Anti-stress toy - what is it, how is it useful, filling options, rating of the best, how to make it yourself?

Relieving tension in the modern world is becoming a very relevant and necessary activity. An anti-stress toy is an item that many adults who live in a state of anxiety and constant pressure at work are happy to buy for themselves.

What is an anti-stress toy?

Scientists and psychologists agree that the frantic pace of life negatively affects the mental health of both adults and children. Many people are interested in what anti-stress toys are and whether they are useful. The English word “figet” is applied to this category, which includes many fashionable and exciting items - squishies, hand chews, slimes, and so on.

How are anti-stress toys useful?

Scientists have long noticed that the hands contain many tactile points, influencing which the brain both develops and rests. Anti-stress toys provide the following benefits:

  • allows you to throw out accumulated emotions;
  • stabilizes the emotional background;
  • helps to divert attention from the problem;
  • improves overall well-being;
  • develops fine motor skills of the hands.


Chewing gum for hands or smart plasticine differs in its ability not to stick to hands at all. In addition, handgam can retain a certain shape for a long time and does not leave marks on clothes and objects. Like other anti-stress products, hand chewing gum can be purchased ready-made or made yourself.

From gelatin

You will need:

  • 70 g gelatin;
  • 100 g plasticine.
  • 250 ml water.

How to do:

  • Pour boiling water over gelatin and leave to swell.
  • Boil water in another container and, without removing from the heat, add a piece of plasticine.
  • Wait for it to melt.
  • Add gelatin to the plasticine and mix thoroughly.

Made from silicate glue

Pour 100 g of silicate glue with half a glass of medical alcohol. Wait until the mixture thickens. Heendgam is ready. You can diversify the design with dye or glitter.

What types of anti-stress toys are there?

Recently, according to managers and analysts, anti-stress toys for hands have become the most popular and best-selling toys. In many stores you can find a variety of bright and interesting items that can occupy the attention of both children and adults:

  • pillows;
  • balls;
  • slimes;
  • spinners:
  • cubes;
  • mokuru;
  • pens and others.

Soft anti-stress toys

All children's favorite toys are soft animals, which are so comfortable to hug and fall asleep with them. Anti-stress pillows are a special category of products that are distinguished by a special surface on which dust and allergens do not collect. Sleeping on them is comfortable and safe. When choosing such a pillow for a child, you should look at the label, study the material used, and hold it in your hands. Low-quality products may have an unpleasant odor or have missing seams. Both mothers and adults love these pillow toys for their properties:

  • the anti-stress pillow toy is pleasant to the touch;
  • does not lose volume and is very soft;
  • convenient on the road and travel.

Anti-stress toy

Squishies got their name from the English word “squishy” - “squishy”, “sticky”. These small toys fit even into a child's palm. Familiar products, cartoon characters, animals, anti-stress balls are made from a material that is pleasant to the touch and has unique properties. They have a pleasant smell and can quickly restore their shape after being crushed. This anti-stress toy helps when you need to concentrate or calm your nerves. There are several types of squishies:

  • rubber, reminiscent of a slime toy;
  • foamy, sponge-like to the touch;
  • transparent, filled with multi-colored gel.

Anti-stress slime

Many people have learned to make a multi-colored mass that is pleasant to stretch, knead, and squeeze, known as slime, on their own. There is serious debate among parents about whether anti-stress toffee toys are useful and whether they harm children. Made from high-quality materials, and not from cheap chemicals, the anti-stress slime toy has a beneficial effect, its main advantages are that it:

  1. Helps develop fine motor skills, which are closely related to brain function and memory.
  2. Develops creative skills.
  3. This is a wonderful way to take your mind off stress and relax.

Anti-stress spinner

This toy was invented back in 1993, but this anti-stress toy gained real popularity in 2017. Its original purpose was to relieve tension and anxiety in children with autism, but experts still disagree on whether a spinner is really useful. Even adults began to buy metal, plastic, and wooden spinners with bearings. YouTube is filled with videos with reviews of spinners; when purchasing this fidget, you should give preference to toys made of high-quality materials that will not cause harm. The advantages of spinners are:

  1. The ability to increase the sensitivity of the fingers.
  2. The ability to learn to focus quickly.
  3. Relieving nervous tension.
  4. Distracting attention from irritating factors.

Anti-stress cube

Popular anti-stress toys for adults are fidget cubes. Original American products are expensive, but if you want to save money, you can purchase an inexpensive Chinese version that is no different from the original. This anti-stress cube toy has 6 faces, on which are located:

  • 5 small buttons that are pleasant to press with your finger;
  • circle for rotation with a slight thickening;
  • a stick that resembles a small joystick;
  • a rotating metal ball and three gears;
  • three position switch;
  • recess for a finger.

Mokuru anti-stress

Many people in childhood had a tumbler, which always rises when tilted. Mokuru, an anti-stress toy in the form of an elongated barrel with rubber tips, is made using the same principle. Some people think that it is very simple to push the barrel with your hand so that it can stand upright. In fact, this does not happen right away, and requires experience and a perfectly flat surface. You can play with mokuru all day long, and you won’t get tired of this anti-stress toy; you can twist it, toss it, turn it over with your palm or fingers. Made from modern environmentally friendly materials, it can:

  1. Relieve tension in your fingers.
  2. Positively influence fine motor skills.
  3. Improve communication skills, because to play many games you need company.
  4. To promote physical activity when practicing with mokuru, you will have to squat, stand up, and sit on all fours.

Anti-stress handles

Many office workers have encountered a situation where they really need to concentrate, but they can’t. In such cases, an anti-stress toy for adults can come to the rescue - a pen from the “Think ink” series. Fidget-pen, as it was nicknamed by ordinary people, is suitable for everyone who is used to fiddling with stationery objects in their hands, clicking buttons and gnawing on pen caps. The body of the product is made of steel, it is pleasant to hold in your hands. You can calm down and get into a working mood with the help of this anti-stress toy for women and men:

  1. The handle can be bent and twisted, rotated around an axis.
  2. Move the magnetic ball along the surface of the case.
  3. Twist the ring, made in the shape of a sphere.
  4. Install and move a clip made of magnetic material along the body.

Snake Tangle

Among the many toys that can relieve stress and fatigue, everyone’s favorite Tangle snake occupies a special place - it is a pleasant to the touch chain, which consists of several fragments. This real stress-relieving toy comes with 18 sectors, shaped like a quarter of a donut. All parts are connected in such a way that they can be rotated around their axis, creating bizarre shapes. The effect of continuous rotation is mesmerizing, you don’t want to let go of the snake. The Tangle anti-stress toy is a fascinating product that can:

  1. Keep the attention of a child and an adult for a long time.
  2. Remove tension in the muscles of the hand and fingers.
  3. Develop hand joints.
  4. Develop motor skills.
  5. Help you relax and calm down.

How to choose an anti-stress pillow?

These products can have a cylindrical, round, square or fancy shape. The cylinders are convenient to place under your back or neck. Manufacturers produce special products for travel that can be placed under the neck, models for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Anti-stress pillows of bright colors and unusual shapes improve mood, add an original touch to the interior, and have a positive effect on the development of children.

Antistress toy filler

When buying toys, you need to carefully understand what is inside them. Anti-stress balls are filled with polymer gel balls that are safe for people. Expanded polystyrene granules are used as a filler for many pillows and soft products - an environmentally friendly and safe material in which microbes do not multiply, it is pleasant to the touch and does not lose its shape for a long time. Anti-stress toys with balls inside can be squeezed, twisted, squeezed without fear of anything happening to them. The advantages of granules include:

  • light weight;
  • resistance to deformation;
  • moisture resistance;
  • low cost.


  • to make it easier to pour liquid into the ball, use the cut off neck of a plastic bottle as a funnel;
  • Use a wooden stick or spoon to mix the mixture.

To make things original:

  • when using two balls in one thing, make cuts or holes in the top ball, and the toy will have additional colors;
  • To decorate the finished anti-stress balls, use woolen threads or a permanent marker.

Rating of anti-stress toys

Shops and hypermarkets are filled with a variety of anti-stress toys. Choosing a quality product that will not harm your health is not easy. In order not to make a mistake with a purchase and not throw money away, marketers recommend paying attention to leading brands that produce worthy anti-stress toys, which include:

  1. Rubber toffees from Hasbro
    - Superman, Octopus, Batman, Monster, Joker, Scooby-Doo, which can be stretched 5 or more times, tied in knots, after which they will quickly return to their original form. These toys are included in the list of the most famous all over the world.
  2. The Canadian manufacturer ORB
    produces high-quality squishies that have gained popularity all over the world. Realistic and fragrant-smelling toys are safe for health, since only the highest quality materials are used for their production.
  3. Bubblez
    are world-famous slimes made from a health-safe polymer material. They look like a lot of balls, which when pressed burst under your fingers, gurgling and clicking. These slimes are loved by the whole world.

Dangerous anti-stress toys

Attractive, fragrant, bright toys are the dream of many children and even adults. The goal is to avoid purchasing products that can be harmful to health. Synthetic filler can enter the respiratory system, unnatural flavoring can cause severe allergies, and the consequences of playing with such items can be sad. You can distinguish dangerous rubber anti-stress toys from quality ones; to do this, you should use simple tips:

  1. The very first thing to remember is that high-quality toys are not sold for pennies; you should look for them in branded stores.
  2. A product made according to standards is marked “CE”; such toys deserve attention.
  3. An environmentally friendly toy cannot smell strongly of rubber or chemicals.
  4. If dye remains on your fingers after rubbing the toy, this indicates low quality and you should not buy such a thing.
  5. Sharp corners, uneven edges, the absence of any markings are a good reason to return the toy to the shelf.

History of creation

Stress is the human body’s reaction to overexertion and negative emotions.
During times of stress, the human body produces the hormone adrenaline, which forces us to look for a way out. Anti-stress is the complete opposite of stress. When an adult or child experiences some kind of anxiety, he begins to twirl something in his hands, make sounds with the help of various objects, for example, unscrewing or screwing handles, gnawing on the tip of a pencil. Getting rid of an anxious feeling can be very difficult, and this is where anti-stress toys can come to the rescue. These are products that have unique properties, thanks to which adults and children relieve daytime fatigue, nervous tension, and stress through tactile sensations. Toys of this kind are powerful anti-depressants, the effect of which is similar to meditation. Japan became the birthplace of the first such products.

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