How and with what to wash laminate so that there are no streaks and so that it shines

The question of how and with what to wash laminate flooring so that there are no streaks is on the agenda of many housewives. The wide distribution of such flooring is due to its low price and attractive appearance. But careful care is required to keep it looking flawless and shiny.

Features of laminated coating

Laminate is a multi-layer building material that requires special care. The reason lies in its composition:

  • the first bottom layer is stabilizing, sometimes equipped with noise insulation;
  • the second is a supporting layer with a lock, made of wood;
  • the third is a layer of painted paper that determines the appearance and design of the coating;
  • the fourth is protective varnishing.

Based on the composition of the laminate, it is clear that it cannot be washed like tiles or parquet. If the manufacturer skimped on the quality of the inner layers, then this will not be visible to the naked eye. But you hardly want to experiment and fill it with water every day.


The weak point is the joints of the laminate planks along the length or end. It is in the area of ​​the castle that the floor covering is most deformed when exposed to moisture.

What to do if stains appear on the wallpaper?

You must proceed as follows:

  1. Remove furniture from the room and treat it with an antifungal solution or hydrogen peroxide using a sponge.
  2. Remove the previous wallpaper
    and clean the wall surface with sandpaper.
  3. Treat the entire surface of the wall with a special anti-mold and mildew agent.

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Instructions for cleaning laminate floors

Find out the instructions on how to wash laminate flooring without streaks at home, following all the steps. It is noteworthy that cleaning an apartment with beveled laminate flooring is somewhat more difficult. More debris accumulates in recesses that imitate the surface of wood than on a smooth surface.


Before washing laminate floors, collect all visible debris: street dirt, sand, toys, plastic fragments, scratchy parts or splinters.

Carefully remove contaminants such as stuck earth, plasticine, paraffin using a plastic spatula, wooden spatula or the corner of a scoop. Get rid of greasy stains from plasticine and paraffin, wipe the areas with medical alcohol.

Sweep away debris with a soft-bristled broom to avoid damaging the top layer of the laminate. Check for large debris in the corners of the baseboards and under the radiators.

Basic rules for washing laminate flooring

  1. Wash laminate flooring for stains quickly, using as little water as possible. The faster the moisture evaporates and the less of it gets into the joints, the greater the likelihood of each lamella being preserved.
  2. Use specialized mops with a spin mode and a microfiber cloth. Do not use old towels, T-shirts or other rags. The result of washing with such things will be disappointing with an abundance of streaks and stains.
  3. During wet cleaning, provide access to air: open the balcony, window or doors. Make sure the water evaporates as quickly as possible.
  4. Start mopping the floor from the far wall towards the exit to avoid stepping on wet areas. Move in a zigzag manner.
  5. After wet cleaning, wipe the laminate floor to remove white deposits with a dry microfiber cloth. This will achieve polishing of the surface, plus remove any remaining water before it penetrates into the structure of the lamellas.

What can't you do?

In order not to wash the laminate after repair, you should know things that should not be allowed. Laminate itself is a hard surface. But it should be handled more carefully so as not to damage the decorative top layer. Therefore, there are several substances that you should avoid:

  1. Chlorine-containing products. Bleach is harmful to laminate flooring. It can discolor the surface of the decorative layer.
  2. Sharp objects during cleaning. Hard washcloths and sponges should not be used even in extreme cases. Otherwise, there will be scratches and marks on the floor from such cleaning.
  3. Excessive wet cleaning. Laminates are different. For example, a model of class 33 and 34 can be washed more often than variations with a softer coating.
  4. Any bleach and soap. Soap contains alkali. This damages the floor covering and leaves stains. Bleach will also cause laminate flooring to deteriorate.

We can conclude that it is possible to wash the laminate flooring after repairs, but it is better to do everything to ensure that this floor covering does not become dirty. Therefore, before starting repairs, it is recommended to protect the laminate from construction dust, paint, primer, and so on. It is also recommended to purchase all laminate cleaning products in advance, especially if the coating will have to be cleaned.

Also, if the coating does become dirty, it is better to remove all dirt immediately. Don't wait until the renovation is completed. After all, fresh dirt is removed better and easier than old, dried dirt.

What can't be used to wash laminate flooring?

Laminate is a rather finicky material, so there is a whole list of products prohibited for cleaning floors with such a coating. Can not use:

  • powders with abrasive cleaning elements;
  • iron scrapers or brushes with stiff bristles;
  • alkalis, acids, bleaches;
  • polishes intended for the care of furniture or leather.

What not to do

Rub with a brushHard bristles can leave scratches on the laminate, ruining its appearance. And metal brushes and pipe cleaners will definitely damage the surface.
Scrape with metal objectsKnives, metal spatulas and other tools will also leave many noticeable scratches.
Use detergents that contain acids and alkalisSuch ingredients corrode both the hardened glue and the surface of the laminate. The stain will be removed, but at a high cost to the floor's attractiveness.
Use powdersAbrasive substances and particles are another “source” of scratches.
Over-moisten the laminateThe coating can be washed, but the water must be wiped off immediately. When moisture remains on the laminate for a long time, it “goes in waves” and becomes deformed.

“Home” equipment for washing laminate floors

To effectively clean a house with laminate flooring, purchase the necessary equipment.

For daily cosmetic cleaning:

  • vacuum cleaner with a soft brush or detergent;
  • a mop-broom with long flexible bristles;
  • set of napkins made of nylon, microfiber, flannel.

For general cleaning:

  • a mop with a removable rag made of fluffy soft fabric;
  • mop with a microfiber cloth.

On a note!

You can use the same mop, just use different rags for each stage of cleaning.

In some homes, floor cleaning is necessary every day, in others this procedure is carried out less frequently. It depends on the number of family members and their age. But laminate does not “tolerate” daily water procedures, try to reduce such contact to a minimum.

How does the indoor microclimate affect laminate flooring?

Even expensive, high-quality laminate does not tolerate either excessive dry air or excessive dampness. Optimal air humidity should be 40–60% and temperature 18–20 °C. By the way, such parameters have a beneficial effect on the human body, so compliance with them will be beneficial not only for the floor covering, but also for your health.

In the summer, you don’t have to worry too much about the condition of the laminate. In autumn, when the temperature is quite low and it rains often, the humidity increases and the slats can swell. With the onset of cold weather and the heating being turned on, the air in the room becomes too dry, so it is worth taking care of additional humidification. This applies most of all to rooms with heated floors, since constant exposure to high temperatures and dry air can cause the lamellas to dry out, resulting in cracks appearing at their joints. Lack of heating in winter also negatively affects laminate flooring. In such rooms dampness often occurs, which can ruin even the most durable coating.

High air humidity and sudden temperature changes have a detrimental effect on the properties of laminate flooring.

Stain removers

The laminating layer prevents contamination from penetrating deep into the structure of the planks. Most often, wet and then dry cleaning is sufficient. In difficult cases the following will help:

  • specialized stain removers for laminate flooring;
  • Thick floor cleaning gels with a non-aggressive pH level.


The most advertised detergents for laminate flooring:

  1. Mister Muscle and Mister Clean are designed as universal floor care products. They have a neutral pH, good cleaning properties and rave reviews.
  2. Emsal Laminate removes dirt and dust, provides gentle cleaning, and does not damage the floor covering. An economical product, one bottle is enough for 3-4 months of regular use.
  3. Pronto - in addition to cleaning well, polishes well, and saves time in caring for laminate flooring. The floor is sparkling, glossy.
  4. Mr. Propper specializes in laminate flooring; in addition to cleaning it, it will also freshen it, just as the advertisement promises. But the price is higher.
  5. Laminol - softens hard tap water, adds shine to the laminated coating, but requires rinsing, which is doubtful. If you use unsoftened and unfiltered water when washing again, the stains will appear again.
  6. Mallured Bio is a specialized product suitable for post-repair cleaning. Forms a thin film on the surface that “glues” the separated laminated layer. It is advisable to purchase when there are scratches and minor deformations.

A universal way to wash without chemicals

In situations where the use of specialized chemicals is contraindicated, there is a proven recipe with vinegar.

Add a glass of table vinegar 3-9% to a ten-liter basin of hot water. When using vinegar essence, reduce its volume by ten times. Use the prepared solution to wash the laminate flooring from dirt and dust. After wet cleaning, wipe the floor with a dry microfiber cloth to further dry the seams. The surface will become shiny and smooth.

The most unpleasant drawback of this “universal” product is its pungent odor, but it is absolutely harmless. You can reduce its caustic effect in the following way:

  • open the balcony or windows;
  • put on a medical mask or cotton-gauze bandage.

On a note!

The smell of vinegar disappears the faster the hotter the water. When moisture evaporates from the floor surface, vinegar vapor also evaporates.

Removing different types of glue

Different glues have their own differences, depending on the active components in the composition. And you have to wash the glue from the laminate with an eye on these differences.

Super glue

Preparations called superglue are always cyanoacrylate based. The component is responsible for ultra-fast curing. Useless against him:

  • high temperatures;
  • soda;
  • table vinegar (but concentrated essence can help).

The best way to clean laminate flooring is with a debonder from the same brand as superglue. Almost all superglue manufacturers also produce anti-glue - finding one in a hardware store will not be a problem.


According to the principle of action, the adhesive moment is similar to superglue, but does not contain cyanoacrylate. Therefore, heating with a hairdryer is a very good cleaning method. The oil method also works reliably.

Wallpaper glue

Wallpaper adhesives do not stick as strongly. They are easy to wash off:

  • plain water;
  • soap solution;
  • windshield wipers.

The stained laminate can be sprayed with water from a spray bottle and left for 10-15 minutes. Such a small volume of water will not damage the coating, but will soften the wallpaper glue. Then easily wipe the stain with a napkin, cloth, or plain paper.

Mop and cloth for laminate floors

When cleaning the floor, it is much more convenient to use a mop than to do it manually. Moreover, this rule is more relevant with large open areas in the house, when there is little furniture.

  1. Buy a mop that is easy to adjust in height, then you can involve all family members in home cleaning, regardless of age and height.
  2. Choose a mop that has a movable lower cleaning part, a spin mode, and several removable cloth covers. The spin mode will help remove excess liquid with one press, which even a child can handle. Removable covers are convenient for wet and then dry cleaning and polishing of laminate flooring. One rule: all removable rags must be soft, without rough elements that can damage the flooring.

Washing vacuum cleaner and steam cleaner

Using a washing vacuum cleaner or steam cleaner simplifies the cleaning process, but is permitted subject to a number of conditions:

  1. The locks of the laminate panels must be pre-treated with wax or acrylic sealant and glued.
  2. It is reliably known that when installing the floor, a material of at least class 33, which has high strength, was used.
  3. The floor is not deformed and has no cracks.

When purchasing household appliances equipped with such functions, ask whether it can be used for cleaning laminate flooring or whether it is better to look at another unit.

Is it possible to wash laminate flooring with bleach?

Washing laminated planks with bleach or bleach is strictly prohibited. Chlorine corrodes the outer protective layer of the plates, they lose color. Sometimes the shape becomes deformed, and the floor covering needs to be completely replaced.

If chlorine accidentally gets on the floor, you should immediately remove it with a dry cloth, rinse the area with warm water, and check whether the color of the coating has changed. If the damaged area is highlighted, it must be carefully replaced with new panels. Therefore, when buying laminate, make sure in advance that after the repair there is a sufficient number of new “boards” left to replace the damaged ones.

What means to use?

The choice of special detergents for cleaning flooring is quite varied, but some of them are ineffective because they leave stains, while others contain harmful substances. What remedy should I take?

  1. The PH level in the product must be neutral;
  2. You should not purchase compounds with abrasive particles;
  3. It is not advisable to use detergents with a high concentration of alcohol.

In fact, effective and safe detergents exist, but they are quite expensive. To ensure that there are no streaks on the coating, and the laminate itself shines and sparkles, add a small amount of 3% white vinegar (distilled) to a bucket of water. Its price is moderate, but the result will exceed all expectations.

The video describes in more detail the process of choosing the right cleaning products that will make your floor shine and not leave any streaks on it.

How to clean laminate flooring after renovation

A new floor was installed, but suddenly it was necessary to replace a window or re-glue the wallpaper. Subsequent cosmetic repairs and other similar situations are inevitable, so make a note of how to wash the laminate from construction dust or if stubborn stains occur.

Cleaning from polyurethane foam or resin

It is extremely undesirable for polyurethane foam or resin to get on the laminate, but if this happens, act quickly. Buy Dimexide liquid at your nearest pharmacy. If it is not available, acetone or nail polish remover based on it will do. Removing contamination:

  1. Apply any of the found liquids to a cotton swab.
  2. Place it on the contaminated area for 10 minutes and wash off.
  3. Wipe with a damp cloth, then polish with a dry one.

On a note!

If the renovation has just begun or there are small children in the house, then replenish your first aid kit with Dimexide, it will also help with other stains on the laminate.

Cleaning dried wallpaper glue

Wallpaper glue on the floor, even if it has dried, does not pose a serious problem. It can be removed without a trace using wet cleaning. Just use water with a temperature of at least 40 degrees to make the procedure go faster.

Removing the primer

The technology for removing primer stains from laminate depends on the type of composition.

  1. For light water-based primers, wet cleaning is sufficient, as is the case with wallpaper glue.
  2. For more sticky ones, use glass dishwashing liquid or window cleaner. After using the chemical, wipe the laminate floor with flannel or microfiber.

Removing putty

If a few drops of putty fall on the floor, do not rush to remove it immediately. Let it dry, then wipe with pressing movements with a dry cloth.

We wash the remaining white spots with a wet cloth and finally dry the surface with flannel.

Cleaning laminate flooring from paint

We remove fresh paint from the surface of the laminate using acetone or white spirit. Carefully apply the solvent to a clean cloth and rub it in a dirty place, trying not to touch the adjacent clean laminate strips.

Cleaning liquid nails glue

You didn’t protect the floor, and a blot of “liquid nails” appeared on it - clean it by heating it with a hairdryer. Carefully scrape off the melted substance with a wooden spatula. Buff the remaining stain with a microfiber cloth until it disappears completely.

Cleaning laminate from marker

To help remove marker marks from the floor surface:

  • ethanol;
  • triple cologne;
  • acetone;
  • White Spirit.

Soak a cotton pad in any of these liquids and wipe away marker or marker marks.

Removing tape from laminate flooring

Scotch tape stuck to the floor, there are several options to get rid of this problem:

  1. Rub the tape with solvent.
  2. Soften with a hair dryer.
  3. Rub with a sponge soaked in glass cleaning liquid.

After any of the methods, polish the laminate with a dry cloth.

How to remove super glue

When carrying out repair work, cyanoacrylate second glue, which is usually called superglue, is often used to quickly connect different materials. But its instant hardening creates a lot of inconvenience. For example, when cleaning you have to decide how to remove super glue from the laminate. This is a big problem, since the glue instantly sets to any surface and dries very quickly. There are several solutions for how to remove super glue from laminate flooring.

First aid

If drops of superglue are immediately noticed on the laminate flooring, you can use their liquid consistency. When working with super glue, it's good to have blotting paper on hand (toilet paper or napkins will also work). Its structure contains many small capillaries that provide instant absorption of moisture. In such a situation, you should act immediately. The faster you bring the blotting paper to the drops, the more efficiently they will be absorbed and the greater the chance that the appearance of the coating will not be affected. Remaining traces of super glue are removed using acetone.

Special equipment

Often you have to rack your brains when you find glue drops on the flooring tiles. How to remove super glue from laminate flooring, because it has already set? In this case, you can use a debonder (anti-glue) or, simply put, a super glue solvent. Similar products are produced by most manufacturers of cyanoacrylate-based glue. It goes on sale in one blister with a tube of superglue or as a separate product. Debonder does not dissolve frozen glue drops, but only softens them, turning them into a thick paste. You can easily pry it off and remove it with a toothpick. After this, the cleaned area is wiped using special detergents.

Household chemicals

Many people consider acetone to be too aggressive for laminate flooring. However, when there is nothing else at hand than to wipe off the super moment from the laminate, you can also use acetone. Of course, before using an aggressive agent, it is worth testing in a secluded place: make a smear with acetone and observe the reaction. A less aggressive alternative to acetone is nail polish remover. It is convenient to apply it with a brush to dried superglue and gradually wipe it off with a rag. But this liquid is less effective than acetone.

Medicine from the first aid kit

Most home medicine cabinets contain an anti-inflammatory drug called Dimexide. It is usually used in the form of a solution for rheumatism, bruises, sprains, inflammatory skin diseases, etc. The drug contains a potent chemical called dimethyl sulfoxide. For medical purposes, Dimexide solution is used only in diluted form. However, some people don’t realize that this product can effectively remove superglue from laminate flooring. It is enough to moisten a cotton pad with the solution and rub it on the adhesive stain. If it doesn't come right away, you can leave the cotton pad on the stain for a few minutes and then scrub off the super glue again.

Mechanical removal

This method of removing superglue can only be used for small drops. Before mechanical removal, the stain is usually treated with the same Dimexide to soften the dried adhesive mass. After which it is carefully cut off at the very surface. The cleaned area is carefully rubbed with a laminate care product.

How to clean other stains

Types of stains and products used:

  • Remove stains from red wine and cognac with medical alcohol applied to a napkin;
  • from fat - mineral spirits;
  • Wash green diamonds with medical alcohol or liquid for cleaning glass surfaces;
  • traces of lipstick, shoe polish - with acetone or alcohol;
  • stripes from bicycle ramps or stroller tires - using a student eraser.

Types of stains and cleaning methods

Most stains are easiest to remove with window cleaning spray. If the stain remains, use one of the methods below.

  • Wine, spirits. Moisten a clean rag with denatured alcohol and wipe the contaminated area.
  • Traces from heels, black stripes from the sole. Wipe off the dirt with a paper eraser. Or using a baking soda solution.
  • Ink, nail polish, marker. Wipe the stained area with a soft cloth moistened with white spirit or acetone.
  • Tea and coffee, berries, blood. Wipe the surface using glass cleaner.
  • Wax, chewing gum. Wrap a few pieces of ice in a dry cloth and apply to the stain. Once it has hardened, carefully scrape it off with a rubber scraper.
  • Grease stains. Dilute dish liquid in water, whip up foam and wash the dirty area with it.


To avoid damage to the decorative surface and the integrity of the panels, the laminate cannot be removed with a vacuum cleaner.

What is the difference between caring for light and dark laminate flooring?

On light-colored laminate, all scratches and minor irregularities are much more noticeable. This coating requires more frequent wet cleaning. If any defects or dents appear, they must be covered up using a specialized corrector, varnish or marker to match the floor. Otherwise, dirt will clog in the remaining scratches, which will further aggravate the situation. The edges of the damage will become dark and unkempt.

On a dark laminate, white stains after wet cleaning and settled dust are more visible. Therefore, you will have to vacuum it more often. After the main wet cleaning, you must additionally rinse the surface with clean water. And then polish the floor.

Method one. Basic cleaning

  • Sweep the floor constantly. Do dry cleaning, sweeping the floor with a broom once every two days. Although laminate is a fairly scratch-resistant surface, constantly sweeping away sand, dust, hair, and other things will help avoid scratches and other deformations.
  • Instead of a mop, you can also use a vacuum cleaner with a soft attachment.
  • Do not use mops or attachments with hard bristles. Hard pile can scratch the laminate.
  • Mark along the laminate planks to remove any debris stuck in the grooves between them.
  • Wipe up spills immediately. If you spill something on the laminate, immediately take a napkin or rag and wipe it up.
      Do not allow any liquid, even water, to remain on the laminate for long periods of time. This can cause deformation and damage to the protective layer.
  • Absorb the liquid with a rag, sponge or wipes.
  • Dampen a cloth to remove any liquid.
  • Then simply wipe the area with a dry soft cloth. Don't wait until the surface dries itself.
  • Useful tips for caring for laminate flooring

    1. Daily dry cleaning.
    2. Wash floors when dirty, but no more than 3 times a week.
    3. Try not to drop heavy, sharp objects. Warn your household about this.
    4. Place soft pads on the legs of sofas and cabinets to prevent damage to the laminate if accidentally moved.
    5. Having a mat at the front door and getting into the habit of wiping your feet will reduce the amount of litter in your home.
    6. Walk around the apartment in slippers or socks, this will extend the service life of the coating.
    7. For guests, keep an extra set of indoor soft shoes.
    8. Clean up spills quickly and dry the floor.
    9. Correct minor scratches and defects immediately using wax pencils. Seal deeper and more serious cracks at the seams or ends with a specialized sealant. Make sure you have sealant and a matching pencil when purchasing laminate flooring at a hardware store.

    What should you avoid when washing a floor with such a coating?

    Do not forget to carefully study the list below; in it we will list substances that should not be used on wooden surfaces:

    • Powders intended for cleaning sinks and other plumbing fixtures. After using them, the laminate will become covered with small scratches and lose its shine;
    • Alkaline solutions, including soap. They leave streaks and erode the protective layer;
    • Bleach – they corrode wood;
    • Hard, metal brushes, rough sponges;
    • Vacuum cleaner with attachment for dry cleaning.

    In general, everything depends on the quality of the laminate; you can recognize it by its markings:

    • 21-22 – designed for about 4 years, wears out quickly, but is the most budget-friendly;
    • 23 – designed for 6 years. Better resistance to wear;
    • 31 – more expensive, can last about 10 years;
    • 32-33 – well protected from external influences, moisture resistant. Service life is 15-20 years, but the price is appropriate;
    • 34 – the most durable.

    Recently, classes 21, 22 and 23 were discontinued because they showed poor practicality.

    Prevents contact with moisture and increases service life

    1. Place indoor flowers in pots placed on the floor in deep trays so that excess water does not overflow when watering.
    2. Use blinds and curtains on windows to reduce constant sunlight on the floor surface. Shade rooms and diffuse direct rays, then the color of the floor will remain rich and the texture smooth and shiny.
    3. Do not rub in mastics or any other wax emulsions. The use of these products will increase the risk of injury, and the service life will only be reduced. Achieve a glossy shine by rubbing with a dry cloth or using approved chemical compounds.
    4. Wipe matte laminate with a dry cloth daily, using light movements without pressure.
    5. Equip play areas in the nursery or areas near armchairs, sofas, and beds with rugs. This will protect the top layer from stains and abrasion.

    Basic rules for processing laminate flooring without streaks

    Wood flooring should be cleaned with care and precision.
    Before washing the laminate, dry deposits are first removed. The rag should be soft and well wrung out of excess moisture. You can use special chemicals to wash laminate flooring without streaks and leave no residue. After completing the treatment, it is recommended to wipe the floor plane with a dry piece of cloth. Laminate cleaner Polishing compounds containing wax will help restore the shine to the outer layer. Such products are applied with light movements without effort and create a protective layer, protecting the surface from negative influences. After determining the specifics and cleaning methods of how to properly wash a laminate floor, it is advisable to clean with gloves, avoiding direct skin contact with chemicals.

    Also, many people think about the question of whether laminate flooring can be washed with water. The high alkali content in it contributes to the appearance of white stains on the surface, so it is better to use a proven recipe of folk remedies, or special chemical solutions that have a softening effect. After cleaning the laminate with a foaming solution, the floor should be wiped again with a clean, slightly moistened mop so that no whitish spots remain

    Conventional cleaning method

    The procedure for washing laminate flooring using the usual method at home is carried out in several stages:

    Small dry debris is removed using a soft broom or vacuum cleaner. Large particles can damage the coating and leave scratches, so they are collected by hand; light dirt, dust can be removed by washing the floor with soap and water

    It is important to carefully squeeze out excess liquid from the mop head; When using a new laminate cleaner, or a solution prepared by yourself, it is better to check it on a hidden area of ​​the coating, making sure there is no negative impact. Only after this can the entire surface be washed; Finally, you should ventilate the room until the floor is completely dry.

    Incorrect or untimely care will lead to damage and loss of shine. Abuse of strong detergents and aerosols can damage the protective layer of the coating, making it more susceptible to the damaging effects of moisture. To properly care for the floor covering, it is better to use products and devices specially designed for this purpose

    Is it possible to clean with a washing vacuum cleaner?

    Many people wonder whether it is possible to wash laminate flooring with a vacuum cleaner.

    Initially, you should pay attention to the quality characteristics of the material. If there is a protective coating, there are no special prohibitions

    A washing vacuum cleaner will quickly and effectively help you complete cleaning work by removing dirt.

    It is important, in addition to strict compliance with the rules on how to wash laminate flooring so that there are no streaks, to determine the level of moisture resistance of the surface. Modern devices are more technologically advanced, equipped with soft brushes and spray cleaning compounds evenly. You can use a washing vacuum cleaner to clean laminate flooring

    Is a steam cleaner suitable?

    Determining how to wash laminate flooring so that there is no streaking, other than a washing vacuum cleaner and a soft cloth, and whether cleaning with a steam cleaner is suitable, is possible only after studying the properties of a certain type of flooring material. Careful finishing of the joints between the parts during installation using special adhesives will not allow moisture to penetrate into the cracks and destroy the coating.

    Steam cleaning involves exposing the floor surface to steam, which is water in a gaseous state. Therefore, if the laminate is laid without treating the seams and does not have a protective layer, it is better to refuse this cleaning option. Steam can destroy and deform the material, ruining the integrity of the coating. You can reduce the effect of steam on the surface by folding the cloth in the steam cleaner attachment in half. It is also recommended not to use uninterrupted steam supply, switching to alternating mode. Cleaning laminate flooring with a steam cleaner

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