Strong Soap Bubbles for Kids: 7 Best Recipes

Multi-colored balloons and balloons smoothly flying in the air are soap bubbles. This exciting game has been known since ancient times. During excavations of ancient Pompey, images were found on frescoes of people with balloons that they were blowing.

Nowadays, soap bubbles are no less captivating for people of all ages. No holiday can do without them. Today they are sold in stores. However, not everyone knows that they can be prepared at home and are not difficult.

The main thing is the solution, but the tubes and things used to blow bubbles play an important role. There are many options.

For those who want to learn how to make soap bubbles at home, here are some tips:

  • Make a solution from boiled or distilled water;
  • The soap or detergent used must be free of perfume and additives, then the soap balls will be strong.
  • To make soap bubbles of high quality, add glycerin diluted in warm water to the composition, or replace it with sugar.
  • But it is important not to overfill the glycerin and sugar, otherwise it will be difficult for you to blow out the bubbles.
  • When the solution is loose, the bubbles blow more easily (even small children can do it), however, there is one drawback - they burst quickly.
  • It is better to leave the solution for 20–24 hours.
  • Before blowing, pay attention to the solution. A high-quality liquid has a smooth film with no small bubbles. We need to wait for them to disappear. The liquid should not contain a lot of foam.
  • When it is windy or dusty outside, they will be of poor quality.
  • Moisture in the air promotes better quality.

Basic ways to make a solution at home:

Soap bubbles

Laundry soap is an economical option for making bubbles.

  • water (tsp) - 10 parts;
  • household grated soap (tsp) – 1 part;
  • glycerin - 2 tsp. (glycerin can be replaced with sugar diluted in water or take gelatin).

Even easier, just with water and soap. Pour hot boiled water into the soap and stir thoroughly.

We don’t want to rub soap, so we replace it with liquid soap.

  • liquid soap - 100 ml;
  • water, preferably distilled 20 ml;
  • glycerin - 10 drops, but only when the soap foam has settled, that is, wait 2 hours.

What objects to inflate with?

Of course, you should save (at least 1 copy) of a magazine container with a finished form (product) for blowing soap bubbles. You can buy a special water pistol. You can also use other items and means:

  • a straw, a pasta, the main part of a ballpoint pen, a juice tube (it can be split at one end), etc.;
  • a household funnel or paper rolled into a cone (preferably thick cardboard);
  • plastic bottle with a cut bottom. Air should be blown in through the neck, and the size and shape will depend on the volume of the bottle;
  • badminton or tennis rackets (the net can be removed or the cells can be expanded), carpet beater;
  • palms - after wetting your hands in a basin with the mixture, you can blow out unique shapes through your fingers. Make a “heart” with both hands or a ring by connecting your thumb with your index finger;
  • many use molds for cutting out dough or children's toys for making sand cakes;
  • build frames, for example, by twisting wire;
  • A hoop works well for creating larger shapes, and is sometimes wrapped in fabric to retain more liquid.

You can use soap figures not only in summer. It is especially interesting and informative to conduct an experiment outdoors in winter - at an ambient temperature of -7 degrees, a soap ball will freeze in the air.

Exciting soap games will forever remain in the memory as one of the more fun children's activities. Small and large in size, neatly round or intricately layered, multi-colored and varied, they will decorate any holiday and keep a child occupied at any time of the year.

Recipe from the soap bubble show

This solution takes the longest in terms of preparation time, but the plus is that a composition made at home is of the same quality as used by professionals. The bubbles are long lasting and gigantic.


  • water – hot boiled 600 ml;
  • glycerin – 300 ml;
  • detergent (powder) - 50 g;
  • ammonia alcohol - 20 drops.

Mix everything and leave for 72 hours. Then we filter it, and it sits in the refrigerator for another 12 hours, and the composition is ready.

Bubbles with colors can be made at home by adding food coloring.

How do you know when the solution is ready?

To make sure that the solution is ready for use, you need to inflate the bubble and dip your finger in the liquid. Touch the bubble with your finger. If it bursts, then the solution is not ready, you need to add glycerin, sugar or gelatin, but if not, then it’s time to enjoy an entertaining pastime!

Your children will likely need help preparing the solutions. Don't forget to give them gloves and special trays.

Also provide your children with step-by-step instructions to help them prepare the solution correctly and safely. It must be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container and diluted periodically. It is best to dilute the mixture with water.

A way to hold balls in your hands, and other fun

Did you think you could just blow bubbles? Not at all. Here are just a few ideas on how to diversify children's entertainment and make the game unforgettable.

Soap paintings

You will need paints: watercolors, gouache or food coloring. Just two or three teaspoons of dye and, voila, your creative tool is ready. You can make as many of these color mixtures as you like.

Use a straw to “foam” the colored solution directly in a glass or saucer. Take thick paper and start applying the sheet to the colorful foam caps. From the resulting prints, when they are dry, you can dream up and complete paintings. For example, if you “paint” with shades of blue, you will get the seabed, on which fish, pebbles, corals and algae will then appear.

Volumetric drawings

You can create three-dimensional paintings from multi-colored foam. Remember how to make a “blowout” using gauze? It’s just better not to take a plastic bottle, but something with a smaller diameter, for example, you can cut off a ten-milligram syringe. Wrap the wide end with gauze or a piece of loose material, drop paint onto the fabric and dip into the solution. Multi-colored “foam sausages” will be blown out. It is from them that you can lay out all kinds of figures and landscapes. As an option, invite the children to create a “foamy” rainbow or a seven-flowered flower.

Foam castles

Pour some soap solution onto a wide plate and give your child a thin tube or pen housing. Here you can build entire “soap” castles. You can blow bubbles into each other (blow a smaller bubble inside a larger one) and thus create three-dimensional fantasy figures or give the foam cap the shape of a specific object. For example, boys love to blow tanks, and girls love to blow flowers and butterflies. You can organize competitions for the best construction, and then together figure out what exactly the author wanted to depict.

The dream of many people is their own home, especially if it is a brick house of 200 sq.m. for a large family. In such a large house, you can apply all the tips described on our website.

Magic gloves

Did you know that you can catch bubbles directly in your palms and they won’t burst? You just need to put gloves on your hands or just wrap your hands in a cloth. Soap and fat are antagonists; when they come into contact with the skin (and there is always a fatty layer on it), the soap film is damaged and the bubble bursts. And if the bubble gently falls onto a clean, grease-free surface, then its integrity is not compromised.

Give children clean gloves and have a competition. The winner is the one who builds the largest “pyramid” of captured bubbles in his palms. An option for young football players is to put on a knitted hat and let the one who “collects” the most balls with his head win.

Video on the topic

Making bubble liquid is very simple. Even a child can handle this. It is more difficult to turn a banal blowing into an exciting and memorable action. Imagine, and even the most ordinary moment will become a reason for fun and joint activities with your child.

Safety regulations

When preparing the solution, you should adhere to some safety rules:

  1. To be neat. Avoid contact of ingredients with eyes, nose, and mouth.
  2. After preparing the solution, thoroughly wash your hands and the area where the preparation was carried out.
  3. Closely monitor the child while playing, to ensure that the solution does not get into the eyes, mouth, or nose.
  4. If splashes of the bubble get into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly under running water.
  5. Make sure that the child does not taste the soapy liquid.
  6. After playing, wash your hands and wipe smooth floor coverings.

Soap bubbles are incredibly fun entertainment. It is suitable for any age and weather conditions. You will find all the ingredients for making them at home, and the tools are easy to make with your own hands. The abundance of games and experiments will not let anyone get bored!


  • If you add paint to any bubble liquid, you will get colored bubbles . You can even add gouache, but liquid food coloring is better.
  • Use filtered or boiled water to make bubbles. The fewer foreign impurities in the water, the stronger the bubbles will be!
  • Any homemade bubble liquid gets better after it sits for about a day. Better in the refrigerator.

Don't forget that you can come up with many interesting games ! For example:

  • whose bubble will stay in the air longer. Each player chooses a bubble and blows on it from below. Whose balloon does not burst and falls to the surface longer than the others wins.
  • relay race with soap bubbles. The game follows the usual rules of the relay race, but instead of a regular stick there is a stick with a bubble caught on it. You not only need to get there first, but also not to lose it or burst the bubble from the stick.
  • bubble tags. An outdoor game where you need to touch another participant not with your hands, but with bubbles.
  • catching balls. You need to catch soap bubbles for a reason, but with the part of the body that the presenter wishes for.

If you enjoy educational and fun outdoor activities, try this liquid chalk recipe for kids!

Read here How to make large soap bubbles at home and a stick for blowing them.

A solution for bubbles with glycerin and feri so that they do not burst and are strong

Why do you think glycerin is added to bubbles? Yes, so that when inflated they remain just as strong and do not immediately burst from the wind. True, such balloons have one unpleasant nuance, do you know what? Read the caveat below.

Attention! If you use glycerin in the recipe, be careful; if this substance gets on your clothes, dark brown stains will appear after washing, which will be difficult to wash off.

So now read the instructions and follow them. Then everything will work out.

We will need:

  • Feri dishwashing liquid or other - 50 ml
  • distilled water or boiled water - 150 ml
  • glycerin - 25 ml


1. Place liquid or dish soap into a measuring cup.

2. Then combine it with distilled water and stir.

3. After this, drop glycerin from the bottle, it must be added so that it helps increase the density. Therefore, the bubble will keep its shape well and will not burst immediately. Stir.

4. Now check. Yeah, the solution doesn't work. So what should I do?

Remember! It is important that the prepared product stands for 1 day, and only after that it can be used for its intended purpose. And in general , any other similar mixture must stand for 24 hours in order for it to produce excellent bubbles, keep this in mind!

Making “blowers”

Here you can fantasize from the heart. Plus involve children in making. Here are six ideas on what and how to make unusual “blowers”.

  1. Plastic bottle. Cut the container in half. For children's "blowers" it is better to cut closer to the neck. Unscrew the lid - you won't need it. Ready. Dip a wide cut into a container with liquid and blow into the neck - large bubbles are guaranteed.
  2. Gauze. You can simply lower a piece of gauze into the composition and move it through the air with sweeping movements. A whole scattering of small bubbles will immediately fly out of the gauze. You can improve the previous “blower”. Wrap the gauze around the wide edge of the bottle and secure it at the neck with an elastic band or thread. As a result, a thick “flying sausage” of small bubbles will be blown out.
  3. Tubes. Take the cocktail straws and cut off the corrugated section. Secure several tubes together with rubber bands at both ends so that the structure does not fall apart. Dip one end into a soapy solution and blow on the other side. If you don’t have cocktail straws, they can easily be replaced with ballpoint pen bodies. After all, this is exactly how bubbles blew in childhood, remember?
  4. Frame. Needed to create huge balls. The main principle: stretch two ropes between two sticks - they will act as a flexible frame made of a bubble. You can pull the ropes parallel to each other - the frame will be square. Or you can tie both to the top edges of the sticks, but make one longer than the other - then the frame will have the shape of a smile.
  5. Beater or net. If you can find a carpet beater or a large net, great. Simply incredible bubble fireworks will fly out of them - children will definitely love it.
  6. Wire. Cut a piece of wire. To make a round blower, wrap the middle part around a medicine bottle. If you want a larger size, find a round mold with a larger diameter. For a triangular or square shape, bend the wire with a ruler in several places. Twist the edges of the wire into a “bundle”, and for safety, bend the ends into “rings”.

The wire can be given absolutely any fantasy shape: from a heart to complex flowers. You can also decorate the handles of the blowers with beads, ribbons, and tie a bow at the end. Another option is to wrap the form itself with a beautiful ribbon, lace or thread. Then the solution will be absorbed into the fibers and one “dipping” will be enough for more bubbles.

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