup to cook for another 5-10 minutes.
  8. At the very end of cooking, you can add chopped garlic and finely chopped green onions to the dish.

An alternative way to prepare boiled potatoes for a side dish

Use a steam bath. To do this, place potatoes (in their jackets or peeled, whole or cut into 2-4 parts) in a bowl and add salt at the rate of about 1 tsp. for 500 g of vegetables.

Pour boiling water into a large saucepan, place a bowl of potatoes on it and add 1-2 sprigs of fresh mint to it, if these are new potatoes. Cover tightly with a lid and place on the stove. Cook over low heat until the water barely simmers until the potatoes are cooked through. This will take 15-25 minutes, depending on the youth and size of the potatoes. Steamed potatoes contain less moisture and are more like baked potatoes.

Potatoes for salad

For salads, for example, for Olivier salad or vinaigrette, this vegetable can be steamed, so it will retain all its beneficial properties and will not boil over. If you don’t have a double boiler or you don’t want to spend too much time preparing the dish, you can cook the tubers in their skins.

If you are afraid that potatoes cooked in this way will turn out to be dry or that they will not be able to be cut into even cubes, since they will stick to the knife, then I advise you to try the following cooking method:

  • peel and wash the fruits as you usually do;
  • cut them immediately into pieces suitable for salad;
  • place in boiling water and start cooking.

When cooking this way, it is important to constantly monitor the readiness of the slices. Small pieces will cook much faster and should not be allowed to become overcooked.

Potatoes are suitable for salad when they become half-cooked, that is, soft, but still crunch a little on the teeth. It is at this moment that it must be removed from the heat and doused with cold water.

With this method of cooking, the root vegetable retains its shape even after stirring in the salad. This trick is also great for making summer okroshka.

Dietary boiled potatoes in a milk-cheese coating

You can go on a diet without suffering if you periodically prepare yourself such a dish.


  • 300 g tubers.
  • Milk sauce 150 ml.
  • 20 g of good cheese.
  • 20 g butter.
  • For the sauce:
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour,
  • 50 g cream or water.
  • 120 ml milk.
  • 20 g sandwich butter.


The sauce is prepared by pouring diluted water or cream of flour into boiling milk. After waiting for the liquid to boil, it is filtered and seasoned with oil.

Boil the potato slices until tender, drain the broth. The strained mass is laid out in a greased frying pan, poured with sauce, and everything is covered with cheese crumbs. Bake in the oven until the top layer is lightly browned.

Potatoes for mashing

Mashed potatoes are another iconic dish for many housewives. It is often prepared for children, but many adults do not mind enjoying it as a side dish for fish or meat, or as an independent dish.

However, this seemingly simple recipe has its own secrets.

Firstly, it is important to choose the right type of potato for mashing. Ideal for this variety with a high starch content, which gives the puree a special airiness. It is better not to use young potatoes for these purposes, since they still do not contain enough starch.

If you're unsure about your product's suitability for purees, do a quick test.

Take one potato and cut it in half. Rub the halves together, then try to put them together. If they stick to each other, it means there is enough starch in the potatoes, and the mashed potatoes will turn out great.

To ensure that as much starch as possible remains in the potatoes during and after cooking, place the fruits in boiling water. This way, most of the substance you need will remain inside and will not get into the water.

In order to properly prepare delicious puree, follow these instructions.

  1. Wash the potatoes, peel them and cut them in half if the fruits are large.
  2. Bring water in a saucepan to a boil.
  3. Place the potatoes in boiling water.
  4. Cook for 15–20 minutes.
  5. Check the softness and add salt to the root vegetables.
  6. Cook for another 5 minutes.
  7. If the potatoes become soft, remove them from the heat and drain the water.
  8. Then add a little milk, butter and mash the tubers. To do this, you can use a regular masher or a submersible mixer with a special attachment.

It is not recommended to beat the puree with a blender, it can become like a paste!

You can also add pepper and dill to taste and mix the resulting puree with the stew.

I also advise you to watch a video on how to cook this vegetable.

Let's start with the basics

The most important component and variable in this process is the potato variety. Yes, our success or failure depends on this. Therefore, it is so important to understand what they are and what is better to choose.

Conventionally, potatoes can be divided into 3 types: starchy, medium and low starch. The first type is ideal for purees, as it contains more than 15%-18% starch in the composition. Not only does it cook quickly, which helps save time, but it also breaks down into pieces, which means we get a uniform puree texture.

For soups and salads, potatoes with a low starch content (10 to 14 percent) are best. These potatoes don’t get overcooked and keep their shape perfectly. By the way, it is the presence of starch that usually frightens those who watch their weight. But don’t be afraid, the calorie content of potatoes is low - only 77 calories per 100 grams.

Since it can be difficult to choose potatoes for boiling based only on appearance, here are a few fairly well-known names for you to take note of.

Why are potatoes watery? Tips and questions

Why are potatoes watery?

Why are potatoes watery?

Potatoes are grown in almost every garden plot. Some take up the entire area of ​​the plot, but for others a planted bucket is enough. But the main thing is not the quantity, but the quality of the harvest.

Agree, it’s nice to pick up large and even tubers. And how offensive it can be when you give all your strength and soul to these potatoes, but if you start digging, your eyes won’t see them. Okay, small ones (you can cook them in their uniforms), it’s doubly offensive when large tubers are affected by wireworms, covered with scab or clumsy. It turns out: I dug up a lot, but as a result, almost half of the harvest will go into the trash. Why don’t tubers always grow clean and even?

The uneven surface of the tuber may be associated with many eyes. This quality is welcome when there is little planting material and there is a lot of land.

The tuber can be cut into pieces, each of which will have an eye (the germ of a growth shoot), and you can get several from one planting unit. However, this same quality causes inconvenience at the moment when the tuber needs to be cleaned. The problem can be solved if you choose varieties with a small number of shallow eyes, located mainly at the top of the tuber.

The fact that a wireworm (the larva of the click beetle) is in charge of a potato field will be indicated by the appearance of the tubers. They will be covered with holes - traces of the pest's activity. Peeling such potatoes is a pain! A simple piece of advice - when you plant or dig up potatoes, do not hesitate to collect any wireworms you come across. In the fall, after harvesting, sow the vacated area with mustard - it does not tolerate it. Onion peels placed in the hole when planting perfectly repel pests. Potatoes do not like acidic soils, but wireworms love such soil. On acidic soils, be sure to carry out liming by adding lime before digging in the fall. In the spring, when planting in a potato hole, add wood ash.

Watch out for weeds, especially carefully fight thistle and wheatgrass. In places where the latter grows, the wireworm will certainly live, therefore, by destroying wheatgrass, you will reduce the number of wireworms. Long powerful roots of wheatgrass and thistle can also pass through young tubers, remaining inside them.

Uniform growth and the formation of even tubers are possible only on loose soil, without stones or blocks of hardened clay. The addition of river sand, peat, rotted sawdust or compost will help improve the soil composition. During the growth period, loosen the soil, hilling the potatoes at least 2-3 times. The first time when the shoots grow to a height of about 10 cm, the second time after another two weeks and the third time before flowering.

Fans of using fresh manure on potato fields will be disappointed. The tubers will certainly be ugly, and even scabby. Only rotted manure should be applied as fertilizer; its excess will lead to the growth of tops to the detriment of roots.

Sometimes tuber deformity is a consequence of fungal and viral infections. This is quite easy to determine, since clumsiness is certainly combined with manifestations of infection - spots of various uncharacteristic colors and consistency, rot, internal cavities. Particularly gnarled tubers are caused by the root-knot nematode, a microscopic worm-like pest only 1.5 mm in size. Settling in roots and root crops, it secretes toxins that lead to the formation of swellings, or galls, and multiple growths.

Variegated boiled potatoes under an onion and carrot coat

The best dish for fasting days and fasting.


  • 500-600 g potatoes,
  • 2 huge onions.
  • 2 medium carrots.
  • 125 ml sunflower oil.
  • Salt.
  • Seasonings.


Unpeeled potatoes are boiled. The carrots are coarsely grated and simmered in a frying pan, then chopped onions are added to it and simmered all together over low heat. The potatoes are peeled, quartered and added to the onion-carrot mixture. Season with salt and spices and fry the potatoes a little, being sure to turn the pieces over during the process.

Green water after boiling new potatoes. Don't throw away the water after boiling potatoes, it's good for you!

Many people know about the benefits of potatoes; this “second bread” cannot be replaced by anything. Many different potato dishes are present on our table almost every day, delighting us with their unsurpassed taste and nutritional value. Freshly squeezed potato juice has also long been widely used in folk medicine for many types of diseases.

But how often have you thoughtlessly drained the water after boiling this root vegetable? Rarely has anyone thought that water from boiled potatoes also has its own advantages, which everyone should take note of. And this decoction has many beneficial properties. This has long been known to our ancestors, and they often used this method in the treatment of many types of diseases. Therefore, this method of treatment is recommended mainly by the older generation. It is also found in the extensive literature on traditional methods of treatment.

First, let's look at the reasons for this benefit, that is, the biochemical composition. It is practically no different from the composition of the boiled potatoes themselves.



Vitamin A;

Vitamin B;

Vitamin C;

Vitamin PP;

Micro- and macroelements: potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus and others.

The nutritional value and beneficial properties of potato broth allow it to be used as a unique but simple folk remedy that can be used for numerous ailments.

It should be noted that the benefits of tubers and the decoction from it depend on the potato. For medicinal purposes, it is necessary to use young, fresh potatoes.

Is water good for you after boiling potatoes?

Beneficial properties of boiled potato water:

1.Relieves swelling;

2. Stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system;

3. Fights gastritis;

4. An effective remedy for hypertension;

5. Has an excellent effect on polyarthritis and arthritis;

6. A wonderful inhaler for colds and flu, runny nose and cough;

7. Restores strength well during physical and mental stress;

8. For insomnia;

9. A good remedy for skin diseases;

10. For cholelithiasis;

11. For the treatment of kidney diseases;

12. For vitamin deficiency.

With regular use of potato broth, many ailments will recede, the body will receive useful substances that are necessary to maintain normal functioning.


Low stomach acidity;

Low blood pressure;


Individual intolerance.

The decoction also has a good effect on the skin, eliminates dryness, calluses, and heals small wounds.

Delicious recipe for baked potatoes with cheese in foil

In the recipe below, the delicacy is modernized with savory cheese. It will dissolve in the pulp of the bulb along with butter, spicy garlic and herbs, which will be gently embraced by shiny foil. Having tried this method of creating food just once, your household will lick the plates, spoons and fingers. And they will ask you more than once to create something delicious for dinner, lunch or an afternoon snack.

Don't refuse your loved ones. Please their tastes by pampering them with an original dish.


  • 8 medium sized tubers;
  • 40 gr. butter;
  • 80 gr. hard cheese;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 tsp. odorless vegetable oils;
  • salt and ground black pepper by eye;
  • favorite greens to serve.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the bulb thoroughly. Place a paper towel on the table and place the washed tubers on it. Dry them.

2. Take scissors and foil. Calculate how much shiny paper you will need so that it completely wraps the vegetable. Then cut the metal material into 8 appropriately sized pieces.

3. Place the bulb on a piece of foil. Pour 0.5 tsp over it. sunflower oil, salt and pepper the fruits. Then wrap them tightly in metallic paper. At the top of the bulb, twist the foil around itself.

4. Turn on the oven to 190 degrees, and place the fruits in a baking dish or on an iron baking sheet. Place the dish in the oven and cook it for about 1 hour.

5. While the vegetables are ripe, let's make cheese. Unwrap it from the packaging. Prepare a plate and a grater with a large cloth. Place the chopper in a bowl and pass the cheese through a sieve.

6. Let's move on to the garlic. Separate 2 cloves from its head. Clean them of scales. Place the wedges on a cutting board. Chop them finely. Place the mixture in a small plate.

7. Remove the finished bulb from the oven. Check for doneness by piercing each fruit with a knife. In 60 minutes, the food should be well baked and soft.

Do not turn off the oven, but simply reduce it to minimum heat. We'll be using it again soon.

8. Now comes the fun part. Unfold the glitter paper. Make a cut on each vegetable with a knife. Take a fork and mix the potato pulp well.

9. Prepare the butter. Cut it into 8 small pieces. Transfer them to the cut fruits. After the butter, sprinkle the bulba with chopped garlic and salt.

10. Let's remember about cheese. Divide the grated mass into 8 parts and send them to the inside of the potato. And put it in the oven again for 10-15 minutes.

11. While the cheese is melting on the vegetables, wash any greens and finely chop them on a cutting board. As time passes, remove the dish from the oven and serve it hot immediately to the table. Don't forget to sprinkle the dish with finely chopped herbs.

You can enjoy the dish directly from the foil - it will be tastier this way.

In shiny paper, the tasty combination of tubers and cheese will become even better, more harmonious, and brighter. Feel free to open the shiny paper like a gift. It was brought to you by your decision to cook a dish according to such a cool recipe. All that remains is to drown in his embrace and unique relish.

The potatoes are overcooked, what should I do? How to cook crumbly potatoes

Potatoes are an indispensable product in the preparation of most dishes.
It makes good side dishes, first courses, a variety of casseroles, and it perfectly complements any salad. Of course, it’s not difficult to boil potatoes; it’s more difficult to cook them without spoiling the product. There are several tips, if you listen to them, you will prepare everything correctly and there will be no difficulties or unpleasant moments in the process.

When preparing jacket potatoes, do not forget that the potato retains about 75% of its nutrients in its skin; if the potatoes are peeled and cut in half, then 70%, and if cut into pieces, the percentage of usefulness is reduced to 30%.

Closer to spring, a large amount of harmful substances accumulate under the skin of potatoes, so you should give up jacket potatoes and give preference to well-peeled potatoes. All sprouts and eyes should be removed immediately.

To prevent blue spots from appearing on the potatoes, you need to add a spoonful of vinegar during the cooking process.

If you come across frozen potatoes, they will have a sweet taste. To get rid of it, you need to keep it in a warm room for a little while, namely, before cooking, put it in cold water and when you start cooking, add a spoonful of vinegar.

If your potatoes are watery, you can fix this by sending the potatoes to a warm place to dry.

In order to quickly peel young potatoes, you need to place them in a bag, sprinkle them with salt and rub them together. The skin will peel off and all that remains is to rinse under water.

How to cook potatoes correctly?

  • Potatoes should be placed in boiled and salted water and covered well with a lid. The water should cover 1 centimeter more than the potatoes.
  • It is necessary to cook potatoes over medium heat, because at high heat the potatoes cook on top, but remain raw inside.
  • It is best to salt the potatoes ten minutes before they are ready.
  • When the potatoes are cooked, drain the water and dry the potatoes. You can add a couple of cloves of garlic or a bay leaf for taste.
  • In order for the potatoes to be crumbly, you need to cook them for fifteen minutes after boiling and drain almost all the water. You need to leave some water at the bottom of the pan. Now you should boil the potatoes a little over low heat while covering the pan with a lid.
  • In order to cook whole crumbly potatoes, you need to add a few tablespoons of vinegar or brine to the water in which the potatoes are boiled.
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